Friday, June 11, 2021


Biden to Harris: Disaster 1 to Disaster 2

That “President” Biden is an unmitigated disaster as our chief executive is so painfully apparent to everyone that it hardly seems necessary to point it out.  Nonetheless, just briefly consider:

Catastrophic Governance

His policies -- anti-energy, anti-business, anti-military, anti-America First -- have wrecked the economy, driven gas to over $3.00/gallon, given us the absolute worst illegal immigration crisis in our history, and bankrupted the country. In a warped way, it’s kind of impressive that he’s done that in only a bit over four months.

Leadership Vacuum

No one believes Biden is calling the shots. He’s totally malleable to behind-the-scenes operatives, acting in a confused, unknowing fog, reading as best he can from the teleprompter, and hiding behind his weird “I’ll get in trouble if I answer any more of your questions” excuse.

Made America Weak Internationally

The ayatollahs from Iran, Russia’s Putin, and Xi Jinping of Communist China are licking their chops at the prospect of having their way with poor ‘ol Joe.

Family Corruption

Has there ever been a “First Family” with anywhere near the decades-long, indisputable record of dishonesty, financial misdealings, and outright graft that even approaches that of the Bidens?

Diminished Mental Capacity

For those among this readership who have a compromised older family member, it isn’t merely the grotesquely obvious signs of dementia that mark Biden as severely limited. It’s the more subtle behaviors that betray his overwhelming incapacity. A clear example occurred just recently when the ever-admiring and forever-excusing liberal media caught up with Biden as he was eating an ice cream cone. Breathlessly shouting out, “What flavor?” the media proceeded to float a softball his way, asking if there was any possibility that the Republicans might compromise with him on his infrastructure proposal.

That Biden (pre-coached, no doubt) predictably belittled the Republicans is not the point. The issue for those who have the experience with elders is the manner in which Biden was eating his ice cream cone: the tentative little bites and the way in which he seemed so preoccupied and protective of his treat, in an almost childlike way. It’s tough to put into exact words, but anyone with a badly slipping elder family member or friend recognizes this demeanor. Biden is well past even the vaguest pretense of mental competence.

This brings us to Kamala Harris. For these and other reasons, the Democrats will ditch Biden for Harris when they believe Biden has outlived his usefulness and feel that a Harris presidency can be leveraged for maximum political advantage. But other than transparently boasting that Harris is the country’s first female president, how would a Harris administration benefit the country? It won’t.

In modern times (since, say, 1960 Kennedy vs. Nixon), there has never been a vice-president or vice-presidential candidate more ideologically radical and more singularly unqualified to be president than Kamala Harris. Cabot Lodge, Miller, LBJ, Muskie, Shriver, Dole, Mondale, Ferraro, Bentsen, Kemp, Gore, Lieberman, Edwards, Palin, Ryan, Kaine, and Pence all had their strengths and shortcomings, but each one was a serious, experienced politician who was qualified to be president if the need arose.

The mainstream liberal media would be quick to say that GHW Bush’s VP -- Dan Quayle -- was not qualified presidential material. As they are wont to do, the liberal media jumped all over his totally inconsequential “potatoe vs. potato” spelling controversy and lined up against him when he opposed the TV show Murphy Brown’s character’s decision to have an out-of-wedlock child. How dare he have the temerity to question the moral decision that the distinguished and sophisticated liberal icon Candice Bergen would bring to a mass television audience?  Conservatives will rightly point out that while Quayle had a penchant for saying inopportune things, he was not the ideological extremist that Harris is, nor was he beholden to the farthest reaches of his party the way Harris is and he certainly was not the inexpert, experiential lightweight that Harris is.

With her constant situationally inappropriate hyenalike cackling, her astonishingly unserious, wild proclamations about matters of critical national import (such as her preposterous assertion that “climate change” is a root cause of illegal immigration), and her bizarre narcissistic need for self-promotion as evidenced by her passing out “Kamala Harris” cookies to reporters, it is clear that Harris is nothing more than a hastily cobbled together collection of progressive checked boxes: Person of Color? Check. Female? Check. Victim of discrimination? Check. Radical ideology? Check.

Yet these boxes remain distressingly unchecked:

  • Detailed understanding of economics and taxation
  • Job creator
  • Successful manager in the “take no prisoners” private sector
  • Scientific/technical expertise
  • Awareness of American and world history.
  • Knowledge of military strategy, hardware, and weaponry

To be fair, not all great presidents check every single box. But every passable president checks at least a few of them. Harris comes up totally empty.

Exactly when the Democrats will decide to discard Biden like three-day-old bread remains to be seen. Perhaps it will be after the Democrats have passed all the extreme legislation and executive orders they feel they can get away with. That would make some sense: get as many radical policies in place as possible, have them fall on Biden, then get rid of Biden in order to distance and inoculate Harris from Republican attack for those policies in 2024.

The flaw in this thinking is Harris’s incredible weakness and unsuitability for the job of commander-in-chief. Her leadership tenure would be a total catastrophe for America. She’ll be far more concerned with satisfying woke obligations than acting in the country’s interests as a whole. America under a Harris administration will be more divided and polarized along racial, gender, and ideological fault lines than ever before.

The Republicans had better get this entire election integrity/fraud situation resolved by the 2022 midterms. Every thinking person knows that Joe Biden did not legitimately win the 2020 presidential election. His term has been the absolute fiasco for America that people feared it would be. A President Harris will be even worse. If she “wins” in 2024, the negative consequences for the country will likely be permanent and irreversible. That is the very definition of “disaster.”

The Unbearable Lightweightness of Kamala Harris

It’s faint praise at best to describe someone as not smart or dumb.  In fact, I don’t know that Kamala Harris is dumb.  She may have brains, but she doesn’t much show them.  She comes across as a woman who’s well over her head, and that should disturb anyone who cares about the welfare and safety of the nation.  After all, this Californian who spent a chunk of her formative years in Montreal is, as the cliché goes, “a heartbeat away from the presidency.” 

Harris mouths talking points and reads from scripts like a robot.  She often displays an inappropriate, grating cackle-of-a-laugh, which suggests nervousness and lack of confidence.  Her recent interview with Lester Holt was sophomoric.  Does anyone not think that profilers in China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea aren’t taking copious notes?  Wonder if tyrants Xi Jinping and Vlad Putin wake up in cold sweats at night dreading Harris’ ascendency to the presidency?  Key question is, does the long corrupted and daft Joe Biden have enough gas in his tank to stay president for the full ride?

Word is that Biden fancies himself an uber “progressive” who aims to surpass Wilson, FDR, and the corrupted and vain LBJ.  Biden wants to leave his lefty forerunners in the dust, hypercentralizing government and whacking away at our God-given constitutional rights on an eyepopping scale, thereby catapulting him into the pantheon of great white lib presidents.  Not that we’ll hold Biden’s whiteness against him.  And not that Joe expects a statue erected anywhere in his honor.  The living memorial to Joe is his vaunted son, Hunter.  Okay, so, we won’t go there.    

We’re not quite sure if Biden’s illusion of grandeur is a product of his deteriorating mind or predates it.  From the time Joe was a young whippersnapper in the U.S. Senate, he was a man stuffed with conceits. In his salad days, he was vindictive, snarky, and bullying (traits he shares with Harris).  Remember the “high-tech lynching” of Clarence Thomas?  You’d think that antiracist Biden would have shown tons of respect and deference for a soul brother.  Otherwise, at very best, Joe served as a mediocre for years in a body that views mediocrity as a resumé enhancement. 

Yet, as FDR is reputed to have said about a disreputable politician, “He may be a son of a bitch, but he’s our son of a bitch.” 

As strange as this seems, Joe is our son of a bitch.  Politics, as they say, makes for strange bedfellows.  Okay, not that we’re jumping into bed with Biden or care to, so let’s put this another way.  For the time being, Biden is like a tree fallen across a road.  His handlers have to work around him to try to enact the Democrats’ fiendish agenda.  That’s a tougher challenge than you might believe.    

Don’t discount the power of a fully engaged, dynamic president.  The president who should still be president, Donald J. Trump, is living proof of what a vibrant, gutsy man can accomplish as the nation’s chief executive even when confronted with implacable hostility from Democrats, the corporate media, and establishment Republicans like Paul Ryan.  History will bear out that Trump had, perhaps, the most successful one-term presidency (though James K. Polk gives Trump a good run).    

The claim that Harris is serving as de facto president now is overdrawn, in my estimation.  No doubt Harris has a prominent seat at the White House table, but she doesn’t exhibit anything in the way of executive savvy.  Her quasi-on-the-job training earns Fs.    

Moreover, as a recent former senator, is there any hint that she has standing among Senate Democrats?  The Biden administration’s agenda is stymied in the Senate.  If Harris is trying to lead from behind the scenes, to date, she’s doing an awful job. 

How about Harris’ inept nonleadership with the “border crisis” ongoing?  Come now, there’s no border crisis for Democrats.  It was, is, and will continue to be an opportunity to flood the nation with illegals, whom Democrats want to make welfare dependents, maids, yard boys, and their voters.  A sharp, if devious, pol would appear to be leading in this “crisis” while actually not leading.  Harris lacks the chops to create the illusion.                

Biden, the obstacle, ceases to be if his faltering mind drives Jill, Ron Klain (Biden’s chief of staff), and party grandees to nudge Joe into retirement.  Not that President Kamala Harris would be an unleashed leftwing version of Prime Minister Margret Thatcher, but there are aspects of politics that could give a Harris presidency impetus initially. 

Politicians are often quick to glom onto novelty and hitch rides on spikes in popular sentiment.  They keep wet fingers in the wind.  If Biden shuffles off to Delaware and Harris occupies the Oval Office, the MSM, the entertainment racket, and Democrats will have a field day ballyhooing her as the first “female president” -- of color, no less.  They’re itching to set precedent.  A portion of the public could be swept up in media-pumped Harrismania.  You know, those blue state denizens having a hard time ditching masks.   

Though it wouldn’t be stated as overtly as this -- or maybe it would -- a key talking point that Democrats and the MSM push is that the first female president of color cannot be allowed to fail.  Harris mustn’t be a caramel-hued female Jimmy Carter -- or worse.  She must be a superwoman.          

The legislative logjam that now exists in Congress -- thanks, in part, to institutional checks and balances, Senate Republican intransigence, slippery Joe Manchin, Kyrsten Sinema, and a growing public backlash -- could be undone if tons of pressure are brought to bear on the aforementioned Manchin and Sinema. 

The “historic” Harris presidency with the ginned-up wind of popular sentiment at its back might serve as cover for Manchin and Sinema to buckle.  Yet the Harris boomlet would be temporary.  Thrust into the limelight, leading from behind the Resolute Desk, Harris’ many flaws and deficiencies (not to mention her off-putting personality) would soon erode that first blush of goodwill.  It’s that window, though -- that gap when buyer’s remorse, of sorts, hasn’t set in -- that’s concerning.  We need to keep intensifying the fight.  Keep the pressure on Manchin and Sinema.  If that gap happens, we need to close it fast.                                       

Biden retaining his gnarled grip on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue through the 2022 midterm elections has benefits.  Inertia helps here.  Barring brazen fraud, the GOP is poised to capture the U.S. House.  We need to work our tushes off to that end.  Though more Republican than Democrat seats are up in the U.S. Senate, the GOP has brightening prospects there, too.  Regardless, taking the House alone would unquestionably bottle up the Biden or Harris administration’s efforts to pass the most corrupt, radical agenda in the country’s lifetime. 

The betting here is that Biden is a goner.  It’s just a matter of timing.  Do Democrats roll the dice and give Joe the hook before the midterms?  Will they wager that with Biden gone before next year’s contests, and Harris installed at the White House, a short-term Harris bump gets their corrupt elections measure (the diabolically misnamed “For the People Act”) passed, among other contemptible legislation?  Or do cooler heads calculate that Kamala Harris is so terrible, so not a leader, so able to turnoff even rank and file Democrats, that they dare not tempt a huge voter backlash in the midterms? 

Dunno.  But do believe this: Xi Jingping, Vlad Putin, the mullahs, and Kim Jong-un aren’t losing any sleep at night anticipating a Harris presidency.     

You really have to feel a little bit sorry for Kamala

It's not really your fault.  The cabal that selected Joe Biden, knowing he wouldn't have any real power, conceded to his pandering notion that he had to have a black female vice president, giving Stacey Abrams/Maxine Waters/Sheila Jackson Lee/Frederica Wilson/Ayanna Pressley/Jamele Hill collective giggly vapors.  The cabal, also knowing it wouldn't matter because the black female vice president wouldn't have any real power, either, said what the hell, and you were eenie-meenie-miney-moed.  Considering all the alternatives, you were the least bad choice. 

But now you're stuck, because you don't know what you're doing, and you know it.  Everyone else knows it, too, and you know that, and you're mad about it, because people keep pointing it out in ways you never see coming.  You had no fixed goal in mind when you went south, and the muckety-mucks of Guatemala and Mexico ate your lunch.  They smelled your fear and weakness and incompetence before your plane even landed.  You babbled something about U.S. companies investing in "hope" down there so all those Guatamexihondurans would stay put, but offered the same old aid packages they've seen before.  They told you the ugly truth that you and Joe just can't get into your freakishly bloated cortexes: if you don't want all these poor, uneducated, unskilled, sick, hungry brown people coming into the country illegally, announce that you are closing the border, and then close the border.  How hard is that?

And you keep getting that question about when you are going to the southern border.  Lester Holt asked you about that just recently.  You haven't kept up with your Botox because your eyebrows yanked up to your hairline and you launched an aria sung in the key of livid: "We've been to the border.  We've been to the border.  We've been to the border."

Lester pointed out that you have not been to the border.

"And I haven't been to Europe," you said with that cackly laugh that telegraphs to everyone in listening range that what you're about to say is so stupid that you can't believe it yourself.  "And I mean, I don't understand the point that you're making.  I'm not discounting the importance of the border."  Lester looked at you as if you were a Jimi Hendrix wa-wa pedal.  Keep practicing that Advanced Petard Hoistmanship.  It's going to come in handy.

You won't go to the southern border because you know everyone down there thinks you and Joe are idiots, and they're going to tell you that to your face.  The people trying to keep the lid on this boiling kettle of disaster will want to know what you and Joe are going to do about the mass mayhem, and all those furious, frustrated sheriffs and mayors of all those Texas, Nevada, California, and Arizona border towns overrun by illegals are going to demand answers from you that you just don't have.

"What are you going to do about all the sex-trafficking of young migrant girls?"

"What are you going to do about all the unaccompanied minors?  The young children hurled over the border fence and left to fend for themselves?"

"What are you going to do about all the sex offenders and the increased crime these unvetted migrants are bringing us?  What do we tell our wives and daughters?"

"What are you going to do about the drug cartels moving massive quantities of drugs and violence into the U.S.?"

"What are you going to do about all the COVID-positive people you aren't even testing?"

"Who's going to pay to feed and shelter all these people?"

And this is the only answer you have: Well, we are working on discovering what the root causes of immigration from Central America are.  The thud factor of such variations of that statement causes the earth to burp, buckle, and shiver in horror every time you say it, as everybody except you already knows the answer to that: the border is open, and everyone is welcome, and things are better here than they are there.  That's the root cause of immigration from Central America.

Go home.  You're embarrassing yourself, and America is embarrassed for you.

Image: Gage Skidmore via FlickrCC BY-SA 2.0.


From February 19 to April 22, as Breitbart News reported last month, the Biden administration had flown about 7,200 border crossers into the U.S. interior on domestic commercial flights. Border crossers are allowed to bypass photo identification requirements, boarding flights without a photo ID, and do not have to prove they are negative for the Chinese coronavirus.

Analysis: Biden’s First Year in Office May Be One of America’s Worst Years for Illegal Immigration

A family of migrants from Cuba runs across the border by the wall separating the United States and Mexico to turn themselves over to authorities on May 13, 2021 in Yuma, Arizona. - Apprehensions of undocumented immigrants at the US border with Mexico rose to a fresh 15-year high in …
RINGO CHIU/AFP via Getty Images

President Joe Biden’s first year in the White House is set to be “among the ten worst years for illegal immigration” in United States history, new analysis details.

As Breitbart News reported, federal immigration officials apprehended more than 172,000 border crossers in May — a nearly 700 percent increase in illegal immigration compared to the same time last year when former President Donald Trump had implemented fierce border controls.

Princeton Policy Advisor Steven Kopits projects that Biden’s first year in office will be among one of the worst years for illegal immigration in the U.S. since the data started being tracked.

“For the calendar year as a whole, we are projecting 1.2 million southwest border apprehensions, much as we have for the last two months,” Kopits writes in his analysis. “This would make Calendar Year 2021 among the ten worst years for illegal immigration in US history and place us squarely back into Clinton-era numbers.”

(Screenshot via Princeton Policy Advisors)

Should there be about 1.2 million border crossers apprehended at the southern border this year, as Kopits projects, it would mark the highest level of illegal immigration to the U.S. since Fiscal Year 2001 when nearly 1.3 million border crossers were apprehended at the southern border.

The continuing surge in illegal immigration comes as Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has increasingly ditched a border control measure known as Title 42 which gives federal immigration officials the authority to quickly return border crossers to their native countries for the sake of public health.

In October 2020, seven months into Trump first implementing Title 42, about 91 percent of border crossers apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border were being removed using the border control.

Today, Mayorkas is only using Title 42 in about 64 percent of border crosser cases — a roughly 30 percent drop in DHS’s use of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) order to control illegal immigration.

As a result of Democrats and the open borders lobby urging Biden to end Title 42, there has been speculation that DHS will allow the CDC order to expire sometime after July. Such an expiration, experts have previously said, is likely to spur a massive surge of illegal immigration.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here

Mayorkas Welcomed 31,000 Global Migrants in May

124 migrants, including 105 unaccompanied minors apprehended in Tucson Sector. (Photo: U.S. Border Patrol/Tucson Sector)
Photo: U.S. Border Patrol/Tucson Sector

President Joe Biden’s border chief allowed roughly 31,000 global migrants into the United States in May, according to data released by the Department of Homeland Security.

The inflow from distant regions of the globe, such as India, Africa, South America, Europe, and Asia, is 62 times the 500 people accepted in May 2020.

Once in the United States, the migrants use their cellphones to boast of their success to many other migrants left behind in their poor home countries.

An additional 8,000 global migrants were blocked by the Title 42 healthcare barrier.

Many more global migrants are coming, in part, because of the videos shared by prior migrants. Michael Yon, an American journalist. want into the Panama jungle to describe the rising flow of migrants trying to reach the United States. In a May 29 report, he wrote:

We passed about 16 boats full of migrants yesterday deep in the Darien jungle. One crashed and capsized similar to this painting. We had already passed the waving migrants and did not see them crash after we passed them. We were going upstream deeper into the jungle. They were going downstream toward United States, ultimately. Most appeared to be African or Haitian.

Rep. Tom Tiffany (R-WI) visited one of the jungle trails in Panama used by international migrants, and told the June 2 Washington Times:

People were coming out of there, some could barely walk, most people were limping. Some people looked like they were about to get gangrene … “I saw a woman being wheelbarrowed into that health facility. We heard stories from villagers of babies washing down the river that had died en route through the Darien Gap. The human misery is awful.

The official numbers announced by DHS do not include the so-called “got-aways,” or the people who evaded border defenses. In April, roughly 40,000 job-seeking migrants — including some global migrants — sneaked across the border, and the May got-away number is likely to be somewhat larger.

The DHS-approved inflow comes as U.S. employers plead for more foreign workers to help stop Americans from getting wage raises.

The New York Times reported June 9: “In May, in an effort to hire 20,000 employees in a tight labor market, Chipotle said it was raising wages and would pay workers from $11 to $18 an hour … In May, McDonald’s said it was raising hourly wages for current employees by an average of 10 percent.”

The DHS website shows that 180,000 migrants were recorded arriving at the border in May, up by eight times since May 2020.

Of the 180,000 arrivals, roughly 110,000 were turned back under the Title 42 anti-disease rules. Nearly all of the 110,000 were sent back to Mexico — the five yard-line of the Hunger Games migration trail — instead of being flown back to their distant homes.

The DHS data shows that 67,732 migrants were invited into the United States under Title 8 immigration rules, under guidance from Joe Biden’s DHS chief, Alejandro Mayorkas.

That is 29 times as many migrants who were accepted in May 2020.

Mayorkas pulled the economic migrants through the border via legal side doors that were designed for small numbers of victims of political or religious persecution, stranded travelersvictimized children, and injured voyagers.

Mayorkas’s side-door strategy has yet to be reviewed by judges.

When the number of got-aways is included, Mayorkas’s half-open border policies likely added roughly 100,000 workers who can be hired by employers at very low wages for myriad jobs, including jobs at Chipotle and McDonalds.

Most of those migrants are looking for jobs — including most of the so-called “Unaccompanied Alien Children” (UAC).

Most of the UACs are teenage male migrants who want and need jobs — to pay their smuggling debts, to aid their families at home, to help smuggle relatives into the United States, and to do better for themselves. Since October, Biden’s deputies have accepted 60,000 UACs, even though the vast majority are seeking jobs or to join relatives who are illegally living in the United States.

The admitted 67,732 migrants in May also includes 27.981 people from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. That Central American population included 10,765 “Unaccompanied Alien Children” who were delivered to the border by coyotes, plus 15,72 adults with young children, plus 1,642 single adults.

The 67,732 inflow included 8,025 Mexicans, up from 1,548 in May 2020.

But the 67,732 inflow also includes a massive spike in the number of migrants from outside Mexico and Central America.

The DHS data shows that Mayorkas’s acceptance of these so-called “internationals” spiked to 31,726 in May, up from 591 in 2020.

That is a 54-fold increase from Trump’s numbers in May 2020.

Mayorkas excluded only 8,000 of the 40,000 global migrants. The vast majority of the 8,000 will try to sneak into the United States, and if returned to Mexico, will try again and again until they succeed.

Business groups are strenuously lobbying Biden’s administration for more imported workers — and Mayorkas is delivering, despite the economic harm inflicted on the Americans who accepted him as a refugee in 1960. The New York Times described June 5 how the apparent shortage of workers has shifted power from employers to employees, so giving ordinary Americans more wages, status, and dignity:

The relationship between American businesses and their employees is undergoing a profound shift: For the first time in a generation, workers are gaining the upper hand.

The change is broader than the pandemic-related signing bonuses at fast-food places. Up and down the wage scale, companies are becoming more willing to pay a little more, to train workers, to take chances on people without traditional qualifications, and to show greater flexibility in where and how people work.

 in key respects, the shift builds on changes already underway in the [President Donald Trump’s low-migration] tight labor market preceding the pandemic, when the unemployment rate was 4 percent or lower for two straight years.

Biden is praising the wage increases even as he encourages more of the migration that will cut Americans’ wages.

Courtesy of Biden and Mayorkas, many more migrant workers are coming to U.S. jobs — even as many are dying on their long treks.

Meanwhile, Mayorkas told a meeting of left-wing lawyers that he is putting the “dignity” of migrants foremost in DHS policy — and likely far ahead of his unmentioned concerns about Americans’ wages.

EXCLUSIVE: Texas to Build Its Own Border Barriers, Says Governor

Record numbers of migrants cross border into Del Rio Sector in May. (Photo: U.S. Border Patrol/Del Rio Sector)
Photo: U.S. Border Patrol/Del Rio Sector

Texas Governor Greg Abbott told Breitbart Texas the State will immediately begin building border barriers in areas where migrants can easily cross the Rio Grande border with Mexico. The barriers will, in part, enable state law enforcement to arrest migrants for violations of state law.

“The influx across the border is out of control, and the Biden Administration has shown that is not going to step up and do its job,” Governor Abbott told Breitbart Texas shortly before Thursday’s border summit in Del Rio, Texas. “And amidst reports of even more people coming in across the border, we know we have to step up and do more.”

Abbott said Texas will immediately begin construction of border barriers in areas like Del Rio where migrants can easily cross unsecured sections of the border with Mexico. The governor picked Del Rio for the Border Summit due to the massive increases in illegal border crossings in this region. Del Rio Sector agents apprehended 27,890 migrants — a 1,118 percent increase over the May 2020 report of 2,289, Breitbart Texas reported on Thursday.

“The reason why we are here (Del Rio) is because of the massive increase,” the governor stated. Border crossings used to be highly “concentrated in the Rio Grande Valley,” he explained. “Now, you know we’re upstream from the Rio Grande Valley in the Del Rio Sector and the Del Rio sector is suffering from some of the largest increases.”

He said they are hearing from local residents and elected and law enforcement officials that they are seeing things they have never seen before.

“They’re seeing a lot of very bad dangerous people come across the border,” Abbott continued. “People that they are afraid of encountering, people who are causing damage to their fences, their livestock, their crops, their neighborhoods, and their homes.”

“Bad things are happening around here, and so they need help from the state to help them address this exploding crisis.”

The governor said authorities will use existing state laws along with the authority of the State of Emergency declaration made earlier this month to crack down on those illegally crossing the border can creating havoc along the way.

“What people have seen in videos across the country seems to be the Biden Administration welcoming these people to the United States,” Abbott stated. “We won’t be sending that message.”

Instead, the governor said, “If you come to Texas, you’re subject to being arrested. You’re not going to have a pathway to roam the country. You’re going to have a pathway directly into a jail cell.”

“We want to be very aggressive in working with local officials and begin making mass arrests,” Abbott stated. “In working in collaboration with a large number of counties — that means we’re going to be arresting a lot more people.”

The governor said this will create the need across the state for a lot more jails.

The governor explained that the barriers serve two functions in the battle against illegal border crossings. The first being physical deterrence. The second, “If they (migrants) move or interfere with that barrier, they have committed several crimes.”

Those crimes include criminal mischief, vandalism of state property or local government property, and criminal trespass.

In addition, the recent declaration of a State of Emergency by the State of Texas causes the penalties for these crimes to increase by one level.

“That means up to 180 days in jail,” Abbott continued. “Something that may be a Class B misdemeanor right now, turned into a class A misdemeanor. And so they can get into a lot of trouble.”

“There’s even potential for state jail felonies for some of these crimes,” he explained. “So they can wind up in jail for a long time.”

Abbott said they have identified more than 1,000 jail cells that can be used to hold arrested migrants. They will begin actively working with local and state officials to identify more space. He said they may consider building additional jail space in the form of soft-sided facilities.

To help facilitate this effort, Governor Abbott teamed up with Arizona Governor Doug Ducey to call on fellow governors across the nation to provide assistance in the ongoing border crisis.

“With your help, we can apprehend more of these perpetrators of state and federal crimes before they can cause problems in your state,” the two governors advised. “Texas and Arizona have stepped up to secure the border in the federal government’s absence, and now, the Emergency Management Assistance Compact gives your State a chance to stand strong with us.”

Abbott said he anticipates a “high level of participation.”

“I’ll tell you why,” he continued. “The immigration issue and the border issue is not just the number one issue of Texas, it’s the number one issue in America. And so all of these other governors, they hear the same concerns that we hear about in Texas.”

Abbott concluded the one-on-one interview, saying, “Texas already has done more than any other state to secure the border, but we know that more has to be done. And we’re stepping up to undertake an unprecedented response to the border crisis caused by the federal government.”

“In the end, only the federal government and Congress can fix this, but as it stands right now, the state of Texas is going to step up and we’re going to start making arrests — sending a message to anybody thinking about coming here,  you’re not going to get a free pass to the U.S. They’re getting a straight pass to a jail cell.”

Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior news contributor for the Breitbart Texas-Border team. He is an original member of the Breitbart Texas team. Price is a regular panelist on Fox 26 Houston’s What’s Your Point? Sunday-morning talk show. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX and Facebook.

EXCLUSIVE: Haitian Migrants Are Bused to Second West Texas Town for Release amid Overcrowding

Breitbart Texas/Randy Clark

DEL RIO, Texas — Haitian migrants apprehended locally are now be transported to nearby Eagle Pass for release, a CBP source speaking on the condition of anonymity tells Breitbart Texas.

The source says Haitian migrants are now being moved to a local non-governmental shelter to limit visibility and public scrutiny in Del Rio. On Wednesday, Haitian migrants could be observed at the Mission Border Hope shelter preparing for transit and release.

The shelter provides a privacy-screened outdoor recreation area and most migrants rarely exit until they board transportation.

Rather than waiting for inland transportation in Del Rio, the mostly Haitian migrants are now being placed in a re-purposed yellow school bus. As of press time, the owner/operator of the bus is unknown. There are no noticeable Texas Department of Transportation identifiers on the vehicle.

Breitbart Texas spoke to one local transportation industry owner/operator who is not happy with the move. The owner of a tour van company in Eagle Pass says he wonders if the vehicle has been thoroughly inspected and if the requisite insurance is on file.

“This is alarming, we have been in business offering transportation to clients for years. Our fleet is properly registered, and we have insurance to protect our customers,” he says. “This method of public transportation looks strange to me,” he added.

Border Patrol in the Del Rio Sector is dealing with the influx of large Haitian groups illegally entering almost daily. According to a law enforcement source within CBP, a “large group” in excess of 100 was apprehended on Monday.

The increased number of illegal crossings near Del Rio has forced Border Patrol to suspend the issuance of immigration court dates for removal and institute a speedy catch and release policy to avoid overcrowding.

Randy Clark
 is a 32-year veteran of the United States Border Patrol.  Prior to his retirement, he served as the Division Chief for Law Enforcement Operations, directing operations for nine Border Patrol Stations within the Del Rio, Texas, Sector. Follow him on Twitter @RandyClarkBBTX.

Follow Parsing Immigration Policy on RicochetApple PodcastsAmazon MusicSpotifyStitcherGoogle Podcasts
The State of Texas is the epicenter of the illegal immigration crisis and Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has been setting the example for how states can challenge the illegality of Biden administration immigration policies. In this week's episode, Paxton describes how his office has so far filed five lawsuits challenging Biden immigration policies and says more are likely. He also describes what he has seen and heard from law enforcement and local officials during several recent trips to the border.

In his Closing Commentary, Mark Krikorian, the Center’s executive director and host of Parsing Immigration Policy, addresses Vice President Harris’s plea to potential migrants in Central America not to make the journey to the U.S. border, claiming that they will be turned back. But the country’s actions matter more than Harris’s words. The message has already gotten back to Central America and beyond that her rhetoric is not true – the U.S. is not, in fact, enforcing its laws or securing its border.

Related PostsGuest
Ken Paxton is the Attorney General of Texas, elected to his second term in 2018. Paxton has brought five immigration cases against the Biden Administration since January 2021.

Mark Krikorian is the Executive Director of the Center for Immigration Studies.

NGOs Help Get 800 Foreign Nationals Released into U.S. over Last Month

CIUDAD JUAREZ, MEXICO - MARCH 17: Asylum seekers cross an international bridge from Mexico into the United States on March 17, 2021 in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. The immigrants crossed officially into El Paso as part of the Biden administration's unwinding of the Trump-era Migrant Protection Protocols, (MPP), also known as …
John Moore/Getty Images

Six non-governmental organizations (NGOs) found 800 foreign nationals in Mexico and Central America who were subsequently released into the United States by President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) over the last month.

The Associated Press (AP) reported the details of the operation in which DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has enlisted six NGOs, referred by the United Nations, to help find foreign nationals in Mexico and Central America who are then brought to the U.S. and released into the nation’s interior.

The plan has allowed 800 foreign nationals to be released into the U.S. interior since May 3, the AP reports, as Mayorkas hopes to release up to 250 foreign nationals referred by the NGOs into the U.S. interior every day.

The NGOs are using a mobile app, called CBP One, that allows foreign nationals to input their information so that DHS officials can more quickly determine if they are eligible to be released into the U.S. interior.

International Rescue Committee, Save the Children, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), Kids in Need of Defense, Asylum Access, and the Institute for Women in Migration are among the NGOs working the operation, according to the AP report.

While most of the foreign nationals referred by the NGOs are being released into the U.S. interior via El Paso, Texas, Mayorkas is expanding the operation to begin releases in Nogales, Arizona. There, the International Rescue Committee is expecting to help have 600 foreign nationals released every month into the region.

The NGO-led operation is only one component of the Biden administration’s massive Catch and Release effort at the U.S.-Mexico border. As of the end of March, more than 45,000 border crossers were estimated to have been released into the U.S. interior by DHS.

Since Biden took office, tens of thousands of border crossers have been released into the U.S. interior. In many cases, border crossers are put up in migrant hotels — funded by American taxpayers — before being bused or flown on domestic commercial flights into major U.S. cities.

From February 19 to April 22, as Breitbart News reported last month, the Biden administration had flown about 7,200 border crossers into the U.S. interior. Border crossers are allowed to bypass photo identification requirements, boarding flights without a photo ID, and do not have to prove they are negative for the Chinese coronavirus.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here



"Mexican president candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador called for mass immigration to the United States, declaring it a "human right". We will defend all the (Mexican) invaders in the American," Obrador said, adding that immigrants "must leave their towns and find a life, job, welfare, and free medical in the United States."

Democrats should aid illegal migrants by taking the “radical” step of ending filibuster protections for political minorities in the United States, according to Mexican-born, pro-migration, Spanish-language TV anchor.

Jorge Ramos: Sacrifice Americans’ Rights to Get an Amnesty for Illegals

Mexican journalist Jorge Ramos looks on before receiving the excellence award at the Gabriel Garcia Marquez journalism awards in Medellin, on September 29, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / JOAQUIN SARMIENTO (Photo credit should read JOAQUIN SARMIENTO/AFP/Getty Images)

Democrats should aid illegal migrants by taking the “radical” step of ending filibuster protections for political minorities in the United States, according to Mexican-born, pro-migration, Spanish-language TV anchor.

“Democrats still lack the votes to overturn the current Senate rules, which effectively require proponents of most bills to muster 60-vote supermajorities to advance them,” Ramos declared in the June 4 edition of the New York Times. The 60-vote rule in the 100-member Senate helps 330 million Americans preserve their rights by forcing compromises from powerful majorities in Congress.

Ramos demanded:

End the minority party’s power to stall legislation — the filibuster — and pass very concrete laws for the benefit of Dreamers and migrant farm workers through a procedural budget shortcut called reconciliation. Both issues are politically aggressive and would face huge Republican opposition. But it’s about time we made radical decisions to protect the lives of millions of immigrants like [Honduran economic migrant] María [Mejía].

President Biden, the clock is ticking. Please don’t wait much longer. We can’t afford to repeat the mistakes of the past.

Ramos’s employer, Univision, would gain viewers and advertising revenue if more Spanish-speaking migrants — such as Honduras’ Maria Mejía — were imported into Americans’ homeland,.

But more migrants would also nudge down the per-capita consumer spending by Americans, so reducing the value of advertising. Migration reduces Americans’ wages and spikes their housing costs.

To make his “radical” case against Americans, Ramos suggests that ordinary Americans are guilty of imposing misery on migrants, including the pitiful Honduran migrant, Mejía.

She has repeatedly tried to migrate into the United States, despite the laws barring economic migration. She was sent back three times by President Donald Trump’s deputies and is now trying to get through during President Joe Biden’s very lax enforcement of the Title 42 health barriers. Ramos wrote:

“In June [2020] I tried to cross three times … Then I got there, and nothing,” a tearful Ms. Mejía told a Univision reporter in Roma, Texas, shortly after her last attempt to cross the border a sixth time on May 25.

In a video, Ms. Mejía’s young daughter’s feet are muddy, her shoes lost during the dangerous trip across the Rio Grande in a small inflatable raft.

She took her son and daughter on the arduous and dangerous journey roughly 2,00o miles from Guatemala, at great cost, partly because migration advocates are encouraging her to take the risk.

“I was told that people were getting across. Then I got there, and nothing,” Mejía said, according to Ramos.

The pro-migration groups are effectively trying to extract Mejía and many others from their home countries for use in the U.S. consumer market and into Univision’s advertising market.

Many other migrants — and their home countries– are suffering as Ramos and other advocates encourage migrants to take the risk trek to the United States. Many migrants do get in and so damage Americans’ wages. But many others are economically ruined by the trek and the pro-migration cheerleading.

On June 3, the Associated Press described a migrant who was expelled after mortgaging her home to pay a coyote for transport to the border:

[Alvina Jerónimo Pérez ] put the house up as collateral to pay the smuggler $7,700. “The deal was that when we had arrived there, we were going to pay that money and they would return (the deed), but it wasn’t possible,” she said.

In March 2020, she and her daughter Yessenia, then 14, left Tizamarte. Three weeks later they were caught entering Texas. They were deported a week after that.

When Jerónimo realized they would be sent back, she cried. “I thought of everything the trip had cost me. I asked myself ‘What am I going to do?’ I’ve lost everything.”

“Jerónimo’s story is similar to that of thousands of Guatemalans who scramble to gather the money needed to migrate to the United States,” AP added.

Ramos is also echoing the demands of the wealthy investors in

The group is urging Democrats to use the once-a-year reconciliation process to overcome GOP opposition and so ensure the inflow of many millions of migrant consumers, renters, and workers. “The pro-immigration group hired Kevin Kayes, a former assistant Senate parliamentarian, to help hone the procedural argument in favor of allowing the [reconciliation] maneuver this year,” the New York Times reported May 3.

In 2013, Mark Zuckerberg, the extremely wealthy owner of Facebook, joined with other wealthy investors to create the lobby group. Their goal was to pass the 2013 “Gang of Eight” amnesty and population expansion bill. The unpopular amnesty bill was blocked by GOP legislators in the House.

The lobby made economic sense for Zuckerberg and his fellow investors. They win financially whenever the government inflates the U.S. population with extra migrants. Any legal or illegal migrants, or legal refugees, help the investors as lower-wage manual or high-skilled workers, as high-occupancy renters, and as additional consumers of groceries, medical care, welfare, or government K-12 education spending. For example, a 2016 report by the National Academies of Science said states and local governments spent an extra $57 billion per year to support and educate migrants.

The breadth of investors who founded and funded was hidden from casual visitors to the group’s website sometime in the last few months. But copies exist at the other sites. The 2013 founders included Zuckerberg, Microsoft founder Bill Gates, John Doerr at Kleiner Perkins, Matt Cohler at Benchmark, Breyer Capital CEO Jim Breyer, and Ron Conway at SV Ange


Lopez’s mother, Margarita Lopez, also reacted to the encounter, stating, “For me that’s not fair. That’s something for racists.”

North Carolina Student Denied High School Diploma After Wearing Mexican Flag over Graduation Gown

File Photo: Alfredo Estrella / AFP / Getty

A student at Asheboro High School in Asheboro, North Carolina, was denied his diploma on Thursday after wearing a Mexican flag over his graduation gown at the commencement ceremony.

“I just gotta represent — I did it for my family. They came over here to give me a better future,” explained Ever Lopez of why he showed up to his graduation ceremony wearing a Mexican flag, according to a report by the Courier-Tribune.

In a video posted to Twitter by Lopez’s cousin, Adolfo Hurtado, the student can be seen stepping up onto the stage when his name is called.

The principal, however, didn’t hand over the diploma, and instead spoke to Lopez quietly, as a line of students waited behind him. Moments later, Lopez walked off stage without his diploma in hand.

Watch Below:

“I myself was very upset, and I had to contain my emotions because we’re in a public area,” Hurtado said. “We had a lot of people with eyes on us.”

Asheboro City Schools said that the denial of Lopez’s diploma was not due to the Mexican flag in particular, saying in a statement that the ordeal was due to the student being out of dress code.

“The heart of the issue is the fact that the student did not follow the established dress code for the event and detracted from the importance and the solemnity of the ceremony,” the statement read. “Our dress code is in place to ensure the dignity of the event is upheld and is fair to all students. Graduation is a milestone event and it is grossly unfair for one individual to diminish this event by violating the dress code.”

Asheboro High School principal Penny Crooks emailed students ahead of the ceremony, explaining the dress code, directing male students to wear a dress shirt and dress pants, and female students to wear a dress, skirt, or dress pants, adding that flip flops and sneakers are prohibited, reports the Courier-Tribune.

The report added that while the email states clothing should meet the school district’s dress code policy, the dress code policy doesn’t mention flags being prohibited.

Principal Crooks reportedly said Lopez can receive his diploma if he apologizes for the incident.

“I ain’t apologizing for nothing,” Lopez told the Courier-Tribune. “It’s you who should be apologizing. You’re the one doing wrong.”

Lopez’s mother, Margarita Lopez, also reacted to the encounter, stating, “For me that’s not fair. That’s something for racists.”

By 3:00 p.m. on Friday, Lopez still hadn’t received his diploma. The student’s mother, however, said she received a call from the school, and that she is setting up a meeting next week to discuss the situation.

The school reportedly offered to meet Lopez’s mother on Friday, but she preferred to wait until she could have a translator before attending the meeting.

On Friday afternoon, a group of about 30 protesters gathered outside Asheboro High School, wielding signs, which read, “Free Ever’s Diploma,” and “Honk if You’re Not Racist.” Others draped Mexican flags over their shoulders.

“I just gotta represent — I did it for my family. They came over here to give me a better future,” explained Ever Lopez of why he showed up to his graduation ceremony wearing a Mexican flag, according to a report by the Courier-Tribune.

Mexico’s President Says Biden Responsible for Migrant Surge at Border


Expectations created by President Joe Biden about better treatment for migrants led to the current border surge, said Mexico’s President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO).

During his daily news conference, AMLO spoke about the ongoing border crisis and said the increase in migrants entering Mexico and heading to the U.S. is partly due to the expectations created by President Biden.

AMLO: “Expectations were created that with the Government of President Biden there would be a better treatment of migrants. And this has caused Central American migrants, and also from our country, wanting to cross the border thinking that it is easier to do so”

— José Díaz-Briseño (@diazbriseno) March 23, 2021

“Expectations were created that with the Government of President Biden there would be a better treatment of migrants. And this has caused Central American migrants, and also from our country, wanting to cross the border thinking that it is easier to do so,” AMLO said.

The statements come one day after Mexico’s military confirmed the deployment of 8,700 soldiers to curb the growing number of migrants traveling through the country.

Ildefonso Ortiz is an award-winning journalist with Breitbart Texas. He co-founded Breitbart Texas’ Cartel Chronicles project with Brandon Darby and senior Breitbart management. You can follow him on Twitter and on Facebook. He can be contacted at

Brandon Darby is the managing director and editor-in-chief of Breitbart Texas. He co-founded Breitbart Texas’ Cartel Chronicles project with Ildefonso Ortiz and senior Breitbart management. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook. He can be contacted at     

Mexico’s president says he will share with President Joe Biden his willingness to find a way to legalize the flow of migrants from Central America and Mexico as a way to meet American labor needs.

“I have a teleconference with Biden on Monday and we are going to talk about that topic,” President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) said this weekend during one of his news conferences. “Let’s fix the migratory flow, legalizing it, to give guarantees to the workers so they don’t risk their lives, and that their human rights are protected.”

During the conference, AMLO said the U.S. would need about 600,000 to 800,000 laborers per year for economic growth. The Mexican politician brought up the Bracero program when the U.S. provided migrant farmworkers with permits during World War II.

The topic of the migrant workflow had not been previously discussed publicly by the Foreign Relations Ministry or the Interior Secretariat ahead of the virtual meeting between Lopez Obrador and Biden.

The issue comes as Mexican authorities see a dramatic rise in human smuggling activities as thousands of Central American migrants continue to make their way north. Mexican officials predicted a dramatic rise in migratory flows at the start of 2021 due to work shortages from the pandemic and recent natural disasters that shook Central America. Officials in Mexico did not publicly discuss the political effect that a Biden Administration would have on the matter.

Mexican authorities have found several large groups of migrants at hotels or being moved in tractor-trailers in recent weeks. Officials are also seeing a spike in ransom kidnappings where cartel-connected human smugglers hold migrants to further extort their families.

 Ildefonso Ortiz is an award-winning journalist with Breitbart Texas. He co-founded Breitbart Texas’ Cartel Chronicles project with Brandon Darby and senior Breitbart management. You can follow him on Twitter and on Facebook. He can be contacted at

Brandon Darby is the managing director and editor-in-chief of Breitbart Texas. He co-founded Breitbart Texas’ Cartel Chronicles project with Ildefonso Ortiz and senior Breitbart management. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook. He can be contacted at     


Mexican President Will Promote Migrant Work Visa Program to Biden

JOHAN ORDONEZ/AFP via Getty Images


Mexico’s president says he will share with President Joe Biden his willingness to find a way to legalize the flow of migrants from Central America and Mexico as a way to meet American labor needs.

“I have a teleconference with Biden on Monday and we are going to talk about that topic,” President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) said this weekend during one of his news conferences. “Let’s fix the migratory flow, legalizing it, to give guarantees to the workers so they don’t risk their lives, and that their human rights are protected.”

During the conference, AMLO said the U.S. would need about 600,000 to 800,000 laborers per year for economic growth. The Mexican politician brought up the Bracero program when the U.S. provided migrant farmworkers with permits during World War II.

The topic of the migrant workflow had not been previously discussed publicly by the Foreign Relations Ministry or the Interior Secretariat ahead of the virtual meeting between Lopez Obrador and Biden.

The issue comes as Mexican authorities see a dramatic rise in human smuggling activities as thousands of Central American migrants continue to make their way north. Mexican officials predicted a dramatic rise in migratory flows at the start of 2021 due to work shortages from the pandemic and recent natural disasters that shook Central America. Officials in Mexico did not publicly discuss the political effect that a Biden Administration would have on the matter.

Mexican authorities have found several large groups of migrants at hotels or being moved in tractor-trailers in recent weeks. Officials are also seeing a spike in ransom kidnappings where cartel-connected human smugglers hold migrants to further extort their families.

Ildefonso Ortiz is an award-winning journalist with Breitbart Texas. He co-founded Breitbart Texas’ Cartel Chronicles project with Brandon Darby and senior Breitbart management. You can follow him on Twitter and on Facebook. He can be contacted at

Brandon Darby is the managing director and editor-in-chief of Breitbart Texas. He co-founded Breitbart Texas’ Cartel Chronicles project with Ildefonso Ortiz and senior Breitbart management. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook. He can be contacted at     

 Mexican President Asks

 Pope Francis to Apologize

 for Spanish Conquest of


Hector Vivas/Getty Images


12 Oct 2020196


ROME — Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has written to Pope Francis asking him to offer an apology to the Mexican people for the atrocities committed during the Spanish Conquest in 1521.

López Obrador sent a letter to the pontiff that was delivered in the Vatican this weekend personally by his wife Beatriz Gutierrez Müller.

“I would like to insist,” says López Obrador in his letter, “that the Catholic Church, the Spanish monarchy, and the Mexican state should offer a public apology to the native peoples who suffered the most opprobrious atrocities including the sacking of their property and lands, subjugating them since the 1521 conquest until the recent past.”

“They deserve not only that generous attitude on our part but also the sincere commitment that never, ever, acts disrespectful to their beliefs and cultures will be committed, and much less that they be judged or marginalized for economic motives or racism,” he adds.

In March 2019, Mr. López Obrador sent a similar letter to King Felipe VI of Spain and Pope Francis with the same request, but the Spanish government rejected the request “with all firmness.”

At that time, López Obrador posted a video on Facebook noting he had sent a letter to the king of Spain and another to the pope “calling for a full account of the abuses and urging them to apologize to the indigenous peoples for the violations of what we now call their human rights.”

In its reply to the appeal, the Spanish government underscored the danger of trying to anachronistically apply today’s standards to historic events.

“The arrival, 500 years ago, of the Spanish to the current Mexican lands cannot be judged in light of contemporary considerations,” the government said in a statement.

The Mexican president launched this call in the framework of the commemoration in 2021 of the 500th anniversary of the 1521 European conquest and the 200th anniversary of Mexican independence in 1821.


"Mexican president candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador called for mass immigration to the United States, declaring it a "human right". We will defend all the (Mexican) invaders in the American," Obrador said, adding that immigrants "must leave their towns and find a life, job, welfare, and free medical in the United States."

"Fox’s Tucker Carlson noted Thursday that Obrador has previously proposed granting AMNESTY TO MEXICAN DRUG CARTELS. “America is now Mexico’s social safety net, and that’s a very good deal for the Mexican ruling class,” Carlson added."

"Many Americans forget is that our country is located against a socialist failed state that is promising to descend even further into chaos – not California, the other one. And the Mexicans, having reached the bottom of the hole they have dug for themselves, just chose to keep digging by electing a new leftist presidente who wants to surrender to the cartels and who thinks that Mexicans have some sort of “human right” to sneak into the U.S. and demographically reconquer it." KURT SCHLICHTER


Billionaire Mexicans tell their poor to JUMP U.S. OPEN BORDERS and LOOT THE STUPID GRINGO… and loot they do!

Billions of dollars are sucked out of America from Mexico’s looting!

1) Mexico ended legal immigration 100 years ago, except for Spanish blood.

2) Mexico is the 17th richest nation but pays the 220th lowest minimum wage to force their subjects to invade the USA. The expands territory for Mexicans, spreads the Spanish language, and culture and genotypes, while earning 17% of Mexico's gross GDP as Foreign Remittance Income.

Mexico: Where Is Your Shame?

At a demonstration Wednesday in Mexico City against Arizona's law.


Immigration: Mexico's government gloated triumphantly after a federal judge's injunction blocked Arizona's immigration law. But it's no victory for Mexico. In fact, Mexico's leaders ought to be mortified.

As radical immigration activists crowed with glee and the Obama administration claimed victory, Mexico's government joined the applause. 

Calling Judge Susan Bolton's injunction Wednesday "a step in the right direction," Mexican Foreign Minister Patricia Espinosa declared: "The government of Mexico would like to express its recognition for the determination demonstrated by the federal government of the United States and the actions of the civil organizations that organized lawsuits against the SB 1070 law."

In reality, it ought to be ashamed. Supposedly framed as an issue of federal power pre-empting state power, it's hardly Mexico's business. But Mexico made a big show of saying its interest was in protecting its nationals from the dreadful racism of Arizona that its own citizens, curiously enough, keep fleeing to.

Espinosa said her government was busy collecting data on civil rights violations and her department had issued an all-out travel warning to Mexican nationals about Arizona. 

That's where Mexico's hypocrisy is just too much.

First, Mexico encourages illegal immigration to the U.S. Oh, it says it doesn't, but it prints comic book guides for would-be illegal immigrants and provides ID cards for illegals once they get here. In Arizona alone, Mexico keeps five consulates busy.

 That's not out of love for its own citizens, but because Mexicans send cash back to Mexico that helps finance the government.

Instead of selling its wasteful state-owned oil company or getting rid of red tape to create jobs in Mexico, Mexico spends the hard currency from remittances. It fails to look at why its citizens leave.

According to the Heritage Foundation-Wall Street Journal 2010 Index of Economic Freedom, Mexico's big problem is — no shock — government corruption, where it ranks below the world average.

That's where Mexico's cartels come in.

Mexico's encouragement of illegal immigration undercuts its valiant war against its smuggling cartels. The cartels' prowess and firepower have made them the only ones who can smuggle effectively across the border. U.S. law enforcers say they now control human-smuggling on our southern border.

Feed them immigrants and they grow more cash-rich — and right now, immigrant smuggling is about a third of the cartels' income.

Mass graves and car bombings are signs of criminal organizations getting bigger, and more powerful. Juarez, which has lost 5,000 people this year, bleeds because cartels fight over not just who gets the drug routes, but who gets the illegal-immigrant smuggling routes, too.

Aside from the cartel mayhem in Mexico, the bodies are piling up in the Arizona desert and U.S. Border Patrol rescues of abandoned illegals left to die have risen. 

 It's not the desert's fault, and it's certainly not Uncle Sam's fault, as activists claim. No, it's the fact that Mexicans are encouraged to emigrate. Criminal cartels don't fear abandoning their human cargo in the desert, as long as Mexico does nothing and blames Uncle Sam.

Hearing Mexico's government now cheer the Arizona ruling, which will only encourage more illegal immigration, gives the country's regime a pretty inhuman face. 

If Mexico had any decency, it would do all it could to discourage illegal immigration and keep a respectful silence about Arizona.

It needs U.S. support for its war on cartels. Instead of insulting American citizens, Mexico should confront directly the reasons why its people are so desperate to leave, and do all in its power to destroy the cartels that are slowly killing the nation. That includes defunding the murderous gangs by halting illegal immigration.




Mexico has a single, streamlined law that ensures that foreign visitors and immigrants are:

1.) in the country legally;

2.)  have the means to sustain themselves economically;

3.) not destined to be burdens on society;

4.)  of economic and social benefit to society;

5.)  of good character and have no criminal records; and

6.)  contributors to the general well-being of the nation.

The law also ensures that:

7.)  immigration authorities have a record of each foreign visitor;

8.)  foreign visitors do not violate their visa status;

9.)  foreign visitors are banned from interfering in the country’s internal politics;

10.)  foreign visitors who enter under false pretenses are imprisoned or deported;

11.)  foreign visitors violating the terms of their entry are imprisoned or deported;

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !



12.)  those who aid in illegal immigration will be sent to prison!!!!!!!!!


BORDER AGENT RESCUES DROWNING MIGRANT INVADERS…. Mexico ships them back over the border to register Democrat and collect their anchor baby welfare!



"The newly elected president, Andrés López-Obrador, was gleeful during the election when he told his compadres they should all move to America, illegally.  His encouragement along with his pro-poverty policies will set the stage for another tsunami of illegal immigration." COLIN FLAHERTY


"They will destroy America from within.  The leftist billionaires who orchestrate these plans are wealthy. Those tasked with representing us in Congress will never be exposed to the cost of the invasion. They have nothing but contempt for us who must endure the consequences of our communities being intruded upon by gangs, drug dealers and human traffickers.  These people have no intention of becoming Americans; like the Democrats who welcome them, they have contempt for us." PATRICIA McCARTHY


The immigration debate has been raging for years.  Advocates for open borders can be found on both sides of the political aisle and in a wide variety of special interest groups who have come to see the immigration system that delivers an unlimited supply of cheap and exploitable labor, an unlimited supply of foreign tourists, and unlimited supply of foreign students and, for the lawyers, an unlimited supply of clients. MICHAEL CUTLER



"Also, Rubin did not mention the moral responsibility of the child’s father who brought her through the desert in an apparent effort to use the catch-and-release Flores loophole to get past border guards. The loophole was created by Judge Dolly Gee who has ordered border officials to release migrants after 20 days if they bring a child with them."




Congressional Democrats are apparently fine with catch-and-release policies because they see the likely electoral benefits. According to Customs and Border Protection (CPB), of the 94,285 Central American family units apprehended last year, 99 percent of them remain in the country today. CPB also reports that 98 percent of the 31,754 unaccompanied minors from the Northern Triangle of Central America remain in the country. CAL THOMAS


THE NARCOMEX INVASION OF AMERICA…. By invitation of the Democrat Party


There are many reasons why, for the first time, the government of Mexico would agree to work cooperatively with the United States over an extremely serious immigration-related issue. It is likely, of course that President Trump was not just posturing when he said he would cut off aid to Mexico and other countries who permit the United States to be invaded by illegal aliens.


Under Guzman’s leadership, the Sinaloa Cartel became the largest drug trafficking organization in the world with influence in every major U.S. city.



The allegations against Pena Nieto are not new. In 2016, Breitbart News reported on an investigation by Mexican journalists which revealed how Juarez Cartel operators funneled money into the 2012 presidential campaign. The investigation was carried out by Mexican award-winning Journalist Carmen Aristegui and her team….The subsequent scandal became known as “Monexgate” for the cash cards that were given out during Peña Nieto’s campaign. The allegations against Pena Nieto went largely unreported by U.S. news outlets.



"While other witnesses at Mr. Guzmán’s trial in Federal District Court in Brooklyn have testified about huge payoffs from traffickers to the Mexican police and public officials, the testimony about Mr. Peña Nieto was the most egregious allegation yet. If true, it suggests that corruption by drug cartels had reached into the highest level of Mexico’s political establishment."


The former president of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto, took a $100 million bribe from Joaquín 



"Fox’s Tucker Carlson noted Thursday that Obrador has previously proposed ranting AMNESTY TO MEXICAN DRUG CARTELS. “America is now Mexico’s social safety net, and that’s a very good deal for the Mexican ruling class,” Carlson added."


"The man likely to be the next president of Mexico just called for mass migration to the US" RICK MORAN


“And soon, very soon — after the victory of our movement — we will defend all the migrants in the American continent and all the migrants in the world,” Obrador said, adding that immigrants “must leave their towns and find a life in the United States.” RICK MORAN

Guzmán Loera, the infamous crime lord known as El Chapo, according to a witness at Mr. Guzman’s trial. ALAN FEUER


“Mexican drug cartels are the “other” terrorist threat to America. Militant Islamists have the goal of destroying the United States. Mexican drug cartels are now accomplishing that mission – from within, every day, in virtually every community across this country.” JUDICIAL WATCH


"In 2016, according to my analysis of the data, more Americans were reported killed by homicide in Mexico than the combined total of Americans killed by homicide in every other country abroad." MONICA SHOWALTER


Mexico cynically wades into El Paso shooting debacle, brimming with hypocrisy


By Monica Showalter

As if the El Paso mass murder couldn't be a more noxious showcase for political bad behavior, in wades the Mexican government, launching lawsuits against the U.S. for supposedly failing to protect its citizens, which is something they've never bothered about before. According to NBC News:

Mexico on Sunday threatened to take legal action against the United States for failing to protect its citizens after this weekend's mass shooting in the border city of El Paso.

Of the 20 people gunned down at a Walmart at the Cielo Vista Mall, at least seven were Mexican citizens, and Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard promised Mexico City will act.

In a statement, the Foreign Ministry called the attack in El Paso a "terrorist act against innocent Mexicans."

Apparently, they've seen how their individual illegals can exploit loopholes in U.S. law to their advantage, and now that bastion of peace and tranquility to our south would like a serving of the same. Instead of warning Mexican potential illegals to stay out of the U.S. the way a normal country would do, they want to muscle the U.S. legal system to their benefit, creating a sort of right to protection in the U.S. which is something Mexicans certainly don't have back home.

And more to the point, the Mexican state would like to blame the U.S. for the action of the lone freak who shot up the Wal-Mart in El Paso, same as the average Democratic politician. The fact that the freak is going to the executioner's table is irrelevant, because what they're really after is putting the U.S. and President Trump in particular on trial.

According to a summary of their doings from Axios:

Mexico threatened legal action Sunday against the U.S. for failing to protect its citizens after a shooting in the border city of El Paso, Texas, killed 20 people, including 6 Mexican nationals, the New York Times reports.

Details: Mexico's Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard said the Mexican government was looking into extraditing the suspect to Mexico on a terrorism charge over Saturday's shooting, per CNN. Mexico also plans legal action against the seller who provided the weapon used in the attack, according to the NYT.

What they're saying: Ebrard said in a Twitter video, translated by NBC News, that President Andrés Manuel López Obrador wants to "ensure that Mexico’s indignation translates" into "expeditious and forceful" legal action for the country to take a role and demand that conditions are established that protect Mexicans in the U.S.

The big picture: Many Mexicans are aware of an anti-immigrant screed apparently posted online by the suspect just before the shooting and they see the attack as an expression of tensions between the U.S. and Mexico over immigration, guns and violence, often fueled by President Trump's policies and rhetoric, the Times notes.

On those grounds, any American who's attacked, assaulted, drinks poisoned liquor, or is killed in Mexico, should have grounds to do the same. Failure to protect, don't you know. Such irony. Turns out more Americans (75 of them) have been killed in Mexico than all the remaining countries of the worldcombined. Here's what Forbes reported last year:

In 2016, according to my analysis of the data, more Americans were reported killed by homicide in Mexico than the combined total of Americans killed by homicide in every other country abroad.

More than 31 million Americans visited Mexico in 2016, the National Travel & Tourism Office says, and State Department data shows there were reports of 75 American homicide victims there. In comparison, 49 million Americans traveled to all other foreign countries, and 69 were reported killed by homicide.

That's quite some hypocrisy they've got, given the number of American dead bodies they've got on their record. Think they'll go along with reciprocity? Not the Mexican government we know. The double standard stands.

But that's hardly their only hypocrisy. Here's another logic joke from them: 

They encourage their nationals to emigrate illegally (remember the Mexican government comic books? Apparently, they're still distributing them) to get rid of potential discontents, and now they complain when the place, loaded as it is with unvetted migrants they don't want around, is somehow not safe? Any city loaded with illegals is a den of crime -- just look at the crime in Chicago, Baltimore or any sanctuary city. Apparently, those killings are O.K. by the Mexicans so long as they are done by other Mexicans or maybe Central Americans. But this Dallas-area white interloper doing the killing is something different, something sue-worthy? They've tolerated crime for years on both sides of the border, not doing a thing so long as the distilled remittances keep coming. Now at this late date, with this lone freak, they are suddenly upset.

Now for a third hypocrisy: They say they want to extradite the maggot? What the heck would that be for? Like El Chapo Guzman, he'd be in a fine position to continue his Internet postings in a Mexican prison because all kinds of contraband is tolerated in Mexican prisons, particularly cell phones, and anything can be bribed for. For that matter, he'd be in a great position to escape, much as Guzman did from Mexican prisons, more than once. The creep, under Mexican law, would also be spared the death penalty, something he's not going to be spared if he stays in Texas. It looks like this extradition move is some sort of revolting bid to save him and allow him to flourish. You can bet he'd be a happy camper if somehow he got extradited to Mexico. Sorry amigos: The maggot is going to pay.

What we are seeing here is plain old garden variety Mexican meddling in our internal affairs, this time rooted in some icky festering wounded national pride, some bid from Mexico to assert itself over U.S. laws in the wake of Trump's muscle on Mexico over the illegal migrant surge, using the U.S. courts with their continuous anti-Trump rulings to make itself the sovereign here. Mexico has already sent their illegals and now they want to take over gubernatorially through the courts, which puts this act on a continuum.

This garbage should be smacked down for the hypocrisy it is and as fast as possible. We don't need their government ruling over here and we sure as heck shouldn't be paying them.

 postings in a Mexican prison because all kinds of contraband is tolerated in Mexican prisons, particularly cell phones, and anything can be bribed fo revolting bid to save him and allow him to flourish. You can bet he'd be a happy camper if somehow he got extradited to Mexico. Sorry amigos: The maggot is going to pay. assert itself over U.S. laws in the wake of Trump's muscle on Mexico over the illegal migrant surge, using the U.S. courts with their continuous anti-Trump rulings to make itself the sovereign here. Mexico has already sent their illegals and now they want to take over gubernatorially through the courts, which puts this act on a continu

From February 19 to April 22, as Breitbart News reported last month, the Biden administration had flown about 7,200 border crossers into the U.S. interior on domestic commercial flights. Border crossers are allowed to bypass photo identification requirements, boarding flights without a photo ID, and do not have to prove they are negative for the Chinese coronavirus.

EXCLUSIVE: ‘Open-Border Rhetoric Transformed into Policy,’ Says Texas Rep.

Border Patrol agents arrest a group of migrants locked inside a tanker trailer. (Photo: U.S. Border Patrol/Laredo Sector)
Photo: U.S. Border Patrol/Laredo Sector

U.S. Representative Tony Gonzalez (R-TX) told Breitbart Texas that open-border rhetoric during the last presidential campaign transformed into the open-border policies of this president’s administration. The Texas congressman said these policies led to the current flood of migrants illegally entering the United States.

Congressman Gonzales just completed a bi-cameral, bi-partisan visit to the border in the Texas Rio Grande Valley. Accompanying him on the tour were Senators John Cornyn (R-TX), and Kirsten Sinema (D-AZ), along with Representative Henry Cuellar (D-TX).

Gonzales says a joint effort is the only solution to a problem that has constituents on both sides of the aisle fed up with the increase in illegal immigration traffic along the 820 miles of border in his district. “When you’re on the ground, it doesn’t matter if you are a Democrat or a Republican — people want a solution,” the congressman says.

One part of the bipartisan Border Solutions Bill he co-sponsored brings an additional 150 immigration judges on board to reduce the time it takes to adjudicate asylum applications. In addition, he says it aids in getting the Border Patrol out of processing centers and back into the field.

As far as his visit to the Rio Grande Valley area, he says much of the progress made in reducing the unaccompanied migrant children population in Border Patrol custody was simply to move them next door to a soft-sided facility run by Health and Human Services. “It’s not as if the numbers are going drastically down, it’s just the children have shifted from one place to the other,” he explained.

Gonzales is also concerned the CDC Title 42 COVID-19 emergency authority utilized by Border Patrol to quickly expel single adult males and females from the country will expire soon. Gonzales added, “As bad as things are now, when Title 42 goes away, the flood gates are going to come gushing wide open.”

The Texas representative is hopeful he can coordinate more bipartisan visits so others can see firsthand what is going on and realize that people are demanding a solution to this crisis. He believes the Biden administration’s only plan for the border was to unravel all of President Trump’s policies without regard to whether they worked or not. “Guess what, some of his policies worked, especially when you are talking about border security.”

Gonzales says he is speaking with the highest levels of management within CBP and the Border Patrol to work toward finding a solution to the issues they are facing. He says he sees firsthand the struggles they and other law enforcement agencies are dealing with daily.

On the topic of the Biden administration’s ICE priorities policy limiting the arrest of fugitives and other migrants they encounter, the congressman is no fan of those calling to de-fund police or abolish ICE.

“This anti-law enforcement approach, whether to inadvertently defund the Border Patrol by taking them out of the field and making them pay for processing facilities or shackling ICE from doing it’s job,” Gonzales stated, “you are basically eroding these organizations.” He added, “These organizations are critical to our safety and security.”

Congressman Gonzalez summed up his thoughts by saying the conversation in Congress needs to shift to legal immigration by focusing on those that want to come to the United States the right way.

“We need a venue for people to come into the country that makes sense, right now, our system is broken,” he said. He closed by saying that good border security is not served by watering down the enforcement of laws that currently exist to protect us.

Randy Clark is a 32-year veteran of the United States Border Patrol.  Prior to his retirement, he served as the Division Chief for Law Enforcement Operations, directing operations for nine Border Patrol Stations within the Del Rio, Texas, Sector. Follow him on Twitter @RandyClarkBBTX.



NBC News Debunks Mayorkas ‘Border Is Closed’ Claim

US Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas arrives to testify during a US Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Homeland Security hearing about the Fiscal Year 2022 Funding Request for the Department of Homeland Security, on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, May 26, 2021. (Photo by SAUL LOEB / AFP) (Photo by …
SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images

Alejandro Mayorkas, Joe’s Biden’s border chief, has repeatedly claimed that “the border is closed” — and now one of the main establishment TV networks finally took the time to refute his claim.

NBC News’s Julia Ainsley reported June 2:

When he took office, President Joe Biden loosened rules at the border, letting children without parents cross — but agents were supposed to expel all other undocumented migrants.

The policy allows the Biden administration to say, “The border is closed.”

In reality, the border is not closed. Under Biden, the determination of who stays and who goes has become a lottery with winners and losers.

The news segment was not produced as a “Fact-Check” of Mayorkas, who is not mentioned in the article, even though he is the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

But it is a veiled criticism of Mayorkas for repeatedly claiming the border is closed.

“The border is closed,” Mayorkas told an ill-informed Rep. Chuck Fleischmann (R-TN) in a May 26 hearing.

“The border is closed,” Mayorkas told a roomful of powerless White House reporters on May 31.

A DHS official backtracked slightly on Mayorkas’s claim, telling NBC that:

The Biden administration has made it clear that our borders are not open, people should not make the dangerous journey, and individuals and families are subject to border restrictions, including expulsion.

Mayorkas, who insists the United States is a “Nation of Immigrants,” uses small-scale exemptions in immigration law to welcome large-scale inflows of economic migrants.

In April, Mayorkas’s supposedly closed-border policies — or “not open” policies — helped at least 60,000 job seekers to cross the southern border, including illegal “got-aways,” youths claiming to be victimized children, adults with young children, and deported migrants who want to join their migrant children who remained to apply for asylum.

Mayorkas also approved 22,000 extra H-2B visa workers, removed Trump-era curbs on white-collar visa workers, renewed work permits for at least 100,000 Haitian migrants, began awarding work permits to many thousands of Venezuelan migrants, and continued processing the roughly one million legal migrants who are allowed into the United States each year.

Not all migrants get Mayorkas’s welcome.

Many are quickly selected for return to Mexico, as others are allowed to blend into U.S. society via an unpredictable, semi-random process. “The determination of who stays and who goes has become a lottery with winners and losers,” NBC News noted, adding:

While they sat on the curb, waiting to find out what U.S. officials would do with them, 15 single adult men who had been caught crossing the border a few days earlier were released to a nearby shelter, where they waited for flights and buses that would take them to cities across the U.S.

Mayorkas and his allies describe his half-open border as “humane.” Yet those “humane” policies are causing huge damage to many migrants because Mayorkas does not have the public or legal support to welcome the many migrants who hope to enter via Mayorkas’s small side doors.

On June 3, the Associated Press described a migrant who lost Mayorkas’s lottery after mortgaging her home to pay a coyote for transport to the border:

[Alvina Jerónimo Pérez ] put the house up as collateral to pay the smuggler $7,700. “The deal was that when we had arrived there, we were going to pay that money and they would return (the deed), but it wasn’t possible,” she said.

In March 2020, she and her daughter Yessenia, then 14, left Tizamarte. Three weeks later they were caught entering Texas. They were deported a week after that.

When Jerónimo realized they would be sent back, she cried. “I thought of everything the trip had cost me. I asked myself ‘What am I going to do?’ I’ve lost everything.”

“Jerónimo’s story is similar to that of thousands of Guatemalans who scramble to gather the money needed to migrate to the United States,” AP added.

But the distraught losers in Mayorkas’s lottery — and the dead lost in the desert — still serve Mayorkas and his pro-migration allies on Wall Street.

They help to distract the establishment media from the growing number of migrant workers and consumers who are being extracted from poor countries to force down Americans’ wages and drive up Americans’ rents.

The federal government has long allowed migrants to sneak past border guards while it also reassures the anxious public by promising tighter border security. This two-track policy strips wealth from working Americans and from heartland regions by quietly encouraging low-wage migrants to gamble their lives in a chaotic Hunger Games trek of loanscoyotescartelsrapedesertsstormsborder lawsbarriersrescuerstransportjudges, and cheap labor employers.

For many years, a wide variety of pollsters have shown deep and broad opposition to labor migration and the inflow of temporary contract workers into jobs sought by young U.S. graduates.

This opposition is multiracialcross-sexnon-racistclass-basedbipartisanrationalpersistent, and recognizes the solidarity Americans owe to each other.

The voter opposition to elite-backed economic migration coexists with support for legal immigrants and some sympathy for illegal migrants. But only a minority of Americans — mostly leftists — embrace the many skewed polls and articles pushing the 1950’s corporate “Nation of Immigrants” claim.

Migration moves money from employees to employers, from families to investors, from young to old, from children to their parents, from homebuyers to investors, from technology to stoop labor, from red states to blue states, and from the central states to the coastal states such as New York.

EconomyImmigrationPoliticsAlejandro MayorkasCoyoteExtraction MigrationH-2B visa workersJulia AinsleymigrationNation of Immigrants

DHS Secretary Mayorkas Deploys Mobile App for Foreign Nationals to Quickly Be Released into U.S.

WASHINGTON, DC - MAY 26: Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas prepares to testify before the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Homeland Security in the Dirksen Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill on May 26, 2021 in Washington, DC. Although the Biden Administration has yet to release its FY2022 budget for the …
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has deployed a mobile app for foreign nationals looking to arrive at the United States-Mexico border, to more quickly have them released into the U.S. interior.

report by the Los Angeles Times on Friday reveals that President Joe Biden’s administration is using a mobile app, called CBP One, that allows foreign nationals working with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Mexico and Central America to send their information to DHS so the agency can determine whether they are eligible for release into the U.S. interior while awaiting an immigration hearing.

Specifically, the mobile app is being used to help release into the U.S. migrants enrolled in the now-defunct “Remain in Mexico” program, along with those seeking exemptions from the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) Title 42 authority whereby federal immigration officials can return border crossers to protect public health.

The Times reports:

With CBP One, organizations such as the United Nations refugee agency send to CBP photographs of asylum seekers they’ve identified, and the app uses facial recognition to compare those pictures to those in the existing gallery.

The app then sends a response back indicating whether the person’s case is active and how long they’ve been waiting. If the app shows the case is open, an organization can arrange for the asylum seeker to get a COVID-19 screening, travel to a port of entry and obtain permission from CBP to enter.

A screenshot of the mobile app via DHS, published in the Times, shows how the process works for foreign nationals seeking release into the U.S. interior.

“A green check indicates the individual, whose picture the user submitted to CBP, is enrolled in Remain in Mexico and has a pending immigration case,” a Times caption reads. “A yellow bar indicates the individual is enrolled, but the individual’s case is now closed.”

(Screenshot via the Los Angeles Times)

Mayorkas has DHS working closely with NGOs tied to the United Nations (UN) to identify foreign nationals in Mexico and Central America who are eligible for release into the U.S. interior.

Breitbart News has previously reported on the UN’s role in bringing foreign nationals to the U.S.-Mexico border for release. Some of the NGOs involved include the International Rescue Committee and the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), which also resettles refugees in the U.S. with taxpayer funds.

As noted, DHS secured emergency use of the mobile app last month from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) without having to go through standard public comment procedures that are typically required.

This month, Mayorkas officially ended the Remain in Mexico program, which had drastically cut asylum fraud and effectively helped end the process of Catch and Release whereby border crossers are released into the U.S. interior.

From February 19 to May 25, DHS released about 11,200 migrants enrolled in Remain in Mexico into the U.S. interior with more expected to be released this month. Most of these releases are being facilitated by the CBP One mobile app, the Times reports.

The Biden administration is busing and flying border crossers into U.S. cities via Greyhound bus transportation and domestic commercial flights.

From February 19 to April 22, as Breitbart News reported last month, the Biden administration had flown about 7,200 border crossers into the U.S. interior on domestic commercial flights. Border crossers are allowed to bypass photo identification requirements, boarding flights without a photo ID, and do not have to prove they are negative for the Chinese coronavirus.

In one recent case, 15 single adult male border crossers were apprehended crossing the southern border, sent to a DHS facility, and then bused or put on domestic commercial flights to various U.S. cities.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here

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