Saturday, August 14, 2021



Retired CIA officer: Is Eric Swalwell a spy for the Chinese?

I first became aware of Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) several years ago, when he was a semi-regular guest on Tucker Carlson Tonight.  Swalwell didn't appear to be very bright, usually puking forth the party line minus any real thought or substance.  Tucker routinely chewed him up and spat him out, making him look like the shallow simpleton he is.  After a few months, the guest spots stopped, probably because Swalwell was tired of being humiliated on national television.  It's hard to debate someone whose mental faculties far exceed your own.  At least Swalwell was smart enough to figure that out.  

Then came the election of Donald Trump, and this previously obscure party hack suddenly rose to national prominence.  Essentially a hod carrier for his mentor and idol, the pathological Adam Schiff, Swalwell became a darling of the mainstream media.  He dutifully followed Schiff around, repeating the lies about Russia collusion ad nauseam.  Swalwell used his innocent, boy-next-door persona to sound the alarm about Trump's threat to national security.  The fawning media accepted it all without question, treating him as a bulwark against Evil Orange Man and the threat he posed to national security.

Swalwell became so impressed with himself that he made a run for his party's 2020 presidential nomination.  That didn't work out too well, as he withdrew from the race without appearing on a single primary ballot.  Apparently, the Democrat electorate were not yet enlightened enough to understand what they were missing.

Then came Fang Fang.

Fang "Christine" Fang is a Chinese spy who cultivated a "relationship" with Swalwell, starting in 2012.  She apparently helped raise money for his first congressional run, which resulted in a primary loss for incumbent Rep. Pete Stark, who had served in the House for about eight decades (actually, it was forty years, but what's the difference?).  Fang was still in the mix in 2014, when the JFK wannabe defeated Stark and began his tenure in Congress. 

When Swalwell's relationship with Fang became public knowledge in 2020, reasonable questions were asked — from the right, of course — about whether or not he was compromised.  The media essentially ignored it or played it down, saying Swalwell was briefed by U.S. intelligence and it was not believed that Fang had obtained any classified information.  Swalwell still sits on the House Intelligence Committee, which makes an obvious mockery of the committee's name.  Even if no classified information was obtained by Fang, the mere existence of their relationship should have immediately ended his security clearance.  But having the "D" after his name made all the difference.  Without question, the uproar would have been deafening had a Republican — especially a Trump-supporter — been involved in a relationship with a Chinese spy.  The double standard is mind-numbing.  

There is, however, a remote possibility that something is happening behind the scenes.  Charles "Sam" Faddis, a retired CIA operations officer and publisher of the online magazine AND, paints an interesting scenario in his recent article, "Is Eric Swalwell A Chinese Spy?"  Faddis is not saying Swalwell is a Chinese spy, but his vast experience as a "spook" gives him detailed knowledge of how potential spies are singled out, recruited, and turned into a "controlled asset."

According to his bio, Faddis is "a former CIA operations officer with thirty years of experience in the conduct of intelligence operations in the Middle East, South Asia and Europe. His last assignment prior to retirement in May of 2008 was as head of the CIA's terrorist Weapons of Mass Destruction unit. He took the first CIA team into Iraq in the Summer of 2002 in advance of the invasion of that country and has worked extensively in the field with law enforcement, local security forces and special operations teams."  In other words, Faddis is well versed in spycraft, and he believes that U.S. intelligence may still be taking a close look at Rep. Eric Swalwell and his CCP paramour.

"Spies do not work alone," Faddis wrote.  "They do not wander around having casual relationships with targets and then drift away.  They work at the direction of a government.  They report to superiors.  They write reports on everything they do.  They often work in teams — even if those teams are invisible to the casual observer.

"Fang Fang did not just 'bump into' Swalwell," he continued.  "She was directed to target him.  She did not help Swalwell get started in politics, raise money for him and provide an assistant to work in Swalwell's office, because she saw something promising in his dull, boyish demeanor.  She did all this at the direction of a hostile, totalitarian state hell-bent on the destruction of the United States."

Does this mean that Rep. Swalwell is a spy in the U.S. House of Representatives working for the Chinese Communist Party?  Not necessarily.

"Do we know that this happened in the case of Eric Swalwell?" Faddis asked.  "We do not.  He may have broken things off with Fang Fang long ago and been on the straight and narrow ever since.  It is also possible he reports what he learns on the House Intelligence Community daily via covert satellite communications."

So where does this go from here?

"Swalwell's admission of an intimate relationship with a Chinese intelligence officer cannot possibly have simply been accepted by American counterintelligence on its face," Faddis believes.  "The world of intelligence does not work that way.  Swalwell's version of what happened would have been taken as a starting point, not the final word."

Faddis's belief in the "starting point" for American counterintelligence makes a lot of sense.  But does today's Intelligence Community operate under the same rules that it did before Faddis retired in 2008?  After all, the Marxists have been using it as a political weapon against conservatives even before Donald Trump took office.  But it's relatively certain that Sam Faddis still has some skin in the game, as well as a wealth of knowledge, so I'm betting that Swalwell isn't off the hook just yet.  Time will tell...and let's hope it tells the truth.  Eric Swalwell could be a much greater threat to our national security that President Trump ever was.

Image: Gage Skidmore via FlickrCC BY-SA 2.0.

China’s Champion Dianne Feinstein

Longtime apologist now acts as PRC asset.

Tue Aug 25, 2020 

Lloyd Billingsley




Back in April, Missouri attorney general Eric Schmitt, a Republican, filed a lawsuit charging that Chinese Communist officials are “responsible for the enormous death, suffering, and economic losses they inflicted on the world, including Missourians.”  For Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the  Missouri lawsuit was the problem.

“We launch a series of unknown events that could be very, very dangerous,” said Feinstein in a July 30, Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.  “I think this is a huge mistake.” As Feinstein doubtless knows, the Chinese company Build Your Dreams (BYD) , which bagged a $1 billion mask deal with California, is suing Vice Media for a story charging that BYD had links to the Chinese military and forced labor. Feinstein did not say if that lawsuit was a mistake, and possibly launch unknown events that could be very dangerous. On the other hand, she had only praise for the Chinese government.

“Where I live, we hold China as a potential trading partner,” Feinstein said in the hearing. “As a country that has pulled tens of millions of people out of poverty in a short period of time. And as a country growing into a respectable nation among other nations. And I deeply believe that. I’ve been to China a number of times. I’ve studied the issues.” Much of that study, it turns out, has been on location.

“I’ve been coming to China for 31 years, so I’m not a newcomer,” Feinstein told James Areddy of the Wall Street Journal during a 2006 visit to Shanghai. In Beijing, the U.S. Senator explained, “we spent time with Zhu Rongji, the former premier who was a mayor of Shanghai” and “a good friend.”

In 2014, on the 25th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre, Feinstein issued a statement recalling “perhaps even thousands” of demonstrators killed. “I know of no other country that has made as much economic and industrial progress in the last 25 years than China,” Feinstein wrote. “But what this anniversary reminds us is that progress still must be made in the areas of human rights, rule of law and governance.”

The senator has since been rather quiet about any human rights progress China might have achieved, and expressed no second thoughts about China’s membership in the World Trade Organization. That removed the annual congressional review of its record on human rights and weapons proliferation records, a huge win for the Communist regime.

As Rosemarie Ho reported in The Nation, Democrats in general and Feinstein in particular have kept rather quiet about the democratic protesters in Hong Kong. As it happens, Feinstein’s China issues go much deeper. The former San Francisco mayor had a Chinese spy on her staff for some 20 years, and he was much more than her “driver.” As the San Francisco Chronicle noted, the spy even attended Chinese Consulate functions for the senator.

As Ben Weingarten noted in the Federalist in 2018, Feinstein’s husband has “profited handsomely from the greatly expanded China trade she supported.” And the senator “served as a key intermediary between China and the U.S. government, while serving on committees whose work would be of keen interest to the PRC.” All this, plus a spy on her staff through three election cycles. 

Feinstein was one of the first to cry “racism” over the Wuhan virus that has caused massive damage in the United States and around the world. When one American state attempts to hold China accountable losses in court, Sen. Feinstein calls it dangerous. She “deeply believes” that one of the most repressive regimes in history is a respectable nation.

By contrast, as the San Francisco Democrat said in a June 2 statement, the United States is burdened with “systemic racism in areas ranging from housing to employment to education,” all part of “institutional racism.” Feinstein invoked “President Obama,” to lead the reform process. He has been acting as though still in office.

Obama Defends Mob Rule,” reads the August 3 American Greatness headline. As Conrad Black explains, the 44th president of the United States is uncritical of the violent mobs now terrorizing the country. This “shows how terminally morally and intellectually decayed the Obama-Clinton-Biden Democratic Party has become,” and that is not a stretch.

From House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on down, not a single Democrat has offered the slightest criticism of the Antifa-BLM axis. Instead they call federal officers “stormtroopers” and “secret police,” and support the defunding of police departments. Democrat support for violent mobs sends a signal to another group out to take down the country.

As recent attacks at military bases in Florida and Texas confirm, Islamic terrorists continue their jihad against America and Americans. The death sentence of Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has now been overturned. That brought no statement from Sen. Dianne Feinstein, who finds fault with a Missouri lawsuit against China.

When a predictable apologist becomes a positive asset for the Communist regime, that could turn out very, very dangerous. If anybody thought the time has finally come for a thorough investigation of California Senator Dianne Feinstein it would be hard to blame them.


· Feinstein’s Close China Ties Under Scrutiny After Chinese Spy Discovery



· News of a Chinese spy working for U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein broke recently, revealing the spy was employed by Feinstein for 20 years.

· Initially reported as part of a larger story about spies in Silicon Valley, a former intelligence official later revealed that the staffer was Feinstein’s driver for many years.

· The source told the San Francisco Chronicle that the driver passed information to Chinese officials based at the local Chinese Consulate. Part of the staffer’s role was acting as a liaison between Feinstein’s San Francisco office and the local consulate.

· The staffer was recruited to spy after visiting China.

· The staffer, who has not been named, worked for Feinstein for 20 years.

Senator Feinstein was alerted to the spy about five years ago. The FBI alerted Feinstein after investigating and finding the staffer shared nothing of substance.

· “They interviewed him, and Dianne forced him to retire, and that was the end of it,” the source said. “None of her staff ever knew what was going on. They just kept it quiet.”

· Feinstein wouldn’t comment on the spy but her office told CBS that none of the staffers in San Francisco have ever had security clearances.

· Noting the oddness of the discovery, President Donald Trump said via Twitter on August 3: “Dianne is the person leading our Nation on ‘Collusion’ with Russia (only done by Dems). Will she now investigate herself?”

· …Dianne is the person leading our Nation on “Collusion” with Russia (only done by Dems). Will she now investigate herself?

· — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 4, 2018

· Feinstein’s Relationship With China

· Some details of Feinstein’s past are now being examined anew, centered on her close relationship with China, beginning with her service as mayor of San Francisco from 1978 to 1988.

· Feinstein has long been linked to China. For instance, she hosted former president of China Jiang Zemin at her home for dinner when she was mayor of San Francisco, and celebrated the resumption of air service from China to the United States (starting with San Francisco International Airport) after a 32-year hiatus.

· San Francisco and Shanghai have been sister cities for 38 years, after the agreement was put into place by Feinstein and Jiang, who was then Shanghai’s mayor. Feinstein was cited as having a “close relationship” with Jiang and ties between the two continued for many years later.

· Jiang is infamous for cracking down on human rights, most notoriously by banning the peaceful meditation practice of Falun Gong and throwing many of its estimated 100 million adherents into jail.

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