Friday, November 5, 2021

MARK ZUCKERBERG'S NEO-FASCISM - Reporting on Muslim Persecution of Christians Offends Facebook's 'Standards'


Reporting on Muslim Persecution of Christians Offends Facebook's 'Standards'

Apparently, reporting on the horrific persecution Christian minorities experience in the Muslim word is a punishable offense for Facebook, as that topic falls beneath the social media giant's "standards."

That's what I was told when I logged onto my Facebook account a few days ago.  A box popped up saying, "This post goes against our Community Standards," followed by, "Only you can see this post because it goes against our community standards," with a link to the offensive post in question.  I was then locked out for 24 hours.

The problematic article in question, which I published online and shared on Facebook back on Feb. 15, 2021 — a full eight months ago — is titled "New Film Commemorates 21 Coptic Christian Martyrs."  In it, I discussed how an Arabic-language film was being made about the 21 Egyptian Christians savagely slaughtered by the Islamic State in Libya in 2015.

To be sure, I'm familiar with and a regular recipient of Facebook's other tactics — especially "shadowbanning": making my posts appear live on my end, though no one or only a few see them.  (I know this only because I've gotten so many messages over the years from Facebook users saying, "How come you haven't posted anything in months?" even though I upload some three or four posts every week.  Others regularly message me saying things like, "Facebook has disconnected the 'Share' button on the top menu of your page" (from a 10/27/21 message).

So what is it about that particular article that — eight months after it was first shared on Facebook — caused it to be banned and me punished?  If it's the accompanying picture, which in my opinion is hardly that graphic, Facebook could've done what it has done to other articles of mine: keep the post but remove the image.  Aside from mentioning the movie, that article recaps the execution of 2015, quotes some family members' views on the forthcoming film, and closes by mentioning how a memorial for the 21 Christian martyrs was erected in the Egyptian village of Al Our, whence several of them hailed.

The following excerpt from that article is the only thing I can think of that might have especially vexed Facebook (even though it's 100% true):

It's worth recalling that, at the time of their abduction and subsequent butchery, Western media were largely absent.  Indeed, before the video appeared, the BBC had falsely reported that the majority of those now slaughtered Copts were "released."  (Such downplaying of Muslim persecution of Christians is not uncommon for the BBC.)

Around the same time that article got taken down from Facebook, on Oct. 15, 2021, the following comment appeared under another much more recent article on my website — one also about the Muslim persecution of Christians in Egypt:

I shared this article on Facebook and Facebook took it down saying it violated "Community Standards" with no further explanation given.

That article, titled "Coptic Christian Building Abruptly Demolished in Egypt," merely summarized the findings of an Arabic-language report about how Christian minorities in one Egyptian village, because they were banned from having a church, decided to build a community hall to hold their weddings and funerals in.  As even that was deemed offensive to Muslim sensibilities, the authorities suddenly came, tore it down, and beat and arrested the Christians.  Everything about that account is also 100% true.

So what about it does not meet Facebook's "standards"?

The only conclusion is that, not content with shadowbanning articles on the brutal persecution Christians suffer at the hands of Muslims, Facebook is now openly and more aggressively outright banning them.

Moreover, there is reason to believe that Facebook's actions are at least partially motivated by foreign entities.  Seeing that the two articles that got "flagged" both dealt with the persecution of Egyptian Christians — Copts — I contacted Coptic Solidarity, to see if they've had similar experiences.  Its director, Lindsay Vessey, wrote back saying:

Numerous countries, including Egypt, employ large cyber teams to flag content critical of their leader/government meaning that discussion of human rights violations in countries like China, Saudi Arabia and Egypt can be blocked, with repercussions to the account owner. Facebook needs to hire individuals who not only have the language skills to review posts, but who can maintain professional neutrality and distinguish between abusive content, and legitimate criticism of human rights abuses. My colleague, Faith McDonnell, who is a titan in the realm of religious freedom advocacy, had her Facebook account shut-down without warning, merely for posting an image of the Coptic martyrs on the beach in Libya. Her account was only reinstated after substantial negative publicity towards Facebook.

Facebook, it's worth adding, is hardly the only one among "Big Tech" to suppress information on the Muslim persecution of Christians: YouTube censored my PragerU video on that precise topic.  It also once punished me for sharing a video that the Islamic State made of its members destroying crosses and desecrating churches in Syria and Iraq — even though that video was not "graphic" (it depicted buildings and crosses, inanimate objects) and was going viral in the Arab world.  As for Google, where once its search results for Islam-related topics would yield many of my articles on the first page, they now tend to be invisible, buried under a mountain of irrelevant if not fake information.

All of this is a reminder as to why an alternative — which may be coming soon courtesy of the man most banned from social media and search engines, Donald Trump — is desperately needed.  One of Trump's companies recently announced its plan "to create a rival to the liberal media consortium and fight back against the 'Big Tech' companies of Silicon Valley, which have used their unilateral power to silence opposing voices in America." 

No one can doubt this, just as no one — except those who profit from suppressing the truth — can want such wanton censorship of much-needed information to continue.

Raymond Ibrahim, author of Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the West, is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, a Judith Rosen Friedman Fellow at the Middle East Forum, and a Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Gatestone Institute.

Image via Max Pixel.

Valley Insiders Added to Biden Transition Team



After an election year in which the tech giants repeatedly interfered in the election against President Donald Trump, Joe Biden is now rewarding Silicon Valley by appointing insiders to a range of roles in his transition team.

Likewise, the Biden-Harris plan for national immigration policy — which seeks to drive up legal and illegal immigration levels to their highest levels in decades — offers a flooded labor market with low wages for U.S. workers and increased bargaining power for big business that has long been supported by Wall Street.

Biden has lied about so much that I am not sure if he ever told the truth or is now even capable of doing so.  Thanks to Big Tech's and Big Media's suppression of his record, he can present himself as a man of character and high morals.  We must feel sorry for the multitude of gullible Americans who believe him. MARK CHRISTIAN

Zuckerberg Mentor Roger McNamee Calls for Criminal Probe of Facebook

Mark Zuckerberg frowning
Getty/Chip Somodevilla

At this year’s Web Summit conference, early Facebook investor and mentor to Mark Zuckerberg, Roger McNamee, called for a criminal probe into Facebook. One of McNamee’s six proposed criminal investigations of Mark Zuckerberg’s company is that the company “allowed human trafficking on its platform and was ‘paid to enable it to happen.'”

Business Insider reports that speaking at this year’s Web Summit in Lisbon, Portugal, longtime Facebook investor and mentor to Mark Zuckerberg, Roger McNamee, called for a criminal probe of the tech giant. In fact, McNamee called for six different criminal investigations and prison sentences for executives found responsible.

American businessman, venture capitalist and former Facebook investor Roger Burroughs McNamee poses during a photo session in Paris, on September 19, 2019. (Photo by JOEL SAGET/AFP via Getty Images)

The Web Summit conference, which hosts as many as 80,000 people some years, was opened this year by far-left “whistleblower” Frances Haugen, who told an audience of 20,000 that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg should step down.

"Whistleblower"Frances Haugen dishes on Facebook

“Whistleblower”Frances Haugen dishes on Facebook (Jim Watson/Getty)

“They were putting lives in jeopardy … Facebook is currently prioritizing content in the news feed that has a side effect of prioritizing and amplifying the most extreme and divisive content,” she said. She was met with a huge round of applause.

The next day, McNamee sat down with Guardian journalist Jane Martinson before an audience of around 1,000. McNamee has been attempting to raise concerns about Facebook’s actions for years. In 2018, McNamee stated in an interview that Facebook is designed to make users angry and scared, stating: “All the content is stuff that you like, right? It’s what they [Facebook] think you like. But what it really is, is stuff that serves their business model and their profits. And making you angry, making you afraid, is really good for Facebook’s business. It is not good for America. It’s not good for the users of Facebook.”

Speaking at the Web Summit, McNamee outlined the six areas where he believes “felony investigations are warranted.” Business Insider reports that McNamee’s list includes:

  • The US Securities and Exchange Commission should look at Facebook’s failure to disclose information about its business.
  • Facebook allowed human trafficking on its platform and was “paid to enable it to happen”
  • Facebook’s management was “complicit” in the “Stop the Steal” campaign which led to the January 6 insurrection on Capitol Hill.
  • The company is the subject of a state attorney general investigation in Texas into whether Facebook worked with Google to fix prices. “The standard penalty for that is three and a half years in prison for all of the executives and it is the clearest cut case of price fixing in the United States in decades,” he railed.

McNamee did not include the final two areas he believe should be investigated by the federal government on his list.

Read more at Business Insider here.

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship. Follow him on Twitter @LucasNolan_ or email him at

Alex Marlow on Big Tech Censorship with Larry Elder: If You Control the News, You Control the Vote

Alex Marlow speaking with attendees at the 2018 Student Action Summit hosted by Turning Point USA at the Palm Beach County Convention Center in West Palm Beach, Florida. Please attribute to Gage Skidmore if used elsewhere.
Gage Skidmore/Flickr

Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow discussed the impact of Big Tech censorship and its control over the flow of digital information on Wednesday’s edition of Larry Elder’s eponymous radio program.

“If you are controlling the news — if you’re controlling the information people read — you’re controlling hearts and minds, and in my opinion, you’re controlling the vote,” Marlow determined.

Facebook’s “news tab” is primarily curated by the company’s own selected “team of journalists” despite being marketed as a personalized and organic news consumption experience based on users’ individual preferences.

Marlow said, “[The Facebook] news tab is largely going to be exactly the same, pretty much from person to person. So your feed — if you’re just logging in as yourself or on your page for the Larry Elder Show — then that is going be something that’ll be somewhat tailored to you, though again, they’re tricky with that. The news tab is something that they put out [framed as] the biggest stories going on, and they’re favoring the establishment media.”

Marlow recalled a recent report from the Wall Street Journal revealing Facebook’s suppression of Breitbart News’s reach across its platform via algorithmic manipulation.

“The Wall Street Journal put out an article that I believe was designed to sort of be a hit piece on Breitbart, but it turned out to reveal that Facebook had diminished our traffic by 20 percent,” he remarked. “In the meantime, they’re boosting other people’s traffic just simply by changing their algorithms to take away the content their own users want. Just remember that. They were engaging with Breitbart’s content, and they had to change the algorithm to diminish us.”

Marlow said Breitbart News experienced the most significant reduction in traffic on Facebook relative to other conservative news media outlets following the technology giant’s recent change to its algorithms.

“We’re regarded as the biggest threat to the establishment, for whatever reason, which I’m quite proud of,” he said of Breitbart News.

He said, “I do believe that there’s a role for breaking up some of these companies when they get too big. Unfortunately, the government’s the last resort, but they’re just monopolizing information, and now they’re censoring the facts and promoting what I believe are falsehoods.”

Marlow concluded, “Whoever controls the information controls the electorate.”


In today's election, yours is a choice between freedom and globalism


By Mark Christian

I know something about both freedom and globalism.  What I know is that you cannot have both, which is why I immigrated to America, the world's last stronghold of freedom. 

In the way of background, I grew up in a prominent Muslim family in Egypt and became an imam at an early age.  Like Christianity, Islam is a global religion.  Unlike Christianity, Islam imposes an imperial global vision on true believers and denies them freedom of thought and movement.

Progressive globalism does much the same.  Although Islam and progressivism would seem to have nothing in common, they do share one overriding goal: the need to crush traditional American Christianity, the one obstacle to world dominance in either case.  At some point, Islam and progressivism will part ways, but for now, they are content to "coexist."

Progressive leaders turn a blind eye to the slaughter of Christians at a church in France or the shooting of a priest in another church or the beheading of a French teacher for daring to show a picture of Mohammed, the prophet of Islam.  In countries like France, leftists have been responsible for as much church vandalism as Muslims, maybe more.  For now, the left and Islam are allies.  The result of the failed immigration policies and the rabid push of atheism by most European governments has made their combined mayhem possible.

The mayhem has been papered over with lies, which is why Joe Biden makes such a perfect front man for the global elites.  Biden has lied about almost everything in his life.  Where to begin?

Biden lied about his undergraduate degree and

 his majors, lied about his rank in law school,

lied  aboutscholarships and educational aid he

had  received, lied about his stance toward the

Vietnam  war while in college, lied about his

plagiarism of  other politician's writings

andspeeches, lied about  the circumstances around

his first wife's fatal  accident, lied about how he met

his second and  current wife, and lied about the

affair they were having when they were

both married.


Joe Biden is the embodiment of the dark side of American politics.

When the Vietnam war ended, and our troops needed funding to evacuate gracefully, Joe Biden stood in the way.  His obstruction led to Saigon's fall and the disgraceful flight of American troops and personnel off the American embassy's rooftop in Vietnam.

When President Ford pleaded with Congress to help the Vietnamese refugees, the ones who were aiding Americans during the war, Joe Biden stood in the way.  Even though many of these refugees were orphan children, Joe Biden called them criminals and prostitutes on the Senate floor.

Most recently and dramatically, Biden lied about his knowledge of his son's shady dealings,  lied about his own involvement in corruption and bribery, and lied about his current presidential agenda and what he wants to implement in regards to energy, fracking, court-

packing, health care, education, and COVID among other issues.

Biden has lied about so much that I am not sure if he ever told the truth or is now even capable of doing so.  Thanks to Big Tech's and Big Media's suppression of his record, he can present himself as a man of character and high morals.  We must feel sorry for the multitude of gullible Americans who believe him.

Do not be a fool and believe for a second that the elites hate Trump because of his tweets or because he is allegedly a sexist, a rapist, a racist, or a foreign agent.  Nor do they hate him because of the pandemic death toll.

In reality, the elites hate Trump because of "YOU," because you elected a man they did not nominate and could not control.  I have never seen global anticipation for an American election like this one.  The world is watching.  The progressive and Islamic elites are pulling for Biden, but lovers of freedom all over the world are quietly cheering for Trump.  If you have yet to vote, be sure to vote today and give them something to cheer about.

Image: Biden the globalist by Andrea Widburg.

Likewise, the Biden-Harris plan for national immigration policy — which seeks to drive up legal and illegal immigration levels to their highest levels in decades — offers a flooded labor market with low wages for U.S. workers and increased bargaining power for big

business that has long been supported by Wall Street.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.



Valley Insiders Added to Biden Transition Team





After an election year in which the tech giants repeatedly interfered in the election against President Donald Trump, Joe Biden is now rewarding Silicon Valley by appointing insiders to a range of roles in his transition team.


Shortly after election night, the Financial Times reported that former Google CEO Eric Schmidt is being considered to lead a key tech task force inside the White House.

As Politico recently reported, four more Google and Facebook emp


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