Friday, November 5, 2021

THE BLACK LIVES MATTER HOAX - The Racial Hoax That's Killing America


The Racial Hoax That's Killing America

David Horowitz’s new book pounds a leftist lie into dust.


[Order David Horowitz's new book -- I Can't Breathe: How a Racial Hoax Is Killing AmericaHERE.]

We live in an age of many lies, and David Horowitz’s I Can’t Breathe lays bare what is perhaps the most destructive lie of them all: the claim that America is a congenitally racist nation where, as Vice President Kamala Harris puts it, black people have “never been treated as fully human.” This lie has colossal implications, for it has caused countless millions of African Americans to view themselves as nothing more than pathetic, eternal victims of contemptible white oppressors, while simultaneously causing untold millions of well-meaning, non-racist whites to rebel angrily against being wrongly smeared as bigots. If ever a lie was destined to poison race relations and breed mutual contempt between blacks and whites, it is this one. But now, with a stirring assault of hard facts and blunt candor, I Can’t Breathe pounds and grinds this leftist lie into dust. In the process, the book exposes Black Lives Matter (BLM) as a violent, malevolent movement founded by Marxist revolutionaries whose principal objective is not to promote racial justice, but to foment a race war that will tear our nation apart by any means necessary.

The book begins its assault by citing, on the very first page, “the disturbing video that recorded the last breaths of George Floyd” in May 2020 and sparked “one of the greatest eruptions of lawlessness and violence in American history.” It points out that not only did BLM activists play leading roles in about 95 percent of the more than 600 violent riots in 200+ cities that broke out shortly Floyd’s death, but that the organization’s foremost leaders steadfastly refused to condemn that violence. This, notes Horowitz, was “in direct contrast to the Civil Rights Movement leaders of the 1960s, who insisted on the principle of non-violence and whose demonstrations were not accompanied by attacks on police or the destruction of local businesses.”

I Can’t Breathe makes it clear that although BLM has chosen to break from the non-violent traditions of past civil rights crusaders, it is no mere fringe movement. Rather, it has evolved into a massive social phenomenon whose influence is enabled by mountains of cash donated by tax-exempt foundations, major American corporations, and millionaires and billionaires from all walks of life.

Moreover, the book explains, BLM has enjoyed the devoted and unwavering support of the Democratic Party, whose National Committee in 2015 went so far as to pass a resolution formally “affirming” the merits of BLM’s crusade against the supposed epidemic of “extrajudicial killings of unarmed African American[s]” in a nation where blacks are routinely “stripped of their dignity under the vestiges of slavery, Jim Crow and White Supremacy.” The Democratic Party’s foremost luminaries – the Obamas, the Clintons, Kamala Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, and a multitude of others – have gushed with praise for BLM and its ideals. During the Obama years, for instance, BLM leaders were invited multiple times to the White House, where they often had an audience with the president himself.

Throughout 2020, Democrats and leftist media outlets – claiming that 11,000+ “peaceful protests” had been held at more than 2,000 distinct locations across the country – argued that BLM’s public demonstrations were “mostly peaceful” expressions of dissent protected by the First Amendment. But Horowitz points out that their assertion is wholly illegitimate, in light of the fact that even those “peaceful” events: (a) “advanced the same Black Lives Matter indictment of America as a systemically racist society,” and (b) were most often “staged during the daytime and then regularly morphed into riots under cover of night.” In other words, writes the author, it is “difficult to regard the ‘peaceful protests’ as distinct and separate from the violence, rather than as fraternal accessories to it.”

As BLM’s toxic message intimidated and devoured one American institution after another throughout 2020, it became clear that Democratic political leaders across the country had neither any intention of standing up in defense of law-enforcement, nor any inclination to reject BLM's “Defund the Police” initiatives which were gaining traction among the left. As a result, police officers quickly concluded that the Democrats who ran their respective cities could not be counted upon to back them up in any meaningful way, and that their own law-enforcement careers, their pensions, and indeed their very lives, could suddenly go up in smoke if ever there came a moment when they might need to use deadly physical force against a black criminal suspect. Thus, the police understandably became reluctant to engage criminal suspects except where absolutely necessary. This trend, coupled with the considerable destructive energies of hordes of newly emboldened criminals, led to a sudden upsurge of violence that dwarfed anything ever before seen in American history. The national homicide total rose from 16,669 in 2019, to 21,570 in 2020 – thanks mostly to the climate of violence created by BLM and its ideological allies.

Not at all chastened by the fact that its raging rhetoric and violent orientation was directly responsible for America’s national bloodbath of 2020, BLM has been relentless in claiming that the racism of police officers -- and of white America more broadly -- constitute the deadliest threats to black lives in the U.S.  Addressing this allegation with unapologetic bluntness, I Can’t Breathe deploys a vast array of facts and statistics which reduce it from a bonfire of wild accusations to a faint, smoldering ember deprived of the intellectual oxygen it needs in order to sustain itself.

The book also examines the cases of the most significant and highly publicized “martyrs” mourned and lionized by the BLM movement – i.e., blacks whose deaths resulted, for the most part, from violent interactions with white police officers. When one reads the accounts of their deaths, the pattern that emerges is unmistakable: In case after case, the martyrs were longtime hardened and violent criminals with volcanic tempers who refused to cooperate with police, often fled from police, and sometimes even tried to murder police. Moreover, in many instances the suspects were severely impaired by their recent consumption of large quantities of alcohol or mind-altering drugs. The absurdity of blaming police for being unable to reach harmonious resolutions with such disturbed characters, is self-evident to anyone who reads the damning summaries of these encounters.

Notably, I Can’t Breathe does not turn a blind eye to incidents where police officers, under tragic and sometimes chaotic circumstances, have killed black individuals who could not, in any way, be described as out-of-control menaces. Consider, for instance, the 2014 police shooting of 12-year-old Tamir Rice, a black Cleveland youth who was in a public place brandishing a toy gun that was an exact replica of a Colt M1911 semi-automatic pistol. Rice was shot by an officer who thought the boy was raising the gun in preparation to shoot at him. While some critics, in hindsight, contend that the shooting of Rice may not have been necessary, the officer who had to make a split-second, life-or-death decision did not have the same benefit of hindsight in that fateful moment.

In a similarly tragic situation, a young black man named Philando Castile was shot and killed by a Minnesota policeman who apparently misinterpreted what Castile was intending to do with a handgun in his possession and made a split-second – seemingly panicked -- decision to discharge his weapon. In a nation where 700,000 police officers engage in countless millions of encounters with civilians each year, it is inevitable that some of them will occasionally make mistakes – just as some lawyers and civil rights activists will make mistakes, and just as some longtime felons and their acquaintances will make mistakes. Tragedies happen, sometimes even to people with the best of intentions. But when BLM seizes upon such incidents in order to exploit them as evidence of a white war against black innocents, the organization’s dishonesty and malevolence stand out in bold relief.

“If Black Lives Matter were a civil rights organization,” Horowitz trenchantly observes, “one would reasonably expect its patron figure to be Martin Luther King, and its aspiration to be King’s vision of a race-free America where individuals are judged on their merits and not by their skin color. Instead, the revered figure and inspirational icon for Black Lives Matter activists is a designated terrorist and convicted cop killer: Assata Shakur.” Formerly known as Joanne Chesimard, Shakur is a lifelong Marxist revolutionary who once belonged to the Black Liberation Army, an organization that achieved its fame by robbing banks and murdering cops. Having escaped from prison in 1979 with the help of left-wing terrorists, Shakur has lived for decades as a fugitive in Communist Cuba. Indeed, the late Fidel Castro, the sadistic dictator who protected Shakur in his island nation for many years, is yet another revered icon of the BLM movement.

“If Black Lives Matter were a civil rights organization,” Horowitz writes further, “one might reasonably expect its leaders to condemn or at least distance themselves from well-known race haters like Louis Farrakhan and Al Sharpton. But Black Lives Matter leaders embrace both of those demagogues.” Of course it does. What else would one expect from an organization that proudly endorses the Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions movement, a Hamas-inspired initiative designed to crush the state of Israel economically and politically?

And if BLM were indeed a legitimate civil rights organization, surely it would promote the formation of black families – particularly in the present era, where roughly 70% of black babies are born to unmarried mothers in fatherless homes. It is well documented that regardless of race, being raised without a father is the strongest predicter that a child will grow up to experience long-term poverty, psychological and emotional pathologies, and extended prison stays. And yet, in spite of all this, BLM openly disparages “the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure,” in favor of alternative arrangements like “collective” communities and “villages.” Why? For no reason other than because Marx and Engels saw the dissolution and abolition of the traditional nuclear family as a natural and desired outgrowth of “the abolition of private property and the introduction of socialism.” This fact alone serves as proof positive that to Black Lives Matter, the overwhelming majority of black lives don’t matter at all.

In other words, an entire year of racial strife and social upheaval that resulted in the most dramatic, sudden upsurge in homicides that our country has ever seen, was based entirely on a carefully crafted lie injected purposefully into the American psyche by a pack of destructive Marxist revolutionaries who don’t give a damn about black lives, white lives, or purple lives. By making this very demonstrable reality plain to every reader, I Can’t Breathe makes a major contribution to the vital task of finally, and blessedly, casting that lie into the dustbin of evil, discredited dogmas.

The conflict between the reactionary intelligentsia headed by Biden, Pelosi, Obama, and the Clintons and a hardworking middle class supported by Donald Trump and, before him, Ronald Reagan, is the most important political clash of our time.  Reactionaries like Biden want to limit economic opportunity and curtail free speech and meaningful elections.  Their goal is to institute permanent autocratic control by destroying democratic capitalism, and the intelligentsia is facilitating this forced march to serfdom.  It can be stopped only by a tidal wave of resistance at the polls.

The party that opened the floodgates for millions of illegals to flow unchallenged and unverified into the country has driven gravely concerned legal immigrants away from the party. 

Second-Class Citizens in Biden's America

A definition of a second-class citizen is a person belonging to a social, economic, or political group whose rights and opportunities are inferior to those of the dominant group in society.  We are witnessing the societal standing of a large segment of the American people being increasingly diminished by the policies of the Biden administration and numerous current events.  Consequently, the collective standing of today's so-called deplorables is being increasingly relegated by our political system to expendables.

Big Government aligned with left-leaning Big Business, the permanent Administrative State, the mainstream media, Big Tech and social media, the entertainment world, and our educational and academic establishments is in the process of radically transforming our way of government and ultimately the nature of our society.  The parties mentioned above collectively are often referred to as the elites, the Establishment, or the Deep State.  On the other hand, the deplorables constitute a large segment of all middle- and working-class Americans.

These institutions both public and private often operate as monopolies or possess a favored status and are run by leaders who have evolved into powerful and publicly well known oligarchs.  What they all have in common is their devotion to implementing a radical-left agenda in this country and to increasingly use the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and Marxism as the model for governance.  Following in the footsteps of past totalitarian movements, a total war on multiple fronts is being waged without limits by these parties in pursuit of their political objectives and achieving overarching political control.  This active campaign of radical change by the left is all happening even with Joe Biden under an increasingly growing cloud of illegitimacy because of the highly disputed 2020 election. 

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, which originated in the Wuhan lab in China, quickly spread around the world and was the pretext and the spark that ignited operations to overthrow Western-style democracies throughout the world.   The response to COVID-19 was weaponized by the left with the primary objective of defeating President Trump in 2020 by any means possible.  From the start of the widespread outbreak of the virus, comprehensive actions were taken and continue to this day of deliberately making the pandemic a permanent feature of our daily lives.

This campaign endures by subverting any efforts to utilize low-cost therapeutics to provide a proactive way to overcome the threat of the virus.  The objective is to continue the orchestrated ongoing campaign of creating a permanent state of fear and panic in the minds of many Americans to distract them from taking any action or counter the ongoing political subversion of our way of life by the left.  Many members of our professional classes, especially in blue states, remain oblivious to these acts of subversion.

A continuing demand for a 100% vaccinated population, including children, is relentlessly pursued, even with a great deal of evidence pointing to the potential grave consequences to the health of many individuals if this plan continues.  Their policies as regards COVID-19 have produced a multitude of negative consequences, mostly suffered by the deplorables, including, in too many cases, loss of life and, increasingly, loss of employment. 

At risk today by the subversive actions of the radical left is more than simply the loss of individual freedom.  The ongoing struggle has been elevated to be a concerted attack by these parties on the average American's livelihood, family members, community, safety, health, and life.  Government's power and role under Biden have evolved to be feared by an ever-increasing number of Americans.

Nobody is safe if the radical left's vision of America wins.  History has demonstrated that revolutions are deadly affairs for a wide swath of a country's population.  Their vision includes the creation of a one-world political order without national borders, ruled by a global elite unaccountable and operating with indifference and disdain regarding the overall living conditions of ordinary people.

Life will be grim for most if they are allowed to succeed.  We will confront a country with open borders, higher taxes, runaway inflation, rising energy costs, a decreased level of national and personal safety.  We will experience the creation of an ever-increasing powerful surveillance state in conjunction with Big Tech, leading to the death of personal privacy.

The left in power will continue to divide us by sex, race, political affiliation, and vaccine status with identity politics the dominant ideology of the day.  The judicial system is being subverted along with the rule of law, leading to the loss by individuals of their constitutional freedoms.  Our educational system will be increasingly oriented to teaching left-wing orthodoxy rather than vital life skills.  Through digital means, access to information will be controlled and censored by the State.  All will learn to defer to an expanding federal government, which will continue to create ever-expanding sets of regulation, which will dictate every aspect of daily life. 

Left-wing policies will diminish the potential for economic growth, especially among blue-collar workers and the poor, leading to increased dependence on the state.  The ripple effect will negatively lower most American's standard of living, with the ruling class designated to be exempt.

The stakes could not be any higher regarding the future of our nation and most of its citizens.  We have reached one of the most important inflection points in history with the question of what groups and what theory of governance direct our country going forward.

The issues delineating the current conflict are identical to the fierce debates, predating our Founding, that have continued through our history regarding the proper role of government in a democracy.  The deplorables' preference is for a more limited role for government in society.  They desire one that recognizes the roles and rights of sovereign individuals while acknowledging that these rights are derived from a higher power.  Included in this vision is a system of government that also promotes the pursuit of equality between people and the rule of law.

An expanding number of individual concerned citizens, grassroots organizations, and true patriots are fighting on our behalf every day to save our country and return America back to being the shining political beacon for all the world to admire once again.

A growing number of deplorables are working every day across the nation in many of our communities on our behalf more committed than ever before to the guiding principles outlined by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence, one of which is that government derives its powers from those it governs.  Always remember: the history of totalitarian regimes has a track record of catastrophic outcomes.  Therefore, you can't afford to be a bystander to events in these dangerous times.

K.S. Guardiola blogs at "Set the Record - Right!" at and can be reached at

Image: Gage Skidmore via FlickrCC BY-SA 2.0.

How Much Would You Like to Be a Serf?

In her remarkable trilogy entitled The Bourgeois Era, Deirdre McCloskey studies the history, evolution, and importance of the middle class from its rise in Western Europe some 400 years ago to the magnificent heights of affluence and power it enjoys today.  It is the middle class that made Western Europe and America the great powers they have been for centuries and that has created a standard of living beyond anything imaginable before.

From the beginning, the intelligentsia, the modern-day descendants of medieval scholars and scribes, sought to undermine the middle class and to preserve the hierarchical class structure with which they identified.  That is the same autocratic class structure that Hillary had in mind when she labeled ordinary Americans "deplorables" or that explains the creepy hypocrisy of Biden's working-class persona.

While the idea of "lords and ladies" may seem like ancient history, the fact is that the reactionary thinking of the court intelligentsia is still very much with us.  The leaders of today's Democrat party view themselves as more intelligent and entitled than the mass of deplorables whom they were born to govern.

Not just that: The intelligentsia is determined to eliminate the middle class, whose values and political interests are so much opposed to their own insistence on centralized control.  To this end, today's progressives are doing all they can to block the path to the middle class — a path that expanded dramatically under President Trump.  It is not in the left's interest to have a broad, inquisitive, educated, assertive middle class demanding the right to govern themselves.

In place of a large, educated middle class, progressives want to return to the ancient feudal system in which the lives of the peasants were controlled and directed by the aristocracy.  In the feudal system, it was not just the economy that was dominated by the elite; almost every aspect of peasant life was directed by their "betters," including their freedom of movement and association, choice of work, and decisions regarding marriage and raising of children.  Life-and-death decisions such as access to food and shelter were also in the hands of the elite.

It is just such an outdated political system that progressives wish to restore.  Biden's feudal plan to transform America naturally aligns with Marx, another reactionary who was obsessed with destroying liberal democracy and the middle class.  For Marx, "bourgeois" is the ultimate expression of contempt because it denotes a class that has escaped the control of the aristocracy.  Marx was writing at the time of the great transformation of European society from the era of absolute monarchy to democratic capitalism, and he detested the democratization that he saw around him.  His theory of communism is little more than a smokescreen to re-impose absolutism on the rising middle class.

Like all members of the intelligentsia, Marx saw himself as the brains behind an autocratic government of the future that would re-impose control over the masses and suppress democratic freedoms.  While Marx spoke in terms of liberating the masses, what he actually meant was for them to remain masses and not to rise into the middle class.  While the middle class was being eliminated, a process that would last for a very long time if not forever, the masses would be ruled by a vanguard that very much resembles the feudal system of the past — and today's progressivism based on Marxism.

Biden and those around him are hardcore Marxists, and as such they are just the latest act in a long history of antidemocratic politics.  Biden's primary motivation in handing out crumbs like "free" pre-school and daycare (paid for with price increases on everyday necessities) is to ensure permanent control by a reactionary Democrat party rooted in the misguided Marxist thinking of the past.  The intelligentsia believe that the masses require a strong hand to rule over them and that they, the intelligentsia and the autocrats with whom they conspire, are that strong hand.

A core value of the intelligentsia is the belief that they are smarter than ordinary people and that they have the right to rule, even if this involves stealing elections.  Democrats threaten to imprison parents who speak out at school board meetings — can it get any worse than that?

The language that the intelligentsia applied to Obama, and that they briefly applied to Biden, is reminiscent of the language of European courts such as that of Louis XIV.  Obama was the "Sun King" whose influence would illuminate the land, turn back the oceans, block the storms, and drop a plump goose (or a Chevy Suburban) into the hands of every loyal peasant.  Obama and Biden are, in effect, counter-revolutionaries intent on blocking change and imposing a no-growth, socially static rule on America.  That no-growth agenda is reflected in the latest weak GDP inflation-adjusted number of 0.2% — an abyssal number compared to Trump's record-setting performance.

To say that the modern intelligentsia is descended from scholars and scribes does not mean that its members in academe and the media are actually intelligent.  If they were, they would realize how self-defeating their Big Government plans are in a nation where two hundred million voters lean conservative.  Fortunately for us, the intelligentsia are not really thinking about long-term success; they want to pass a flashy "transformative" bill that would confirm their sense of themselves as "smart" leaders.  And again, they are resorting to antidemocratic tactics — shoving the bill through Congress and distorting it in the media before the public has a chance to consider what's in it and what it will cost.  Queen Nancy has none of the charm and grace of Marie Antoinette, but she shares her predecessor's disdain for the cake-eating masses.

The conflict between the reactionary intelligentsia headed by Biden, Pelosi, Obama, and the Clintons and a hardworking middle class supported by Donald Trump and, before him, Ronald Reagan, is the most important political clash of our time.  Reactionaries like Biden want to limit economic opportunity and curtail free speech and meaningful elections.  Their goal is to institute permanent autocratic control by destroying democratic capitalism, and the intelligentsia is facilitating this forced march to serfdom.  It can be stopped only by a tidal wave of resistance at the polls.

Jeffrey Folks is the author of many books and articles on American culture.

Democrats Traipsing Through Strawberry Fields

Strawberry Fields Forever is one of many Beatles hits, a nostalgic remembrance of a piece of land in Liverpool near where John Lennon grew up. A memorable bit of lyric, “Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see” reflects denial or lack of awareness of reality, because “nothing is real, and nothing to get hung about.”

After this past week’s elections, by both results and Democrat reactions to the results, they appear to be in a state of denial, with eyes closed, misunderstanding the will of the voters and most Americans, doubling down on their policies and prescriptions for America.

Glenn Youngkin celebrates on election night (YouTube screengrab)

Start with critical race theory, one of the major issues in school board elections nationwide and in the Virginia gubernatorial race. Former Bush Republican, now a Trump-hating liberal Democrat, MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace declared that critical race theory “isn’t real.”

Her strawberry fields analysis of a Republican sweep in Virginia, the GOP winning the governor, lieutenant governor, and attorney general positions was, "So, I think that the real ominous thing, is that critical race theory, which isn’t real, turned the suburbs 15 points to the Trump-insurrection-endorsed Republican."

Maybe in the cocooned studios of MSNBC, critical race theory is some QAnon or white supremacist conspiracy theory, but to voters it was quite real, and concerning.

If critical race theory is not real, someone should tell Amazon as they offer numerous books on the subject, in education and mathematics, how to teach it in school and how to respond to “microaggressions,” meaning any viewpoint that challenges the CRT agenda.

Defeated gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe told fellow Democrat Chuck Todd shortly before the election that critical race theory has "never been taught" in the state’s public schools and that the fight to ban the theory from school curricula is a "racist dog whistle." McAuliffe also claimed that eventual gubernatorial victor Glenn Youngkin “wants to ban critical race theory.”

Chuck Todd missed the obvious follow up question of why something that doesn’t exist or isn’t taught would need to be banned? Fortunately, Virginia voters asked this question and gave their answer at the ballot box.

MSNBC’s homophobic host Joy Reid also walked through the strawberry fields, oblivious to the education concerns of voters in Virginia and elsewhere, who objected to McAuliffe’s pre-election comment, “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” To the left it’s always about race, even when it isn’t. Fox News reported, “MSNBC's Joy Reid called the issue of education a ‘code’ for White parents who don't want their children to be taught about race during her coverage of the Virginia gubernatorial election Tuesday.”

Education was indeed an important issue for Virginia voters, the second most popular issue behind the economy. While blacks overwhelmingly voted for the Democrat, Hispanics voted for the Republican by a 12 point margin, throwing cold water on the dog whistle racism theory of Democrat pundits.

Those racist Virginia voters also elected Winsome Sears as Virginia’s first woman of color lieutenant governor. Not surprisingly, USA Today chose to ignore this historic milestone as she was the wrong type of black for their tastes.

The real explanation eludes so many in the media, living easily with eyes closed. While calling anyone who votes Republican a racist, White supremacist, insurrectionist, they are oblivious to the real problems facing America and her people.

The Southern border is wide open with anyone from anywhere in the world free to live large in America at US taxpayer expense. President Biden wants to throw cash, Oprah style, to the tune of $450K each at parent and child illegal migrants separated at the border.

Meanwhile the median net worth of all Americans, those working hard, playing by the rules, and voting, is $122K, only a quarter of the Biden created net worth of those here illegally, those not playing by the rules, instead being rewarded by an administration that appears to loathe hard working Americans.

Maybe Americans are fearful of inflation, watching the cost of a tank of fuel or cart of groceries steadily ticking upward while their wages remain flat. Many Americans are waiting for parts for their cars, a home repair, or even Christmas presents, delayed, sitting on a container ship in the Pacific because environmental and labor rules are turning America into Venezuela.

Others are fed up with crime in their cities and neighborhoods, ignored by local and national law enforcement. Rather than keeping America safe, they are fomenting phony protests and so-called insurrections, taking political prisoners, and focusing their attention on parents to have the gall to speak up and hold their local school board responsible for what their children are learning in school.

Aside from Virginia, the pushback is loud and clear. Minneapolis residents soundly rejected replacing the city’s police department with a “department of public safety” after watching their city burn in the wake of the George Floyd death.

A New Jersey truck driver spent $153 unseating the longest-running  New Jersey state senate president. A teacher who “peacefully and patriotically” protested at the US Capitol on January 6, who subsequently resigned from his teaching position, won a school board seat in Massachusetts.

The Washington Post may choose to misunderstand and believe this is all post Donald Trump, his growing irrelevance having no effect on the election. Good luck with that. The former president’s four endorsed candidates in Tuesday’s elections all won.

Democrats can keep up their charade, living with eyes closed, misunderstanding all they see, as they confidently head for the cliffs of 2022 and 2024. For once, Vice President Kamala Harris may be right, “What happens in Virginia will in large part determine what happens in 2022, 2024 and on.”

It’s not time for Republicans to get cocky but know that their strategy, at least as of this week, is working. Keep it up and let the Democrats wander in the strawberry fields forever.

Brian C Joondeph, MD, is a physician and writer. On Twitter as @retinaldoctor.

Is the wall of delusional Democrat dominance crumbling?

I can't begin to tell you, as an overseas observer, how refreshing it was to see the results of recent American state and local elections.

As someone who had become convinced that America had gone completely off the rails in a dogged pursuit of Marxist insanity by a malevolent Politburo whose central policy was to control the people and change the demographics of the country, making it impossible for them ever to lose power, it was inspiring to see the common folk rise up and express themselves in overwhelming numbers, setting back the woke regressive agenda of their leaders. 

It had seemed that Americans, regimented by federal and local mandates, had become compliant citizens, except for vaccination-refusing hospital workers, truckers, airline crews and ground staff, factory workers, teachers, firemen, police officers, and parents, who were all defined as extremists, racists, and domestic terrorists by the Democrat Politburo and their propaganda media outlets. 

Some results were shockingly amazing.  A truck driver, spending less than $200 on his primary campaign, hammered the incumbent New Jersey state Senate president.  This really was people over power. 

Virginia is the residential epicenter of Washington power, a given Democrat stronghold.  And yet, the Deep State got hammered as we witnessed the divide between the Democrat D.C. elite and the common folk. 

Terry McAuliffe showed off his friends.  Obama, Biden, and Harris all turned up to boogie with the non-dancer, and voters saw how out of touch these people really are. 

McAuliffe slapped parents in the face, telling them they don't decide what their kids are to be taught.  When they protested about the racism and gender dysphoria brainwashing, they were defined as "extremists" and "domestic terrorists," to be manhandled and evicted from school board meetings and threatened with arrest, as was one irate father who had the temerity to complain about his 14-year-old daughter's rape in a school bathroom. 

Of course, parents are angry.  Who wouldn't be?  I guess Barrack Obama is one.  He turned up at a McAuliffe rally to tell voters that parents who protest their children's indoctrination are part of "a phony Trumped up culture war."

Parents winced at Obama's accusation that they were nothing more than racists for supporting the policies of the man who swept away Obama's attempt to "fundamentally change America" with a free-market economy that gave voters freedom, lower energy costs, and lower taxes. 

By their vote, they told the elite that they don't want their country fundamentally changed and they hate what the Democrats have done to them and their country in 2021.  That's why they gave victory to a businessman outsider who spoke their language and expressed their thoughts. 

Throughout 2021, we heard the constant drumbeat condemning those who did not take the knee to Critical Race Theory and Black Lies Matter as racists and white supremacists.  That America is a nation born in hate and festering in racism. 

In Virginia, that lie exploded with the election of Winsome Sears.

Winsome Sears is an immigrant from Jamaica who was elected to be the first Black female Virginia lieutenant governor.  She fits the image perfectly for the likes of CNN and NBC.  Even Vogue would be all over her.  Except for one thing: She is a Republican.  So, the Democrat-supporting media studiously ignored her success.  It was as if she didn't exist. 

Worse still, she said she was willing to die for her country.  That's not the message that BLM and CRT want you to hear.  So no airtime for her. 

She went on to say, "I don't know if you noticed, but I am Black, and I have been Black all my life, but this is not what this is all about."

They hated that message.  It's the message of an abandoned Martin Luther King, one of content of character rather than skin color, and it took a Black Republican migrant to break through the racist rubbish that has been rammed down the throats of Americans since the Democrats gained power.

What Virginia showed America and the world is that Black and Latino voters are moving away from the Democrat party in large numbers.  Even Democrats are voting for non-Democrat candidates if their message reflects their individual feelings and needs. 

The party that opened the floodgates for millions of illegals to flow unchallenged and unverified into the country has driven gravely concerned legal immigrants away from the party. 

Damaging Democrat policies have many fearful for the future of America.  Asian immigrant Xi Van Fleet said she had stumped for Youngkin by standing out in the cold and rain for nine hours to volunteer for her chosen candidate.  His values resembled hers.

The Democrat media were oblivious to all of this.  Instead, they, like McAuliffe, remain fixated on Donald Trump, and recent election results have put them into Trump meltdown.  They are scared to death of a potential groundswell that will bring Trump back to power in 2024.  As CNN pundit Van Jones put it, the elections were "the Delta variant of Trumpism."

Hypocritical Rachel Maddow complained on MSNBC that "Fox built their primetime around the elections for months."  Pretty rich for a Democrat media outlet that spent years doing nothing but lie about Trump and making out that Republican voters are white racists. 

Joy Reid said the Virginia election was about education, which, for her, "is a code for white parents who don't like the idea of teaching about race."

The whole conversation of the mad Marxist media is summed up in three obsessive words — race, White, and Trump.  If you don't accept their lying propaganda, you are a racist, an extremist, or a potential terrorist. 

Along with this madness has been their anti-police policies, which seemed insane to outsiders but are wildly popular with Democrat policy-makers, particularly those in high crime cities and states whose policies are to disband the police and not arrest or imprison dangerous criminals.  Suddenly, we heard from the voters, and their message was the reverse of everything we had heard for the last three years.

In Minneapolis, hardcore "defund the police" George Floyd territory, and home turf for radicals such as Ilhan Omar, voters overwhelmingly rejected a proposal to replace the police department with an experimental social service/public health alternative.  Voters know that an area without police is infinitely a more dangerous place.

There is a long way to go, but the sight of commonsense voters expressing themselves and winning in dominant but delusional Democrat strongholds is encouraging.

Barry Shaw, Israel Institute for Strategic Studies.

Photo credit: YouTube screen grab (cropped).

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