Tuesday, November 23, 2021



The Disturbing And Shocking Plan To Replace Kamala Harris

Viewing America from outside the country adds a semi-neutral perspective on news and events. I’ve been told there’s value in hearing an outside viewpoint about people more intimately tied to the emotional maelstrom of unfolding events. Conversely, I find it helpful to receive information from people in the know, which adds to the volume and depth of my research. When it comes to Kamala Harris’s floundering, I’ve been hearing shocking gossip.

I received this gossip directly from a Washington insider, It will be difficult to confirm until it happens, if it happens. I hesitated before sharing it with you. I still have doubts over the wisdom of writing about it, but it points to cogs currently in motion behind closed doors.

On November 18, CNN published an article entitled Exasperation and Dysfunction: Inside Kamala Harris’s frustrating start as vice president.” The article speaks about “a rocky relationship with some parts of the White House.” It refers to “signs of disloyalty” from the vice president. This could have to do with Harris’s views on Biden’s almost daily faux pas or the fact that Harris has failed to do what is required of her, with the border crisis as one glaring example.

The suspicion of an impasse between the Biden and Harris camps came to the fore with gossip/information I received last week.

The bad blood between them stems from Jill Biden, wife of the President, who, I heard, hates Kamala Harris. It goes back to when Harris accused Biden of being a racist during the televised Democrat presidential debates.

That hurt for two reasons. Biden has a troubling past over race issues based on his incriminating comments throughout the years and his close friendships with Strom Thurmond and Robert Byrd. Given the racial climate of left-wing politics, Jill Biden knew this could have seriously damaged her husband’s chances of reaching the White House, a goal she was as determined to achieve as her husband.

Jill Biden also knew that Harris had intimately attached herself to the radical wing of the Democrat Party and that this could have swung the decision against her husband, particularly if her husband’s past became a major issue.

In the end, Harris was never a major contender. The establishment insiders worked to keep her low in the polls and, eventually, she dropped out of the race.

Image: Kamala Harris (edited in befunky). YouTube Screen grab.

Even then, when names were being selected to be Biden’s running mate, establishment insiders favored Amy Klobuchar but were persuaded that picking Kamala Harris as potential VP had a more successful PR ring to it. With Biden as their president, they had to raise the ante to beat Trump and Pence. They surrendered their bias and chose Harris.

But now, as things have soured between the two camps, they are looking at Biden’s mental deterioration and lack of stamina and are running scared that Biden may soon have to resign as president, in which case Kamala Harris will walk into the Oval Office.

One of the things that scares them as much as it does the Republicans is that President Harris would promote a member of the Squad to become the next House leader, replacing a probably retiring Nancy Pelosi.

So, behind the scenes, the cabal is plotting a succession acceptable to them. It begins with the premise that Harris must go before Biden does.

Two names were mulled over. They see Pete Buttigieg as a malleable young figurehead, figurehead being the operative word. The movers and shakers wanted someone in the Oval Office, like Biden, who will do their bidding over policies and budgets. However, Buttigieg is too much of a lightweight. He just proved himself to be a failure as Transport Secretary. He spent over two months at home feeding the baby as hundreds of freighters and tankers were unable to offload their cargo because thousands of truck drivers went missing.

The other name that is a constant is Hillary Clinton. This is probably due to Hillary Clinton constantly pushing herself for the job. The problem with Hillary Clinton is that, although they consider she’d be a capable vice president, would she be able to beat Donald Trump in 2024 should The Donald decide to take his title back? The answer is no.

The answer is clear, the problem is solved, according to my source, by selecting Michelle Obama. Money, the machinery of power, the media will be behind her.

The reason she could not be persuaded to run for President in 2020 was that she was afraid of being defeated. That problem is solved if she is eased into power in stages. First, she will be called upon to fill the vice-presidential vacancy a departing Kamala Harris would leave. And then, probably before the 2022 mid-term elections, Biden will be asked to step down gracefully by those pulling the strings, and by Jill Biden as well, to allow Michelle Obama to become the caretaker president leading up to 2024.

This will, they hope, swing the polling in their favor for the Primaries.

Race and gender will be an even louder drumbeat leading up to 2024 with Michelle Obama in the White House. By 2024, the propaganda will be so loud that it will be considered treasonous for the people to vote against a Black, female president in 2024.

Democrats will ensure that race will remain the front and center issue in American society. This is the scenario that is being plotted behind closed doors in Washington DC.

Barry Shaw is the international public diplomacy director at the Israel Institute for Strategic Studies.

Kamala Harris trapped in intersectional Hell

People are scratching their heads over how or why Kamala Harris got to be vice president.  Obviously, she checks all the boxes: two X-chromosomes, other than white complexion, and sort of to the left of Karl Marx.  Other than vicious ambition, however, she lacks any actual talent.

Historically, vice presidents have served various specific functions.  Spiro Agnew was Nixon's lightning rod, attracting the incoming away from the top of the ticket.  Dick Cheney added "gravitas" to the Dubya presidency, also known as "ticket balance."  Lyndon Johnson and Bush the elder balanced their tickets by being the principal rival of the presidential nominee, assumedly to unify the party.  And there's always impeachment/assassination insurance, as provided by someone such as Dan Quayle.  Harris's role appears to be similar in being 25th Amendment insurance, for which she is well suited.

Attention is now being focused on Harris since Biden's second term has already been pre-emptively thrown into the dustbin of history.  In the spirit of intersectionality, former South Bend, Indiana mayor and current DOT secretary Pete Buttigieg is also being looked at for 2024.  How he will manage to disassociate himself from the supply chain SNAFU that is currently pissing-off most of the public remains to be figured out.

It is important to note that in the entire history of the United States, a sitting vice president has been elected president only twice.  When Bush the elder defeated Michael Dukakis in the election of 1988, he thanked Martin van Buren as the only other vice president to make the grade, sarcastically implying that Van Buren was a trend-setter.

The underlying defect in this process of winning electoral popularity only by checking off the intersectional boxes is that only what is nominated matters and not who.  An old political truism boils down to "you can't beat somebody with nobody."  Harris occasionally wears a skirt and has at least some African DNA; her ability to function as an executive was never considered.

We are witnessing the collapse of a centuries-old political institution.  Although it couldn't happen to a more deserving gaggle of demagogues, it is still doing damage to our republic.  In politics and business, competition is essential to maintain quality.  Without a credible Democrat party, the Republicans may devolve into the corrupt villainy that is destroying the Democrats. 

Meanwhile, knowledge of the impending electoral disaster has also reached the militant leftists among the Democrats.  Rather than reconcile with the "moderates" who are struggling to survive, I fear they are beginning to double down on their radical agenda.  This could be considered a form of political kamikaze, a suicide plunge into the heart of the enemy.  The next skirmish will likely be the Senate's vote on the "Reconciliation" multi-trillion boondoggle bill which got through the House by only seven votes.

I am inclined to prefer divided government.  When all the parts are unified, they tend to get more things done, most of which are bad.  Stagnant, constipated government is a good thing, since most of what they try to do is stuff better done by ordinary people acting in their own interest.  The public's attention is at long last being focused on how government is the problem and not the solution.  Where this will lead is still up for grabs.  It has a lot to do with polling and elections hence, and what kind of spin the news media injects into the mix.

Speaking of the news media, there may be a transition happening there, too.  I just heard on NPR jokes being made about Biden's age and perceived feeble-mindedness.  Really?  Harris's lack of popularity is no secret, and her ability to recover has never been shown.

Image: Gage Skidmore via FlickrCC BY-SA 2.0.

Americans are enduring a Biden reign of terror

Prisoners with no criminal history are being held without bail or due process in the D.C. jail where they are regularly abused by guards.  

Parents who show up at school board meetings to address their concerns about COVID mandates or the CRT curriculum are being tagged as domestic terrorists.  

Moms who have become active in election integrity campaigns have had their front doors broken down with battering rams by an FBI SWAT team, their homes searched, their electronics confiscated, all without an explanation or civil attempt to contact their legal representation.  

Journalist James O’Keefe of Project Veritas had his home raided by the FBI, his home searched for hours, his personal property confiscated and leaked to the NYT.  

Many people who were merely present at the January 6 rally in DC have endured police state tactics.  

We are beset with radical leftist governors and district attorneys who are committed to letting violent criminals run free on the streets while Biden’s AG conspires with Marxist school board members to criminalize parents and law-abiding citizens.  

Our CDC takes orders from the teachers’ unions, not physicians or scientists to develop harsh and unneccessary mandates and restrictions.  

And worst of all, a megalomaniacal monster, Anthony Fauci and his pal Bill Gates, have seen to it that half a million people have died rather than be treated with existing therapeutics for a flu with a nearly 99% survival rate.  See Robert F. Kennedy’s book, The Real Anthony Fauci

As totalitarianism rears its ugly head all across Europe and Australiahundreds of thousands of protestors ignored by their governments or, as in Austria, are fired upon, or, as in Australia, are rounded up and sent off to COVID camps.  No doubt such tactics are what our lot has in store for us, at least in states with like-minded authoritarian governors.  

Americans had better wake up to what the members of the great reset club have in mind for us:  Preventing the vax-resistant from working, entering places of business, restaurants, bars and grocery stores, etc.  They will prevent those fired for resisting the vaccine from receiving unemployment benefits, pensions, medical treatment and even health insurance. The same draconian measures are applying to military personnel as well.   The government may even try to prevent the families of those who die unvaccinated from receiving death benefits.  This is a very nasty bunch of self-appointed tyrants who think their COVID fear porn will bring us all to heel.  It is time to man up and fight back with everything we’ve got. 

Thankfully, there are thousands of doctors, virologists, epidemiologists who are fighting back.  

From the outset of this pandemic, experts with differing opinions, have been cancelled, harassed, their opinions and medical advice suppressed.  They have been fired from their hospitals despite their decades of service and impressive credentials but continue to try to educate the public about the dangers of the vaccines and the success of early treatment with numerous existing and inexpensive drugs like HCQ and ivermectin.  The lengths to which the Fauci/Gates minions have gone to convince the public these drugs are dangerous are shocking.  According to the RFK Jr. book, veritable tons of HCQ and ivermectin were destroyed to keep them out of our hands.  

But these physicians have not given up.  Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA vaccines, and his partners in the crime of expertise from around the world have united to make a declaration stating their commitment to serving patients not political institutions.  

Their Global COVID  Summit site has articles and videos by doctors from all over the world.  They are determined to defeat the worldwide suppression of the knowledge they have gained over the nearly two years of COVID.  Well-funded organizations like Trusted News Initiative, along with the entirety of the mainstream media, Big Pharma and the Biden administration,  have done everything in their power to censor any and every word that deviates from the Fauci vaccine mandate narrative.  

The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant.” (Robespierre).

Dr. Malone is also involved in the Unity Project to fight against vaccinating children, an obscene government plan if there ever was one.  Clearly, given the medical facts of the covid vaccines and the thousands of deaths and injuries they have caused, there has to be a more pernicious agenda afoot.  Bill Gates has always yearned for a reduction of the world population

The Biden administration has taken advantage of our already weaponized law enforcement institutions and made them into his version of East Germany’s Stasi.  The Stasi’s main job was spying on the population, exactly what Merrick Garland has authorized of American citizens.  Political dissent is a crime to this administration.  Such spying is built into Biden’s absurd Build Back Better bill.  If it passes, all bets are off.  Our overlords will have access to our bank accounts, our medical records, our children’s school psychometric records (part of Garland’s son-in-law’s intrusive educational program  he sells to schools.) We will be communist East Germany, Stalinist Russia, Nazi Germany in which the unvaxxed are the persecuted.  Watch the 2006 Academy Award-winning filmThe Lives of Others, set in 1984 East Germany.  That is the direction Biden is taking us.  

The mystery is why isn’t every Republican in Congress standing up and shouting no! from the Capitol steps to all the abuses of the Biden administration?  About the catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan?  Why is not every Republican screaming about the abuse of the Jan. 6 detainees?  The D.C. jail is an America Abu Ghraib.  Why are they not demanding Garland resign?  Why are the bulk of the Republicans leaving the fight to the courageous few?  The only reasonable answer is that they don’t want to rock their personal boat in that lucrative swamp.  They should get out of the way then and let people who love the country more than money take their places.   “Fear is cruel and mean.  The political reigns of terror have been reigns of madness and malignity, a total perversion of opinion; society is upside down, and its best men are thought too bad to live.”  Ralph Waldo Emerson.

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