Friday, January 21, 2022


 “Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton (LAWYERS-2) Foundation and the (LAWYERS-2) Obama book and television deals. Then there is the Biden (LAWYERS-3) family corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the (LAWYER) Warren and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (YOU CAN ADD LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS AND LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER TO THE PATHEION OF DEMOCRAT BRIBES SUCKING CORRUPT LAWYER POLITICIANS!).     


Schweizer: ‘It’s Going to Be Business as Usual’ for Hunter’s Dealings


Joe Biden, the corrupt, unaccomplished 47-year career politician, with a reputation of having been a proud segregationist, an unabashed plagiarist and liar, a resolute tale-teller, and a serial flip-flopper, is pretending to head up a radical social-democratic ticket for President of the United States that includes as his running mate the ambitious, disagreeable junior senator from California: Kamala Harris. 

I’d be inclined to disagree with Don except for one thing: Biden has proven to be a very adept criminal mastermind. For decades, he has funneled millions of dollars to his children and siblings and, especially, to his debauched, deviant son, Hunter. 

                                                             ANDREA WIDBURG

Bernie Sanders on Republicans: ‘They Know in Their Hearts…Trump Is a Pathological Liar’

By Staff | January 20, 2022 | 3:36pm EST

(Screen Capture)
(Screen Capture)

( - Sen. Bernie Sanders (I.-Vt.) delivered a speech on the Senate floor yesterday where he accused Republican leaders of knowing “in their hearts” that former President Donald Trump “is a pathological liar” but refusing to publicly admit it.

“Not only are his statements and actions delusional, they are worse,” Sanders said about Trump.

“In repeating this Big Lie over and over again, he not only cast doubts about the 2020 election, but, in fact, in a disgraceful and unprecedented way for a president, he is undermining the very foundations of American democracy.”

“Shamefully, Republican leaders all across this country, including Republican members of the U.S. Senate, either repeated Trump’s lies or tried to walk a very, very thin line around them,” said Sanders.

“Trump’s one-man dominance over the Republican Party,” Sanders continued, “is now so strong that few Republican officials are prepared to state openly what they know in their hearts to be true, and that is that Trump is a pathological liar and a threat to democracy and this country and our very way of life.”

Here is a transcript of the part of Sanders’ floor speech where he says Republican leaders “know in their hearts…that Trump is a pathological liar:”

Sen. Bernie Sanders: “After the election, Trump and his supporters filed more than 60 lawsuits in State and Federal courts, repeating their false claims and trying to reverse the election results. These lawsuits were rejected time and time again, including with judges whom Trump himself appointed.

"Nonetheless, the former President continued to claim—and to this day continues to claim despite all of the evidence—that the election was stolen and that he actually won in a landslide. Not only are his statements and actions delusional, they are worse. In repeating this Big Lie over and over again, he not only cast doubts about the 2020 election, but, in fact, in a disgraceful and unprecedented way for a President, he is undermining the very foundations of American democracy. Shamefully, Republican leaders all across this country, including Republican Members of the U.S. Senate, either repeated Trump’s lies or tried to walk a very, very thin line around them. Trump’s one-man dominance over the Republican Party is now so strong that few Republican officials are prepared to state openly what they know in their hearts to be true, and that is that Trump is a pathological liar and a threat to democracy and this country and our very way of life.”

Gallup: Biden Approval at 40%, Record High Polarization for First-Year Presidency

By Michael W. Chapman | January 19, 2022 | 2:31pm EST

Democratic President Joe Biden (Getty Images)
Democratic President Joe Biden (Getty Images)

(CNS News) -- A new survey shows that only 40% of American adults approve of President Joe Biden's job performance. In addition, the poll found that political party polarization is the highest on record under Biden, in his first year, even more polarizing than President Donald Trump's first year. 

In the survey, Gallup asked, "Do you approve or disapprove of the way Joe Biden is handling his job as president?"

In response, 40% said approve and 56% said disapprove. Four percent had no opinion.


"After a messy U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in late August, marred by a terrorist attack at the Kabul airport that killed 13 U.S. troops, [Biden's] approval fell further and has yet to show signs of improvement," said Gallup.  

"In the latest survey, 40% of Americans approve and 56% disapprove of the job he is doing, as the U.S. is plagued by the highest inflation in four decades and another surge of COVID-19 cases, this time fueled by the omicron variant of the coronavirus," reported Gallup. 

By political party, Biden has seen the greatest decline among independents. Only "33% approve of the president now compared with ratings of 50% or higher during the first six months of his presidency," said the survey firm. 


Biden has set a record for political party polarization, the difference between Democrats who support him and Republicans who oppose the president. This gap is 83 percentage points.

In Trump's first year the gap was 75 percentage points. 

"Biden's first year in office has come to an end as the anniversary of his inauguration approaches, and he begins his second year on January 20 in a much weaker political position than he began," said Gallup. Unlike Trump, Biden enjoyed an extended honeymoon as president largely because independents evaluated his early performance positively. Once the COVID-19 situation began to take a turn for the worse, independents began to lose faith in Biden, and the Afghanistan situation further eroded their support for him."


"With the midterm elections looming later this year and Biden's job approval stuck in the low 40s, the Democratic Party is facing significant losses of congressional seats," reported Gallup. "If that happens, Biden will have to govern with Republican majorities in his third and fourth years in office, and his ability to pass his agenda will be further hampered."

To read the complete survey, click here.  

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