Friday, January 21, 2022


There’s also the little problem of Hillary’s incredible corruption (making her and Biden birds of a feather). And of course, the fact that Hillary’s unsecure server damaged national security in a way that would have seen an ordinary, politically unconnected person spend the rest of her life in prison—which, not coincidentally, is where Papa Joe belongs for using his debauched son Hunter as the bagman for decades of anti-American corruption. 

                                                                     ANDREA WIDBURG  

Tucker: Here comes Hillary

Special Report: The Hillary Clinton Problem


The Decline and Fall of Kamala Harris

She thought she was a queen, but she was only a pawn.


Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

The end of the Obama era renewed the civil war between the Democrat establishment and the Socialist insurgents. Hillary Clinton, the establishment woman whose loss to Obama had inaugurated 8 years of insurgent rule, faced down a new challenge from the Sanders insurgency.

The next round of the fight in 2020 was a virtual draw with black voters choosing Biden and white lefties backing Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. The Biden administration was a compromise between both wings of the party. Its senior members are establishment while many of their juniors are Warren allies or linked to the Congressional Black Caucus.


Biden was a useful compromise candidate because his age and mental condition made him a “one-and-done” politician whose administration would take the hit by implementing radical policies and coping with the political fallout from the pandemic and runaway inflation.

Except that Biden, who keeps promising to run again, doesn’t seem to know it.

The only member of his administration who is even more clueless than Joe is Kamala. The compromise that put her in the White House was the most misguided one of them all.

Biden had promised the Congressional Black Caucus a black female veep. The CBC wanted one of its own, particularly Rep. Karen Bass, but considering her Castro sympathies and general leftist radicalism, that would have meant writing off Florida and the rest of America.

Instead, Biden, in his only clever move, picked Kamala, a failed primary opponent, not because she was popular, but because she was unpopular. Rather than an affirmation, Biden went over the protests of his own people to select a political human shield. The party of identity politics would never pressure him to step down to make way for this particular “black woman”.

On the political chessboard, Kamala functioned as Biden’s incompetent queen. Her unpopularity protected Biden from any political pressure to step down, but also blocked potential opponents from trying to replace him. When Buttigieg’s efforts to build a platform for a presidential run inside the White House became too public, Kamala brought out the race card.

Kamala was too unpopular to run and too rich with identity politics to be cut out of the race.

Picking Kamala was a brilliant move for Biden. Not so much for Kamala. The mediocre political hack, rapidly elevated to the Senate and then the Veepdom, has little experience in D.C., few political skills, and is incapable of even running any kind of basic organization. The same qualities that wrecked her presidential campaign also devastated her vice presidency.


After her campaign collapsed into feuding between her staff and her sister, history is repeating itself. And once again Kamala can’t decide if she wants to be a radical or a moderate, and is trying to be all things to all people. Like her campaign flip-flopping on socialized medicine, she veers between open borders and immigration enforcement rhetoric, between demonizing Israel and conducting outreach to Jews, without being able to pick a platform and stick with it.


Kamala Harris is far from the only Washington D.C. politician who doesn’t believe in anything, but it’s her inconsistency that makes her appear phony and insincere even to her own people. Her opportunism has always been too blatant to conceal under fake idealism, even more transparently artificial identity politics, or a truly implausible “ordinary woman” facade.


That’s the Hillary problem. And the establishment already made two bad bets on Hillary.

In a party deeply divided between radicals and establishment types, Kamala tried and failed to win the support of both, but is coming away with the support of neither. No one likes her and no one trusts her. And the campaign to undermine her is being waged subtly, but effectively.

Kamala’s top people are leaving because everyone in D.C. understands that she doesn’t have a future. Staffers work for politicians whom they expect will be able to advance their careers. It’s become obvious even among the third and fourth tier people around Kamala that she isn’t going anywhere. And no one with any ambition is likely to stick around and follow her off to the exit.

No longer a senator and a veep no one wants to see in the big chair, she has nowhere to go.

2024 Democrat candidates are making it plain that they don’t see either Biden or Kamala as political threats. In what other administration could a cabinet member like Buttigieg keep his own PAC going for a potential future presidential run against his own boss and Kamala?

This isn’t just palace intrigue, it’s a palace coup.

Buttigieg isn’t the only Democrat aiming at 2024. Senator Cory Booker is going to New Hampshire. Senator Bernie Sanders says that there’s only a “slim” chance he’ll run, but Nina Turner, his campaign co-chair, declared that, “If President Joe Biden does not seek reelection for whatever reason, that makes this a totally open seat. Period,”

As a black woman, Turner is immune to Kamala’s race card even while warning that the Sanders camp will not respect any kind of incumbency by Kamala. That’s not a coincidence.


Both sides expect 2024 to reopen the Democrat civil war. Buttigieg is positioning himself as the establishment candidate and even if the Sanders camp doesn’t run their figurehead, they will likely turn up another candidate to build a completely unearned cult of personality around.

Where does that leave Kamala? Just like in the primaries, nowhere.

Too clueless to realize that her plum job was really a put-up job, Kamala has finally reached the pinnacle of her profession only to discover that it’s really a dead end. If the country continues to be an economic and medical mess, the last thing anyone will want is Biden or his political prop.

Instead, Democrats are likely to embrace a radical change candidate and run against themselves. In an age where the establishment Democrats are just a more moderate breed of radical, the difference between the establishment and the socialists is only skin deep.

But skin deep differences are how voters get scammed by the same political hacks.

Kamala’s problem is that her scam was uninspiring, her invocations of victimhood unconvincing, and her brand was inauthentic. Leftists hate her because she’s phony and the establishment doesn’t want another Hillary. The Congressional Black Caucus resents her because of her covert campaign against Rep. Karen Bass. Her only allies in D.C. are on her payroll.

And that’s not a good place to be.

Kamala thought she was boarding an elevator to the White House, but instead she’s a puppet in the middle of a civil war that she is uniquely incapable of participating in, let alone winning.

Kamala Harris thought she was a queen, now she’s realizing that she’s only a pawn.

Exclusive — Jack Posobiec: Hillary Clinton Is Licking Her Chops as Joe Biden Falls Apart, ‘Putting Together’ an ‘Exploratory Campaign’ for 2024

Former United States Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton gestures after being officially installed as Queen's University's 11th chancellor and the first female chancellor, at Queen's University in Belfast on September 24, 2021. - Hilary Clinton was appointed in January 2020, but has not been able to visit the university in …

Hillary Clinton is contemplating a presidential run in 2024 as she observed President Joe Biden’s physical and political decline, Human Events Senior Editor Jack Posobiec said on Thursday’s edition of the Breitbart News Daily podcast with special guest host Jerome Hudson.

Posobiec remarked, “Hillary Clinton – mark my words – is putting together a potential exploratory campaign to either primary Joe Biden – I’ve been reporting on this at Human Events for over a month, now – to either primary him or run if he does not run.”

He continued, “We know that she’s met with Kamala Harris in the White House, so those two are cooking something up, and now all of a sudden, we see this Wall Street Journal article, Doug Schoen’s out there. Now they’re on CNN talking about, ‘Is Hillary our Beto for 2024?’ This is coming. She is looking for a comeback.”, Doug Schoen’s out there. Now they’re on CNN talking about, ‘Is Hillary our Beto for 2024?’ This is coming. She is looking for a comeback.”

Left-wing news media’s signaling of a Clinton 2024 presidential campaign is indicative of Democrats’ weak list of potential presidential candidates, Posobiec observed.

He remarked, “That’s how bad the Democrats’ bench is. It’s so bad. … They have nowhere else to turn to. Hillary Clinton being the famous – infamous – opportunist that she is, is looking at this situation, she’s reading the tea leaves, and she’s saying, ‘You know what? I can come in and I can beat them in a primary,’ and she might just be right.”

Posobiec said Biden’s Wednesday’s press conference was of particularly interest to Clinton. He stated, “There are three entities who are paying very close attention to that press conference: the leaders of Ukraine, the leaders of Taiwan, and Hillary Clinton.”

Former United States Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton emerges from Queen’s University on being officially installed as Queen’s University’s 11th chancellor and the first female chancellor, in Belfast on September 24, 2021. (PAUL FAITH/AFP via Getty Images)

Republicans should not expect to cruise to midterm victories of congressional majorities without an affirmative vision beyond mere opposition to Democrats’ leftist politics, Posobiec held.

“[Republicans] seem very content to rest on their laurels and ride to victory over the back of Joe Biden and his failures,” he said. “That’s all well and good, but at the same time … if Republicans want to stick the landing, they need to have a strategy to govern from day one, and I haven’t seen that yet, whether it be from Kevin McCarthy or from the Freedom Caucus. I haven’t seen that Republican plan, that conservative agenda to say, ‘We are going to return the country to normalcy.'”

Posobiec is host of Human Events Daily.

The Breitbart News Daily podcast is available for listening and download via Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and Amazon Music.

CNN Op-Ed Claims ‘Everyone’ Excited by Prospect of Hillary’s Comeback

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - OCTOBER 03: Hillary Clinton joins her daughter Chelsea at a Barnes and Noble bookstore to promote their new book "The Book of Gutsy Women" on October 03, 2019 in New York City. The new book by mother and daughter co-authors celebrates women in history, many …
Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Everyone in politics is thrilled by the prospect of failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s political comeback, a CNN op-ed author, Michael D’Antonio, claimed Tuesday.

While Donald Trump defeated Hillary by a sweeping 77 electoral college votes, CNN published an op-ed that alleged “everyone in the political world,” including Democrats and Republicans, are “excited by the prospect” of Hillary returning to politics:

While the mere mention of the Clintons in the context of another presidential campaign offends some and inspires others, everyone in the political world has a reason to be excited by the prospect.

Among her supporters, there must be millions who have recovered from the heartbreak of 2016 and are ready to back her again. Among those who oppose her, the chance to resume battle against the woman they love to hate must surely send hearts racing.

D’Antonio projected that if Hillary were to run in 2024, her ambition would grant her the ascendancy of other politicians like “Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, the first president Bush — who lost either primary or general elections and came back to win the White House.”

D’Antonio also stated Hillary would be the most qualified candidate in 2024, even more than President Joe Biden, who remained on the sidelines in 2016 and let Hillary skate to the nomination.

“Given her experience as First Lady, a United States senator, and Secretary of State, Hillary is one of the most qualified potential presidents in the land,” the article read.

The story accused right-wing media of framing Hillary as a “monster” instead of a “leader,” a narrative that could be rectified if she decides to run in 2024.

But Hillary lost badly in 2016, forcing her to recover “at her home in Chappaqua and only recently began returning to public life,” D’Antonio continued. “It is this resilience that energizes her critics and her supporters at the mere mention of a comeback.”

CNN’s op-ed follows a Wall Street Journal op-ed from last week that trumpeted Hillary as a potential 2024 front-runner.

Written by two Democrat insiders, the op-ed alleged Hillary is an “experienced national figure who is younger than Mr. Biden and can offer a different approach from the disorganized and unpopular one the party is currently taking.”

The Journal’s opinion piece dismissed Vice President Kamala Harris and Biden as legitimate 2024 contenders. Biden’s approval rating is pegged at 33 percent, while Harris’s approval rating in August was marked at the lowest for a VP since the 1970s.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø

Victorious Democrats would also end congressional investigations into the Hillary-Deep State-DNC-Russian-Clinton Foundation collusion and corruption. All the players in these massive, sordid affairs will be deemed “too big to jail” – and too closely tied to the Democratic Party to be investigated further.  Paul Driessen

That is, Hillary’s Durham’s ultimate target and she knows it. Opposition research coordinated between her campaign and the DNC, culminating in the Russia smear that resulted in millions in investigations, as well as warrants, prosecutions, and the continued smear of a United States president, was something that only the candidate could have green-lighted. Hillary Clinton was solely responsible for that Big Lie.

Tucker: Here comes Hillary

Special Report: The Hillary Clinton Problem


“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation and the Obama book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption.                        BRIAN C JOONDEPH







Is it a signal that she's back in the game because she's selling her president-ability to the world's global billionaire crowd and laying the groundwork for more funds?  There are all kinds of ways for foreign billionaires to get money to the U.S. without consequences, after all.  What's more, it's pretty much the biggest base of support she has, which is at least one reason why she lost the 2016 election.


“The couple parlayed lives supposedly spent in “public service”
into admission into the upper stratosphere of American wealth, with incomes in the top 0.1 percent bracket. The source of this vast wealth was a political
machine that might well be dubbed “Clinton, Inc.” This consists essentially of
a seedy money-laundering operation to ensure big business support for the
Clintons’ political ambitions as well as their personal fortunes.


The basic components of the operation are lavishly paid speeches to Wall Street and Fortune 500 audiences, corporate campaign contributions, and donations to the ostensibly philanthropic Clinton Foundation.”


"But what the Clintons do is criminal because they do it wholly at the expense of the American people. And they feel thoroughly entitled to do it: gain power, use it to enrich themselves and their friends. They are amoral, immoral, and venal. Hillary has no core beliefs beyond power and money. That should be clear to every person on the planet by now."  ----  Patricia McCarthy -



They paid a foreign national, a Trump hater, over $10 million to create a dossier full of pure lies. They funneled the money through Democrat operatives at a private law firm.


There’s only one reason why Hillary would think about running again

For all the conservatives who are hand-wringing over the seemingly slow pace of the Durham investigation, there is one person who knows exactly what the special counsel is up to and who he’s closing in on: Hillary Rodham Clinton, and it appears she doesn’t like what’s coming.

If Hillary was in any kind of personal legal jeopardy, what card would she play? Turns out she’s been down that road, back in 2017, and it worked:

The Justice Department’s inspector general announced Thursday he is probing the FBI’s handling of the investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private email server during the 2016 presidential campaign. The decision revived Democrats’ arguments that FBI Director James Comey helped swing the election in Donald Trump’s favor at the same time as he once again finds himself playing a central role in the most sensitive political story of the moment: briefing the President-elect on unsubstantiated allegations that Russia has compromising information about him.

While the drive-by media narrative is that any mention of criminality regarding Hillary is verboten, we also know Biden’s Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation won’t go there. But be assured that Donald Trump, if he decides to run again, will bring up the whole Steele dossier/Trump-Russia collusion thing, no matter who his opponent is. And while the pro-Democrat media will shrug it off as old news, John Durham will not...and he may start handing Clinton bad news soon.

So, what would be the only shield Hillary has available to keep a prosecution away from her?

A run for president.

Image: Hillary Clinton (edited in befunky). Rumble screen grab.

Let’s not forget Hillary doesn’t need to run. Aside from a bruised ego that still refuses to let her give up her sense of being robbed in 2016, she’s living a relatively good life. She has book and podcast deals, and an assortment of potential media deals at the drop of a phone call to the 818 area code. She can drink all the Chardonnay she wants and no one sees her fall over. She knows all that another run for president would bring. But what she also knows is that John Durham could put a serious crimp in her financials, if not her freedom.

That is, Hillary’s Durham’s ultimate target and she knows it. Opposition research coordinated between her campaign and the DNC, culminating in the Russia smear that resulted in millions in investigations, as well as warrants, prosecutions, and the continued smear of a United States president, was something that only the candidate could have green-lighted. Hillary Clinton was solely responsible for that Big Lie.

So, when the pundit class speculates about the motives for yet another Hillary run for the presidency, here’s something else to consider: She wouldn’t be doing so to get a second crack at Trump or try to help the country. It would only be to save her pantsuit-clad derriere. If she does go as far as announcing a run, you’ll know that really bad Durham news is soon to follow. Then, she’ll scream to her friends for sympathy, insisting it’s a political smear.

She would know.

Bob Parks writes at Black & Right/Black & Blonde Media. 

Blue State Blues: John Durham Found the First Evidence of ‘Russia Collusion’ — and Hillary’s Team Did It 


'Should Have Been The Clinton DNC Russian Collusion Investigation': Grassley Laces Into 2016 Dem Nom


Hot sheets: Putin's bed with top Democrats is very, very warm

By Monica Showalter

Democrats for years have accused President Trump of being in bed with Vladimir Putin, but a new investigative report from Daniel Greenfield demonstrates pretty damningly that they're the ones who've been keeping Putin's bed warm.

Greenfield singles out Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer as Exhibit A:

Schumer, along with a number of other top Democrats, is a beneficiary of campaign contributions from top Democrat fundraiser Vincent Roberti whose lobbying firm was paid over $8.5 million by Nord Stream 2 which is owned by Putin's state-run Gazprom energy monopoly.

Roberti, a former Dem politician, has maxed out his donations to Schumer and to Rep. Eric Swalwell, who may have been cheating on Fang Fang with Vladimir, and threw in a generous $171,000 to the DCCC, as part of the over $545,000 donated to the Democrat political machine.

The top Dem bundler is reportedly lobbying on “issues related to the U.S. position toward the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, including potential financial sanctions affecting the project.”

Suddenly, Schumer, who was accusing the GOP and Trump of being in bed with Putin, and demanding that they vote on sanctions, was refusing to hold a floor vote on Russia sanctions.

So Schumer took the Nord Stream 2 lobbyist cash, perhaps under the claim that he was also a bundler, collecting cash from many Democrats, and never mind that cash is fungible, and all of a sudden, he decided to block a vote on any sanctions to the Russian company, which is Putin's top instrument for luring away Western Europe away from NATO and into the Russian orbit?

That curious vote-blocking from him might not be related to the lobbying cash he took from Nord Stream's Man in Washington? Funny how that happens.


All of this comes against a backdrop of continuous phony accusations from him and other Democrats directed against President Trump, claiming the man was a Russian asset, a blackmail target, and a traitor to America. They dined out on this garbage for years, while taking the lobbyist cash (and doing what the lobbyist-cum-bundler wanted for his client) on the side.

Greenfield singles out Schumer, but actually, it's been pretty much all of them. Greenfield reports that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi took the lobbyist cash, and so did her houseboy -- Reps. Eric Swalwell. Other reported beneficiaries have been Senators Richard "CPUSA" Blumenthal, Patty Murray, Catherine Cortez Masto, as well as Joe Biden himself.

If the report is right, they've all taken the king's penny, and surprise, surprise, they just coincidentally do the king's bidding.

It's disgusting. And it sure as heck doesn't serve U.S. national security interests. I'd be curious about where Bernie Sanders figures in all this -- the Russians were rooting for him, not Trump, to win the 2016 as well as 2020 election. In 2016, they calculated that Hillary Clinton with all her machinationsw would actually do it, but they worked hard to leak bad information about her to help Bernie, which in the end, may have drawn voters to Trump. I have no idea if he took lobbying cash or the Russians have some kind of other leverage over him, but their support for him is strange.

But we do know the Russians had Schumer and other Democrats on their string through that bundler (funny how these lobbyist/bundlers turn up a lot in Russian influence affairs, they were very present in the creation and passing around of the Steele dossier, too.)


Seems the Russians know how to play the system with Democrats, through this K Street crowd. And the loudest Democrat voices against Trump were the biggest hypocrites. Hypocrite is indeed the word for this -- saying one thing about the other guy but actually doing it oneself. How do these people live with themselves? And pity poor America, whose security is being sold out for a bundler's farthling.


Insights to Consider Before November

Read this like your future depends upon it.

August 4, 2020 



Here are some interesting points to think about prior to the November election, especially for my friends on the fence, like moderate Democrats, Libertarians and Independents, Never-Trump Republicans, and those thinking of "walking away" from the Democrat party.

Women are upset at Trump’s naughty words. They also bought 80 million copies of 50 Shades of Gray.

Not one feminist has defended Sarah Sanders. It seems women’s rights only matter if those women are liberal. 

No border wall. No voter ID laws. Did you figure it out yet? But wait... there's more.

Chelsea Clinton got out of college and got a job at NBC that paid $900,000 per year. Her mom flies around the country speaking out about white privilege. 

And just like that, they went from being against foreign interference in our elections to allowing non-citizens to vote in our elections.

President Trump’s wall costs less than the Obamacare website. Let that sink in, America.

We are one election away from open borders, socialism, gun confiscation, and full-term abortion nationally. We are fighting evil. 

They sent more troops and armament to arrest Roger Stone than they sent to defend Benghazi.

Sixty years ago, Venezuela was 4th on the world economic freedom index. Today, they are 179th and their citizens are dying of starvation. In only 10 years, Venezuela was destroyed by "democratic socialism".

Russia donated $0.00 to the Trump campaign. Russia donated $145,600,000 to the Clinton Foundation. But Trump was the one investigated.

Nancy Pelosi invited illegal aliens to the State of the Union. President Trump invited victims of illegal aliens to the State of the Union. Let that sink in.

A socialist is basically a communist who doesn’t have the power to take everything from their citizens at gunpoint... yet.

How do you walk 3000 miles across Mexico without food or support and show up at our border 100 pounds overweight and with a cellphone?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wants to ban cars, ban planes, give out universal income and she thinks socialism works. She calls Donald Trump crazy.

Bill Clinton paid $850,000 to Paula Jones to get her to go away. I don’t remember the FBI raiding his lawyer’s office.

I wake up every day and I am grateful that Hillary Clinton is not the president of the United States of America.

The same media that told me Hillary Clinton had a 95% chance of winning now tells me Trump’s approval ratings are low.

“The problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people’s money”— Margaret Thatcher

Maxine Waters opposes voter ID laws; she thinks that they are racist. You need to have a photo ID to attend her town hall meetings.

President Trump said, "They’re not after me. They’re after you. I’m just in their way."

Now, go back and read this again like your future depends upon it. Because it does


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