Monday, January 17, 2022

NARCOMEX ON, UNDER, OVER AND IN JOE BIDEN'S UNDEFENDED BORDER - 2,000 members of Mexican National Guard sent to Tijuana to deal with cartel caused violence

AR Gov. Hutchinson: Biden Admin Has Created ‘Humanitarian Crisis’ at Border — ‘Only Going to Get Worse’

2,000 members of Mexican National Guard sent to Tijuana to deal with cartel caused violence

Ordinary people are taking the law into their own hands to counter cartel threat

“Joe Biden is great on immigration. I guess depends on your perspective. If you’re a human trafficker, or drug dealer, or all those migrants wearing the Biden let us in shirts, you’d give him an A-plus, plus, but the American people would give him an F. The crisis we said our border was not only entirely predictable. It was predicted. I predicted it last fall that if you campaign all year long on open borders, amnesty, and health care for illegals, you’re going to get more migrants at the border. That’s exactly what’s happened every month since the election.”                      SEN. TOM COTTON

Mexico’s Duplicitous ‘Ant Operation’ Moved Tens of Thousands to the U.S. Border Sight Unseen — and Will Again Through 2022

Mexico is now camouflaging mass migration it is supposed to be blocking

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By Todd Bensman on January 17, 2022

Mexican national guard sentries stand guard at the Rio Suchiate border with Guatemala, well-trammeled by U.S.-bound immigrants, January 2022. Photo by Todd Bensman.


TAPACHULA, Mexico — Between August and December 2021, Mexico mired between 30,000 and 50,000 U.S.-bound immigrants behind a bureaucratic dam in this southernmost city near the Guatemala border, requiring permission slips for onward movement that purposefully took months to get. This slow-roll-them strategy, backed by two-week Mexican detentions and deportations for those caught without papers, was done in line with Biden White House pressure on Mexico City to reduce the political damage of a historic illegal mass migration tsunami ahead of this year’s mid-term elections.

But just after Christmas 2021, following almost nonstop civil disturbances by the dammed-up and frustrated immigrants, the Mexican government suddenly solved everyone’s problem with a crafty ruse to send hundreds of thousands of migrants to the American border in the coming year without raising any alarms. According to Mexican immigration officials, journalists, and immigrant beneficiaries, the Mexican government mass-distributed an electronic “QR code visa” to thousands almost overnight, then arranged for their exodus by hundreds of buses in atomized groupings sent across 14 different Mexican states farther north. Most Americans and even Mexicans failed to notice that a huge but purposefully diffused surge of people to the American border had even happened, let alone why.

In Mexico, big clandestine movements like this in recent years have earned the colloquial term “ant operation”, which connotes an informal tactic by which immigrant smugglers move large volumes of people in small distributed parties and individuals in many single-file lines so that most evade the notice of authorities.

But now, the government of Mexico itself appears to have adopted the ant operation model to clear out the 50,000 immigrants it so openly and proudly backed up behind the Tapachula dam as a favor to the Biden administration. It sent the majority streaming toward the American border almost all at once, only diffused in fleets of buses the government arranged — ant lines all but unseen.

“The whole city [of Tapachula] was collapsing because there were so many here in town and they were blocking the roads and causing disruptions ... so that’s why they were moved out,” said Clemente Miguel, director of the local newspaper Noticias de Chiapas. “There’s no infrastructure to hold them all in one area, and no other Mexican state wants them, so they’re intentionally spreading them all out.”

QR code visa

To get this ant operation done quickly, the Mexican government employed a cunning innovation called the “QR code visa.”

The QR code visa is part of an honor-system scheme that asks recipients to voluntarily report to a Mexican immigration office in a particular city by a specified date, ostensibly to apply for and await a more permanent Mexican residency card, copies of the visas show. With this tactic, the government ensured that no huge caravan or Del Rio migrant camp could form that would draw media attention and cause political damage to either the Mexican or American government, or open diplomatic rifts. (A first early Mexican government ant operation in September went awry for lack of sufficient diffusion and caused the Del Rio migrant camp.)

But the American people are already paying the price for insuring governments against political damage.

The Price of Subterfuge

Why would Mexico bother with all the pretense of blocking immigrants in Tapachula until they hit critical mass and the nation is forced to let them all rush forward after a few months?

“It’s double-sided politics,” Miguel, the newspaper publisher, explained. “The immigrants are being told they’re welcome and they’ll be helped. And then [President Andres Manuel Lopez] Obrador is turning around and telling Biden, ‘Don’t worry, we’ll hold them in Mexico.’ That’s the agreement they have. It’s Obrador’s mindset that he wants to be in good standing with migrants and with Biden at the same time.”

But signs abound that a powerful wave of the December QR code visa recipients was already smashing U.S. southern border defenses by mid-January, and tens of thousands are still swamping Border Patrol from Brownsville, Texas, to Yuma, Ariz. Those areas are about a two- or three-day bus ride from Tapachula.

The popular Mexican podcaster and journalist Carmen Aristegui wrote on December 31 that the Mexican government accelerated the transfers of “tens of thousands” of migrants seeking to reach the United States “to various other Mexican regions” and quoted some of them admitting they’d use their new freedom to break for the American border right away. One Cuban woman, for instance, “confessed” that she would use her QR code visa to continue to the United States.

The most credible clue about how this all will go is that QR code visas are showing up crumpled and discarded at Texas and Mexican crossing points along the Rio Grande riverbanks, the newest addition to borderland debris fields.

What can knowing about this do for Americans?

The Boom and Bust Cycle in Tapachula Foretells 2022

The significance of more public understanding about Mexico’s ant operation is that its efforts to put up a big enforcement and blockade show on its own southern border is more than merely phony and ineffective. This presages huge waves of immigrants to the American border every three months, about the time it takes for tens of thousands of newly arriving migrants to show up. Look for QR code visas all over the Rio Grande riverbanks going forward. 

During a post-ant-operation field trip to Tapachula, the Center for Immigration Studies found a less crowded, much-relieved city. But the federal tools of immigration enforcement had returned to the very same pretenses of blocking forward immigrant movement at Tapachula.

The government had halted QR code visa issuances by New Years and returned to requiring the old kind of visas that never seemed to arrive. Mexican immigration agents backed by national guard troops were forcing immigrants to wait beyond their budgets and ability to earn money for sustenance, fueling the same sorts of complaints heard in the weeks before December’s ant operation.

CIS observed teams of unarmed officers, with soldiers for muscle, patrol the city’s center, sweating migrants from Senegal, Angola, and Haiti who, if they couldn’t show the papers, might well end up in a detention center for a couple of weeks, a pretty effective prompt to get the paperwork done.

A group of some 15 Senegalese immigrants in the city’s center had missed the happier QR code days by two weeks and were already voicing the familiar refrains that led to the ant operations of September and December.

“It’s difficult because on the road here we spent all of our money,” one Senegalese managed to say in a mixture of French and Spanish. “I can’t stay here in Mexico because I’m out of money. I used it all up. Please help us to enter into America, all of us Senegalese, my friend.”

CIS saw the officers and national guard soldiers putting on the same show at the well-trammeled Suchiate River water crossings where huge numbers often enter from Guatemala aboard rafts made of inflated truck inner tubes.

Several of the immigration officers said their orders were to direct the new arrivals to government offices where they had to register for the chance to apply for Mexican asylum. Those caught without papers might face expulsion to Guatemala or even beyond.

“Our role more than anything is to make sure that the migration is not illegal but made legal,” one said. “In a way, we just guide them to get their paperwork.”

While government immigration officials declined interviews, the cycle was clearly ginning up a new immigrant population boom that by March or April, if past patterns hold, will send forth to the American border another diffused wave of thousands carrying their QR Code visas, many of which will end up as trash on the banks of the Rio Grande.

Luis Garcia Villagran, coordinator at the Center for Human Dignity, a local migrant advocate who organizes caravans out of Tapachula, recently told the local Diario del Sur newspaper that at least 20,000 more are on the way through the Darien gap jungle passage. The passage delivers immigrants from Colombia in South America to Central America’s Panama.

“You only see a few working or selling, exchanging money, or just hanging out, but I consider that in two or three months, for sure,” Villagran said. “we will see the migration continue to the southern border.”

And probably three months after that, and so on during 2022.

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Tentacles of Mexican Cartels Reach into U.S., Says Rep. Chip Roy


The tentacles of criminal organizations like the Gulf Cartel or the Cartel Del Noreste faction of Los Zetas do not end at the Texas border, said U.S. Congressman Chip Roy.

Congressman Roy made those statements during a series of exclusive interviews with Breitbart Texas as he traveled the Texas border in a fact-finding effort amid the current border crisis, which he attributed to the policies of the Biden Administration. Roy stepped away from the formal congressional delegations to border hotspots like McAllen, Laredo, Carrizo Springs, Eagle Pass, and others.

One of the largest takeaways of those visits is that Mexican cartels have real operational control of the border as Mexico’s government remains unable to do anything about it, Roy said.

“That’s something that the American people don’t fully understand,” he said. “The Mexican government–they can’t have their force mean anything in that area. The cartels have control there.”

However, according to Congressman Roy, the power of the cartels does not end at the border. In some cases, U.S. agencies in San Antonio and others have turned a blind eye to the presence and power of cartels, he said.

In the Rio Grande Valley, the Reynosa faction of the Gulf Cartel has been benefiting from the lack of enforcement at the border, while in Laredo the CDN-Los Zetas are the ones reaping the benefits, Roy said.

“They are the ones making a lot of money moving human beings for profit,” he said.

During those visits, Roy has encountered several groups of migrants, some of those who had been trying to run away from authorities such as in Laredo, while in the Rio Grande Valley, migrants became lost in the brush after crossing the river after not being able to find any agents.

“The word has gotten out that Border Patrol is now distracted,” Roy said, explaining that agents from other sectors have been moved to the Rio Grande Valley to man detention and processing facilities. “What does that mean? You don’t have patrols going out and stopping the flow between the ports of entry. So now we have fentanyl up, pounds of marijuana up, human smuggling between ports of entry up, and that is kind of where your bad guys are generally coming. This is the state of our border.”




This is what America will look like with continued open borders with Narcomex. That is the agenda of the Globalist Democrat party for endless hordes of ‘cheap’ labor.


 Tom Cotton: If You’re a Human Trafficker or Drug Dealer — You’d Give Biden ‘an A-Plus’ on Immigration



Thursday, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) took a jab at the new Biden administration’s approach to immigration policy during an appearance on FNC’s “Fox News Primetime.”

The Arkansas Republican lawmaker questioned the motivations and warned Biden’s policy had consequences for the American public.

“Joe Biden is great on immigration. I guess depends on your perspective. If you’re a human trafficker, or drug dealer, or all those migrants wearing the Biden let us in shirts, you’d give him an A-plus, plus, but the American people would give him an F. The crisis we said our border, Trey, was not only entirely predictable. It was predicted. I predicted it last fall that if you campaign all year long on open borders, amnesty, and health care for illegals, you’re going to get more migrants at the border. That’s exactly what’s happened every month since the election.”

“And the principle is simple,” Cotton continued. “If you let them in, more will come. And that’s what we see with Joe Biden’s administration calling illegal aliens, customers and changing the names of detention centers to reception centers and then giving them tickets for bus rides or plane rides to wherever they want to go inside the country. And as you said, even Mexico is now grown alarmed about this. And they – Mexico knows that whenever Central Americans show up at Mexico’s southern border, they may be seeking asylum there. When they make the journey across Mexico to get to our southern border, they’re not seeking asylum. They’re seeking better jobs and better health care and better communities.”

“It’s understandable, but it’s not what our immigration laws are designed for,” he added. “And it’s not what the American people should be asked to shoulder.”

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor


Tom Cotton: Joe Biden Will Keep Foreign Drug Dealers in U.S.


Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) slammed President Joe Biden’s

administration amid evidence that his deputies want to

minimize the deportation of illegal migrants who are caught

dealing deadly drugs.

“It’s the Biden administration policy to allow illegal aliens to stay in America even after they: -Deal fentanyl and heroin -Commit fraud -Commit assault -Drive drunk -Launder money,” Cotton tweeted February 8.

“More than 80,000 Americans died from drug overdoses last year. And the Biden administration just announced that deporting illegal alien cartel members who deal with fentanyl and heroin is no longer a priority for his administration,” he added.


For more than 20 years, many Americans have been killed by drunk-driving illegals, including many killed after federal and state officials decide not to deport illegals.


It's the Biden administration policy to allow illegal aliens to stay in America even after they:

-Deal fentanyl and heroin
-Commit fraud
-Commit assault
-Drive drunk
-Launder money

— Tom Cotton (@TomCottonAR) February 8, 2021

The Washington Post reported February 7 how Biden’s deputies are changing deportation priorities for the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency:

While ICE’s new operational plans are not yet final, interim instructions sent to senior officials point to a major shift in enforcement. Agents will no longer seek to deport immigrants for crimes such as driving under the influence and assault, and will focus instead on national security threats, recent border crossers and people completing prison and jail terms for aggravated felony convictions.

“Generally, these convictions would not include drug based crimes (less serious offenses), simple assault, DUI, money laundering, property crimes, fraud, tax crimes, solicitation, or charges without convictions,” acting director Tae Johnson told senior officials in a Thursday email advising them on how to operate while new guidelines are finalized.

“The priority for the enforcement of immigration laws will be on those who are imposing a national security threat, of course, a public safety threat, and on recent arrivals,” Biden spokeswoman Jen Psaki said in the February 8 White House press briefing:

Nobody is saying that DUIs or assaults are acceptable behavior, and those arrested for such activities should be tried and sentenced as appropriate by local law enforcement. But we’re talking about the prioritization of who is going to be deported from the country.

The priority list for deportations also excludes migrants who take American’ jobs and wages. This policy will largely abandon the task of protecting Americans’ right to a national labor market.

Biden has repeatedly declared he wants to make the nation’s immigration system more “fair” to migrants. Since January 20, he has minimized deportations, stopped construction of the border wall, offered an amnesty to migrants, broken anti-migration deals with three counties, and has lowered legal barriers to migration.

However, he has said little or nothing about how he will protect Americans’ rights, wages, safe streets, and reasonable housing from foreign criminals or job seekers. A February 2 statement said:

President Biden’s strategy is centered on the basic premise that our country is saferstronger, and more prosperous with a fair, safe and orderly immigration system that welcomes immigrants, keeps families together, and allows people—both newly arrived immigrants and people who have lived here for generations—to more fully contribute to our country.

Amid Biden’s inrush of migrants and shutdown of deportations, more than 20 million Americans are unemployed or are stuck in part-time jobs.

Biden is also rolling back protections for American graduates, who have lost at least one million jobs because Fortune 500 CEOs and their subcontractors have hired more than 1 million foreign graduates for jobs sought by Americans.

In a separate tweet, Cotton lambasted Biden’s team for dropping a rule that would protect American graduate from losing jobs to H-1B graduate visa-workers who are willing to work for low wages in the hope of getting green cards:

Big Tech abuses the H-1B visa program to hire cheap foreign labor instead of Americans. That isn’t good for American workers, but the Biden administration is letting companies get away with it.

— Tom Cotton (@SenTomCotton) February 5, 2021

For years, a wide variety of pollsters have shown deep and broad opposition to labor migration — or the hiring of temporary contract workers into the jobs sought by young U.S. graduates.

The multiracialcross-sexnon-racistclass-basedpriority-driven, and solidarity-themed opposition to labor migration coexists with generally favorable personal feelings toward legal immigrants and immigration in theory.

Joe Biden's deputies attack Americans' right to their own national labor market, by quietly barring the deportation of illegal migrants who take Americans' wages and jobs.
That labor policy helps corporate donors.
But hurts blue collars & college grads.

— Neil Munro (@NeilMunroDC) February 8, 2021


 How Biden helps criminals in Mexico

By Silvio Canto, Jr.

President Biden's border policy is getting mixed reviews south of the border.  The biggest problem is that opening the border may be helping criminal elements in Mexico.  This is from my friend Allan Wall:

On the one hand, the Mexican government likes the U.S. to have a more open border. On the other hand, that also causes problems for Mexico. 

Yes, it causes problems because Mexico will now become the highway to the U.S., from Central Americans to others.

Coincidentally, I spoke with several Mexican friends who have confirmed this.

First, they don't want strangers walking across the country.  I've been told that some of these strangers don't speak Spanish.  In other words, they are not Central Americans.

Second, criminal elements are fully invested in the business of bringing people to the border.  This is "coyotes on steroids," as a Mexican friend said on the phone.  He shared a report that some of these people killed in Southern California recently had paid up to $10,000 for the trip to "el Norte."

Where in the world does a person in Mexico get $10,000?  The rich or middle class don't need to pay anyone to go to the U.S.  They get on a plane and fly north.

So how are these people coming up with that kind of money?  I've heard all kinds of horror stories, from mortgaging their farm tractors to paying the balance once they cross the border.

It's a horrible policy that will promote criminal elements in Mexico.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).

WashPost: Joe Biden’s Deputies to Help Young Migrants Reach U.S. Border


President Joe Biden’s deputies want to streamline the delivery of migrant youths and children in Mexico to U.S. border agencies, according to the Washington Post.

The March 11 article reported:

Biden officials … are also working with advocacy groups to identify minors in northern Mexico who are preparing to cross, so that they can do so safely at a legal port of entry, instead of paying a smuggler to cross the Rio Grande.

Many of the under-18 youth migrants travel with coyotes who negotiate safe passage through cartel-controlled zones near the border. This negotiation process is expensive, but the teenage migrants expect fast-pass access to the U.S. labor market via the “Unaccompanied Alien Children” (UAC) loophole.

The loophole in border law was passed unanimously by Congress in 2008 to prevent labor trafficking. Coyotes now use the law to hand off their young customers to federal agencies, who then use taxpayer funds to finish the delivery of the migrant youths to their relatives — and jobs — throughout the United States.

The expanded federal role could reduce the cost for foreign youths to get into the U.S. labor market, even as more than 15 million Americans struggle to find jobs. White House leaks suggest that officials want to be ready to welcome 117,000 young migrants this year.

An elite-backed pro-migration group is supporting the help program for the foreign migrants:

“The Biden administration is rightly saying it’ll take time to reconstruct the system in a humane and appropriate way,” said Wendy Young, president of the advocacy group Kids in Need of Defense, which is helping with the effort. “And they’re digging themselves out of a hole right now.”

The Kids in Need of Defense group was cofounded by Brad Smith, the president of Microsoft. The group has a huge list of corporate backers, and it claims that it helped deliver roughly $450 million in pro-bono legal services during 2019.

The Washington Post report spotlights the determination of Biden’s pro-migration deputies to extract migrants from Central America and to pull them through U.S. immigration loopholes into the U.S. labor market, regardless of the popular federal laws or the public’s deep opposition to wage-cutting labor migration. On March 10, for example, Roberta Jacobson, Biden’s border policy chief at the White House, told reporters that “going forward, we will continue to look for ways to provide legal [migration] avenues in the region for people needing protection.”

There is much evidence that the migrant youths are looking for jobs in the United States, partly because low-wage U.S. jobs can generate money for families at home, even when the sent-home money is quietly taxed by local gangs.

“Honestly, I think almost everyone in the system knows that most of the [migrant] teens are coming to work and send money back home,” Maria Woltjen, executive director and founder of the Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights, told a reporter for ProPublica. “They want to help their parents,” she told ProPublica for a November 2020 article.

ProPublica cited the case of Garcia, a Guatemalan youth who used the UAC loophole in 2018:

He was 15 and he had debts to pay, starting with the roughly $3,000 he owed for the “coyote” who guided him across Mexico from Guatemala. To finance the trip, his parents had taken out a bank loan, using their house as collateral. If he didn’t repay it, the family could lose its home.

Within a week of arriving, Garcia accompanied his aunt and uncle to the factory where they worked making auto parts. He got hired on a 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. shift, cleaning newly made screws and bolts with an air blow gun. Workers wore safety goggles to protect their eyes from the shards of metal that blew in their faces. It was a dirty job. “I didn’t like it, working with so many oily parts,” he recalled. “And it was dangerous.”

Garcia was not directly employed by the factory. Instead, he got the job through an “oficina,” the word Spanish-speaking immigrants use to describe the dozens of temporary staffing agencies that employ hundreds of thousands of workers in Illinois. In some cases, the [migrant] teens interviewed by ProPublica — all but one of them male — say they don’t even know the name of the staffing agency that employs them; it’s just the place where someone told them they could find work.

The Washington Post article quietly recognizes that many of the so-called “Unaccompanied Alien Children” are male teenagers looking for work in the United States:

Some are fleeing violence, poverty and gang recruitment in their hometowns, risking the dangerous trip north in hope of finding safety or maybe a job that will pay exponentially more than they could make at home.

The latest statistics show the average length of time a minor spends in an HHS shelter is 30 to 40 days, and the government has been wary of speeding the process. In one 2014 incident, teenagers released by HHS ended up with traffickers who sent them to work at an Ohio egg farm. Lawmakers were furious, and HHS officials say their obligation is to err on the side of caution.

More than 70 percent of the migrant youths are male, and more than 75 percent claim they are older than 14 but younger than 18.

So far, the GOP has had a scattershot response to the growing federal support for Central American labor trafficking into Americans’ jobs. For example, House GOP leader Kevin McCarthy has complained that the border rush is a “crisis” — but without mentioning the damaging impact on Americans’ right to a national labor market and good wages.

For years, a wide variety of pollsters have shown deep and broad opposition to legal immigration, to illegal labor migration, and to the inflow of temporary contract workers into jobs sought by young U.S. graduates.

The multiracialcross-sexnon-racistclass-basedintra-Democratic, and solidarity-themed opposition to labor migration coexists with generally favorable personal feelings toward legal immigrants.

The deep public opposition to labor migration is built on the widespread recognition that both legal and illegal migration moves money from employees to employers, from families to investors, from young to old, from children to their parents, from homebuyers to real estate investors, and from the central states to the coastal states.

Estb. media is posting many stories about migrant"'children" crossing the border — but 70%+ are teenagers, many of whom are (rationally) seeking jobs.
IOW, Biden's DHS & estb. media are waiving in huge numbers of Latino child workers. #CharlesDickens

— Neil Munro (@NeilMunroDC) March 5, 2021


Critics: Joe Biden’s $4 Billion Promise Is ‘Fig Leaf’ to Hide Extraction Migration


President Joe Biden’s deputies say he is trying to repair Central America’s migration-crippled economies with $4 billion in financial aid for the next four years.

But “The $4 billion is a fig leaf to conceal the fact that the real policy is to allow everyone to come in,” responded Jessica Vaughan, the policy director at the Center for Immigration Studies. The aid “is a prop to give the public the impression that they are dealing with the problem,” even though they continued to extract valuable young migrants from Central America for use in the U.S. economy, she said.

The U.S. is “strip-mining” the Central Amerian countries of their young people, in tacit cooperation with the cartels and coyotes who traffick the migrants in exchange for a share of their wages, she said.

The aid promised by Biden’s people is very limited. It is far less than the taxpayer spending migrants trigger among U.S. state and local governments, and far less than the money sent from the United States by migrants back to their home countries.

Biden’s aid would total $4 billion over four years for the 33 million in Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador. The works out to $121 per person, or $30 per year, while huge numbers of young people exit those countries to accept open-borders invitations, jobs, and the hope of U.S. citizenship from Biden and his deputies.

In contrast, the three countries received roughly $10.3 billion in remittances in 2019 from their emigrants, the vast majority of whom are now living and working in the United States, according to Pew Research Center. The flow of remittance is 10 times Biden’s promised flow of aid.

The promise of $30.22 per person was sketched out by Roberta Jacobson, Biden’s “Special Assistant to the President & Coordinator for the Southern Border.”

The President has committed to seeking $4 billion over four years to address the root causes of migration, including corruption, violence, and economic devastation exacerbated by climate change. As part of that plan, we will address the causes that compel individuals to migrate, including improving governance and providing a foundation for investment and economic opportunity, strengthening civilian security, and the rule of law … Only by addressing those root causes, can we break the cycle of desperation and provide hope for families who clearly would prefer to stay in their countries and provide a better future for their children.

Yet the U.S. government still will welcome migrants from those countries and will even fly them from those countries directly to the United States, she said.

“Working across the whole of [U.S.] government, we will look at access to international protection and refugee resettlement and rethinking asylum processing to ensure fair and faster consideration … Going forward, we will continue to look for ways to provide legal avenues in the region for people needing protection while we continue to enforce our laws.

And the aid program will be hands-off, with very little pressure on the local governments, she added:

We can’t make the changes. We can [just] encourage them. We can help support them with resources both technical assistance and funding, but we can’t make those changes. The changes have to come in the Northern Triangle countries …  The president really wants to move forward on this, but he won’t unless he feels he has those commitments from the local governments] on an ongoing basis.

The $4 billion will go to low-impact projects, according to Jacobsen:

There are myriad people in organizations who are trying to make those changes. And part of what we want to do is empower them …  [by giving] economic support, whether it’s training for young people, whether it’s anti-gang programs, whether it’s mothers’ clubs and empowering local communities, all of that gets done through people on the ground, not by the United States … We [could] deliver new lighting facilities that reduce violence and crime, you know.

The Federation for American Immigration Reform scoffed at Jacobson’s comments:

The administration [has an] utterly unrealistic plan to end the crisis they created. Rather than take immediate steps to actually restore effective enforcement policies they have dismantled, the White House continues to suggest that $4 billion to fight ‘corruption, violence and economic devastation’ in a region that has experienced generations of corruption, violence and economic devastation is going to solve all of their problems and ours.

The one word that can be applied to the administration’s response to the full-blown crisis they have created, and to their feeble attempt to explain it to the American public is “pathetic.”

Estb. media is posting many stories about migrant"'children" crossing the border — but 70%+ are teenagers, many of whom are (rationally) seeking jobs.
IOW, Biden's DHS & estb. media are waiving in huge numbers of Latino child workers. #CharlesDickens

— Neil Munro (@NeilMunroDC) March 5, 2021

If Jacobson and Biden were seriously trying to stop the northward migration, they would offer to spend more money, Vaughan said. “It would take a lot more than $4 billion to fix all of the civil society and economic problems in these three countries — because first of all, they have to be motivated to fix it,” she said.

But the Central American governments are corrupt, and are not motivated to fix the root cause of migration because they favor the migration, said Vaughan. The current U.S. extraction migration policy vacuums away all the young people who might demand political change and then returns migrants’ wages back to fund the government and keep the population quiet, Vaughan said.

“What’s going to stop this [migration] crisis is changing [U.S.] policies and ceasing the practice of letting those who get here come in and stay,” she said.

But Biden’s deputies have zero intention of stopping the extraction migration that endangers migrants and cripples the Central American countries, Vaughan noted. For example, Jacobson blamed the current crisis on President Donald Trump’s low-migration border policies, which created a “pent-up demand” by migrants to enter the United States:

We’ve seen surges before surges tend to respond to hope, and there was a significant hope for a more humane policy after four years of, you know, pent up demand. So I don’t know whether I would call that a coincidence, but I certainly think that the idea that a more humane policy would be in place may have driven people to make that [migration] decision. But perhaps more importantly, it definitely drove smugglers to spread disinformation about what was now possible.

Jacobson’s “pent-up demand” claim shows that she believes that migration is “caused by forces that we cannot control and so we, therefore, must accept all of these people,” responded Vaughan. “She thinks that we should be meeting the demand of all of these people to come here, no matter how many people want to come in …. for humanitarian reasons.”

But she also plans to hide the cruelty of that agenda under the $4 billion fig leaf of economic aid, Vaughan added.

Progressives (& biz) cheerlead the 'Hunger Games' obstacle-course trail that delivers migrants to the US, despite Americans' expectation for a capped & orderly immig system.
The trail inflicts much damage & death, but progressives demand diversity first.

— Neil Munro (@NeilMunroDC) January 11, 2021

Alex Marlow to Tucker Carlson: Joe Biden’s Speech Ignored Government’s ‘Anti-Science Lockdowns,’ Nursing Home Deaths, Open Borders, Trump’s Role in Vaccine Development


Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow, author of Breaking the News: Exposing the Establishment Media’s Hidden Deals and Secret Corruption and host of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily, joined Thursday’s edition of Tucker Carlson Tonight on Fox News Channel to discuss how President Joe Biden’s speech about the COVID-19 outbreak made no mention of government-decreed lockdowns.

Marlow also highlighted Biden’s refusal to acknowledge threats to public health posed by an unsecured southern border despite the president’s framing of the coronavirus as the primary threat to national welfare.

Transcript below.

CARLSON: Alex, thanks so much for coming on. What do you think Biden left out of tonight’s speech? 

MARLOW: It seemed like he left out virtually everything other than the guy really likes vaccines and masks. He didn’t talk about personal responsibility. He didn’t talk about the government’s role in any of these anti-science lockdowns. He didn’t talk nearly enough about the fact that we could probably open up all of our schools today. He didn’t talk at all about the fact that this virus came from China. He didn’t talk about the fact that the virus is coming over our borders.

I want to know how he’s going to hold people accountable who are responsible for these policies that cram sick patients into our nursing homes, killing way more people than necessary. There’s no justice for these people, and it certainly doesn’t look like Joe Biden has any interest in investigating.

CARLSON: Well, he also suggested — probably the most divisive thing he could have said — that there has been this outbreak of anti-Asian violence, and the implication was [that it is] committed by people who tied the virus to China, therefore they’re attacking Asian Americans over that. Is there any evidence that that’s real that you’re aware of? 

MARLOW: I was stunned when I heard that, and he focused on this at the same time [that] he wants us to have a moment of healing and unity. He wouldn’t even give Donald Trump credit at all for what he’s done with his operation Warp Speed to get us where we are with the vaccines. We wouldn’t have had this situation we’re in — where Biden can take credit — if Trump hadn’t bought over 100 million doses of vaccine before they were even ready to go, and he relaxed regulations, and he also made the opportunities for this R&D to get done on the cheap. 

That was all about Trump, and Biden threw shade [at him] towards the end”

CARLSON: Yeah, I certainly noticed that.

Biden made no mention of lockdowns or shutdowns in his speech focusing on the coronavirus. Americans experienced a “collective suffering” due to a “pandemic,” he said, without any acknowledgment of government decrees or mandates denying people’s access to their livelihoods and social lives.


Biden Nominee Vanita Gupta Holds Stock in Enterprise Accused of Enabling Mexican Cartels’ Heroin Manufacturing


President Joe Biden’s nominee for Associate Attorney General, Vanita Gupta, owns between $11 million and $55 million of stock in her father’s company that sold acetic anhydride to Mexican cartels, which is used to make “high-grade ‘china white’ heroin and methamphetamine,” according to reports.

However, when Biden campaigned for president, his platform stated he would “hold accountable big Pharma companies, executives, and others responsible for their role in triggering the opioid crisis.” Noting that he intends to “[d]irect the U.S. Justice Department to make actions that spurred this crisis a top investigative and, where appropriate, civil and criminal enforcement priority.”

“Biden’s campaign vowed to hold companies accountable for their roles in the opioid crises, but now one of his Justice Department nominees is linked to a firm whose product was reportedly sold to Mexican drug cartels.”

— Tommy Pigott (@TCPigott) March 10, 2021

Raj Gupta, father of Vanita Gupta and chairman of a company named Avantor, has stopped selling “acetic anhydride in Mexico, as the country’s authorities announced a criminal investigation,” according to Fox Business.

Vanita Gupta has agreed not to engage with her father’s business.

Gupta’s nomination hearing was on March 9, when Sen. Ted Cruz posed questions to her on gun rights, abortion, and religious liberty – subjects on which she had previously voiced her views. “On every issue, Gupta evaded the question about her own views, saying that she would only apply the law of the land,” Joel B Pollak reported for Breitbart News.


Five Far-Left Promises Joe Biden Has Kept in His First 50 Days


President Joe Biden marked his 5oth day in office on March 10, thus keeping his promise of establishing a progressive body of government while repealing critical components of former President Donald Trump’s “America First” agenda.

Biden started his presidency by going around Congress to unilaterally change policies through executive orders. On the first day of his presidency, Biden signed a stack of orders rolling back many of Trump’s policy priorities.

1. Revoking the Keystone XL Pipeline

In May 2020, the Biden campaign released a statement saying he will “proudly stand in the Roosevelt Room again as President and stop it for good” when referring to the Keystone XL Pipeline.

A statement from his campaign says Joe Biden ‘strongly opposed the Keystone pipeline in the last administration, stood alongside President Obama and Secretary Kerry to reject it in 2015, and will proudly stand in the Roosevelt Room again as President and stop it for good.’

— CBC News Alerts (@CBCAlerts) May 18, 2020

On Biden’s first day of office, he revoked the permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline. Criticism has grown from industry stakeholders, GOP lawmakers, and unions. The job loss, some estimates project, will leave up to 70,000 Americans out of work.

“It’s only day one, and with the stroke of a pen, Biden has already taken steps to kill American energy projects like the Keystone XL Pipeline which is critical to energy-producing states like Montana,” Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT) said in a statement.

Trump had issued the presidential permit, which authorized work on the pipeline. The permit created thousands of U.S. jobs, directly and indirectly.

Mark McManus, general president of the United Association of Union Plumbers and Pipefitters, said the move to end the pipeline “is a slap in the face to the thousands of union workers who are already a part of this safe and sustainable project.”

2. Ending Migration Controls

In March 2020, Biden promised to end Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” program, which helped effectively end the practice of border crossers being released into the U.S. interior while they await their asylum hearings.

“Donald Trump’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy is dangerous, inhumane, and goes against everything we stand for as a nation of immigrants,” Biden wrote in a statement. “My administration will end it.”

Donald Trump's "Remain in Mexico" policy is dangerous, inhumane, and goes against everything we stand for as a nation of immigrants. My administration will end it.

— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) March 12, 2020

As one of his first executive orders, Biden ended Remain in Mexico and is now releasing roughly 25,600 of the migrants enrolled in the program into the U.S. interior.

3. Pledge to Get Back into the World Health Organization (W.H.O.)

In July 2020, Biden pledged to join the W.H.O. on his first day in office.

Americans are safer when America is engaged in strengthening global health. On my first day as President, I will rejoin the @WHO and restore our leadership on the world stage.

— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) July 7, 2020

As one of his first executive orders in January, Biden wrote to the United Nations to declare that the U.S. would not be leaving the W.H.O., despite concerns about China’s dominance and W.H.O.’s failure on the coronavirus.

4. Rejoining the Paris Climate Accord

In November 2020, Biden promised to rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement on his first day in office.

Today, the Trump Administration officially left the Paris Climate Agreement. And in exactly 77 days, a Biden Administration will rejoin it.

— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) November 5, 2020

On Biden’s first day in office, January 20th, he returned the U.S. to the Paris Agreement.

Today, President Biden rejoined the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.

— The White House (@WhiteHouse) January 21, 2021

5. Halting Deportations for Most Illegal Aliens

Continuously throughout the 2020 presidential campaign, Biden promised to ensure that illegal aliens are not deported until they are convicted of felonies.

“[T]he only deportations that will take place is convictions of felonies in the United States of America,” Biden said in March 2020.

In Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency memos, Biden has prevented agents from arresting and deporting about nine-in-ten illegal aliens who would have otherwise been detained. Specifically, the enforcement guidelines stop agents from deporting an illegal alien unless they are a recently convicted aggravated felon.

EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS: Mexican Cartel Boss Leads Organization Despite Attempts on His Life


A regional cartel boss continues to operate his criminal organization in a Mexican border state despite attempts on his life, which killed several of his gunmen and associates.

Known in the criminal underworld as “El Gero or Jero,” Jeronimo Hernandez de la Rosa, is a regional boss with the Gulf Cartel who controls the area in and around Cadereyta, Nuevo Leon. El Gero oversees various interests including smuggling routes and fuel theft. In recent weeks, the Cartel Del Noreste faction of Los Zetas performed attacks against El Gero to take over their lucrative territories.

Jerónimo “El Jero” Hernández de la Rosa

Despite the attempts on his life, El Gero continues to run the CDG’s operations in Cadereyta with the help of corrupt city officials, law enforcement sources revealed to Breitbart Texas.

Last month, El Gero was driving an armored black GMC Sierra with Nuevo Leon license plates PS2216A when gunmen ambushed him. They fired numerous rounds at El Gero’s vehicle but he managed to escape on foot.

In the following days, two of El Gero’s gunmen died from CDN attacks. In January, Breitbart Texas reported on how El Gero and his network were using a drug rehab clinic to house Gulf Cartel gunmen. Authorities first learned of that tactic after CDN-Los Zetas gunmen carried out a shooting attack there on New Year’s Eve.

In Cadereyta, the fighting typically occurs with ambushes rather than large-scale shootouts. In March 2020, a group of CDN-Los Zetas gunmen shot and killed El Gero’s predecessor, Ulises “Ramses” Lozano, and another crime lord at a cockfight.

That attack was led by 19-year-old Ivan “Penita” Pena Hernandez, a Gulf Cartel member who switched sides while in prison and tried to take over Ramses’ turf. Months after that attack, Pena died in a shootout outside of a car lot in Cadereyta.

 Gerald “Tony” Aranda is a contributing writer for Breitbart Texas.

AR Gov. Hutchinson: Biden Admin Has Created ‘Humanitarian Crisis’ at Border — ‘Only Going to Get Worse’



Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R) on Tuesday called for President Joe Biden and his administration to “think long and hard” about their “open border” immigration policy.

Hutchinson, on Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom,” described the situation at the border as a “humanitarian crisis” created by the Biden administration because of the increasing number of people coming in. He warned that it is “only going to get worse.”

“I served in the Bush administration as head of border security, so I’ve been in the border many, many times, and I understand the challenges there. But this is a humanitarian crisis that has been created by a change in policy by this administration,” Hutchinson outlined. “They need to think long and hard about what they’ve done, and they need to do something very quickly to change course because right now it’s a humanitarian crisis, but it is only going to get worse with the unaccompanied minors that are increasing the flow across the border, and that is terrible for these young children that are being sent across a dangerous path trying to get to America. And why are they coming? It is simply because the signal was sent that this is a good time, that we have an open border, that you can come, and you’ll be released into the United States of America, and that impacts us all across this country. We’re a compassionate nation, and that is reflected by the mayors and their comments along the border. Everybody cares about these children.”

Follow Trent Baker on Twitter @MagnifiTrent

Texas Governor: Biden Border Policies Enrich Mexican Cartels, Overwhelm Border Patrol


Texas Governor Greg Abbott accused the Biden Administration of enriching Mexican drug and human smuggling cartels with the changes of border security policies put in place after January 20. The governor said President Joe Biden’s policies enable the cartels to exploit women and children from Central America.

Speaking to reporters along the Texas border with Mexico and flanked by Texas Department of Public Safety assets deployed for border security, Governor Abbott told reporters, “Border Patrol officials warned the Biden Administration in advance” about the consequences of changing border security and immigration policies.

Abbott said the cartels are overwhelming Border Patrol agents by flooding the border with families and unaccompanied minors. He said this puts Border Patrol agents in babysitting roles that pull them away from securing the U.S.-Mexico Border.

“The cartels are quite literally being enriched,” Abbott stated. “The Biden Administration is helping cartels make more money.”

Cartels making money through human smuggling is not a new issue, however. In 2019, Breitbart Texas reported that Mexican cartels were charging Central American migrants up to $9,000 each to bring them through Mexico and up to the U.S. border.

“They were paying something like $1,500 as early as 24 months ago. Now they’re charging them $8,000 to $9,000. It’s gone up with the demand, and it’s usually paid upfront,” El Paso Sector Spokesman Fidel Baca explained at the time. “And really all they have to do is take them down to the border and tell them which way to walk. Most times, they (the smugglers) don’t even want to run the risk of getting apprehended by us.”

In October 2014, Breitbart Texas’ Ildefonso Oritz reported the growing revenue stream for the Mexican drug cartels and many shifted their efforts to human smuggling.

Ortiz wrote:

While Most people understand why drugs are so expensive and why cartels are involved, it is important to understand that in the minds of human smugglers, illegal immigrants are just another black market commodity

As Breitbart Texas had previously reported, the ransom amounts being collected by smuggling groups add up to large amounts of cash.

While in previous years human smuggling had been a criminal activity with minimal violence, the dynamic changed in the mid 1990’s when drug cartels began splitting Mexico into territories where they exacted absolute control over every criminal activity.

Governor Abbott expressed outrage after learning that Border Patrol agents are not provided COVID-19 vaccinations like other federal front-line workers.

“What I am about to tell you may be one of the most reprehensible things I’ve heard this whole time,” he said. “The Biden administration is not providing vaccinations for the Border Patrol.”

“We have Border Patrol [agents] whose lives are on the line of a daily basis — an hourly basis — and the Biden administration will not provide those Border Patrol [agents] with the vaccinations they need” the outraged governor stated. “The Biden administration should surge vaccines to Texas to all men and women on the Border Patrol this week.”

“Anything less than that is the epitome of inhumanity,” Abbot stated.

While border security is a federal government responsibility, Abbott said, “Texas will not shy away from filling the gap” created by the Biden administration’s reversal of successful border security policies.

He explained that ranchers in South Texas and homeowners along the border are experiencing “mayhem” as the ever-increasing numbers of migrants cross the border unchecked.

The Texas governor expressed concern about what will follow the current surge of migrants. In a message to future migrant caravans, Abbott said, “We are ready, we are waiting for you, we will enforce the law.” He stated the caravan migrants “will not be accepted into Texas.”

Last week, Abbott announced “Operation Lone Star” and ordered the deployment of the Texas National Guard and additional DPS resources.

Texas National Guard Adjutant General, Major General Tracy Norris told the reporters she is deploying more than 500 soldiers this week to support the Texas Department of Public Safety.

“We’re going to be doing observation posts along the area that DPS designates for us,” General Norris stated. “We currently have soldiers already trained for this event.”

Abbott expressed concern over the rapidly growing number of apprehension in the Rio Grande Valley Sector. He reported Border Patrol numbers indicating more than 90,000 apprehensions in all of FY 2020. During the first few months of this fiscal year, that number jumped to more than 108,000.

“We are on a scale where it is going to more than double or triple, or maybe quadruple or quintuple, made just in the Rio Grande Valley Sector alone because of the new policies of the Biden Administration,” he said.

Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior news contributor for the Breitbart Texas-Border team. He is an original member of the Breitbart Texas team. Price is a regular panelist on Fox 26 Houston’s What’s Your Point? Sunday-morning talk show. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX and Facebook.

REPORT: Biden Admin Flying 270 Migrants from South Texas to El Paso


The Biden Administration is flying migrants from packed Border Patrol facilities in the Rio Grande Valley Sector to El Paso, according to U.S. Representative Veronica Escobar (D-TX). Two flights carrying 270 migrants in total are expected to make the journey on Monday, a local charity group said.

Congresswoman Escobar noted that the migrants are being tested for COVID-19 and will be quarantined when they test positive, KVIA reported. She did not indicate if they are being tested before or after they are flown to El Paso.

The El Paso representative said she has been in close contact with the Department of Homeland Security “to ensure the safety of the El Paso community  and the refugees.”

Annunciation House’s Ruben Garcia stated they expect two flights on Monday carrying 135 migrants on each flight.

“They are overwhelmingly family units and there is a preponderance of families from the Northern Triangle of Central America: Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala,” Garcia told the local ABC affiliate.

Garcia said the migrants will be processed in El Paso and released to Annunciation House while they await travel arrangements. He said he expects they will be transported to their destinations across the U.S. after a couple of days. He added that they will only accept COVID-negative migrants at his shelter.

The City of El Paso Office of Emergency Management will house any COVID-19 infected migrants at a hotel.

Breitbart Texas reached out to the Department of Homeland Security for confirmation and additional information regarding the migrants flights. A response to the questions has not been received as of press time.

Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior news contributor for the Breitbart Texas-Border team. He is an original member of the Breitbart Texas team. Price is a regular panelist on Fox 26 Houston’s What’s Your Point? Sunday-morning talk show. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX and Facebook.


125 Migrants Apprehended by Mounted Border Patrol Agents 50 Miles into Texas


Laredo Sector Horse Patrol Unit agents apprehended 125 migrants in a 12-hour period last week. The arrests come amid a growing border crisis where large numbers of migrants are crossing in hopes of being released into the U.S. interior under Biden Administration policies.

Laredo Sector Horse Patrol Unit (HPU) agents assigned to the Hebbronville Station apprehended 60 migrants during the 12-hour period last week. During one incident an unmanned aerial system operator helped guide the HPU agents to a group of 17 migrants, according to information provided by Laredo Sector officials. In another incident, the HPU agents assisted other agents in the apprehension of eight migrants on a freight train.


Elsewhere in the sector, Laredo South Station HPU agents teamed up with agents on ATVs and apprehended multiple migrants on a ranch near the Rio Grande. The agents arrested 57 migrants. They also arrested a U.S. citizen juvenile working as a bush guide for the smuggled migrants. Agents turned the juvenile over to Laredo Police Department officers.

HPU agents also assisted agents assigned to the Laredo West and Cotulla Stations, officials stated. In these operations, eight additional migrants were apprehended.

Officials said the HPU is composed of 29 adopted Mustang horses. The sector acquired the Mustangs from the Bureau of Land Management’s Wild Horse and Burro Program. Officials with the Colorado Correctional Industries Wild Horse Inmate Program provided training for the horses.

Laredo Sector officials re-instituted the HPU program in November 2009, officials stated. The previous mounted patrol program ended in 1991.

“The outstanding work by our Horse Patrol Unit illustrates why their mounted operations continue to be an important tool in our border security operations,” Laredo Sector Chief Patrol Agent Matthew Hudak said in a written statement. “Even with today’s technology, a Border Patrol agent on a horse remains an effective way to patrol remote areas of our border.”

Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior news contributor for the Breitbart Texas-Border team. He is an original member of the Breitbart Texas team. Price is a regular panelist on Fox 26 Houston’s What’s Your Point? Sunday-morning talk show. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX and Facebook.

16 Migrants Found Locked in Rail Container near Border in Texas


Laredo Sector Border Patrol agents found a group of 16 migrants locked inside a conex box on a rail car in South Texas. The migrants were locked with no masks, limited ventilation, and no means of escape.

Hebbronville Border Patrol Station agents conducting rail car security operations over the weekend found a group of migrants locked inside a conex box on a rail car, according to a report by KGNS in Laredo.

16 Migrants found in conex box on a train near Hebbronville, Texas. (Photos: U.S. Border Patrol/Laredo Sector)

The agents conducted an immigration search on a train near Hebbronville, approximately 50 miles inland from the U.S.-Mexico Border. During the search, the agents found 16 migrants.

Photos provided by Laredo Sector Border Patrol agents show none of the migrants wore masks to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 while they were locked inside with limited air circulation.

“This dangerous method of illegal entry into the United States can result in serious injury or death,” Laredo Sector Border Patrol officials said in a written statement. “The Laredo Sector Border Patrol continues to warn against the dangers of people crossing illegally into the United States through dangerous and hazardous means.”

Finding migrants being smuggled on trains is not unusual for the Laredo Sector’s Hebbronville Station agents.

In September, Laredo Sector Chief Patrol Agent Matthew Hudak tweeted photos of a group of 13 migrants who were locked inside a grain hopper rail car. He said the group were trapped inside a confined space and could not have escaped.

Hebbronville agents encountered another train case in which smuggled aliens were trapped inside a confined space; completely locked and unable escape. Potentially deadly tactics used by smugglers continue to put the aliens and their rescuers at significant risk. @CBPSouthTexas

— Chief Patrol Agent Matthew J. Hudak (@USBPChiefLRT) September 21, 2020

Agents found six other migrants elsewhere on the train, Laredo Sector officials said.

A few weeks earlier, Hebbronville Station agents found a group of 11 migrants in another grain hopper smuggling incident. One of the women locked inside the rail car tested positive for COVID-19. Temperatures inside the rail car exceeded 106 degrees at the time of the rescue, Breitbart Texas reported.

Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior news contributor for the Breitbart Texas-Border team. He is an original member of the Breitbart Texas team. Price is a regular panelist on Fox 26 Houston’s What’s Your Point? Sunday-morning talk show. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX and Facebook.

Gov. Abbott Deploys Texas National Guard, State Troopers to Counter Biden’s ‘Open Border Policies’


Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced the deployment of the state’s National Guard and State Troopers to respond to the growing border crisis.

Governor Abbott announced Operation Lone Star “to combat the smuggling of people and drugs into Texas” on Saturday. The operation will integrate the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) with the National Guard, Abbott said. He is ordering the deployment of air, ground, marine, and tactical border security assets to high threat areas.

“The crisis at our southern border continues to escalate because of Biden Administration policies that refuse to secure the border and invite illegal immigration,” the governor said in a written statement Saturday evening. “Texas supports legal immigration but will not be an accomplice to the open border policies that cause, rather than prevent, a humanitarian crisis in our state and endanger the lives of Texans. We will surge the resources and law enforcement personnel needed to confront this crisis.”

Today Texas launched Operation Lone Star to respond to the border crisis.

It deploys Nat’l Guard + DPS Officers + air, ground, marine, & tactical border security assets to deny Mexican Cartels & smugglers the ability to move drugs & people into Texas.

— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) March 7, 2021

Abbott issued the deployment order following a meeting with Texas DPS Director Colonel Steve McCraw. The two discussed strategies to increase safety and security along the border.

The announcement follows a massive increase in illegal border crossings since President Joe Biden took office in January.

Earlier this week, Democrat Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX) announced that Border Patrol agents apprehended approximately 10,000 migrants in the Rio Grande Valley Sector during a seven-day period ending on Wednesday, Breitbart Texas reported.

“We are weeks, maybe even days, away from a crisis on the southern border. Inaction is simply not an option,” Congressman Cuellar said in a written statement. “Our country is currently unprepared to handle a surge in migrants in the middle of the pandemic.”

In Brownsville, Texas, city officials said that six percent of the migrants being released at the bus station to obtain transportation into the U.S. interior are testing positive for COVID-19, Breitbart Texas reported. The Brownsville official said they do not have the authority to prevent those who test positive from boarding buses to travel into the U.S. interior. A worker at the bus station told Fox News they cannot ask passengers for proof of coronavirus test results before transit. Cuellar added, “I urge the Biden Administration to listen and work with the communities on the southern border who are dealing with the surge of migrants.”

Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior news contributor for the Breitbart Texas-Border team. He is an original member of the Breitbart Texas team. Price is a regular panelist on Fox 26 Houston’s Sunday-morning talk show, What’s Your Point? Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX, Parler @BobPrice, and Facebook.

FBI Raids Arrest Gang Members In Anaheim, Pico Rivera


Alleged F13 gang members charged in slaying of off-duty LAPD officer, authorities said l ABC7


Alleged F-13 gang members arrested in death of LAPD officer facing federal charges


Gang Lands # 9 The Last Crips of Boyle Heights


Gang Lands # 10 Gangs of Downtown Los Angeles


Central America Town in Los Angeles California





When La Raza “The Race” Supremacist Kamala Harris was Attorney General of California, she announced that nearly half the murders in Mex-occupied California were perpetrated by Mexican gangs. That didn’t stop her hispandering!

If you go to the Los Angeles Police 200 most wanted criminals, 186 are Mexicans.

When Mexican M.E.Ch.A. separatist and La Raza member Xavier Becerra became Attorney General of California, the first thing he did as AG was delete from the State of California AG website the list of California's ten most wanted criminals: they were all Mexicans

Heather Mac Donald of the Manhattan Institute has testified before a Congressional committee that in 2004, 95% of all outstanding warrants for murder in Los Angeles were for illegal aliens; in 2000, 23% of all Los Angeles County jail inmates were illegal aliens and that in 1995, 60% of Los Angeles’s largest street gang, the 18th Street gang, were illegal aliens. 

Congressman: Illegal Antelope Valley Pot Grows Being Run By International Drug Cartels


FBI Arrests Dozens of Drug Ring Members Around Inland Empire | NBCLA

 “Joe Biden is great on immigration. I guess depends on your perspective. If you’re a human trafficker, or drug dealer, you’d give him an A-plus, but theAmerican people would give him an F. The crisis at our border was not only entirely predictable, it was predicted. I predicted that if you campaign all year long on open borders, amnesty, and health care for illegals, you’re going to get more migrants at the border. That’s what’s happened since the election.”

                                                                               SEN. TOM COTTON



Desert towns in California have seen a dramatic increase of illegal marijuana plantations, operating through means of water theft, human trafficking, and violence.

How Foreign Drug Operations Are Taking Over California’s Desert Towns: Jorge Ventura


“All our street gangs are a problem,” Lawhead said. “They create an environment of fear. Gangs in general are responsible for a majority of our homicides and a lot of the other illegal activity in the city.”

The release said the Verdugo gang and its affiliates are linked to the Mexican Mafia prison gang. The indictment outlines how some of the proceeds generated by narcotic sales were funneled to the Mexican Mafia.

“Joe Biden is great on immigration. I guess depends on your perspective. If you’re a human trafficker, or drug dealer, you’d give him an A-plus, but theAmerican people would give him an F. The crisis at our border was not only entirely predictable, it was predicted. I predicted that if you campaign all year long on open borders, amnesty, and health care for illegals, you’re going to get more migrants at the border. That’s what’s happened since the election.”                                                  SEN. TOM COTTON



The illegal stabbed her to death with a screwdriver and then ran her over with her car.



“The greatest criminal threat to the daily lives of American citizens are the Mexican drug cartels.” 



“Mexican drug cartels are the “other” terrorist threat to America. Militant Islamists have the goal of destroying the United States. Mexican drug cartels are now accomplishing that mission – from within, every day, in virtually every community across this country.” JUDICIAL WATCH

“Mexican authorities have arrested the former mayor of a rural community in the border state of Coahuila in connection with the kidnapping, murder and incineration of hundreds of victims through a network of ovens at the hands of the Los Zetas cartel. The arrest comes after Breitbart Texas exposed not only the horrors of the mass extermination, but also the cover-up and complicity of the Mexican government.”

“Heroin is not produced in the United States. Every gram of heroin present in the United States provides unequivocal evidence of a failure of border security because every gram of heroin was smuggled into the United States. Indeed, this is precisely a point that Attorney General Jeff Sessions made during his appearance before the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on October 18, 2017 when he again raised the need to secure the U.S./Mexican border to protect American lives.” Michael Cutler …




Attorney General Bonta Announces 180 Felony Arrests During Investigation Targeting Westside Verdugo Criminal Street Gang in San Bernardino


Contact: (916) 210-6000,

SAN BERNARDINO  California Attorney General Rob Bonta, San Bernardino Police Chief David Green, and San Bernardino District Attorney Jason Anderson today announced the results of a joint investigation into the Westside Verdugo criminal street gang. In June, the police department requested assistance with its investigation of the gang’s violent criminal activity from the California Department of Justice’s Special Operations Unit. Together with the district attorney’s office and other local law enforcement partners, the team made 180 felony arrests, shut down 30 illegal gambling establishments, and seized 92 handguns, 19 assault weapons, $295,870 in U.S. currency, as well as hundreds of pounds of illicit drugs over the course of the investigation. Yesterday, the investigation culminated in a largescale operation with agents executing 34 search warrants, arresting 31 suspects, and seizing 11 firearms at multiple sites in San Bernardino County.

“Members and associates of this gang have committed violent crimes in San Bernardino with no regard for the people in the community who are directly or indirectly harmed,” said Attorney General Rob Bonta. “This investigation and yesterday’s arrests and seizures have removed dangerous individuals from our streets and firearms from the hands of those who would choose to commit violent crimes. The results of this investigation could also assist law enforcement in solving other cases in the area. The partnership between our agents and local law enforcement made this possible, and I’m thankful to every person involved in this successful investigation.” 

“As decriminalization initiatives continue to undermine the safety of our community, we have never been more reliant on our law enforcement partners,” said San Bernardino Police Chief David Green

“The scale of this multiagency operation speaks to the commitment we have to eradicate criminal street gangs across San Bernardino County, particularly one with such a violent history as the Westside Verdugo gang,” said San Bernardino County District Attorney Jason Anderson. “Violent crime is on the rise, and several of the defendants we have filed against are facing their 3rd strike, indicating a propensity for criminal behavior. The success of this takedown was due to the tremendous efforts of the San Bernardino Police Department and the Department of Justice in conducting the investigation, and the tenacity of our specialized gang unit prosecutors. We will use everything in our toolkit including weapon enhancements, gang enhancements, prior convictions, and prior strike convictions to ensure maximum accountability from these defendants, keeping career criminals off the streets of San Bernardino and out of our communities.”

Westside Verdugo has an extensive criminal history in the San Bernardino area. The gang is suspected of multiple violent crimes including assault, attempted murder, and murder. 

Over the course of the investigation, numerous violent crimes were prevented, including shootings and armed robberies. Evidence collected during the investigation also assisted in solving two homicides in the area. Agents also shut down 30 illegal gambling establishments and seized over 100 illegal gambling machines and devices. These establishments were operated by members and associates of Westside Verdugo and brought in tens of thousands of dollars a week for the gang. In 2021, five homicides, four attempted murders, and multiple other crimes were linked to these sites.

DOJ’s Special Operations Unit is a collaborative investigative effort between DOJ and the California Highway Patrol. The unit provides statewide enforcement for combating violent career criminals, gangs, and organized crime groups, along with intrastate drug traffickers. These unique and essential teams use the latest technology and advanced investigative techniques and work alongside local law enforcement to enhance investigations into violent criminals and organized crime throughout the state.



SAN BERNARDINO: 52 gang members indicted in drug sales, smuggling case



By BRIAN ROKOS | | The Press-Enterprise


Fifty-two members and associates of San Bernardino’s largest criminal gang were indicted Thursday on narcotics trafficking charges, the FBI said.

Of those 52, 21 people were arrested Thursday, and 22 already were in custody on unrelated charges, according to an FBI news release. The other  nine are being sought.

All were charged with conspiracy to distribute and conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute methamphetamine and heroin. Seven also are charged with distributing the narcotics, the FBI said. The indictment, unsealed Thursday, was the result of a yearslong investigation by federal, state, county and city authorities that targeted the West Side Verdugo gang.

The defendants face 10 years to life in prison if convicted, the FBI said.

San Bernardino police Lt. Rich Lawhead, who was part of the team that made the arrests, said that in addition to drug pushing, West Side Verdugo members are responsible for several homicides and assaults in the city.

“All our street gangs are a problem,” Lawhead said. “They create an environment of fear. Gangs in general are responsible for a majority of our homicides and a lot of the other illegal activity in the city.”

Most of the 90-page indictment is devoted to summaries of 502 separate phone calls or text messages intercepted by authorities in which the sales of heroin and meth were discussed in coded language. Other messages discussed smuggling drugs to inmates, including those in the West Valley Detention Center in Rancho Cucamonga, and Corcoran and Ironwood state prisons.

There were also conversations about money owed, the collection of “drug taxes” from dealers allowed to set up in gang territory, and the enforcement of gang rules.

The conversations occurred from Aug. 26, 2010, to Jan. 16, 2012.

“A lot of these people were shocked when we showed up,” Lawhead said, noting the amount of time that had passed since the investigation began. “But the wheels of justice do move.”

Lawhead said he hoped the arrests would dissuade youngsters from joining gangs.

The release said the Verdugo gang and its affiliates are linked to the Mexican Mafia prison gang. The indictment outlines how some of the proceeds generated by narcotic sales were funneled to the Mexican Mafia.

Some of the drugs were dealt at what was described as the “7th Street Park.” FBI spokeswoman Laura Eimiller said that was a reference to La Plaza Park on Mt. Vernon Avenue, at Seventh Street on San Bernardino’s west side.

Lawhead said heroin has been sold at that park for years, and that the city’s officers patrol La Plaza and other parks in an effort to deter drug dealers.

Gang members went to great lengths to smuggle drugs to inmates, according to the indictment. One person, identified as “Martinez,” was told to sneak drugs into West Valley Detention Center by getting himself arrested and booked into the facility. His plan was foiled, however, when a police officer merely wrote a citation for an unspecified offense.

“There wasn’t anyone who wanted to go to jail today – I guarantee you that,” Lawhead said.

Other agencies participating in the investigation and arrests, according to the FBI, were the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department, state Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, San Bernardino County Probation Department, Los Angeles Police Department, LA County Sheriff’s Department, California Highway Patrol, Drug Enforcement Administration and the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

Joint investigation into San Bernardino street gang nets 180 arrests, firearms, drugs

Tentacles of operation allegedly reached into Los Angeles and Orange counties


By JOE NELSON | San Bernardino Sun

A yearlong investigation into a San Bernardino street gang’s criminal activity has netted 180 arrests, shuttered 30 illegal gambling operations and resulted in the seizure of more than 100 assault weapons and handguns, authorities announced Thursday.

San Bernardino police last year began investigating illegal firearms sales involving Westside Verdugo, a Latino street gang rooted in the city for roughly 70 years.

But early on in the investigation, police realized they were dealing with something much bigger than just illicit gun sales, Police Chief David Green said during a news conference Thursday at the San Bernardino Police Department, where dozens of assault weapons and handguns seized by police during the investigation were spread across a table. Also on display was a large electronic gambling machine.San Bernardino Police Chief David Green announces 180 arrests made and 111 firearms seized during a multiagency operation targeting the Westside Verdugo criminal street gang during a press conference at the San Bernardino Police Station in San Bernardino on Thursday, Dec. 9, 2021. (Photo by Watchara Phomicinda, The Press-Enterprise/SCNG) 

“As they started doing more analysis on these cases, they were recognizing it was a little more coordinated and a little more significant than what they initially realized, and that’s when they started pursuing it as more of a conspiracy type of investigation,” Green said. The investigation and subsequent arrests extended into Orange and Los Angeles counties, he said.

Several agencies enlisted

In June, the investigation ramped up when the San Bernardino Police Department asked the state attorney general’s Special Operations Unit to join in. The Santa Ana Police Department, Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and the California Highway Patrol also assisted in the investigation, which culminated Wednesday when officers fanned out across San Bernardino County, serving 34 search warrants, arresting 31 people and seizing 111 firearms at multiple locations.

During the course of the investigation, coined “Operation Westside Jenga,” police seized 92 handguns, 19 assault weapons, more than $295,000 in cash and hundreds of pounds of methamphetamine, marijuana, heroin and fentanyl. Several potential shootings and armed robberies were thwarted, and evidence collected by investigators during the investigation assisted in the closure of two homicide cases, police said.

Additionally, investigators infiltrated and shut down 30 illegal gambling operations and seized more than 100 high-end gambling machines. The facilities were linked to five homicides, four attempted murders and other crimes in 2021, authorities said.

Gambling operations

The gambling operations — which housed high-end gambling machines, most of them acquired on the black market and imported from China — were bringing in tens of thousands of dollars a week and were operated out of private residences, warehouses and closed businesses, Green said.

He said the gambling facilities were a joint-enterprise between Westside Verdugo and the Mexican Mafia, the patriarchal prison gang that receives a share of profits from drug sales and other illicit business carried out by Westside Verdugo and other Latino street gangs in the form of “taxes.” Some of that revenue was reinvested into the gambling operations.

“It has a hierarchy. It has its own business model. It’s an illicit business model, but it’s one that’s very lucrative nonetheless,” Green said.

California Attorney General Rob Bonta said the people of San Bernardino “can go to bed tonight knowing their community is safer.”

California Attorney General Rob Bonta announces the results of a multiagency operation targeting the Westside Verdugo criminal street gang that resulted in 180 arrests and shutdown of 30 illegal gambling operations during a press conference at the San Bernardino Police Station in San Bernardino on Thursday, Dec. 9, 2021. (Photo by Watchara Phomicinda, The Press-Enterprise/SCNG) 

“We’re putting serious criminals behind bars,” Bonta said, adding that he was proud of the results of the investigation not only as attorney general, but also as a father. “Every child in California deserves to grow up in a safe neighborhood — a neighborhood that is free from violence, a neighborhood without gun violence.”

Feds not involved

Green said authorities opted to handle the prosecution locally without the help of the federal government, which often takes down such large criminal enterprises using the Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organizations Act, referred to as the RICO Act.

“We’re not pursuing a federal prosecution in this case because we have the local District Attorney’s Office that we feel is going to be able to give us a successful prosecutorial outcome,” Green said. “But these types of cases are often handled by federal prosecutors under that RICO statute.”

San Bernardino County District Attorney Jason Anderson said his office has so far charged 45 defendants with various felony offenses, which include a total of 57 firearm enhancements and 41 gang enhancements. Six of the defendants are facing third strikes, Anderson said.

“Our role is twofold in this particular instance. Number one is we are going to punish these individuals as severely as we possibly can, and number two, we’re going to separate them from an otherwise law-abiding community for as long as we can,” Anderson said.

San Bernardino County District Attorney Jason Anderson speaks during a press conference at the San Bernardino Police Station in San Bernardino on Thursday, Dec. 9, 2021. Authorities announced the results of a multiagency operation targeting the Westside Verdugo criminal street gang that resulted in 180 arrests and shutdown of 30 illegal gambling operations. (Photo by Watchara Phomicinda, The Press-Enterprise/SCNG) 

More criminal charges are expected, authorities said.

“Many of these cases are still under review, and we are expecting many more charges to be filed,” Green said. “Some of them will be tried jointly, and some of them will be parsed out separately.”

A secret look at a Mexican cartel's low-tech, multimillion-dollar fentanyl operation


Fentanyl is making its way into various drugs sold in the U.S. Here's how it gets there


Cartels Are Making Millions on Fentanyl-Laced Medicine | Crimewave


"This is how they will destroy America from within.  The leftist billionaires who orchestrate these plans are wealthy. Those tasked with representing us in Congress will never be exposed to the cost of the invasion of millions of migrants.  They have nothing but contempt for those of us who must endure the consequences of our communities being intruded upon by gang members, drug dealers and human traffickers.  These people have no intention of becoming Americans; like the Democrats who welcome them, they have contempt for us." PATRICIA McCARTHY

Heather Mac Donald of the Manhattan Institute has testified before a Congressional committee that in 2004, 95% of all outstanding warrants for murder in Los Angeles were for illegal aliens; in 2000, 23% of all Los Angeles County jail inmates were illegal aliens and that in 1995, 60% of Los Angeles’s largest street gang, the 18th Street gang, were illegal aliens. 

Texas DPS: Mexican Cartels Committing Murders in the U.S.



Drug cartel gunmen are crossing the border to commit murders in Texas, authorities claim. The statements by officials from the Texas Department of Public Safety directly clash with longstanding claims by local police chiefs who routinely say that border cities are safe.

“These criminal organizations come across from Mexico to the U.S. side and they kill individuals. they murder individuals,” Texas Department of Public Safety spokesman Lieutenant Chris Olivarez told Sara Carter with Fox News. “We have had several incidents that have taken place along the border using professional-type weapons the way they carry out these killings, very professional, very methodical.”

The statements by Olivarez come at a time when both DPS and the Texas National Guard increased their law enforcement presence along the border in response to record-breaking human and drug smuggling activity by criminal organizations like the Gulf Cartel and the Cartel Del Noreste faction of Los Zetas.

The statements made by Olivarez clash with the longstanding narrative by several politicians, local police chiefs, and sheriffs who claim that border cities are safe. Those claims are usually backed up by statistics from the FBI Uniform Crime Report. However as Breitbart Texas has reported, the UCR only looks at seven specific crimes and does not account for criminal activity that is specific to border cities such as kidnappings, extortion, drug trafficking, human smuggling, and human trafficking.

Additionally, the terminology used by police departments for the UCR report allows them to hide the severity of certain crimes. One example particular to border cities deals with home invasions, where teams of gunmen storm into a house looking for drugs or cash. As Breitbart Texas has reported, home invasions are reported in the UCR report only as robberies.

Ildefonso Ortiz is an award-winning journalist with Breitbart Texas. He co-founded Breitbart Texas’ Cartel Chronicles project with Brandon Darby and senior Breitbart management. You can follow him on Twitter and on Facebook. He can be contacted at

Brandon Darby is the managing director and editor-in-chief of Breitbart Texas. He co-founded Breitbart Texas’ Cartel Chronicles project with Ildefonso Ortiz and senior Breitbart management. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook. He can be contacted at     


Surge in Fentanyl Seizures Show Cartels Taking Advantage of Lax Border Policies, DHS Officials Say

A DEA agent checks pills containing fentanyl / Getty ImagesJoseph Simonson • November 17, 2021 5:00 am


Customs and Border Protection's fentanyl seizures skyrocketed by over 40 percent in the month of October, as drug traffickers and cartels take advantage of the border crisis.

Agency data show that CBP agents last month captured nearly 1,050 pounds of the lethal opioid, the fifth-highest amount in three years. For comparison, the amount of fentanyl seized in October is more than 2.5 times the amount the agency seized in the first three months of 2019 and roughly 40 percent of the amount seized in all of 2019.

The high amount of fentanyl busts coincides with skyrocketing opiate overdoses across the country—the Centers for Disease Control recorded a record-high 12-month overdose death toll between March 2020 and March 2021 with no signs of deceleration through the end of this year. The seizures also come as President Joe Biden reverses a number of border policies, a decision that critics say grants more opportunities for criminal elements to smuggle drugs into the country.

One senior Department of Homeland Security official told the Washington Free Beacon that drug smugglers are accelerating their operations as agents on the border face resource and manpower constraints with processing asylum claims instead of trying to stop drug smugglers.

"Cartels are exploiting the migrant crisis to expand drug and human smuggling," one senior DHS official said. "The administration knew full well that using agents to process mass groups of economic migrants would mean reducing the effort to combat crime. They alone own these failures."

The Biden administration has touted high seizure numbers as a success. Deputy White House Press Secretary Andrew Bates on Nov. 2 tweeted out an excerpt from an MSNBC piece that said, "The [fentanyl] seizures disprove one of the [GOP's] favorite talking points: If the president had implemented an ‘open-border' policy, as the right routinely claims, U.S. Customs and Border Protection wouldn't have stopped these shipments."

Officials within Border Patrol and DHS disputed that characterization by the White House, with the senior DHS official calling Bates's comment "galaxy brain" thinking.

Many states have pinned much of the blame for the opioid crisis on the Biden administration's immigration policies, calling them reckless and a public health threat.

West Virginia, which has been among the states hardest hit by the opioid crisis, in August filed a lawsuit against DHS and Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas over the department's decision to end the Trump-era Migrant Protection Protocols, which force asylum seekers to remain in Mexico before their court dates in the United States. The state alleged in court that the decision contributed to the "devastating deadly flood of fentanyl across the Southwest border."

"By its consequences burdening and distracting the Border Patrol, the termination of the [Migrant Protection Protocols] decreases the security of the border against fentanyl trafficking between ports of entry, leading directly to both increased numbers of smuggling attempts and increased rates of success in evading Border Patrol," the lawsuit stated. Missouri in April filed a similar suit against DHS.

Research has found that just two milligrams of fentanyl can cause a lethal overdose in people with no prior use of the drug, meaning the amount of the drug seized in October alone could kill over 200 million people.

The influx of fentanyl from across the border has led to bipartisan efforts in Congress to ramp up law-enforcement efforts to arrest and prosecute dealers and traffickers. A group of Republican and Democratic senators in September introduced the Providing Officers with Electronic Resources Act, which provides grants to local law-enforcement agencies for portable fentanyl screening devices.





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