Monday, April 11, 2022



ProPublica Reveals How Soros, Bezos, and Other Famous Billionaires Avoid Paying Taxes


According to Peter Schweizer's new book Profiles in Corruption, Joe Biden met with the President of Costa Rica in 2009 and a few months later news broke of a "new multilateral partnership, 'to reform real estate in Latin America.'" Biden's brother, Frank, envisioned a huge development project with "thousands of homes, a world-class golf course, casinos, and an anti-aging center," in the Costa Rican jungle.[2]

Never Admit Anything

The popular and overused Biden mantra.


President Joe Biden says he never talked business with his son.

Maybe he didn't.

Maybe that Ukrainian gas company paid Hunter Biden half a million dollars because he has unique business skills that no one else noticed.

It's possible.

But unlikely.

Now a Justice Department investigation may tell us whether Hunter is a sleazy opportunist who broke the law and whether his father knew, or even helped.

But equally revealing is the arrogance and bias the reporting on Hunter's laptop revealed among wide swaths of media and big tech gatekeepers.

Even today, most will not admit they were wrong.

The New York Post broke the laptop story near the end of the presidential campaign. The story was explosive, of course, and the media pile-on intense. Some piled on Hunter Biden, but more piled on the New York Post. They questioned the authenticity of the hard drive and the timing and accuracy of the story.

Twitter blocked the story from even being shared. Facebook hid the story. Politico said it might be "Russian disinformation." A Washington Post column called it "laughably weak." A New York Times piece labeled it "farcical retread of the Russian hack-and-leak operation that helped torpedo Hillary Clinton's presidential aspirations." The story was mocked and buried.

Now, a year and a half later, the Post and Times admit that major parts of the story were accurate.

Do you know what they haven't said?

"Sorry. We cannot stand the idea of another Trump term, so we didn't report on bad things Democrats did."

The Washington Post finally wrote that the way the media handled the story was an "opportunity for a reckoning." But then they spent the rest of their editorial making excuses for their mistakes.

No one was fired.

No one was suspended.

No policy was changed.

This is nothing new. For months, Facebook blocked any mention of the theory that COVID-19 may have been leaked from a lab. Most media sneered that it was "fake news." The Washington Post called it "a fringe theory." The New York Times, a "conspiracy theory." PolitiFact rated it "Pants on Fire!"

Only when the Biden administration said there might have been a lab leak did Facebook drop its censorship.

Did Facebook say, "Sorry? We shouldn't censor such important discussion?"


Did we see apologetic commentaries on CNN and MSNBC?

I must have missed them.

Maybe none of this is a big deal to you, but it's a big deal to me.

I make my living posting videos on digital platforms. I made two videos that suggested fears about climate change are overblown.

I didn't say climate change isn't real.

I didn't say it won't cause problems. In fact, I said it's already caused problems.

But because I said the fear might be overblown, Facebook's climate-activist "fact-checkers" make sure fewer people see my work.

I once got millions of views on Facebook. Not anymore.

Nothing I'd said in my climate videos was wrong. In one case, Facebook's own fact-checker admitted that I didn't get any facts wrong. Still, Facebook continues to smear my work as "partly false."

They even quote me saying something I never said!

Yet even after I point that out, Facebook will not make a correction.

Facebook, Twitter, The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, NBC, Poynter Institute "fact-checkers" and most of the elite media are now part information-sharers, part leftist interest groups.

I'm neither Democrat nor Republican. I don't obsess over whether Hunter Biden got paid to do sleazy things and whisper in his father's ear. If he did, I doubt that he had much influence, anyway.

I feel far more threatened when America's Big Media don't report facts, don't speak up when censors are wrong and don't remove mistakes when they're caught making them.

Apologizing for mistakes is something we teach little kids to do. Is that too much to ask of our media and social media giants?

                                   THE BRIBES SUCKERS




Schweizer added, “We also now know that Hunter Biden did these deals, but the larger family benefited. We know that James Biden, Joe Biden’s brother, got at least $2 million of that money from China. We also now know that Hunter Biden was subsidizing his father’s lifestyle. He was paying for his bills. He was paying for renovations on his home up in Delaware while Joe Biden was Vice President of the United States. It’s not only illegal according to ethics laws. It also shows that Joe Biden is now a beneficiary of the foreign dealings that Hunter Biden has had. It’s no longer good enough for him to say, well, I didn’t have anything involved. He was a beneficiary.”

"But what the Clintons do is criminal because they do it wholly at the expense of the American people. And they feel thoroughly entitled to do it: gain power, use it to enrich themselves and their friends. They are amoral, immoral, and venal. Hillary has no core beliefs beyond power and money. That should be clear to every person on the planet by now."  ----  Patricia McCarthy


Tucker: Trump was right about this

Victorious Democrats would also end congressional investigations into the Hillary-Deep State-DNC-Russian-Clinton Foundation collusion and corruption. All the players in these massive, sordid affairs will be deemed “too big to jail” – and too closely tied to the Democratic Party to be investigated further. 

There is little difference between Holmes and BLM; both profited by swindling those in need. Both made false promises raising millions of dollars. Both lived lavishly while their victims suffer. Both displayed an astounding lack of transparency about the activities. Both played with lives.

Are Elizabeth Holmes and BLM founders two side of the same coin?

In 2014 Elizabeth Holmes was on top of the world. She was the founder of a company named Theranos, a $9 billion empire that had purportedly revolutionized health diagnostics.

No longer would the patient have to be subjected to painful, invasive, and expensive tests. Theranos claimed that its proprietary tests could detect ailments such as cancer merely with a few drops of blood with their device named ‘Edison’.

Elizabeth Holmes in 2016

Behemoths of prestige, such as Secretaries of State, Henry Kissinger, George Schultz, and General James Mattis, were on the board. The likes of Rupert Murdoch were investors.  She appeared on panels alongside Bill Clinton and delivered impassioned TED talks.

But an empire built on a lie will come crashing down someday. The foundation of Theranos was ‘Edison’ which simply didn't function. Most of the results were complete falsehoods. Holmes’s empire was built at the expense of innocent patients.

In 2018, a federal grand jury indicted Holmes on nine counts of wire fraud and two counts of conspiracy to commit wire fraud, with the victims being investors and patients.  Now convicted, she faces up to 20 years in federal prison, plus potentially millions in restitution and fines. Her sentencing is scheduled for September 26, 2022.

She was arrogant, deluded, and foolish to think that her fraud would not be discovered someday. In fact, it is astounding how she managed to block both internal and external regulatory authorities. It ultimately took whistleblowers and the WSJ to expose her fraud.

The people of BLM flourished where Holmes faltered.

Black Lives Matter” began as a trend on social media, in 2013 following Trayvon Martin's death. Soon it evolved into a slogan used by ‘protestors’ all over the US.

BLM founders seem to have followed the business model pioneered by veteran race hustler Al Sharpton, which is ‘give us your money or we’ll brand you racist’. 

However it was the death of George Floyd in 2020, that took BLM, their movement, to prominence and made them the prime arbiters in matters of race.

People from Showbiz, Sports, News Media, Academia, and Politics donated generously to BLM and posted photos of Floyd and logos of BLM on social media.

Big tech firms such as Google committed $12 million, Facebook and Amazon donated $10 million and Apple pledged a whopping $100 million. Walmart announced a contribution of $100 million while Target announced $10 million and Home Depot announced  $1 million.

BLM managed to make $90 million in just one year over the death of George Floyd. Not content with only donations, BLM even began to sell merchandise.

If the donors did not bother to know how their money was spent, this suggests that is because it was protection money.  They knew by donating, they could be 'one of the good ones'.

So, what became of the money?

Last year, the NY Post reported that BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors, then BLM's executive director, spent $3.2 million on various real estate properties within the US.

There were also reports of transactions where BLM transferred money to a Canadian nonprofit managed by the wife of Cullors in order to buy a $3 million house

A few days ago,  New York Magazine reported that in October 2020, BLM bought a 6,500-square-feet Southern California mansion. This is the very mansion where BLM founders were filmed sipping Champagne and dining in luxury in one of BLM's videos posted on social media.

Although the property had originally been bought for $3.1million, it was transferred to a Delaware company for $5.8million. The discrepancy between these two figures has yet to be explained. Delaware is Joe Biden's home state and is known for its notoriously opaque corporate transparency rules. Perhaps that was the purpose behind the property being transferred to Delaware, to hide the proprietor's identity?

BLM claims to be dedicated to wealth distribution. They also claim their mission is dismantling capitalism. Yet they had no qualm about the purchase of the various luxury properties.

BLM also failed to file taxes for 2020 when it raised millions after George Floyd’s death. They have not made a full disclosure pertaining to their donations and expenditures, raising serious legal and ethical red flags.

The millions raised could have been invested in the school, colleges, universities, vocational training centers, hospitals, gyms, sports complexes, rehabilitation centers, job centers, and to pay legal assistance for those in need.

Instead, BLM founders seem to have enriched themselves.

BLM also supported rioting, looting, and burning, causing losses ranging from $1 to $2 million dollars. Most of this occurred in working-class localities and even hurt businesses run by black people. 

BLM’s relentless campaign of hate will have convinced a section of black people that the US is systemically racist, causing them to believe that persecution is inevitable irrespective of qualifications or talents or hard work. This results in them giving up on life. Losses can be recovered and houses rebuild but once hope is lost, all is lost.

Unlike Elizbeth Holmes, BLM didn’t make any tangible or quantifiable promises, their goal was unstated, esoteric, and symbolic, which ensured they could keep collecting without any oversight.

There is little difference between Holmes and BLM; both profited by swindling those in need. Both made false promises raising millions of dollars. Both lived lavishly while their victims suffer. Both displayed an astounding lack of transparency about the activities. Both played with lives.

While Elizbeth Holmes’s fraud could be 20 years in federal prison, BLM founders are unlikely to receive any such punishment. They simply have to brand their critics as racist.

But hoaxers such as these cause deep skepticism and cynicism among the public. A society plagued by skepticism and cynicism can never flourish.


The Truth About Hillary Clinton




Clinton Foundation Exposed | Over 14 Billion Confiscated!


Would that have happened if the Clinton Foundation had been a legitimate charity? Do people stop donating to charities when public figures no longer run for higher office?

If the Clinton Foundation Wasn't Illicit, Why Are Its Donations Down From $249M to $16M?

Daniel Greenfield


Four years ago, the Dem media insisted that the Clinton Foundation was a legitimate charity and there was nothing illicit about assorted special interests and foreign donors pouring in. And that the cash flow had nothing to do with Hillary's aspirations for the White House.

Let's compare and contrast.

During Hillary's opening year as Secretary of State, the Clinton Foundation raised $249 million. In 2014, as Hillary prepared to march on the White House, it tallied $178 million.

The year after Hillary's defeat? Not so much.

The Clinton Foundation reported total revenue of $38.4 million for 2017, the fewest dollars the foundation has taken over the course of a fiscal year in more than a decade — and a sharp decline from the $249 million raised during Clinton’s first year as secretary of state.

How's the Clinton Influence Foundation doing now?

The foundation received about $16.3 million in contributions during 2020, according to a new annual tax filing.

That's less than a tenth. 

Officially they're blaming the pandemic (and I'm sure Jeffrey Epstein's death didn't help), but the Clinton Foundation's take dropped sharply not due to the China virus, but to the defeat virus.

Would that have happened if the Clinton Foundation had been a legitimate charity? Do people stop donating to charities when public figures no longer run for higher office?

Maybe Hillary Clinton should throw her hat in the ring for 2024, if only to get those donations going again.



A regime based on fraud and media collusion

By Ron Wright

The unmasking of Dr. Anthony Fauci is the straw that I think will break the back of the camel of an evil cabal.  Everyone in the United States was directly and personally affected by the fraud and cover-up that obscured the origins of COVID-19 in the laboratory of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, imposed unnecessary lockdowns, and denied effective therapies to those infected with the virus.  It brought home to Americans the untrustworthiness of the ruling class and its media servants that have covered up numerous frauds in recent years:

· Fast and Furious: Eric Holder's program to arm Mexican drug gangs with American weaponry, it looks like to me.


· Benghazi: Secretary of state Hillary Clinton and President Obama were collecting heavy weapons off the battlefield in

·  Libya using the consulate as cover for the CIA station.  The weapons were transshipped via Turkey to ISIS in Syria.  The hearings done by the DoS review board were a predestined outcome according to my sources.


· Pay to Play by Hillary: As SoS for her signature on items like Uranium One and other shady deals.  Donations would then be made to the Clinton Foundation.


· The bathroom server: A private email system done to facilitate the pay-to-play by keeping the backchannel emails at several arms' length to avoid disclosure by FOIA requests.


· Comey's presser: The FBI director indicted Hillary and then said no intent could be shown.  These charges do not require intent.  The fact that secret classified material was on her server is enough.  Ask Kristian Saucier about intent.


· Bill Clinton met on the Phoenix Airport tarmac with A.G. Lynch just before Comey's exoneration of his wife.


· Russiagate never was anything other than a domestic disinformation operation run by the CIA with the FBI doing the grunt work.  Comey, Clapper, and Brennan also lied to Congress.  Hillary had to have an excuse for why she lost.  She was a very poor candidate, and Trump ran circles around her.  The CIA was illegally running a domestic spy operation under the guise of a counter-intel operation.  This was a reverse target operation to spy on Trump using two minor campaign volunteers.  The DoS has their hands dirty, too.

The election was a full-court press using COVID as an excuse to illegally allow mail-in ballots with no identity verification on ballots to be cast.

Where is Hunter Biden's laptop that was put in the memory hole in the FBI, that the FBI is apparently not doing anything about?  And there's the issue of Ukraine and China with the big guy, Uncle Joe.

And let's not forget that Eric Swalwell and Hunter Biden were both compromised by Chinese honey traps.  How many others are there?  A good portion of our government inside the Beltway.

A question now looms over the freedom of Taiwan and Hong Kong.  Do we draw the red line with the CCP after their purportedly accidental release of a bioweapon from Wuhan, or do we appease them as we did with the Third Reich?  How did that work out for us and the Jews?

Do We the People acquiesce in allowing the ruling cabal to make these decisions for us? 

The U.S. and the world are at a tipping point.  Do we succumb to a new world of fascism that dictates what we can and can't do and think?  Unlike the Nazis of Germany and the fascists of Italy, a new and improved version is on offer: corporatism, without an honest government that provides a level playing field for a free market and protection of the inalienable rights of We the People. 

Multinational corporations that have no soul will have more power than our governments.  This new world order will exploit the masses and the Earth's natural resources.  The much-detested colonialism period will pale in comparison.  

But its success depends on the further willingness of the free peoples of the world to accept government by fraud.  And when a fraud that affected everyone negatively for over a year is exposed, that willingness starts to evaporate.





The Hunter Biden dam is about to burst: Devine



Hunter Biden could end up with no jail time: Jesse Watters



The critical element required is a pattern of criminal or racketeering activity. This pattern is proved by showing two predicate crimes were committed within ten years. The list of predicate crimes is extensive and includes bribery, embezzlement, fraud, theft, money laundering, and obstruction of justice. 


The list of predicate crimes is extensive and includes bribery, embezzlement, fraud, theft, money laundering, and obstruction of justice. 



Secretary Hillary Clinton and the Deep State: A RICO Criminal Conspiracy


By Ron Wright

We who elected President Trump understood our elected officials and the Deep State were sandbagging Trump and self-dealing public funds. It was no secret that President Trump is no angel, unpresidential, blunt, and crude, and a disruptor. Trump was hired to drain the swamp.

I watched this kabuki theater unfold over the last several years. Through my eyes as a shopworn gumshoe, I will explain what is happening. My investigative curiosity was first piqued by the ATF Fast and Furious scandal and continues through the recent House impeachment show trial. There is a common element running through all of these cons — the actions of an organized crime conspiracy.   A group of people either acting alone or in concert with others committed crimes with a common purpose - a criminal enterprise as described in "CRIMINAL RICO: 18 USC. §§1961-1968 A Manual For Federal Prosecutors."


The players acted together – in the usurpation of power, the abuse of power by public officials, bribery, thefts by fraud including federal funds, money laundering, perjury and the obstruction of justice, the violations of fundamental of civil rights, aided and abetted in the commission of these crimes and or to conceal these crimes. Criminals will lie and can't keep their lies straight. Their methods and behaviors are the same, whether engaging in street crimes or elaborate white-collar financial schemes. The only difference is when more money is involved, the perps are more adept in concealing, covering up their sins, and hiding where the money went. Many of these scandals are well known to the American Thinker readers. I will focus my comments on Hillary's home brew sever and the Clinton Foundation as an example of how RICO can be used to prosecute the players.

FBI Director James Comey indicted Hillary Clinton for her home brew server at his press conference. Comey then egregiously concluded that there was no evidence of criminal intent purportedly “required” to prosecute. Comey bastardized the Federal Espionage Act in absolving Hillary Clinton. FBI's investigation of Clinton's emails was low-balled. There was never a real search for the truth. The outcome was preordained. My jaw dropped wide open. I knew the fix was in. FBI Director Comey lied to the people with a straight face. Why?


The chance meeting of Bill Clinton and AG Loretta Lynch on the airport tarmac was no mere coincidence. This chat was not about the grandkids. Bill Clinton was there to convey a specific message to Lynch that there would be no indictment of Hillary. Hillary Clinton's email case must tank. This would have constituted bribery, if AG Lynch was assured she would continue as AG in  Clinton Administration. This meeting took place only weeks before Comey's press conference dumping Hillary Clinton's email case.


The Deep State needed Hillary Clinton to win the 2016 presidential election, or the dike holding back the truth would burst. Trump, the disruptor, was an immediate threat to both the Republicans, Democrats, and the Deep State. If the truth were laid bare, it would expose the Obama Administration, Hillary Clinton, the Senate and House, and many executive departments for these abuses of power, corruption, bribery, frauds, and thefts of public funds.


High-level government officials and the Deep State committed many serious felonies either in furtherance of or to conceal the crimes committed in the pay to play scam. In exchange for favorable consideration by Secretary Clinton, those who benefited would donate to the Clinton Foundation. The FBI started and stopped investigations into the Clinton Foundation at least twice as reported by the Washington Post. Peter Schweizer's book, Clinton Cash, is the most damning. Dinesh D'Souza slammed the Foundation in the National Review, as did The Federalist.

The status of the investigation of the Foundation by US Attorney John Huber's is unknown. Rudy Giuliani said there was enough to pursue "Clinton Inc" as racketeering under RICO. The Foundation and its affiliated nonprofits require a real investigation with an in-depth forensic audit to determine where the money went. In financial crimes investigation, the prime rule is "follow the money, honey." Illicit nonprofits have many ways to divert funds by inflating salaries, expenses, and money laundering.

Illegal nonprofit schemes are difficult to prosecute without hard evidence and the testimony of insiders. The motive of Hillary Clinton's use of the home brew server was to conceal emails from FOIA requests that would provide the hard evidence. Hillary Clinton destroyed the data on her server and cell phones with the knowledge of the FBI. It took years for Judicial Watch and others to pry and recover some of these damning emails from the foot-dragging executive departments that were complicit and knew what was going on.

RICO initially was used to target mob families. RICO is also a useful tool to fight white collar conspiracies. They both have the same hierarchy of low-level crooks led by the top players, linked together with a common purpose. RICO has tools to squeeze the low-level operatives to gather evidence to prosecute, jail, and seize assets of the conspirators. The critical element required is a pattern of criminal or racketeering activity. This pattern is proved by showing two predicate crimes were committed within ten years. The list of predicate crimes is extensive and includes bribery, embezzlement, fraud, theft, money laundering, and obstruction of justice. The typical five-year statute of limitations for most federal felonies is extended to ten years from the last criminal act or acts committed to conceal the conspiracy, i.e., lying under oath and similar actions to obstruct justice. The prison sentences are steep. The effect is to cut off the head of the organization and not just the low-level players.

The criminal activity extends back to the ATF's Fast and Furious program through the House impeachment show trial to cover up the illegal acts of the Obama Administration, Hillary Clinton, the Department of State, the DOJ, the FBI, and the CIA. A telltale sign that the DOJ under US Attorney General Barr is willing to play hardball and may use RICO, came when he spoke to the Federalist Society: "Barr accuses liberal 'resistance' of trying to 'sabotage' Trump." AG Barr said this, "shows FBI launched Trump campaign investigation on the 'thinnest of suspicions." AG Barr is the new sheriff in town, he wears a badge, has guns and will travel, can impanel grand juries, indict and arrest people, and is not limited in his jurisdiction, like DOJ IG Horowitz.

The collective actions of the Deep State are and were a silent coup to delegitimize a Presidential candidate. Once elected to impede and resist the duly elected President. The President's law enforcement and intel agencies were corrupted at the highest level and went rogue.

Organized crime can't exist without corrupt law enforcement. As I wrote in a letter to President Trump earlier this year:

. . . I believe you understand the gravity of the situation and of its importance to the very survival of our Country as we know it. If the people involved are not held accountable for their actions, we will be no different than some Third World Banana Republic.

Failure to act will destroy our founding principle of the Rule of Law as stated by President John Adams, "We Are a Nation of Laws, Not of Men" and we cannot allow a two-tiered justice system to prevail.


Ron Wright is a retired detective from Riverside PD, CA. BA in political science CSUF, M. Adm. University of Cal, Riverside. Facebook at Ron T. Cop.



“Our entire crony capitalist system, Democrat and Republican alike, has become a kleptocracy approaching par with third-world hell-holes.  This is the way a great country is raided by its elite.” ---- Karen McQuillan  

Peter Schweizer, author of “Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends,”



It’s About Corruption – Replacing a Failed and Corrupt Political Establishment


By Brian C. Joondeph

American presidents have their famous speeches, remembered long after they leave office. JFK said: “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” Ronald Reagan stood at the Brandenburg Gate and told Mikhail Gorbachev to: “Tear down this wall.”

Some speeches are memorable in other ways. George W. Bush, days after 9/11, ironically announced that: “Islam is peace.” Barack Obama proclaimed himself the messiah: “This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow, and our planet began to heal.”

President Trump has certainly given strong speeches, such as at the recent March for Life. But he may be remembered more for his raucous rallies and hilarious tweets. Yet one speech has flown under the radar.

On Oct. 13, 2016, just weeks before the election, Trump spoke at a campaign rally in Florida. Leading up to the election, he was holding several rallies each day, giving numerous speeches, but this seemingly random speech stands out.

The enigmatic Q group refers to it as the speech that got Donald Trump elected. As it was one of many pre-election speeches he gave and at a Florida rally, it may have only been heard by a fraction of Trump voters before the election, but it certainly encapsulates his philosophy, both before and after the election, toward government corruption.

The speech explains the resistance by the Washington, D.C. ruling class to Trump’s candidacy, election, and presidency. Trump attacked the foundation of deep state power, wealth, and corruption. Trump was indeed an “existential threat” to the cabal.

Before even being elected, and years before Joe Biden decided to run for president, Donald Trump was focused on corruption. Not to influence his reelection, as House Democrats accuse, since he wasn’t even president yet. But because rooting out corruption was part of his plan to make America great again.

Everything that followed his election, from the Russian collusion accusations, White House leaks, special counsel investigation, and now impeachment, is a reaction to the ideas Trump explains in this 6-minute speech. Watch it here or read the transcript.

The opening lines are prescient, becoming painfully obvious now almost four years after he laid out the scale of corruption.

 Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People. There is nothing the political

establishment will not do, and no lie they will not tell, to hold on to their prestige and power at your expense.

The Washington establishment, and the financial and media corporations that fund it, exists for only one reason: to protect and enrich itself.

The establishment has trillions of dollars at stake in this election. As an example, just one single trade deal they’d like to pass, involves trillions of dollars controlled by many countries, corporations and lobbyists.

For those who control the levers of power in Washington, and for the global special interests they partner with, our campaign represents an existential threat.

“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation and the Obama book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption.

Candidate Trump then went on to say:

It’s a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth, and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities.

This is money given to corrupt foreign countries, disguised as aid, only to be returned to the political elite by hiring their unqualified family members for do-nothing jobs, as in Hunter Biden, or funneling these U.S. taxpayer dollars back into political foundations, consultancies, or campaign contributions.

Once upon a time, journalists investigated such corruption. Now they ignore it, aiding and abetting the deception. As Trump said in his speech:

The corporate media in our country is no longer involved in journalism. They are a political special interest, no different than any lobbyist or other financial entity with an agenda.

Speak up against the cabal and you will be destroyed, or even commit suicide. Trump went on:

The establishment and their media enablers wield control over this nation through means that are well known. Anyone who challenges their control is deemed a sexist, a racist, a xenophobe and morally deformed. They will attack you, they will slander you, they will seek to destroy your career and reputation. And they will lie, lie and lie even more.

It’s amazing that Trump predicted exactly what happened a few days ago when “Republican political strategist” Rick Wilson called the group of “you” mentioned above, “credulous boomer rubes” with CNN hack Don Lemon laughing so hard he almost fell off his chair.

President Trump has been impeached for drawing back the curtain on deep state malfeasance. Before handing over millions of hard earned U.S. taxpayer dollars to Ukraine, the most corrupt country in Europe, he wanted to know the money was necessary and going where promised, rather than into the pockets of oligarchs and U.S. politician grifters.

He acted as he was required to under the “Treaty with Ukraine on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters,” ratified in 2000, 15 years before Trump announced his run for president. He was doing his job, fulfilling his Constitutional oath of office. His reward for pouring roach killer in the nest of Democrat crooks and knaves was impeachment and a concerted effort by Democrats, the media, and nasty NeverTrump Republicans, all heads on the same toxic hydra, to overturn the last election and rig the next one.

It’s not about Trump enriching himself, despite what Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler say, it’s for the country. Again, from the famous speech:

I didn’t need to do this. I built a great company, and I had wonderful life. I could have enjoyed the benefits of years of successful business for myself and my family, instead of going through this absolute horror show of lies, deceptions and malicious attacks. I’m doing it because this country has given me so much, and I feel strongly it was my turn to give back.

It’s all about corruption, exposing it, rooting it out, and destroying it. Those who are the most threatened are those who scream the loudest. Given the Democrat and media apoplexy, Trump must be getting closer to the truth.

He ended his speech by throwing down the gauntlet:

We will vote to put this corrupt government cartel out of business. We will remove from our politics the special interests who have betrayed our workers, our borders, our freedoms, and our sovereign rights as a nation. We will end the politics of profit, we will end the rule of special interests, we will put a stop to the raiding of our country – and the disenfranchisement of our people.

It’s not about abuse of power or obstruction of Congress. It’s not about quid pro quo or bribery. It’s simply a new sheriff in town, bringing law and order to drain a swamp of greed and corruption. It’s President Trump doing exactly what he said he would do if elected, making America great again.

He is doing what past presidents have talked about and promised, but then either looked the other way or became active participants in the graft. And those milking the system are petrified over exposure and their long overdue reckoning.


Brian C. Joondeph, M.D., is a Denver-based physician and freelance writer whose pieces have appeared in American Thinker, Daily Caller, and other publications. Follow him on Facebook,  LinkedInTwitter, and QuodVerum.


The Biden family is a criminal enterprise as defined in the RICO Act

By Ron Wright

Although the 1970 Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) was initially targeted at gangsters, it equally applies to corrupt government practices involving low-level crooks led by the top players, linked together with a common purpose.  No organized crime or criminal enterprise, in  or out of government,  can exist for long without corrupt law enforcement.

Because of its corrosive impact on government, organized crime must be destroyed by prosecuting influence-peddling related crimes and those who aid or abet by concealing these crimes under the RICO Act. The founding principle of our criminal justice system is equal justice for all and no one is above the law. 

When organized crime occurs at the national level, billions of dollars are sucked away from the public treasury for fraudulent pay-to-play schemes, special legislative favors, and other influence-peddling.  As a result, policy decisions are made contrary to the country's best interest.  Through co-optation/blackmail, our national strategic and security interests are compromised when foreign agents target politicians to influence foreign policy. This is also espionage (China/the CCP and Russia/Putin).  The Biden family and the Clinton family are complicit in overt acts with foreign agents.

The Biden crime family is just a continuation of the DC swamp’s business as usual of interconnected organized crime activity.  The current chapter of the family’s long, shady history began when Hunter dropped off three laptops at a computer repair shop during one of his cocaine and sex binges.  Hunter never returned to pick them up.  After seeing some concerning information on these computers, the shop owner later called the FBI.  At first, the FBI wasn't interested.  The FBI eventually picked up the hard drives but then they were deep-sixed.  Finally, the FBI opened an investigation.  The US Attorney impaneled a grand jury.  That issued a few subpoenas in May of 2020 but has gone silent.  Perhaps the change in administrations?

The shop owner wisely made copies, and the information made its way to the New York Post’s investigative reporter Miranda Devine.  The NY Post first broke the story on 10-14-20 (video and docs and more) just before the election.  The intelligence community played a Fauci to discredit this information.  More than 50 "former senior intelligence officials have signed . . . the letter [claiming this information] has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”  Twitter and Facebook memory-holed the NY Post’s story.  The NYT called the story unsubstantiated but later quietly retracted (and more).  Social media outlets censored or removed any related posts.

For some sicko reason, Hunter videoed his drunken and cocaine-smoking sex orgies, which he stored on his laptops.  But more consequentially under the terms of RICO, there is evidence of many overt acts that fall under the terms of the law. Hunter kept very damning and incriminating notes, emails, voice files, photos, and financial records on his laptops.  A smoking gun email from Burisma to Hunter seeking his intervention during the period of Joe Biden's widely reported forcing the firing of the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating Burisma (NY Post 10-14-20) is particularly incriminating.

The NY Post article of 10-15-20 has copies of emails and a video showing detailed breakdowns of these illegal money transactions.

The Daily Mail’s broadside of 10-31-20 detailed the information on the drives that posed a genuine national security threat and with classic blackmail material [File photos here].

The NY Post article of 05-26-21 documents with quotes from emails Hunter’s pay from Burisma cut in half two months after Joe Biden leaves office.  Also, Joe Biden met with Burisma exec and later in the year strong-arming the Ukrainian prosecutor under the threat of withholding $1 billion in US aid.

The NY Post article of 07-04-21 about Hunter paying Joe Biden's personal bills is documented with quotes from Hunter's emails.

The NY Post article of 11-28-21 Hunter received a 3-caret diamond and an offer of a $30 million deal from a Chinese titan with more emails.

This hard drive story was memory-holed by most media as Russian disinformation except for a few investigative reporters. That is until just recently, with the drop of explosive books by Miranda DevinePeter Schweizer, and the just-released devastating four-part series by FOX Nation, “Pirro explores ‘Who is Hunter Biden?’. . .”

Judge Jeanine Pirro narrates a riveting expose on the Biden family with interviews with Devine and Schweizer.  Included are Senators Ron Johnson and Chuck Grassley who did a lengthy investigation into Hunter Biden, Burisma and Corruption . . . (87 pages).  The media largely discredited the Johnson/Grassley report as Russian disinformation.  Schweitzer used this the report’s public source documents to corroborate and correlate with Hunter’s hard drive the documents.

These interviews and the documents are woven together with Hunter’s voice from his memoir (Audible book).  The evidence is damning and presented compellingly to the viewer that the Biden family illegally received millions of dollars from profiting from the influence of Joe Biden - as Senator, Vice President, and as President.

The FOX Nation piece is a must-watch (Behind paywall – free temp use).  Also, the 01-24-22 edition of Mark Levin's interview with Peter Schweizer (Rumble excerpt of 3.5 mins) and this FOX Business News interview with Schweizer where he implies Nancy Pelosi is co-opted too by Chinese intelligence.  According to the interview with Devine on the Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show, Hunter Biden was making deals worth millions of dollars with the inner sanctums of Putin and President Xi of China.  The Biden family was doing exactly what the Trump family was accused of doing.

Devine meticulously constructs a timeline from the emails and documents - then corroborates with other sources in her new book, the Laptop from Hell.

Peter Schweizer writes in the NY Post 01-27-22 about his book which includes a FOX News video interview with Sen. Ron Johnson on the Secret Service stalling on FOIA requests for Secret Service travel records.

Were the Biden Administration's well-known policy failures the result of the utter stupidity, or were they intentional because of Joe Biden being compromised?

We must clean our house first before anything else by legitimate and thorough criminal investigations of the Clinton and Biden families using the tools of RICO.  The corrupt elements of our government will be flushed out. 

There must be accountability for these crimes.  

Lastly, the real power brokers will emerge like a Russian nesting doll, but that's for another time.  The FBI has the resources and tools to take down these criminal enterprises.  Still, it needs a DOJ unbiased and willing to prosecute and a judiciary that will rule on the law and not succumb to political pressure.  Unfortunately, the FBI is politically corrupt - a dog that will not hunt impartially.

The Biden crime family is more blatant about its old school influence-peddling than Hillary Clinton.  Poor Uncle Joe's princeling Hunter Biden, the family bag man, can't control his vices.  The CCP has infiltrated our government and business at many levels with honey pots and other tradecraft Hunter BidenEric Swalwell.  The CCP targeted and groomed Hunter Biden because of his twisted personal life, alcohol and cocaine addiction of many years to get access to its prize, Joe Biden.

From Schweizer’s NY Post article:

For those wondering why Joe Biden is soft on China, consider this never-before-reported  revelation: The Biden family has done five deals in China totaling some $31 million arranged by individuals with direct ties to Chinese intelligence — some reaching the very top of China’s spy agency.

Yes, why is Uncle Joe going soft on China and Russia?

Based on my review of this reporting and evidence, in my opinion there is overwhelming probable cause, if not reasonable cause to begin a criminal investigation of the Biden family using the tools of RICO.  This is a target-rich environment.

Ron Wright is a retired detective from the Riverside, CA Police Department. He holds a BA in political science CSUF, M. Adm. University of Cal, Riverside. Facebook at Ron T. Cop.


Schweizer: Joe Biden Was a ‘Beneficiary’ of Hunter’s Deals with China




8 Feb 20220


Breitbart News senior contributor Peter Schweizer said Tuesday on FNC’s “America’s Newsroom” that President Joe Biden was a “beneficiary” of his son Hunter’s business deals with China.

Schweizer, the author of Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win, said, “What was initially a story of cronyism and corruption we now have to recognize is an intelligence story, and it’s not just a question of the Bidens getting rich. We have to start having the conversation and investigating whether the Biden family may be compromised.”

He continued, “We knew that there was a commercial tie in the past, that Hunter Biden put it together. I broke story in 2018. What we now know are two separate strands that are critically important. Using the Hunter Biden laptop and using emails from a Gmail account of one of Hunter’s business partners, he gave us access to the email account. We now know that every deal that the Bidens got in China came through individuals with links to the highest level of Chinese intelligence.”

Schweizer added, “We also now know that Hunter Biden did these deals, but the larger family benefited. We know that James Biden, Joe Biden’s brother, got at least $2 million of that money from China. We also now know that Hunter Biden was subsidizing his father’s lifestyle. He was paying for his bills. He was paying for renovations on his home up in Delaware while Joe Biden was Vice President of the United States. It’s not only illegal according to ethics laws. It also shows that Joe Biden is now a beneficiary of the foreign dealings that Hunter Biden has had. It’s no longer good enough for him to say, well, I didn’t have anything involved. He was a beneficiary.”

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN



The Truth About Hillary Clinton


Clinton Foundation Exposed | Over 14 Billion Confiscated!



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Clinton Foundation Exposed | Over 14 Billion Confiscated!


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The Truth About Hillary Clinton


Clinton Foundation Put On Watch List Of Suspicious ‘Charities’


"But what the Clintons do is criminal because they do it wholly at the expense of the American people. And they feel thoroughly entitled to do it: gain power, use it to enrich themselves and their friends. They are amoral, immoral, and venal. Hillary has no core beliefs beyond power and money. That should be clear to every person on the planet by now."  ----  Patricia McCarthy




The judge found these releases, together with the publication of Clinton’s secret speeches to Wall Street banks, in which she pledged to be their representative, were “matters of the highest public concern.” They “allowed the American electorate to look behind the curtain of one of the two major political parties in the United States during a presidential election.”


“Clinton also failed to mention how he and Hillary cashed in after his presidential tenure to make themselves multimillionaires, in part by taking tens of millions in speaking fees from Wall Street bankers.”

James Biden Could Do Much More Damage Than Hunter


I had argued previously that James Biden, Joe's brother, had more damaging financial scandals than Hunter. And, unlike Hunter, he can't play the crack card. The degeneracy and drug use that Republicans bet on with Hunter quickly turned into a defense. If Hunter was an out-of-control crackhead, then he couldn't be expected not to commit crimes. And whatever he did was the result of his addiction, not as a member of a politically corrupt family.

Hunter, paradoxically, makes Joe Biden look good. Instead of the front end of a corrupt clan, Joe looks like a worried father dealing with an out-of-control son. That's why the media ultimately embraced the laptop and its narrative after launching a redemption tour for Hunter complete with an autobiography and an art career.

James Biden is another story

Bank records released by Republican senators this week indicate James Biden's company, the Lion Hall Group, received payments from a Chinese-financed consulting group in 2018, before his brother Joe announced he was running for president. Grassley says that same year James Biden and the president's son, Hunter, received monthly retainers totaling $165,000 — $100,000 to Hunter and $65,000 to James...

In a September 2020 report with Senator Ron Johnson, Republican of Wisconsin, Grassley alleged Hunter, James, and James's wife Sara tapped into a line of credit Hunter set up with a Chinese business executive to purchase more than $100,000 in airline tickets, hotels and restaurants... 

CBS News has also learned more than 150 financial transactions involving either Hunter or James Biden's global business affairs were flagged as concerning by U.S. banks for further review.

Hunter isn't an aberration. He's not just an addict feeding his addiction. This is just how the Biden family acts.


Watters investigates the Biden family's business dealings

Joe Biden didn’t do anything wrong? A time-honored method of taking bribes is having them paid to a family member, usually in exchange for nominal or nonexistent services. It is comical to watch “reporters” pretend not to understand this. MONICA SHOWALTER

Biden has mastered the art of deflecting criticism of his corruption and incompetence by using black women as human shields. It began with Kamala Harris, who was grossly unready to serve in the White House, but whose nomination made a ticket headed by an old white hack seem transformational and whose continued presence makes it all but impossible to remove or bypass Biden from an office that he is equally unfit to occupy on ethical and moral grounds.                  DANIEL GREENFIELD

Schweizer added, “We also now know that Hunter Biden did these deals, but the larger family benefited. We know that James Biden, Joe Biden’s brother, got at least $2 million of that money from China. We also now know that Hunter Biden was subsidizing his father’s lifestyle. He was paying for his bills. He was paying for renovations on his home up in Delaware while Joe Biden was Vice President of the United States. It’s not only illegal according to ethics laws. It also shows that Joe Biden is now a beneficiary of the foreign dealings that Hunter Biden has had. It’s no longer good enough for him to say, well, I didn’t have anything involved. He was a beneficiary.” PAM KEY


The book, titled Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite., lays out how Hunter Biden and his business partners, in addition to his numerous Rosemont-branded entities and ventures, was deeply involved with an entity called the Burnham Financial Group. 

In short, Hunter Biden was not cutting business deals in Japan or Great Britain, where disclosure rules and corporate governance might require greater scrutiny. These were deals in the truly dark corners of the world.  KATRINA WONG

Joe Biden, in his days in the Senate, was very partial to China, as he voted against revoking China’s most-favored nation status and in 2007 opposed the idea of applying any tariffs on China despite their obvious unfair trade practices.  However, it was as Vice President that he became wholly enamored with the country and its leadership. STEVE McCANN

Business as Usual’ for Hunter’s Dealings


Joe Biden, the corrupt, unaccomplished 47-year career politician, with a reputation of having been a proud segregationist, an unabashed plagiarist and liar, a resolute tale-teller, and a serial flip-flopper, is pretending to head up a radical social-democratic ticket for President of the United States that includes as his running mate the ambitious, disagreeable junior senator from California: Kamala Harris. 

I’d be inclined to disagree with Don except for one thing: Biden has proven to be a very adept criminal mastermind. For decades, he has funneled millions of dollars to his children and siblings and, especially, to his debauched, deviant son, Hunter. ANDREA WIDBURG

There it is.  That's the issue.  To begin, you have the corrupt family Biden.  They've been scamming us and our system well for almost fifty years.  The man is supposedly worth over 250 million dollars.  How is this possible on his salary?  It's not.  So where did his wealth come from?  Not from being a brilliant businessman. DAVID PRENTICE

The book is a devastating chronicle of political corruption. From Ukraine to Mexico to China, Hunter Biden's private correspondence shows how he and his family leveraged his father's position to win high-paying, low-work gigs with shady foreign actors—and how Joe's official actions at times directly benefited his family's financial backers.

The fact that Hunter's market value was derived from his father's position seemed to be a source of resentment for the younger Biden, even as he continued to cash in on the name. Hunter complained in texts to his daughter that he had financially supported the Biden clan for three decades and that "pop" takes a cut of "half [my] salary." Financia records and correspondence reported on by Devine indicate that money from Hunter's business accounts was used to cover Joe's AT&T bill and home maintenance expenses and that a portion of at least one major China deal was earmarked for the elder Biden. ALANA GOODMAN


According to Peter Schweizer's new book Profiles in Corruption, Joe Biden met with the President of Costa Rica in 2009 and a few months later news broke of a "new multilateral partnership, 'to reform real estate in Latin America.'" Biden's brother, Frank, envisioned a huge development project with "thousands of homes, a world-class golf course, casinos, and an anti-aging center," in the Costa Rican jungle.[2]

"Biden will impose smothering taxes and regulations, fling open the doors to Red China and other enemy nations, and open the border to an unprecedented flow of migrants from Central America and nations from across the globe. Amnesty for illegals will create the "permanent Progressive majority" Democrats seek. Joe Biden will line his pockets without restraint and we will lose our country. JAMES SIMPSON 


Joe Bidens Hand in Corruption, Subversion and Crime in Guatemala

By James Simpson

In 2014 and 2015, then-Vice President Joe Biden traveled to Guatemala three times to pressure the government to maintain a United Nations body known as the International Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG). CICIG was established in Guatemala in 2006 under the pretext of prosecuting "crimes committed by members of illegal security forces and clandestine security structures," during Guatemala's long civil war. Instead, CICIG -- an international body unaccountable to Guatemalan law, worked with Guatemala's Justice Ministry to arrest and jail the left's opponents. Many remain illegally detained to this day without trial. Two prominent doctors and a Guatemalan congressman died in jail. All suffered ill health, did not receive proper treatment and were detained much longer than legally allowed. None got a trial. All were absolved following their deaths.

Biden met with then-Guatemalan President Otto Pérez Molina, who did not want to renew CICIG's charter. The Obama administration had promised a $1 billion aid package to Northern Triangle countries (Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador), but Biden made the aid and upcoming trade agreements contingent upon renewing CICIG's contract. First cajoling then threatening, Biden finally announced, "The CICIG is staying, period." Biden used this same tactic in Ukraine, where he bragged about threatening to withhold loan guarantees until the Ukrainian government fired the prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden. Biden also sought Pérez's help in extending CICIG's rule to El Salvador and Honduras.

Pérez reluctantly agreed to renew CICIG's charter. He was then pressured to resign under accusations of corruption and stripped by the Guatemalan Congress of legal immunity. The day after he resigned he was arrested and thrown in jail. He has remained there ever since, without trial. In a Daily Caller interview from jail, Pérez called these efforts, "a coup without bullets."

Pérez said that, "CICIG amounts to a new form of U.S. interference in Guatemala's affairs and that his country has surrendered its sovereignty over its justice system by allowing the unit to operate."

CICIG's litany of abuses includes arbitrary arrest, detention and interrogation without charges or trial, fabricated evidence, illegal break-ins and denial of due process, pretrial detention for years longer than allowed by Guatemalan law and many other abuses. Some of the charges it has brought are valid, given endemic corruption in Guatemala. But CICIG's goal was not to stem corruption, rather to use it as a pretext to dispatch the left's enemies and install vastly more corrupt individuals who will advance the Communist cause in Guatemala.

CICIG's leader from 2013 forward was Ivan Velásquez Gómez, a former judge from Colombia with close ties to the Colombian narco-terrorist group, FARC. Former Colombian President Alvaro Uribe has said that as a judge, Velásquez battled to absolve the Colombian narcoterrorists of their decades of crime and terrorist atrocities.

In addition to Velásquez Another key player has been Claudia Paz y Paz, chosen to be Guatemala's Attorney General in 2010 under pressure from CICIG and Obama's Ambassador to Guatemala, Stephen McFarland. Paz y Paz is a communist guerrilla sympathizer. Her father was a member of the Castro-supported Rebel Armed Forces (FAR) that assassinated U.S. Ambassador John Gordon Mein in 1968 and Germany's ambassador to Guatemala, Karl von Spreti, two years later.

Paz y Paz oversaw numerous extra-judicial arrests and confinement of political opponents. She was accused of giving illegal orders to judges and her own prosecutors, and shielding from legal action bands of armed leftist militias who roam rural areas terrorizing the indigenous peoples. The militias are remnants from Guatemala's civil war, in truth a Castro-supported communist insurgency (1960-1996).

She particularly targeted the military, which defeated the communist insurgency with help from the rural population. Military men have received multiple life sentences for "crimes against humanity" while judges disbar evidence proving their innocence and guilt of the guerrillas.

In 2012, a young prosecutor named Gilda Aguilar attempted to arrest members of one of these militias. Paz y Paz dropped the charges, calling the militia a "human-rights group." She threw Aguilar off the case and launched an investigation of her. Three weeks later Aguilar narrowly escaped an assassination attempt by the same group. Instead of investigating, the prosecutor asked the court to dismiss the case -- as though it had never happened. Aguilar quit and brought dereliction of duty charges against Paz y Paz.

The Obama administration pressured President Pérez to assure Paz y Paz's reappointment when her term was up in 2014, knowing full well the allegations against her. They similarly supported appointment and advancement of many other radicals, and the State Department continues to do so.

The indigenous populations of Guatemala have faced the brunt of the communist offensive in Guatemala since the beginning of the civil war. With the Obama administration's full knowledge, armed leftist militias, Paz y Paz's "human rights groups" control rural areas, sabotage or block desperately needed economic development and engage in terrorism and crime. The 20-minute video embedded below shares moving testimony from people terrorized by these groups:

The militias' spread was enthusiastically supported by the Obama administration. Their activities dramatically increased with the administration's promotion of leftists like Judge Gloria Porras and Attorney General Paz y Paz to influential positions in Guatemala's legal system. The increase in crime over this period is shown in the colored areas of the map below. They are referred to charitably as "Social Conflict Zones."

The Obama administration responded with the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) program in 2012. This caused a massive exodus of minors from Northern Triangle nations illegally entering the U.S.  In 2011, the Border Patrol apprehended only 4,321 minors. That number increased to 68,541 in 2014. Most came from Guatemala. The migrant caravans that have since swamped our borders were instigated by Central American leftists with assistance from tax-exempt and taxpayer-funded, open borders groups in America. This entire effort was a premeditated campaign by the Obama administration.

More Biden pay to play?

Former President Pérez claimed in a Mexican Newsweek article that Biden pressured him to support a Guatemalan contract with the pharmaceutical firm Baxter International. He said, "We had pressure from Vice President Biden, not only when he came to Guatemala, but when I visited Washington, to grant a contract to Baxter…" Pérez asserted that:

Biden is a partner of Baxter Pharmaceuticals and [he] mentioned that even the U.S. Embassy in the country requested the meeting with his private secretary and his general secretary so they could influence Baxter to win the bid. "They were accompanied by embassy staff, Baxter representatives, to ask us and tell us that Baxter had that contract and that Baxter should win it back," he said.

Pérez's claims were repeated by Julia Amparo Lotán Garzona, the former labor sector representative of the Executive Board of the Guatemalan Institute for Social Security. In testimony before the Guatemalan Truth Commission investigating CICIG, she said:

What we can confirm is that not only this closeness between Baxter and Biden, but we can also confirm that the embassy asked for the meeting with the secretary, but that Otto Pérez Molina, my private secretary and the secretary general were able to influence Baxter to win the bid. "Isn't that influence peddling? - Otto Pérez Molina pointed out, it is influence peddling….  (Translated with DeepL Translator)

According to Truth Commission testimony, CICIG jailed employees of Guatemala's social security system, including Garzona, a nurse and union representative, without trial, on the pretext that all took bribes to replace a contract for Baxter medical equipment with equipment made in Mexico. This action was widely viewed as yet another abuse of power by CICIG, and included some people close to President  Pérez. Was it coincidental that this occurred at the same time Biden was lobbying  Pérez  to extend CICIG's contract, while also lobbying him on behalf of Baxter?  Pérez  ultimately agreed to both.

We have been unable to confirm a Biden financial interest in Baxter, but in his book, Promise Me, Dad, Biden stated: "The President asked me to take over the job of repairing our wobbly relations across the entirety of the Americas -- the Northern Triangle, Brazil, the Caribbean, everything."[1]

According to Peter Schweizer's new book Profiles in Corruption, Joe Biden met with the President of Costa Rica in 2009 and a few months later news broke of a "new multilateral partnership, 'to reform real estate in Latin America.'" Biden's brother, Frank, envisioned a huge development project with "thousands of homes, a world-class golf course, casinos, and an anti-aging center," in the Costa Rican jungle.[2]

To support the project's energy needs, the Costa Rica National Power and Light Company would build the Guanacaste Solar Park, the largest solar farm in the nation -- with Frank's company Sun Fund Americas as a partner, even though Frank had no experience in the energy field.[3] The U.S. government provided a $6.5 million loan for the project, and $47.5 for another Sun Fund solar project in Jamaica.[4]

Given the Biden family's other pay-to-play schemes in Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, and who knows where else, it would seem reasonable that Biden might expect something in return for pushing Baxter. In fact, with Biden, it would be surprising if there were not some quid pro quo.

Guatemala is now on the cusp of becoming a

communist state thanks to Joe Biden, Hillary

Clinton, Barack Obama, and their minions. This has

also been in the works for decades in America, but

has come out of the closet since President Trump's


If Joe Biden is elected president, this agenda will be turbocharged. Biden's "Build Back Better" slogan comes directly from the U.N. -- which not coincidentally calls for socialist redistribution in Latin America -- and the World Economic Forum, which envisions using the Chinese communist COVID-19 "pandemic" to "reinvent capitalism." Biden will impose smothering taxes and regulations, fling open the doors to Red China and other enemy nations, and open the border to an unprecedented flow of migrants from Central America and nations from across the globe. Amnesty for illegals will create the "permanent Progressive majority" Democrats seek. Joe Biden will line his pockets without restraint and we will lose our country. Forever. This is the most important election in our nation's history.


James Simpson is an economist, businessman and investigative journalist. His latest book is The Red Green Axis 2.0: An Existential Threat to America and the World. Follow Jim on Twitter & Facebook.


                               THE BRIBES SUCKERS




People in Delaware Don't Like Joe Biden


Apparently building Amtrak stations isn't everything.

This is awkward news for Biden who keeps using Delaware to invent a fake middle-class and local background. But people in Delaware are no more fond of Biden than anywhere else.

The Civicqs survey says that Biden's job approval is deep underwater in Delaware with 52% disapproving and only 38% approving.

The only places that Biden is still above water are Vermont, Maryland, Massachusetts, Illinois, and Hawaii.

I'm not an electoral college expert, but that doesn't feel like enough.

Biden Family Helped Shady Chinese Businessman with US Visa Issues

Hunter Biden, an unidentified man, and then-vice president Joe Biden in China in 2013 / edited from Getty Images
 • April 7, 2022 4:00 pm


Members of the Biden family helped a Chinese businessman with suspected links to the Chinese Communist Party in a bid to obtain visas to the United States for himself and family members.

Emails from Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop show the Biden family solicited help from a former Obama administration immigration official working in private practice to secure visas for Ye Jianming and his family. At the time, Hunter Biden, his uncle Jim Biden, and his aunt Sara Biden were in business with Ye’s energy conglomerate, CEFC China Energy. On the same day the Bidens embarked on the visa quest, Sept. 12, 2017, a CEFC executive authorized a $99,000 line of credit for Jim and Sara Biden, according to records reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon.

The emails highlight the strong relationship between the Bidens and China, which the White House has tried to downplay in light of recent reports in the establishment media about their business dealings. The White House has said that Joe Biden knew nothing of his son’s foreign business, but a former Hunter Biden business partner has said he met with the father and son duo in 2017 about a consulting deal involving CEFC. One email found on Biden’s laptop referred to payments from a deal with CEFC for "the big guy," which the Hunter associate said was a reference to Joe Biden. Hunter Biden also referred to his father and Chinese partners in a 2017 email as "business partners" and asked for keys for his entire family to an office he shared with CEFC.

The Biden clan’s relationship with CEFC has come under intense scrutiny because of Ye’s alleged ties to the Chinese military. CEFC was also a key part of China’s ambitious plan to snatch up energy companies across the globe. CEFC helped promote China’s Belt and Road Initiative, a program that Beijing uses to increase its global influence. In one email to Ye, Hunter Biden wrote of the mutual benefit that his work for CEFC would provide China and the United States. Biden negotiated a deal that would allow CEFC to have access to a liquified natural gas terminal in Louisiana, saying it would be "good for both the United States and China simultaneously."

Federal prosecutors are reportedly investigating Biden’s relationship with CEFC as part of a broad probe into his finances and foreign business dealings. Prosecutors have reportedly asked witnesses during grand jury proceedings about payments from CEFC to Biden. One grand jury witness was asked to identify "the big guy" mentioned in emails, according to the New York Post. Federal prosecutors are also seeking Jim Biden’s financial records, CBS News reported.

CEFC paid Hunter Biden’s firm $5 million for consulting work beginning in August 2017. CEFC paid him another $1 million to represent a CEFC executive, Patrick Ho, who was charged under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act with trying to bribe African officials for oil drilling rights. The Justice Department obtained surveillance warrants against Ho based on the suspicion that he was acting covertly for a foreign power.

According to emails from the laptop, Sara Biden, the president’s sister-in-law, inquired with John Sandweg, an acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement during the Obama administration, about visas for Ye and his family. Sara Biden contacted Sandweg at the request of Gongwen Dong, a CEFC employee who handled the company’s U.S. operations. Hunter and Jim Biden were copied on the emails.

Sandweg offered up several options for the immigration case. Dong picked an option that would allow for visas for Ye, his wife, and his children through a loophole that provides temporary visas to executives for the American subsidiaries of foreign companies. Sandweg did not respond to a request for comment, but a person familiar with the matter told the Free Beacon that Sandweg's firm did not file any visa applications for Ye because the company did not provide supporting documents needed for the process. Ye was reportedly arrested by Chinese authorities in early 2018 on suspicion of offering bribes.

Notably, Sara and Jim Biden received a $99,000 line of credit authorized by Dong on Sept. 12, 2017, the same day Sara Biden reached out to Sandweg. Dong and Hunter Biden signed the document authorizing the transaction. It is unclear if the credit line is related to the Bidens’ help with the visa issues. According to Sens. Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa) and Ron Johnson (R., Wis.), the Bidens used the funds to pay for airline tickets, restaurants, and hotels. The Republican senators said this week the financial transactions are evidence that Hunter and Jim Biden are "financially connected to the communist regime."

Report: U.S. Banks Flagged Over 150 Suspicious Financial Transactions from Biden Family

Vice President Joe Biden, center, approaches a hearse carrying a casket containing the remains of his son, former Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, funeral service, Saturday, June 6, 2015, at St. Anthony of Padua Roman Catholic Church in Wilmington, Del. Walking alongside the vice president are his son Hunter, from …
AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

U.S. banks flagged over 150 suspicious financial transactions from Hunter and James Biden, according to CBS News on Wednesday.

The great number of wire transfers included “large” amounts of money tripped for further review by American banks, CBS News reported about the Biden family business operations.

For years, wire transfers have been the tool of choice for money launderers. To mitigate the risks to the financial institutions, suspicious wire transfers over $10,000 are flagged for review. Wire transactions involving more than $10,000 are also to be reported to the Internal Revenue Service.

Moreover, international wire payments, such as those to James and Hunter, are monitored by the Office of Foreign Assets Control to ensure the money is not a part of corrupt business schemes.

A grand jury is currently investigating the Biden family for tax fraud, money laundering, and the violation of lobbying laws in relation to corrupt business deals undertaken while President Joe Biden was in top positions in the U.S. government.

James and Hunter Biden were both directly paid by Chinese entities and promised retainer fees for their China work, totaling $165,000, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) told CBS News.

The wire transfers could be the intake component of a greater payout mechanism. In 2019, Hunter revealed in texts the Biden family’s payout vehicle. The detailed mechanism indicates a collection of 50 percent of familial salaries for 30 years.

“I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years,” Hunter described in texts to his daughter. “It’s really hard. But don’t worry, unlike Pop [Joe], I won’t make you give me half your salary.”

According to emails from Hunter’s laptop, Hunter paid Joe Biden’s phone bill and various expenses while Joe Biden served as vice president, the New York Post reported:

[W]hile Joe was vice president, Hunter routinely paid at least some of his father’s household expenses, including AT&T bills of around $190 a month.

We know from an e-mail on June 5, 2010, with the subject “JRB bills” to Hunter from Eric Schwerin, his business partner at Rosemont Seneca, that he was expected to foot hefty bills to Wilmington contractors for maintenance and upkeep of his father’s palatial lakefront property. Joe’s initials are JRB, for Joseph Robinette Biden.

The bills that June included $2,600 to contractor Earle Downing for a “stone retaining wall” at Joe’s Wilmington estate, $1,475 to painter Ronald Peacock to paint the “back wall and columns” of the house, and $1,239 to builder Mike Christopher for repairs to the air conditioning at the cottage of Joe’s late mother, Jean “Mom-Mom” Biden, which was on his property and which he would later rent to the Secret Service for $2,200 a month.

According to former Utah U.S. attorney Brett Tolman, the Biden family’s payment mechanism may reveal the core of an entrenched business enterprise, which could involve legal “predicates” for racketeering charges.

Reports indicate Hunter and Joe shared bank accounts.

Constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley believes a special counsel should be appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland to study Hunter’s corruption. Turley noted Joe Biden has denied any wrongdoing by Hunter and may have influenced the ongoing investigation.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter and Gettr @WendellHusebø

It’s like these guys know they can get caught but just don’t care. It’s pretty ballsy, but it’s become a hallmark characteristic of the Biden family. They did nothing wrong, but whatever you might think is an issue will never be done again. It’s a bizarre response to the various ethics inquiries into the family’s government access dealing days. It’s a web that’s intricate in the sense that Joe Biden is pretty much kept off the books—somewhat. 

The deal with CEFC China Energy that fell through in 2017 was especially egregious. The Biden family got millions for their time. Joe Biden was involved despite saying he wasn’t aware of his son’s dealings. And it was with a company that had connections to China’s communist party—no shock. It was all corroborated by former associate Tony Bobulinski who was interviewed by the FBI and turned over all pertinent documents and devices. This deal was hashed out when Joe was still VP. It shows he’s compromised. The media didn’t care. Now, with Hunter Biden selling stick-figure art for insane sums of money the list of purchasers has remained a secret. The art world is notorious for money laundering, and the Biden White House sort of admitted that. In doing so, they’ve dragged Hunter back into the mix (via Daily Wire):

Hunter “The Artist” Biden may need to review the latest report issued by his father’s White House, warning potential illicit actors about the dangers of making a living in the money laundering business.

Flagged by Senior Ethics Fellow at Project of Government Oversight Walter Shaub, the White House released a document titled “United States Strategy on Countering Corruption.”

The report also stated that the U.S. government would “also hold accountable those who choose to engage in corruption. As part of this effort, the U.S. Government will enforce existing rules using proven tools, while also working with the Congress on new authorities to take on the corruption challenge as it stands today.”

This past year, Hunter Biden announced his decision to enter the art world. Shortly thereafter, buyers began shelling out boatloads of cash for the “esteemed” painter’s work.

This is more of a brazen network than the Clinton Foundation which was a legit slush fund for the Clinton family. Okay, fine—it was a bank where the wealthy and well-connected ‘donated’ a huge sum of money to the foundation to buy favors. That, in turn, would lead to a rather lucrative socioeconomic event benefitting the donor mightily somewhere down the line. As with any investment, some favors took more time—but the Clintons always came through for their partners. With Biden, it’s a shady artwork deal for his disgraced failure of a son where tons of money can just be dumped for these pieces of art—no question asked. The Bidens can’t be bought either, right? They’re special or something. 

There it is.  That's the issue.  To begin, you have the corrupt family Biden.  They've been scamming us and our system well for almost fifty years.  The man is supposedly worth over 250 million dollars.  How is this possible on his salary?  It's not.  So where did his wealth come from?  Not from being a brilliant businessman. DAVID PRENTICE







The Hunter Biden dam is about to burst: Devine



Hunter Biden could end up with no jail time: Jesse Watters

 The critical element required is a pattern of criminal or racketeering activity. This pattern is proved by showing two predicate crimes were committed within ten years. The list of predicate crimes is extensive and includes bribery, embezzlement, fraud, theft, money laundering, and obstruction of justice. 


Will Hunter take jail time to protect his father?

 Joe Biden's supporters are strangely quiet as his presidency descends into crisis


Watters: Biden's White House is in shambles



The Tragic Tale of Hunter Biden


Hunter Biden Laptop Interview Body Language (2021)


Kamala Saves The Day


Hunter Biden emails reportedly reveal attempted $120 million oil deal with China


Tucker: This is Biden-style Democracy





 Watters: Biden’s new business partners are evil

NY Times sues for info on Hunter Biden's business dealings

 Watters: The Five (CRIME) Families of the Democrat Party



American people deserve to know what China was up to with Joe Biden, especially when Beijing had already shelled out millions of dollars to Biden family members — including millions in set-asides for “the big guy.” What else is on that infamous Hunter Biden laptop? The conflicted Biden Justice Department cannot be trusted to engage in any meaningful oversight on this issue. We need a special counsel now. TOM FITTON - JUDICIAL WATCH


Biden Kept Doing Favors for Hunter's Foreign Business Interests


The Biden administration keeps claiming that there was some sort of firewall between Joe and Hunter. And yet the repeated pattern of Joe Biden holding meetings with and doing favors for Hunter's foreign business partners tells another story.

President Joe Biden wrote a college recommendation letter to Brown University for the son of a Chinese executive tied to Hunter Biden, according to emails that originated on the younger Biden's laptop.

In an email on Jan. 3, 2017, Chinese executive Jonathan Li asked Biden and business associates Devon Archer and Jim Bulger to look over his son Christopher's resumes for Brown University, New York University, and Cornell University.

"Gentlemen, please find the attached resume of my son, Chris Li," the email, obtained by Fox News, read. "Please can you provide some advice for his applications."

A few weeks later, on Feb. 18, 2017, Eric Schwerin, the president of the younger Biden's investment firm Rosemont Seneca, sent an email to Jonathan Li that included the recommendation letter.

"Jonathan, Hunter asked me to send you a copy of the recommendation letter that he asked his father to write on behalf of Christopher for Brown University," Schwerin said. 

It's undeniable that Joe Biden was doing a favor for Hunter's business partners. And there were meetings that kept happening.

President Joe Biden's son and his associates targeted Russian oligarch Yelena Baturina — who eventually was sanctioned by the U.S. a few years later in 2018 — for as much as $200 million after helping her get a bank account set up in America, the emails show.

Hunter Biden and his associates even arranged for Baturina and her husband, an ex-Moscow mayor, to meet with then-Vice President Joe Biden at an intimate dinner in Washington in 2015.

Hunter and other Biden family members were clearly trading on access to their father and Joe Biden, as out of it as he may sometimes seem, no doubt knew what was going on. 

Exclusive — Peter Schweizer: ‘Slam Dunk’ Case to Indict Hunter Biden on Tax Evasion

Family members gather for a road naming ceremony with U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, centre, his son Hunter Biden, left, and his sister Valerie Biden Owens, right, joined by other family members during a ceremony to name a national road after his late son Joseph R. "Beau" Biden III, in …
Visar Kryeziu/AP

Breitbart News senior contributor and Government Accountability Institute (GAI) President Peter Schweizer said during a Republican Study Committee (RSC) meeting that there is a slam dunk case to indict Hunter Biden on charges of tax evasion, Breitbart News has learned exclusively.

Schweizer, the author of  Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win, spoke to the RSC members about his book, which focuses on how American elites and lawmakers became rich to America’s detriment. The Red-Handed author said during the meeting that although the book documents many elites that sell out to China, it principally focuses on President Joe Biden and his family.

RSC Chairman Jim Banks (R-IN) said that he thought, after reading Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich, the Clintons were the most corrupt family in politics, and then he learned about the Biden family.

Schweizer said the Hunter Biden laptop stories made it easier to answer “three basic fundamental questions” about the relationship between China, Hunter Biden, and Joe Biden:

  1. The Biden family received roughly $31 million in business deals with the Chinese.
  2. Hunter Biden had significant business dealings with high-ranking Chinese government officials.
  3. Schweizer said that the Hunter Biden emails revealed that the Biden family’s money is “fungible.”

Schweizer said Hunter and Joe Biden had joint accounts, and that Hunter Biden was paying for Joe Biden’s monthly bills.

“It also indicates that Joe Biden was a direct beneficiary of the money that was being transferred from Asia,” Schweizer said.

Schweizer said that there was a grand jury established in 2018 to look at Hunter Biden’s business deals in China, which is focusing on potential tax evasion, money laundering, political corruption, and failure to register as a foreign agent under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).

Schweizer said that there remains a good chance that Hunter Biden will go to jail for one of these charges, likely tax evasion. However, he caveated that Hunter Biden will likely take the fall to protect his father.

Schweizer explained, “What seems to be fairly clear at this point, you can notice this with a flurry of news reporting that is occurring, that I would say that the odds are fairly good Hunter Biden is going to be indicted. On which of those charges, I don’t know. I think tax evasion is a slam dunk. But, here’s the real challenge for the people in this room and for the American people. What is probably going to happen is there’s going to be a deal cut. Hunter Biden is going to cop to some of the charges. He may spend some time in jail. But, he’s going to do that to protect his father.”

“The American people will have no accounting … they will have no accounting of what the financial relationships were and how it influenced U.S. policy,” Schweizer said.

The GAI president offered two recommendations to prevent more foreign influence: increased congressional oversight and ethics reforms.

He explained, “Congressional oversight is a legitimate and important function here. The Department of Justice is not going to do it. And what I would suggest is congressional committees when the anticipation is you will take the majority in November, use the subpoena power of the oversight committees to investigate this. Have Hunter Biden and these other individuals testify under oath, subpoena financial records, the joint accounts, etc.”

He added, “If you look at the situation right now, as it relates to the Biden family, Joe Biden is required to disclose if he has $1,000 in GE stock. He’s required to disclose all of his campaign contributors of $200 or more, but his son does multimillion dollar deals with Chinese state-owned entities where he’s performing no legitimate business purpose. There’s no disclosure requirement. So why not simply require the executive branch and legislative branch members to answer a simple question? Is anybody in your immediate family, meaning adult children, spouse engaged in commercial activities with foreign governments or foreign state-owned enterprises? If you check, yes, at least require members to disclose it.”

Schweizer emphasized that foreign entities now do deals with family members to “offshore” the individual that they are trying to “corrupt” and protect them from these kinds of disclosure and ethics reforms.

House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Jim Jordan (R-OH) has launched a new investigation into Facebook and Twitter’s impression of the Hunter Biden laptop story.

If House Republicans were to retake the House majority, Jordan would likely become the Judiciary chairman and have the power to investigate the Biden family.

Banks said that Jordan would lead the Judiciary Committee and do the right thing regarding investigations into the Biden family.

“I would say personally, I have a lot of faith in Jim Jordan,” Schweizer said.

Sean Moran is a congressional reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SeanMoran3.



The HAPPIEST Place On Earth

If Obama committed peccadillos, the media covered for him, but what’s certain is that even the media couldn’t cover for how corrupt his administration was, culminating in the Russia Hoax. ANDREA WIDBURG


IN MODERN AMERICAN HISTORY! ALL ARE GAMER LAWYERS BUT GAMER INSIDE TRADER PELOSIThere it is.  That's the issue.  To begin, you have the corrupt family Biden.  They've been scamming us and our system well for almost fifty years.  The man is supposedly worth over 250 million dollars.  How is this possible on his salary?  It's not.  So where did his wealth come from?  Not from being a brilliant businessman. DAVID PRENTICE

‘Corruption is king in Washington DC’: Jesse Watters questions whether Hunter Biden will get a pass

That comes from an email found in the never-ending trove that is Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell”—an email that contains a breakdown of who got what in Hunter’s China business deals, which have more than a faint whiff of corruption about them.

But who’s the “big guy?” It’s a question everyone wants to know the answer to, including Fox News host Jesse Watters, who’s been closely following the investigation into the Biden family’s business dealings.

Last night, on his show “Jesse Watters Primetime,” Watters told viewers that the federal probe into the Biden business deals was “heating up.”

“Not only are sources telling ‘Primetime’ that the first son, Hunter Biden, is on the verge of being indicted,” Watters explained, “but it looks like the U.S. attorney in Delaware could be looking at President Joe Biden himself.” The investigation into Hunter Biden dates back to 2018, and involves a federal probe into his finances, tax payments, and various business dealings in China, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and other unsavory parts of the world.

“Yesterday during a grand jury testimony over Hunter’s finances,” Watters continued, “a witness was asked to identify the ‘big guy.’ This came after an email from Hunter’s business partner, James Gilliar, was put into the record. The email showed a breakdown of the China deal and who was going to get a piece of the pie, saying, ‘Ten held by H for the big guy.’ Who’s the big guy? Well, a bunch of emails on Hunter’s laptop suggest the ‘big guy’ was Joe Biden.”

(Video: Fox News)

The Hunter Biden laptop has been an ongoing thorn in the side of the liberal media ever since it first surfaced in late 2020, just before the presidential election. In recent weeks, both The New York Times and The Washington Post have been forced to concede—somewhat sheepishly and with no mention at all of their previous dismissal of the laptop as “Russian disinformation”—that the laptop and its contents are indeed authentic.

In his segment on Tuesday night, Watters further clarified the issues at stake, and why they matter: “We know Hunter’s business partners. We’re told not to call Joe by name. They wanted to keep Joe’s role private. Hunter’s partner confirmed it when he texted Bobulinski, ‘Don’t mention Joe being involved. It’s only when you are face-to-face. I know you know that, but they are paranoid.’”

“So instead, Joe went by the ‘big guy’ to try to cover up his whole role in all of this. But the grand jury is asking questions that lead right to the Oval Office. The media’s whole containment operation can’t contain a grand jury, but the press is trying their best anyway,” Watters continued.

Of course, it remains to be seen how far any investigation into the Biden family’s multifarious and shadowy business dealings will actually go. After all, the laptop scandal was completely buried in a two-pronged media operation that involved both mainstream news outlets and former intelligence officials colluding to prevent the story from harming Joe Biden’s election chances.

The scandal then remained buried for well over a year—which is a pretty comprehensive expression of the power of media outlets like The New York Times and The Washington Post to set the national narrative.

With this in mind, and observing Hunter Biden’s carefree behavior in recent weeks, Watters rightly wonders if the federal probe will actually go anywhere at all—or just fizzle out, as they so often do where powerful Democratic politicians are concerned.

“Hunter is actually throwing a wedding for his daughter at the White House in November,” Jesse said at the conclusion of his segment, “right after the midterms. Maybe Hunter isn’t scared at all. Maybe he knows he’ll be saved again like he always is. So if this investigation doesn’t lead straight to the White House, it’ll just prove that corruption is king in Washington, D.C.”


Levin: This is what the 'Biden crime family' did

You can learn more about this groundbreaking documentary and watch Rigged in its entirety here.

“Finally, Zuckerberg admits that he hasn’t seen the film, but denies its contents anyway. He then claims that the facts as laid out in the film have been ‘debunked’ in court, although the points made in the movie were not the subject of any of the lawsuits surrounding the 2020 election that he’s referencing,” he continued, concluding that Zuckerberg’s statement “does nothing to counter the many facts – supported by official IRS tax forms filed by the non-profit groups Zuckerberg funded – we spell out in Rigged.”

The Biden crime family is more blatant about its old school influence-peddling than Hillary Clinton.  Poor Uncle Joe's princeling Hunter Biden, the family bag man, can't control his vices.  The CCP has infiltrated our government and business at many levels with honey pots and other tradecraft Hunter BidenEric Swalwell.  The CCP targeted and groomed Hunter Biden because of his twisted personal life, alcohol and cocaine addiction of many years to get access to its prize, Joe Biden.

From Schweizer’s NY Post article:

For those wondering why Joe Biden is soft on China, consider this never-before-reported  revelation: The Biden family has done five deals in China totaling some $31 million arranged by individuals with direct ties to Chinese intelligence — some reaching the very top of China’s spy agency.

SPECIAL REPORT: Inside Joe Biden's corruption scandal and the social media cover-up

A special senate investigation has detailed how the son of presidential hopeful Joe Biden may have used his father’s position in the White House to amass wealth and power. The Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs published the report titled ‘Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Corruption: The Impact on US Government Policy and Related Concerns’. Sky News Australia breaks down this 87-page document which examines possible conflicts of interest in foreign business while Joe Biden was vice president in Barack Obama’s administration. The report found that the Obama administration knew Hunter Biden’s presence on the board of the corrupt Ukrainian energy company Burisma was “problematic” and “interfered” in the “execution of policy” with Ukraine. The allegations are extraordinary – so much so that social media giants Facebook and Twitter sought to censor the story to stop it reaching voters in a manner Republicans have labelled brazen "election interference".

Levin: This is what the 'Biden crime family' did

“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation and the Obama book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption.

Media was 'complicit' in Hunter Biden saga: Christie

Joe Biden is ‘compromised’: Sen. Johnson

Sen. Grassley examines the Biden family's business dealings




There it is.  That's the issue.  To begin, you have the corrupt family Biden.  They've been scamming us and our system well for almost fifty years.  The man is supposedly worth over 250 million dollars.  How is this possible on his salary?  It's not.  So where did his wealth come from?  Not from being a brilliant businessman. DAVID PRENTICE

Most recently and dramatically, Biden lied about his knowledge of his son's shady dealings,  lied about his own involvement in corruption and bribery, and lied about his current presidential agenda and what he wants to implement in regards to energy, fracking, court-packing, health care, education, and COVID among other issues.


Biden is, and has always been, a pathological liar of the worst kind, the kind who lies to boost his own ego no matter how easy it is to prove his dishonesty. MONICA SHOWALTER

Millions of voters have ‘never heard the truth’ about Biden files

 Joe Biden didn’t do anything wrong? A time-honored method of taking bribes is having them paid to a family member, usually in exchange for nominal or nonexistent services. It is comical to watch “reporters” pretend not to understand this. MONICA SHOWALTER


Bidens' money trail to Russia, China, and Ukraine exposed

Big Tech 'colluded with Democrats to censor' the Hunter Biden laptop story

US media acted ‘disgracefully’ by denying Hunter Biden laptop story

Mark Levin: Biden ‘May Be the Most Corrupt President in American History’


Earlier this week, during an appearance on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” conservative talker and host of FNC’s “Life, Liberty & Levin” Mark Levin weighed in on the ongoing saga of corruption allegations aimed at President Joe Biden, his son Hunter Biden and other members of Biden’s family.

Levin described President Biden as possibly the “most corrupt president in American history” and called for a special counsel to investigate.

Transcript as follows:

HANNITY: Joining us now, he is the host of “Life, Liberty, and Levin,” Sunday nights, the number one show right here on the Fox News Channel, had the number one book of the year last year, and he has a nationally syndicated radio show, I call him the great one.

I break this down and you take away the last name Biden and you replace it with Trump, what happens, Mark Levin?

LEVIN: No question about it. I mean, they’re still investigating Trump at the federal level, with Congress, D.A.’s office, the attorney general of New York, all corrupt, all Democrats, never-ending.

But this isn’t about Hunter Biden. It’s about Joe Biden. Joe Biden is the patriarch of an incredibly corrupt political family. He may be the most corrupt president in American history. The media had been protecting him. Even The New York Times and The Washington Post, even though they now admit that the laptop is legit. It’s authentic, because they must because the criminal investigation with career prosecutors in Wilmington is proceeding, what are they supposed to say?

The fact of the matter is everybody knew it was legitimate, especially the press. It was his laptop, it came about accidentally. “The New York Post” was printing chapter and verse, the big oligarchs covered it up, the media covered it up, at a time when the American people should have known before the election.

If they had reported what was on that laptop if they had applied the kind of resources that they apply, trying to set up Donald Trump with phony arguments and so forth, we would have known before the election just how corrupt Joe Biden and his family are and we would have known that he could never be president of the United States.

So the Democrat Party would have been out without a candidate and there is no way that Joe Biden would receive even close to the number of votes he supposedly got. The media are corrupt and they’re still corrupt they’re still trying to protect him.

Hunter Biden — look, he’s under criminal investigation. The whole family, you have James Biden, his younger brother, other brothers, the sister-in-law. So far, I calculated, you have $5 million confirmed that this communist Chinese front group and communist military front group gave to the Bidens, $5 million. Perhaps up to $10 million, $3.5 million from the wife of the Moscow mayor, several million, Burisma, about $4 million.

So, already, conservatively, we’re talking about over $13 million that went to this family.

Joe Biden has said he didn’t know anything about his son’s business. Joe Biden is a pathological serial liar when it comes to oil, when it comes to the border, when it comes to anything, but especially here.

We have a very credible witness who went public, Bobulinski. This guy has a Navy SEAL background and so forth. He met with Biden in May of 2017, Biden knew the particulars of the deal that they were trying to make. He also made it clear that the Biden family, wanted them to make sure that they covered their tracks for the big guy, the big guy being Joe.

In the contemporaneous documents on the laptop that everybody now admits is authentic, even though it’s 14 months late, 15 months late, Joe Biden is listed the big guys supposed to get 10, 10 percent. Ten percent of what? Ten percent of millions of dollars that were coming from the communist Chinese to the Biden family.

Now, ladies and gentlemen, there’s more than enough predicates here to conduct a criminal investigation of Joe Biden. His son, justice should be done. He violated the Federal Corrupt Practices Act. He didn’t identify as an agent.

According to the way the Department of Justice conducts himself, but we have a bigger problem. With a man in the Oval Office who I believe is effectively a Manchurian candidate. He is, in my view, a crook, that he is corrupt.

Now, Merrick Garland, the attorney general, is not going to investigate Biden. He won’t allow it. He’s busy chasing his parents. He’s busy attacking the Georgia Republican legislature. He’s busy going after Texas for their abortion rules and on and on and on.

But the fact of the matter is this, there needs to be a special counsel now to investigate Joe Biden. The Democrats in the House won’t do it. A special counsel with subpoena power, that man needs to be under oath. He needs to be questioned.

This family is corrupt. That’s it.

HANNITY: That’s why we call him the great one, Mark Levin. Don’t miss him Sunday night, “Life, Liberty, & Levin”, right here, number one show, Sunday night, FOX News Channel.








Chris Hedges | America's LOST Moral Order

“The Lawlessness of the Obama Administration: A never-ending story.” Michael Barone – American Historian – Washington Examiner

David Bernstein & The Heritage Foundation - “Lawless: The Obama Administration’s Unprecedented Assault on the Constitution and the Rule of Law.”

If Obama committed peccadillos, the media covered for him, but what’s certain is that even the media couldn’t cover for how corrupt his administration was, culminating in the Russia Hoax. ANDREA WIDBURG


Revealed: New Doc Shows How an Obama-Tied Dark Money Group Used Zuckerberg’s Cash to Swing Election

0 seconds of 2 minutes, 30 secondsVolume 90%

The following article is sponsored by Citizens United.

What if the 2020 election was “rigged” in plain sight and through entirely legal means using $400 million dollars from Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan through the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI)? The bombshell upcoming documentary Rigged from Citizens United Productions explains how this Big Tech power couple contributed hundreds of millions of dollars to a pair of non-profit organizations through CZI.  The non-profits, in turn, spent the money on a Democrat-focused get-out-the-vote effort all under the guise of pandemic “election safety.”

Rigged starts by recounting Big Tech’s role in the last two elections, starting with 2016, when Donald Trump—harnessing the power of social media—shocked the world by flipping the states of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania to pull off an upset victory against Hillary Clinton. By the time of Trump’s inauguration, Mark Zuckerberg had come under tremendous fire from the Democrat elite over Facebook’s perceived failure to censor content seen as favorable to the Trump campaign. But four years later, lo and behold, the coronavirus pandemic would give Zuckerberg a clear shot at redemption.

The documentary Rigged tells this story. Through their philanthropic organization the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI), which lists Barack Obama’s former campaign manager David Plouffe (who authored the book A Citizen’s Guide to Beating Donald Trump) as a key strategist, Zuckerberg and his wife donated $69.5 million to the Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR) and a whopping $328 million to the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL), a non-profit headed by Obama Foundation fellow Tiana Epps-Johnson, who prior to creating CTCL in 2015, worked for an organization described by the Washington Post as “the Democratic party’s Hogwarts for digital wizardry.”

As former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Michael Gabelman says in the documentary, the CTCL essentially became a vehicle for Zuckerberg and Chan to fund get-out-the-vote efforts in mostly Democrat-populated districts in key swing states like Wisconsin.

In 2019, CTCL received a mere $2.8 million in contributions before the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative’s $328 million cash infusion in the lead-up to the 2020 election. Though these massive funds were labeled as “grants” for “safe administrations of public elections during the COVID-19 pandemic,” the documentary demonstrates that these donations were used to encourage and facilitate mail-in voting disproportionally in Democrat-run areas as well as to fund the proliferation of ballot drop boxes and a host of other things designed to boost Joe Biden’s vote totals in key swing states.

“They’re sending the money to big urban centers, they’re dramatically-increasing the ballot boxes that are there, and they’re conditioning the money on those polling locations, those government entities, throwing open the flood gates, to potential voter fraud,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) says in Rigged“This was the greatest billionaire assault on election integrity we’ve ever seen.”

“The Zuckerbucks folks were paying governments with grants with conditions that they go do get-out-the-vote activities in the Democrat areas. In the Republican areas, they just gave them the money, and they said, ‘Hey, we’re helping them conduct the election,’” Ken Cuccinelli, the national chairman for the Election Transparency Initiative, explains in Rigged.

Hosted by Citizens United president David Bossie and featuring interviews from prominent conservative leaders, including Ted Cruz, Newt Gingrich, and President Trump himself, the documentary Rigged offers a warning cry for what’s surely to come if Republicans do not find a way to stop left-wing billionaires like Mark Zuckerberg from using their spending power to influence elections for years to come.

“He should totally be held accountable, and he should never be allowed to do it again,” Trump tells Bossie in the documentary. “It was a rigged election. People have to find out what happened, and they have to hold people accountable.”

You can learn more about this groundbreaking documentary and watch Rigged in its entirety here.


Turley: Special Counsel Must Be Appointed to Investigate Hunter Biden

WASHINGTON, DC - JANUARY 20: U.S. President Joe Biden hugs his son Hunter Biden, wife Dr. Jill Biden and daughter Ashley Biden after being sworn in as U.S. president during his inauguration on the West Front of the U.S. Capitol on January 20, 2021 in Washington, DC. During today's inauguration …
Alex Wong/Getty Images

Constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley has written that a special counsel must be appointed to investigate the Hunter Biden case because President Joe Biden has denied any wrongdoing by his son, and has taken steps to influence investigations.

This past week, the Washington Post and CNN joined the New York Times in admitting that the Hunter Biden laptop, which was revealed in October 2020 and suggested that he made money from peddling access to his father, was indeed authentic.

The admissions came nearly a year and-a-half after media organizations joined the Democratic Party and former intelligence officials in claiming the laptop was Russian misinformation, and successfully encouraged Silicon Valley to censor the story.

Nevertheless, the White House continued this week to maintain that Hunter Biden had done nothing wrong, and that then-candidate Joe Biden had not misled the public when he claimed that his son was innocent and blamed Russia for the story.

Turley wrote at The Hill that the Biden administration and the media are now attempting to claim that while Hunter Biden sold access to his father, his father was not, in fact, involved, despite ample evidence to the contrary. That, he says, suggests the need for a special counsel, free of political influence:

The point is that President Biden really did not have to ask: Hunter Biden had nothing to sell but influence. All President Biden had to do to facilitate such schemes was to be accessible — to allow his family to deliver face-to-face meetings and photo ops.

And that brings us to the untenable position of [Attorney General Merrick] Garland.

It is hard to imagine a stronger case for a special counsel. Any effort to investigate Hunter Biden’s dealings will lead investigators to encounter repeated references to the president and how he may have benefited from those schemes. At the same time, the president is “absolutely” standing by his denial that his son did anything wrong or made any money from China.

Turley has also pointed to statements by President Biden, reported recently by the New York Times, that President Biden wants Garland to be more aggressive in pursing Trump.

“These are statements made to aides that were then leaked to the media to get to Garland. That allows the media to say that Biden never said it directly to Garland, but the message was delivered by the media,” Turley pointed out on Twitter.

That suggests the possibility of political influence on investigations — breaking a pledge by both Biden and Garland to keep the Department of Justice above politics, and throwing the Hunter Biden inquiry into doubt, absent a special counsel.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). He is the author of the recent e-book, Neither Free nor Fair: The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election. His recent book, RED NOVEMBER, tells the story of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary from a conservative perspective. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.




The Hunter Biden dam is about to burst: Devine


Hunter Biden could end up with no jail time: Jesse Watters

 The critical element required is a pattern of criminal or racketeering activity. This pattern is proved by showing two predicate crimes were committed within ten years. The list of predicate crimes is extensive and includes bribery, embezzlement, fraud, theft, money laundering, and obstruction of justice. 


The list of predicate crimes is extensive and includes bribery, embezzlement, fraud, theft, money laundering, and obstruction of justice. 



Secretary Hillary Clinton and the Deep State: A RICO Criminal Conspiracy


By Ron Wright

We who elected President Trump understood our elected officials and the Deep State were sandbagging Trump and self-dealing public funds. It was no secret that President Trump is no angel, unpresidential, blunt, and crude, and a disruptor. Trump was hired to drain the swamp.

I watched this kabuki theater unfold over the last several years. Through my eyes as a shopworn gumshoe, I will explain what is happening. My investigative curiosity was first piqued by the ATF Fast and Furious scandal and continues through the recent House impeachment show trial. There is a common element running through all of these cons — the actions of an organized crime conspiracy.   A group of people either acting alone or in concert with others committed crimes with a common purpose - a criminal enterprise as described in "CRIMINAL RICO: 18 USC. §§1961-1968 A Manual For Federal Prosecutors."


The players acted together – in the usurpation of power, the abuse of power by public officials, bribery, thefts by fraud including federal funds, money laundering, perjury and the obstruction of justice, the violations of fundamental of civil rights, aided and abetted in the commission of these crimes and or to conceal these crimes. Criminals will lie and can't keep their lies straight. Their methods and behaviors are the same, whether engaging in street crimes or elaborate white-collar financial schemes. The only difference is when more money is involved, the perps are more adept in concealing, covering up their sins, and hiding where the money went. Many of these scandals are well known to the American Thinker readers. I will focus my comments on Hillary's home brew sever and the Clinton Foundation as an example of how RICO can be used to prosecute the players.

FBI Director James Comey indicted Hillary Clinton for her home brew server at his press conference. Comey then egregiously concluded that there was no evidence of criminal intent purportedly “required” to prosecute. Comey bastardized the Federal Espionage Act in absolving Hillary Clinton. FBI's investigation of Clinton's emails was low-balled. There was never a real search for the truth. The outcome was preordained. My jaw dropped wide open. I knew the fix was in. FBI Director Comey lied to the people with a straight face. Why?


The chance meeting of Bill Clinton and AG Loretta Lynch on the airport tarmac was no mere coincidence. This chat was not about the grandkids. Bill Clinton was there to convey a specific message to Lynch that there would be no indictment of Hillary. Hillary Clinton's email case must tank. This would have constituted bribery, if AG Lynch was assured she would continue as AG in  Clinton Administration. This meeting took place only weeks before Comey's press conference dumping Hillary Clinton's email case.


The Deep State needed Hillary Clinton to win the 2016 presidential election, or the dike holding back the truth would burst. Trump, the disruptor, was an immediate threat to both the Republicans, Democrats, and the Deep State. If the truth were laid bare, it would expose the Obama Administration, Hillary Clinton, the Senate and House, and many executive departments for these abuses of power, corruption, bribery, frauds, and thefts of public funds.


High-level government officials and the Deep State committed many serious felonies either in furtherance of or to conceal the crimes committed in the pay to play scam. In exchange for favorable consideration by Secretary Clinton, those who benefited would donate to the Clinton Foundation. The FBI started and stopped investigations into the Clinton Foundation at least twice as reported by the Washington Post. Peter Schweizer's book, Clinton Cash, is the most damning. Dinesh D'Souza slammed the Foundation in the National Review, as did The Federalist.

The status of the investigation of the Foundation by US Attorney John Huber's is unknown. Rudy Giuliani said there was enough to pursue "Clinton Inc" as racketeering under RICO. The Foundation and its affiliated nonprofits require a real investigation with an in-depth forensic audit to determine where the money went. In financial crimes investigation, the prime rule is "follow the money, honey." Illicit nonprofits have many ways to divert funds by inflating salaries, expenses, and money laundering.

Illegal nonprofit schemes are difficult to prosecute without hard evidence and the testimony of insiders. The motive of Hillary Clinton's use of the home brew server was to conceal emails from FOIA requests that would provide the hard evidence. Hillary Clinton destroyed the data on her server and cell phones with the knowledge of the FBI. It took years for Judicial Watch and others to pry and recover some of these damning emails from the foot-dragging executive departments that were complicit and knew what was going on.

RICO initially was used to target mob families. RICO is also a useful tool to fight white collar conspiracies. They both have the same hierarchy of low-level crooks led by the top players, linked together with a common purpose. RICO has tools to squeeze the low-level operatives to gather evidence to prosecute, jail, and seize assets of the conspirators. The critical element required is a pattern of criminal or racketeering activity. This pattern is proved by showing two predicate crimes were committed within ten years. The list of predicate crimes is extensive and includes bribery, embezzlement, fraud, theft, money laundering, and obstruction of justice. The typical five-year statute of limitations for most federal felonies is extended to ten years from the last criminal act or acts committed to conceal the conspiracy, i.e., lying under oath and similar actions to obstruct justice. The prison sentences are steep. The effect is to cut off the head of the organization and not just the low-level players.

The criminal activity extends back to the ATF's Fast and Furious program through the House impeachment show trial to cover up the illegal acts of the Obama Administration, Hillary Clinton, the Department of State, the DOJ, the FBI, and the CIA. A telltale sign that the DOJ under US Attorney General Barr is willing to play hardball and may use RICO, came when he spoke to the Federalist Society: "Barr accuses liberal 'resistance' of trying to 'sabotage' Trump." AG Barr said this, "shows FBI launched Trump campaign investigation on the 'thinnest of suspicions." AG Barr is the new sheriff in town, he wears a badge, has guns and will travel, can impanel grand juries, indict and arrest people, and is not limited in his jurisdiction, like DOJ IG Horowitz.

The collective actions of the Deep State are and were a silent coup to delegitimize a Presidential candidate. Once elected to impede and resist the duly elected President. The President's law enforcement and intel agencies were corrupted at the highest level and went rogue.

Organized crime can't exist without corrupt law enforcement. As I wrote in a letter to President Trump earlier this year:

. . . I believe you understand the gravity of the situation and of its importance to the very survival of our Country as we know it. If the people involved are not held accountable for their actions, we will be no different than some Third World Banana Republic.

Failure to act will destroy our founding principle of the Rule of Law as stated by President John Adams, "We Are a Nation of Laws, Not of Men" and we cannot allow a two-tiered justice system to prevail.


Ron Wright is a retired detective from Riverside PD, CA. BA in political science CSUF, M. Adm. University of Cal, Riverside. Facebook at Ron T. Cop.



“Our entire crony capitalist system, Democrat and

Republican alike, has become a kleptocracy

approaching par with third-world hell-holes.  This

is the way a great country is raided by its elite.” ----

Karen McQuillan  

Peter Schweizer, author of “Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends,”



It’s About Corruption – Replacing a Failed and Corrupt Political Establishment


By Brian C. Joondeph

American presidents have their famous speeches, remembered long after they leave office. JFK said: “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” Ronald Reagan stood at the Brandenburg Gate and told Mikhail Gorbachev to: “Tear down this wall.”

Some speeches are memorable in other ways. George W. Bush, days after 9/11, ironically announced that: “Islam is peace.” Barack Obama proclaimed himself the messiah: “This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow, and our planet began to heal.”

President Trump has certainly given strong speeches, such as at the recent March for Life. But he may be remembered more for his raucous rallies and hilarious tweets. Yet one speech has flown under the radar.

On Oct. 13, 2016, just weeks before the election, Trump spoke at a campaign rally in Florida. Leading up to the election, he was holding several rallies each day, giving numerous speeches, but this seemingly random speech stands out.

The enigmatic Q group refers to it as the speech that got Donald Trump elected. As it was one of many pre-election speeches he gave and at a Florida rally, it may have only been heard by a fraction of Trump voters before the election, but it certainly encapsulates his philosophy, both before and after the election, toward government corruption.

The speech explains the resistance by the Washington, D.C. ruling class to Trump’s candidacy, election, and presidency. Trump attacked the foundation of deep state power, wealth, and corruption. Trump was indeed an “existential threat” to the cabal.

Before even being elected, and years before Joe Biden decided to run for president, Donald Trump was focused on corruption. Not to influence his reelection, as House Democrats accuse, since he wasn’t even president yet. But because rooting out corruption was part of his plan to make America great again.

Everything that followed his election, from the Russian collusion accusations, White House leaks, special counsel investigation, and now impeachment, is a reaction to the ideas Trump explains in this 6-minute speech. Watch it here or read the transcript.

The opening lines are prescient, becoming painfully obvious now almost four years after he laid out the scale of corruption.

 Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People. There is nothing the political

establishment will not do, and no lie they will not tell, to hold on to their prestige and power at your expense.

The Washington establishment, and the financial and media corporations that fund it, exists for only one reason: to protect and enrich itself.

The establishment has trillions of dollars at stake in this election. As an example, just one single trade deal they’d like to pass, involves trillions of dollars controlled by many countries, corporations and lobbyists.

For those who control the levers of power in Washington, and for the global special interests they partner with, our campaign represents an existential threat.

“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation and the Obama book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption.

Candidate Trump then went on to say:

It’s a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth, and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities.

This is money given to corrupt foreign countries, disguised as aid, only to be returned to the political elite by hiring their unqualified family members for do-nothing jobs, as in Hunter Biden, or funneling these U.S. taxpayer dollars back into political foundations, consultancies, or campaign contributions.

Once upon a time, journalists investigated such corruption. Now they ignore it, aiding and abetting the deception. As Trump said in his speech:

The corporate media in our country is no longer involved in journalism. They are a political special interest, no different than any lobbyist or other financial entity with an agenda.

Speak up against the cabal and you will be destroyed, or even commit suicide. Trump went on:

The establishment and their media enablers wield control over this nation through means that are well known. Anyone who challenges their control is deemed a sexist, a racist, a xenophobe and morally deformed. They will attack you, they will slander you, they will seek to destroy your career and reputation. And they will lie, lie and lie even more.

It’s amazing that Trump predicted exactly what happened a few days ago when “Republican political strategist” Rick Wilson called the group of “you” mentioned above, “credulous boomer rubes” with CNN hack Don Lemon laughing so hard he almost fell off his chair.

President Trump has been impeached for drawing back the curtain on deep state malfeasance. Before handing over millions of hard earned U.S. taxpayer dollars to Ukraine, the most corrupt country in Europe, he wanted to know the money was necessary and going where promised, rather than into the pockets of oligarchs and U.S. politician grifters.

He acted as he was required to under the “Treaty with Ukraine on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters,” ratified in 2000, 15 years before Trump announced his run for president. He was doing his job, fulfilling his Constitutional oath of office. His reward for pouring roach killer in the nest of Democrat crooks and knaves was impeachment and a concerted effort by Democrats, the media, and nasty NeverTrump Republicans, all heads on the same toxic hydra, to overturn the last election and rig the next one.

It’s not about Trump enriching himself, despite what Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler say, it’s for the country. Again, from the famous speech:

I didn’t need to do this. I built a great company, and I had wonderful life. I could have enjoyed the benefits of years of successful business for myself and my family, instead of going through this absolute horror show of lies, deceptions and malicious attacks. I’m doing it because this country has given me so much, and I feel strongly it was my turn to give back.

It’s all about corruption, exposing it, rooting it out, and destroying it. Those who are the most threatened are those who scream the loudest. Given the Democrat and media apoplexy, Trump must be getting closer to the truth.

He ended his speech by throwing down the gauntlet:

We will vote to put this corrupt government cartel out of business. We will remove from our politics the special interests who have betrayed our workers, our borders, our freedoms, and our sovereign rights as a nation. We will end the politics of profit, we will end the rule of special interests, we will put a stop to the raiding of our country – and the disenfranchisement of our people.

It’s not about abuse of power or obstruction of Congress. It’s not about quid pro quo or bribery. It’s simply a new sheriff in town, bringing law and order to drain a swamp of greed and corruption. It’s President Trump doing exactly what he said he would do if elected, making America great again.

He is doing what past presidents have talked about and promised, but then either looked the other way or became active participants in the graft. And those milking the system are petrified over exposure and their long overdue reckoning.


Brian C. Joondeph, M.D., is a Denver-based physician and freelance writer whose pieces have appeared in American Thinker, Daily Caller, and other publications. Follow him on Facebook,  LinkedInTwitter, and QuodVerum.

The Biden family is a criminal enterprise as defined in the RICO Act

By Ron Wright

Although the 1970 Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) was initially targeted at gangsters, it equally applies to corrupt government practices involving low-level crooks led by the top players, linked together with a common purpose.  No organized crime or criminal enterprise, in  or out of government,  can exist for long without corrupt law enforcement.

Because of its corrosive impact on government, organized crime must be destroyed by prosecuting influence-peddling related crimes and those who aid or abet by concealing these crimes under the RICO Act. The founding principle of our criminal justice system is equal justice for all and no one is above the law. 

When organized crime occurs at the national level, billions of dollars are sucked away from the public treasury for fraudulent pay-to-play schemes, special legislative favors, and other influence-peddling.  As a result, policy decisions are made contrary to the country's best interest.  Through co-optation/blackmail, our national strategic and security interests are compromised when foreign agents target politicians to influence foreign policy. This is also espionage (China/the CCP and Russia/Putin).  The Biden family and the Clinton family are complicit in overt acts with foreign agents.

The Biden crime family is just a continuation of the DC swamp’s business as usual of interconnected organized crime activity.  The current chapter of the family’s long, shady history began when Hunter dropped off three laptops at a computer repair shop during one of his cocaine and sex binges.  Hunter never returned to pick them up.  After seeing some concerning information on these computers, the shop owner later called the FBI.  At first, the FBI wasn't interested.  The FBI eventually picked up the hard drives but then they were deep-sixed.  Finally, the FBI opened an investigation.  The US Attorney impaneled a grand jury.  That issued a few subpoenas in May of 2020 but has gone silent.  Perhaps the change in administrations?

The shop owner wisely made copies, and the information made its way to the New York Post’s investigative reporter Miranda Devine.  The NY Post first broke the story on 10-14-20 (video and docs and more) just before the election.  The intelligence community played a Fauci to discredit this information.  More than 50 "former senior intelligence officials have signed . . . the letter [claiming this information] has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”  Twitter and Facebook memory-holed the NY Post’s story.  The NYT called the story unsubstantiated but later quietly retracted (and more).  Social media outlets censored or removed any related posts.

For some sicko reason, Hunter videoed his drunken and cocaine-smoking sex orgies, which he stored on his laptops.  But more consequentially under the terms of RICO, there is evidence of many overt acts that fall under the terms of the law. Hunter kept very damning and incriminating notes, emails, voice files, photos, and financial records on his laptops.  A smoking gun email from Burisma to Hunter seeking his intervention during the period of Joe Biden's widely reported forcing the firing of the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating Burisma (NY Post 10-14-20) is particularly incriminating.

The NY Post article of 10-15-20 has copies of emails and a video showing detailed breakdowns of these illegal money transactions.

The Daily Mail’s broadside of 10-31-20 detailed the information on the drives that posed a genuine national security threat and with classic blackmail material [File photos here].

The NY Post article of 05-26-21 documents with quotes from emails Hunter’s pay from Burisma cut in half two months after Joe Biden leaves office.  Also, Joe Biden met with Burisma exec and later in the year strong-arming the Ukrainian prosecutor under the threat of withholding $1 billion in US aid.

The NY Post article of 07-04-21 about Hunter paying Joe Biden's personal bills is documented with quotes from Hunter's emails.

The NY Post article of 11-28-21 Hunter received a 3-caret diamond and an offer of a $30 million deal from a Chinese titan with more emails.

This hard drive story was memory-holed by most media as Russian disinformation except for a few investigative reporters. That is until just recently, with the drop of explosive books by Miranda DevinePeter Schweizer, and the just-released devastating four-part series by FOX Nation, “Pirro explores ‘Who is Hunter Biden?’. . .”

Judge Jeanine Pirro narrates a riveting expose on the Biden family with interviews with Devine and Schweizer.  Included are Senators Ron Johnson and Chuck Grassley who did a lengthy investigation into Hunter Biden, Burisma and Corruption . . . (87 pages).  The media largely discredited the Johnson/Grassley report as Russian disinformation.  Schweitzer used this the report’s public source documents to corroborate and correlate with Hunter’s hard drive the documents.

These interviews and the documents are woven together with Hunter’s voice from his memoir (Audible book).  The evidence is damning and presented compellingly to the viewer that the Biden family illegally received millions of dollars from profiting from the influence of Joe Biden - as Senator, Vice President, and as President.

The FOX Nation piece is a must-watch (Behind paywall – free temp use).  Also, the 01-24-22 edition of Mark Levin's interview with Peter Schweizer (Rumble excerpt of 3.5 mins) and this FOX Business News interview with Schweizer where he implies Nancy Pelosi is co-opted too by Chinese intelligence.  According to the interview with Devine on the Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show, Hunter Biden was making deals worth millions of dollars with the inner sanctums of Putin and President Xi of China.  The Biden family was doing exactly what the Trump family was accused of doing.

Devine meticulously constructs a timeline from the emails and documents - then corroborates with other sources in her new book, the Laptop from Hell.

Peter Schweizer writes in the NY Post 01-27-22 about his book which includes a FOX News video interview with Sen. Ron Johnson on the Secret Service stalling on FOIA requests for Secret Service travel records.

Were the Biden Administration's well-known policy failures the result of the utter stupidity, or were they intentional because of Joe Biden being compromised?

We must clean our house first before anything else by legitimate and thorough criminal investigations of the Clinton and Biden families using the tools of RICO.  The corrupt elements of our government will be flushed out. 

There must be accountability for these crimes.  

Lastly, the real power brokers will emerge like a Russian nesting doll, but that's for another time.  The FBI has the resources and tools to take down these criminal enterprises.  Still, it needs a DOJ unbiased and willing to prosecute and a judiciary that will rule on the law and not succumb to political pressure.  Unfortunately, the FBI is politically corrupt - a dog that will not hunt impartially.

The Biden crime family is more blatant about its old school influence-peddling than Hillary Clinton.  Poor Uncle Joe's princeling Hunter Biden, the family bag man, can't control his vices.  The CCP has infiltrated our government and business at many levels with honey pots and other tradecraft Hunter BidenEric Swalwell.  The CCP targeted and groomed Hunter Biden because of his twisted personal life, alcohol and cocaine addiction of many years to get access to its prize, Joe Biden.

From Schweizer’s NY Post article:

For those wondering why Joe Biden is soft on China, consider this never-before-reported  revelation: The Biden family has done five deals in China totaling some $31 million arranged by individuals with direct ties to Chinese intelligence — some reaching the very top of China’s spy agency.

Yes, why is Uncle Joe going soft on China and Russia?

Based on my review of this reporting and evidence, in my opinion there is overwhelming probable cause, if not reasonable cause to begin a criminal investigation of the Biden family using the tools of RICO.  This is a target-rich environment.

Ron Wright is a retired detective from the Riverside, CA Police Department. He holds a BA in political science CSUF, M. Adm. University of Cal, Riverside. Facebook at Ron T. Cop.


Schweizer: Joe Biden Was a ‘Beneficiary’ of Hunter’s Deals with China


Breitbart News senior contributor Peter Schweizer said Tuesday on FNC’s “America’s Newsroom” that President Joe Biden was a “beneficiary” of his son Hunter’s business deals with China.

Schweizer, the author of Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win, said, “What was initially a story of cronyism and corruption we now have to recognize is an intelligence story, and it’s not just a question of the Bidens getting rich. We have to start having the conversation and investigating whether the Biden family may be compromised.”

He continued, “We knew that there was a commercial tie in the past, that Hunter Biden put it together. I broke story in 2018. What we now know are two separate strands that are critically important. Using the Hunter Biden laptop and using emails from a Gmail account of one of Hunter’s business partners, he gave us access to the email account. We now know that every deal that the Bidens got in China came through individuals with links to the highest level of Chinese intelligence.”

Schweizer added, “We also now know that Hunter Biden did these deals, but the larger family benefited. We know that James Biden, Joe Biden’s brother, got at least $2 million of that money from China. We also now know that Hunter Biden was subsidizing his father’s lifestyle. He was paying for his bills. He was paying for renovations on his home up in Delaware while Joe Biden was Vice President of the United States. It’s not only illegal according to ethics laws. It also shows that Joe Biden is now a beneficiary of the foreign dealings that Hunter Biden has had. It’s no longer good enough for him to say, well, I didn’t have anything involved. He was a beneficiary.”

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN


It’s About Corruption – Replacing a Failed and Corrupt Political Establishment

By Brian C. Joondeph

American presidents have their famous speeches, remembered long after they leave office. JFK said: “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” Ronald Reagan stood at the Brandenburg Gate and told Mikhail Gorbachev to: “Tear down this wall.”

Some speeches are memorable in other ways. George W. Bush, days after 9/11, ironically announced that: “Islam is peace.” Barack Obama proclaimed himself the messiah: “This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow, and our planet began to heal.”

President Trump has certainly given strong speeches, such as at the recent March for Life. But he may be remembered more for his raucous rallies and hilarious tweets. Yet one speech has flown under the radar.

On Oct. 13, 2016, just weeks before the election, Trump spoke at a campaign rally in Florida. Leading up to the election, he was holding several rallies each day, giving numerous speeches, but this seemingly random speech stands out.

The enigmatic Q group refers to it as the speech that got Donald Trump elected. As it was one of many pre-election speeches he gave and at a Florida rally, it may have only been heard by a fraction of Trump voters before the election, but it certainly encapsulates his philosophy, both before and after the election, toward government corruption.

The speech explains the resistance by the Washington, D.C. ruling class to Trump’s candidacy, election, and presidency. Trump attacked the foundation of deep state power, wealth, and corruption. Trump was indeed an “existential threat” to the cabal.

Before even being elected, and years before Joe Biden decided to run for president, Donald Trump was focused on corruption. Not to influence his reelection, as House Democrats accuse, since he wasn’t even president yet. But because rooting out corruption was part of his plan to make America great again.

Everything that followed his election, from the Russian collusion accusations, White House leaks, special counsel investigation, and now impeachment, is a reaction to the ideas Trump explains in this 6-minute speech. Watch it here or read the transcript.

The opening lines are prescient, becoming painfully obvious now almost four years after he laid out the scale of corruption.

 Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People. There is nothing the political

establishment will not do, and no lie they will not tell, to hold on to their prestige and power at your expense.

The Washington establishment, and the financial and media corporations that fund it, exists for only one reason: to protect and enrich itself.

The establishment has trillions of dollars at stake in this election. As an example, just one single trade deal they’d like to pass, involves trillions of dollars controlled by many countries, corporations and lobbyists.

For those who control the levers of power in Washington, and for the global special interests they partner with, our campaign represents an existential threat.

“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation and the Obama book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption.

Candidate Trump then went on to say:

It’s a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth, and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities.

This is money given to corrupt foreign countries, disguised as aid, only to be returned to the political elite by hiring their unqualified family members for do-nothing jobs, as in Hunter Biden, or funneling these U.S. taxpayer dollars back into political foundations, consultancies, or campaign contributions.

Once upon a time, journalists investigated such corruption. Now they ignore it, aiding and abetting the deception. As Trump said in his speech:

The corporate media in our country is no longer involved in journalism. They are a political special interest, no different than any lobbyist or other financial entity with an agenda.

Speak up against the cabal and you will be destroyed, or even commit suicide. Trump went on:

The establishment and their media enablers wield control over this nation through means that are well known. Anyone who challenges their control is deemed a sexist, a racist, a xenophobe and morally deformed. They will attack you, they will slander you, they will seek to destroy your career and reputation. And they will lie, lie and lie even more.

It’s amazing that Trump predicted exactly what happened a few days ago when “Republican political strategist” Rick Wilson called the group of “you” mentioned above, “credulous boomer rubes” with CNN hack Don Lemon laughing so hard he almost fell off his chair.

President Trump has been impeached for drawing back the curtain on deep state malfeasance. Before handing over millions of hard earned U.S. taxpayer dollars to Ukraine, the most corrupt country in Europe, he wanted to know the money was necessary and going where promised, rather than into the pockets of oligarchs and U.S. politician grifters.

He acted as he was required to under the “Treaty with Ukraine on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters,” ratified in 2000, 15 years before Trump announced his run for president. He was doing his job, fulfilling his Constitutional oath of office. His reward for pouring roach killer in the nest of Democrat crooks and knaves was impeachment and a concerted effort by Democrats, the media, and nasty NeverTrump Republicans, all heads on the same toxic hydra, to overturn the last election and rig the next one.

It’s not about Trump enriching himself, despite what Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler say, it’s for the country. Again, from the famous speech:

I didn’t need to do this. I built a great company, and I had wonderful life. I could have enjoyed the benefits of years of successful business for myself and my family, instead of going through this absolute horror show of lies, deceptions and malicious attacks. I’m doing it because this country has given me so much, and I feel strongly it was my turn to give back.

It’s all about corruption, exposing it, rooting it out, and destroying it. Those who are the most threatened are those who scream the loudest. Given the Democrat and media apoplexy, Trump must be getting closer to the truth.

He ended his speech by throwing down the gauntlet:

We will vote to put this corrupt government cartel out of business. We will remove from our politics the special interests who have betrayed our workers, our borders, our freedoms, and our sovereign rights as a nation. We will end the politics of profit, we will end the rule of special interests, we will put a stop to the raiding of our country – and the disenfranchisement of our people.

It’s not about abuse of power or obstruction of Congress. It’s not about quid pro quo or bribery. It’s simply a new sheriff in town, bringing law and order to drain a swamp of greed and corruption. It’s President Trump doing exactly what he said he would do if elected, making America great again.

He is doing what past presidents have talked about and promised, but then either looked the other way or became active participants in the graft. And those milking the system are petrified over exposure and their long overdue reckoning.


Brian C. Joondeph, M.D., is a Denver-based physician and freelance writer whose pieces have appeared in American Thinker, Daily Caller, and other publications. Follow him on Facebook,  LinkedInTwitter, and QuodVerum.

Joe Biden didn’t do anything wrong? A time-honored method of taking bribes is having them paid to a family member, usually in exchange for nominal or nonexistent services. It is comical to watch “reporters” pretend not to understand this.


Watters investigates the Biden family's business dealings

Joe Biden didn’t do anything wrong? A time-honored method of taking bribes is having them paid to a family member, usually in exchange for nominal or nonexistent services. It is comical to watch “reporters” pretend not to understand this. MONICA SHOWALTER

Biden has mastered the art of deflecting criticism of his corruption and incompetence by using black women as human shields. It began with Kamala Harris, who was grossly unready to serve in the White House, but whose nomination made a ticket headed by an old white hack seem transformational and whose continued presence makes it all but impossible to remove or bypass Biden from an office that he is equally unfit to occupy on ethical and moral grounds.                  DANIEL GREENFIELD

Schweizer added, “We also now know that Hunter Biden did these deals, but the larger family benefited. We know that James Biden, Joe Biden’s brother, got at least $2 million of that money from China. We also now know that Hunter Biden was subsidizing his father’s lifestyle. He was paying for his bills. He was paying for renovations on his home up in Delaware while Joe Biden was Vice President of the United States. It’s not only illegal according to ethics laws. It also shows that Joe Biden is now a beneficiary of the foreign dealings that Hunter Biden has had. It’s no longer good enough for him to say, well, I didn’t have anything involved. He was a beneficiary.” PAM KEY


The book, titled Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite., lays out how Hunter Biden and his business partners, in addition to his numerous Rosemont-branded entities and ventures, was deeply involved with an entity called the Burnham Financial Group. 

In short, Hunter Biden was not cutting business deals in Japan or Great Britain, where disclosure rules and corporate governance might require greater scrutiny. These were deals in the truly dark corners of the world.


Joe Biden, in his days in the Senate, was very partial to China, as he voted against revoking China’s most-favored nation status and in 2007 opposed the idea of applying any tariffs on China despite their obvious unfair trade practices.  However, it was as Vice President that he became wholly enamored with the country and its leadership. STEVE McCANN

Business as Usual’ for Hunter’s Dealings


Joe Biden, the corrupt, unaccomplished 47-year career politician, with a reputation of having been a proud segregationist, an unabashed plagiarist and liar, a resolute tale-teller, and a serial flip-flopper, is pretending to head up a radical social-democratic ticket for President of the United States that includes as his running mate the ambitious, disagreeable junior senator from California: Kamala Harris. 

I’d be inclined to disagree with Don except for one thing: Biden has proven to be a very adept criminal mastermind. For decades, he has funneled millions of dollars to his children and siblings and, especially, to his debauched, deviant son, Hunter. ANDREA WIDBURG

There it is.  That's the issue.  To begin, you have the corrupt family Biden.  They've been scamming us and our system well for almost fifty years.  The man is supposedly worth over 250 million dollars.  How is this possible on his salary?  It's not.  So where did his wealth come from?  Not from being a brilliant businessman. DAVID PRENTICE

The book is a devastating chronicle of political corruption. From Ukraine to Mexico to China, Hunter Biden's private correspondence shows how he and his family leveraged his father's position to win high-paying, low-work gigs with shady foreign actors—and how Joe's official actions at times directly benefited his family's financial backers.

The fact that Hunter's market value was derived from his father's position seemed to be a source of resentment for the younger Biden, even as he continued to cash in on the name. Hunter complained in texts to his daughter that he had financially supported the Biden clan for three decades and that "pop" takes a cut of "half [my] salary." Financia records and correspondence reported on by Devine indicate that money from Hunter's business accounts was used to cover Joe's AT&T bill and home maintenance expenses and that a portion of at least one major China deal was earmarked for the elder Biden. ALANA GOODMAN


Biden, the Ersatz President

The United States does not have a real president right now. There is an individual named Joe Biden who shows up occasionally and sits in the Oval Office, but in no way can he be considered to be “President” in the traditional understanding of that term. Biden is an ersatz president.

An American president is essentially the CEO of the federal government. He or she sets the overall strategy and direction of the country, outlines and articulates its major objectives and manages the subordinate elements that create the actual policy in order to achieve the big-picture goals laid out by the president. Like any CEO, that person likely doesn’t personally have the specific technical knowledge and expertise on a micro level in a given subject area that his/her subordinates have (nor should a CEO or president get bogged down in that kind of attention-diverting minutia), but the CEO must have an overriding vision of their company’s intended direction and be able to see how the various component parts work together in the proper proportion and timing needed to achieve the stated goals. That holds true as well for the President of the United States.

Donald J. Trump was the prototypically ideal president in terms of setting clear achievement objectives for the country (securing the southern border, becoming energy independent, rebuilding our military, renegotiating advantageous international trade agreements, stopping China from taking unfair advantage of America in trade matters, getting NATO to pay more of its share of its defense needs, etc.) and putting in place the laser-focused personnel required to execute the plan.  This was classic large-scale business-style vision and management at its best.

Putting aside the unfounded, irrational personal animosity that his political opponents felt for him for having defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016 and for being direct, rough-edged and unapologetic in his dealings with the liberal media, recalcitrant foreign adversaries and feckless erstwhile “allies,” President Trump’s clear-eyed ambitions for the country led to a very targeted effort with unrelenting emphasis on the ultimate goal.

Many presidents, coming from a life-long appearance-oriented, “You-scratch-my-back-and-I’ll-scratch-yours” political background, are only too happy to compromise their objectives for the sake of popular acceptance and media adulation. For them, the final results as they redound to the country’s benefit are not their true goal. For the conventional politically minded president, an agreeable process is actually the end goal: activity that looks and sounds good, even if it’s bereft of real, meaningful substance.

Results vs. Process. Trump was a Results president. Biden is a Process president. Biden and the Democrats embark on a flurry of meaningless activity that plays well to the media and to their supporters, but which amounts to nothing of positive significance. To the extent that Biden’s empty activity subtracts from or negates President Trump’s actual beneficial results, what Biden and the Democrats are doing is incredibly harmful to this country and detrimental to a smooth-running world order.

Unlike President Trump’s clearly-stated, very specific intentions of how to improve the quality of daily life in America, Biden and the Democrats seem intent only on currying favor with special-interest groups and their accomplices, the adoring liberal media. Consider the major initiatives undertaken or proposed by the current Democratic regime:

  • The dissolution of our border integrity, with intentional unrestricted illegal immigration.
  • Ending American energy independence, curtailing fossil fuel exploration and production -- astonishingly, before a viable replacement exists! -- and imposing crippling restrictions on future fossil fuel energy industry activity.
  • Supporting destructive BLM activities and riots, favoring defunding the police, eliminating cash bail and decriminalizing what liberals laughably refer to as “low-level” crimes like shoplifting, robbery and breaking & entering.
  • Endorsing positions clearly opposed by the majority of the country, such as men competing in women’s sports, the U.S. military paying for gender-change surgery, males being able to declare that they “identify as women” and enter female bathrooms and locker rooms, elementary-age children being taught and exposed to “alternative” LGBTQ lifestyles far before children have any natural understanding or interest in such matters, and so on. This is the fringe woke speaking to the fringe woke. It’s not a government putting forth policies approved by the majority that benefit the majority.
  • Denuding our military of its equipment, mission and spirit by attempting to transform it into a mechanism for social change instead of a sharply honed, singularly aimed instrument of national security. It’s bad enough that the Biden Democrats are reducing the funding and equipping of our military. It’s even worse when Biden’s Head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff says his biggest concern is understanding “white rage.” The only thing Mark Miley should be concerned with is defeating our enemies on the battlefield. Nothing else.

This is the difference between a president concerned with bottom-line beneficial results and one who’s concerned with laughably shallow meaningless activity that amounts to nothing, other than buying the favor and future votes of niche special interest groups.

President Trump’s results-oriented approach gave us:

  • Energy independence with $2.25 per gallon gasoline vs. begging Iran for oil and $4.37 gasoline.
  • Secure, orderly, humane borders vs. human trafficking, drug infestation and illegals overwhelming our schools and healthcare system.
  • Treating 8-year-olds like 8-year-olds with worthwhile educational methods that emphasized a solid understanding of scholastic fundamentals along with a proportional appreciation for tolerance and compassionate societal norms.
  • A battle-ready military standing proud and poised to defeat any threat to American national interests.

The Biden Democrats have saddled us with the opposite. As a direct result of having an ersatz president without any semblance of worthwhile goals or inspired vision, daily life in America is now close to an unmitigated disaster. Absent America’s clear leadership on the world stage, uncertainty and potential catastrophe loom everywhere, around every corner because foreign adversaries are emboldened by our weakness. We are living through the debacle of not having a real president, someone with a clear plan to better the country.

Results are all that matter. Are you safe? Are you prosperous? Are you healthy? Are your children being educated? A real president understands all that and works to bring it about. A real president is immune to the distractions of appearances and media approval.

We don’t have a real president now.


Revealed: New Doc Shows How an Obama-Tied Dark Money Group Used Zuckerberg’s Cash to Swing Election

What if the 2020 election was “rigged” in plain sight and through entirely legal means using $400 million dollars from Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan through the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI)? The bombshell upcoming documentary Rigged from Citizens United Productions explains how this Big Tech power couple contributed hundreds of millions of dollars to a pair of non-profit organizations through CZI.  The non-profits, in turn, spent the money on a Democrat-focused get-out-the-vote effort all under the guise of pandemic “election safety.”

Rigged starts by recounting Big Tech’s role in the last two elections, starting with 2016, when Donald Trump—harnessing the power of social media—shocked the world by flipping the states of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania to pull off an upset victory against Hillary Clinton. By the time of Trump’s inauguration, Mark Zuckerberg had come under tremendous fire from the Democrat elite over Facebook’s perceived failure to censor content seen as favorable to the Trump campaign. But four years later, lo and behold, the coronavirus pandemic would give Zuckerberg a clear shot at redemption.

The documentary Rigged tells this story. Through their philanthropic organization the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI), which lists Barack Obama’s former campaign manager David Plouffe (who authored the book A Citizen’s Guide to Beating Donald Trump) as a key strategist, Zuckerberg and his wife donated $69.5 million to the Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR) and a whopping $328 million to the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL), a non-profit headed by Obama Foundation fellow Tiana Epps-Johnson, who prior to creating CTCL in 2015, worked for an organization described by the Washington Post as “the Democratic party’s Hogwarts for digital wizardry.”

As former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Michael Gabelman says in the documentary, the CTCL essentially became a vehicle for Zuckerberg and Chan to fund get-out-the-vote efforts in mostly Democrat-populated districts in key swing states like Wisconsin.

In 2019, CTCL received a mere $2.8 million in contributions before the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative’s $328 million cash infusion in the lead-up to the 2020 election. Though these massive funds were labeled as “grants” for “safe administrations of public elections during the COVID-19 pandemic,” the documentary demonstrates that these donations were used to encourage and facilitate mail-in voting disproportionally in Democrat-run areas as well as to fund the proliferation of ballot drop boxes and a host of other things designed to boost Joe Biden’s vote totals in key swing states.

“They’re sending the money to big urban centers, they’re dramatically-increasing the ballot boxes that are there, and they’re conditioning the money on those polling locations, those government entities, throwing open the flood gates, to potential voter fraud,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) says in Rigged“This was the greatest billionaire assault on election integrity we’ve ever seen.”

“The Zuckerbucks folks were paying governments with grants with conditions that they go do get-out-the-vote activities in the Democrat areas. In the Republican areas, they just gave them the money, and they said, ‘Hey, we’re helping them conduct the election,’” Ken Cuccinelli, the national chairman for the Election Transparency Initiative, explains in Rigged.

Hosted by Citizens United president David Bossie and featuring interviews from prominent conservative leaders, including Ted Cruz, Newt Gingrich, and President Trump himself, the documentary Rigged offers a warning cry for what’s surely to come if Republicans do not find a way to stop left-wing billionaires like Mark Zuckerberg from using their spending power to influence elections for years to come.

“He should totally be held accountable, and he should never be allowed to do it again,” Trump tells Bossie in the documentary. “It was a rigged election. People have to find out what happened, and they have to hold people accountable.”

You can learn more about this groundbreaking documentary and watch Rigged in its entirety here.

Mark Zuckerberg Attempts to Dismiss Documentary Exposing His $400 Million Effort to Elect Biden

Hannah McKay-Pool/Getty Images


1 Apr 20220


Tech billionaire Mark Zuckerberg is denying any wrongdoing following the announcement of an upcoming documentary film from Citizens United Productions, Rigged: The Zuckerberg-Funded Plot to Defeat Donald Trump, which details the leftist’s $400 million effort to bolster then-candidate Joe Biden in the 2020 election.

Citizens United President David N. Bossie, who narrates the upcoming documentary, announced its release Thursday night during an appearance on Fox News’s Hannity. The documentary itself explains just how Zuckerberg and left-wing operatives dumped $400 million in election efforts to elect Biden over former President Donald Trump under the guise of assisting with elections in the midst of the Chinese coronavirus pandemic.

During the election year, operatives dumped “Zuck Bucks” in key areas of the country through the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) and the Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR). The documentary zeroes in on Zuckerberg’s dollars spent in three key swing states, specifically — Wisconsin, Arizona, and Georgia. What particularly differentiates the information in this documentary from other election narratives is the fact that this is all traceable and proven via 990 forms non-profit groups file with the IRS.

On Thursday night, Brian Baker, a spokesperson for Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla, released a response to Fox News concerning Rigged, attempting to dismiss the documentary as irrelevant.

“When our nation’s election infrastructure faced unprecedented challenges in 2020 due to the pandemic, and the federal government failed to provide adequate funds to allow states and localities to conduct elections, Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan stepped up to close that funding gap with two independent, non-profit organizations to help the American people vote,” Baker began, asserting that both Zuckerberg and his wife “announced their support for this effort well in advance of the election, so this documentary is neither new nor newsworthy.”


Residents wait in line to vote at a shuttered Sears store in the Janesville Mall on November 03, 2020, in Janesville, Wisconsin. (Scott Olson/Getty Images)

“They also did not participate in the process to determine which jurisdictions received funds,” he continued.

“The facts are clear: nearly 2,500 election jurisdictions from 49 states applied and each jurisdiction that applied received funds, no matter whether they were historically Republican, Democratic or swing districts. More jurisdictions that relied funding historically voted Republican than Democratic, and the majority of funds went to areas that either Trump or Biden won by clear margins,” he continued before admitting that they were basing this statement off of a two-minute preview of the film.

“This film, of which we’ve only seen two minutes so far, appears to feature the same people advancing the same claims that have been debunked by multiple federal and state courts and respected news organizations, only this time, set to dramatic music,” Baker added.

The final denial from Zuckerberg’s team is of particular interest, as the film has nothing to do with any of the other assertions, theories, or lawsuits surrounding the election. The cash flow is verifiable, suggesting that Zuckerberg’s team is hoping to distract from the revelations detailed in the documentary.

Additionally, while Zuckerberg’s team continues to claim that Trump areas were awarded more money than Biden areas, “the documentary explains how that assertion is ‘enormously, and perhaps purposely, misleading, because of the approximately 160 grants of $400,000 or more – totaling some $270 million – an incredible 92 percent of those funds went to jurisdictions carried by Joe Biden in 2020,'” as Breitbart News detailed:

“This is all about the great intention of, hey, we’re gonna make it more secure,” Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry says in the documentary, as hardly any of the money went toward Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

“We’re gonna make it more safe.  We want to make sure that people feel comfortable coming to the poll, but that’s not what they ended up doing,” Landry added, as these jurisdictions used the money to push Democrat objectives such as universal mail-in voting and ballot drop boxes, just as two examples. In other words, the money was used to create an artificial buzz benefiting Joe Biden. The money itself went to nearly every state– 48/50, including Democrat strongholds. According to the documentary, this strategy — dumping money in areas that Biden was sure to win (California) and sure to lose (Texas) “reveals that a secondary aim of the plan was to score a public relations victory by padding Biden’s popular vote tally, in the event that he lost narrowly in the Electoral College.”

Essentially, “Zuck Bucks” ultimately “pressured” governmental entities to adopt these radical Democrat ideas to transform the election, pushing mail-in ballots and increasing the number of ballot drop boxes, both of which stand as a “rampant invitation” for fraud, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) notes in the documentary. Ultimately, the film notes that the coronavirus provided the “perfect cover” for Zuckerberg’s money to go to work in crucial battleground states, fulfilling the Democrat mantra of never letting a  crisis go to waste.

However, Zuckerberg was given the opportunity to respond during the production of the film but failed to do so, according to Bossie.

“We attempted to contact Mark Zuckerberg for a response to the facts laid out in our documentary while we were shooting it, and we never received a reply. That fact is noted in the film,” Bossie said in a statement.

“It’s interesting that the statement again claims that the funds were for COVID-19 safety, but as our film proves, that was only cover. As we show, only a tiny percentage of the money was used for COVID precautions, while the vast majority was spent on voter turnout operations in localities carried by Joe Biden in 2020,” he continued, noting that Zuckerberg’s protested claims were not even made in the film.


Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg attend the 2020 Breakthrough Prize Red Carpet at NASA Ames Research Center on November 03, 2019, in Mountain View, California. (Ian Tuttle/Getty Images for Breakthrough Prize )

“Zuckerberg protests that he didn’t participate in the process to determine which jurisdictions received funding, which is not something we alleged in the movie,” Bossie said, adding that the tech billionaire is trying to “hide behind the claim that more Republican areas received money than Democrat areas, but that is purposely misleading.”

“When you look a the actual dollar amounts – not the number of grants awarded – the vast majority of the money was spent in localities that were carried by Biden,” he explained, as detailed in the film.

“Finally, Zuckerberg admits that he hasn’t seen the film, but denies its contents anyway. He then claims that the facts as laid out in the film have been ‘debunked’ in court, although the points made in the movie were not the subject of any of the lawsuits surrounding the 2020 election that he’s referencing,” he continued, concluding that Zuckerberg’s statement “does nothing to counter the many facts – supported by official IRS tax forms filed by the non-profit groups Zuckerberg funded – we spell out in Rigged.”

The documentary will premiere at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach on April 5, 2022. Viewers can watch the film after the premiere at


The Bidens Got Into the Hospital Business and People Died

There wasn’t enough money for medication, tests, or sterilizing instruments, but lots of money for the Bidens.

Wed Oct 28, 2020 

Daniel Greenfield




Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

The old slogan, "The Best of Care" can still be found on Ellwood City Medical Center's old promotional materials. When the pandemic began, the old rural Rust Belt country where President Trump beat Hillary Clinton could have used a hospital. Any hospital.

There was even talk of reopening the defunct hospital again to treat coronavirus patients.

But, like so much in Pennsylvania, the Ellwood City Medical Center never recovered from the Democrats. The FBI raided it in January and the hospital lost its license next month. Not that it mattered at that point because the hospital had already been shut down since December.

Despite that, the hospital managed to score $1.8 million in coronavirus relief funds.

With no hospital, local residents face a trip if they’re injured. And if the injury is bad enough, they might not survive. The closed hospital in Pennsylvania is just another piece of the Biden legacy.

In the three years since Americore CEO Grant White was allegedly introduced by James Biden to Joe Biden at a fundraiser for the Beau Biden Foundation, a charity co-chaired by Hunter Biden whose laptop bearing the foundation's sticker is at the center of a new scandal, there have been lawsuits, an FBI raid, and investigations in different cities and states.

“James Biden mentioned that his brother’s connections to labor unions and the Department of Veterans Affairs would help DMM expand its model nationwide,” a lawsuit filed by one company claims.

Mayor Anthony Court, a Democrat, recalls White constantly dropping Biden's name.

White would later claim that Biden told him, "there’s not a single door in the country that we can’t open."

James Biden, Joe’s brother, had become a principal at Americore whose business model was based on buying and turning around rural hospitals. But the turnaround was into the grave.

Obamacare had hit rural hospitals hard, forcing many of them to shut down. By Obama’s last year in office, 4% of rural hospitals had closed down, and hundreds more were on the brink. And the Bidens had figured out a way to profit from the devastation caused by Obama-Biden.

"His brother was very interested in rural health care and very interested in veterans’ health care, and it was something he really wanted to get behind," an Americore executive recalled Biden telling him. "This would help his brother get elected."

After Americore took over the Ellwood City Medical Center, it racked up over 40 citations from the Department of Health. Cardiovascular services were cut, the wound unit was closed, and access to its MRI machines was sidelined.

In 2018, James Biden was renovating his Americore office and demanding expensive furniture as part of an office that was described as a “little shrine to him and his brother and Obama.”

Utilities threatened to turn off the gas and the water at Ellwood. Instruments weren’t being sterilized because there was no equipment, and the hospital couldn’t even afford to order tests.

Things got so bad at the hospital that hazardous waste was just piling up in garbage bags.

Hospital patients might have been able to get basic care and supplies, but the money wasn’t there. Meanwhile, James Biden had allegedly made off with $650,000.

According to the Americore CEO, “Jim Biden directed me to loan him approximately $400,000 of this money for him to use to repay a past-due personal loan.”

Later, "Biden took additional amounts totaling approximately $250,000."

That was in January 2018. By the summer, Ellwood was closing departments, and by the fall, it couldn’t pay its power or gas bill. Meanwhile Biden only allegedly paid back $25,000.

James Biden had promised that the money would be coming from the Muslim world.

Biden and his partners had allegedly gone to the Qatar Investment Authority, the Islamic terror state that acts as the patron for the Muslim Brotherhood, controls Al Jazeera, whose royal family had ties to the mastermind of 9/11, and which is allied with Iran, for money for Americore.

But Qatar didn’t pay up and James Biden and his partners denied ever taking the meeting. The Americore CEO claims he was told that President Trump’s sanctions on Iran blocked the deal.

The former Americore CEO also claims to have met with Hunter and James Biden at a meeting that looked for ways to raise money from China.

“We've got people all around the world who want to invest in Joe Biden,” James Biden had once boasted. There’s no denying that. How else could a college dropout and failed nightclub owner be in demand around the world, or help score a billion dollar contract to build homes in Iraq?

Together James and Hunter Biden had built a business around Joe Biden. But what happened in Pennsylvania, in St. Louis, and Arkansas ended with more than greed.

St. Alexius Hospital in St. Louis had become famous as the scene of a forties exorcism that had inspired the novel and the movie, The Exorcist, but there was no one to exorcise the Bidens.

The famous hospital is another of the failed Americore properties and as it crawled agonizingly through bankruptcy, "two preventable deaths" were among the casualties. Like Ellwood, St. Alexius had to cut patient care, sacrificing its operating room, and its wound care clinic.

The hospital’s nursing school shut down and the facility was down to four contracted nurses and was operating at a fraction of its capacity.

The victims of the disaster were the largely black residents of the south St. Louis neighborhood.

St. Alexius, which began as a Catholic hospital in 1828, is now being used to house the homeless, and its bankruptcy sale has been stalled because of a state investigation triggered by an “immediate patient jeopardy” tag.

In Izard County, Arkansas, the only hospital in the county, listed as a critical access hospital, is also on the chopping block.

"We have difficulty in securing pharmaceuticals simply because of lack of money," a doctor at the hospital warned.

Last year, two medical firms sued, among others, James Biden, claiming that, "millions of dollars in funds may have been taken by these defendants outside of the ordinary course of business."

One of the men claimed that James Biden had promised to sell the plan to the White House. Instead Biden accidentally texted him a plan to defraud him even as Biden's partner was encouraging him to make up numbers to defraud a Turkish company.

Another partner was promised that their “model would be used by Joe Biden as part of his campaign.”

The “investment capital originating from and flowing through foreign entities” did not materialize, neither did Biden’s alleged promise that the company’s model “would play an integral role in health care policy at the highest levels of the United States government.”

When there were concerns about the government, the message was, “Jim told me. Don’t worry every time someone threatens to sue you you’re with us now nobody is gonna touch You,”

After they sued Biden and his partners, they received an envelope filled with "blood-stained currency from a Middle Eastern country" linked to terrorists and a "torture ticket" resulting in an FBI investigation.

But the real price is being paid in Ellwood City, in St. Louis, and Izard County.

Joe Biden has run on a promise to tackle the pandemic. But when coronavirus cases shot up 40% in Lawrence County over the summer, the Ellwood City Medical Center wasn’t there.

New cases have been rising sharply in Izard County and in St. Louis, there is one hospital less able to help and treat the sick.

“All the promises were on the Biden name,” one of the men James Biden dealt with said.

James Biden has moved on and as his brother aspires to the White House, has no doubt found new investors who “who want to invest in Joe Biden”, but in a place without a hospital, no one can move on. And when Election Day comes to Pennsylvania, that’s one place Biden won’t win.

The next time Joe Biden promises to fix healthcare, he can start in Ellwood City.


Greenfield Video: The Biden Crime Family Comes Undone

A laptop from hell sets off the downfall of a crooked clan.

Mon Oct 26, 2020




[To get the whole story on the roots of the Left’s malice and what lies behind its war of destruction on free societies, read Jamie Glazov’s United in Hate: The Left’s Romance with Tyranny and Terror: CLICK HERE.]

Subscribe to the Glazov Gang‘s YouTube Channel and follow us on Instagram: @JamieGlazov, Parler: @JamieGlazov and Twitter: @JamieGlazov.

This new edition of The Glazov Gang features Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Fellow at the Freedom Center and editor of The Point at

Daniel discusses The Biden Crime Family Comes Undone, revealing how a laptop from hell has set off the downfall of a crooked clan.

Don’t miss it!


And make sure to watch Abraham Hamilton, host of The Hamilton Corner for American Family Radio, shed disturbing light on The BLM-Witchcraft-Satanism Connection, where he unveils how a Marxist movement is summoning spirits of the dead to fuel and protect its totalitarian revolution.


Subscribe to the Glazov Gang‘s YouTube Channel and follow us on Instagram: @JamieGlazov, Parler: @JamieGlazov and Twitter: @JamieGlazov.

Hunter Biden Chaired a Foundation to Stop Child Abuse, While Engaging In It

Who’s going to protect the children from the Bidens?

Tue Oct 27, 2020 

Daniel Greenfield




Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

The Hunter Biden laptop at the center of the political scandal had a sticker on it with the name of the Beau Biden Foundation. The sticker has been widely reported, but not its full name.

The full name of the foundation named after Joe Biden’s son and Hunter Biden’s brother is the Beau Biden Foundation for the Protection of Children. It’s both tragic and disgusting then that Rudy Giuliani has alleged that the laptop contained material involving underage girls.

It’s unclear if the Hunter Biden laptop actually belonged to the Beau Biden Foundation, but the The Mac Shop, at the center of the story, is in Wilmington, as is the Beau Biden Foundation. It’s a short drive down the 202 from the physical address of the foundation at the University of Delaware Law School to the Trolley Square address of the shop where the laptop ended up.

Earlier this year, the Beau Biden Foundation was one of the beneficiaries of grants from the Delaware COVID-19 Strategic Response Fund. The Biden foundation had received a $22,000 grant to provide "virtual training" to protect children from abuse. That is the sort of thing that the foundation, co-chaired by Hunter Biden and other Biden family members, does.

The Beau Biden Foundation for the Protection of Children claims that its mission is protecting children from child abuse, especially over the internet. It runs workshops, distributes ebooks, and offers training sessions to prevent children from being groomed by abusers online.

It’s deeply troubling then that Hunter Biden had apparently been accused of doing just that.

In one of the messages allegedly exchanged between Joe Biden and his son, the Democrat presidential candidate asks his son, “This is [redacted 14-year-old girl] right.”

“She told my therapist that I was sexually inappropriate with [redacted girl] when she says that I facetime naked with her and the reason I can’t have her out to see me is because I’ll walk around naked smoking crack talking [redacted] girls on face time,” Hunter replied.

Meanwhile the Beau Biden Foundation was offering lessons on how to spot online predators.

Some have speculated that this refers to Hallie Biden's daughter. Hallie Biden, a fellow co-chair of the foundation, was also Beau's widow and had been in a relationship with Hunter. If so this would have been a devastating indictment of the foundation’s leadership which was charging $3,000 for lessons on preventing online child abuse while its board members were involved in it.

“As adults, we have a legal and moral obligation to stand up and speak out for children who are being abused.These children cannot speak for themselves,” Beau Biden once allegedly said.

The quote decorates much of the Beau Biden Foundation’s material.

Perhaps Beau would have wanted someone to speak out if his daughter were endangered.

If Hunter Biden was privately being accused of creating “a very unsafe environment for the kids” and of exposing himself to an underage girl, this should have been made public to warn others, instead of concealing the information for years until the laptop with its Beau Biden Foundation sticker, featuring an angel’s wing (t-shirts with the logo are available for $20 bucks), went public.

The Beau Biden Foundation offers "youth-serving organizations" a $3,000 "Shield of Protection" program which claims to train staff how to be "Stewards of Children®", stop grooming, as well as "Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse." The latter, a $500 workshop, deals with, among other things, mandatory reporting statutes. Were the allegations against Beau ever reported?

If the allegations are true, then the Beau Biden Foundation leaders needed that training.

It might have been a better investment of their time than the foundation's annual Child Protection Classic golf game at the Wilmington Country Club for only $650 per golfer.

Playing golf doesn’t stop child abuse. Reporting child abusers and locking them up does.

A scandal affecting the Beau Biden Foundation doesn’t just stop there.

Beyond the various Biden family members, the foundation's board also included Tony Allen, the president of Delaware State University, a former Biden speechwriter and special assistant, as well as a member of Biden's Transition Team.

Also on the board is former FBI director Louis Freeh who had also been recruited by Hunter Biden to work on the case of a Romanian businessman convicted of fraud, while Joe Biden was pressuring the Romanian government to fight “corruption”. Biden’s former staffer had been appointed as ambassador and Beau had cut the ribbon for the new embassy.

Joshua Alcorn, the Chief Operating Officer at the Beau Biden Foundation, had been a senior adviser for Draft Biden, and had worked on Biden's previous presidential campaign.

The Beau Biden Foundation, like everything involving the Biden family, is a snapshot of Bidenworld: the political and personal associations mixing together in inseparable ways.

And that may have made the alleged misconduct by Hunter Biden impossible to police.

Beau was the "good son". The elder son who was being groomed to carry on the Biden political clan's fortunes. At the Democratic National Convention, after Obama had picked his father as his second, it was Beau who introduced him. A year earlier, Beau had become Delaware's Attorney General, and held the position for 8 years.

Delaware's legal community is littered with his associates.

When Giuliani turned over the laptop to Delaware authorities, the office of Delaware Attorney General Kathy Jennings quickly announced that it was passing it on to the FBI.

Jennings had worked under Beau Biden and is campaigning for Joe Biden, had posted, "I’ve known Joe, Jill, and the Biden family for most of my life."

Patricia Lewis, the Executive Director of the Beau Biden Foundation, had been a Deputy Attorney General until she retired the same year that Beau Biden did.

Delaware is a small state and its political class is a good deal smaller. How much did the board members of the Beau Biden Foundation know about what the laptop might contain? Were any of them aware that even while the foundation was soliciting and obtaining coronavirus grant funds to protect children from online abuse, its co-chair may have been accused of abuse?

Like so many questions about the Bidens, they will neither be asked nor answered.

Meanwhile, even while a laptop from its co-chair containing alleged photos of underage girls with its sticker on it was submitted to the authorities, the Beau Biden Foundation goes on promising to protect children. But who’s going to protect the children from the Bidens?

Can the Biden campaign last one more week?

By Stephen E. Strang

The Biden laptop scandal is the biggest October surprise in modern political history. The Biden campaign is in crisis -- and it could, and should, cost him the election.

No longer is Biden the “sweet old Uncle Joe” of days gone by. While the 77-year-old seems more genteel at times than the 74-year-old tough-talking Trump, this isn’t about Trump being “bad” and Biden being “better.” This is about Biden’s very big crisis -- a crisis he cannot dismiss by calling it “garbage,” “a smear,” or “a set-up.”

In the midst of a bitter faceoff between President Donald Trump -- who’s kept his promises as president despite fierce Democratic opposition, protected religious freedom and constitutional rights -- and former Vice President Joe Biden, along comes unmistakable proof that the Bidens have been involved in a deceptive web that includes selling influence and enriching the family. Americans now have a major reason not to vote for Joe Biden.

Never mind his problematic policies on gun control, the border, and energy. Americans don’t want the corrupt in power. It’s that simple. If Hillary Clinton’s foundation peddled access to her when she was secretary of state; this is much worse. How could a compromised Biden ever stand up to countries like China and Russia, which have already paid his family millions?

While the Biden campaign may seem steady, this growing crisis has shaken their foundation. While readers of my books know I’ve been a Trump supporter, I didn’t see all of this coming when I wrote “God, Trump, and the 2020 Election before the primaries -- but this changes everything.

The proof of corruption is not only on Hunter Biden’s laptop. More allegations keep coming from former Biden business associates. Along with Hunter Biden’s drug abuse, pornography, and worse, evidence suggests he received $1.5 billion from China for a private equity firm and an 80 percent equity stake in CEFC, the China energy company. Emails also allegedly detail Joe Biden’s connection to the funds given his family. In one text to his daughter, Hunter Biden wrote that he’d been “paying” for everything for the family for 30 years, “but unlike Pop, I’m not going to ask you to kick back half your salary.”

Rudy Giuliani shared a screenshot of that text on Twitter. Giuliani, many will remember, served as U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York and had a record 4,152 convictions, including many related to organized crime. He called Biden “a decrepit little criminal.”

There’s more evidence against Biden. Meanwhile, the media continues to defend Biden without examining or even trying to examine the evidence. This is the same media that published numerous unverified attacks on Trump by disgruntled and partisan “unnamed sources” and couldn’t say the word “impeachment” enough.

It gets worse. When Big Tech entities like Twitter and Facebook ban even the dissemination of the Biden laptop story because it looks bad for their guy, think what they will do to conservative ideas if Biden ever gets elected. It would be far worse than Orwell’s 1984 ever depicted.  

It will take time to sort through all the damning information on multiple laptops to see if criminal charges will be brought over possible bribes of foreign agents, or worse. And the laptop is now said to be connected to an FBI money laundering inquiry. In the meantime, we have an election -- and the future of America is at stake.

There are many other reasons not to vote for Biden -- including the lackluster campaign he’s run and the fact that he’s a serial plagiarist. But for anyone still on the fence, it’s time to see the light. This is beyond personality. This is beyond policy. This is about raw, base corruption. If even 10 percent of the laptop stories are true, it’s enough to keep Joe Biden from the presidency.

If you’re stuck on Trump’s rough-around-the-edges personality, then vote against political corruption -- and the scary mindset of the Deep State and the media “elites” that this Biden scandal should be censored or set aside.

It’s a very big deal. Biden cannot be trusted. We are better than this. America deserves better.

Stephen E. Strang is founder and CEO of Charisma Media. He is the author of God, Trump, and COVID-19, as well as many other books. Learn more at 


How can any Democrat call Joe Biden the 'moral' candidate with a straight face?


By Lauri B. Regan

For four years, we have listened to liberals attack Donald Trump for every word uttered, tweet sent, and policy implemented, no matter the substance.  With complete indifference if not outright disdain for every accomplishment from Middle East peace to a record-breaking economy, Trump can do no right in the eyes of liberals.  And in addition to his physical appearance and strong personality, many of them complain about his lack of morals.  With a straight face, liberals tell you they are voting for Biden to bring morality back to the White House.

This is truly one of the fascinating aspects of Trump Derangement Syndrome.  These same individuals cheered on eight years of an Obama/Biden administration that abused all aspects of the Executive Branch's authority to push through their agenda, quash and silence dissent by individuals and organizations with whom they disagreed, and undermine the smooth transition of power for their successors.  Their methods included weaponizing the alphabet city of agencies including the FBI, CIA, NSA, IRS, CFPB, DOE, and DOJ; spying on their enemies; and framing and prosecuting innocent people, from the Benghazi filmmaker to Michael Flynn.  But please, let's bring back this morality.

The list of Obama/Biden scandals is lengthy.  It includes the Fast and Furious gun-running fiasco, which resulted in lost American lives (for which Eric Holder was held in contempt of Congress); spying on journalists, including AP and Fox News reporters; weaponizing the IRS to selectively target conservative groups; the Benghazi tragedy resulting in the death of Americans, including a U.S. ambassador, together with the accompanying lies in its aftermath; Hillary Clinton's secret server; the NSA spying scandal; the Bowe Bergdahl prisoner swap; the Iran nuclear deal passed with lies and the use of the "media echo chamber"; the V.A. scandal; and the use of a government shutdown to hurt Americans — to name a few.

The biggest scandal is the way that the Obama/Biden administration used the Deep State, including the FBI and NSA, to attempt to bring down Trump.  Never, in the history of our country, has a sitting president prevented a smooth transition of power for his successor in the hopes of seeing him impeached, prevented from governing efficiently and effectively, and embarrassed on the world stage, the cost to the country be damned.  Some morality.



Obama/Biden also enacted legislation that was not supported by more than half of the country while lying about it.  Not one Republican voted for Obamacare.  Nancy Pelosi declared that it needed to be passed in order for the American people to learn what was in it.  Obama lied and promised that we could keep our insurance and our doctors.  Millions of Americans lost both.

The Iran nuclear deal was as much of a fiasco as the ACA, with Ben Rhodes proudly declaring that their lies to the American public were being promoted through a media echo chamber, where reporters just repeated what the administration told them.  The JCPOA would have never passed as a treaty in Congress, so Obama just went ahead with it anyway.  He proudly declared that he would use his pen and his phone to govern if he was not successful in bullying Congress into submission, and that is exactly what he did.

Liberals now want to go back to those days by electing the second-in-command during those eight years, who we're now learning is possibly more corrupt than Hillary Clinton.  While we do not have all of the details of what Biden knew and how extensively he was involved with his family's abuse of his political power, we do know that Biden has been a pathological liar (and plagiarist) his entire career and that we cannot trust a word out of his mouth.  Yet the Hunter Biden emails, substantiated by no fewer than three individuals to date, are just noise to be ignored, lest the Democrats' "moral" guy lose to that horrible oaf occupying the White House.

What is astonishing is how easily Trump-haters overlook in Biden the exact traits they say they hate about Trump.  We need morality back in the White House, yet Trump-haters are praying for a guy who lies and is corrupt, making millions from foreign entities while in and out of office.  They fantasize that Trump is in bed with Putin and ignore that Biden is actually very well likely in bed with Xi and other foreign leaders whom his son has been conducting business with under the auspices of the Biden family name.

Trump-haters claim he's a racist who supports white supremacists, yet Biden continually makes racist comments, was even accused by his running mate of being a racist, and has supported and praised racists (and anti-Semites) for decades.  They demand that Trump denounce white supremacists and neo-Nazis, which he has done over and over again, but have no problem when Biden refuses to denounce Antifa.

The hypocrisy abounds.  Christine Blasey Ford, who had not one witness to back her story up, was to be believed during the Kavanaugh hearings, yet Tara Reade, who accused Biden of sexual assault and who had witnesses that support her story, is a liar not to be believed.

Trump-haters dislike Trump so much that they are willing to trade a booming and deregulated economy, lower taxes, energy independence, rewritten trade agreements, law and order, a stronger military, peace in the Middle East, patriotism, and so many positive Trump policies and sentiments for a corrupt old man who is surrounded by socialists, leeches, and America-haters because he's supposedly moral.  But we know he is not, so do Trump-haters lie to themselves or just to the rest of us about morality?

Put aside how utterly incompetent Biden is, how he suffers from serious mental decline, how his foreign policy decisions have been wrong for four decades, how he has no real accomplishment that stands out in his 47 years in public life other than winning elections (and lining his pockets and those of his family), and how he will irreversibly transform the country if he wins and the Democrats win the Senate.  Put aside how he strokes young girls while smelling their hair and whispering sweet nothings into their ears; how he berates voters, calling them ludicrous names like "lying dog-faced pony soldier"; and how he can't remember if he's running for the presidency or Senate or which state he's in.

How do his supporters say with a straight face that they're voting for Biden to bring morality back to Washington?  That is simply an absurd statement, and Biden voters deserve what they get if he wins.  Unfortunately, the rest of us will be stuck paying a steep price — literally — for their ignorant belief that they're bringing morality back with Joe Biden.


Amazon Claims New York Union Organizers Bribed Workers with Weed to Gain Votes

Sex, plots and blackmail: the toxic politics behind Bezos claims

Amazon is claiming that New York union organizers gave marijuana to workers in an attempt to secure their unionization votes. Recreational marijuana is legal in New York, and a lawyer for the Amazon Labor Union responded that handing out cannabis is “no different than distributing free t-shirts and it certainly did not act to interfere with the election.”

Business Insider reports that Amazon is alleging that New York union organizers provided free marijuana to workers in an effort to convince them to vote in favor of the union. The objection is just one of many made by Amazon on Friday as the company aims to overturn a recent vote that created the first union in the history of the tech giant.

Alma Delia Garcia of New York Communities for Change speaks during a protest organized by New York Communities for Change and Make the Road New York in front of the Jeff Bezos’ Manhattan residence in New York on December 02, 2020. (Photo by KENA BETANCUR/AFP via Getty Images)

A recreational marijuana smoker indulges in smoking weed on April 14, 2020 in the Bushwick section of the Brooklyn borough of New York City. As some smokers turn to smoking weed to ease their stress during the coronavirus pandemic, some doctors are warning that cannabis can cause airway inflammation that could cause complications should a user become a victim of COVID-19. (Photo by Bruce Bennett/Getty Images)

A recreational marijuana smoker indulges in smoking weed on April 14, 2020 in the Bushwick section of the Brooklyn borough of New York City.  (Photo by Bruce Bennett/Getty Images)


The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) announced on April 1 that a majority of workers at the JFK8 warehouse in Staten Island, New York, voted to join the Amazon Labor Union (ALU). Amazon is now challenging the vote and claims that the ALU and NLRB suppressed voter turnout.

Amazon made a filing on Friday in which it questioned the ALU’s methods to win the unionization vote. Amazon’s lawyers state that ALU organizers distributed cannabis to workers ahead of the vote and that the NLRB “cannot condone such a practice as a legitimate method of obtaining support for a labor organization.”

In 2021, it was made legal for New Yorkers love the age of 21 to use recreational marijuana. Eric Milner, a lawyer for the ALU, told the Associated Press that organizers handing out cannabis was “no different than distributing free t-shirts and it certainly did not act to interfere with the election.”

Amazon claimed in a previous filing that union organizers also interfered with employees waiting in line to vote and threatened immigrant workers that they may lose their benefits if they did not vote in favor of the union. Connor Spence, the ALU’s vice president of membership, said that Amazon’s claims “have no merit” and are intended to “suppress a democratic outcome.” Spence added:  “We urge Amazon to cease these childish legal games, respect the voices of their workers, and engage in behavior that is more becoming of ‘Earth’s Best Employer.'”

Read more at Business Insider here.

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship. Follow him on Twitter @LucasNolan or contact via secure email at the address

ProPublica Reveals How Soros, Bezos, and Other Famous Billionaires Avoid Paying Taxes

Sore Losers: Amazon Plans to Appeal Landmark Staten Island Union Win

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos during the JFK Space Summit at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library in Boston, Wednesday, June 19, 2019. (AP Photo/Charles Krupa)
AP Photo/Charles Krupa

Amazon reportedly plans to object to a recent union election victory at its Staten Island warehouse, alleging that organizers pressured workers into voting.

Engadget reports that e-commerce giant Amazon plans to object to a recent union election victory at the company’s Staten Island warehouse. Amazon reportedly plans to claim that organizers pressure workers at the facility into voting to organize.


Leon Neal/Getty Images

 (Photo by KENA BETANCUR/AFP via Getty Images)

Amazon announced its plans to appeal the warehouse workers’ union election in a legal filing released publicly earlier this week. In the recent unionization vote, 55 percent of workers at the JFK8 warehouse voted to join the Amazon Labor Union; now the company has until April 22 to formally file an objection to the unionization with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).

The company wrote in its filing that it believe that the union threatened employees to vote to unionize. Interestingly, the NLRB has accused Amazon of threatening employees to do the exact opposite. The e-commerce giant also alleged that the union engaged in “electioneering” or interfering with employees as they waited to vote.

Amazon is claiming that long wait times at polling booths resulted in a low voter turnout. The company is further alleging that organizers stood near polling areas, intimidating voters. The Seattle-based company claims that union organizers even threatened immigrant employees with the loss of their rights if they did not vote in favor of the union.

Eric Milner, a lawyer representing the ALU, stated: “To say that the Amazon Labor Union was threatening employees is really absurd. The Amazon Labor Union is Amazon employees.”

Another labor union attempting to organize at Amazon’s Bessemer, Alabama, facility has since filed its objections regarding the pending results of its recent rerun election. The Retail, Wholesale, and Department Store Union (RWDSU) claims that Amazon engaged in “countless attempts to intimidate workers” at the Bessemer facility.

The RWDSU claims that Amazon went as far as to fire or suspend workers who supported unionization at the facility. RWDSU President Stuart Appelbaum in a statement: “Amazon’s behavior must not go unchallenged, and workers in Bessemer, Alabama must have their rights protected under the law. We urge the NLRB to carefully review our objections and ensure no company, not even with the bottomless pockets of Amazon, is allowed to act above the law.”

Read more at Engadget here.

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship. Follow him on Twitter @LucasNolan or contact via secure email at the address

Why Nobody Likes Jeff Bezos





Amazon, this year alone, petitioned for nearly 3,000 employment-based green cards for their foreign visa workers and foreign nationals seeking to take high-paying white collar jobs. Microsoft and Google, likewise, petitioned for more than 3,300 employment-based green cards.

More than one million white-collar American jobs today are held by foreign visa workers.

Big Brother Is Watching: Amazon Worker Chat App to Ban Naughty Words Like ‘Union,’ ‘Restrooms,’ ‘Pay Raise’

Mural of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos.
Thierry Ehrmann/Flickr

An automatic word monitor in a new Amazon worker chat app will ban a variety of words and phrases, such as “union,” “fairness,” “pay raise,” “slave labor,” and “master,” among other terms, according to internal documents obtained by the Intercept.

Amazon will block and flag employee posts on an internal messaging app that the company deems problematic, according to internal company documents obtained by the Intercept. The app is still in the planning phase and has not yet been launched.

Alma Delia Garcia of New York Communities for Change speaks during a protest organized by New York Communities for Change and Make the Road New York in front of the Jeff Bezos’ Manhattan residence in New York on December 02, 2020. (Photo by KENA BETANCUR/AFP via Getty Images)

Jeff Bezos holds goggles to his face (Joe Raedle /Getty)

The word “restrooms” is reportedly on the list of censored words — following reports of Amazon warehouse employees feeling the need to urinate in trash cans and bottles in order to avoid being scolded over bathroom breaks.

“Our teams are always thinking about new ways to help employees engage with each other,” Amazon spokesperson Barbara M. Agrait told the Intercept. “This particular program has not been approved yet and may change significantly or even never launch at all.”

Late last year, Amazon held a meeting where top executives talked about creating an internal social media app that would allow employees to praise their co-workers’ performance by giving them “Shout-Outs,” a source told the Intercept.

The goal of the Shout-Outs was foster happiness and productivity among Amazon employees, according to Head of Worldwide Consumer Business Dave Clark.

But Amazon officials also discussed what they called “the dark side of social media,” and therefore decided to actively monitor posts in order to ensure a “positive community.”

So an “auto bad word monitor” was put together, which included a blacklist that would automatically block employees from sending a message that contains profane or inappropriate words.

But profanities were not the only words added to the blacklist, reports the Intercept.

Some of the other words and terms to be added to the blacklist included the following, according to documents reviewed by the outlet:

I don’t care
I hate
Living Wage
Pay Raise
Senior Ops
Slave labor
This is concerning
This is dumb

Amazon, however, denies that “many” of the words mentioned would be blocked on the internal messaging app.

“If it does launch at some point down the road, there are no plans for many of the words you’re calling out to be screened,” the Amazon spokesperson insisted. “The only kinds of words that may be screened are ones that are offensive or harassing, which is intended to protect our team.”

Last week, Amazon workers at a warehouse in Staten Island, New York, voted to unionize — a first for the company.

You can follow Alana Mastrangelo on Facebook and Twitter at @ARmastrangelo, and on Instagram. 

Democrats, Big Tech Billionaires Unite to Keep DACA Illegal Aliens in U.S.


Frazer Harrison/JIM WATSON/JOSH EDELSON/AFP via Getty Images


1 Dec 20210


Democrats and billionaire executives for giant tech corporations are urging the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to keep illegal aliens, enrolled in former President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, in American jobs.

In July, Judge Andrew Hanen ordered President Joe Biden’s administration to shut down the DACA program by blocking the federal government from allowing new applicants, illegal aliens who have not previously been enrolled, onto the program’s rolls.

Months later, in September, Biden’s DHS issued a draft regulation that would effectively preserve the DACA program that has allowed more than 800,000 illegal aliens to remain in the United States and hold American jobs since 2012.

In a letter to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, Senate Democrats including Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Cory Booker (D-NJ), Alex Padilla (D-CA), and Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV), along with a number of House Democrats, urged the Biden administration to move forward with the regulation and expand the program to include more illegal aliens.

The Democrats write:

To preserve family unity, we urge you to update the DACA threshold criteria to include individuals who had lawful status on June 15, 2012. One of the threshold criteria in the proposed rule is that DACA applicants must have “had no lawful immigration status on June 15, 2012, as well as at the time of filing of the request for DACA.” We ask that DHS to update these criteria to allow individuals who had lawful status in the United States on June 15, 2012, but subsequently lost such status by the time of their request, to qualify for DACA. This update could be accomplished by changing the above criterium to read: “had no lawful status at the time of filing of the request for DACA.” [Emphasis added]

We also encourage you to consider adopting additional changes to DACA eligibility requirements that would enable more Documented Dreamers to utilize the protection this program offers if the unlawful status requirement were revoked. Specifically, we urge you to consider removing the threshold criteria that require requestors to have continuously resided in the United States from June 15, 2007 to the time of filing of the request. We also support adjusting the dates in the threshold criteria to provide relief for individuals who arrived in the United States after 2007. These adjustments would help a greater number of Documented Dreamers access relief and avoid accruing unlawful status. [Emphasis added]

Likewise, executives at Amazon, Google, Cisco, the Intel Corporation, IBM, and Meta Platforms have sent a letter to DHS asking that DACA work permits be preserved and that Congress grant amnesty to DACA illegal aliens.

“DACA recipients help us innovate on behalf of customers and are a critical part of our diverse workforce,” the executives wrote. “… DACA recipients enrich our companies and the economy in different ways.”


Already, current immigration levels put downward pressure on U.S. wages while redistributing about $500 billion in wealth away from America’s working and middle class and towards employers and new arrivals, research by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine has found.

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has repeatedly found that amnesty for illegal aliens would be a net fiscal drain for American taxpayers while driving down U.S. wages.

Every year, 1.2 million legal immigrants receive green cards to permanently resettle in the U.S. In addition, 1.4 million foreign nationals are given visas to take American jobs, while hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens enter the U.S. annually.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here

In the United States, migration curbs Americans’ productivity, shrinks their political clout, and widens regional wealth gaps. It radicalizes their democratic, compromise-promoting civic culture, and allows elites to ignore despairing Americans at the bottom of society.



Amazon, this year alone, petitioned for nearly 3,000 employment-based green cards for their foreign visa workers and foreign nationals seeking to take high-paying white collar jobs. Microsoft and Google, likewise, petitioned for more than 3,300 employment-based green cards.

More than one million white-collar American jobs today are held by foreign visa workers.





Amazon, this year alone, petitioned for nearly 3,000 employment-based green cards for their foreign visa workers and foreign nationals seeking to take high-paying white collar jobs. Microsoft and Google, likewise, petitioned for more than 3,300 employment-based green cards.

More than one million white-collar American jobs today are held by foreign visa workers.

Bernie Sanders Silent as Corporations Look to Explicitly Grow Profit Margins via Limitless Immigration

10MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images


1 Dec 20210


Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), a self-described Socialist, has remained silent as corporate special interests seek to dramatically shift the nation’s legal immigration system for their benefit.

Last month, House Democrats passed President Joe Biden’s filibuster-proof “Build Back Better Act” reconciliation package, which would blow the lid off legal immigration levels — explicitly to provide an unlimited pipeline of foreign workers to multinational corporations.

Specifically, the reconciliation package would allow corporations to utilize an expanded foreign worker pipeline through the employment-based green card system even as hundreds of thousands of American professionals and graduates seek jobs in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) jobs.

In late October, Sen. Bill Hagerty (R-TN) urged Sanders, who is chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, to oppose the reconciliation package for its “corporate carve-out for unlimited foreign labor” that includes “several breathtaking immigration provisions that have long been the crown jewel of corporate lobbying.”

Sanders has been silent, Hagerty told Breitbart News in an exclusive statement.

“It’s been over five weeks since I wrote to Senator Sanders about the corporate carve-out in the so-called ‘Build Back Better’ legislation that benefits Big Tech and harms American workers, and we still haven’t heard a single word of defense from him,” Hagerty said.

“If Senator Sanders is serious about supporting American workers like he proclaims, he should soundly reject this dangerous, hidden provision that would create an unending pipeline of foreign labor for Silicon Valley giants to lower wages and displace aspiring Americans,” he continued.

Sanders did not respond to a request for comment at the time of publication.

Breitbart News has reviewed lobbying records that detail the lobbying campaign from corporate giants like Amazon, Facebook, Intuit Inc, AT&T, Verizon, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Alphabet, Deloitte, the Microsoft Corporation, IBM, Accenture, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, and the Intel Corporation — all of whom would benefit significantly from the expanded foreign worker pipeline.

The corporations, as listed, file thousands of petitions to the federal government every year to secure employment-based green cards for their foreign visa workers who, more often than not, arrive in the U.S. through the H-1B visa program that has been used to replace American workers with cheaper foreign workers.

Amazon, this year alone, petitioned for nearly 3,000 employment-based green cards for their foreign visa workers and foreign nationals seeking to take high-paying white collar jobs. Microsoft and Google, likewise, petitioned for more than 3,300 employment-based green cards.

More than one million white-collar American jobs today are held by foreign visa workers.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here




ProPublica Reveals How Soros, Bezos, and Other Famous Billionaires Avoid Paying Taxes


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