Sunday, October 16, 2022



The Madness of America’s Ruling Class

The ruling class has failed immensely.  The last two years are proof, but with each passing day, one wonders: Are America’s elites plunging into madness?  That’s a dead serious question.  With their madness may go our lives.  That’s dead serious, too.

Joe Biden spoke the other day about the possibility of nuclear “Armageddon.”  With cataclysm in mind, Biden’s Department of Health and Human Services spent $290 million on anti-radiation drugs.  Uncle Sam makes plenty of wasteful expenditures, but is this one?    

Said our doddering president, AP, October 7:

Speaking at a Democratic fundraiser, Biden said Thursday night that Russian President Vladimir Putin is “a guy I know fairly well” and the Russian leader is “not joking when he talks about the use of tactical nuclear weapons or biological or chemical weapons.”    

Is Biden sounding the alarm to try to rally Americans and stave off midterm election losses for congressional Democrats?  Crass politics from Biden wouldn’t surprise, yet… 

Jordan Schachtel, writing at The Dossier on Substack, says that Volodymyr Zelensky’s call to bomb Russia (now being walked back by the Ukrainian government) has no support from NATO

But what if a direct attack on Russia isn’t what ignites major conflict with the Russians?      

Retired General Jack Keane, a regular on Fox News programs, appeared on “Fox & Friends” last Friday.  Keane is a war hawk.  He’s pushed for a more aggressive U.S. military posture in Ukraine since the Russian invasion. 

Keane said that if Putin uses tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine, the U.S. would have to respond.  No other choice.  Not in kind, mind you, but conventionally with a “comprehensive air and military attack” inside Ukraine.  The aim would be to destroy the Russian army there.  Putin loses, says Keane.  But what he omits matters greatly.

If the U.S. strikes at the Russians in Ukraine, what assurance does Keane have that the war stays there, particularly if the U.S. is trying to annihilate the Russian army?  There’s no risk of Putin expanding the war throughout Europe and to the U.S.?  Russian missiles can’t reach America?  Russian saboteurs can’t, for example, enter the U.S. -- if they aren’t here already -- and wreak havoc?  Maybe take out power grids? 

If Putin loses his army in Ukraine, his regime likely collapses.  That’s what the ruling class wants.  What that destabilization does to Russia and how that may adversely impact the rest of the world isn’t discussed. 

Hillary Clinton and NATO grandees had no problem engineering Moammar Qaddafi’s killing.  Libya has been torn by strife ever since.  Acknowledging the possible consequences of destabilizing Putin’s regime may only make Americans more wary of being dragged into conflict.     

If Putin is a goner, what does he have to lose by broadening the war?  Why would the Biden administration gamble by attacking the Russian army in Ukraine? 

Keane was never asked those questions by Fox News’ Brian Kilmeade.  Regardless, there’s an underlying conceit about wanting to topple Putin.  The conceit: war will be contained to Ukraine.  A desperate Vladimir Putin would never escalate the conflict.  Why worry?  Yet two nations armed to the teeth with nuclear weapons have never warred.  American military engagement in Ukraine is fraught with many perils.  Disaster spreading well beyond Ukraine’s borders is realistic.  If not, why buy hundreds of millions of dollars in anti-radiation meds?            

Some say Putin’s back is to the wall, or near enough.  The war hasn’t resolved as he hoped.  Yet, one must account for the fog of war and propaganda, which makes war foggier. 

Putin has announced the annexation of Ukrainian territory: Luhansk and Donetsk (republics) and two areas in southern Ukraine, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia.  All are under Russian control.  The spin that Putin is losing may just be spin.  Col. Douglas Macgregor, a dissenting voice and a regular guest on Tucker Carlson’s show, thinks so.  

Who trusts “U.S. intelligence sources” (Deep State) and corporate media anymore?  We hear that American intelligence is backdooring Russian generals.  Putin is hamstrung, unable to unilaterally use nuclear weapons.  We’re to believe this based on unidentified sources? 

Having been misled by U.S. intelligence about “weapons of mass destruction” in Iraq and given virtually no heads up about the looming defeat in Afghanistan last year, we shouldn’t be skeptical? 

Biden speaks casually of Armageddon.  Armageddon because of a localized conflict.  Let that sink in.  A war where no vital American interest is at risk.  A war that’s limited to Ukraine and poses no threat to the homeland.  A war, though, that the ruling class and military-industrial complex conflates with U.S. security. 

Why?  Because of mindsets that are trapped in the Cold War.  Why?  Because Democrats have made Russia a whipping boy.  Democrats, who pawn off lies about Trump’s collusion with Russia to fix U.S. elections (Democrats don’t need Russians for that).  Why?  Because conflict is how the war industry ups profits.   

A war that apologists for increased American and NATO military engagement have claimed is required to “protect democracy.”  That’s a dubious claim, given that democracy and our rights are under assault here.  Dubious because of Ukraine’s extensive corruption and checkered history with democracy. 

Are we ready to sacrifice our sons and daughters for an abstraction?  Do we dare court bringing destruction to our shores?  Innocent American blood must be spilled to “make the world safe for democracy?”  Is Ukraine really the hill that Lord knows how many Americans must die on?   

When will we as a nation jettison Wilsonian sanctimony for a return to Washingtonian sensibility?  Our military is for defense; it’s not a galivanting righter of wrongs.  We haven’t enough challenges at home?  Our cities are increasingly lawless.  Big, Democrat-run cities might as well be called war zones.  We don’t have a border that’s been blown wide open by Biden administration policy? 

If our military is to engage, deploy it along the U.S.-Mexican border -- or what’s rumored to be a border.  That’s where the real threat to America’s welfare and security lies.  4.5 million illegals have entered our country, bringing crime, fentanyl, illness, and poverty.  Cartels menace.  More “migrants” come daily.  And who knows how many enemy agents are among the diaspora?    

Edging toward war with Russia is eerily reminiscent of World War I’s beginning, though this time substitute Ukraine for Serbia.  History may not repeat itself, but it can approximate. 

Anyone with a basic understanding of WWI knows that it was pure folly.  It squandered tens of millions of lives and devastated Western and Central Europe -- without nuclear weapons.  It gave rise to communist Russia, opened the way for fascism, spawned WWII, and finished with the Cold War.  Austria needn’t have attacked Serbia because of the assassinations of Archduke Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie.  Redress there had to be, but Austria’s aggression set off a chain reaction. 

The Germans, Russians, French, and English could have pushed for restraint… could have sought to mediate, insisting that Gavrilo Princip and his fellow conspirators be dealt swift justice while keeping Serbia free from Austrian reprisals.  Yet, the great powers followed their respective allies into war, automatically.  WWI set in motion the decline of Europe, a decline that continues. 

Do we hear calls among the ruling class for American diplomacy to end hostilities in Ukraine?  Where are the peacemakers?  Ending hostilities would entail recognizing Russia’s legitimate security concerns (NATO advancing again to Russia’s border) and acceptance that Ukraine be nonaligned, though free from Russian domination.         

There are certainly no calls for diplomacy and peaceful resolutions in Washington, D.C.  Not from the Biden administration, not from Congress, not from mainline defense and foreign policy thinktanks.  Not in corporate media.  Instead, relentless belligerence.  A march toward war is their way. 

Madness?  You bet.  If the madness isn’t checked, it’s we the American people who’ll pay a most horrific price.

J. Robert Smith can be found regularly at Gab @JRobertSmith.  He also blogs at Flyover.  




LEGALS DEPRESSED. But don’t worry! Middle America will still

get the tax bills for the massive La Raza “The Race’ anchor baby

welfare state we’ve been building since BillaryClinton perpetrated


Last month, a thrice-deported illegal immigrant with a long history of violent crime stabbed five people, killing two, John Paulson, 45,and Kimberly Susan Fial, 55, at the Grace Baptist Church in San Jose.  DAVE SEMINARA

Releasing to the streets gang members eligible for deportation is nothing new in Santa Clara County. ICE published a report in 2018 detailing that 142 gang members whom the agency was seeking to deport during a nine-month period in 2017 were released by local law enforcement rather than being transferred to federal custody; Santa Clara County led the nation, releasing 22 gang members. DAVE SEMINARA


American Workers Are Underpaid, Overworked and Undervalued


growing political party in America is the Democrat

party funded Mexican fascist party of LA RAZA


Did you know that radical immigrant groups – including the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF), the Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan (MEChA) and the National Council of La Raza (La Raza) – not only share a revolutionary agenda of conquering America's southwest, but they also share common funding sources, notably the Ford and Rockefeller foundations?


Most of the media have never given a damn about the Clinton (LAWYER), Obama (LAWYER) or Biden (LAWYER) corruption, which is massive.                                                                                       JACK HELLNER


LAWYER-POLITICIANS   -   Deep State-DNC-Russian-Clinton

Foundation collusion and corruption. All the players in these

massive, sordid affairs will be deemed “too big to jail” – and

too closely tied to the Democratic Party to be investigated

further.  Paul Driessen

Pelosi, through her holdings in local restaurants and vineyards, is reputed to be one of the largest employers of illegal labor in Northern California. 

However, the lust for power and immense pecuniary gains cause people to behave in the most cold-hearted fashion.  It is inhuman of Biden's wife and family to allow him to be exploited like this, such that he becomes the target of ridicule. 

Biden is the empty vessel into which anything can be poured. RAJAD LAAD

On the 14th of August 2020, Politico Magazine, in a lengthy article, revealed for the first time Barack Obama’s true opinion of Joe Biden together with his warning to the people of America.  During the 2020 primary Obama told a fellow Democrat: “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up.”

So, Joe Biden and Democrats are punishing us for the sin of wanting to be left alone and wanting our children to be left alone. They are deliberately increasing gas prices to hurt us, and one way to increase gas prices is to ship our oil to foreign countries. Another way is to flood the country with millions of illegals who consume oil (and housing), creating more scarcity and higher prices. JOHN NOLTE


I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue and stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms, are hostile to people of faith and spirituality, demonize the police and protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, dragging us ever closer to nuclear war.                                                             TULSI GABBARD


15 Signs That America Is In Much Worse Trouble Than We All Thought

Today, we brought you some numbers that may be hard to digest. Even though most of us know by now that America is in trouble, many people out there don't have any idea of how deep in trouble we really are. Offense rates are shooting up tremendously right now. As the cost of basic necessities escalates, more people are stealing to feed themselves today than in any other period in the past decade. Gas theft rates are skyrocketing, as prices rise above the $5-dollar-mark. Since January, the number of carjackings has gone up by over 300% in some cities. Officers say that it's not just a few gallons being siphoned from vehicles. Now, thieves are pumping thousands of dollars' worth of fuel from gas stations and selling it for a profit. CNN reported that, in Orlando, Florida, authorities are looking for two people who they say stole more than 1,000 gallons of fuel from a gas station. In Las Vegas, Nevada, highly modified vehicles are being used to steal tens of thousands of gallons from local gas stations. And in Greenville, South Carolina, several arrests for gas thefts have been made since January. Last week, in North Carolina last week, almost 400 gallons of gas were stolen by thieves who were able to bypass the payment system. The list goes on and on, and given that gas prices are expected to continue to rise, we’re going to see many more similar cases happening until the end of the year.

Meanwhile, on dividedness, the U.S. ranks No. 1. A Pew Research Center Survey of 20 developed nations found that Americans were the most likely to say their society was split along partisan, racial, and ethnic lines. The U.S. also reported more religious division than almost any other country surveyed. The truth is that our country is rapidly falling apart. Since the 1970s, economic inequality in the U.S. has skyrocketed, leaving many Americans living paycheck to paycheck while the nation’s top earners hoard all the gains from economic growth. It's actually been 11 years since the last federal minimum wage hike, the longest span the baseline wage has gone without an increase since it began in 1938. Since the last federal minimum wage hike — to $7.25 an hour, starting July 24, 2009 — the cost of living has shot up by 20%, while the price of essentials such as housing and health care have increased even faster. The average rent back in 2009 was about $1,132, adjusted for inflation. On top of all that, the U.S. manufacturing sector is facing a historic slowdown right now, which is quite alarming given that about 12% of the nation’s total output comes from manufacturing. And the supply chain disruptions we’ve seen so far are just a hint of the chaos we are going to witness this year. As we enter peak shipping season, shipping information company Frieghtos estimates that by August the price to ship one 40-ft container from China to the US East Coast will shoot up to more than $20,000, almost twice as high as shipping rates were in January, and a 500% increase from 2019 levels. Our living standards are decaying and, at this point, we all can see our quality of life evaporating right before our eyes. That's why we compiled some sobering statistics that reveal that the crises we're facing are far more severe than most of us imagine. For more info, find us on: And visit:

I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue and stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms, are hostile to people of faith and spirituality, demonize the police and protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, dragging us ever closer to nuclear war.                                                             TULSI GABBARD

A very Joe-Biden Thanksgiving for inflation-hit Americans

Thanksgiving is probably the most beloved, and uniquely American, of all holidays.

Which is why what the Biden administration has done to it is so disturbing:

A large slice of Americans can't afford it and aren't celebrating it.

According to Breitbart News:

One in five Americans are unsure if they will be able to cover the costs of Thanksgiving this year, and one in four plan to skip it to save money, a recent Personal Capital survey found.

The state of economic affairs in President Joe Biden’s America is affecting Americans’ holiday plans. According to the survey, one quarter of Americans are planning to skip Thanksgiving this year to save money, and one in five “doubted they would have enough money to cover the costs of Thanksgiving this year.”

More specifically, one-third expect their 2022 Thanksgiving dinner to be “smaller,” and 45 percent, overall, said they are “finically stressed” by Thanksgiving.

Further, Americans plan to take action to cut the cost of the celebration. Thirty-six percent plan to use coupons, 32 percent plan to compare prices, 28 percent will skip traveling, and another 28 percent plan to buy a smaller turkey. 


This is a sad state of affairs. That's a lot of people, and we've never seen figures like this before. Of course, Americans can always be thankful for what they have, even if what they have is meager. But in a country as supposedly rich and grand as ours, that people can no longer afford their own national holiday is another reason for feeling like a stranger in one's own country. It's very sad that the Bidenflation hitting the country has come down to whether one can have a feasty traditional meal or not. In addition to food prices being up, so are airline travel and fuel prices, so big family gatherings are going to be small atomized gatherings. Maybe families can console themselves with Zoom.

The Washington Examiner looks at just how much more it's going to cost consumers, and how hard it is to find items:

While inflation has hit all types of food — grocery prices rose 13% over the past year, according to the consumer price index — some products are also being hit with the double whammy of being in short supply. Shoppers may be in for an unwelcome surprise as they prepare their holiday spreads.

Turkey in particular is being hit by higher prices and supply chain shortages

Because of the diminished supply, prices for turkeys have exploded. Frozen, Grade A whole young hen, 8-16 pounds, registered at $1.72 per pound early last month, representing a 20% increase from the same time last year when the price was $1.44 per pound. Fresh boneless, skinless tom turkey breasts broke a record of $6.70 per pound in the middle of last month, more than double what it was that same time last year.

Seems Transport Secretary Pete Buttigieg hasn't quite figured out how to solve the problem after all these months. He's not up to it, but we can probably rest assured, he'll have a nice turkey with his husband and twins.

In addition, NBC News, citing Bureau of Labor Statistics data, notes that milk is up 15.2%, bread is up 14.7%, rice is up 13.6%, meats, poultry, fish and eggs are up 9.0%, and fresh fruits are up 8.2%. Happy Thanksgiving from Joe Biden, whose solution to this particular inflation, is to have the Federal Reserve print up more money so he can spend it on government programs. That's where inflation comes from.

The saddest thing about this missing thanksgiving for many is that food purchases are usually the last to be cut in a much-strapped household budget. Entertainment, travel, subscriptions, clothing, shoes, sports participation, new eyeglasses, new braces for the kids' teeth, new cars, medical care, hobbies, electrical use, and other items are usually the first to go. Food (and housing and utilities) go last. 

We already know that Americans are so strapped by Biden's inflation that they are starting to use credit cards for food purchases. Bidenflation at its current 8.2% annual rate is costing the average American about $6,000 a year, and wages are not keeping up.

If Americans are so choked by inflation that they can't afford food for a holiday, it means the stress on households from this is reaching its breaking point. 

We continue to have an ignorant president who has no idea where inflation comes from, and whose "solutions" amount to pouring gasoline on a raging fire. It makes the case that it's time to get that guy out of office as soon as possible, given the damage now seen in every household in America. A Biden thanksgiving is a bleak thanksgiving and can only be made into a real thanksgiving when Biden can no longer harm the economy.

I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue and stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms, are hostile to people of faith and spirituality, demonize the police and protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, dragging us ever closer to nuclear war.                                                             TULSI GABBARD

Cassidy: Biden Has the Same Contradictory Economic Approach That the UK Is Getting Bashed For


On Friday’s broadcast of CNBC’s “Squawk Box,” Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) said the Biden administration has engaged in the same contradictory economic approach of engaging in a stimulatory fiscal policy through things like canceling student loan debt and the American Rescue Plan while, on the monetary policy side, the central bank is increasing interest rates in an effort to combat inflation that UK Prime Minister Liz Truss and the Bank of England have received widespread condemnation for taking.

Cassidy stated that the inflation issue is “two sides. It is supply side. Clearly, the high cost of fuel is driving up the cost of everything else, number one. But number two, people are criticizing Liz Truss and the Bank of England for simultaneously pursuing both a stimulatory policy and a let’s raise interest rate[s] policy. That’s what this administration’s done. … The Inflation Reduction Act, the canceling of student loans, the American [Rescue Plan] is a stimulatory policy working at direct odds to raising interest rates. And if you look at the American Rescue Plan, American real wages have fallen every month since. This is not an American rescue plan, this is an American hit job.”

Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett

Biden’s America: 1 in 4 Americans to Skip Thanksgiving to Save Money

Butterball turkeys are for sale at a grocery store in Omaha, Nebraska on Wednesday December 22, 2004. ConAgra Foods Inc., the third-largest U.S. food company who's products include Butterball turkey , said second-quarter profit fell 10 percent after the sale of its chicken business and a rise in ingredient costs. …
Eric Francis/Bloomberg via Getty Images

One in five Americans are unsure if they will be able to cover the costs of Thanksgiving this year, and one in four plan to skip it to save money, a recent Personal Capital survey found.

The state of economic affairs in President Joe Biden’s America is affecting Americans’ holiday plans. According to the survey, one quarter of Americans are planning to skip Thanksgiving this year to save money, and one in five “doubted they would have enough money to cover the costs of Thanksgiving this year.”

More specifically, one-third expect their 2022 Thanksgiving dinner to be “smaller,” and 45 percent, overall, said they are “finically stressed” by Thanksgiving.

Further, Americans plan to take action to cut the cost of the celebration. Thirty-six percent plan to use coupons, 32 percent plan to compare prices, 28 percent will skip traveling, and another 28 percent plan to buy a smaller turkey. 

Another 88 percent of Americans said they plan to cut “at least one dish” from their table to save money:

With financial strain and tightened budgets, the easiest way to save money this Thanksgiving may be to skip it altogether. A 2021 IPSOS survey found that 9 in 10 Americans planned to celebrate Thanksgiving last year. But our survey found that this year, only around 7 in 10 had plans to do so.

The survey coincides with the latest Consumer Price Index report, showing prices 8.2 percent higher than they were one year ago:

The monthly figures show inflation is accelerating. After falling to zero in July, the headline consumer price index has risen for two straight months. In August it was rising at a 0.12 percent rate. Core prices were up 0.31 percent in July and 0.56 percent in August.

Food prices rose 0.8 percent in September, matching the previous month’s figure. Compared with a year ago, prices are up 11.2 percent. Prices of food purchased for home consumption—known to the rest of us as groceries—rose 0.7 percent for the second straight month. These are up 13.0 percent compared with a year ago.

The survey was taken among 1,000 Americans and has a +/- 3 percent margin of error.

I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue and stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms, are hostile to people of faith and spirituality, demonize the police and protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, dragging us ever closer to nuclear war.                                                             TULSI GABBARD





15 Reasons Why Walmart Is The Worst Company In America

Apart from being known for its cheap deals and its humungous megastores, it turns out that the biggest and most famous retailer in the world, Walmart, is surrounded by controversies, scandals and multi-million dollar lawsuits against its poor and unsafe working conditions, its devastating impact on local communities, and a whole lot of corporate greed. The retail giant’s problematic corporate policies in the U.S., however, are only the tip of the iceberg. For decades, Walmart’s empire is being built on overseas markets through wage slavery and theft, child labor, and many other atrocities that are just now being unveiled to the public. The truth is that the cost of low prices is higher than most people even dare to imagine.  Due to its ultra-low wages, Walmart employees often need government benefits to have proper access to food and healthcare. The company routinely uses taxpayer money to finance its exponential corporate growth. A report released by the House Committee on Education and Welfare found that a two-hundred-person Walmart store costs federal taxpayers approximately $420,750 a year, or $2,103 per employee. These costs include $36,000 a year for free and reduced-cost school lunches; $42,000 for Section 8 housing assistance; $125,000 for low-income family tax credits and deductions; $100,000 for additional Title I expenses; $108,000 for state children’s health insurance expenses; and $9,750 for low-income energy assistance. According to the New York Times, Walmart workers are sicker on average than most American workers. And yet, the billionaire enterprise has done everything in its power to provide the cheapest health insurance plan possible for its employees, using taxpayer subsidies to fund most of these plans. With wages so low, the vast majority of Walmart employees can’t afford health care at all. But even so, if they want to receive some sort of health benefits, they have to disburse 20 percent co-pays, as well as a $5,000 out-of-pocket payment. This means that, if a Walmart worker gets severely ill, they could end up with a $7,500 medical bill. Unfortunately, the iconic store chain has become an example of capitalism at its worse. Four members of the Walton family, the founders of Walmart, collectively own more than $100 billion in wealth, which accounts for more than the entire 40% bottom half of U.S. income earners collectively own. They do everything they can not to give up a penny more than they have to, and being the richest family in the world, they also become the ugliest reflection of corporate greed.  The problem is not being wealthy and influential, but building a huge fortune on the backs of extremely-low paid workers and using whatever strategies they can to avoid having to pay estate and inheritance taxes on their assets, and even using malicious techniques such as establishing a type of charitable trust that can shelter money from taxes, and later put that money back into the pockets of family heirs. Sometimes, with a profit! Sam Walton was actually known for being morally opposed to charity. He said, “We have never been inclined to give any undeserving stranger a free ride,” and “We feel very strongly that Walmart really is not, and should not be, in the charity business.” It’s, in fact, everyone else who should do that to support their underpaid employees. That’s why criticism of Walmart has become about as common as the store itself, and it appears to be getting worse over time. In today’s video, we gathered some of the most shocking facts about the big-box retailer which prove that the company does live up to its bad reputation. For more info, find us on:





20 Signs Of The Staggering Decline Of The American Middle Class Family

We just got more evidence that the middle class is being systematically destroyed in America. At this point, millions of people out there have already grown accustomed to barely scraping by from month to month. But that is not what being “middle class” is supposed to be about. Middle-class families should be able to make more money than they have to spend on everyday necessities because is only by doing so that they can build long-term wealth. Unfortunately, income growth has not kept up with the pace of the rising cost of living, and millions of households have taken massive amounts of debt. At the same time, the labor market doesn't offer good-paying jobs that support middle-class life, and the lack of these positions has been contributing to the decline of this income group all across the country. In the early 1970s, the middle class accounted for around 60 percent of the population, but now middle-income households are rapidly becoming a minority in the United States. And as economic conditions continue to deteriorate, millions of hard-working families all over America are being stretched financially like never before. “In America, the middle class can no longer afford retirement. Middle-class Americans face sharp economic inequality, with ownership of financial assets highly concentrated among the wealthy,” explained Tyler Bond, NIRS research manager. “Now that we have a retirement system largely built around the individual ownership of financial assets in 401(k) accounts, middle-class Americans are struggling to accumulate sufficient financial assets during their working years. This means the retirement outlook for many in the middle class is bleak at best.” Since the onset of the health crisis, the U.S. economy has been decaying at an alarming pace. Over the past two years, the middle class has gotten smaller and smaller in this country, and now it seems that another economic downturn is upon us once again. So many families are already living on the edge right now. Recent surveys have exposed that well over 50% of the population is living paycheck to paycheck and that most Americans don't have emergency savings or a financial cushion to fall back on. When you are living on the edge, there is always a danger that you could fall over. Since 2020, we have never seen so many middle-class Americans falling straight into poverty. In other words, unless dramatic changes happen in America, the middle class is going to be absolutely eviscerated in the next decade. We must wake up now. The middle class is dying right before our eyes, and if we want to save it, we must take action now. Today, we compiled a series of new numbers that expose the rapid downfall of the U.S. middle-class.



It's Too Late To Stop This Now, Get Your House In Order

15 Signs That The Social Decay In America Is Worse Than It Has Ever Been Before

The social fabric of the United States is rapidly deteriorating. Right now, virtually any measure of social welfare is showing us that social decay in America is accelerating at a very shocking pace. Our main institutions are either being dismantled or falling apart. At the same time, civil disorder continues to trigger unprecedented chaos in several parts of our country. Millions of Americans don't have access to proper housing, food, and education, and the gap between the 'haves' and the 'have-nots' has never been wider. The lack of proper education to help Americans thrive and accomplish financial stability is another sign of societal breakdown. Most colleges and universities are failing in one of their most basic missions: to equip students with the tools they need for a career. Millions of students graduate each year totally ill-prepared to earn a living and pay off the debt they’ve accumulated getting their degrees — at least 40% of those who start college don’t finish within six years. Despite these problems, colleges continue to raise tuition and to pay for these ever-increasing costs, students are borrowing more money and taking on more and more debt. And with federal loans accounting for much of the $1.5 trillion in outstanding student loan debt, and more than a million people defaulting on their loans, taxpayers are picking up much of the tab for this broken system while our younger generations remain utterly unprepared for the challenges of adult life. In the world’s wealthiest country, more and more people are living on the streets. Homelessness is a significant indicator of social decay. There are 750,000 Americans who are homeless on any given night, with one in five of them considered chronically homeless. Around 70% of the homeless are individuals, and families with children make up for the remaining 30%. Living without proper access to housing puts many people in very a vulnerable position, oftentimes, their lives are at risk. An examination of 20 US urban areas found that around 13,000 homeless people are victimized by disease, extreme weather, and substance abuse every year. The number of victims shot up by 77% in the five years ending in 2020. Today, the average life expectancy of a homeless person in America is just 50 years. There will be no future for us if we stay on this highly self-destructive path. The choices that we make individually and collectively as a nation are critical for the health of our society. Throughout all human history, great empires have fallen because societies have consistently made the wrong choices. So if we want to prevent the downfall of America, we must start making better choices. But if we are going to change direction, we better start doing it now because time is running out, and it won’t be too long before it is gone completely. Today, we decided to expose some worrying facts about the social breakdown happening all around us.


Why New York’s Billionaires’ Row Is Half Empty

15 Signs That America Is In Much Worse Trouble Than We All Thought

Today, we brought you some numbers that may be hard to digest. Even though most of us know by now that America is in trouble, many people out there don't have any idea of how deep in trouble we really are. Offense rates are shooting up tremendously right now. As the cost of basic necessities escalates, more people are stealing to feed themselves today than in any other period in the past decade. Gas theft rates are skyrocketing, as prices rise above the $5-dollar-mark. Since January, the number of carjackings has gone up by over 300% in some cities. Officers say that it's not just a few gallons being siphoned from vehicles. Now, thieves are pumping thousands of dollars' worth of fuel from gas stations and selling it for a profit. CNN reported that, in Orlando, Florida, authorities are looking for two people who they say stole more than 1,000 gallons of fuel from a gas station. In Las Vegas, Nevada, highly modified vehicles are being used to steal tens of thousands of gallons from local gas stations. And in Greenville, South Carolina, several arrests for gas thefts have been made since January. Last week, in North Carolina last week, almost 400 gallons of gas were stolen by thieves who were able to bypass the payment system. The list goes on and on, and given that gas prices are expected to continue to rise, we’re going to see many more similar cases happening until the end of the year.

Meanwhile, on dividedness, the U.S. ranks No. 1. A Pew Research Center Survey of 20 developed nations found that Americans were the most likely to say their society was split along partisan, racial, and ethnic lines. The U.S. also reported more religious division than almost any other country surveyed. The truth is that our country is rapidly falling apart. Since the 1970s, economic inequality in the U.S. has skyrocketed, leaving many Americans living paycheck to paycheck while the nation’s top earners hoard all the gains from economic growth. It's actually been 11 years since the last federal minimum wage hike, the longest span the baseline wage has gone without an increase since it began in 1938. Since the last federal minimum wage hike — to $7.25 an hour, starting July 24, 2009 — the cost of living has shot up by 20%, while the price of essentials such as housing and health care have increased even faster. The average rent back in 2009 was about $1,132, adjusted for inflation. On top of all that, the U.S. manufacturing sector is facing a historic slowdown right now, which is quite alarming given that about 12% of the nation’s total output comes from manufacturing. And the supply chain disruptions we’ve seen so far are just a hint of the chaos we are going to witness this year. As we enter peak shipping season, shipping information company Frieghtos estimates that by August the price to ship one 40-ft container from China to the US East Coast will shoot up to more than $20,000, almost twice as high as shipping rates were in January, and a 500% increase from 2019 levels. Our living standards are decaying and, at this point, we all can see our quality of life evaporating right before our eyes. That's why we compiled some sobering statistics that reveal that the crises we're facing are far more severe than most of us imagine. For more info, find us on: And visit:

 I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue and stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms, are hostile to people of faith and spirituality, demonize the police and protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, dragging us ever closer to nuclear war.                                                             TULSI GABBARD

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