Tuesday, November 1, 2022



Pelosi Got Hammered

When a story comes out about a Pelosi getting hammered, a normal person assumes the news has something to do with a drunk speaker of the House named Nancy slurring through a staged press conference with her Pravda media friends.  You do not expect to find out that an alleged commie Castro nudist with a fondness for psychedelics has managed to Mission: Impossible his way past tight security surrounding one of the speaker's guarded homes in order to play handyman with her husband's tools.  

If there were ever an apt metaphor for how horrendous crime has become in the blue hellholes ruled over by pompous, pampered Democrat "elites," surely a Black Lives Matter–supporting, gay love–loving hippie effortlessly traipsing into the local digs of another out-of-touch, loony leftist — whose wife happens to be third in line of presidential succession — surely takes the cake!  If Nancy Pelosi can't keep her drunk-driving husband safe from the carpentry fetishes of unwanted intruders, how can she keep normal law-abiding citizens safe from the narco-terrorists and sex-traffickers slipping past the southern border?  Oh, right — unlike Paul Pelosi's alleged attacker, the U.S. government has given the criminals at our borders permission to enter freely.  

Needless to say, the whole Pelosi break-in is just too tantalizingly odd for ordinary Americans to dismiss as normal, run-of-the-mill, celebrity-inspired criminal craziness.  In my neck of the woods, few home invaders could have made it onto the premises without heavily armed homeowners greeting the interlopers with a few well placed slugs to say, "Hello."  It boggles the mind to imagine that it is easier to sneak up on Nancy's gilded husband in the middle of the night than it is to break into the humble abodes of "flyover country" folk, but that is the "official story," and if there is anything Americans have learned during the Age of COVID and Climate Change Hysteria, the "official story" is the only story that will suffice.

Of course, the "official story" pushed by Hillary Clinton, Groper Joe Biden, and their mind slaves in the propagandistic press is that the alleged commie culprit attacked Nancy's husband Paul in an act of solidarity with Donald Trump and his "Make America Great Again" patriotic posse.  Even though the alleged perp's public history is about as anti-MAGA and pro-Marxist-socialist as one could possibly imagine, Drunk Hillary insists he's part of the same "vast right-wing conspiracy" that's been tormenting the Clintons ever since her husband Bill got caught hiding Cuban cigars with a White House intern in the Oval Office.  Creepy Joe says the hammer-time mayhem occurred only because too many dull-witted Americans (takes one to know one?) keep questioning the legitimacy of the 2020 election.  (By the way, if you haven't yet seen Dinesh D'Souza's 2000 Mules for a quick tutorial on the mechanics of mail-in ballot fraud, definitely check it out.)  And the oligarchy's approved corporate press agents are all sputtering breathlessly that Paul's unwanted hammering in crime-tolerant San Fran strikes yet another blow against our oh, so fragile, precious "democracy" — which apparently replaced our much more robust constitutional federal republic without amendments or fanfare right around the same time Obama and Holder's Department of Justice began formally categorizing political adversaries as enemies of the State.  On the other hand, all of these people still inexplicably blame communist Lee Harvey Oswald's assassination of JFK on "right-wing extremism" and "Texan aggression," so their credibility is about as solid as our borders are secure.

No doubt you've seen all the details first reported and subsequently "clarified" or outright retracted by the San Francisco Police Department and the Democrats' minions in the press.  It took nearly three days to "clarify" that Paul Pelosi did not know his attacker, that an unknown third party had not actually opened the front door for the police, that Pelosi and his unwanted guest were not wrestling in their underwear, and that the altercation involved a single hammer rather than dual hammer dueling.  Even in this technologically regressed era, when Pennsylvania and other battleground states require many days to (find and) count enough Democrat votes to "save democracy," it remains somewhat shocking that major details surrounding a major case could get so bungled by the same officials and reporters who routinely demand public trust.  

Publicly available images of the Pelosi mansion show a ubiquity of security cameras surrounding its perimeter, so it strains credulity to suggest that the suspect's movements and actions that night were difficult to pin down.  Surely the fact that an alleged drug addict with a history of mental illness seemingly managed to penetrate Pelosi's security so effortlessly begs for further official clarification, lest the unbridled temerity of America's growing criminal class swell further.  I mean, my word!  If it is that easy for a commie Castro nudist to prance right in the back door of the home of one of America's most powerful politicians, then no unarmed American can possibly be safe!  Banning hammers in the United States would only ensure that ordinary, helpless Americans are forced to invite criminal hammer-holders into their homes during times of repair.  No, for safety's sake, the Pelosi intrusion proves why every American should be armed to the teeth.  Only a commie malcontent brings a hammer and sickle to a gunfight!

Maybe as more details come dribbling out, the events of that night will make more sense.  However, when a gay rights and BLM activist who looks like a New-Age-y vegetarian disciple of the left's murderous hero Che Guevara comes knocking on Paul Pelosi's back door in the middle of the night and Pretend President Biden and his Democrat Propaganda Machine immediately jump into action by blaming Trump-supporters, the whole spin operation reeks of the same odor still choking doubters of Jeffrey Epstein's declared suicide.  Maybe Epstein — the key witness to a child prostitution ring involving unknown perverts and rapists purportedly from the highest ranks of the world's business and political classes — killed himself in a New York jail cell while guards and cameras were conveniently absent, and maybe Paul Pelosi's alleged commie Castro nudist attacker was leading a secret double-life as a MAGA enthusiast.  Maybe the same FBI agents who still can't find the alleged culprit responsible for leaving failed explosive devices near Republican and Democrat party headquarters around January 6, 2021 will miraculously find footage of the San Fran hammerer wearing a bright red cap and suspiciously waving an American flag.  Or maybe all the politicians and media pundits trying to frame the Pelosi incursion as a right-wing terrorist attack will be proved once again as first-rate peddlers of pernicious misinformation.  

What is absolutely certain is that neither the U.S. federal government nor its media propaganda organs give a fig about crime or political violence unless it can be used to slander MAGA Republicans.  Pro-life organizations and churches are firebombed, and the FBI does nothing.  Conservative volunteers and Republican campaign workers are brutally beaten and shot on the street, and the corporate news is silent.  A cowardly neighbor severely wounds Senator Rand Paul in a sneak attack, and Democrats (including Nancy Pelosi's daughter) cry with laughter and jubilation.  A Democrat stalwart, brainwashed by the endless corporate news promoting the lie that Russia stole the 2016 election from Hillary, nearly succeeds in assassinating an entire baseball team of Republican senators and representatives (again including Rand Paul), and the Democrat-Media Complex hides behind calls for unity, while simultaneously casting blame on the victims.

Some commie nutjob gets into the Pelosis' fortified complex, though, and somehow it's all Trump's fault!  As always, the mainstream media lies and doth protest too much!

Image via Pexels.

Tucker Carlson explains why the Democrats must rely on censorship to maintain political viability.

Anti-liberty leftists and their national media apparatus are in their final desperate days before their well-deserved midterm (rhetorical) mangling, with the latter dropping any remaining microscopic vestiges of ‘objectivity.’  They know that everything hinges on what happens over the next few days and if they can conjure up some reason for their side to maintain their death grip on power, they will do it. This is why they are trying to carefully exploit the horrific assault on Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband.  It should go without saying that such acts of violence are to be condemned.

However, as Tucker Carlson detailed in his Fox News show Monday night, this disturbing incident brought forth some rather unsavory reactions from those who like to falsely portray themselves as ‘liberal.’  These are the times that bring out the best and the worst in people, the stressful situations when their true nature shines through.

YouTube screengrab

Tucker Carlson: Without censorship, the Democratic Party can't continue to hold power

How did the left react to this recent crisis?

Do they try to consider all aspects of an issue and solve the problem with intelligent solutions?

Or do they simply react and call for another suppression of our liberty?

Consider how Politico framed the current crisis in their piece

The brutal assault on Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband Paul inside their San Francisco home early Friday morning reverberated across the campaign trail Saturday, with some Democratic campaigns acknowledging increased threats of violence and some Republican campaigns exercising extra caution in their rhetoric.

With the ‘conservative’ Max Boot ( pause for laughter) of the Washington Post ignoring the 2017 Inauguration Riot and the 2020 George Floyd Riots that were far more violent and caused far more destruction than Jan. 6, 2021.  

Followed by another alleged ‘conservative’ (sure, whatever Jen) from the same media source sounding the alarm over the people ruling in our Constitutional Republic:

First, and perhaps most troubling, the nearly 300 GOP election deniers/liars on the ballot are likely to whip up anger about a “rigged” system or “stolen election,” priming aggrieved supporters for violence. Many high-profile Republicans have refused to pledge to respect the results. Given Republicans’ embrace of the “big lie” in 2020, we should prepare for a plethora of baseless accusations, some of which could incite unstable individuals.

She of course goes on to carefully tie the nudist hemp jewelry maker from Berkeley to a totally unrelated event that took place almost 22 months ago all the way across the country.  But we’re guessing that since they're floundering in the face of utter defeat, they’ll grasp at anything they can think of.

What is the common thread in all the coverage from the far-left media?

The almost subliminal message that runs just beneath the surface of all of their screeds.  It’s that our freedom of speech must be suppressed, lest it cause any other nudist hemp jewelry maker’s from Berkeley to lose the plot and attack someone of the leftist ruling class.  Just as it’s their knee-jerk reaction to call for gun confiscation whenever a leftist start shooting at people.

We could cite several other examples, but that should give you the picture.  We call them the anti-liberty left to make the point that restricting your freedom and common-sense civil rights is their go-to action to solve any problem.

What’s even worse about this is that these actions never work as advertised, they just empower the left, as intended.  They must know this, but they don’t care, they only care about their control over society.  Because none of those measures ever solves the problem, they only empower the left.

The term anti-liberty left also acts as a reminder that those people are only exploiting the term ‘liberal’ as just another form of gaslighting on their part, and a reason for everyone to stop complimenting the far-left with that term that they do not deserve.

 “The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper name.” ― Confucius

D Parker is an engineer, inventor, wordsmith, and student of history, the director of communications for a Bill of Rights organization, and a longtime contributor to conservative websites.  Find him on Substack.

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