Friday, December 30, 2022


Obama’s autobiography was admitted to be heavily

fictionalized. Hillary claimed that she had tried to join the

Marines and NASA. Senator Elizabeth Warren claimed to

be Cherokee, Senator Richard Blumenthal claimed that he

served in Vietnam, and Kamala Harris claimed that she

grew up under racial segregation and listened to Tupac

five years before he released an album.


“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation (TWO GAMER LAWYERS)  and the Obama (TWO GAMER LAWYERS) book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family (THREE GAMER LAWYERS) corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren (GAMER LAWYER) and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (ADD GAMER LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS AND HER LAWYER HUSBAND AND THE BANKSTERS’ RENT BOY, LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER).    BRIAN C JOONDEPH

Warren is totally invisible on matters that truly count to average Americans. Like virtually all liberals in power positions, she talks purely for public effect, but accomplishes nothing. She doesn’t even try. She has disappeared completely.


Liz Warren’s Disappearing Act

Despite the Biden administration’s intentionally misleading, disingenuous blathering about this 50-year-high inflation being transitory, any 19-year-old freshman Econ 101 student could see that it wasn’t. Janet Yellin knew she was lying when she said it. “President” Biden read what his handlers wrote and said that this awful inflation would abate.

It’s been one lie after another from the Democrats in D.C., compounded with economic policies that could only make matters as bad as possible. When President Trump left office in January 2021, the national average for gasoline was around $2.30/gallon. Biden immediately signed a series of anti-energy executive orders restricting fracking, oil exploration, and fossil-fuel production. He did this for two reasons: 1) To counter and negate anything that President Trump had done, simply out of infantile spite; 2) To curry approval and favorable publicity with the Green New Deal faction and their supporters.

Predictably, retail gasoline pricing spiked. It was soon in the mid-$3.00 range, more than a dollar over where it was under President Trump. This was well before Russia invaded Ukraine. This was not “Putin’s price increase.” This was all Biden. As fuel went up, transportation/delivery costs increased and pricing for all goods started to go up. This was an absolutely unnecessary tax on the American public, diluting consumer’s buying power and sapping their confidence.

The Biden energy policy’s effect on overall consumer pricing would have been bad enough if that’s all that there was. But it wasn’t, not by a long shot.  Biden instituted a series of government spending programs ostensibly to help American households cope with the economic hardships (layoffs, business closings, etc.) brought about by the COVID-19 crisis. However, the government’s spending was so excessive that a classic inflationary spiral resulted, as the textbook reality of “too much money chasing too few goods” manifested itself once again. Now we have 7, 8, 9% inflation, following years of 1-2% Trump-era inflation. But excessive government spending hasn’t slowed, so it’s unlikely that inflation will lessen.

The standard governmental response to high inflation is for the Fed to raise interest rates. In essence, the higher interest rates tamp down consumer and business activity by making borrowing more expensive. Businesses then get nervous that they’re losing customers when people can’t afford the higher-interest loans, so they react by lowering their prices in an effort to entice people to buy. Lower prices = an end to inflation. That’s the theory in a nutshell.

A direct effect of the Fed raising interest rates is that commercial banks also raise theirs, for both loans and interest-bearing savings accounts. Here’s where it gets interesting for those paying close attention. Banks don’t waste a nanosecond when it comes to raising their loan interest rates. When the Fed raises their rates, the commercial banks follow suit immediately. Mortgages, home equity credit lines, credit-card balances, they all go up right away. Anyone with a variable-rate mortgage or home equity loan has seen a pretty hefty increase in their monthly bill.

However, banks aren’t so quick to raise the interest they pay out on savings accounts and CDs. The best CD rates were around 4-4.25% before the last two Fed rate increases. The Fed went up .75% and then followed that with a .5% rise. You might think that of that 1.25% increase, banks might pass along, say, 1% of it to their depositors. Not so. CD rates are inching up ever so slowly, if at all. The very best CD rates in the country are barely over 4.5% and those are only for on-line accounts. The banks are keeping the higher interest mostly for themselves.

Which brings us to the nowhere-to-be-found likes of Elizabeth Warren, the so-called consumer financial advocate senator from Massachusetts. Warren has made herself famous over the years decrying the supposedly malicious behavior of large financial institutions and creating all manner of investigatory boards to search for wrongdoing. Her efforts have never actually accomplished anything productive for the average person. She just gloms a lot of favorable coverage from the liberal media and draws a lot of underserved attention to herself. Warren has mastered the art of public hand-waving and shrill histrionics, but it amounts to nothing of substance.

I wonder if Senator Warren has looked at a credit-card statement lately. A typical credit card from a large bank will charge over 22% interest on unpaid balances, but that same bank pays out less than 1% interest on savings accounts and maybe 2% on a multi-year CD. To get those 4.5% CD rates, you have to open an on-line account, something many seniors are not comfortable doing. They’d rather do their banking face-to-face, in person at their local branch. That limits them to maybe 2% on a CD, if they’re lucky.

Seniors have traditionally counted on the safety of fixed-income instruments, like bank CDs, to be the bedrock of their retirement income, after Social Security, especially now that most private companies no longer offer pensions. Let’s look at an average, normal middle-class household. They have two kids, two used cars in the driveway and a modest home. Over their 30- or 40-year marriage, they’ve managed to put away a middling $200k in the bank. At 5%, a CD would pay them $10,000/year, or $833/month. That’s an important sum to a household like this. At 2%, ($333/month), it’s a budget-breaker.

It doesn’t matter to Senator Warren. If she was even aware -- and, no doubt, she’s not -- that $500 difference ($833-$333) is just another dinner at the Capital Grille in downtown Boston.

So, where is Senator Warren on this? How come charging 23% for unpaid credit card balances while offering 1% on savings is okay with our “consumer financial watchdog?” It’s pitifully obvious that Warren and her liberal ilk have absolutely zero clue about any of this. They don’t know what financial challenges real middle-class people face on a daily basis, nor do they care in the slightest. Her kindred spirit, Bernie Sanders, owns multiple homes, is financially independent, has gotten rich from public money, yet all he does is criticize, regulate, and over-tax the private companies that employ his constituents. Greenies like John Kerry fly in private jets and rationalize it, while Gavin Newsome dines maskless in pricy French restaurants.

Warren is totally invisible on matters that truly count to average Americans. Like virtually all liberals in power positions, she talks purely for public effect, but accomplishes nothing. She doesn’t even try. She has disappeared completely.

If George Santos Should Resign, So Should Biden

Democrats suddenly claim to care about truth. The truth is they’re all liars.

Democrats and their media are demanding that George Santos, a newly elected Republican congressman from New York, resign for having invented his entire backstory.

If lying about your past is an impeachable offense, there wouldn’t be a single politician in D.C.

And damn few Democrats.

Let’s start at the top. The very top.

Earlier this month, Biden told an entire story about awarding his own uncle a purple heart for fighting in the Battle of the Bulge.

His uncle died ten years before Biden became vice president.

Biden began his story by saying, “My dad, when I got elected vice president.” His father died during Bush’s second year in office.

The only possible explanation for this entire story is that Biden is crazy, senile or a liar so shameless that he makes Hillary Clinton look like the love child of Honest Abe and George Washington.

And that was just another day of Biden telling crazy lies and the media letting him do it.

Had Trump told a story about his dead father telling him to give a medal to his dead uncle, we would still be hearing about it, there would be memes, SNL skits, at least two books, one written by Michael Wolff, and probably a congressional investigation. But for Biden, it’s just Thursday.

Biden claimed that his son, Beau Biden, “lost his life in Iraq” when he died of cancer in Maryland. Then he said it again, “I’m thinking about Iraq because that’s where my son died.”

He claimed that, “I know, having had a house burn down with my wife in it — she got out safely” and  “we didn’t lose our whole home, but lightning struck and we lost an awful lot of it.”

There was actually a small kitchen fire that was quickly brought under control.

The New York Times tried to spin this under the headline, “Biden, Storyteller in Chief, Spins Yarns That Often Unravel”. That’s the nicest way of saying “con artist’s pathological lies keep falling apart” ever.

Biden has claimed that he “came out of the civil rights movement”, that he was arrested as a 14-year-old at a civil rights protest, and arrested trying to see Nelson Mandela. He claimed to have been desegregating restaurants and movie theaters.

None of it, not a single word, was true.

Biden lied, claiming that he came out of a black college. “I got started out of a HBCU, Delaware State.” The college confirmed he was never a student.

When Biden isn’t black, he’s Puerto Rican.

“I was sort of raised in the Puerto Rican community at home, politically,” he claimed. That sounds familiar, he also lied that, “I was raised in the black church, politically, not a joke,”

When he wasn’t in the black church, he was Jewish.

“I probably went to shul more than many of you did,” he lied to Jews in October, “I’m a practicing Catholic, but I’d go to services on Saturday and on Sunday.”

You can blame some of this on his age, but the truth is that he’s always been a compulsive liar.

In the eighties, Biden claimed to have graduated in the top of his class and that he went to school on an academic scholarship.

None of that was true.

Neither is his more recent claim that he was put forward to the Naval Academy. Or that his first job offer was from a lumber company that had never heard of him. Or that his ancestors “worked in the coal mines of Northeast Pennsylvania.”

“I became a teacher. I became a professor,” Biden lied. “I used to drive an 18-wheeler, man,” he lied again. A White House spokesperson explained that he had once been inside one in 1973.

There could and probably should be an entire book of Biden lies. But it would have to be digital so that it could be updated every hour on the hour.

It would be nice to think that Biden is unique. He’s not. Democrats suddenly claim to care about truth. The truth is they’re all liars. Lying, like socialism, is a basic qualifier for the Democrat nomination.

Obama’s autobiography was admitted to be heavily fictionalized. Hillary claimed that she had tried to join the Marines and NASA. Senator Elizabeth Warren claimed to be Cherokee, Senator Richard Blumenthal claimed that he served in Vietnam, and Kamala Harris claimed that she grew up under racial segregation and listened to Tupac five years before he released an album.

Democrats and the media are very interested in George Santos. They’re outraged that he lied about claiming to be Jewish. They’re much less interested in New York State Senator Julia Salazar who lied about being Jewish to justify her role in the antisemitic BDS movement.

Senator Salazar also claimed that she was a poor Colombian immigrant when she was actually born in Florida and had a trust fund worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Some of the same New York Democrat politicians fuming about Santos endorsed and campaigned with Salazar. The official Bernie Sanders site continues to promote the antisemitic con artist as evidence that his revolution of supporting extremists for higher office works.

If politicians have to resign for lying, there wouldn’t be any left. If they were expected to resign for faking their biographies, we might have a few dozen left. And we’d be better off for it.

What is truly nauseating is the selective outrage by a cultural revolution that rediscovers truth and ethics on a temporary basis when it’s politically convenient.

The truth about George Santos appears to be that he has the same shaky relationship with truth as the leadership of the Democratic Party. Just ask Joe Biden, if you can catch him in between desegregating movie theaters with the black and Puerto Rican communities, visiting synagogues, battling gang members, being forced down in Afghanistan, joining the Naval academy, getting a tryout for the NFL, graduating in the top half of his class, losing his first wife to a drunk driver, nearly losing his second wife to lightning, his son in Iraq and then awarding a medal to his dead uncle on the advice of his dead dad.

It would be wonderful if all the lying stopped. It would be a good start if the party of liars stopped acting like they care about a fake biography when all of their biographies are fake.

Why does Biden lie so much? The easy answer is because he gets away with it.

Lying, like most political crimes, has become politically selective, allowing leftists to get away with anything while throwing the book at non-leftists. There was a time when Biden’s compulsive lies killed his presidential aspirations. In the Obama era, lying stopped mattering. And Biden has responded by Cloward-Pivening the very concept of truth into oblivion by deliberately telling crazy lies. Accusing Biden of lying has no sting because no one expects him to tell the truth.

Democrats suddenly claim to care about fake biographies. They can start with the lies of the most powerful man in the land, rather than just another congressional freshman no one cared about before they decided to make him famous as the face of the Republican House.

If they want Santos to resign, let Biden lead the way.

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Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

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