Saturday, December 3, 2022

THE BANKSTERS' RENT BOY CHUCK SCHUMER AND JOE'S INVASION OF NEW YORK OF 'CHEAP' LABOR - What happens when the federal government no longer protects the states against invasion?

Then, to add insult to injury, like clockwork, right after the midterm election scam-o-rama, Senator Chuck Schumer had an epiphany, because suddenly we're "short of workers," and the only way to fill out those ballots for"have a great future" is to grant amnesty (read: voting rights supporting leftists) to "however many" illegal invaders there are in the country.

What's more, Mexico generally benefits from shipping its surplus uneducated population to the states to take the pressure valve off the potential for unrest. Corrupt Mexican officials often reap "fees" from letting illegal migrants from other countries as well as their own pass through their territory. MONICA SHOWALTER

Migrant enclaves already are at the top of the U.S. lists for bad places to  - 10 of the 50 worst places in America to live according to this list are in California, and all of them are famous for their illegal populations.             MONICA SHOWALTER

What happens when the federal government no longer protects the states against invasion?

The past few weeks have given rise to several uncomfortable questions.

In the past, the party in power has always been held accountable for what it's done in the previous two years.  History teaches us that if that party has a horrible record, its members are thrown out of office in a massive wave election in a rejection of their policies. 

That didn't happen, and even worse, they have us on the same trajectory that was present before the election.  This effectively means that their repulsive policies have been reinforced rather than rejected.

Hence, those uncomfortable questions keep cropping up.

What is the point of voting and elections in general if the voice of the people isn't heard?

What is the point of paying for a government indoctrination system (schools) that turns out people who vote for their own enslavement?

What do we do when state governments buy votes with other people's money, cruelly taken by force?

What happens when the federal government no longer protects the states against invasion?

That last one is particularly troubling, because the states entered into a contractual agreement, and it is being flouted, in our faces, daily.  Anti-liberty authoritarians of the fascist far left regularly lie about this fact, telling us that "the border is secure."  But how is there an illegal invader crisis in New York City and around the nation if "the border is secure"?  

Are they going to try their usual deceit and deception and argue the semantics of the word "invasion"?  You only need to look at a dictionary definition of the word to see that it's defined as "the act of entering a place in large numbers, especially in a way that is harmful or unwanted."

Then, to add insult to injury, like clockwork, right after the midterm election scam-o-rama, Senator Chuck Schumer had an epiphany, because suddenly we're "short of workers," and the only way to fill out those ballots for"have a great future" is to grant amnesty (read: voting rights supporting leftists) to "however many" illegal invaders there are in the country.

Because nothing breeds success like more than 42 million people overloading our systemCloward-Piven style (archive of the original piece here).  Then, on top of all of that, Democrats are racing to implement amnesty in a lame-duck session before they lose power.  Public opinion is running against further destroying the country that way, but when has the fascist far left let the voice of the people be its guide?  

Consider this thought experiment.

Let's say you have an estate along with several like-minded people with the same values. 

You and your neighbors decide to become a gated community — a united estates, if you will.  The contractual exchange for joining this community is that you agree to partially pay for the security for the border for the united estates to "protect each of them against Invasion."

It works out fine until Karl (pronouns: He, Ganef) from Demonrat Developers comes along and is "elected" by a highly suspicious voting process to run the community.  

While Karl and his Demonrats are all too happy to take your money, they utterly fail to keep out criminals, terrorists, or invaders.  Then it's found that they are encouraging this invasion.

Wouldn't you agree that the community would be in breach of contract with the individual estates?

Wouldn't you also agree that we have the same situation in the States?

As in the U.S. Constitution — Article 4, Section 4:

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

Thus, the guarantee to every State in this Union would be that the United States shall protect each of them against invasion.  Has the federal government protected each state against invasion?

Any rational assessment of the facts would agree that hasn't been the case.

Make no mistake: this isn't about diversity, open borders, internationalism, or Chuck Schumer's convenient epiphany.  This is about their gaining raw power through a harvest of ballots from a permanent underclass.

So we return to one of our original uncomfortable questions: what happens when the federal government no longer protects the states against invasion?

The beginning lines of this document come to mind, because what else is there?  As we've previously postulated, the Founding Fathers assumed that the parties would stay on a moral course of action and not let lust for power overwhelm basic decency.    

Look through your copies of the Constitution.  But be warned: apparently, our modern-day version of the KGB, Gestapo, or Stasi considers having one as incriminating evidence.

Image: Don Hankins via FlickrCC BY 2.0.

Chuck Schumer Suggests DACA Amnesty Needed to Spike U.S. Population as Nation Hits Record 331.9M Residents

Migrants heading in a caravan to the US, walk towards Mexico City to request asylum and refugee status in Huixtla, Chiapas State, Mexico, on October 27, 2021.(Isaac Guzman/AFP via Getty Images)
Isaac Guzman/AFP via Getty Images

Senate Majority Chuck Schumer (D-NY) suggests an amnesty for millions of illegal aliens eligible and enrolled in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program is necessary to spike the United States population even as a record 331.9 million people reside in the U.S.

During a press conference this month, Schumer and other Senate Democrats urged ten Senate Republicans to back an amnesty for 3.3 million illegal aliens enrolled and eligible for Obama’s DACA program — providing them with green cards to remain permanently in the U.S. and, eventually, gain naturalized American citizenship.

As part of that plea, Schumer said an amnesty for millions of illegal aliens is necessary to drive up the U.S. population and low birth rates among Americans.

“… we have a population that is not reproducing on its own at the same level that it used to,” Schumer said. “The only way we’re going to have a great future in America is if we welcome and embrace immigrants, the DREAMers, and all of them.”

Schumer also said the Democrats’ “ultimate goal” is to provide amnesty to all 11 to 22 million illegal aliens living across the U.S.


Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, accompanied by House and Senate Democrats, speaks during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, Sept. 6, 2017. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

The suggestion comes as the U.S. population has increased to the highest total in history, hitting 331,893,745 residents in 2021, driven mostly by legal immigration. For comparison, the population in 1970 stood at 203 million residents.

At current legal immigration levels, whereby more than a million foreign nationals are given green cards annually, the nation’s foreign-born population is expected to hit 70 million by 2060. In 1970, the foreign-born population was fewer than ten million.

Likewise, Schumer’s claim that an amnesty for illegal aliens would boost low birth rates among Americans is unlikely as fertility rates among foreign-born Americans have dropped more rapidly than fertility rates among native-born Americans.

“The total fertility rate for all women (immigrant and native-born) in America in 2019 was 1.76. Excluding immigrants, it would be 1.69 — the rate for natives. The difference is .06 children, or a 4 percent increase in overall total fertility rate in the United States,” Center for Immigration Studies research shows, suggesting more immigration would have a minimal impact on the nation’s low birth rate.

Unmentioned by Democrats, as well as many Republican lawmakers, is crafting a national family agenda that would help boost American birth rates. Hungary’s government has implemented such an agenda, focusing on economic initiatives to make it less expensive for parents to raise children while working.

Since 2010, Hungary’s fertility rate has increased from 1.25 to 1.59 births per woman.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here.

Biden Funds Covert Parole Pipeline for Illegals to Reach U.S. Jobs, Housing

illegal immigration
E. McGregor, P. Ratje, Y. Iwamura, M. Tama, Q. Weizhong/Getty; H. Daley/AP

President Joe Biden’s border chief is using Mexico-based migrant advocacy groups to smuggle off-the-books economic migrants into Americans’ workplaces and housing.

Border chief Alejandro Mayorkas is allowing the progressive groups in Mexico to help job-seeking migrants file online legal requests for “immigration parole.” Many of the applications are quickly approved, so allowing the poor migrants to avoid the cartels’ border taxes, and to safely walk into the United States through the official “Ports of Entry.”

This process allows economic migrants to take U.S. jobs and housing needed by poor Americans — even though many millions of Americans are poor and have fallen out of the workforce.

The parole doorway was created by Congress to enable the legal entry of a small number of emergency cases, such as a foreign seaman suffering a heart attack. But the useful loophole has been hugely expanded by Mayorkas’ Department of Homeland Security into a “humanitarian parole” freeway into Americans’ workplaces.

Agency data suggests that up to 100,000 southern migrants have been quietly delivered into the United States by Mayorkas, a Cuba-born, pro-migration zealot.

The rising inflow is partly visible on a web page run by Mayorkas’ agency.

The page shows the dramatic rise in migrants registered at the official ports of entry by the Office of Field Operations agency. Many of these migrants appear to be part of the parole pipeline — and the monthly inflow grew fivefold from October 2021 to 26,405 in October 2022.

This increase is especially high in a few locations.  In October 2021, for example, just 1,224 migrants crossed at Laredo. In October 2022, the Laredo inflow had increased tenfold to 13,986, according to DHS.

“It’s the ultimate silent way to accomplish his objectives … they’re not recorded as apprehensions,” said George Fishman, a former immigration law staffer in the House.

The stealthy route helps Biden, Mayorkas, and their anti-border allies in two ways, said Fishman, who now works with the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS):

The lower the apprehension numbers, the better publicity-wise. [Mayorkas] can claim ‘Look, I’m getting the border under control. apprehensions are falling!” But if the [official numbers show declines] it is because people don’t even need to try to enter illegally anymore when they’re just going to be paroled in [legally]. The second thing is that … [migrants] don’t have to commit a federal crime to cross.

The government’s parole pipeline was exposed by Todd Bensman at CIS. He told Breitbart News:

I was in Tijuana and was able to learn that the shelters I was visiting were feeding people into this [parole] system …. So I realized I was in a position to finally actually see this new way that they were letting people in that I’ve never been able to prove before.

So I just followed the shelter system [by asking] “Hey, where are they letting them in?”

“This is happening In Mexicali too,” they said.

When I got to Mexicali, I asked, “Where’s the shelter where they end up and then go across?” and they said, “Oh, it’s over there.” So I went over there and introduced myself and told them I’d like to do a story about it, would they mind and they said “No problem, come in”. It wasn’t any voodoo or magic. It was just a question of me asking to see it.

Bensman posted a video of migrants using Mayorkas’ parole pipeline:

Bensman spoke to several of the migrants as they filed their parole applications:

As she waited with 25 other selected immigrants for her legal ride to America, Maria told the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) she’d left home figuring she would have to pay smugglers to cross her over the border illegally. But up-trail word from friends reached her down-trail by cell phone that the Biden administration had legally admitted them and many others from Mexicali under the new humanitarian parole program.

They told Maria, “This is real. This is really a real program. This is not a magic trick,” she told [Bensman].

Maria came to Mexicali as soon as she could. A local migrant shelter took her in, and while she was fed and housed in relative security, American volunteers, lawyers, and activists helped her collect the documents America required: just the right documented story of woe, a psychologist attesting to suffered traumas and fear of returning home, proof of citizenship and identity, a clear criminal background, need for urgent free American medical treatment, and a sponsor in the U.S. willing to financially support the applicant. The story Maria proffered is that she worked for a government official in Nicaragua whose homosexuality drew death threats from her ex-husband, also a government worker, against her and her boss.

“I had to leave because I would be killed,” she claimed.

On that claimed basis, Maria was now waiting for a Mexican immigration service bus to drive her and 30 others in her group into America, still unable to believe her unlikely good fortune.

“I am so happy, so, so happy,” Maria said.

The parole rules allow people to stay for a year but can be extended. So the award of parole to these economic migrants creates problems because asylum rules exclude economic migrants from getting green cards

But officials are trying to shift migrants out of the cartels’ dangerous and expensive networks into U.S. government-managed pipelines, said Bensman. “There’s a conversion going on, a slow shift from the illegal channel into the legal channel because that [official policy is to] create pathways for safe, orderly, and humane migration,” he said.

Mayorkas’ deputies are trying “to get as many people as they possibly can inside the country, in as many different ways as possible, and this [parole pipeline] way is especially attractive … That’s why this method is ballooning like it is, why they’re having to expand the shelters, they can’t keep up with the demand [from migrants].”

The parole program is facing legal challenges.

The parole pipeline is just one of many ways in which Biden’s deputies are accelerating their extraction of extra renters, consumers, and workers from poor countries for subsequent use in the U.S. economy.

For example, Biden’s deputies have doubled the number of illegal migrants protected by the Temporary Protected Status program, allowed more than 600,000 illegals to sneak across the border, and allowed roughly 2.3 million southern migrants to cross the border. They have also minimized the deportation of illegal migrants and overstaying workers.

The administration is also ramping up the inflow of legal immigrants, visa workers, and illegal workers who arrive on B-1/B-2 tourist visas.

This massive inflow is delivering roughly seven migrants for every 10 births.

This labor inflow shifts the national economy towards investors and employers by forcing down Americans’ wages. It is also boosting rents and housing prices, and it is reducing native-born Americans’ clout in local and national elections. Since the 1990s, the inflow has pushed many native-born Americans out of careers in a wide variety of fields.

The Mexican shelters that feed the parole pipeline are often funded and run by people working for American non-profits, Bensman said, In turn, the non-profits are backed by corporate and progressive donors.

American progressives working in the shelters do not talk, Bensman added,  “because if the general public knew about this, they would demand that it be ended immediately.”

‘That’s why this is a gravy train for the nonprofit industrial complex,” Bensman said:

I interviewed a [Mexican] shelter manager in Tijuana that is part of the pipeline on that side. I asked him, “Why do you suppose the nonprofits are fighting with each other for control over this?” … And he said, “Why? Because they’re making money. The nonprofits are all deeply enmeshed in Hollywood … These people are making money by raising funds back in Hollywood, and they’ve got a big revenue stream going on.”

For example, the business-funded group, Al Otra Lado, helps migrants cross the border via the parole pipeline.

The Hollywood-bostedelite-backed Kids of Need of Defense group also helps migrants get into the parole pipeline.

A huge network of elite-funded, government-funded, non-profits also cares for and feeds migrants. This “Catch and Release Network” also transport migrants to desired locations, and trains them for jobs needed by Americans.

The parole law has been used to let many economic migrants into the United States during 2021 and 2022. It was also used to admit tens of thousands of Afghans.

Mayorkas and his deputies then used the parole claim to admit roughly 100,000 Ukrainians from safe countries in Europe into the United States. Officials are reportedly also using the pipeline to admit Haitian migrants. wrote on August 24:

SAN DIEGO (Border Report) — About 120 asylum-seekers who are members of the LGBT community are being allowed into the U.S. on a daily basis.

Enrique Lucero, the director of the Migrant Affairs Office in Tijuana, said they are crossing the border at PedWest, one of two pedestrian crossings at the San Ysidro Port of Entry.

“The migrants must show they have a disability, health issues or have been victims of discrimination or persecution back home,” said Lucero. “This is humanitarian parole.”

Bensman wrote November 21:

Stealthily, perhaps with that in mind, DHS launched one early version of the handoff program in late 2021 in Reynosa, Mexico, where CIS discovered that Mexico was escorting hundreds of giddy immigrants every week for delivery to the Americans through a McAllen port of entry into Texas.

Nowadays, though, the program delivers immigrants, at the least, from Tijuana to San Diego, Agua Prieta to Douglas in Ariz., Juarez to El Paso, Nuevo Laredo to Laredo, Reynosa to McAllen, and Matamoros to Brownsville, the shelter managers say. It’s going on in interior Mexico too, they say.

Extraction Migration

Government officials try to grow the economy by raising exports, productivity, and the birth rate. But officials want rapid results, so they also try to expand the economy by extracting millions of migrants from poor countries to serve as extra workers, consumers, and renters.

This policy floods the labor market and so it shifts vast wealth from ordinary people to older investorscoastal billionaires, and Wall Street. It makes it difficult for ordinary Americans to advance in their careers, get married, raise families, buy homes, or gain wealth.

Extraction Migration slows innovation and shrinks Americans’ productivity. This happens because migration allows employers to boost stock prices by using stoop labor and disposable workers instead of the skilled American professionals and productivity-boosting technology that earlier allowed Americans and their communities to earn more money.

This migration policy also reduces exports because it minimizes shareholder pressure on C-suite executives to take a career risk by trying to grow exports to poor countries.

Migration undermines employees’ workplace rights, and it widens the regional economic gaps between the Democrats’ cheap-labor coastal states and the Republicans’ heartland and southern states.

An economy fueled by Extraction Migration also drains Americans’ political clout over elites and alienates young people. It radicalizes Americans’ democratic civic culture because it gives a moral excuse for wealthy elites and progressives to ignore despairing Americans at the bottom of society, such as drug addicts.

This diversify-and-rule investor strategy is enthusiastically pushed by progressives. They wish to transform the U.S. from a society governed by European-origin civic culture into an economic empire of jealous identity groups overseen by progressive hall monitors. “We’re trying to become the first multiracial, multi-ethnic superpower in the world,” Silicon Valley Rep. Rohit Khanna (D-CA) told the New York Times in March 2022. “It will be an extraordinary achievement … We will ultimately triumph,” he boasted.

But the progressives’ colonialism-like economic strategy kills many migrants. It exploits the poverty of migrants and splits foreign families as it extracts human resources from poor home countries to serve wealthy U.S. investors.

Progressives hide this Extraction Migration economic policy behind a wide variety of noble-sounding explanations and theatrical border security programs. Progressives claim the U.S. is a “Nation of Immigrants,” that economic migrants are political victims, that migration helps migrants more than Americans, and that the state must renew itself by replacing populations.

Similarly, establishment Republicans, media businesses, and major GOP donors hide the skew towards investors by ignoring the pocketbook impact and by touting border chaos, welfare spending, migrant crime, and drug smuggling.


Many polls show the public wants to welcome some immigration. But the polls also show deep and broad public opposition to labor migration and to the inflow of temporary contract workers into the jobs needed by the families of blue-collar and white-collar Americans.

This “Third Rail” opposition is growinganti-establishmentmultiracialcross-sexnon-racistclass-basedbipartisan,   rationalpersistent, and recognizes the solidarity that American citizens owe to one another.


President Biden is a man of mediocre intellect who, over almost five decades in national public office, accomplished little to nothing, other than his election to federal offices and becoming rich off the federal teat and various side hustles

Attorney General Ken Paxton of Texas and Attorney General Jeff Landry of Louisiana sued the Biden administration over immigration policy, arguing that so-called enforcement guidelines as developed and administered by the Justice Department and Homeland Security Department violate certain provisions of federal law.

Biden Administration Sending Air Marshals to Southern Border, But They Won’t Be Detaining Migrants

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A border patrol agent talks to a group of migrants, mostly from African countries, before processing them after they crossed the US-Mexico border, taken from Tijuana, Baja California state, Mexico, on November 11, 2022. (Photo by GUILLERMO ARIAS/AFP via Getty Images)
A border patrol agent talks to a group of migrants, mostly from African countries, before processing them after they crossed the US-Mexico border, taken from Tijuana, Baja California state, Mexico, on November 11, 2022. (Photo by GUILLERMO ARIAS/AFP via Getty Images)

( - The Biden administration is deploying air marshals to the southern border to perform “menial tasks,” Air Marshal National Council Executive Director Sonya Labosco said Friday.

“They are desperate for resources, so what they have done is they’ve tried to backfill positions at the border patrol with air marshals, but these aren't law enforcement functions. I want to make that clear. They are sending air marshals who are highly trained federal law enforcement officers to the border to do menial tasks,” she told “Fox and Friends.”

Labosco said that the air marshals would not be used to detain migrants trying to cross the border. Instead, they would be given a desk job at the border.

“They’re very menial tasks. They are transportation to the hospital, hospital watch - nothing that would have any effect on what their current, highly trained status would be in the aircraft working at 35,000 feet. You have to be an excellent marksman,” she said.

“We have the highest standards for federal law enforcement when it comes to qualifications with our firearms, so you’re taking a highly skilled air marshall and then you’re putting him on the border basically doing details that an NGO or a contractor could do,” Labosco added.

A DHS spokesperson told Fox digital on Wednesday, “Federal Air Marshals have long supported various Departmental operations on a regular basis across Democratic and Republican administrations alike. There is nothing new or unique about this.”

However, Labosco disputed this assertion.

“They are not right. They are not right. They have never -- there has never been a forced deployment? We have always had some air marshals that would volunteer, who were prior military or law enforcement background, who are comfortable working in those atmospheres, right? Because you need to know about prisoner transport,” she said.

“There's a lot of different things that you need to know whether you are on -- like basically on street cop on the ground vs. working at 35,000 feet. So, dhs is incorrect about that. They are trying to force the air marshals off the planes and down to the border,” Labosco said. 

Deploying air marshals to the border goes against the federal statute, she said.

“Also, we believe with our legal counsel, with our attorney that they are out of their statutory authority that was given to them by Congress after 9/11, in the deployment of federal air marshals. Federal air marshals are only by statute allowed to be deployed in national transportation domains, and that's period. There are no exceptions,” Labosco said.

Federal air marshals have already been retiring at a high number this year, and Labosco predicts they will see a record number of retirements next year.

“We are not -- we do not have enough air marshals, Pete. We are 21 years into the deployments that we’ve had since 9/11, and a lot of our air marshals have met their 20-year mark. We have seen a high number of retirements throughout this year - 2022,” she said.

“We’re gonna see a record number of retirements in 2023, and our agency is simply not hiring to replace those air marshals. So we are not at a high number already currently in our staff,” Labosco said.


How Cartels Successfully Take Over Northern California | Jorge Ventura


Last month, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) suggested that an amnesty for the nation’s 11 to 22 million illegal aliens is the “ultimate goal” of Democrats to massively grow the U.S. population by adding tens of millions more foreign-born residents.

Angel Families, Reformers: Congress Must Reject ‘Special Interest’ Amnesty, Immigration Expansion Schemes

WASHINGTON, DC, UNITED STATES- NOVEMBER 17: Pro-DACA protestors hold a march outside of the U.S. Capitol Building calling for a pathway to citizenship on November 17th, 2022 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Nathan Posner/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
Nathan Posner/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

A coalition of Angel Families, immigration reformers, national populists, and former Trump officials are urging the lame-duck Congress to reject “special interest” amnesty efforts for illegal aliens and an expansion of legal immigration levels.

In recent weeks, Democrats have urged 10 Senate Republicans to join them in approving the DREAM Act, which would provide green cards and, eventually, naturalized American citizenship to 3.3 million illegal aliens enrolled and eligible for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

Similarly, special interest groups are lobbying Republicans and Democrats to throw support behind an amnesty for at least 2.1 million illegal aliens working on United States farms — a boon for the agricultural lobby.

Likewise, a handful of Republicans and Democrats are hoping to pass a green card giveaway that would massively benefit Fortune 500 tech conglomerates and companies that have spent decades outsourcing American white-collar jobs to foreign visa workers.

Groups like Advocates for Victims of Illegal Alien Crime (AVIAC), the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), NumbersUSA, the Claremont Institute, the Remembrance Project, the Heritage Foundation, and Judicial Watch, among others, are banding together to urge Congress to reject such amnesty and immigration expansion schemes.

“… we are deeply concerned about the immediate danger posed by the lame-duck session of Congress that is now underway,” the letter states:

Even though power is about to change hands in one chamber, various media outlets report there will be attempts to push damaging immigration legislation such as a mass amnesty and increased immigration through Congress over the next few weeks. [Emphasis added]

We, therefore, ask that you take all actions necessary to stop these efforts. We urge you to show the American people that you stand with them by rejecting special interest legislation and instead taking immediate steps to reverse this crisis and restore law and order to our immigration system. As we set forth in our previous letter, that will require the new Congress to pass a strong border security bill, undertake aggressive oversight, and use purse-string authority to rescind funds that further Biden’s open borders agenda. [Emphasis added]

Do not allow special interests to take advantage of the lame-duck session to pass their bankrupt immigration agenda and throw average Americans under the bus. The American people are, after all, the ultimate stakeholders in our immigration system. They have voiced their will and we urge you to respect it. [Emphasis added]

Read the full letter here:

Coalition Letter by John Binder

Former Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officials and others also signed the letter, including Chad Wolf, Christopher Landau, Derek Maltz, Gene Hamilton, Joseph Edlow, Ken Cuccinelli, Lamar Smith, Mark Meadows, Mark Morgan, Rodney Scott, Russ Vought, and Thomas Homan.

Separately, officials with Americans for Legal Immigration (ALIPAC) have said they have organized a grassroots effort that has activists calling members of Congress, asking them to oppose any amnesty efforts in the lame-duck session.

“We support the full and comprehensive enforcement of our existing immigration laws as the US Constitution requires, and we call on the majority of Americans who agree to get on the phones to the US Senate to oppose Lame Duck Amnesty 2022 immediately,” ALIPAC’s William Gheen wrote in a statement.

Last month, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) suggested that an amnesty for the nation’s 11 to 22 million illegal aliens is the “ultimate goal” of Democrats to massively grow the U.S. population by adding tens of millions more foreign-born residents.

Such mass immigration plans are supported by the nation’s biggest multinational corporations who see a constant flow of foreign workers and newly arrived consumers as a boon to their profit margins while keeping U.S. wages low and stagnant.

A flooded labor market from mass immigration to the U.S. has had a devastating impact on America’s working and middle class while redistributing wealth to the highest earners and big businesses.

While creating an economy that tilts in favor of employers, the economic model helped keep wages stagnant for decades. Between 1979 and 2013, wage growth for the bottom 90 percent of Americans grew just 15 percent. Meanwhile, wage growth for the top one percent of Americans was nearly 140 percent higher.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here


How Cartels Successfully Take Over Northern California | Jorge Ventura

Joe Biden’s 2023 Border Plan: Two Migrants for Every American Birth

Venezuelan migrants get in line to receive donations of clothing and food at the camp area on the banks of the Rio Grande that divides Ciudad Juarez and El Paso Texas in Mexico on November 14, 2022. With more than 1,500 Venezuelan migrants camped on the banks of Rio Bravo …
Carlos Ernesto Escalona/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

President Joe Biden’s border agency expects 9,000 to 14,000 economic migrants per day after officials remove the Title 42 legal barrier in late December, says CNN.

The predicted inflow adds up to roughly 4.5 million migrants per year or more than one extra southern migrant for every American birth in the United States.

The southern flow of roughly 4.5 million will add to the annual inflow of roughly 2 million legal immigrants, visa workers, and tourists illegally taking jobs.

The combined inflow would deliver roughly seven million migrants in 2023, or two migrants for each of the 3.6 million Americans born in 2020.

Since 1990, the inflow of migrants has imposed a huge cost on Americans by cutting wages. It is also boosted rents and housing prices, and it has reduced native-born Americans’ clout over elites.

On November 29, the New York Times described the plight of a poor pregnant woman and her boyfriend in Texas:

When her lawyer asked her why she was seeking an abortion, G said she didn’t think she would make a suitable parent. She had just graduated from high school and was working as a cashier at the H-E-B supermarket chain … He didn’t make enough as a brick mason to move out of his parents’ house, and for a year, G had been crashing with friends. An abortion, she believed, would be “in the best interest of the fetuses.”

Although G had applied for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, the safety-net program for low-income parents, she was denied because their household income exceeded the $231 monthly threshold.

Immigration has pushed many native-born Americans out of careers in a wide variety of fields and spiked the number of “Deaths of Despair.”

But migration enriches older investorscoastal billionaires, and Wall Street.

Top Democrats prefer to welcome more migrants than help Americans build families and raise more children. “We have a population that is not reproducing on its own with the same level that it used to,” Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said on November 16.

Now, more than ever, we’re short of workers … The only way we’re going to have a great future in America is if we welcome and embrace immigrants, the dreamers and  … all 11 million — or however many undocumented there are here [emphasis added].

Business elites in Schumer’s New York City have long used poor and compliant immigrants to inflate business profits in their housing and service sectors.

Biden’s migration program is being run by the nation’s border chief, Alejandro Mayorkas, who is a Cuban-born, pro-migration zealot. His pro-migration policies are overseen — and sometimes curbed — by election-minded appointees in the White House.

So far, the administration has not proposed any plans to reduce or stop this migrant wave that will do huge damage to ordinary Americans.

Instead, officials are promising to spend billions of additional dollars to register and then quickly transport the economic migrants from the border toward Americans’ workplaces, overpriced housing, and crowded K-12 schools.

However, the government’s welcome for wage-cutting foreign migrants is being portrayed as curbs by pro-establishment media outlets.

CNN reported:

DHS officials are pulling from border plans released over the spring to prepare for the end of Title 42, including, for example, considering additional soft-sided facilities to process migrants.

The department is also accelerating asylum processing times, doubling down on anti-smuggling operations, and coordinating with partners in the Western hemisphere, according to the administration official.

Axios reported that officials may try to bar single adults — but do nothing to stop the families or women with children who cannot sneak through the desert:

One proposal would bar … asylum single adults who illegally cross the border and have not first applied for legal pathways offered by the U.S. or protection in other countries they traveled through. They would be placed in the expedited removal process [that allowed them to work in the United States].

In 2022, roughly 600,000 single migrants sneaked across the border while Mayorkas’ ordered border agents to register women and children arriving at the border.

The Axios report also suggested that officials may try to reduce the number of illegal migrants by simply legalizing their entry, despite Congress’ yearly cap of roughly 1 million immigrants:

Actions to expand legal pathways for migrants and asylum seekers and crack down on people who do not enter the U.S. at legal entry points were discussed in detail as recently as a Cabinet-head level meeting on Monday, according to the two sources familiar.

To incentivize people to apply and enter the U.S. legally, officials are looking at raising the 24,000 person cap on the number of Venezuelans who can be paroled via a new process started last month. The process forces back to Mexico those who instead attempt to cross the border illegally.

The quasi-legalization of illegal migration is already far advanced.

For example, Mayorkas is allowing progressive groups in Mexico to help job-seeking migrants file online legal requests for “immigration parole.” Many of the applications are quickly approved, so allowing the poor migrants to avoid the cartels’ border taxes, and to safely walk into the United States through the official “Ports of Entry.”

The parole doorway was created by Congress to enable the legal entry of a small number of emergency cases, such as a foreign seaman suffering a heart attack. But the useful loophole has been hugely expanded by Mayorkas into a “humanitarian parole” freeway into Americans’ workplaces.


Extraction Migration

Government officials try to grow the economy by raising exports, productivity, and the birth rate. But officials want rapid results, so they also try to expand the economy by extracting millions of migrants from poor countries to serve as extra workers, consumers, and renters.

This policy floods the labor market and so it shifts vast wealth from ordinary people to older investorscoastal billionaires, and Wall Street. It makes it difficult for ordinary Americans to advance in their careers, get married, raise families, buy homes, or gain wealth.

Extraction Migration slows innovation and shrinks Americans’ productivity. This happens because migration allows employers to boost stock prices by using stoop labor and disposable workers instead of the skilled American professionals and productivity-boosting technology that earlier allowed Americans and their communities to earn more money.

This migration policy also reduces exports because it minimizes shareholder pressure on C-suite executives to take a career risk by trying to grow exports to poor countries.

Migration undermines employees’ workplace rights, and it widens the regional economic gaps between the Democrats’ cheap-labor coastal states and the Republicans’ heartland and southern states.

An economy fueled by Extraction Migration also drains Americans’ political clout over elites and it alienates young people. It radicalizes Americans’ democratic civic culture because it gives a moral excuse for wealthy elites and progressives to ignore despairing Americans at the bottom of society, such as drug addicts.

Progressives hide this Extraction Migration economic policy behind a wide variety of noble-sounding explanations and theatrical border security programs. Progressives claim the U.S. is a “Nation of Immigrants,” that economic migrants are political victims, that migration helps migrants more than Americans, and that the state must renew itself by replacing populations.

But the progressives’ colonialism-like economic strategy kills many migrants on their treks to U.S. jobs. It exploits the poverty of migrants and splits foreign families as it extracts human resources from poor home countries to serve wealthy U.S. investors.

Similarly, establishment Republicans, media businesses, and major GOP donors hide the skew towards investors by ignoring the pocketbook impact and by touting border chaos, welfare spending, migrant crime, and drug smuggling.

Many polls show the public wants to welcome some immigration. But the polls also show deep and broad public opposition to labor migration and to the inflow of temporary contract workers into the jobs needed by the families of blue-collar and white-collar Americans.

This “Third Rail” opposition is growinganti-establishmentmultiracialcross-sexnon-racistclass-basedbipartisan,   rationalpersistent, and recognizes the solidarity that American citizens owe to one another.

Veritas: Biden’s Border Rules Fuel Child Prostitution, Child Labor

President Joe Biden speaks at a campaign event at Bowie State University in Bowie, Md., Nov. 7, 2022. Democrats considering shaking up the order of their 2024 presidential primary are waiting on President Joe Biden, anxious to see if he'll endorse stripping Iowa of its traditional leadoff spot or discourage …
AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Teenage girls are being imported from poor countries for prostitution via President Joe Biden’s easy migration rules, a government employee told Project Veritas.

The teenage girls are imported via the Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) program, which allows easy entry for migrants who claim they are under the age of 18. The young adults, teenagers, and children are given to the Department of Health and Human Services, which then quickly transfers them to the “sponsors” — many of whom are illegals who earlier paid coyotes and cartels to deliver the youths to the border.

Biden’s deputies “have relaxed a lot of the stringent vetting [of sponsors] by creating these additional field guidance [documents] and there’s a focus on ‘Move the children’ [to the sponsors] as opposed to placing children in safe homes,” said the whistleblower, Tara Lee Rodas, a former Department of Health and Human Services manager. “Right now, it is speed over safety — move the children [to sponsors in] 10 to 15 days” she added.

Progressives applaud the program which has delivered 290,000 children and teenagers since January 2021, most of whom are work-ready teenage males.

“We are paying to put children in the hands of criminals,” Rodas said.

“Our sponsors typically are not citizens, they’re not permanent residents, they don’t have legal presence,” she said, adding:

We fly that product directly to the [sponsor/]trafficker. The trafficker then has the ability to labor traffic that child until they’re caught — if they ever are, and God forbid it is sex trafficking … Once the children are gone to the sponsor, there’s nothing that we can do about it.

The legal process also gives sponsors immense control over the children and teenagers, Rodas said:

The sponsor can hold up [a draft] order of deportation to that child and say “This is your order of deportation. If you do not do what I say, when I say, I’m going to call ICE on you myself.”

Veritas’s camera crew spoke to a 16-year-old girl who said she had been used as a prostitute. “She [her sponsor] was pimping me and I didn’t like that,” the girl told Veritas.

The government’s rush to transfer children from the border to their traffickers comes after major media outlets — and Democrats — spent much effort slamming Trump’s deputies for not rushing the kids through the shelter system to the sponsors.

Few, if any, of the liberal reporters who slammed Trump for detaining children ever followed up to see if the kids were being forced to work, or were being used as prostitutes. The pro-migration reporters at Reuters, however, have covered several cases of UAC child labor in the United States.

“The Biden administration is in denial about the consequences of their policies and instead is acting as if this is simply a benign family reunification or a child-protection program,” said Jessica Vaughan, the director of policy studies at the Center for Immigration Studies. “In fact, they are incentivizing and enabling the trafficking of kids,” she told Veritas.

The child trafficking is aided by Biden’s border chief, Alejandro Mayorkas, who is a Cuban-born, pro-migration zealot.

Mayorkas is using his legal authority and budget, plus U.S. diplomatic power, to win control of the migration business from the cartels. That policy is intended to help minimize the public’s recognition of — and opposition to — the federal government’s wealth-shifting economic policy of Extraction Migration. The policy is pulling millions of renters, consumers, and workers from other countries to expand economic growth for investors and Wall Street.

Rodas also exposed government-aided labor trafficking where children were imported for use in the U.S. economy, often in restaurants or by staffing companies.

The teenagers skipped mandatory schooling and instead earned wages to pay their smuggling debts to cartels and their coyotes,


The revelation of government-enabled sex trafficking comes after Biden’s deputies finally acknowledged that teenage boys are being imported for labor in American factories and slaughterhouses. In mid-November, the Department of Labor admitted:

An investigation by the department’s Wage and Hour Division that discovered that [Packer Sanitation Services Inc.] had employed at least 31 [foreign-born] children — from 13 to 17 years of age — in hazardous occupations. The jobs performed by children included cleaning dangerous powered equipment during overnight shifts to fulfill sanitation contracts at [slaughterhouses] in Grand Island, Nebraska and Worthington, Minnesota, and at Turkey Valley Farms in Marshall, Minnesota.

The use of the UAC program for labor trafficking and sex trafficking has been an open secret for several years.

“Honestly, I think almost everyone in the system knows that most of the [migrant] teens are coming to work and send money back home,” Maria Woltjen, executive director and founder of the Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights, told a ProPublica reporter. “They want to help their parents,” she said in a November 2020 article.

Establishment media outlets, including many liberal women who cover the demands and preferences of migrants, do not cover the expanding economy of child labor and debt-bondage migrants.

President Donald Trump reduced UAC child migration to just 20,000 UAC migrants in 2020. The accomplishment was fought tooth and nail by business-backed legal groups and was much criticized by media outlets.

Trump got no credit for minimizing child labor and faced enormous criticism for separating several thousand imported children from their adult parents who were being prosecuted for illegal entry. The parents had brought their children to help them exploit a border loophole that had been created by the ACLU, President Barack Obama’s deputies, and federal Judge Dolly Gee.

Since then, Biden’s border chief has been reimporting migrants who were duly deported by judges during Trump’s administration.

So far, Republicans have made little effort to investigate the UAC labor trafficking or to shame Democrats for their support of child labor and child prostitution.

The Republican’s inaction is likely due to their business donors, who oppose any debate about the pocketbook and economic impacts of legal and illegal migration. Any extra migrants help CEOs to hold down wages, boost rents, and spur retail sales.

The UAC labor-trafficking pipeline was created in 2008 when Congress voted unanimously for the poorly-drafted William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008. Pro-migration lawyers quickly used the loophole to create a massive rush of job-seeking child migrants by 2014.

Breitbart News has extensively followed the Democrat-backed trafficking of teenagers into U.S. workplaces.


Exposed: Biden’s Secret Labor Trafficking Pipeline from Mexico

illegal immigration
E. McGregor, P. Ratje, Y. Iwamura, M. Tama, Q. Weizhong/Getty; H. Daley/AP

President Joe Biden’s border chief is using Mexico-based migrant advocacy groups to smuggle off-the-books economic migrants into Americans’ workplaces and housing.

Border chief Alejandro Mayorkas is allowing the progressive groups in Mexico to help job-seeking migrants file online legal requests for “immigration parole.” Many of the applications are quickly approved, so allowing the poor migrants to avoid the cartels’ border taxes, and to safely walk into the United States through the official “Ports of Entry.”

This process allows economic migrants to take U.S. jobs and housing needed by poor Americans — even though many millions of Americans are poor and have fallen out of the workforce.

The parole doorway was created by Congress to enable the legal entry of a small number of emergency cases, such as a foreign seaman suffering a heart attack. But the useful loophole has been hugely expanded by Mayorkas’ Department of Homeland Security into a “humanitarian parole” freeway into Americans’ workplaces.

Agency data suggests that up to 100,000 southern migrants have been quietly delivered into the United States by Mayorkas, a Cuba-born, pro-migration zealot.

The rising inflow is partly visible on a web page run by Mayorkas’ agency.

The page shows the dramatic rise in migrants registered at the official ports of entry by the Office of Field Operations agency. Many of these migrants appear to be part of the parole pipeline — and the monthly inflow grew fivefold from October 2021 to 26,405 in October 2022.

This increase is especially high in a few locations.  In October 2021, for example, just 1,224 migrants crossed at Laredo. In October 2022, the Laredo inflow had increased tenfold to 13,986, according to DHS.

GOP Senators Press Social Media Giants To ‘Take Immediate Steps To Stop Facilitating Illegal Immigration’

Cartels use Facebook, Snapchat, TikTok, other sites to drive human smuggling schemes

A human smuggler and Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg / edited from Getty Images
 • November 18, 2022 12:00 pm


The world's largest social media companies are facing pressure from Republican lawmakers to "take immediate steps to stop facilitating illegal immigration" as cartels use their platforms to recruit drivers for human smuggling schemes.

In a Thursday letter to Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Republican senators Marsha Blackburn (Tenn.), Thom Tillis (N.C.), and Steve Daines (Mont.) accused the company of failing to curtail the solicitation of those smuggling schemes on its platforms, which include Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp. Cartel smugglers often use those sites, the Wall Street Journal reported last month, to anonymously post advertisements promising thousands of dollars to Americans in border states if they complete a short driving job, which really consists of picking up illegal migrants who have just crossed into the United States. For Blackburn, Tillis, and Daines, Meta should be able to shut down those posts, which they say have "led to a devastating amount of drug and human trafficking and other forms of violent crime."

"Although your company has developed—and long enjoyed the benefits of—incredibly complex algorithms and other technology to keep users addicted, you claim to be unable to curb these illegal immigration schemes," the letter, which the Washington Free Beacon obtained exclusively, states. "You have the ability to address this problem, and it is critical that you take immediate steps to stop facilitating illegal immigration on your platform."

Meta responded to the Journal‘s report by saying it "prohibits the facilitation of human smuggling and invests in technology and works with law enforcement to address the issue." In late January, however, the company privately announced it would allow users to solicit human smugglers on its platforms, the Free Beacon reported. In an internal memo detailing the decision, Meta stressed the need to allow people to use Facebook and its other platforms to "seek safety or exercise their human rights," a move it acknowledged comes with "tradeoffs" such as scrutiny from "law enforcement and government bodies."

Meta is not the only social media giant that has a cartel problem. TikTok—whose CEO received a similar letter from Blackburn, Tillis, and Daines—has been flooded with cartel recruitment posts, which promise fast cash and lavish parties for those who drive for the criminal organizations. "Cartels are trying to get workers. … [They] show lots of money, they show lots of drinking, partying, and everything else," Commander Jorge Esparza of the Brooks County Sheriff Department told the Free Beacon in May. "It's like a joke on law enforcement," Sgt. Aaron Moreno of the Hidalgo County Sheriff's Department added. "I've seen TikTok videos where there's coyotes in a vehicle and they have a long rifle."

Beyond Meta and TikTok, Blackburn, Tillis, and Daines also sent letters to executives at Snapchat and Twitter. The letters include a deadline of December 16 for the companies to answer an array of questions, including the volume of smuggling posts on their platforms, whether they use "algorithms and artificial intelligence" to identify and remove those posts, and how they "coordinate with law enforcement to help them identify people involved in smuggling groups." None of the companies returned requests for comment.

Illegal immigration has exploded under President Joe Biden. Customs and Border Protection encountered more than two million migrants at the southern border in the last fiscal year alone, the first time that figure has been reached in American history. Still, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre assured reporters in September that the Biden administration has "taken unprecedented action over the past year and a half to secure our border."

Published under: Border CrisisDrug CartelsFacebookHuman TraffickingIllegal ImmigrationMark ZuckerbergMarsha BlackburnMetaSocial MediaSteve DainesThom Tillis 

GOP House Opens Probe into Biden Family for Potential Tax Evasion, Money Laundering, Human Trafficking Violations 
President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden leave Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Johns Island, S.C., after attending a Mass, Saturday, Aug. 13, 2022. Biden is in Kiawah Island with his family on vacation. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)
AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

Members of the newly controlled Republican House on Thursday announced an investigation into the Biden family business and whether President Joe Biden is compromised by the family’s business schemes.

Rep. James Comer (R-TN), the top Republican on the Oversight Committee, announced during a press conference that the Biden family will be investigated for the following violations:

  1. Conspiracy or defrauding the United States
  2. Wire fraud
  3. Conspiracy to commit wire fraud
  4. Violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act
  5. Violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
  6. Violations of the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000
  7. Tax evasion
  8. Money laundering
  9. Conspiracy to commit money laundering

“I want to be clear, this is an investigation of Joe Biden,” Comer stated. “The Biden family’s business dealings implicate a wide range of criminality from human trafficking to potential violations of the constitution.”

“In the 218th Congress, this committee will evaluate the status of Joe Biden’s relationship with his families foreign partners and whether he is a president who is compromised or swayed by foreign dollars or influence,” he said.

“We are also sending letters to the Biden administration and Biden family associates renewing our request for voluntary production of documents relevant to this investigation,” Comer continued before stating Joe Biden lied about having knowledge about his family’s business dealings.

“This is an investigation of Joe Biden, the president of the United States, and why he lied to the American people about his knowledge and participation in his family’s international business dealing schemes,” Comer said. “National security interests require to conduct an investigation and we will pursue all avenues – avenues that have long been ignored.”

Comer then listed a number of crimes that members of the Biden family may have committed, according to uncovered evidence by House Republicans.

“These include conspiracy or defrauding the United States, wire fraud, conspiracy to commit wire fraud, violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act, violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, violations of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act, tax evasion, money laundering, and conspiracy to commit money laundering,” Comer said.

Comer added that additional evidence suggests the Biden family tried to aid the Chinese’s purchase of American assets.

“We find evidence that Hunter Biden and Joe Biden were involved in a scheme to try to get China to buy liquified natural gas,” Comer said. “People are in outrage over China buying farmland in the Dakotas. What about China starting to buy into our American energy industry?”

Joe Biden and his staff have claimed at least seven times that the president has not been involved in the family business, yet more than 17 pieces of evidence suggest Joe Biden has played an influential role in his son Hunter and brother James’s activities.

Fifty-eight percent of voters believe that Joe Biden has played a role in his family’s business dealings. Sixty percent say Hunter Biden has sold “influence and access” to the president.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.



 From April 2020 to April 2021, more than 100,000 Americans died from drug overdoses, according to data from the National Center for Health Statistics. An overwhelming majority of those deaths came from opioids, and fentanyl smuggling has surged at the southern border since the start of Joe Biden's presidency. Joseph Simonson and Collin Anderson 





 By failures of border security, a lack of the enforcement of our immigration laws from within  the interior of the United States and huge numbers of visas for high tech workers, the lives and livelihoods of Americans and their children, are being stolen by America’s corrupt political elite who are doing the bidding of those who provide them with huge “Campaign Contributions” (Orwellian euphemism for bribes) pursue legislation that is diametrically opposed to the best interests of America and Americans. MICHAEL CUTLER

Migration moves money from employees to employers, from families to investors, from young to old, from children to their parents, from homebuyers to real estate investors, and from the central states to the coastal states.

Migration also allows investors and CEOs to skimp on labor-saving technology, sideline U.S. minorities, ignore disabled peopleexploit stoop labor in the fields, short-change labor in the cities, impose tight control and pay cuts on American professionals, corral technological innovation by minimizing the employment of American grads, undermine labor rights, and even get many progressive journalists to cheerlead for Wall Street’s priorities.  NEIL MUNRO



“The greatest criminal threat to the daily lives of American citizens are the Mexican drug cartels.” 


“Mexican drug cartels are the “other” terrorist threat to America. Militant Islamists have the goal of destroying the United States. Mexican drug cartels are now accomplishing that mission – from within, every day, in virtually every community across this country.” JUDICIAL WATCH

Scandal-Plagued Texas Dem Received Donation From Family Tied to the ‘Most Dangerous Cartel Operating in Mexico’

Rep. Henry Cuellar (D., Texas) / Getty Images
 • November 2, 2022 2:45 pm


Democratic Texas congressman Henry Cuellar and his brother, a Texas sheriff, received thousands of dollars from a family with close ties to Mexico's "notoriously brutal" Los Zetas cartel, National Review reported Monday.

Cuellar, who is facing a tough reelection race this year, in 2006 received $1,000 from the then-wife of Antonio Peña Arguelles, a money launderer for Los Zetas, which U.S. officials have called "the most technologically advanced, sophisticated, and dangerous cartel operating in Mexico." Peña Arguelles, who in 2014 was sentenced to more than two years in U.S. federal prison, himself donated $1,500 to Cuellar’s brother, Webb County sheriff Martin Cuellar (D.).

While the San Antonio Express-News at the time reported on the donations, the story "never garnered national attention and largely disappeared" after Henry Cuellar reportedly gave the money to charity, National Review noted.

The National Review report comes as the United States faces an unprecedented migrant crisis, with two million illegal immigrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border since last October. The Biden administration has faced widespread criticism, including from Cuellar, for its handling of the crisis.

It also comes as Cuellar faces corruption allegations, with the FBI in January raiding his home and campaign office. The multiple scandals have added up to the congressman's toughest reelection fight since he first took office in 2005.

"Cuellar's strange donation link to an alleged conduit for one of the largest and most violent cartels in the region could be a liability," National Review noted:

Cartels leave a heavy footprint in the Rio Grande Valley, and a large segment of the region's economy is linked to Border Patrol jobs. Notably, the National Border Patrol Council—the labor union representing some 18,000 Border Patrol agents—opted to endorse Cuellar's Republican challenger, Cassy Garcia, over the Democratic incumbent this year, despite having routinely endorsed Cuellar in past elections.

Cuellar's campaign told National Review after publication that "resurfacing this 10-year-old story is a blatant smear attempt" and insisted that Cuellar "had no knowledge" of the Peña Arguelles family's background.

Mexico features Philadelphia blue-city drug chaos in public service ad as a warning of 'what not to do'

Once upon a time, Mexico admired the United States so much it named itself after us and modeled its constitution on that of the U.S: The official name of Mexico is still the United Mexican States.

Today? Not so much. The U.S. under one-party leftist rule is now a cautionary tale of 'what not to do,' and being featured in Mexican government public service ads.

According to the Daily Mail:

The Mexican government is using video of homeless people and open-air drug users in Philadelphia's troubled Kensington neighborhood in a national ad campaign to try to scare young people away from drugs.

Jesús Ramírez, the spokesman for Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, proudly presented the ad series Tuesday, saying the campaign 'seeks to inform young people of the damage caused to health by the consumption of chemical drugs.' 

Ramírez did not respond to repeated requests for comment as to where the government got the Philadelphia videos or why they used them in ads aimed at a Mexican audience.

Fox News has video clip that features most of the ad and some commentary:

So in other words, the Mexicans are seeing what we see and what Democrats don't see, which is that Democrat one-party blue rule in big cities creates chaotic drug-addicted dumps.

They don't want that for Mexico, any more than east Asian countries such as China, Japan, Malaysia and Singapore do, swiftly executing drug dealers to make sure their countries don't become drug hellholes. Mexico instead is using U.S. failure to enforce its drug and vagrancy laws as a cautionary tale -- which might just tamp down open-border immigration as a side effect.

Which is sorry stuff, the U.S. being held up internationally as an example of failure, a warning of what not to do, just as Venezuela is held up as an example of the effects of one-party-state socialism. We expect this kind of thing with Venezuela. It's pretty significant that now we're the example of what-not-to-do, a monstrous cautionary tale of the failure of Democrat one-party rule.

A Fox News commentator named Jennifer Stefano of the Philadelphia Inquirer blames Mexico itself for its role in allowing cartels to let fentanyl across the open U.S. border, and after that improbably claims the war on drugs is behind the Philly chaos as a result, strangely claiming that the U.S. jails drug users instead of puts them into treatment -- even as the video itself offers concrete evidence that actually, nobody's being busted, drugs are effectively legal in Philly. After that, she goes on to talk about Soros-funded district attorneys who don't bother to enforce drug laws -- which is exactly what she wants, which is to drop the war on drugs. Yes, that's what Soros D.A.s are doing. The whole thing is emblematic of the fact that few understand in Philly what is going on, which is one reason why they can't do anything about it. 

But in Mexico, the video speaks for itself. Philly is run by leftists. The result of that one-party rule is a dump.

We already have indicators that the ads may resonate. Hispanic voters, many of whom have recent and ongoing ties to Mexico, have moved sharply toward the GOP in recent elections. Many of the reasons cited have been wokester education, jobs, inflation, kitchen table concerns. But drugs and crime are likely a very big one -- and these ads being run in Mexico are being done because the public is receptive to such a message. The Mexican public is completely disgusted and repelled by such activity and same as the citizens of Singapore and elsewhere, doesn't want that chaos and disorder imported into their country.

So now we have America as a beacon not of liberty and prosperity, but of what-not-to-do. Seems our prosperity and freedom are no longer a sign of our country, our social decay and chaos now are. And this is not like the old Soviet propaganda which was largely made up of lies -- all of the scenes in Philadelphia are perfectly true.

Call that progressivism in action. What a hell of a transformation that is. Leftists who have turned these cities in hellholes and now have become an international cautionary beacon to the world can now stand up and take a bow.

Image: Screen shot from Fox News video, via YouTube. 



 From April 2020 to April 2021, more than 100,000 Americans died from drug overdoses, according to data from the National Center for Health Statistics. An overwhelming majority of those deaths came from opioids, and fentanyl smuggling has surged at the southern border since the start of Joe Biden's presidency. Joseph Simonson and Collin Anderson 

California Created A New Cartel Drug Market + The 10 Mile Drug Tunnel to Your Neighborhood

“Joe Biden is great on immigration. I guess depends on your

perspective. If you’re a human trafficker, or drug dealer, you’d

give him an A-plus, but theAmerican people would give him an

F. The crisis at our border was not only entirely predictable,

it was predicted. I predicted that if you campaign all year long

on open borders, amnesty, and health care for illegals, you’re

going to get more migrants at the border. That’s what’s

happened since the election.”

                                                                       SEN. TOM COTTON

The victim had his hands and feet tied up and appeared to have had his pants pulled down; additionally, his pink shirt had been pulled over his head. Authorities have not publicly identified the victim nor revealed which criminal organization is responsible for the crime.

GRAPHIC: Cartel Gunmen Try to Hang Victim from Highway Overpass in Mexican Border State

Nuevo Leon Murder
Breitbart Border / Cartel Chronicles

A group of cartel gunmen tried to hang a man from a highway overpass in the Mexican border state of Nuevo Leon. The attempt failed and the cartel members left the tied-up body at the scene. The hanging of bodies is a common tactic used by drug cartels in order to inspire fear in their rivals.

The incident took place Friday morning along the highway that connects the Monterrey metropolitan area with the border city of Nuevo Laredo. Authorities initially received a call regarding a man hanging from a highway overpass near the city limits between the towns of Cienega de Flores and Salinas Victoria.

Authorities claim the victim was not hanging from the overpass but had been placed in a grassy area next to the overpass. It remains unclear if the gunmen did hang the body and it was later moved.

The victim had his hands and feet tied up and appeared to have had his pants pulled down; additionally, his pink shirt had been pulled over his head. Authorities have not publicly identified the victim nor revealed which criminal organization is responsible for the crime.

The gruesome crime scene comes as the Sinaloa Cartel is fighting with other groups, including the Cartel Del Noreste faction of Los Zetas and some independent groups, for control of the local distribution of drugs as well as control of lucrative drug corridors to the Texas border, Breitbart Texas reported. This fierce turf war has led to hundreds of murders and gruesome executions in recent months.

Editor’s Note: Breitbart Texas traveled to Mexico City and the states of Tamaulipas, Coahuila, and Nuevo León to recruit citizen journalists willing to risk their lives and expose the cartels silencing their communities.  The writers would face certain death at the hands of the various cartels that operate in those areas including the Gulf Cartel and Los Zetas if a pseudonym were not used. Breitbart Texas’ Cartel Chronicles are published in both English and in their original Spanish. This article was written by “J.P. De La Garza” from Nuevo León.  

The costs of illegal immigration are being carefully hidden by Democrats. MONICA SHOWALTER

Likewise, the Biden-Harris plan for national immigration policy — which seeks to drive up legal and illegal immigration levels to their highest levels in decades — offers a flooded labor market with low wages for U.S. workers and increased bargaining power for big business that has long been supported by Wall Street   

                                                             JOHN BINDER

Undeterred, on September 2, state lawmakers sent a budget to Governor Newsom calling for $600 million in spending increases and a reduction in state revenue with the extension of earned income tax credits for immigrants and illegal aliens.  Balance sheet be damned, California must cater to illegal aliens. P.F. WHALEN

"This is country belongs to Mexico" is said by the Mexican Militant. This is a common teaching that the U.S. is really AZTLAN, belonging to Mexicans, which is taught to Mexican kids in Arizona and California through a LA Raza educational program funded by American Tax Payers via President Obama, when he gave LA RAZA $800,000.00 in March of 2009!

What's more, Mexico generally benefits from shipping its surplus uneducated population to the states to take the pressure valve off the potential for unrest. Corrupt Mexican officials often reap "fees" from letting illegal migrants from other countries as well as their own pass through their territory. MONICA SHOWALTER

Migrant enclaves already are at the top of the U.S. lists for bad places to  - 10 of the 50 worst places in America to live according to this list are in California, and all of them are famous for their illegal populations.             MONICA SHOWALTER

Leaked Mexican Army Report Unveils Cartel Drug Routes to Arizona, California

Mexican Navy Seizure 3
Breitbart Texas / Cartel Chronicles

A recently leaked Mexican military report courtesy of hacktivists revealed the routes cartels use to reach Arizona and California.

The documents show land, rail, air, and sea routes used primarily by the Sinaloa Cartel to move large quantities of drugs. In October, hacktivists called Guacamaya managed to break into the servers of Mexico’s Army and steal a large trove of documents. Those data revealed key issues that Mexico’s government has tried to keep hidden from public view.

According to some of the documents first reported by Infobae, cartels in Sonora and Baja California use four federal and two state highways to run tractor-trailers loaded with hidden drug loads:
-Federal Highway 15, which runs from Hermosillo to Nogales, Sonora.

-Federal Highway 2, which runs from Agua Prieta, Sonora to Mexicali, Baja California.

-Federal Highway 8, which runs from Puerto Penasco (Rocky Point) to Sonoyta, Sonora.

-Federal Highway 7, which runs from Hermosillo to Agua Prieta, Sonora.

-State Highway 3, which runs from Miguel Aleman to Puerto Libertad, Sonora.

-State Highway 37, which runs from Puerto Penasco (Rocky Point) to San Luis Rio Colorado, Sonora.

The documents revealed there are several military checkpoints along those routes. However, according to Sonoran journalist Jesus Alberto Ibarra, the checkpoints do little to stop any trafficking.

Another mode of transporting drugs is through train routes which connect throughout Sonora to border cities.

The third mode of transportation is a mix of commercial airlines and private planes using clandestine landing strips.

Most of the clandestine air routes start from Topolobampo, Sinaloa. From there, small planes take routes to Puerto Penasco or Delicias, Baja California.
The document also lists sea routes throughout the Gulf of California.

Editor’s Note: Breitbart Texas traveled to Mexico City and the states of Tamaulipas, Coahuila, and Nuevo León to recruit citizen journalists willing to risk their lives and expose the cartels silencing their communities.  The writers would face certain death at the hands of the various cartels that operate in those areas including the Gulf Cartel and Los Zetas if a pseudonym were not used. Breitbart Texas’ Cartel Chronicles are published in both English and in their original Spanish. This article was written by “C.P. Mireles” from Tamaulipas and “L.P. Contreras” from Mexico City.

California Created A New Cartel Drug Market + The 10 Mile Drug Tunnel to Your Neighborhood


How Foreign Drug Operations Are Taking Over California’s Desert Towns: Jorge Ventura


Mexican Cartels Are Growing Marijuana In California’s National Forests



Inside Mexico's Most Powerful Drug Cartel | Foreign Correspondent


The Gang Crackdown (full documentary) | FRONTLINE


Numerous immigrant teens have gone missing on Long Island since 2016, all linked to the violent gang MS-13. FRONTLINE investigates a slew of killings that led to many immigrant teens being accused of gang affiliation and unlawfully detained. (Aired 2018) This journalism is made possible by viewers like you. Support your local PBS station here:​. Drawing on interviews with murder victims’ families, accused gang members, top Justice Department officials, local law enforcement and ICE leadership, and civil rights and immigration lawyers, the 2018 documentary “The Gang Crackdown” explores the reasons behind a spike in violence on Long Island — home to one of the U.S.’ largest communities of unaccompanied minors — and examines whether law enforcement and other government agencies overreached in trying to combat the problem. Love FRONTLINE? Find us on the PBS Video App, where there are more than 300 FRONTLINE documentaries available to watch any time:​ 


 Chris Hedges | American Republic IS DEAD




Under Mayorkas, deaths due to drug overdoses topped 100,000 for the first time ever, the vast majority from fentanyl, imported from China and Mexico across our southern border.”

If Biden lifts Trump-era curbs on migrants entering the U.S., the number of illegals coming in will jump to 5 million or more per year.

“By the end of Joe Biden’s first term,” said Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, “nearly 20% of all Americans will be here illegally.” Mayorkas’ excuse for lying is that he works 18 hours a day. “When Republicans take back control of the House this fall,” Liz Peek suggests, “they should impeach Mayorkas and let him catch up on his beauty sleep.”

“Mexican drug cartels are the “other” terrorist threat to America. Militant Islamists have the goal of destroying the United States. Mexican drug cartels are now accomplishing that mission – from within, every day, in virtually  every community across this country.” JUDICIAL WATCH




 From April 2020 to April 2021, more than 100,000 Americans died from drug overdoses, according to data from the National Center for Health Statistics. An overwhelming majority of those deaths came from opioids, and fentanyl smuggling has surged at the southern border since the start of Joe Biden's presidency. Joseph Simonson and Collin Anderson 


The Five’ react to America's fentanyl crisis



They Need Counseling


"Along with Obama, Pelosi and Schumer are responsible for incalculable damage done to this country over the eight years of that administration." PATRICIA McCARTHY


With Biden in office, America’s southern border has vanished entirely.


So, while we in America are getting a fair number of sex traffickers; mountains of fentanyl; low skilled, illegal workers who drive down wages; and more welfare mouths to feed, the Latin Americans who come here mostly want to work and mostly hew to traditional western, Christi                                   ANDREA WIDBURG



What's more, Mexico generally benefits from shipping its surplus uneducated population to the states to take the pressure valve off the potential for unrest. Corrupt Mexican officials often reap "fees" from letting illegal migrants from other countries as well as their own pass through their territory. MONICA SHOWALTER


To protect our security I suspended the entry of foreign refugees from terror afflicted nations.  Biden has pledged a staggering 700 percent increase in refugees from the most violent terrorist hotspots anywhere on earth.  If you don’t mind I’ll end that.  And that was the deal, the manifesto, that he agreed to with Bernie Sanders and AOC+3 [Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York and three other female “progressive” reps, including Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan].....   The Biden plan would overwhelm your communities … and open the floodgates to radical Islamic terrorism. Raymond Ibrahim




The illegal stabbed her to death with a screwdriver and then ran her over with her car.



“The greatest criminal threat to the daily lives of American citizens are the Mexican drug cartels.” 



“Mexican drug cartels are the “other” terrorist threat to America. Militant Islamists have the goal of destroying the United States. Mexican drug cartels are now accomplishing that mission – from within, every day, in virtually every community across this country.” JUDICIAL WATCH

“Mexican authorities have arrested the former mayor of a rural community in the border state of Coahuila in connection with the kidnapping, murder and incineration of hundreds of victims through a network of ovens at the hands of the Los Zetas cartel. The arrest comes after Breitbart Texas exposed not only the horrors of the mass extermination, but also the cover-up and complicity of the Mexican government.”

“Heroin is not produced in the United States. Every gram of heroin present in the United States provides unequivocal evidence of a failure of border security because every gram of heroin was smuggled into the United States. Indeed, this is precisely a point that Attorney General Jeff Sessions made during his appearance before the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on October 18, 2017 when he again raised the need to secure the U.S./Mexican border to protect American lives.” Michael Cutler …


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