Tuesday, February 14, 2023

PRESIDENT OF NARCOMEX DEMANDS AMERICA EXPAND THE MEX WELFARE STATE ON MIDDLE AMERICA'S BACKS - "Mexican president candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador called for mass immigration to the United States, declaring it a "human right".

What we are seeing here is plain old garden variety Mexican meddling in our internal affairs, this time rooted in some icky festering wounded national pride, some bid from Mexico to assert itself over U.S. laws in the wake of Trump's muscle on Mexico over the illegal migrant surge, using the U.S. courts with their continuous anti-Trump rulings to make itself the sovereign here. Mexico has already sent their illegals and now they want to take over gubernatorially through the courts, which puts this act on a continuum.


"Mexican president candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador called for mass immigration to the United States, declaring it a "human right". We will defend all the (Mexican) invaders in the American," Obrador said, adding that immigrants "must leave their towns and find a life, job, welfare, and free medical in the United States."

Overall, open-ended migration is praised by business and progressives partly because migrants help transfer massive wealth from American wage-earners to stockholders.

Migration moves money from employees to employers, from families to investors, from young to old, from children to their parents, from homebuyers to real estate investors, and from the central states to the coastal states.

Migration also allows investors and CEOs to skimp on labor-saving technology, sideline U.S. minorities, ignore disabled peopleexploit stoop labor in the fields, shortchange labor in the cities, impose tight control and pay cuts on American professionals, corral technological innovation by minimizing the employment of American graduates, undermine labor rights, and redirect progressive journalists to cheerlead for Wall Street’s priorities and claims.

A Mexican governor doubled down on his push for immigrants from his state to vote for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden only hours after his federal government scolded him for interfering in another country’s election. https://t.co/pVFgbyZNot

— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) November 2, 2020

Mexican President Calls on U.S. Voters to Reject Border Security Candidates

President Joe Biden is greeted by Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador as he arrives at the National Palace in Mexico City, Mexico, Monday, Jan. 9, 2023. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)
AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) praised President Joe Biden’s soft approach to immigration Tuesday, adding that his government plans to press American voters to not support candidates promising increased border security investments.

During his Tuesday morning news conference, AMLO congratulated Biden for not “mistreating” migrants and claimed the Hispanic population would remember at the polls the way that politicians treated migrants.

“We have a lot of respect for President Biden, among other things because he is the only one of the United States presidents of recent years who did not propose building walls,” Lopez Obrador said. “We give him credit for that, and we give credit to President Biden for no [immigration] raids.”

Lopez Obrador also criticized U.S. Congressmen for blocking Biden’s efforts to “regularize migrants” as had been promised during his campaign. The president also criticized the approach of Republicans calling for stronger border security.

“Because it is very easy to say, ‘We are going to militarize the border, we are going to put up walls,’ seeking easy applause,” AMLO said. “This policy will no longer work.”

Despite previously claiming that he follows a non-intervention approach, AMLO said his government would pressure U.S. voters to fight in favor of migrants.

“Because if there is the mistreatment of migrants and especially Mexicans, we are going to call not to vote for those parties and for those candidates — in the exercise of our freedoms,” Mexico’s president said.

Ildefonso Ortiz is an award-winning journalist with Breitbart Texas. He co-founded Breitbart Texas’ Cartel Chronicles project with Brandon Darby and senior Breitbart management. You can follow him on Twitter and on Facebook. He can be contacted at Iortiz@breitbart.com

Brandon Darby is the managing director and editor-in-chief of Breitbart Texas. He co-founded Breitbart Texas’ Cartel Chronicles project with Ildefonso Ortiz and senior Breitbart management. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook. He can be contacted at bdarby@breitbart.com.     

Though Biden’s DHS has drastically expanded its Catch and Release network at the border, the agency continues to hide the monthly number of border crossers who are directly released into the U.S. interior.

Lindsey Graham proposes a ‘DREAM Act’ amnesty for nearly 2 million illegal aliens

It's been almost three months since the midterms and campaign promises are fading away from the minds.

It's the perfect time for some GOP members to stab their voters in the back. 

When it comes to backstabbing voters, South Carolina's Sen. Lindsey Graham is an expert

Graham probably found some free time after striving for the well-being of his main constituents - President Zelensky, the Ukrainian government, the Ukrainian army, and the mercenaries.

Breitbart reported that Graham had joined Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Illinois) to propose their “DREAM Act” amnesty.

Graham and Durbin, who hold powerful positions on the Senate Judiciary Committee, reintroduced the amnesty after repeatedly proposing the plan since 2017.

Estimates suggest that almost two million illegal aliens eligible for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program can become citizens.

Graham said DACA illegal aliens  “represent a class of illegal immigrants that have much public support because they were minors brought here by their parents and America has become their home.”

In order to not sound like a complete sell-out, Graham added.

“While I continue to support relief for Dreamers, I hope my Democratic colleagues understand we must repair a broken border and address a tsunami of illegal immigration before that is remotely possible.”

Durban thanked Graham “for his continued partnership in this important bipartisan effort.”

Graham has been attempting this since 2013, when he was part of the notorious ‘Gang of Eight,’ along with GOP Sens. John McCain, Marco Rubio, and Jeff Flake.

The attempt failed.

It led the late great Rush Limbaugh to refer to him as Lindsey Grahamnesty.

So what is DACA about?

DACA is an Obama administration policy implemented on June 15, 2012. DACA prevents the deportation of immigrants who entered the U.S. illegally as minors and offers them work permits. 

Those eligible for this program are referred to as Dreamers, a reference to the DREAM Act (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act).

Most of these Dreamers were born in Mexico (80.2%), followed by El Salvador (3.8%), and some were born in Asia, the Caribbean, Europe, and Africa.

So can an argument be made that minors who accompanied adult aliens to trespass the border into the U.S. deserve "fairness," i.e., citizenship, because they were victims of unavoidable circumstances?

Before we answer that, let's look at the bigger picture.

If the Dreamers are guaranteed a pathway to citizenship, it sends an open invitation to aspiring violators across the globe to enter the U.S. illegally, too, because of the implicit promise that someday their offspring will be citizens, and by extension, they will, too, based on chain-migration privileges.

Entering the U.S. illegally is a crime.

It may not seem that obvious since the matter has been spun relentlessly by the Democrats into a matter of empathy.

They claim that the illegal aliens are escaping persecution and poverty and hence deserve compassion.

But similar excuses can be made for other varieties of crimes.

How often have we heard the following when any crime is committed:

“Life has been unfair to them.”

“They were born in poverty.“

“The rich need to pay their fair share or this will keep happening.”

“There is the consequence of income inequality.”

The fact remains that life is never ever fair to anyone. Everyone has a reason and a right to complain. Illegals brought into the U.S. as children by their parents have every right to take the matter up with their parents, instead of demand redress from the government. Unfair circumstances in life aren't an excuse to commit crimes, be it trespassing into a country or pilfering from a supermarket. If it were, there would be a societal breakdown.

Breitbart reported other issues ahead if this iteration of DACA amnesty became a reality.

Newly naturalized citizens will have the facility to bring in an unlimited number of non-citizen relatives to the U.S. including those parents who initially broke the law. Estimates say that number could be from 10 million to 19 million foreign nationals.

A DACA amnesty also could cost American taxpayers some $115 billion because it will lead to new enrollments for Obamacare.

Meanwhile, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has estimated that such an amnesty would cost taxpayers $26 billion. That CBO states that about one in five DACA illegal aliens, after an amnesty, would end up on food stamps, while at least one in seven would go on Medicaid.

Biden's open borders are already a grave problem.

Illegal aliens are already a burden on the taxpayers, and the facilities and infrastructure meant for citizens.

Illegal aliens agreeing to work for less than minimum wage will result in the citizen seeing a depression in wages, if not being rendered unemployed.

If the illegal aliens are of the criminal variety, the victims will be citizens.

In the end, every country has laws that have to be followed.

The only way to enter or temporarily work in the U.S. is to apply for a visa, undergo a background check, and sit for a consular interview. The duration of stay and work depends on the visa. 

The only path to citizenship is by naturalization, through marriage, through one's parents, and through military service. Each route has its own set of mandatory requirements.

In a civilized society, lawbreakers must be punished, not incentivized.

This should not be a debate between right and left.

Yet somehow the left, which has become pro-crime, is advocating and incentivizing violations.

It is noteworthy how the left has changed its position on the matter.

Back in 2015, when socialist Bernie Sanders was running for the presidential nomination of the Democrat party, he was asked about open borders.

"No, that's a Koch brothers proposal,” said Sanders curtly during an interview.

Sanders further added: “The idea is a right-wing scheme meant to flood the U.S. with cheap labor and depress wages for native-born workers. I think from a moral responsibility, we've got to work with the rest of the industrialized world to address the problems of international poverty," he conceded, "but you don't do that by making people in this country even poorer."

This was always the Marxist position.

Sanders and the Democrats are singing a drastically different tune now.

They no longer care for the working class who will suffer due to the influx. Their long-term goal is to seal their permanence in power by giving voting rights to illegal aliens, who drown the impact of legacy GOP voters, and who will be a permanent underclass voter base for the Democrats.

The Democrats' plan has successfully been implemented in states such as New York and California, so all they need now is to capture a few more states in order to have total control.

This insanity must to stop.

Lindsey Graham needs to be primaried in 2027 and dumped by President Trump immediately.

Image: Gage Skidmore, via Flickr // CC BY-SA 2.0

"This is how they will destroy  America from within.  The leftist billionaires who orchestrate these plans are wealthy. Those tasked with representing us in Congress will never be exposed to the cost of the invasion of millions of migrants.  They have nothing but contempt for those of us who must endure the consequences of  our communities being intruded upon by gang members, drug dealers and human traffickers.  These people have no intention of becoming Americans; like the Democrats who welcome them, they have contempt for us." PATRICIA McCARTHY

Heather Mac Donald of the Manhattan Institute has testified before a Congressional committee that in 2004, 95% of all outstanding warrants for murder in Los Angeles were for illegal aliens; in 2000, 23% of all Los Angeles County jail inmates were illegal aliens and that in 1995, 60% of Los Angeles’s largest street gang, the 18th Street gang, were illegal aliens. 


Mexican Ambassador: Let’s Restart Mass Migration into U.S.

PAUL RATJE/AFP via Getty Images


The United States should reopen itself to migration, amnesties, refugee inflows, asylum seekers, and more temporary contract workers, Mexico’s ambassador to the United States said Tuesday.


The U.S. immigration system “has to be based on facts and realities,” Ambassador Martha Bárcena Coqui told a forum arranged by the National Immigration Forum (NIF). She continued: ‘The facts and realities is the need to protect the most vulnerable, the need to keep open the generosity towards refugees, the need to recognize the complementarity of labor markets and demographic profiles, the need for temporary workers in the United States.”

The United States should not view migration as a security threat, she said, adding, “If you conceptualize migration as a national security issue, if you [push for] securitization of migration, and what is even worse, if you criminalize migration, then your approach always be policing, contentious [and] reduction of migration. So what we need is really to conceptualize migration …  as an economic and social and political phenomena.”

“With all due respect to Madam Ambassador, she should mind her own country’s business, not ours,” responded Mark Krikorian, the director of the Center for Immigration Studies.

“The Mexican ambassador is going to tell us what is in the best interest of Mexico,” responded Rosemary Jenks, policy director at NumbersUSA. “But that doesn’t mean we have to do it — we have to do what’s in the best interest of the United States. of American, of Americans and legal immigrants,” she told Breitbart News, adding:

You know we have the pandemic still raging, we have economic lockdowns still going on, we have unemployment way too high. We have underemployment way too high. We have American citizens hurting. We absolutely do not need to reopen mass immigration — and certainly don’t need to give amnesty and taxpayer benefits to people who came here illegally. If Mexico thinks its plan is to just open up its own southern borders in the hopes that America will open our southern borders, that’s just going to reignite the caravans. I hope that the Biden administration is planning for that because that’s not going to go well, and 2022 is not going to go well for Democrats.

More migrants are coming, the ambassador said, even though the coronavirus crash has blocked the northward flow for the moment:

The root causes of these migrations have [not] disappeared. On the contrary, we are seeing pent up, building pressure. People cannot move now because of the restrictions on movement because of the pandemic. But the root causes are still there, [for example], the drought in Central America  … a hurricane in Nicaragua and Honduras that have totally flooded Honduras.

The United States should amnesty many illegal migrants from all over the world, she said, and also import more migrants by accepting asylum applications at U.S. embassies, so the world’s migrants will not have to travel through Mexico. “What we would like to see, of course, is that the U.S. embassies in Central America could process even more of these requests for asylum, instead of having people crossing through Mexico and asking for asylum at the border.”

The ambassador was invited to speak by the NIF, which is a business-funded activist group that promotes cheap labor migration into jobs needed by lower-skilled Americans and by legal immigrants, and also into jobs that can be automated.

Roughly three million migrants have flooded over the southern border since the rules were loosened by Congress in 2008 and by President Barack Obama’s deputies in 2011. Trump stopped the flow in 2020, but few of the migrants — or of roughly 300,000 younger “Unaccompanied Alien Children” — have been sent home because they are being protected by pro-migrant immigration lawyers, by pro-diversity progressives, and cheap labor employers in sanctuary cities.

The Mexican government must help poor migrants travel to the U.S. border, says Mexican immigrant and Univision anchor Jorge Ramos. https://t.co/kHHU9ckxPG

— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) October 8, 2019

The large U.S. population of illegal immigrants helps to push down wages for Americans, push disadvantaged workers out of the labor force, reduce corporate investment in technology and training, and spike corporate sales and profits. The large population also shifts the U.S. politics from a focus on Americans’ jobs and wages, and then towards a politics focused on business demands and the 1950’s claim by elites that the United States is a diverse “nation of immigrants,” not a cooperative nation for all Americans.

The flood of cheap labor that is being promoted by the ambassador would be a disaster for Americans, Jenks said. “They would absolutely destroy the employment opportunities for lower-skilled Americans, particularly for minorities and legal immigrants. It would reduce wages among the people who can least afford reduced wages and put downward pressure on everyone else’s wages. The people who would benefit from it, of course, would be the elites who can hire nannies, maids, and housekeepers, and who go stay at resorts and so on, while the rest of us suffer.”

The ambassador’s statement, Krikorian told Breitbart News, “suggests that the [President Donald] Trump really was getting Mexico to change its behavior [after 2018] and that once Trump is gone, the Mexican approach these issues will revert to form, and they will again usher large numbers of third-country illegal aliens into our country.”

But if Mexico is concerned about the migrants coming up from the South, it can take its own defense measures, said Krikorian.

“As far as refugees and asylees go, Mexico is a signatory to the U.N. Convention on these issues. Mexico is about half the population, maybe a little less, of the United States. It doesn’t take a nearly proportionate number of asylum seekers or refugees [as the United States. So, “Physician, heal thyself,” would be my first response.”

Also, Krikorian added, the ambassador may be overstating the view of the Mexican government. “Whatever the ambassador said, it is an open question whether Mexico will truly open the floodgates again. The country has its own interest in limiting this transit migration because Mexican citizens are getting sick of the migrations. And many of these people end up staying anyway, applying for asylum in Mexico, or just hanging around illegally, and that undermines the job prospects of Mexicans in the same way that it can undermine Americans’ job prospects.”

“The United States is a sovereign nation that should and can have complete control over its borders,” said Jenks. “Regardless of what our neighbors may think, our government owes it to the American people to have an immigration system that benefits America. Period. Full stop.”

It was a very good dialogue on the current situation and a way forward. Thanks to @mcbelz @DMiliband and you @anoorani for the invitation. #LTW2020 https://t.co/rm6jNBryZj

— Martha Bárcena (@Martha_Barcena) November 18, 2020

Overall, open-ended migration is praised by business and progressives partly because migrants help transfer massive wealth from American wage-earners to stockholders.

Migration moves money from employees to employers, from families to investors, from young to old, from children to their parents, from homebuyers to real estate investors, and from the central states to the coastal states.

Migration also allows investors and CEOs to skimp on labor-saving technology, sideline U.S. minorities, ignore disabled peopleexploit stoop labor in the fields, shortchange labor in the cities, impose tight control and pay cuts on American professionals, corral technological innovation by minimizing the employment of American graduates, undermine labor rights, and redirect progressive journalists to cheerlead for Wall Street’s priorities and claims.

A Mexican governor doubled down on his push for immigrants from his state to vote for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden only hours after his federal government scolded him for interfering in another country’s election. https://t.co/pVFgbyZNot

— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) November 2, 2020






Kamala Harris Urges Illegal Migrants to Help Elect Joe Biden


Sen. Kamala Harris promised Sunday to reduce detention space for migrants as she asked an illegal immigrant activist to help Joe Biden win the election.


“I’m undocumented … I can’t vote …What can we do during this election to help make sure that we get you elected?” asked Astrid Silva, who was brought into the United States as a child by her illegal migrant parents.

“You can tell people who can vote what life is like for you now, and what life can be like,” Vice President nominee Harris told the Nevada-based political organizer who runs the pro-amnesty Dream Big Nevada group, adding that:

We are committed to shutting down private detention centers and ending policies that have been about separating children from their parents at the border.

Harris’s comments may be a coded message to would-be illegal migrants and their supportive legal-immigrant relatives.

For example, if implemented, Harris’s promise to start “shutting down private detention centers” could cripple border enforcement. If the enforcement agency does not have commercial prisons to hold detainees prior to their asylum hearings, the agency would be forced to release waves of job-seeking migrants into the U.S. labor market.

Similarly, Harris’s promise to end “policies … about separating children” echoes the media-magnified demand by pro-migration activists that officials release migrant mothers and children when they cross the border. That demand would let migrant families freely travel to relatives — including their illegal migrant husbands and fathers — who are working illegally in the United States.

Last week in Nevada, I caught up with my friend @Astrid_NV, to discuss the Biden-Harris plan for immigration reform and how Dreamers can make a difference in this election.

If you're eligible to vote, show up at the ballot box for those who can't: https://t.co/VbrfuqVy9Ppic.twitter.com/knU2qFSYmn

— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) November 1, 2020

Like Biden, Harris pushed the Cold War “Nation of Immigrants” claim, even though only about 10 percent of people in the United States are legal immigrants:

We want to have a president who understands we are a nation of immigrants. This is a country that was built and that has derived its strength from immigrants coming here over the generations.

Harris also tried to blur the legal and civic differences between illegal migrants, legal immigrants, and American citizens. For example, she told Silva:

Define who you are, and you tell the world who you are. Don’t let anybody ever put you in a box because they have a limited perspective on who can do what and who can be one.


We are all in this together. And so, chin up, shoulders back, right? We speak our truth and know that there will always be people applauding and supporting that even if you can’t see them at that one moment, know that there are so many of us who are supporting your leadership and the power of your voice. It’s really important.

Harris also claimed President Donald Trump vilified immigrants: “We’ve seen under the current president the kind of vitriol, the kind of hate, the vilification of immigrants in such a horrible way.”

But a Washington Post poll showed in April that Latinos are the strongest advocates for a near-total halt to legal immigration during the coronavirus epidemic and economic crash.

Biden’s 2020 plan promises to “reassert America’s commitment to asylum-seekers and refugees,” wipe out Trump’s asylum reforms, bar any deportations for 100 days, and end migration enforcement against illegal aliens unless they commit a felony.

Joe Biden’s asylum and open-border policies will destroy the American middle class by releasing millions of foreign migrants into the United States, Stephen Miller told reporters October 28. https://t.co/BaeLSIud7y

— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) October 28, 2020

Biden also wants to let companies import more visa workers, let mayors import temporary workers, and allow an unlimited flow of foreign graduates through U.S. universities into white-collar jobs. Biden would “exempt from any cap [the] recent graduates of Ph.D. programs in STEM fields.”

Biden also wants to accelerate the inflow of chain migration migrants and dramatically accelerate the inflow of poor refugees to at least 125,000 per year.

“The influx of low wage workers from all across the world will drive down incomes, drive down wages, deplete the middle class, bankrupt Social Security, bankrupt Medicare, bankrupt Medicaid, bankrupt federal entitlements, overcrowd schools, and overcrowd every hospital in the middle of a pandemic,” White House aide Stephen Miller told reporters on October 28.

“It is an assault on reason, it is an assault on law enforcement, and it’s an assault on the very idea of having a country, having a Republic,” Miller added. “This is not about left or right or Center. This is about between having a country, or not even having a country.”


 What we are seeing here is plain old garden variety Mexican meddling in our internal affairs, this time rooted in some icky festering wounded national pride, some bid from Mexico to assert itself over U.S. laws in the wake of Trump's muscle on Mexico over the illegal migrant surge, using the U.S. courts with their continuous anti-Trump rulings to make itself the sovereign here. Mexico has already sent their illegals and now they want to take over gubernatorially through the courts, which puts this act on a continuum.


"Mexican president candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador called for mass immigration to the United States, declaring it a "human right". We will defend all the (Mexican) invaders in the American," Obrador said, adding that immigrants "must leave their towns and find a life, job, welfare, and free medical in the United States."


"Fox’s Tucker Carlson noted Thursday that Obrador has previously proposed granting AMNESTY TO MEXICAN DRUG CARTELS. “America is now Mexico’s social safety net, and that’s a very good deal for the Mexican ruling class,” Carlson added."

"Many Americans forget is that our country is located against a socialist failed state that is promising to descend even further into chaos – not California, the other one. And the Mexicans, having reached the bottom of the hole they have dug for themselves, just chose to keep digging by electing a new leftist presidente who wants to surrender to the cartels and who thinks that Mexicans have some sort of “human right” to sneak into the U.S. and demographically reconquer it." KURT SCHLICHTER

Billionaire Mexicans tell their poor to JUMP U.S. OPEN BORDERS and LOOT THE STUPID GRINGO… and loot they do!

Billions of dollars are sucked out of America from Mexico’s looting!


1) Mexico ended legal immigration 100 years ago, except for Spanish blood.

2) Mexico is the 17th richest nation but pays the 220th lowest minimum wage to force their subjects to invade the USA. The expands territory for Mexicans, spreads the Spanish language, and culture and genotypes, while earning 17% of Mexico's gross GDP as Foreign Remittance Income.


Mexico: Where Is Your Shame?

At a demonstration Wednesday in Mexico City against Arizona's law.


Immigration: Mexico's government gloated triumphantly after a federal judge's injunction blocked Arizona's immigration law. But it's no victory for Mexico. In fact, Mexico's leaders ought to be mortified.

As radical immigration activists crowed with glee and the Obama administration claimed victory, Mexico's government joined the applause. 

Calling Judge Susan Bolton's injunction Wednesday "a step in the right direction," Mexican Foreign Minister Patricia Espinosa declared: "The government of Mexico would like to express its recognition for the determination demonstrated by the federal government of the United States and the actions of the civil organizations that organized lawsuits against the SB 1070 law."

In reality, it ought to be ashamed. Supposedly framed as an issue of federal power pre-empting state power, it's hardly Mexico's business. But Mexico made a big show of saying its interest was in protecting its nationals from the dreadful racism of Arizona that its own citizens, curiously enough, keep fleeing to.

Espinosa said her government was busy collecting data on civil rights violations and her department had issued an all-out travel warning to Mexican nationals about Arizona. 

That's where Mexico's hypocrisy is just too much.

First, Mexico encourages illegal immigration to the U.S. Oh, it says it doesn't, but it prints comic book guides for would-be illegal immigrants and provides ID cards for illegals once they get here. In Arizona alone, Mexico keeps five consulates busy.

That's not out of love for its own citizens, but because Mexicans send cash back to Mexico that helps finance the government.

Instead of selling its wasteful state-owned oil company or getting rid of red tape to create jobs in Mexico, Mexico spends the hard currency from remittances. It fails to look at why its citizens leave.

According to the Heritage Foundation-Wall Street Journal 2010 Index of Economic Freedom, Mexico's big problem is — no shock — government corruption, where it ranks below the world average.

That's where Mexico's cartels come in.

Mexico's encouragement of illegal immigration undercuts its valiant war against its smuggling cartels. The cartels' prowess and firepower have made them the only ones who can smuggle effectively across the border. U.S. law enforcers say they now control human-smuggling on our southern border.

Feed them immigrants and they grow more cash-rich — and right now, immigrant smuggling is about a third of the cartels' income.

Mass graves and car bombings are signs of criminal organizations getting bigger, and more powerful. Juarez, which has lost 5,000 people this year, bleeds because cartels fight over not just who gets the drug routes, but who gets the illegal-immigrant smuggling routes, too.

Aside from the cartel mayhem in Mexico, the bodies are piling up in the Arizona desert and U.S. Border Patrol rescues of abandoned illegals left to die have risen. 

 It's not the desert's fault, and it's certainly not Uncle Sam's fault, as activists claim. No, it's the fact that Mexicans are encouraged to emigrate. Criminal cartels don't fear abandoning their human cargo in the desert, as long as Mexico does nothing and blames Uncle Sam.

Hearing Mexico's government now cheer the Arizona ruling, which will only encourage more illegal immigration, gives the country's regime a pretty inhuman face. 

If Mexico had any decency, it would do all it could to discourage illegal immigration and keep a respectful silence about Arizona.

It needs U.S. support for its war on cartels. Instead of insulting American citizens, Mexico should confront directly the reasons why its people are so desperate to leave, and do all in its power to destroy the cartels that are slowly killing the nation. That includes defunding the murderous gangs by halting illegal immigration.

Mexico’s President Says Biden Responsible for Migrant Surge at Border


Expectations created by President Joe Biden about better treatment for migrants led to the current border surge, said Mexico’s President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO).

During his daily news conference, AMLO spoke about the ongoing border crisis and said the increase in migrants entering Mexico and heading to the U.S. is partly due to the expectations created by President Biden.

AMLO: “Expectations were created that with the Government of President Biden there would be a better treatment of migrants. And this has caused Central American migrants, and also from our country, wanting to cross the border thinking that it is easier to do so” pic.twitter.com/TNrZQamuWK

— José Díaz-Briseño (@diazbriseno) March 23, 2021

“Expectations were created that with the Government of President Biden there would be a better treatment of migrants. And this has caused Central American migrants, and also from our country, wanting to cross the border thinking that it is easier to do so,” AMLO said.

The statements come one day after Mexico’s military confirmed the deployment of 8,700 soldiers to curb the growing number of migrants traveling through the country.

Ildefonso Ortiz is an award-winning journalist with Breitbart Texas. He co-founded Breitbart Texas’ Cartel Chronicles project with Brandon Darby and senior Breitbart management. You can follow him on Twitter and on Facebook. He can be contacted at Iortiz@breitbart.com

Brandon Darby is the managing director and editor-in-chief of Breitbart Texas. He co-founded Breitbart Texas’ Cartel Chronicles project with Ildefonso Ortiz and senior Breitbart management. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook. He can be contacted at bdarby@breitbart.com.     

Mexico’s president says he will share with President Joe Biden his willingness to find a way to legalize the flow of migrants from Central America and Mexico as a way to meet American labor needs.

“I have a teleconference with Biden on Monday and we are going to talk about that topic,” President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) said this weekend during one of his news conferences. “Let’s fix the migratory flow, legalizing it, to give guarantees to the workers so they don’t risk their lives, and that their human rights are protected.”

During the conference, AMLO said the U.S. would need about 600,000 to 800,000 laborers per year for economic growth. The Mexican politician brought up the Bracero program when the U.S. provided migrant farmworkers with permits during World War II.

The topic of the migrant workflow had not been previously discussed publicly by the Foreign Relations Ministry or the Interior Secretariat ahead of the virtual meeting between Lopez Obrador and Biden.

The issue comes as Mexican authorities see a dramatic rise in human smuggling activities as thousands of Central American migrants continue to make their way north. Mexican officials predicted a dramatic rise in migratory flows at the start of 2021 due to work shortages from the pandemic and recent natural disasters that shook Central America. Officials in Mexico did not publicly discuss the political effect that a Biden Administration would have on the matter.

Mexican authorities have found several large groups of migrants at hotels or being moved in tractor-trailers in recent weeks. Officials are also seeing a spike in ransom kidnappings where cartel-connected human smugglers hold migrants to further extort their families.

Ildefonso Ortiz is an award-winning journalist with Breitbart Texas. He co-founded Breitbart Texas’ Cartel Chronicles project with Brandon Darby and senior Breitbart management. You can follow him on Twitter and on Facebook. He can be contacted at Iortiz@breitbart.com

Brandon Darby is the managing director and editor-in-chief of Breitbart Texas. He co-founded Breitbart Texas’ Cartel Chronicles project with Ildefonso Ortiz and senior Breitbart management. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook. He can be contacted at bdarby@breitbart.com.     








Mexico has a single, streamlined law that ensures that foreign visitors and immigrants are:

1.) in the country legally;

2.)  have the means to sustain themselves economically;

3.) not destined to be burdens on society;

4.)  of economic and social benefit to society;

5.)  of good character and have no criminal records; and

6.)  contributors to the general well-being of the nation.

The law also ensures that:

7.)  immigration authorities have a record of each foreign visitor;

8.)  foreign visitors do not violate their visa status;

9.)  foreign visitors are banned from interfering in the country’s internal politics;

10.)  foreign visitors who enter under false pretenses are imprisoned or deported;

11.)  foreign visitors violating the terms of their entry are imprisoned or deported;

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !



12.)  those who aid in illegal immigration will be sent to prison!!!!!!!!!


BORDER AGENT RESCUES DROWNING MIGRANT INVADERS…. Mexico ships them back over the border to register Democrat and collect their anchor baby welfare!




"The newly elected president, Andrés López-Obrador, was gleeful during the election when he told his compadres they should all move to America, illegally.  His encouragement along with his pro-poverty policies will set the stage for another tsunami of illegal immigration." COLIN FLAHERTY


"They will destroy America from within.  The leftist billionaires who orchestrate these plans are wealthy. Those tasked with representing us in Congress will never be exposed to the cost of the invasion. They have nothing but contempt for us who must endure the consequences of our communities being intruded upon by gangs, drug dealers and human traffickers.  These people have no intention of becoming Americans; like the Democrats who welcome them, they have contempt for us." PATRICIA McCARTHY


The immigration debate has been raging for years.  Advocates for open borders can be found on both sides of the political aisle and in a wide variety of special interest groups who have come to see the immigration system that delivers an unlimited supply of cheap and exploitable labor, an unlimited supply of foreign tourists, and unlimited supply of foreign students and, for the lawyers, an unlimited supply of clients. MICHAEL CUTLER





"Also, Rubin did not mention the moral responsibility of the child’s father who brought her through the desert in an apparent effort to use the catch-and-release Flores loophole to get past border guards. The loophole was created by Judge Dolly Gee who has ordered border officials to release migrants after 20 days if they bring a child with them."



Congressional Democrats are apparently fine with catch-and-release policies because they see the likely electoral benefits. According to Customs and Border Protection (CPB), of the 94,285 Central American family units apprehended last year, 99 percent of them remain in the country today. CPB also reports that 98 percent of the 31,754 unaccompanied minors from the Northern Triangle of Central America remain in the country. CAL THOMAS

THE NARCOMEX INVASION OF AMERICA…. By invitation of the Democrat Party



There are many reasons why, for the first time, the government of Mexico would agree to work cooperatively with the United States over an extremely serious immigration-related issue. It is likely, of course that President Trump was not just posturing when he said he would cut off aid to Mexico and other countries who permit the United States to be invaded by illegal aliens.


Under Guzman’s leadership, the Sinaloa Cartel became the largest drug trafficking organization in the world with influence in every major U.S. city.



The allegations against Pena Nieto are not new. In 2016, Breitbart News reported on an investigation by Mexican journalists which revealed how Juarez Cartel operators funneled money into the 2012 presidential campaign. The investigation was carried out by Mexican award-winning Journalist Carmen Aristegui and her team….The subsequent scandal became known as “Monexgate” for the cash cards that were given out during Peña Nieto’s campaign. The allegations against Pena Nieto went largely unreported by U.S. news outlets.




"While other witnesses at Mr. Guzmán’s trial in Federal District Court in Brooklyn have testified about huge payoffs from traffickers to the Mexican police and public officials, the testimony about Mr. Peña Nieto was the most egregious allegation yet. If true, it suggests that corruption by drug cartels had reached into the highest level of Mexico’s political establishment."


The former president of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto, took a $100 million bribe from Joaquín 




"Fox’s Tucker Carlson noted Thursday that Obrador has previously proposed ranting AMNESTY TO MEXICAN DRUG CARTELS. “America is now Mexico’s social safety net, and that’s a very good deal for the Mexican ruling class,” Carlson added."


"The man likely to be the next president of Mexico just called for mass migration to the US" RICK MORAN


“And soon, very soon — after the victory of our movement — we will defend all the migrants in the American continent and all the migrants in the world,” Obrador said, adding that immigrants “must leave their towns and find a life in the United States.” RICK MORAN

Guzmán Loera, the infamous crime lord known as El Chapo, according to a witness at Mr. Guzman’s trial. ALAN FEUER


“Mexican drug cartels are the “other” terrorist threat to America. Militant Islamists have the goal of destroying the United States. Mexican drug cartels are now accomplishing that mission – from within, every day, in virtually every community across this country.” JUDICIAL WATCH


"In 2016, according to my analysis of the data, more Americans were reported killed by homicide in Mexico than the combined total of Americans killed by homicide in every other country abroad." MONICA SHOWALTER


Mexico cynically wades into El Paso shooting debacle, brimming with hypocrisy


By Monica Showalter

As if the El Paso mass murder couldn't be a more noxious showcase for political bad behavior, in wades the Mexican government, launching lawsuits against the U.S. for supposedly failing to protect its citizens, which is something they've never bothered about before. According to NBC News:

Mexico on Sunday threatened to take legal action against the United States for failing to protect its citizens after this weekend's mass shooting in the border city of El Paso.

Of the 20 people gunned down at a Walmart at the Cielo Vista Mall, at least seven were Mexican citizens, and Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard promised Mexico City will act.

In a statement, the Foreign Ministry called the attack in El Paso a "terrorist act against innocent Mexicans."

Apparently, they've seen how their individual illegals can exploit loopholes in U.S. law to their advantage, and now that bastion of peace and tranquility to our south would like a serving of the same. Instead of warning Mexican potential illegals to stay out of the U.S. the way a normal country would do, they want to muscle the U.S. legal system to their benefit, creating a sort of right to protection in the U.S. which is something Mexicans certainly don't have back home.

And more to the point, the Mexican state would like to blame the U.S. for the action of the lone freak who shot up the Wal-Mart in El Paso, same as the average Democratic politician. The fact that the freak is going to the executioner's table is irrelevant, because what they're really after is putting the U.S. and President Trump in particular on trial.

According to a summary of their doings from Axios:

Mexico threatened legal action Sunday against the U.S. for failing to protect its citizens after a shooting in the border city of El Paso, Texas, killed 20 people, including 6 Mexican nationals, the New York Times reports.

Details: Mexico's Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard said the Mexican government was looking into extraditing the suspect to Mexico on a terrorism charge over Saturday's shooting, per CNN. Mexico also plans legal action against the seller who provided the weapon used in the attack, according to the NYT.

What they're saying: Ebrard said in a Twitter video, translated by NBC News, that President Andrés Manuel López Obrador wants to "ensure that Mexico’s indignation translates" into "expeditious and forceful" legal action for the country to take a role and demand that conditions are established that protect Mexicans in the U.S.

The big picture: Many Mexicans are aware of an anti-immigrant screed apparently posted online by the suspect just before the shooting and they see the attack as an expression of tensions between the U.S. and Mexico over immigration, guns and violence, often fueled by President Trump's policies and rhetoric, the Times notes.

On those grounds, any American who's attacked, assaulted, drinks poisoned liquor, or is killed in Mexico, should have grounds to do the same. Failure to protect, don't you know. Such irony. Turns out more Americans (75 of them) have been killed in Mexico than all the remaining countries of the worldcombined. Here's what Forbes reported last year:

In 2016, according to my analysis of the data, more Americans were reported killed by homicide in Mexico than the combined total of Americans killed by homicide in every other country abroad.

More than 31 million Americans visited Mexico in 2016, the National Travel & Tourism Office says, and State Department data shows there were reports of 75 American homicide victims there. In comparison, 49 million Americans traveled to all other foreign countries, and 69 were reported killed by homicide.

That's quite some hypocrisy they've got, given the number of American dead bodies they've got on their record. Think they'll go along with reciprocity? Not the Mexican government we know. The double standard stands.

But that's hardly their only hypocrisy. Here's another logic joke from them: 

They encourage their nationals to emigrate illegally (remember the Mexican government comic books? Apparently, they're still distributing them) to get rid of potential discontents, and now they complain when the place, loaded as it is with unvetted migrants they don't want around, is somehow not safe? Any city loaded with illegals is a den of crime -- just look at the crime in Chicago, Baltimore or any sanctuary city. Apparently, those killings are O.K. by the Mexicans so long as they are done by other Mexicans or maybe Central Americans. But this Dallas-area white interloper doing the killing is something different, something sue-worthy? They've tolerated crime for years on both sides of the border, not doing a thing so long as the distilled remittances keep coming. Now at this late date, with this lone freak, they are suddenly upset.

Now for a third hypocrisy: They say they want to extradite the maggot? What the heck would that be for? Like El Chapo Guzman, he'd be in a fine position to continue his Internet postings in a Mexican prison because all kinds of contraband is tolerated in Mexican prisons, particularly cell phones, and anything can be bribed for. For that matter, he'd be in a great position to escape, much as Guzman did from Mexican prisons, more than once. The creep, under Mexican law, would also be spared the death penalty, something he's not going to be spared if he stays in Texas. It looks like this extradition move is some sort of revolting bid to save him and allow him to flourish. You can bet he'd be a happy camper if somehow he got extradited to Mexico. Sorry amigos: The maggot is going to pay.

What we are seeing here is plain old garden variety Mexican meddling in our internal affairs, this time rooted in some icky festering wounded national pride, some bid from Mexico to assert itself over U.S. laws in the wake of Trump's muscle on Mexico over the illegal migrant surge, using the U.S. courts with their continuous anti-Trump rulings to make itself the sovereign here. Mexico has already sent their illegals and now they want to take over gubernatorially through the courts, which puts this act on a continuum.

This garbage should be smacked down for the hypocrisy it is and as fast as possible. We don't need their government ruling over here and we sure as heck shouldn't be paying them.


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