Tuesday, March 21, 2023



Kamala Harris Writes Trans TikTok Star: ‘You Continue to Break Barriers and Inspire Young People’

vp-kamala-harris-feb-6-2023-ap-photo (1)
Manuel Balce Ceneta/AP; Gilbert Flores/Variety via Getty Images

Vice President Kamala Harris wrote a glowing letter to transgender TikTok star Dylan Mulvaney, according to an Instagram post by Mulvaney over the weekend.

Mulvaney shared the letter, dated March 13, 2023, in which Harris personally thanked him for his advocacy.

In the letter addressed to “Ms. Mulvaney,” Harris gushed:

Thank you for courageously sharing your story and your journey. I appreciate your continued advocacy for transgender equality, including during your visit to the White House last year.

Through your work as an activist and advocate for the LGBTQI+ community, you continue to break barriers and inspire young people across our Nation and around the world.

While we have made incredible progress from advancing marriage equality to enacting historic protections for transgender people the fight is far from over. Our Administration stands with the LGBTOI+ community in the ongoing struggle for true equity and equality and against hate and discrimination in all forms.

I am grateful for your dedication and courage, and I hope you continue to use your platform to spread positivity and create change. I look forward to seeing all that you will accomplish in the future.

The letter was apparently to congratulate Mulvaney, 26, on the one-year anniversary of his “Days of Girlhood” series, where he posts on TikTok about his transition to living as a woman. He recently underwent facial feminization surgery, according to reports.

Mulvaney, who previously identified as gay, has been lionized by Hollywood celebrities and the left.

Mulvaney interviewed President Joe Biden on day 221 of his “transition.” Biden told Mulvaney that restrictions on “gender-affirming health care” for children were “wrong.”

The president also told Mulvaney, according to British outlet The Times, “I don’t think any state or anybody should have the right to do that. As a moral question or as a legal question, I just think it’s wrong.”

“People fear what they don’t know,” he told the TikTok star.

Follow Breitbart News’s Kristina Wong on TwitterTruth Social, or on Facebook.

Kamala Calls Joe an ‘Extraordinary Leader’

Yes, she really did.

Politicians who bend the truth are as old as politics itself, but Kamala Harris bent it well beyond the breaking point on Stephen Colbert’s show Wednesday night when she hailed her chief, Old Joe Biden, as an “extraordinary leader.” As Old Joe himself might say, Come on, man! Would The Cackler now have us believe that the doddering figurehead who shakes hands with the empty air and has to be led around by handlers is any kind of leader at all? Why, yes, of course, she would. The Biden regime said goodbye to reality a long time ago. Rachel Levine is a female admiral? Sam Brinton is sane and competent? Sure, and Joe Biden is FDR.

As Matt Margolis noted, Harris began by saying: “Well, I have the great privilege of serving with Joe Biden,” and just in case anyone wasn’t sure to whom she was referring, our cool and capable vice president helpfully added: “who is the President of the United States.” When Colbert asked her if Old Joe understands what it’s like to be vice president, a strange question in light of the fact that Biden held that position for eight years and was a lot more in command of his mental faculties back then. Kamala answered:

He does. He does. He is — He really is a true partner, and he understands the job, and remember, we came in during the height of the pandemic. And so, so much of the work was about, okay, we’ve got to cover a lot of bases, and let’s figure out how between us how we can do it. But he is, um, an extraordinary leader and I wish that people could see what I see, because, uh, there’s only one person who sits behind that resolute desk. And the decisions that that person has to make are the decisions that nobody else in the country can make. And he’s an extraordinary leader. He really is.

Colbert’s far-Left audience ate this up, applauding wildly. Do they really think Old Joe is an extraordinary leader? Or did the applause sign light up and so they did what they were told? Harris, meanwhile, displayed some strange body language while saying all this, looking away from Colbert several times and repeatedly shaking her head (which is often the “no” signal, kids) as she sang her putative boss’ praises. I wouldn’t have been surprised if she had started blinking out the Morse Code for “TORTURE,” as U.S. Navy Commander Jeremiah Denton did when making a propaganda film for his North Vietnamese captors as a prisoner of war in 1966.

Harris’ body language strongly suggested that she didn’t seem wholly committed to what she was saying, and no wonder. Biden is an “extraordinary leader”? Even Old Joe himself has labored to disabuse Americans of that impression. Back in August 2022, he said: “I took control. I shouldn’t do that. I’m not allowed to do that.” Wait a minute. If the president of the United States shouldn’t take control, who should? Truman had a sign on his desk that said “The Buck Stops Here.” But Old Joe, in the fog of his dementia, readily avowed that there were people who were telling him that he was “not allowed” to take control. And this “extraordinary leader” didn’t fix them with his steely gaze and inform them that there was nothing within the laws of God and man that the president of the United States was “not allowed” to do. Instead, he meekly went along.

Nor was that a singular occasion. In June 2021 at the G7 Summit, Biden said: “I’m sorry, I’m going to get in trouble with staff if I don’t do this the right way.” You’re supposed to be the president of the United States, man! The staff should be getting in trouble with you if they don’t do things the right way, not the other way around! But this particular extraordinary leader is ordered around by unnamed staffers, and he plays along.

Biden has on many other occasions referred to the “trouble” he’ll get into if he departs from the script his staffers have prepared for him. But give Kamala a break: by the standards of the Left these days, which is hardly the reality-based community it claims to be, Biden really is an extraordinary leader, because he is not standing in the way of their implementing their socialist, internationalist, authoritarian agenda. If Leftists can believe all the fantasies and fictions that they push on us every day, they will certainly have no trouble believing that Old Joe is in confident command. Sure, and drag queens are wholesome entertainment for toddlers.

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Robert Spencer

Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 26 books including many bestsellers, such as The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)The Truth About Muhammad and The History of Jihad. His latest books are The Critical Qur’an and The Sumter Gambit. Follow him on Twitter here. Like him on Facebook here.

Reader Interactions



 Victor Davis Hanson: Biden is the most dangerously radical President in US history



JOE BIDEN is known as a serial liar, a "public servant" who has somehow managed to accrue tremendous wealth, a race-baiting opportunist, Catholic-in-name-only, and a bought-and-paid-for politician in bed with criminal cartels and foreign foes.  In another era, Joe Biden would have been run out of his country much the same way Benedict Arnold was two and a half centuries ago; in an era when integrity, honor, fortitude, fidelity, and grit have been jettisoned for immorality, unscrupulousness, weakness, betrayal, and craven pliability, however, he is elevated to king sleazeball in a city drowning in sleaze. JB SKURK

On Biden’s border policy, for example: the Left likes to paint anyone concerned about the open floodgates of our southern border as racist and anti-immigration. In fact, conservatives simply think it’s sensible to have a system in place for the vetting of people who want to come here, and to have reasonable restrictions or guidelines about the flow of people we let in. There isn’t another country in the world that doesn’t do that. But Biden’s party isn’t satisfied with anything less than an unlimited number of potential Democrat voters streaming across the border – and drug cartels, human traffickers, and terrorists along with them.

Does the illegal invasion of millions of criminals over their open border protect kids, or does it put millions of them in harm's way?  If leftists care about kids, why are they leaving that same border wide open to a steady stream of deadly fentanyl "imports"?

Democrats 'don't give a crap' about kids, gun violence, or civil rights

What makes anyone think the fascist far left cares about anything at all but the selfish pursuit of power over the people?

Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) recently talked to Salon magazine, complaining that Republicans "don't give a crap" about kids and gun violence.  If you're feeling particularly masochistic, you can watch the entire interview on YouTube.  We've done that so you don't have to, and have the headache to prove it.  Twenty minutes of infuriating propaganda and outright lies will do that, especially when the fascists' invert reality, casting Senator Murphy as Batman and Senator Ted Cruz as the Joker.  Yes, this bizarre assertion was made by the interviewer.

Getting back to the senator's falsehood about Republicans and kids, why can't the pro-freedom right assert the same thing about the anti-freedom far left?  Given their track record, why do leftists get a free pass when it comes to their utterly failed policies in keeping kids safe?

It certainly wouldn't be a day that ends in "y" if the far left didn't lie.  And he said the economy is on fire, definitely, one of those "you keep using that word" moments if there ever was one.

But what makes anyone think the fascist far left cares about anything at all but the selfish pursuit of power?  Just because the gun-grabbing ghouls politicize death and claim they care?

Does the illegal invasion of millions of criminals over their open border protect kids, or does it put millions of them in harm's way?  If leftists care about kids, why are they leaving that same border wide open to a steady stream of deadly fentanyl "imports"?

If they supposedly care about kids and their future, why are they trying to destroy freedom with what they are doing to the country?  Why do they work every day to eviscerate individual liberty and our commonsense civil rights?

If they supposedly care about kids and their future, why is Bolshevik Biden trying to deplete our Strategic Petroleum Reserve and our ordinance stocks while insanely trying to provoke a conflict with China?

It's always been one of the far left's central falsehoods that leftists do everything "for the children."  As you can see, just a few rhetorical questions destroy that assertion faster than kids being poisoned by fentanyl. 

But since the senator loves to play the ghoulish game of exploiting dead children and other people's pain for his political gain, let's address whether leftists' policy of incremental gun confiscation and disarmament keeps anyone safe.

Does their policy of creating massacre zones where only the innocent are disarmed protect anyone?

We know we're never supposed to ask these questions because the gun-grabbing ghouls are interested only in the "common good" — Gemeinnutz vor Eigennutz in the original German — in every sense of the term.  Yes, just like every other tyrannical minority, the National Socialist German Workers' Party was obsessed with gun confiscation.

Supposedly, the far left is interested only in trying to keep kids "safe."  This is how leftists avoid having their policy agenda challenged by logic and reason.   

But we're talking about critical questions of life and death — nothing to be taken lightly, and certainly nothing to be brushed aside over meaningless issues of virtue-signaling. 

Does gun control ever work, or do leftists simply parrot the same excuses time after time to deflect from its incessant failure?  It's the fault of the "surrounding areas," or we have to close the "loopholes."  ("Loopholes" is the dog whistle term the fascist far-left has for freedom and commonsense civil rights.)

You have to wonder about policies that can never be questioned or examined by objective methods.

Parenthetically speaking, if there were a place in the country where gun control actually worked, don't you think that the ghouls would talk about it 24/7?  Let's say, for the sake of argument, that gun control actually worked in Chicago, and it was the safest city in the nation.  Don't you think that moms looking for action in Everytown and the Giffordses would be there every day, basking in their success?  Don't you think the nation's socialist media would have news bureaus in downtown Chicago coming up with new reasons to talk about how everything is wonderful because of them?

Bolshevik Biden recently went out to the people's republic of California to push for gun control in a state ranked #1 by Everytown.  That alone should be a red flag for everyone.  Why would they need any more controls in a place that has every policy dreamed up by the gun-grabbing ghouls?

Leftists love to ask when the number of guns is going to start bringing the violent crime rate down.

The fact is that overall, the reported violent crime rate in the United States was coming down from a record high in the early '90s, while gun sales were increasing.  Even recently, Bloomberg reported that "the Pandemic Murder Wave Has Crested," while NICS numbers for February 2023 were the "Fourth Highest for Gun Sales."

Having addressed that question, we'd like to know when the promised "safety" and "security" of gun control is going to come to fruition.  When is their policy of incrementally disarming the innocent to the benefit of criminals and the government going to show results?

The people have been giving ground on their commonsense civil rights for several decades, and what do we have to show for it in terms of safety?  All they've given us are meaningless platitudes and vague promises about reducing "gun violence" without any results.  

This proves that they "don't give a crap" about kids, because if they did, they would drop their ridiculous disarmament agenda and see what actually works — having people defend themselves and defend children — instead of relying on silly signs and rules for massacre zones.  They would acknowledge the vast difference between criminals and the innocent.  And they would acknowledge that guns carried by good guys protect children and everyone else — including the people who oppose constitutional carry.  Let's see if they can understand that basic logic.

D Parker is an engineer, inventor, wordsmith, and student of history, the director of communications for a civil rights organization, and a long-time contributor to conservative websites.  Find him on Substack.

Image via Pxhere.

The Most Dangerous President in American History

A new book highlights the ways Biden is putting us at risk.

by Mark Tapson 


Prior to Joe Biden’s ascension to the White House in early 2021, it would have been difficult for many American patriots to believe that a worse president than Jimmy Carter or Barack Obama could sit in the Oval Office. Then Biden wasted no time proving those patriots wrong. From Day One he has been such an unmitigated disaster for the country that only 19% of Americans said in a poll last Sunday that they want Biden to run again in 2024. A July poll revealed that only 13% of Americans believe the country is on the right track. Apparently few believe that Biden is building back better, much less making America great again.

His incompetence (or conversely, his competence in carrying out a destructive agenda) has done more than just bring the country to the brink of a failed state after only half a term, though; it also has endangered Americans in many ways, and its legacy will continue to do so for generations. Indeed, bestselling author Nick Adams, in his new book from Post Hill Press, labels Joe Biden The Most Dangerous President in History.


Adams, 38, Australian-born but a naturalized American citizen and proud of it, is the author of several bestselling books such as Retaking America, Green Card Warrior, and Trump and Churchill: Defenders of Civilization. He is a tireless public speaker and social media influencer, as well as a frequent commentator in the news media such as at Fox News. In addition to having been appointed by President Trump as a scholar to the Smithsonian, Adams also runs a nationwide nonprofit called FLAG, the Foundation for Liberty and Greatness, whose mission is to educate Americans about the values and principles that make our country exceptional.

His new book, The Most Dangerous President in History, lays out some of the principal ways in which our Divider-in-Chief Biden is running the ship of state aground. In chapters on shutting down the economy instead of the coronavirus; on flooding our southern border with migrants and flooding cities across the U.S. with Afghan refugees; on demonizing concerned parents at school board meetings as domestic terror threats; on undermining our military; and on demonstrating weak leadership regarding China and Ukraine, Adams makes the case that Biden is creating crises that threaten our national security and put American lives at risk.

On Biden’s border policy, for example: the Left likes to paint anyone concerned about the open floodgates of our southern border as racist and anti-immigration. In fact, conservatives simply think it’s sensible to have a system in place for the vetting of people who want to come here, and to have reasonable restrictions or guidelines about the flow of people we let in. There isn’t another country in the world that doesn’t do that. But Biden’s party isn’t satisfied with anything less than an unlimited number of potential Democrat voters streaming across the border – and drug cartels, human traffickers, and terrorists along with them.

As Adams points out in his book, instead of policing our borders, the Department of Homeland Security is instead obsessed with a domestic terror threat that the Biden administration is greatly concerned about: parents expressing their outrage at school boards over the Critical Race Theory indoctrination and gender ideology sexualization of their children. The branding of these rightly-concerned citizens as violent terrorist threats is one of the most disgusting smears the Left has ever used against its political opponents.

But potentially the most serious threat Biden and his administration present is in its subversion of our military – through diversity/equity/inclusion wokeness, the mandating of COVID vaccines to weed out potential dissidents, and the leadership’s focus on climate change and “whiteness” as our greatest existential enemies. Adams addresses this in a chapter that details, among other things, the debacle of our withdrawal from Afghanistan, and Gen. Mark Milley’s treasonous warning to China during the Trump years.

The book concludes with a chapter about Biden being compromised on China and Ukraine, a national security threat that our complicit media don’t want to talk about, much less investigate. And then of course, there’s Joe’s embarrassment of a son, Hunter. The Biden family has no compunctions about selling America out to our enemies or dragging us into a nuclear war with Russia.

Adams notes that Biden is dangerous not only not only on his own, but also because of the people with whom he has surrounded himself in his administration, such as the Secretary of Transportation diversity hire Pete Buttigieg, the epically incompetent Vice President Kamala Harris, and Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, who infamously declared before Congress that she couldn’t define the word “woman” because she isn’t a biologist. There doesn’t seem to be a single appointee in the administration that is there because of actual merit and qualifications.

The Most Dangerous President in History, like Nick Adams himself, is a bracing shot of patriotic common sense. If the book has a failing, it is that it does not include more of the ways in which the grouchy old radical Biden and his administration are putting this country at serious risk (admittedly, doing so would have made the book too unwieldy to lift for anyone but bodybuilders).

But to add one more reason to the mix – one Adams couldn’t have included because it arose just after the publication of his book – consider the recent, treasonous prisoner exchange of the billionaire Russian arms dealer Viktor “Merchant of Death” Bout for women’s basketball star Brittney Griner, who was serving a nine-year sentence in Moscow for drug possession. Besides the fact that the Biden administration left retired U.S. Marine Paul Whelan, unjustly-imprisoned in Russian custody since 2018, this shocking capitulation to Russian demands demonstrated to both our allies and our enemies that America under Biden is pathetically weak, and it exposes Americans to an increased threat of being kidnapped by foreign powers again.

Only the most ideologically deluded Democrat sincerely believes that Joe Biden is anything but a catastrophic failure, both domestically and abroad, as the Leader of the Free World. Nick Adams’ new book demonstrates this abundantly well, but also points the way optimistically forward to the presidential election of 2024 – if we are as committed to taking our country back as the Left is to fundamentally transforming it.


Mark Tapson

Mark Tapson is the Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, focusing on popular culture. He is also the host of an original podcast on Frontpage, “The Right Take With Mark Tapson.

What’s really baffling is Hunter’s success with women. Despite being a total loser with a terrible drug habit and some weird sexual perversions, Hunter managed to seduce his brother’s widow, her sister, a stripper, and the woman he married, all over the course of four years. It’s enough to make one think that Hunter’s charm had less to do with the man himself and more with the benefits flowing from the Biden family cartel. ANDREA WIDBERG



Biden lied about his undergraduate degree and his majors, lied about his rank in law school, lied aboutscholarships and educational aid he had  received, lied about his stance toward the Vietnam  war while in college, lied about his plagiarism of  other politician's writings and speeches, lied about  the circumstances around his first wife's fatal  accident, lied about how he met his second and  current wife, and lied about the affair they were having when they were both married. MARK CHRISTIAN

Most recently and dramatically, Biden lied about his knowledge of his son's shady dealings,  lied about his own involvement in corruption and bribery, and lied about his current presidential agenda and what he wants to implement in regards to energy, fracking, court-packing, health care, education, and COVID among other issues.


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