Friday, April 21, 2023

IS THE DEMOCRAT PARTY A CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE OF BRIBES SUCKERS, TRAITORS AND GAMER LAWYERS? - More evidence that Biden will not be allowed to run for re-election in 2024


More evidence that Biden will not be allowed to run for re-election in 2024

Now that we live in a political system run by the shadowy figures, we have to look to indirect indicators of what is really going on among our rulers.  The people who decided that since Bernie Sanders would lose to Donald Trump in 2020, they would install dementia-afflicted three-time presidential loser Joe Biden as the Democrats' nominee, and manipulate election law to ensure that he was elected, signal to their media lackeys what their priorities are.  

Much as Kremlinologists used to analyze the power dynamics of the ruling clique by observing who stood next to whom in the reviewing stands for May Day parades, we have to analyze the inner workings of our genuine rulers by watching what their flunkies in the media decide is and what isn't worth publicizing.

There is strong evidence that a decision has been made to ensure Biden does not run in 2024.  Up until now, a vow of omertà (silence) has been the guiding principle for handling news of Hunter Biden's criminality and the implication of his father in the scandals.  The disgraceful dismissal and censorship of news of his laptop is still a vivid memory.  But yesterday, the Wall Street Journal ran an exclusive story about an IRS whistleblower who said that their probe is being mishandled.  This is potentially explosive news.

But instead of receiving the Laptop from Hell treatment, the exclusive story was widely picked up by corporate media:


In Hunter Biden tax investigation, IRS agent requests whistleblower protections to talk about "political considerations

Washington Post:

Whistleblower claims administration is mishandling probe of Biden's son


IRS agent seeks whistleblower protections to share allegations of mishandling in Hunter Biden probe


IRS agent wants whistleblower protections to discuss Hunter Biden probe


IRS Whistleblower's Hunter Biden Allegations Add Fuel to James Comer's Fire

Perhaps these stories are aimed at persuading Jill Biden that the price of pressing forward with re-election plans will be high for all members of the family.

Meanwhile, watch for Susan Rice to become more visible as a real power in the White House.

Hat tip: David Kahn.

Democrat Donors and a Chinese Secret Police Station

Are Chinese Communist front groups controlling Democrat officials?


There was a ramen restaurant offering spicy beef tendons on the ground floor and a spy base upstairs on a busy street in Manhattan’s Chinatown. When the FBI raided it last year, agents in dark blue shouldered their way past hole-in-the-wall produce stands selling cheap strawberries, ads for overseas mobile phone plans, and illicit gambling dens to search a secret police station.

Indictments charge that this police station did not belong to the NYPD, but China’s feared Ministry of Public Security. The men working there in the shadow of the rusted blue steel of the Manhattan Bridge were allegedly harassing and threatening Chinese Americans, organizing political events and donating to and meeting with local and national Democrat officials.

A handful of blocks away from police headquarters, federal court buildings, and the financial district where Wall Street’s brokers play with billions a day, sits a slice of Chinatown where elderly men still ride shaky bicycles and tiny elderly women carrying giant sacks of recycled cans on their backs pass by. An artist offers cartoonish sketches of Mao alongside Madonna and musicians squat on sidewalks playing haunting airs on stringed lutes.

While most New Yorkers think of Chinatown as being all one place, there are actually strict divisions between the generations of immigrants, mainlanders who predate the Communist takeover and later arrivals who are divided by language and politics. The feuds between these two groups across tenement property lines and community groups have been as furious as they have been invisible to the rest of the city. And it’s a struggle in which the new Communist arrivals with their superior numbers and political connections have won not only in Manhattan, but in San Francisco, Los Angeles and in other parts of the country served by the covert buses ferrying illegal migrants from city to city from depots near the illegal secret police station.

Where Cuban exiles mobilized and made Cuban Americans a bastion of anti-Communism despite aggressive and energetic efforts by Cuban intelligence operatives, traditional immigrant ‘Chinatowns’ (which represent a minority a the Chinese-American population in America) are dominated by Communist front groups to whom Democrat elected officials owe their allegiance.

Such was allegedly the case with 107 E. Broadway where the America Changle Association shared space with an acupuncturist, a restaurant and a handful of other typical neighborhood businesses. Prosecutors allege that the America Changle Association housed the secret Chinese police station which used its premises to coordinate with China’s Ministry of Public Security and to threaten opponents and fugitives from the brutal Communist regime.

The Changle district of the Chinese city of Fuzhou provides most of the cheap migrant labor for the sweatshops and restaurants in Chinatown. The Fuzhounese come in, sometimes legally and sometimes illegally, and then are bused to work in Chinese restaurants across America. If you’ve seen Chinese dishwashers who don’t speak English furiously scrubbing in the back of some red-and-gold painted eatery with Fu Dog statues out front, the odds are that they’re from Changle. And that they barely know that they’re in the United States of America.

The Chinese city of Fuzhou had allegedly set up the spy operation in Little Fuzhou. To most New Yorkers, the street it was on looks like just another packed Chinatown thoroughfare, but within Chinatown, East Broadway is the ‘broadway’ of Little Fuzhou. At the borders, the Cantonese of the older Chinese-Americans confronts the Fujianese of the new arrivals. And the Cantonese speakers have been delighted to see the FBI raid on one of the epicenters of Fujianese power in Chinatown. Local papers and TV stations have talked of little else.

They hope that the FBI raid on Little Fuzhou last year and the recent indictment of two men, Chen Jinping (no known relation to President Xi “Pooh” Jinping) and “Harry” Lu Jianwang, will be the beginning of a larger reckoning. But that may be excessively optimistic. Secret police stations are one thing but the America Changle Association has political connections to Mayor Eric Adams and most Democrat politicians, local or national, who represent the area.

At one America Changle Association event, Democrat politicians and representatives for Rep. Grace Meng were in attendance. Figures associated with the Fuzhou group were shown to have donated to Adams, Meng, as well as her father, Jimmy Meng, a Democrat state assemblyman who was sent to prison after soliciting an $80,000 bribe inside a fruit basket. Other recipients included Rep. Judy Chu, on whose behalf Chinese spy Fang Fang helped organize a town hall.

If all of these stories seem small, it’s because law enforcement is barely touching the tip of a political iceberg that could shred the country. Earlier this year, Canadian Security Intelligence Service documents leaked revealing that similar setups of immigrant association groups had been used to work to elect Trudeau and his Liberal Party. The secret papers exposed “undeclared cash donations” and “having business owners hire international Chinese students and ‘assign them to volunteer in electoral campaigns on a full-time basis.’”

Chinese diplomatic institutions were helping set up community associations and then mobilizing them to help the political candidates favored by Beijing, Trudeau and his Liberals, win.

It would be foolish to pretend that this is not happening in America. Had the CSIS materials not leaked, no one would know how Trudeau and his leftists were really elected. And, barring an FBI leak, we likely won’t learn what the Bureau really knows about China’s interference in our elections. And even if we do, China’s political puppets have learned to shout “racism” over any measure from expelling ChiCom spies to investigating research theft to banning TikTok.

The alleged secret police station in Little Fuzhou is one piece in a much larger political operation. And while the DOJ and the FBI have stepped in to resist China’s long standing practice of conducting police state operations on American soil, they aren’t about to blow up the secret relationship between Democrat elected officials and Communist front community groups.

The secret base above a ramen place was typical of Beijing’s operationalizing of its mass migration to western nations. Consulates coordinate community groups which become elected local and then national officials. Businessmen funded by the Chinese government and its oligarchs become community leaders, donate to politicians and set the agenda for Chinatown.

And that agenda becomes the Democrat agenda.

Harassing political dissidents, threatening violence against them and their families, organizing pro-China rallies, all things that “Harry” Lu Jianwang was accused of doing, are small stuff in the bigger picture. Last year, David Wenwei Chou opened fire in a Taiwanese church in Laguna Woods, California. Chou had been a director of Las Vegas Chinese for Peaceful Unification: allegedly a chapter of the China Council for the Promotion of Peaceful National Reunification.

How many other Chinese Communist operatives would be willing to carry out terrorist attacks in this country in the event of hostilities? And what are Beijing’s plans for operationalizing them?

Such questions may not be asked even though plenty of patriotic Chinese-Americans have put them forward and warned that Communist infiltration presents a grave threat to their country.

Meanwhile, the secret police station near the Manhattan Bridge where the subway passes in a rattling show of sparks overhead has closed. Another one will open in its place. Little Fuzhou continues to grow and there will be no shortage of waiters with nothing to eat and struggling businessmen watching their loans balloon with the interest rates who will happily sign up as “volunteers” to serve the Ministry of Public Security. There will be knocks on tenement doors in the dead of night, red flyers, threats outside restaurants where roasted pigs and chickens hang spread out in the windows, and perhaps even a disappearance or two that will go unresolved.

And some of the same operatives will lend a hand and some cash for the Democrats.

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Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

Reader Interactions

Biden and China and the American ruling


I agree with this author that America’s  ruling elite bears the overwhelming share of responsibility for the Biden catastrophe. It was they at all levels -- finance, corporate, governmental, security agencies, media and judiciary -- that engineered and enabled the Biden coup. And I also agree with the author that Biden has been an unprecedented domestic disaster. We will probably never recover from it, certainly never, if Biden gets a second term, which seems highly likely.

But the current assertiveness of China is not for Biden’s account. It is the inevitable consequence of our elites’ atrociously selfish, short-sighted and disloyal decision -- decades ago -- to fast forward China’s accumulation of wealth and power by offshoring America’s industrial base to the Middle Kingdom. Power and international assertiveness inevitably follow wealth, especially wealth based on true productivity -- which is why China became powerful over the last 20 years, while Spain’s power declined during the 17th and 18th centuries as New World gold flowed into Spain.

I don’t agree with the author’s implication that China’s behavior is somehow “aggressive” or sinister. China today, like the West during the period 1600-1900, is the world’s supreme economic, surely the supreme industrial, power. Unsurprisingly, it is reaching out, utilizing all it has to offer in wealth and know-how, all over the world, to gain influence and advantage. Arguably, it is doing so less brutally than the West did during our period of irresistible dominance.

When I view China, I see no threat of violent expansion or military aggressiveness, certainly none like the West exhibited during its period of hegemony when great colonial empires were assembled with aid of the sword.

The Taiwan question is unique, and there is no doubt that historically that island off China’s coast is part of China. Before the American security/military state deliberately engendered Chinese fears of a real breakaway by Taiwan, there was every reason to believe that China was more than willing to live with the status quo: An island beyond its current governmental fiat, but gradually integrating with its cultural, racial and linguistic homeland through growing and mutually advantageous economic ties.

To the extent there is any threat of military action by China to compel immediate integration of China with Taiwan, it has been purposely ginned up by America’s high-level visits to Taiwan, military maneuvers and other conduct designed to affront and antagonize the Chinese government.

YouTube screengrab

Absent this behavior, it’s highly unlikely there would have been any military threat to Taiwan. And, indeed, if the US would cease its provocations there may yet be none.

And in any event, Taiwan is unique, historically part of China, and the Chinese government’s attitude toward it, whatever that may be, is no indication of any general military aggressiveness.

The truth is that America’s insatiably avaricious corporate and financial elites long ago assured China’s supreme economic dominance through their colossally short-sighted, stupid act of transferring America’s productive might to China. Our elites’ wealth grew, in consequence, to astronomical levels through that astoundingly selfish collective decision. But now they do not like the world of declining American importance that their actions have created. The only way that world can be reversed, and some sort of return to American/Western dominance fashioned, is by convincing enough poorly informed Americans that China is a military “threat,” and then employing that mirage to justify a war.

As John Mearsheimer has pointed out, history notes very few instances where declining hegemons have avoided military conflict with their rising competitors. The rule has been war where once dominant powers have seen their power ebb away and flow to another.

To the elites of the West, particularly of America, I would say:

You squandered the West’s economic supremacy for selfish reasons. It worked well for you, and now you enjoy a level of wealth never before seen in human history possessed by any class.  Instead of engineering wars, with China and Russia (another story), in an effort to artificially recreate the dominance you gave away, try to rebuild that dominance naturally, without war. You could start by trying to restore the institutions and ideas that created Western dominance in the first place: Celebration of excellence, a healthy patriotism and real science, rejection of all forms of civilizational self-loathing, and support for the traditional family.

Failing that, prepare for either permanent second place or an angry loser’s suicidal war.

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