Friday, June 30, 2023



‘Bidenomics’ in layman’s terms is foreign corruption and government control

The media and other Democrats disparage trickle-down economics, but apparently they’re big believers in what they’re calling “Bidenomics.” (AP reported on a recent poll that found only 34% of Americans approve of Biden’s economic leadership.)

Joe Biden has hit the fundraising trail, and on Wednesday the Big Guy stopped in Chicago and delivered his sales pitch on his namesake economic policy, which is basically the government issuing as many regulations as possible and extorting as much money as possible in the form of taxation in order to control the people. Or, it could also be described as this:

Democrat policies are striving towards socialism while not calling it socialism, because socialism has never worked, and socialist ideations like the Soviet gulags aren’t exactly popular with mature Americans.

Essentially, Biden and the rest of the reigning Democrats consider the best economic plan to be one where they confiscate as much as they can for the government, keep a lot for themselves and a massive number of bureaucrats, maybe sell some state secrets, and then trickle out the remainder to special interest groups, like green fanatics and others, in order to buy votes. They pretend that all the handouts, to keep more people dependent on the government, are free. Yesterday, a writer for WaPo hypothesized that “if” Bidenomics works, it will be a “big deal”. Ironically, the plan does work….but only for the political elites and not the American people.

The economic theories that do work for the people are Trumponomics, Reaganomics, trickle-down economics, and supply side economics as espoused by conservatives.

These theories have fewer regulations (restraints) on businesses and individuals, accompanied with lower taxes. Right-of-left believe in more freedom, especially energy.

President Trump’s lower tax rates yielded low inflation, a record low poverty rate and rapidly rising real wages, especially for those at the bottom. Sadly, most journalists and other Democrats reflexively opposed these successful policies and sought to destroy Trump every day no matter how much they had to lie. From the Council of Economic Advisers:

Real median household income increased by $4,400 in 2019, reaching an all-time record high of $68,700. This represents a 6.8 percent one-year increase, which is the largest one-year increase in median income on record. Since 2016, real median household income has increased by 9.7 percent (after adjusting for a Census survey redesign in 2017).

Income gains in 2019 were largest for minority groups. Real median income grew by 7.9 percent for black Americans, 7.1 percent for Hispanic Americans, and 10.6 percent for Asian Americans.. These one-year increases were all record highs, and the new income levels reached in 2019 were all record highs, as well.

As incomes grew, income inequality fell for the second consecutive year. Between 2017 and 2019, the Gini index of income inequality fell from 0.489 to 0.484. Over the same two-year period, the share of income held by the top 20 percent fell by 0.4 percentage points.

The rise in income was driven by an increase in the number of workers, especially women. There were 2.2 million more people working at some point in 2019 compared with 2018, and 1.2 million more people working full-time year-round. The full 1.2 million increase in full-time year-round workers was attributable to women.

Poverty hits record low after largest decrease in over 50 years

Incomes grew across the distribution, and poverty plummeted as a result. The official poverty rate fell to an all-time record low of 10.5 percent in 2019. Over 4 million people were lifted out of poverty between 2018 and 2019 for a 1.3 percentage point decrease. This was the largest reduction in poverty in over 50 years.

Socialism and big government policies are not the best way to make the economy thrive for all Americans; it didn’t work for the Soviet people under Joseph Stalin, or the German people under the National Socialist German Worker’s (Nazi) party. Capitalism and a thriving private sector yields the most prosperity for the greatest amount of people.

Policies should be based on facts, not wishes. Sadly most journalists haven’t cared about facts for a long time. They only care about the power to destroy and remake America.

Image: Twitter video screen grab.

Despite his Wall Street, big business, Big Tech, and billionaire donations, Biden has attempted to portray himself as a small-town fighter from Scranton, Pennsylvania. JOHN BINDER

 “Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation (TWO GAMER LAWYERS)  and the Obama (TWO GAMER LAWYERS) book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family (THE CHINESE - BIDEN - PENN INSTITUTE) (FOUR GAMER LAWYERS - JOE, HUNTER, JAMES & FRANK) corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren (GAMER LAWYER) and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (ADD GAMER LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS AND HER LAWYER HUSBAND AND THE BANKSTERS’ RENT BOY, LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER).  


Mark Levin: The Democrat Party must be 'obliterated'


 After Celebrating Hunter's Plea Deal Biden's Get Tragic News - First Family Devastated


Elon Musk EXPOSED Joe Biden And Barack Obama's CORRUPTION!





TRUMP Campaign releases new ad, "Wolves"





Mark Levin: ‘The Democrat Party Hates America’


26 Jun 202332


Sunday, during his Fox News show’s opening monologue, conservative talker Mark Levin argued that historically it had been Democrats who have opposed the major social and political changes in America over the past 150 years.

According to Levin, that trend is indicative of the Democratic Party hating America.

Transcript as follows:

I really believe in fate, and I believe God gives us a path to follow, and hopefully we can find that path and follow it, and some people do.

Some people are athletes, some people are professors. Some people make sure we’re fed. They’re farmers, their truck drivers, you name it.

Me, for me, the path apparently is this. What’s this?

Well, ladies and gentlemen, I spend my weekends and my nights and early mornings doing this. Getting these bags under my eyes. I don’t sleep a lot, I just don’t. Things worry me. Things concern me.

My wife will tell you that. I have a pad next to my bed. I take notes about certain things that are going on in the country.

I am a voracious reader of mostly history. I’m trying to figure out what’s taking place, who’s responsible for what. And that’s all well and good, but if I can’t communicate that to you, if I don’t have a platform like this or radio or books, then really, it is all very interesting, but what’s the point?

So I try to convey it to you in as many ways as I possibly can, here, on the airwaves, and especially through books.

There’s a book I’ve just completed, a project that’s taken me really about 16 months, but the writing has been about 12 months — morning, noon and night — between other responsibilities, and I said we have to come to grips with something here. We, you and I and that is yes, American Marxism, but who is responsible for this? doesn’t just happen.

Professors? Yes. Ideologues? Yes. Activists? Yes.

It’s the Democratic Party.

The Democratic Party has never accepted America from its birth to today. The Democratic Party was obviously in charge of the Confederacy. Jefferson Davis was a Democrat, most of the generals were Democrats.

After the Civil War, the Democratic Party formed a group called the Ku Klux Klan. One of their generals did.

Ulysses S. Grant, a Republican president sent the Army down to put down the Klan, it was quite successful until the Democrats took the House the next election cycle, and he couldn’t get the support to do it again.

Then we have a period of segregation all the way into Plessy versus Ferguson. We have a private rail company in Louisiana that wants to allow Blacks to ride with Whites. And who said no? The Democratic Party.

Separate but equal, the Democratic Party. Segregated schools, the Democratic Party. Jim Crow, literacy tests, poll taxes, the Democratic Party; and I could go on and on.

But today, the Democratic Party, it is a very chameleon-like party, it has sort of switched positions. Now, it is a party of American Marxism and it is doing grave damage to this country.

So I thought it was time not just to call them out, as we do here all the time on Fox, but to do so in a way that is scholarly, substantive, and brutal. Because if we are going to save this country, and I truly mean it, the Democratic Party must not just be defeated, it must be obliterated.

Is that provocative? No, they’re provocative.

And so I want to read this to you. This comes right out of the box out of a book I wrote called “The Democrat Party Hates America,” because it’s never embraced Americanism.

Is it the pro-constitution party today? No. Bill of Rights? No. Private property rights? No. Individualism? No. They are for groupism. Capitalism? No, they hate capitalism.

How about E Pluribus Unum? No, it’s the opposite with them. They believe in critical race theory, promoting racism, enshrining racism.

They used to be a party of women’s rights. Now, they hate women with transgenderism destroying women’s sports under Title 9 which was intended to support it as a civil rights matter.

How about citizenry? They hate the citizenry.

Joe Biden talks up foreigners even before they come in to this country while he trashes at least half of the American citizens on a regular basis.

Do they like separation of powers? No. Do they like the Supreme Court? Only when it does what they want it to do. How about the election process in this country? No, they want to destroy it.

So what do they like about this country? Nothing. Just listen to what they say.

That’s what I point out in this book, “The Democrat Party Hates America” is not intended to be provocative, but in the Democratic Party-centric parts of our society, it undoubtedly will be. That said it is not written for Democrat Party officials, politicians, media, sycophants activists, and surrogates. It’s written for you, those patriotic Americans who fear for our country and its future.

America is unraveling. Our founding and history are under assault. Our families and faiths are being degraded. Individualism has been substituted for groupism. Colorblindness is now racist. Capitalism and prosperity are being devoured by economic socialism and climate change fanaticism.

Classrooms have become indoctrination mills for racism, segregation, bigotry, and sexual perversion and teachers unions are hostile to parental involvement in critical decisions about the health and welfare of their children.

In America, free speech and academic freedom are shrinking and the police state is growing, as is monitoring and spying on citizens.

The government is banning and regulating more and more household products from incandescent light bulbs to dishwashers while creating shortages and driving up costs of others.

Crime is out of control in our streets, public transportation, and schools, while police budgets are slashed and many prosecutors and judges coddle violent criminals.

Our borders are wide open to millions of foreigners who seek entry into the country as drug and criminal cartels ship killer drugs into our country by the tons and brutalize migrants by using them as indentured servants and sex slaves.

The Democrat Party is responsible for most of this and much more. It seeks to permanently control our governmental institutions. Just as it dominates our cultural entities from the media to academia and entertainment to science.

It seeks to de legitimize any viscera at the Constitution, including the Bill of Rights, the Electoral College, the Supreme Court, separation of powers and so forth, which obstructs its ideological designs.

It abuses the rule of law by targeting its political opponents for harassment, investigation, prosecution, and even imprisonment.

On October 30, 2008, when Barack Obama shouted to a crowd that we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America, he wasn’t kidding.

On May 14, 2008 when Michelle Obama pronounced that we are going to have to change our conversation, we are going to have to change our traditions, our history, we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation, she meant it.

The Obamas are not alone among Democrat Party apparatchiks in their contempt for the country. In fact, it is the rare top Democrat Party politician who regularly praises America and is sincere about it.

They mostly trash talk the country and smear millions of people. The examples are too numerous to catalogue here, but it is a party that is built on the demands and propaganda of revolutionaries, demagogues, and malcontents and has a horrifying history of supporting the most contemptible causes, including slavery, segregation, the Ku Klux Klan, and even lynchings.

Indeed almost from the start, the Democrat Party rejected principles and values of the American experiment. And today, it is the home of another anti-American movement, American Marxism with its various ideological appendages.

The Democrat Party ruling class elites and activists are united in this revolution. As the title of this book declares, the Democrat Party hates America. Indeed, if you want to fundamentally transform something, you clearly do not love it or even like it.

As I’ve explained on my radio show, if someone says I wish I could fundamentally transform my spouse, that you obviously don’t love or like your spouse. But what if you do not want to fundamentally transform America and love our country? Then it is important to speak the truth about those who seek to impose the will on the rest of us.

When dealing with such a dire threat to our freedom, society and way of life, we cannot dodge our responsibilities as citizens especially in my case, when I have such large platforms to push back.

It can be difficult and unpleasant to speak out and write a book such as this, given the predictable outrage and anger that will surely result from numerous individuals and quarters.

Nonetheless, the time is late, and the cause is too important to self- censor. So let us step back and examine what is taking place and the central role of the Democrat party.

This is the longest book I’ve ever written. It is, I think, the most important book I’ve ever written, and there is scholarship in it and there’s a lot of history in it, substance in it, present day events in it and the Iron Fist.

We cannot candy coat this any longer. People want bipartisanship, they want to coexist. They hear it all the time from the Republican leadership, the Senate, from McConnell. I hear it from candidates like Chris Christie. I hear it from individuals like Chris Sununu and Asa Hutchinson.

In my humble opinion, they do not comprehend what’s going on in this country and they do not comprehend what we’re up against. From our classrooms, to our workplaces, to the border, to our economic system, to our faith, to our families, they are all under assault and they are all under assault as a result of the biggest political party in this country, the Democrat Party.

It is time to call them what they are, and that’s what I’ve done in this book, “The Democrat Party Hates America.” It’s a phrase that we need to use over and over again.

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor



THE GLOBALIST DEMOCRAT PARTY FOR BANKSTER BAILOUTS, WALL STREET, OPEN BORDERS FOR MORE "CHEAP" LABOR AND WELFARE FOR WALL STREET...“That our Democratic Party is not the party that is of, by, and for the people. It is a party that has been and continues to be influenced by the foreign policy establishment in Washington represented by Hillary Clinton and others' foreign policy, by the military-industrial complex, and other greedy corporate interests,” REP. TULSI GABBARD


I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue and stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms, are hostile to people of faith and spirituality, demonize the police and protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, dragging us ever closer to nuclear war.                   TULSI GABBARD


Tulsi Gabbard Saves the Day for America – and for the GOP

Exposing the malice behind the Democrat agenda.

October 20, 2022 by Wayne Allyn Root 8 Comments


I never thought I’d be thanking an ex-Democrat former congresswoman and presidential candidate for telling the truth, exposing the evil Democrat agenda and saving the GOP. But former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard just broke the mold.

Tulsi, we all love and appreciate you. You are our hero. You may have changed the midterms. You may have just saved America!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your courage, strength and raw honesty. You have done something that no one could even imagine before this week. You just broke with not only the entire Democrat Party, but also the D.C. swamp, the deep state and the evil cabal of Marxist Democrat donors like George Soros and Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum.

You just exposed the purposeful Democrat plan to destroy this country. Remarkably, you said it louder and with more truth than 99% of Republican officeholders and 99% of Republican candidates in this election.

Gabbard’s exit statement in leaving the Democrat Party sounded like I wrote it. It was word for word everything I’ve said on my national radio show, two national television shows and podcast for years. Word for word.

We finally have a true Democrat insider who has witnessed and exposed the evil of the Democrat Party.

Gabbard didn’t just say something short, sweet and meaningless, like “I’m not leaving the Democrat Party; the party left me.” She stuck a sword through their heart like a hero killing a monster. She destroyed the Democrat Party like no former Democrat officeholder has in history. She explained in detail their radical agenda.

Gabbard’s exit speech read like a Donald Trump or Wayne Allyn Root stump speech. She called Democrats an elitist cabal.

She admitted they have weaponized the government against conservatives.

She blames Democrats for wanting to kill free speech and send their political opponents to prison.

She reported Democrats are anti-white — in other words, she admitted Democrats are racists who hate white people.

She said Democrats are hostile to people of faith — and want to take away our God-given freedoms.

She admitted Democrats have purposely opened the borders to destroy America.

She reported Democrats hate and demonize the police and openly protect and support criminals.

She said Democrats are a cabal of warmongers intent on starting World War III and bringing us purposely to the brink of nuclear war.

She said Democrats don’t believe in government of, by and for the people, but rather a government of, by and for the powerful elite.

She warned of the woke direction these radical, extreme idealogues are taking our country.

And then she added in a media interview that Democrats are ushering in the “normalization of pedophilia.”

All true. But… WOW. My jaw is on the floor. No former high-level Democrat official has ever said these words in history.

I’ve reported and warned about every one of these threats to our country for many years. So, what’s the significance of Gabbard saying these same things?

No. 1: She is the first Democrat congresswoman and former Democrat presidential candidate to ever admit any of this. That’s credibility.

No. 2: She is giving an “insider” account of what is happening in the Democrat Party at the highest levels. She is a witness. She proves what I’ve always warned: These are not mistakes, ignorance or incompetence. This is all a purposeful, planned, coordinated, radical, extreme, communist, globalist, fascist attack on America.

No. 3: Her words should embolden moderate and RINO Republicans to tell the truth about how bad this attack on America really is — 99% of Republican candidates have never gone this far, never used words like this. They are cowards, scared of their own shadows. They’re worried about what the media would say about them. Hopefully Gabbard’s words will embolden (or shame) them to start telling the raw truth about what what’s really happening to America. Gabbard gives them cover.

No. 4: Gabbard’s brave words and action could inspire moderate, non-insane Democrats like Sens. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona to leave the Democrat Party to become either Republicans or independents.

My hope is that Tulsi Gabbard is the canary in the coal mine. She is the model. She has started a trend. She has started a tsunami away from the radical, insane, extreme, America-hating Democrat Party.

Gabbard then backed up her words by immediately endorsing two MAGA, America-First Republican candidates: Joe Kent for Congress in Washington and GOP Senate candidate Dan Bolduc in New Hampshire. I don’t know if Gabbard is officially joining the GOP, but it’s a darn good start!

Tulsi, it’s great to have you on my team. Welcome to “Wayne’s World.” You may have just changed the direction of America. You may have just saved the GOP with your raw truth. God bless you.

Manchin and Sinema, are you listening? If you’re not radical traitors, intent on destroying America, hating white people, supporting criminals and pedophiles, killing free speech and starting a nuclear war, Tulsi Gabbard says it’s time to leave the Democrat Party. America needs you.


Biden family’s business dealings are incredibly ‘scary’: Rep. Jordan


“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of

 the Clinton (LAWYERS) Foundation and the Obama

 (LAWYERS) book and television deals. Then there is

 the Biden family (LAWYERS) corruption, followed

 closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by

 the Warren (LAWYER) and Sanders families, as Peter

 Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in

 Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of

 government corruption.           BRIAN C JOONDEPH



 Mark Levin: Why do Democrats hate America?


The level of 'corruption' in our government is 'unacceptable': JD Vance


Frank Figliuzzi: FBI Is Developing A ‘Crisis Of Credibility’


'For a number of reasons': Tulsi Gabbard refuses to attend next Democratic primary debate

by Zachary Halaschak

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard announced that she will not be attending the Democratic presidential primary debate in December.

Gabbard, the 38-year-old congresswoman from Hawaii, said in a Monday tweet that she will not appear onstage alongside the other presidential contenders and will instead focus her efforts on meeting with voters from early voting states.

“For a number of reasons, I have decided not to attend the December 19th ‘debate’ — regardless of whether or not there are qualifying polls. I instead choose to spend that precious time directly meeting with and hearing from the people of New Hampshire and South Carolina,” she said.
During the last debate, which took place in November, she and former candidate Sen. Kamala Harris of California got into a spat about Gabbard’s political beliefs.

“I think that it’s unfortunate that we have someone on this stage who is attempting to be the Democratic nominee for president of the United States, who during the Obama administration spent four years full-time on Fox News criticizing President Obama,” Harris said of Gabbard during one of the most heated moments of the November debate.

“What Sen. Harris is doing is, unfortunately, continuing to traffic in lies and smears and innuendos because she cannot challenge the substance of the argument that I’m making,” Gabbard responded, "which only makes me guess that she will, as president, continue the status quo, continue the Bush-Clinton-Trump foreign policy of regime change wars, which is deeply destructive."

During the same debate, Gabbard also criticized Hillary Clinton for her comments implying Gabbard was a “ Russian asset.”

“That our Democratic Party, unfortunately, is not the party that is of, by, and for the people. It is a party that has been and continues to be influenced by the foreign policy establishment in Washington represented by Hillary Clinton and others' foreign policy, by the military-industrial complex, and other greedy corporate interests,” Gabbard said.

The congresswoman previously threatened to boycott the party's October debate to bring attention to a process she called undemocratic but later agreed to participate in it.


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