Thursday, July 27, 2023





President Barack Obama: During his presidential campaign, President Obama promised to run an ethical and transparent administration. However, in his first year in office, the President has delivered corruption and secrecy, bringing Chicago-style political corruption to the White House. JUDICIAL WATCH


Biden’s influence-peddling is consistent with what I wrote in my book, 'Capitol Hills Criminal Underground'

By Richard Lawless

More than three years ago, MedLaw Publishing released my book, “Capitol Hills Criminal Underground” in which I, the book's author, describe a long-running “protection racket” being run by then-Vice President Joe Biden, as well  as Attorney General Eric Holder and New York Senator, Chuck Schumer.  

The three amigos effectively arranged to have all Wall Street criminal cases directed to the lefty-friendly Southern District of New York, and for the right “payments” the cases would be closed. Money would then go into PACs controlled by Schumer and distributed to all those involved.  In return for those payments, there would be no investigations, no prosecutions and no regulatory action.  As author, I tracked over $110,000,000 in payments to politicians. 

The CIA tracked some of the money-laundering related to the theft by these Wall Street companies and was able to track back the payments to senior DOJ officials and senior politicians like Vice President Joe Biden.  

I, and a senior CIA officer, offered this evidence to both FBI Director James Comey and DoJ Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz.  They both declined to respond.  I filed criminal complaints with the FBI and was told by field agents that senior leadership at the DOJ would not allow anyone to work the criminal complaints.

I want to encourage all Americans to read my book, "Capitol Hill's Criminal Underground" and decide for themselves.

"Along with (LAWYER) Obama, Pelosi and (LAWYER) Schumer are responsible for incalculable damage done to this country over the eight years of that administration (JOE BIDEN (LAWYER) WAS OFF SUCKING OFF BANKSTERS AND BRIBES)." 


“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton (GAMER LAWYERS-2) Foundation and the (GAMER LAWYERS-2) Obama book and television deals. Then there is the Biden (GAMER LAWYERS-3) family corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the (GAMER LAWYER) Warren and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (YOU CAN ADD LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS AND LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER TO THE PANTHEON OF DEMOCRAT BRIBES SUCKING CORRUPT LAWYER POLITICIANS!).          BRIAN C JOONDEPH


There it is.  That's the issue.  To begin, you have the corrupt family Biden.  They've been scamming us and our system well for almost fifty years.  The man is supposedly worth over 250 million dollars.  How is this possible on his salary?  It's not.  So where did his wealth come from?  Not from being a brilliant businessman. DAVID PRENTICE


 Most of the media have never given a damn about the Clinton (LAWYER), Obama (LAWYER) or Biden (LAWYER) corruption, which is massive.                  JACK HELLNER

Joe Biden, the corrupt, unaccomplished 47-year career  politician, with a reputation of having been a  proud segregationist, an unabashed plagiarist and liar,  a resolute tale-teller, and a serial flip-flopper, is pretending to  head up a radical social-democratic ticket for President of the  United States that includes as his running mate the ambitious, disagreeable junior senator from California: (LAWYER) Kamala Harris. 

Is that not what the Democrat Party has created right here in America, transforming a once prosperous, strong, united, and safe nation into a debt-laden, militarily weak, socially divided, and increasingly dangerous society?  Here are some of the Bizarro policies and beliefs inflicted on us by the neo-socialist,

globalist, anti-American Democrat Party over the past few decades

                                                                             —  PAUL E. SCATS


Big media and Big Tech colluded to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop scandal.  A poll showed that nearly four of five Americans believe that “truthful” coverage would have changed the outcome of that election.

Mark Zuckerberg spent $419 million, which enabled far-left activists to target specific key districts in swing states, redesign ballots to their advantage, overrule local elected officials on how elections were to be run, and even infiltrate sacrosanct electoral infrastructure.


I can no longer remain in today’s Demo Party that is now under the control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue and stoke anti-white racism, actively  undermine our freedoms, are hostile to people of faith, demonize the police and protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after opponents.

                   TULSI GABBARD

"That phase of the takeover was started in 2008 by Presiden Barack Obama.  Throughout his eight years in office, Obama practiced divisiveness and hammered away at the Second Amendment while pouring gallons of fuel on the fire of the "Black Lives Matter" lie.  His administration was rampant with corruption, pushing the envelope with every new scandal."            RICK HAYES

Victorious Democrats would also end congressional investigations into the Hillary-THE DEMOCRAT PARTY OF BRIBES SUCKINMG GAMER LAWYER-POLITICIANS   -   Deep State-DNC-Russian-Clinton Foundation collusion and corruption. All the players in these massive, sordid affairs will be deemed “too big to jail” – and too closely tied to the Democratic Party to be investigated further.  Paul Driessen


However, the lust for power and immense pecuniary gains cause people to behave in the most cold-hearted fashion.  It is inhuman of Biden's wife and family to allow him to be exploited like this, such that he becomes the target of ridicule. Biden is the empty vessel into which anything can be poured. RAJAD LAAD

On the 14th of August 2020, Politico Magazine, in a lengthy article, revealed for the first time Barack Obama’s true opinion of Joe Biden together with his warning to the people of America.  During the 2020 primary Obama told a fellow Democrat: “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up.”

 LAWLESS LAWYER Joe Biden and other Democrats have spent the last four years repeating the mantra “no one is above the law.” Yet Biden has advocated policies that would, as the San Francisco Chronicle recently noted, effectively make the United States a sanctuary country. 


Did the Soviet Union Really Collapse?

In Total War: The Story of World War II, Peter Calvocoressi and Guy Wint showed how the conflict was globally pervasive and was waged equally against civilians and combatants. What if, unbeknownst to us, we were still in a total war that’s actually ratcheted up several notches? I could be a lunatic who’s crossed into the Twilight Zone, but I’ll spell out my theory and you decide. (But first read about Yuri Bezvenov).

What if the Soviet Union’s ostensible collapse was the greatest Trojan Horse play in all of human history? What if the “international struggle” of global communism never ended with Gorbachev—perhaps the greatest stalking horse in human history?

After all, it’s a fact that Comintern, the Soviet Plan for world domination, existed. I’m merely suggesting that the edifice didn’t end with a mere whimper. The Soviet communists were: 1) extremely good at their craft; 2) international in scope, having very strong cadres in every country worldwide, especially the United States. Do you really think this monumental construction simply shrugged and walked away?

If I were waging a global study for control from the 1940s through the 1970s, and my technology was vastly inferior to my adversaries, I would never rely on conventional or even nuclear war. Instead, I would do what I was indubitably the best at—waging asymmetric war from within.

Sun Tzu wasn’t the only one to observe that you don’t take on your opponent until you first cut his/her legs out from under them. It is also a core Communist tenet. Jimmy Stewart’s 1955 movie Strategic Air Command gives a good look at America’s might. The Soviet Union would be insane to take on that United States in a shooting war.

Image: Trojan Horse by Fredrik Posse. No copyright.

So, in a long march through the institutions—your forte—you’d bide your time, waiting patiently for a brilliant collaboration of agent provocateurs and the useful idiots (the ones Lenin prized so much) to transform America and the rest of the West. Let’s catalog what’s happened in America and see how it benefits the Comintern:

1.    In a society that successfully moved toward racial justice and peace, you flip on the switches of racial chaos—BLM and its “trained Marxists,” Antifa, the false narratives that police target black men, and the ultimate in Twilight Zone-like Injustice and flat out insanity—reparations. Leftists are stoking race division, with violent results.

2.    In addition to racial upheaval, America’s leftists are working for gender upheaval (LGBTQ, anyone?) and economic class hatred (e.g., student loan forgiveness). This rips society’s sinews, fracturing and balkanizing US society in as many lines as possible.

3.    A democracy cannot function if the electorate has no access to facts and truth. So, suborn media to report ideological narratives, not facts. CNN, MSNBC, the NY Times, anyone? See how democracy functions when no one trusts any information.

4.    In case America might face a foreign war (e.g., the Taiwan Straits), make sure to castrate the West’s military so that the military is focused on racial, not merit promotions; pronouns; drag queens; and drawing down its munition’s arsenal for a quicksand war in Ukraine. A military service recruitment drought is inevitable.

5.    In WWII, America’s economic/manufacturing feat was one for the ages, supplying not only the West in a two-front war, but also supplied the Soviet Union in an under-reported, barely recognized herculean effort through the frigid and perilous North Atlantic. Once having benefitted, the Soviet Union wasn’t about to let that happen again. The left’s “global warming/climate change” campaign has kneecapped the West’s industrial. This is epic insanity on a scale that even the Trojans couldn’t imagine.

We will never likely know who the actual provocateurs (traitors) were and are. You must admit, though, that the internal attack on America has been brilliant in its breadth, patience, and stealth. Comintern work still remains to complete America’s total transformation. Expect the following soon:

1.    A financial “event” that could take weeks to develop or (a la 1987) occur in a day, but its lasting effect will be felt for years (a la 1929), for it will destroy the middle class and their 401s/403s/IRAs. You can’t transform a society without gutting its people financially. Destroying the dollar as the reserve currency will be a major player here. (Expect owning gold to join owning guns as a right Americans no longer have, something Democrats have done before.)

2.    A military defeat (woke indoctrination does take a toll) that severely bloodies America’s nose (and kills God knows how many of its service men and women), causing it to retreat from the world stage. The real new world order will then take its place.

3.    A second global pandemic (remember, the folks that may have brought us COVID are still in business, until recently, were still getting NIH funding) will crush whatever civil liberties are still intact and make the Bill of Rights a true relic.

4.    Colder winters (indoors) as US stocks of coal, oil, natural gas, and lumber get shipped across the Pacific to our “competitor.” And hotter summers (indoors) as air conditioning falls victim to Wokism, electric grid failures, fuel shortages, and constant brownouts. The screws will really be turned on the Red States.

5.    A dramatic pullback in America’s standard of living and life expectancy. Only obesity-related diseases will diminish due to food scarcity and skyrocketing prices. Still, US carbon emissions will fall back to 1880s’ levels, and the Climate Crisis will be averted. A good thing, right?

If you think that this is too fantastical to be real or legitimate, it’s too bad that you can’t ask citizens of Jerusalem just before Assyria’s rise, or citizens of Constantinople as the Ottoman Empire was starting to rise, or citizens of Paris in 1939. Oh, or citizens of Troy, as the Greek fleet was pulling out and setting sail to just beyond the horizon. They all felt very secure too.

Moreover, today’s enemies have an advantage in the well-oiled, highly disciplined leftist Fifth Column that the US has been enjoying for quite some time, which wages war from within, 24/7, on all fronts. It’s been doing so since at least the 1920s but is now hitting its stride.

Leftists control the media, the entertainment industry, the major cities, the education establishment (K thru graduate degrees), organized religion, nearly every foundation board, most corporate boards, and at least half of the American electorate. If I were a betting man, I would never put my money on us.

Still, Americans have one thing that leftists deride and dismiss—prayer and He who listens to it. He once said that He would confuse the proud in their inmost thoughts.

So, to American Thinker readers I would advise this: assail heaven itself with your prayers and tell God that giving up on His creation (which includes our/His kids) is not an option. Pray like there is no tomorrow because there might not be, and know that prayer is what our enemies (from the DNC to the CCP to Antifa and NAMBLA), by their very definition, will never see coming. And then, having prayed, work hard to bring it about.

Biden: Hiding in Plain Sight

American voters who struggle to enjoy the benefits of “Bidenomics” understand that Joe Biden and his family likely never earned an honest living while Joe was senator, vice president, or president.

Now that iconic Democrat Robert Kennedy, Jr. has called for a serious investigation into suspicious wealth accumulation by the Biden family during the President’s long career chiefly as a “public servant,” one might be tempted to get lost in minutiae and go far back over years of evidence to see whether impeachment and conviction are warranted in 2023.

In truth, there is a simpler approach: focus on the strange and dramatic increase in Joe Biden’s personal fortune from his time as vice president starting early in the first year of Donald Trump’s presidency in late January 2017, using tools hiding in plain sight in the public domain. Begin with the final days of the Obama-Biden administration. We have yet to learn the complete truth concerning what was discussed in the Oval Office when a coterie of top officials including Obama, Biden, and Comey met there on January 5, 2017.

This was only weeks before Donald Trump and Mike Pence took the reins of the Executive Branch on January 20, 2017. Moreover, Republicans were destined to take control over the House of Representatives and the Senate with a clear majority in the former body, and much slimmer control over the latter. Much might have been lost for key Democrats and their allies in the bureaucracy, had the incoming Trump administration enjoyed free rein to direct investigations into suspicious activities of many in the Obama-Biden administration. During eight long years while “fundamentally transforming America,” Barack Obama and others likely had positioned themselves to garner outsized financial returns in retirement from public service, following the examples set by Bill and Hillary Clinton from 2001 onwards. With so much at risk and with so many domestic and foreign challenges and uncertainties swirling, one wonders exactly why Joe Biden decided to take a brief trip over to Ukraine and to Switzerland for the World Economic Forum, returning to Washington, D.C. right before Inauguration Day.

Without doubt, a raft of paper and electronic records exists somewhere that will eventually shed light upon why Biden needed to spend crucial last-minute time with principals whom some believe have been orchestrating financial payments to the Biden family and their associates using murky means for years. These records, which IRS and FBI investigators surely considered examining at some point since 2017, remain relevant to any fair inquiry into the Biden family for monetizing Joe Biden’s influence over key American policies while he held high elective offices. According to public accounts, Biden and Obama lunched regularly at the White House to compare notes and coordinate making progress implementing key policy initiatives. Perhaps Obama and Biden (who each used alias email accounts while serving in the White House) marveled at the bold ways in which Hillary Clinton and her aides operated while she served as Secretary of State, and as Bill Clinton claimed that he directed affairs of “his” presidential foundation.

Yet, unlike the Clintons, Biden had little to show financially from his long career in politics when he departed the vice-presidential residence.

According to detailed information, Joe and Jill Biden declared a total of $4,122,376 in pretax income on their federal tax returns for tax years 2001 through 2016 -- this works out to an average of $257,648 annually during the sixteen-year period when he finished his career as senator and, later, became vice president. Leaving aside, for the moment, fair questions concerning how Biden managed to sustain living costs for his large family from his home in Wilmington and also save for retirement, his years with educator Jill Biden do not appear to show proven ability to derive investment income, or garner outsized compensation. Yet, things were to change dramatically and for the better, days following the beginning of the Trump-Pence administration.

Trump and Pence inherited a stumbling economy after the anemic Obama-Biden recovery and the disastrous final years of the Bush-Cheney administration. According to data from the Consumer Expenditure Survey put out by the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, the top ten percent of households in America saw their pretax incomes decline 8.3 % from $269,644 (on average) in 2016 to $247,174 (on average) in 2017.

In stark contrast, Joe and Jill Biden saw their pretax income climb from $338,464 in 2016 to a whopping $9,578,639 in 2017 -- an amount that was more than 28 times Biden pretax income for the prior year and more than twice, in just one year, total Biden pretax income for a 16 year period from 2001 through 2016.

What accounted for this enormous Biden family windfall in a single year, when even the top 10% of American households suffered pronounced declines in their pretax incomes? Initial answers found in Biden tax returns warrant further inquiry, including whether the IRS line agents trying to investigate suspicious Hunter Biden activities were restricted in plowing what appears now to be fertile ground in his father’s joint tax filings for 2017. Buried back on page 23 of a 103-page tax filing for 2017, we learn that two subchapter S corporations, each formed in 2017, somehow managed to send more than $10 million dollars together in their first partial years of operation, to the Bidens.

The first entity -- CelticCapri Corp -- generated $9,490,857 for the Bidens in just eleven months of existence during 2017. This total amount is more than $860,000 per month, which represents a heroic if not completely unbelievable result for a start-up. What products or services did CelticCapri provide? Who else was involved operating this business? How were other participants compensated? And, what pre-formation actions were taken before late January 2017, when CelticCapri was formally organized in Delaware? The second entity -- Giacoppa Corp -- made $557,882 for the Bidens in nine and one-half months, or more than $58,000 per month in a start-up year and the same sorts of questions raised about CelticCapri should be answered about Giacoppa. The American people deserve to understand why the IRS, FBI, and Department of Justice rarely target difficult-to-explain wealth-building by dynastic political families such as the Bidens and Clintons, but mount furious assaults against families like Donald Trump’s which built outsized wealth for decades, well before entering politics. Let truly serious investigations begin.

Image: acaben




everyone will be WIPED out in 1 week.

Biden is, and has always been, a pathological liar of the worst kind, the kind who lies to boost his own ego no matter how easy it is to prove his dishonesty PATRICIA McCARTHY


Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo 7/23/23 | BREAKING FOX NEWS July 23, 2023



The Biden Crime Family Comes Undone

Say it ain’t so, Joe.

Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

The Biden family is notorious for being the crookedest clan not only in Delaware, but in D.C.

The Worst President in the Last 100 Years" - Victor Davis Hanson





everyone will be WIPED out in 1 week.

Biden is, and has always been, a pathological liar of the worst kind, the kind who lies to boost his own ego no matter how easy it is to prove his dishonesty PATRICIA McCARTHY


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