Tuesday, September 26, 2023


According to the article, Falun Gong and its associated media, including the Epoch Times, have engaged in "conspiracy narratives" targeting Democrats and the Chinese Communist Party and of "links" between Joe Biden and the CCP.  In fact, a great deal of evidence is emerging in the Comer investigation to show that those links are far from being conspiracy narratives.  (See also a 2020 New York Times article, which labels Falun Gong "a leading purveyor of right-wing disinformation.")

The Real China

Masters and slaves.

In 2008, distinguished Chinese journalist Yang Jisheng published a book entitled, “Tombstone:  The Great Chinese Famine, 1958-1962.”  In their introduction to the book, Edward Friedman and Roderick MacFarquhar briefly summarized Yang’s thesis:

“’Tombstone’ is about a hierarchical, authoritarian system of concentrated power in which every official is, as Yang puts it, a slave facing upward and a dictator facing downward. At the bottom of the system were the Chinese people, mostly farm households, who suffered under the murderous brutality of the lower-level officials, proving an iron law of bureaucracy: the pettier the bureaucrat, the harsher his rule.”

This is a perfect analysis of China under Mao Zedong.  And I can tell you from experience it has not changed one iota under Xi Jinping.  Except it isn’t just bureaucrats now who abuse those below them; it is anyone who thinks they can get away with it, especially if they have any authority over other people.

Mao’s “Great Famine” was the most murderous non-war event in human history, far worse than Hitler’s Holocaust or Stalin’s Great Terror.  Yang estimated that at least 36 million people died during the famine.  He might be lowballing.  A demographic fact-finding study in the 1980s put the number at 42-43 million, and recently, historian Frank Dikötter (“Mao’s Great Famine”), after extensive archival research, reckoned 45 million deaths.  Chinese people had to make horrendous choices during the famine, including keeping one child alive by starving others, eating relatives who recently died, or by digging up corpses from graves to consume.  Some saved their lives by “informing on” innocent neighbors.  This is communism in all its glory.  Totalitarian atheistic power without one scintilla of conscience or godly respect for human life.  We see it in America today (abortion), and it will get worse if Leftism ascends to the throne.

Mao Zedong is the greatest mass murderer in human history.  Historians estimate his total number of innocent deaths as between 60-70 million from his accession to power in 1949 until his death in 1976.  That is an average of over 6,000 people PER DAY that he killed.  Yet Mao is China’s “god,” if you will, the “Great Leader.”  His picture is on every Chinese yuan bill, and to speak against “Chairman Mao” is supreme blasphemy.  Many Chinese people do know what he was.  I’ve had Chinese friends talk to me (in private, of course) about the land that the communists stole from their family or their knowledge of the number of deaths Mao caused.  But, the brainwashing in China is almost as bad as in Leftist America now.  People in China are taught to adore Mao Zedong.  And Xi Jinping.

As I have mentioned before, I lived ten years in China as a teacher.  And I want to say upfront that there are many fine people in China.  I have good friends there, decent folk, slaves of the system, the kind of people Yang Jisheng put at the bottom of the totem pole.  And, materialistically, at least in the big cities, China is not the wrong place to live today.  The countryside is a different matter, as I shall discuss in the future.  All is not well in China; the country went into tremendous debt to build the massive skyscrapers and modern conveniences city-dwellers enjoy.  They borrowed heavily and stole; they didn’t build their wealth based on a consumer-driven economy.  And so Chinese debt is massive, and nobody, not even in China, knows how extensive it is.  It might be the reason Xi Jinping hasn’t invaded Taiwan yet.  Wars are expensive, and he is already hooked to the hilt.  Socialism doesn’t work in more ways than one.

Back to the Yang Jisheng quote at the beginning of this article.  During the first eight years I was in China, I worked for Western schools or companies and never had a complaint about how they treated me.  The last two years I was there, I worked for Chinese companies and was robbed blind by my Chinese employers.  When I asked the American embassy for help, they did nothing, of course, and when I sued my first boss for extortion, blackmail, and theft (easily provable), the Chinese judge rendered in his favor (that didn’t surprise me either).  Such theft happens all over China—and not just to foreigners.  I know more than one Chinese friend who had to leave his/her job because their boss wouldn’t pay them.  One Chinese employer asked all his employees to continue to work long hours, even though he wouldn’t pay them anything.  My best friend here in Thailand has a Chinese girlfriend whose boss, who drives a BMW, said she didn’t have the money to pay her employees.   Anyone in China—not just bureaucrats—who have a sliver of power or authority thinks everyone below them is a slave who can be abused and exploited for the master’s benefit.  Thieves exist everywhere, but it’s endemic in China now.

That’s the Chinese system.  That’s communism.  That’s what Mao Zedong taught his people.  And many Chinese have learned that lesson very well.

Another recent example.  Not long ago, I was contacted by a former student who claimed she was sick and wanted to borrow 200 yuan.  She said she would pay me back that afternoon.  In order to test my “thieving Chinaman” theory, I sent her the money (less than $30).  Of course she didn’t pay me back, and even lied to me a few days later, saying she had never borrowed the money in the first place.  That is what young people are learning there.

Americans have no clue how wonderful their country has been to them—and how the Democratic Party is trying to take that away to give America a Chinese-style system.  Believe me, when people get desperate, they will do anything—including eating grandpa or their own children.  We are utterly deluded if we think it can’t happen in America.

Be warned.


Let me tell you some more stories about China, the country the Democrats want America to mimic.

I still talk to a lot of people in China, mostly former students (I lived there from 2011-2022).  One of them recently told me that after she finished her Master’s degree this summer, she wanted to take the Civil Service exam to get a government job. The government wouldn’t let her take the exam because her father (not her) was a member of a Christian prayer group. The Chinese government claims all religious believers are “afflicted with thought viruses.”  Matters have “significantly deteriorated since last year,” said Nury Turkel, chair of the U.S. Commission of International Religious Freedom.  Religious groups in China have been “ruthlessly persecuted.”

That’s a Leftist, totalitarian government.

Personally, I was twice denied a work visa renewal. Both schools I worked for wanted me to stay and there was no reason, health or otherwise, why I should leave.  The government, arbitrarily, wanted me gone.  So gone I was.  Why I went back to other jobs the gods only know.

That is a Leftist, totalitarian government.

The last year I was in China (2022), Covid was still being used to control people.  I had to get a (required) physical checkup to extend my visa.  I went to the hospital to do it, but something was amiss with the Covid health code on my cell phone, and the guard at the gate wouldn’t let me in.  Hospitals in China were gated with guards.

I couldn’t get into the hospital unless I could prove I wasn’t sick.

That is a Leftist, totalitarian government.

My situation wasn’t the worst.  A young woman, 8-months pregnant, had early labor pains and was bleeding.  She went to her local hospital, but they wouldn’t let her in, either, because she didn’t have the right Covid health code.  She lost her baby.

The last six months I was in China, the police came to my school three times (twice to my apartment) just to hassle me.  I had done absolutely nothing wrong, they just like to badger foreigners.  I left the country at the end of that semester even though I had another year and a half left on my contract.  Well, the company I was working for was stealing from me anyway, so it was time to go. For good.

That is a Leftist, totalitarian government.  Isn’t that just what we want in America?  Vote Democrat if you do.

I mentioned in my previous column how the only two Chinese employers I had stole incessantly from me, and the Chinese government did nothing to help me though my evidence was overwhelming.  Undeniable.  But the Chinese steal from each other, too.  Recently, I was talking to a friend who has a new job.  “My boss wants me to work overtime, but I’m too tired,” she told me.  So I asked a question I already knew the answer to:  “Would he pay you overtime?”  Her response:   “Of course not…There are many bosses like this.”  All of them that I’ve heard about.  That is theft, of course, but that’s China.

China has had a master-slave society forever, but it’s been exacerbated under Marxism.  Anything goes, anything to survive, no morality.  Mao Zedong had none, neither does Xi Jinping or any other government official.  The people learn well, though as I have said, not all Chinese are lying, thieving scum.   Just most of the bosses and all the government officials.  And lots of the common people are following suit now, too.

These are just anecdotes, of course, and prove only what has happened to me and what I heard.  But if these are tales of just one person, imagine the stories that could be told by the millions.  I have a lot more, but this is sufficient.

As mentioned, I still talk to a many people in China, those who appreciate my attempts to help them.  (Incidentally, in my ten years in China, I never had one Chinese bureaucrat or one Chinese administrator at a school thank me for sacrificing my time, effort, money, etc. to go to China to help their children.  Not one.  Well, I’m a “hairy foreign devil,” they owed me nothing.  I should have been grateful to serve the Master Race.   Hitler had nothing on these people, and current Americans know nothing about true racism.)  The average recent college graduate I have talked to is struggling to get a job, and when they do, they are paid a little over $1,000 per month (before taxes)—with, of course, no overtime pay.  They can only find employment in big cities where housing costs are exorbitant.  They either rent a small, cheap apartment (usually shared), maybe the size of a hotel room (I had to do that once), or their parents help them buy a place (if they are lucky).  China is less expensive than America, but $1,000 isn’t much, wherever you are.  Not if you want to get ahead in life.

It’s worse, far worse, in the countryside.  Li Keqiang, who served as Premier of China from 2013 until his recent retirement, was honest enough to admit (in other words, he was talking to his own people and it accidentally leaked out) that 600,000,000 people living in Chinese rural areas subsist on about $140 per month.   That wouldn’t rent an apartment in a major city.  Only about one in three can attend high school, and (I’ve heard) some students must carry their own desks to school with them.  That’s almost half the people living in poverty.

China’s socialist “economic miracle” indeed.  It sounds to me more like a Leftist, totalitarian government full of lying propagandists covering up the true situation in their barbarian country.

All is not well in China.  I want to talk about China’s “economic miracle” in a subsequent article.  Until then, believe absolutely nothing their lying media say.  Xinhua is almost as bad as MSNBC.


Bidens don't seem to 'cover their tracks' in alleged China money web: Curley



Biden admin is ‘enormously dangerous’ to the survival of America: Newt Gingrich



Did Hunter Biden Sleep with a Chinese Spy?



Hunter Biden faces possible subpoena after missing deadline to turn over docs




My colleague Peter Schweizer’s runaway bestseller, Red Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win, first revealed that the Biden family received some $31 million from the highest levels of Chinese intelligence at the same time Hunter was paying the vice president’s bills. Schweizer believes that there is a slam dunk case to indict Hunter Biden.





Watters: I guarantee you Satan went to law school






American people deserve to know what China was up to with Joe Biden, especially when Beijing had already shelled out millions of dollars to Biden family members — including millions in set-asides for “the big guy.” What else is on that infamous Hunter Biden laptop? The conflicted Biden Justice Department cannot be trusted to engage in any meaningful oversight on this issue. We need a special counsel now.   

                               TOM FITTON - JUDICIAL WATCH


Breitbart Political Editor Emma-Jo Morris’s investigative work at the New York Post on the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell” also captured international headlines when she, along with Miranda Devine, revealed that Joe Biden was intimately involved in Hunter’s businesses, appearing to even have a 10 percent stake in a company the scion formed with officials at the highest levels of the Chinese Communist Party.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.


Hunter has reportedly sold five paintings worth $75,000 each to an anonymous buyer. Hunter’s art dealer, Georges Bergès, has previously boasted he had strong ties to businessmen in Communist China, which has concerned many due to the Biden family’s business ventures abroad.

“We are 95% sure that that artwork went to China,” Comer said. “We don’t know where exactly that went to in China, but we’re going to try to find out when we get subpoena power.”

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.

Biden family business dealings with China is a ‘national security issue’: Schweizer



 Peter Schweizer’s new book Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win tells the story of how Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) husband Richard Blum was part owner of a Chinese firm that allegedly sold computers with spyware chips to the U.S. military. The military has never been able to calculate how much sensitive data these computers allowed China to steal.



RIDING THE DRAGON: The Bidens' Chinese Secrets (Full Documentary)




Kevin McCarthy Pledges Subpoenas for 51 Intel Agents in Wake of Hunter Biden ‘Twitter Files’




11 Dec 20220


House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy said Saturday on FNC’s “One Nation” that he will bring the 51 intel agents that signed a letter that said the Hunter Biden information was Russia collusion to testify at a congressional hearing.

Host Brian Kilmeade asked, “We saw the revelations coming out of Twitter as Elon Musk is unmasking the corruption that existed there and the denials that they testified about. So for you personally you have another move you want to make. Not only do we want to hear from the former executives of Twitter and the other entities, but you have something else you want to say.”

McCarthy said, Yeah, I do. This is egregious what we are finding. They should not have section 230 to start out with, but we also have to go further. What did Facebook and Google do as well because they became an arm of the Democratic Party and an arm of government.”

He continued, “Those 51 intel agents that signed a letter that said the Hunter Biden information was all wrong — was Russia collusion — many of them have a security clearance. We are going to bring them before committee. I’m going to have them have a hearing. Why did they sign it? Why did they lie to the American public? A Clapper, a Brennan? Why did you use the reputation that America was able to give to you more information, but use it for a political purpose and lie to the American public?”

In 2018 and 2020, Breitbart Senior Contributor and Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer published Secret Empires and Profiles in Corruption. Each book hit #1 on the New York Times bestseller list and exposed how Hunter Biden and Joe Biden flew aboard Air Force Two in 2013 to China before Hunter’s firm inked a $1.5 billion deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China less than two weeks after the trip. Schweizer’s work also uncovered the Biden family’s other vast and lucrative foreign deals and cronyism. Breitbart Political Editor Emma-Jo Morris’ investigative work at the New York Post on the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell” also captured international headlines when she, along with Miranda Devine, revealed that Joe Biden was intimately involved in Hunter’s businesses, appearing to even have a 10 percent stake in a company the scion formed with officials at the highest levels of the Chinese Communist Party. PAM KEY

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN



According to the article, Falun Gong and its associated media, including the Epoch Times, have engaged in "conspiracy narratives" targeting Democrats and the Chinese Communist Party and of "links" between Joe Biden and the CCP.  In fact, a great deal of evidence is emerging in the Comer investigation to show that those links are far from being conspiracy narratives.  (See also a 2020 New York Times article, which labels Falun Gong "a leading purveyor of right-wing disinformation.")


The Group the Chinese Communists Fear the Most

By Jeffrey Folks

I have rarely heard it mentioned in the mainstream media, but, according to reports, during the 1990s in communist China, thirty thousand members of Falun Gong were rounded up and executed.  The founder of Falun Gong, Li Hongzhi, fled China and now lives in the U.S., while in China members of the order went underground.  According to Freedom House, "Falun Gong practitioners across China have since [July 1999] been subjected to widespread surveillance, arbitrary detention, horrific torture, and extrajudicial killing — abuses which continue today."  Nonetheless, there are still some 100 million practitioners worldwide, and the movement continues to grow.

Information concerning the repression of Falun Gong is a Chinese state secret, with severe penalties for anyone attempting to obtain data.  As the Falun Data Infocenter puts it: "The CCP has also used political and financial influence around the world to either keep journalists silent, or drive false narratives about Falun Gong."  With total control inside China and compliance by foreign journalists, the Chinese Communist Party has driven a false narrative that minimizes the number of Falun Gong practitioners and hides data on the number of those abducted, tortured, killed, and killed for their organs, thus totally obscuring the record.  At the same time, Chinese and foreign media continue to suggest that the victim is the abuser: the false idea that Falun Gong is a cult with dangerous potential.

For anyone who has studied the history of or practiced Falun Gong, the enormity of this continuing abuse and misinformation is obvious.  Falun gong is a benign practice of meditation, exercise, and moral instruction with no political ties of any sort, but it is often represented, even by well-meaning Western journalists, as a "cult" or as a right-wing anti-CCP organization, as in a recent article in the Guardian, relying heavily on statements by Media Matters.  According to the article, Falun Gong and its associated media, including the Epoch Times, have engaged in "conspiracy narratives" targeting Democrats and the Chinese Communist Party and of "links" between Joe Biden and the CCP.  In fact, a great deal of evidence is emerging in the Comer investigation to show that those links are far from being conspiracy narratives.  (See also a 2020 New York Times article, which labels Falun Gong "a leading purveyor of right-wing disinformation.")

If those journalists would do their homework, beginning with studying Falun Gong websites and  the book Zhuan Falun by Li Hongzhi, instead of relying on the well funded Chinese "zero out" campaign, they would realize that Falun Gong is an uplifting instruction based on traditional, conservative Chinese practices.


The story of the Chinese government crackdown on Falun Gong is a classic example of totalitarian intolerance of competing ideas, and it involves both propaganda and physical terror.  A careful examination of the record proves that the response of the communist Chinese regime is not very different from that of ancient regimes toward their own enslaved peoples.  Despite their vast power, totalitarian leaders are fearful and at times even paranoid, as was Stalin, and the flip-side of fear is repression.

In reality, Falun Gong is a complex spiritual practice involving qijong-like exercises, positive thinking, and moral belief based on truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance.  As a practitioner myself, I know how Falun Gong can transform an individual from illness to health, confusion to knowledge, and intolerance to open-mindedness.  It is obvious to me how a totalitarian regime would view Falun Gong as a threat, as indeed it would be to any form of deceit, corruption, or intolerance.  As Falun Gong spread in China during the 1990s, at one point with 60 to 100 million followers in China alone, the practice became a threat to a government that had once encouraged it as a healthy "money-saving" vehicle and a social safety valve for a dissatisfied citizenry.  Yet within months, beginning in July 1999, perhaps 100,000 followers were arrested and 30,000 executed.  Even now, nearly 4,000 practitioners were arrested in 2021 (latest figures).

It is critical to consider the magnitude of this repression, with between two and four million Falun Gong followers "detained" in forced labor camps between 2000 and 2008 alone.  Chinese policy toward Falun Gong is similar to the more widely publicized repression of Uyghurs, 1.5 million of whom have reportedly been detained in China, with hundreds of thousands of others subjected to forced sterilization, forced abortion, and religious suppression, and with the razing or damaging of 16,000 mosques.  Like totalitarian regimes of the past, the CCP appears willing to employ the most ruthless tactics in order to secure its hold on the country.

Though Falun Gong is not a political movement, the exponential growth of Falun Gong during the 1990s might well have pressured authorities to change, and as soon as China's leaders recognized this threat, they suppressed Falun Gong with a heavy hand.  One could hardly be truthful, compassionate, and forbearing and lend one's support to a communist regime governed by a few thousand members of the political elite intent on benefiting from their rule at the expense of the general population.  Falun Gong teaches a form of gentleness and goodness that threatens the lies and violence of any totalitarian government. 

One must ask: if the Chinese communists are willing to imprison millions of ethnic and religious minorities and to murder tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, what are they capable of in the future?  How many lives are they willing to expend in a takeover of Taiwan?  And once Taiwan is taken, how many Taiwanese will they imprison and execute?  In the event of a war with Japan or with the United States, how many are they willing to see die, on both sides?  And if Chinese communism were ever to achieve world domination, what kind of future could we expect?  As Christians, probably something not unlike what the Uyghurs and Falun Gong have already experienced.

At the same time, the specter of Chinese repression should open our eyes to the remarkable value of our own system of democratic capitalism.  The CCP has diminished Falun Gong in China, but, like all religious and spiritual practices, Falun Gong has found a safe home in America, at least in principle, though the Biden administration continues to restrict religious practice, to challenge religious rights in the courts and in agency practices, and to unleash the power of agencies like the Justice Department and IRS against the open practice of religion.  Many of the same tactics adopted in communist China are accepted by progressives in our own country, including the encouragement of birth control and abortion, even late-term abortion and infanticide after birth.

For the present, there is still a difference between totalitarianism and democracy as practiced in the USA.  Now is a time when American citizens, media, government, and corporations need to see clearly that communist China is a totalitarian government and to recognize what it is capable of.  China's record toward Falun Gong, a violent repression that continues today, is one element in a string of crackdowns and arrests.  We do not need to send a balloon over China to understand the nature of their regime, but we do need to recognize the enormity of its abuses and take appropriate actions to defend ourselves.

Jeffrey Folks is the author of many books and articles on American culture, most recently Heartland of the Imagination (2011).


Image: tookapic via PixabayPixabay License.



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