Saturday, November 11, 2023

WHAT'S WITH BLACKS AND ABORTION? GUESS THE BLM HOAX DOES NOT APPLY TO THE UNBORN BLACK CHILD - Sharpton: VP Harris ‘Tremendously Effective on the Issue of Abortion’



TRUMP Campaign releases new ad, "Wolves"



In Kamala’s America, killing and dismembering unborn babies and marketing their body parts is perfectly acceptable. Reporting on the practice is criminal. If that is not fascistic, I am not sure I know what is.


JOE BIDEN is known as a serial liar, a "public servant" who has somehow managed to accrue tremendous wealth, a race-baiting opportunist, Catholic-in-name-only, and a bought-and-paid-for politician in bed with criminal cartels and foreign foes.  In another era, Joe Biden would have been run out of his country much the same way Benedict Arnold was two and a half centuries ago; in an era when integrity, honor, fortitude, fidelity, and grit have been jettisoned for immorality, unscrupulousness, weakness, betrayal, and craven pliability, however, he is elevated to king sleazeball in a city drowning in sleaze. JB SHURK


Sharpton: VP Harris ‘Tremendously Effective on the Issue of Abortion’

MSNBC host Al Sharpton said Friday on “Deadline” that Vice President Kamala Harris “has been tremendously effective on the issue of abortion.”

Anchor Nicolle Wallace said, “Joe Biden has said he sees himself as this transitional figure, and there’s no one more front and center that transition is part of the conversation with the country than Kamala Harris, especially on the issue of abortion.”

Sharpton said, “No, I think Kamala Harris has been tremendously effective on the issue of abortion. And I think that Joe Biden, being more of an activist president in many areas, but clearly with the labor unions, is the way to go. But I also think we cannot underestimate what will drive a lot of voters is the alternative, Donald Trump. If you were sitting in the back of the Democratic National Committee and wanted to make up an opponent and have everything that you needed to beat him, trump gives you that.”

Wallace said, “He’s so extreme that there’s no, like, well.”

Sharpton said, “He’s proud of it. Not even somebody extreme trying to play it down. He’s screaming from the rooftops like you played about abortions and like he deals with labor and other issues. I mean, he bragged he put the judges on the court that reversed affirmative action. So you don’t have anything to worry about other than if the Biden people do not know to say we did this, look at the alternative.”

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN

Her (KAMALA HARRIS) more radical positions, such as support for the Obama administration’s Iran deal, prosecuting a journalist who exposed Planned Parenthood’s collection and sale of aborted babies’ body parts (while receiving campaign donations from them), and defending Ilhan Omar’s anti-Semitism, may indeed sit well with a great many leftists, but her actions as Attorney General of California may not. While in that position, Harris jailed hundreds on marijuana charges and authorized anti-prostitution sting operations which, according to SF Weekly, disproportionately targeted Latino men (a crucial Democrat demographic). In addition to this -- though she later admitted it was a mistake -- she prosecuted and jailed the parents of truant teens. She even refused to release the names of Catholic priests accused of sexually molesting children, abnegating law enforcement’s most basic and humane duty -- regardless of anyone’s opinion of the Catholic Church.

David Daleiden: Kamala Harris Prostituted Her Law Enforcement Powers to Planned Parenthood


David Daleiden, founder of the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), said Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) prostituted her powers in her former role as California’s attorney general for the benefit of Planned Parenthood in an interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Sunday with host Joel Pollak.

Daleiden noted the partisan and political dimensions of California’s prosecution of him and his CMP colleague Sandra Merritt. Both he and Merritt were charged with 14 cases of illegal recording of confidential conversations and one count of conspiracy.

“Kamala Harris is the biggest threat to First Amendment civil liberties and First Amendment civil rights that our country has ever seen, in my opinion,” said Daleiden. “While she was the attorney General of the State of California, Kamala Harris, at the behest of her political patron — Planned Parenthood — targeted me for criminal punishment solely because of the content of the message that I was publishing and speaking at the time as you mentioned the undercover video series showing top-level Planned Parenthood officials callously negotiating the harvesting and sale of tiny aborted baby hearts and lungs and livers and brains.”

Daleiden continued, “In the State of California, when Kamala Harris was the attorney general, you could do undercover investigations of factory farming, corrupt chiropractors, [and] fraudulent air conditioning repairmen. Local TV news journalists in California [were] filming and publishing undercover video with conversations — sometimes even in private office spaces — and publishing these videos in on a daily weekly basis. Not a single one of those journalists ever had their home raided or were prosecuted by Kamala Harris’s attorney general’s office.”


“But if you did the exact same kind of undercover filming and publishing, and your message was something that questioned Planned Parenthood or questioned the abortion industry — the sacred cows of Kamala Harris and the San Francisco political establishment in California — then in that case, I became the first and only person involved in news gathering, the first and only citizen journalist in the state of California to ever have the California video recording law enforced against me, criminally,” Daleiden added.

Daleiden went on, “It was launched under Kamala Harris. She targeted our message, specifically. She sent 11 California DOJ agents in April of 2016 to raid my one-bedroom apartment in Orange County with explicit instructions from Planned Parenthood to seize the means of publication, to seize the computers and the video equipment that I was using to publish the videos.”

“Kamala Harris’ deputy prosecutor, Johnette Jauron, who was in charge of the case, she admitted a few years later in 2018 in a filing in court that the reason that I alone have become the first citizen journalist in California to be prosecuted under the California video recording law — to have that law criminally enforced against me when it was enforced against against nobody else for news gathering in California — is because of the content of the videos themselves,” recalled Daleiden.

“It is blatant, unconstitutional viewpoint discrimination and invidious targeting of Americans whose message Kamala Harris disagrees with. So, she is a huge threat to our First Amendment civil liberties in this country.”

Pollak said, “It almost looks as if [Harris] initiated her prosecution of you at the instigation of Planned Parenthood to please Planned Parenthood, to help this politically-connected organization, which is so important for donations in the Democratic Party and for the future of anyone in Democratic politics. She basically acted at their behest. Is that true?”

Daleiden replied, “Yes, absolutely. Like I said, undercover video recording and reporting has never been criminally prosecuted in California in the history of the state until now, until this case, where the entity whose ox is being gored was Planned Parenthood, the political patrons of Kamala Harris and so many others in the California political establishment.”

He further noted how Harris coordinated her prosecution of him and his CMP colleague with Planned Parenthood.

“Just two weeks before she ordered the raid on my home, Kamala Harris had a secret in-person meeting in Los Angeles with several top-level Planned Parenthood of California officials,” stated Daleiden. “We have the action items from that meeting in an email that was produced to us in discovering the case, and those action items show that the meeting was primarily to discuss Planned Parenthood’s political agenda in the state of California, but included within their political agenda were the issues involved in Kamala Harris’s investigation of me.”

Daleiden concluded, “[Harris] was blatantly mixing her political constituent services functions with her law enforcement powers and basically prostituting her law enforcement powers to the service of her political campaign donors. She was running for United States Senate at that exact same time in March and April in 2016. She had petitions urging political support for Planned Parenthood on her campaign website.

He recalled that Harris’s executive office assistant while she was attorney general of California — who was ‘liaising with Planned Parenthood” while “working on this investigation” — later became Harris’s campaign manager during her first run for the U.S. Senate.

“It is a blatant use and abuse of law enforcement power solely to serve private partisan political interests, and that is why she is such a dangerous candidate,” concluded Daleiden.

Breitbart News Sunday broadcasts live on SiriusXM Patriot 125 from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Eastern.

Follow Robert Kraychik on Twitter.

Kamala's Threat to American Democracy

Who, exactly, is a vice-president supposed to be?

Tue Aug 18, 2020 

Barry Nussbaum




The arrival of Joe Biden’s decision on a running mate is a true turning point in the history of American politics.

There has never before been a presidential candidate who, prior to entering the White House, has shown such undeniable signs of age-related neurological decay. All political disagreements disregarded, the sight of an elderly person succumbing to the demons of those dreaded cognitive ailments -- which all too often rob us of the older people we love -- is truly excruciating to behold.

The political outcome of Biden's mental state is, if possible, even more unsettling. The role of the president is meant to be powerful. All constitutional checks and balances considered, the sheer power of the chief executive, in that one single person invested with authority to counter-balance the power of the legislative and judicial branches, is truly awesome.

In our situation today, we see a man who is clearly not in full command of his mental faculties, who is allowing himself to be considered for that office of chief executive; an office which, unlike a prime minister in a parliamentary system, is intended to be stable and not prone to regular changes in leadership.

The expectation of a normal four-year presidential tenure on Biden’s part if he is elected must, at the very least, be subjected to serious doubt. If pronouncing basic words -- let alone quoting the most famous phrase of our Declaration of Independence -- is such a confusing  ordeal for him, then it is our urgent duty to question whether this individual is fit to be the man who must accept the ultimate responsibility for this country’s national security and well-being.

These facts squarely cast the Democrat side of the current election as not a presidential election at all, but a vice-presidential election.

Should Biden win, the chances are very probable that his vice president will become the 47th president to finish out his first four-year term. As the vice president automatically succeeds to the Oval Office if the president dies or is rendered permanently incapacitated, the profoundly anti-democratic repercussions of this situation is worsened by whom Biden has actually chosen.

The traditional custom for presidential hopefuls is to either choose the second-highest-polling candidate in a primary race, as Ronald Reagan did with George H. W. Bush in 1980, or to choose a highly capable politician who is well-respected by most of the party, as Donald Trump did with Governor Mike Pence in 2016. In both of those cases, the aforementioned running mates reflected the Republican Party and its voters quite respectably while promoting unity.

It is highly questionable, meanwhile, whether Kamala Harris -- aside from all of the establishment media’s expected giddy cheerleading -- really represents her party all that well. She was polling at 2% nationally by the time she ended her own presidential bid on December 3, 2019. Her more radical positions, such as support for the Obama administration’s Iran deal, prosecuting a journalist who exposed Planned Parenthood’s collection and sale of aborted babies’ body parts (while receiving campaign donations from them), and defending Ilhan Omar’s anti-Semitism, may indeed sit well with a great many leftists, but her actions as Attorney General of California may not. While in that position, Harris jailed hundreds on marijuana charges and authorized anti-prostitution sting operations which, according to SF Weekly, disproportionately targeted Latino men (a crucial Democrat demographic). In addition to this -- though she later admitted it was a mistake -- she prosecuted and jailed the parents of truant teens. She even refused to release the names of Catholic priests accused of sexually molesting children, abnegating law enforcement’s most basic and humane duty -- regardless of anyone’s opinion of the Catholic Church.

it is highly debatable if these are positions that a high number of progressives who voted for the Democrat primary runner-up, Bernie Sanders, would approve of. Especially today, being tough on minority and drug crime -- to the exclusion of “white patriarchal” clergy sex abuse -- is not en vogue among the Democratic Party’s truly energized base, which is largely college-educated millennials taught to have contempt for not only aggressive inner city policing, but inner city policing overall.

It also remains a question as to how many black American voters Kamala really represents. Without doubt, she completely failed to gain these voters' support during the primary. Many black Americans responded to Barack and Michelle Obama due to their image as people who empathized authentically with the black experience of living in inner city America. Harris’s flip-flopping on criminal justice issues has clearly deprived her of the Obama touch.

What should highly concern all Americans of whatever political persuasion is the fact that, given Joe Biden’s medical condition, a Democrat victory in 2020 could very likely result in a person for whom only 2% of Democrats and Democrat-leaning Independents supported to become president.

The reasons for Biden’s choice of Kamala Harris as his running mate are as yet not entirely clear. What is very clear, however, is that a new president of the United States in the near future could be a person whom a weak and faltering man chose by fiat, and not someone whom the majority of the country elected by the ballot.

That's a problem.

It's a problem for America -- and it's a serious and profound problem for American democracy.

Barry Nussbaum is an exceptional American businessman and real estate mogul, whose distinguished career extends more than 38 years. He is an experienced news commentator on international affairs, who has been featured on major television networks, web-based and in print media. Visit his site:

Biden: ‘Give Me Two More Democrats in the Senate and…We’re Going to Codify Roe v. Wade’

JOE BIDEN is known as a serial liar, a "public servant" who has somehow managed to accrue tremendous wealth, a race-baiting opportunist, Catholic-in-name-only, and a bought-and-paid-for politician in bed with criminal cartels and foreign foes.  In another era, Joe Biden would have been run out of his country much the same way Benedict Arnold was two and a half centuries ago; in an era when integrity, honor, fortitude, fidelity, and grit have been jettisoned for immorality, unscrupulousness, weakness, betrayal, and craven pliability, however, he is elevated to king sleazeball in a city drowning in sleaze. JB SHURK


Miami Archbishop: Biden’s Catholic Posturing ‘Gives All Us Bishops Heartburn’

76AP Photo/Andrew Harnik


13 Jun 2023204


Miami archbishop Thomas Wenski said this weekend that President Joe Biden’s habit of playing up his Catholicism “gives all us bishops heartburn” because of his abortion extremism.

Archbishop Wenski was quoted in an article by the Associated Press (AP) comparing the way Florida governor Ron DeSantis talks about his Catholic faith with the way Joe Biden talks about his own.

“Biden makes a bigger deal of his Catholicism than DeSantis does,” Wenski said, adding that “it gives all us bishops heartburn because of his radical abortion stance.”

The article notes that Mr. DeSantis aligns with Catholic Church teaching on traditional marriage, male-female complementarity, and school choice. He has fought against drag queen story hours for children, the administration of puberty blockers for gender-confused minors, and LGBT indoctrination in public schools.

DeSantis has also been a firm advocate of religious freedom and respect for conscience, a sore point for Catholics in Mr. Biden’s policies.

For his part, Biden is aggressively pro-abortion, favors allowing biological males to compete in women’s sports, and denies the right of Catholic foster care services to opt out of gay adoption.


Miami Archbishop Thomas Wenski: “Biden makes a bigger deal of his Catholicism than DeSantis does.”  (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

The AP article noted that DeSantis has been at odds with the bishops over his stance on the death penalty and certain immigration policies.

Catholic teaching, however, is very circumspect on the issue of immigration, offering no policy prescriptions and leaving much leeway for healthy debate and disagreement.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church limits itself to saying that more prosperous nations “are obliged, to the extent they are able, to welcome the foreigner in search of the security and the means of livelihood which he cannot find in his country of origin.”

The United States clearly does this, taking in nearly one million legal immigrants each year, far more than any other country in the world.

The Catechism also notes, however, that government officials, for the sake of the common good for which they are responsible, “may make the exercise of the right to immigrate subject to various juridical conditions, especially with regard to the immigrants’ duties toward their country of adoption.”


Immigrants, moreover, “are obliged to respect with gratitude the material and spiritual heritage of the country that receives them, to obey its laws and to assist in carrying civic burdens.”

As for capital punishment, the Catholic Church’s official position has evolved considerably over the past 25 years.

Capital punishment was not abolished in the Vatican City State itself until as recently as 1969 and for nearly all of the Church’s history it was accepted as a legitimate form of punishment for serious offenses. Over the centuries, hundreds of criminals were executed in the Papal States under the government of the popes.

Doctors of the Church, from Ambrose to Augustine to Thomas Aquinas to Robert Bellarmine to Alphonsus Liguori all taught the legitimacy of capital punishment.

In recent years, however, the Catholic magisterium has moved to a position where it no longer views the death penalty as a worthy form of punishment in today’s world. Pope John Paul II wrote in 1995 that governments should “not go to the extreme of executing the offender except in cases of absolute necessity,” adding that, in the modern world, “such cases are very rare, if not practically non-existent.”


U.S. President Joe Biden, left, talks to Pope Francis as they meet at the Vatican, Friday, Oct. 29, 2021.  (Vatican Media via AP)

Pope Francis has gone further still, declaring capital punishment to be “inadmissible” and “contrary to the gospel.” The Vatican’s doctrinal congregation declared that the new teaching on capital punishment “expresses an authentic development of doctrine that is not in contradiction with the prior teachings of the Magisterium.”

Importantly, however, the Catholic Church has never declared capital punishment to be intrinsically evil, like abortion or euthanasia, which would indeed be a direct contradiction of past teachings.

In 2004, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who was in charge of the doctrinal office at the time, made this very distinction, stating that there may be “a legitimate diversity of opinion even among Catholics about waging war and applying the death penalty, but not however with regard to abortion and euthanasia.”

In that same memorandum, Cardinal Ratzinger wrote that “if a Catholic were to be at odds with the Holy Father on the application of capital punishment or on the decision to wage war, he would not for that reason be considered unworthy to present himself to receive Holy Communion,” which is not the case regarding abortion or euthanasia.





Biden: ‘Give Me Two More Democrats in the Senate and…We’re Going to Codify Roe v. Wade’

JOE BIDEN is known as a serial liar, a "public servant" who has somehow managed to accrue tremendous wealth, a race-baiting opportunist, Catholic-in-name-only, and a bought-and-paid-for politician in bed with criminal cartels and foreign foes.  In another era, Joe Biden would have been run out of his country much the same way Benedict Arnold was two and a half centuries ago; in an era when integrity, honor, fortitude, fidelity, and grit have been jettisoned for immorality, unscrupulousness, weakness, betrayal, and craven pliability, however, he is elevated to king sleazeball in a city drowning in sleaze. JB SHURK


Watch: Police Release Video Showing Attack Against Pro-Lifers in Baltimore

Baltimore Police


18 Jun 202311


The Baltimore Police Department released a video Thursday showing the brutal attack of two pro-life advocates outside of a Planned Parenthood on May 26.

Police released the video in the hopes of learning the identity of the suspect, who can be seen tackling an 80-year-old man and assaulting a 73-year-old man before kicking him “with extreme force” in the face,” CBS News reported, citing police.

Watch video here (WARNING distressing content):


LifeSiteNews, which first reported on the incident, heard from local pro-lifer John Roswell via email that Dick Schaefer and Mark Crosby are the men who were attacked and seriously injured.

The footage shows the suspect — who appears to be a white male with brown hair and a full beard wearing brown shoes, a gray T-shirt, and blue jeans — approaching the men, who were praying on the sidewalk outside of the abortion clinic on North Howard Street. The suspect and Schaefer appear to have words, and the suspect seems like he is about to walk away before he turns around and tackles him into a flowerpot. The video shows Crosby run over to assist, before the suspect tackles him, punching and kicking him in the face before finally leaving. 

“I hope they catch the guy. He’s obviously dangerous. We’re not sure why this happened, whether it was a spur-of-the-moment thing. He suddenly was enraged. It could have been pre-planned. It almost sounds like it was. He waited until the opportune moment when Dick (Schaefer)’s back was turned,” Roswell told WBAL-TV. 

Anyone who recognizes the suspect is asked to call police at 410-396-2411 or Metro Crime Stoppers Maryland at 1-866-7LOCKUP. Metro Crime Stoppers said they are offering a $2,000 reward for information leading to his arrest. 

Roswell said Crosby is healing, although he was originally taken to the hospital where doctors thought they may have to do facial and eye operations on him. Crosby’s plate bone in his upper right cheek was completely fractured, his orbital bone was completely shattered, and he was bleeding behind one of his eyes, Roswell said after the attack.  Schaefer told WBAL-TV soon after the incident that he had hand, shoulder, head, and back injuries.

Dr. Jay Walton, the president of Baltimore County Right to Life, had started a GoFundMe for Crosby’s medical expenses, detailing how Crosby has, for years, “prayed in front of the Planned Parenthood in Baltimore City to let the scared, young abortion-minded women know that they are loved, that their baby is loved.”

The GoFundMe received more than $40,000 in donations as of June 8, surpassing its original $10,000 goal. However, Walton disabled the GoFundMe, posting on June 14 that Crosby had declined the funds raised for him, and asking interested parties to instead support local pregnancy help centers and pro-life groups.


Roswell told CBS News that both Schaefer and Crosby have already returned to their sidewalk ministry, undeterred by the act of violence. 

“Worst case scenario, we’re a martyr for our cause,” Roswell said. “Free ticket to Heaven. You know I don’t want that to happen, but that’s the way I look at it.”

Report: VP Kamala Harris to Promote Aborting Babies in Dobbs Anniversary Speech

168Peter Zay/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images


17 Jun 2023732


Vice President Kamala Harris will mark the first anniversary of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade by traveling to North Carolina and rallying pro-abortion activists as the state prepares to enact its own law protecting unborn babies.

A White House official told The Hill this week that Harris will travel to Charlotte to deliver a “major speech” focused on contrasting the Biden administration’s pro-abortion efforts with Republicans’ efforts to pass supposedly “extreme legislation.” Harris is also expected to reiterate the White House’s support of a federal law codifying the so-called “right” to abortion. According to the report:

North Carolina is currently at the center to the ongoing state-level fight over abortion access. The state Legislature last month voted to override a veto from Gov. Roy Cooper (D) that would have stopped a ban on abortions after 12 weeks of pregnancy from going into effect. With the override, the law will go into effect on July 1.

Harris is also marking the Dobbs anniversary by sitting down for a televised roundtable discussion hosted by MSNBC’s Joy Reid, according to the White House.

The Supreme Court ruled 5-4 on June 24 last year to overturn its 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, holding in the Dobbs case that the Constitution does not include a right to abortion and returning the issue of abortion laws and regulations to state legislatures. Since then, several Republican-led states have moved to pass laws limiting abortion and holding abortionists and accomplices accountable who violate state abortion laws.

Harris has “emerged as the White House’s leading voice on the issue” and has been “hosting advocates and reproductive health officials for meetings and connecting with state legislators” who are pro-abortion, according to the report.

Axios reported in May that Harris was “quietly forming a small, outside group of women allies to help amplify her role as the White House’s leading warrior” against Republican-led laws protecting unborn babies from abortion. A Democrat official familiar with the situation told the outlet that 14 women from across the abortion industry and other groups met with Harris, including Butler of EMILY’s List, Alexis McGill Johnson of Planned Parenthood, and NARAL’s Mini Timmaraju.

EMILY’s List is also preparing to spend more than ten million dollars to prop up the embattled vice president — whose approval ratings have teetered around the low-40s and mid-30s for much of President Joe Biden’s first term — during the 2024 presidential election.

Vice President Harris: ‘Extremist Elected Officials Continue to Undermine and Attack Reproductive Freedom’







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(Photo by Olivier Douliery/AFP via Getty Images)

( - Vice President Kamala Harris this Holy Week put out a statement criticizing pro-life elected officials for seeking to “undermine and attack reproductive freedom."

In doing so, Harris pointed to Tuesday’s election in Wisconsin, where voters elected a pro-abortion judge to the state’s Supreme Court.

“This week’s election in Wisconsin reaffirmed what we already know to be true: the majority of Americans believe and agree that every woman, not her government, should have the freedom to make decisions about her own body,” Harris said in her written statement.

“After the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, voters have rejected measures to take away reproductive rights and supported measures to strengthen them every time the measures were on the ballot,” said Harris.

“Since the Dobbs decision, extremist elected officials continue to undermine and attack reproductive freedom,” she said. “They have pushed for a wide range of radical policies, from banning abortion in all 50 states, to criminalizing doctors and nurses, to threatening access to safe and effective FDA-approved medication.

“The consequences of these abortion bans and extreme laws have been heart-wrenching,” said Harris.

Here is the full text of Harris’ statement:

Vice President Kamala Harris: “This week’s election in Wisconsin reaffirmed what we already know to be true: the majority of Americans believe and agree that every woman, not her government, should have the freedom to make decisions about her own body. After the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, voters have rejected measures to take away reproductive rights and supported measures to strengthen them every time the measures were on the ballot. We saw that last year in states across our nation, including in Kansas, California, Michigan, Montana, Kentucky, and Vermont. Similarly, we saw Americans standing up for reproductive freedom this week in Wisconsin. 
“Since the Dobbs decision, extremist elected officials continue to undermine and attack reproductive freedom. They have pushed for a wide range of radical policies, from banning abortion in all 50 states, to criminalizing doctors and nurses, to threatening access to safe and effective FDA-approved medication. 
“The consequences of these abortion bans and extreme laws have been heart-wrenching. Women’s lives have been put at risk, as care is denied because providers fear prosecution for doing their job. Women have been turned away from emergency rooms and denied treatments and care that are essential to preserve their health and life.
“President Biden and I will continue to stand with the women of America, and against these attacks on their freedom and health care. As voters in Wisconsin showed, this fight continues. And we will not rest until Congress passes a law to protect freedom and liberty.”

 Her more radical positions, such as support for the Obama administration’s Iran deal, prosecuting a journalist who exposed Planned Parenthood’s collection and sale of aborted babies’ body parts (while receiving campaign donations from them), and defending Ilhan Omar’s anti-Semitism, may indeed sit well with a great many leftists, but her actions as Attorney General of California may not. While in that position, Harris jailed hundreds on marijuana charges and authorized anti-prostitution sting operations which, according to SF Weekly, disproportionately targeted Latino men (a crucial Democrat demographic). In addition to this -- though she later admitted it was a mistake -- she prosecuted and jailed the parents of truant teens. She even refused to release the names of Catholic priests accused of sexually molesting children, abnegating law enforcement’s most basic and humane duty -- regardless of anyone’s opinion of the Catholic Church.


David Daleiden: Kamala Harris Prostituted Her Law Enforcement Powers to Planned Parenthood

JOSH EDELSON/AFP via Getty Images


18 Aug 202017


David Daleiden, founder of the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), said Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) prostituted her powers in her former role as California’s attorney general for the benefit of Planned Parenthood in an interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Sunday with host Joel Pollak.

Daleiden noted the partisan and political dimensions of California’s prosecution of him and his CMP colleague Sandra Merritt. Both he and Merritt were charged with 14 cases of illegal recording of confidential conversations and one count of conspiracy.

“Kamala Harris is the biggest threat to First Amendment civil liberties and First Amendment civil rights that our country has ever seen, in my opinion,” said Daleiden. “While she was the attorney General of the State of California, Kamala Harris, at the behest of her political patron — Planned Parenthood — targeted me for criminal punishment solely because of the content of the message that I was publishing and speaking at the time as you mentioned the undercover video series showing top-level Planned Parenthood officials callously negotiating the harvesting and sale of tiny aborted baby hearts and lungs and livers and brains.”

Daleiden continued, “In the State of California, when Kamala Harris was the attorney general, you could do undercover investigations of factory farming, corrupt chiropractors, [and] fraudulent air conditioning repairmen. Local TV news journalists in California [were] filming and publishing undercover video with conversations — sometimes even in private office spaces — and publishing these videos in on a daily weekly basis. Not a single one of those journalists ever had their home raided or were prosecuted by Kamala Harris’s attorney general’s office.”


“But if you did the exact same kind of undercover filming and publishing, and your message was something that questioned Planned Parenthood or questioned the abortion industry — the sacred cows of Kamala Harris and the San Francisco political establishment in California — then in that case, I became the first and only person involved in news gathering, the first and only citizen journalist in the state of California to ever have the California video recording law enforced against me, criminally,” Daleiden added.

Daleiden went on, “It was launched under Kamala Harris. She targeted our message, specifically. She sent 11 California DOJ agents in April of 2016 to raid my one-bedroom apartment in Orange County with explicit instructions from Planned Parenthood to seize the means of publication, to seize the computers and the video equipment that I was using to publish the videos.”

“Kamala Harris’ deputy prosecutor, Johnette Jauron, who was in charge of the case, she admitted a few years later in 2018 in a filing in court that the reason that I alone have become the first citizen journalist in California to be prosecuted under the California video recording law — to have that law criminally enforced against me when it was enforced against against nobody else for news gathering in California — is because of the content of the videos themselves,” recalled Daleiden.

“It is blatant, unconstitutional viewpoint discrimination and invidious targeting of Americans whose message Kamala Harris disagrees with. So, she is a huge threat to our First Amendment civil liberties in this country.”

Pollak said, “It almost looks as if [Harris] initiated her prosecution of you at the instigation of Planned Parenthood to please Planned Parenthood, to help this politically-connected organization, which is so important for donations in the Democratic Party and for the future of anyone in Democratic politics. She basically acted at their behest. Is that true?”

Daleiden replied, “Yes, absolutely. Like I said, undercover video recording and reporting has never been criminally prosecuted in California in the history of the state until now, until this case, where the entity whose ox is being gored was Planned Parenthood, the political patrons of Kamala Harris and so many others in the California political establishment.”

He further noted how Harris coordinated her prosecution of him and his CMP colleague with Planned Parenthood.

“Just two weeks before she ordered the raid on my home, Kamala Harris had a secret in-person meeting in Los Angeles with several top-level Planned Parenthood of California officials,” stated Daleiden. “We have the action items from that meeting in an email that was produced to us in discovering the case, and those action items show that the meeting was primarily to discuss Planned Parenthood’s political agenda in the state of California, but included within their political agenda were the issues involved in Kamala Harris’s investigation of me.”

Daleiden concluded, “[Harris] was blatantly mixing her political constituent services functions with her law enforcement powers and basically prostituting her law enforcement powers to the service of her political campaign donors. She was running for United States Senate at that exact same time in March and April in 2016. She had petitions urging political support for Planned Parenthood on her campaign website.

He recalled that Harris’s executive office assistant while she was attorney general of California — who was ‘liaising with Planned Parenthood” while “working on this investigation” — later became Harris’s campaign manager during her first run for the U.S. Senate.

“It is a blatant use and abuse of law enforcement power solely to serve private partisan political interests, and that is why she is such a dangerous candidate,” concluded Daleiden.

Breitbart News Sunday broadcasts live on SiriusXM Patriot 125 from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Eastern.

Follow Robert Kraychik on Twitter.


Kamala's Threat to American Democracy

Who, exactly, is a vice-president supposed to be?

Tue Aug 18, 2020 

Barry Nussbaum




The arrival of Joe Biden’s decision on a running mate is a true turning point in the history of American politics.

There has never before been a presidential candidate who, prior to entering the White House, has shown such undeniable signs of age-related neurological decay. All political disagreements disregarded, the sight of an elderly person succumbing to the demons of those dreaded cognitive ailments -- which all too often rob us of the older people we love -- is truly excruciating to behold.

The political outcome of Biden's mental state is, if possible, even more unsettling. The role of the president is meant to be powerful. All constitutional checks and balances considered, the sheer power of the chief executive, in that one single person invested with authority to counter-balance the power of the legislative and judicial branches, is truly awesome.

In our situation today, we see a man who is clearly not in full command of his mental faculties, who is allowing himself to be considered for that office of chief executive; an office which, unlike a prime minister in a parliamentary system, is intended to be stable and not prone to regular changes in leadership.

The expectation of a normal four-year presidential tenure on Biden’s part if he is elected must, at the very least, be subjected to serious doubt. If pronouncing basic words -- let alone quoting the most famous phrase of our Declaration of Independence -- is such a confusing  ordeal for him, then it is our urgent duty to question whether this individual is fit to be the man who must accept the ultimate responsibility for this country’s national security and well-being.

These facts squarely cast the Democrat side of the current election as not a presidential election at all, but a vice-presidential election.

Should Biden win, the chances are very probable that his vice president will become the 47th president to finish out his first four-year term. As the vice president automatically succeeds to the Oval Office if the president dies or is rendered permanently incapacitated, the profoundly anti-democratic repercussions of this situation is worsened by whom Biden has actually chosen.

The traditional custom for presidential hopefuls is to either choose the second-highest-polling candidate in a primary race, as Ronald Reagan did with George H. W. Bush in 1980, or to choose a highly capable politician who is well-respected by most of the party, as Donald Trump did with Governor Mike Pence in 2016. In both of those cases, the aforementioned running mates reflected the Republican Party and its voters quite respectably while promoting unity.

It is highly questionable, meanwhile, whether Kamala Harris -- aside from all of the establishment media’s expected giddy cheerleading -- really represents her party all that well. She was polling at 2% nationally by the time she ended her own presidential bid on December 3, 2019. Her more radical positions, such as support for the Obama administration’s Iran deal, prosecuting a journalist who exposed Planned Parenthood’s collection and sale of aborted babies’ body parts (while receiving campaign donations from them), and defending Ilhan Omar’s anti-Semitism, may indeed sit well with a great many leftists, but her actions as Attorney General of California may not. While in that position, Harris jailed hundreds on marijuana charges and authorized anti-prostitution sting operations which, according to SF Weekly, disproportionately targeted Latino men (a crucial Democrat demographic). In addition to this -- though she later admitted it was a mistake -- she prosecuted and jailed the parents of truant teens. She even refused to release the names of Catholic priests accused of sexually molesting children, abnegating law enforcement’s most basic and humane duty -- regardless of anyone’s opinion of the Catholic Church.

it is highly debatable if these are positions that a high number of progressives who voted for the Democrat primary runner-up, Bernie Sanders, would approve of. Especially today, being tough on minority and drug crime -- to the exclusion of “white patriarchal” clergy sex abuse -- is not en vogue among the Democratic Party’s truly energized base, which is largely college-educated millennials taught to have contempt for not only aggressive inner city policing, but inner city policing overall.

It also remains a question as to how many black American voters Kamala really represents. Without doubt, she completely failed to gain these voters' support during the primary. Many black Americans responded to Barack and Michelle Obama due to their image as people who empathized authentically with the black experience of living in inner city America. Harris’s flip-flopping on criminal justice issues has clearly deprived her of the Obama touch.

What should highly concern all Americans of whatever political persuasion is the fact that, given Joe Biden’s medical condition, a Democrat victory in 2020 could very likely result in a person for whom only 2% of Democrats and Democrat-leaning Independents supported to become president.

The reasons for Biden’s choice of Kamala Harris as his running mate are as yet not entirely clear. What is very clear, however, is that a new president of the United States in the near future could be a person whom a weak and faltering man chose by fiat, and not someone whom the majority of the country elected by the ballot.

That's a problem.

It's a problem for America -- and it's a serious and profound problem for American democracy.

Barry Nussbaum is an exceptional American businessman and real estate mogul, whose distinguished career extends more than 38 years. He is an experienced news commentator on international affairs, who has been featured on major television networks, web-based and in print media. Visit his site:


“Kamala Harris is the biggest threat to First Amendment civil liberties and First Amendment civil rights that our country has ever seen, in my opinion,” said Daleiden. “While she was the attorney General of the State of California, Kamala Harris, at the behest of her political patron — Planned Parenthood — targeted me for criminal punishment solely because of the content of the message that I was publishing and speaking at the time as you mentioned the undercover video series showing top-level Planned Parenthood officials callously negotiating the harvesting and sale of tiny aborted baby hearts and lungs and livers and brains.”

JOE BIDEN is known as a serial liar, a "public servant" who has somehow managed to accrue tremendous wealth, a race-baiting opportunist, Catholic-in-name-only, and a bought-and-paid-for politician in bed with criminal cartels and foreign foes.  In another era, Joe Biden would have been run out of his country much the same way Benedict Arnold was two and a half centuries ago; in an era when integrity, honor, fortitude, fidelity, and grit have been jettisoned for immorality, unscrupulousness, weakness, betrayal, and craven pliability, however, he is elevated to king sleazeball in a city drowning in sleaze. JB SHURK

Biden is the most amoral President in US history

By Patricia McCarthy

The President pretends to be Catholic but clearly does not live by Catholic tenets.  He supports abortion up until the moment of birth.  This past week, he sent a cease-and-desist letter to the priests who have been ministering to Catholic patients at Walter Reed Hospital.  He intends to contract outside persons to provide Catholic ministry.  While VP, he supported the persecution of the Little Sisters of the Poor for refusing to provide abortion services to their employees. In short, he is about as Catholic and Christian as Nancy Pelosi, another faux Catholic, a classic elitist who has nothing but contempt for actual Catholics, actual Christians.  








How does one explain, then, his total and complete lack of interest in the train derailment that subjected the citizens of East Palestine, Ohio, to the consequences of a de facto burn pit?  

Biden is the most amoral President in US history

By Patricia McCarthy

The President pretends to be Catholic but clearly does not live by Catholic tenets.  He supports abortion up until the moment of birth.  This past week, he sent a cease-and-desist letter to the priests who have been ministering to Catholic patients at Walter Reed Hospital.  He intends to contract outside persons to provide Catholic ministry.  While VP, he supported the persecution of the Little Sisters of the Poor for refusing to provide abortion services to their employees. In short, he is about as Catholic and Christian as Nancy Pelosi, another faux Catholic, a classic elitist who has nothing but contempt for actual Catholics, actual Christians.  

There are years of evidence, including from Biden’s own daughter’s diary, that Biden is a pedophile or at least has pedophilic tendencies.  He cannot keep his hands off young female children; he fondles and sniffs them.  Tara Reade’s account of his molestation of her years ago is credible.  The man is pond scum. 

Whenever he speaks of his deceased son Beau, who died of a brain tumor, he blames his death on the burn pits of Iraq where Beau served 2008 - 2009.  That could be true.  The military had long used burn pits to dispose of all manner of waste, much of it obviously toxic.  How does one explain, then, his total and complete lack of interest in the train derailment that subjected the citizens of East Palestine, Ohio, to the consequences of a de facto burn pit?  He did not visit. He barely mentioned it.  He did not send the hapless Buttigieg or his EPA head, Michael Regan, until shamed into it. Neither of them acquitted themselves well.  Both of them made it clear they did not want to be there, nor did they have any sympathy for the victims who are very likely to suffer for decades as Beau Biden did.  

Biden’s open border is a human catastrophe of horrific proportions.  The day he was inaugurated, he opened our southern border to all comers, encouraging migrants from all over the world to sacrifice everything to make their way to the US.  Thousands of them die on the journey.  The women and children are raped and trafficked.  

Meanwhile, the cartels have become richer than Bill Gates.  The cartels control both sides of the border with Biden’s acquiescence.  Thousands of migrants are being bussed or flown into cities throughout America every day.  It's a massive operation to alter the demographics of the US.  It’s part of the globalist plan.  

The sadly mentally incapacitated Biden is a tool of the worst people on the planet: the Communist Party of China and the Machiavellian scoundrels of the WEF.  He has led us into WWIII; it has begun, which must be clear to every American paying attention.  Biden’s weakness has reverberated throughout the world.  His thwarting of our energy independence, his absurd implementation of all the covid restrictions that submarined the US economy and his vaccine mandates that have killed thousands will be his legacy. 

This President’s obsession with LGBT issues, especially the transgenderism of children, proves his evil intent beyond all other issues. Neither he nor Kamala Harris could be bothered to visit or even speak to the grief of the families of the victims of the Nashville murder of six people, three of them children.  Instead, they used the tragic event to boost support for transgendered persons, all of whom suffer from mental illness in one form or another.  Numerous school shootings have been committed by trans kids who suffer from gender dysphoria and almost always on drugs, legal and/or illegal.  Both Harris and the White House spoke of their pride and support of the “trans community” and the “Tennessee Three,” who mounted a nearly violent insurrection in their State House to ignominiously screech for gun control, as if taking guns away from good people would prevent such mass attacks.  They nearly always occur in gun-free zones.  These idiotic activists know this and do not care.  They seem to be determined that only criminals have guns, as they most assuredly will if in a gun-free zone.

Joe Biden has been corrupt for all his years in Congress.  What is so maddening is that everyone in Congress, in the DC world of politics, have always known this.  They’ve all known he was rather dim, a racist (Strom Thurmond was his mentor), a plagiarist, and a consummate and compulsive liar.  The list of his oft repeated, provable lies is too long to list but he was at it again while in Ireland this week; he has never “traveled 17k miles with Xi.”  Clearly he can’t help himself; he has a serious pathological problem.

Biden is a dim bulb and the people who engineered his installation as president surely knew that.  Whoever his handlers are, they committed many serious crimes, many breaches of the Constitution, to rig the election, secure in the knowledge that “they,” whoever they are, would be running the show.  They surely knew that Biden is a schlump, an empty suit, a man without a moral core; a man they could manipulate and manipulate him they certainly have.  

There is more than enough proof that Biden is indebted to China; his family has been fabulously enriched by the CCP’s purchase of his servility.  He is indebted to Ukraine as well but is repaying their generosity by using the Ukrainian people as cannon fodder in his misguided proxy war against Putin.   

Biden will go down in history as the most corrupt, the most nationally and globally disastrous and the dumbest President in American history.  If we are to prevail as a constitutional republic, the American people better wake-up and fight for everything they cherish – family, freedom and basic human and civil rights – or it will be gone in the blink of an eye.  It began with Obama and that crowd is determined to carry out their plan to transform America.  They’ve been remarkably successful to the detriment of us all. 

Caricature by Donkey Hotey CC BY 2.0 license





Garland caught lying.


FBI Has Spies in Catholic Churches to Hunt for ‘Domestic Terrorism’

Garland caught lying.

April 13, 2023 by Robert Spencer 8 Comments



A few weeks ago, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) asked Gestapo chief Merrick Garland, “Are you cultivating sources and spies in Latin Mass parishes and other Catholic parishes around the country?” Garland pleaded innocent, insisting, “No, the Justice Department does not do that and does not, uh, um, do investigations based on religion.” But it has now come to light — okay, get ready for the shock of your life — that Garland was lying. The feds did have informants in Catholic churches, snooping around and looking for evidence of that domestic terror threat that the Biden regime keeps insisting is the worst such threat we face today. Nor is there any indication that they’ve taken these spies out of the pews.

We all know that “domestic violent extremists,” a.k.a. “white supremacists,” are the biggest terror threat the nation faces today. After all, Old Joe Biden, Gestapo chief Merrick Garland, and the FBI have repeatedly told us so, and those sterling public servants wouldn’t lie to us, would they? In November 2021, FBI and Homeland Security Department officials increased investigations of “domestic extremists,” reiterating the claim that they are today’s foremost terror threat. The only problem with this was that there just weren’t enough “domestic violent extremists” to match the hysterical rhetoric, and so the FBI actually resorted to pressuring agents to inflate domestic extremism numbers, and even to fabricate such cases.

That imperative, plus the burning hatred that Catholic Joe’s regime clearly has for all forms of traditional Christianity and above all for pro-lifers, may have led to the fact that, as Fox News reported Monday, the FBI “recently sought to develop sources inside Christian churches and Catholic dioceses as part of an effort to combat domestic terrorism.” This is clear from internal FBI documents that the House Judiciary Committee released to the public on Monday.

The documents reveal that the FBI was attempting to use “mainline Catholic parishes” as “new avenues for tripwire and source development.” The feds wanted to educate sympathetic Catholics about “the warning signs of radicalization,” and then get them to help stop the rosary-praying terrorist by obtaining “their assistance to serve as suspicious activity tripwires.” This is nothing short of breathtaking in its resolute determination to construct a reality other than the one we happen to be living in. If there were a steady stream of terrorists routinely “radicalized” in Catholic churches and going out to bring the wrath of the Immaculate Heart of Mary upon the populace, there might be some justification for this program. As it is, it’s plain and simple harassment and scapegoating of Christians.

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) wrote to FBI top dog Christopher Wray on Monday, “Based on the limited information produced by the FBI to the Committee, we now know that the FBI relied on at least one undercover agent to produce its analysis, and that the FBI proposed that its agents engage in outreach to Catholic parishes to develop sources among the clergy and church leadership to inform on Americans practicing their faith.” He added, quite rightly, that “this information is outrageous and only reinforces the Committee’s need for all FBI material responsive to our request,” referring to material that the Committee had requested earlier but not received (and why not?).

Jordan added that what he had already received from the feds was bad enough: “The documents produced to date show how the FBI sought to enlist Catholic houses of worship as potential sources to monitor and report on their parishioners.” He felt it necessary to remind Wray, who likely thinks that Christians go to church on Sunday in order to plot hate crimes and figure out new ways to oppress brown people, of some basic truths: “Americans attend church to worship and congregate for their spiritual and personal betterment. They must be free to exercise their fundamental First Amendment rights without worrying that the FBI may have planted so-called ‘tripwire’ sources or other informants in their houses of worship.”

First Amendment rights? Come on, man! This is the Biden regime we’re talking about, the alleged administration that tried to institute a Disinformation Governance Board within the Department of Homeland Security and colluded with Twitter and the other social media giants to deplatform and silence dissidents. Does anyone really think they’re going to respect the freedom of religion?


Robert Spencer

Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 26 books including many bestsellers, such as The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)The Truth About Muhammad and The History of Jihad. His latest books are The Critical Qur’an and The Sumter Gambit. Follow him on Twitter here. Like him on Facebook here.

Reader Interactions

Biden Cites God in Predicting Defeat of Pro-Lifers: ‘We’re Going to See What Happens All Over America, God Willing’ (MORE BELOW).

Biden Vows to Legalize Nationwide Killing of Unborn Babies

The deadly face of the Left.

November 11, 2022 by Terrence P. Jeffrey 4 Comments


Thirty-five years ago, Democratic Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware, who was then serving as chairman of the Judiciary Committee, gave a speech explaining why he was going to vote against confirming Judge Robert Bork to the Supreme Court.

Biden spoke as a self-proclaimed “child of God” and claimed his opposition to Bork was all about God-given rights.

“I believe that all Americans are born with certain inalienable rights, certain God-given rights that they have, not because the Constitution says they have them,” Biden said in the text of a speech preserved in the Congressional Record. “I have rights because I exist, in spite of my government, not because of my government.”

“As a child of God, my rights are not derived from the majority, the State or the Constitution,” said Biden. “Rather, they were given to me and to each of our fellow citizens by the creator and represent the essence of human dignity.

“It is with this spirit that the framers of our Constitution met in Philadelphia 200 years ago,” he said.

Twenty-five years after he expressed this point of view, as this column has noted before, Biden discussed his views on abortion in a vice presidential debate with Republican Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin.

Martha Raddatz of ABC News, who moderated that debate, insisted on inserting the candidates’ religion into the abortion issue. “We have two Catholic candidates, first time, on a stage such as this,” said Raddatz. “And I would like to ask you both to tell me what role your religion has played in your own personal views on abortion.”

Ryan, who is pro-life, said that “reason and science” informed his position.

“Now, you want to ask basically why I’m pro-life?” said Ryan. “It’s not simply because of my Catholic faith. That’s a factor, of course. But it’s also because of reason and science.”

“Now, I believe that life begins at conception,” he said. “That’s why — those are the reasons why I’m pro-life.”

Unlike Ryan, Biden did not cite “reason and science.” He spoke of abortion as if it were solely a religious issue and addressed the question of whether human life begins at conception as if it were something that was merely “the church’s judgment” rather than a scientific fact.

“My religion defines who I am, and I’ve been a practicing Catholic my whole life,” Biden said. “And it has particularly informed my social doctrine. The Catholic social doctrine talks about taking care of those who can’t take care of themselves, people who need help. With regard to abortion, I accept my church’s position on abortion as a — what we call de fide doctrine. Life begins at conception in the church’s judgment. I accept it in my personal life.

“But I refuse to impose it on equally devout Christians and Muslims and Jews, and I just refuse to impose that on others, unlike my friend here, the congressman. I do not believe that we have a right to tell other people that — women — they can’t control their body. It’s a decision between them and their doctor.”

It was false for Biden to suggest that whether life begins at conception is merely “the church’s judgment.” It is an inescapable fact, just as it is an inescapable fact that abortion ends a human life.

But last Sunday in New York, the man who cited his recognition of God-given rights in explaining his opposition to the confirmation of Judge Robert Bork to the Supreme Court declared once again that he intends to sign legislation declaring a nationwide right to abort unborn babies.

“Look, here’s the bottom line: If Republicans gain control of Congress and pass a nationwide ban on abortion, I will veto it,” said Biden. “And if we elect — they give me two more Democrats in the Senate and we keep control of the House, we’re going to codify Roe v. Wade in January and make it the law of the land.”

This is Biden’s commitment: to sign a law that legalizes the mass killing of innocent human beings.

Federal Judge Orders Michigan Public School to Read Student’s Pro-Life Message Over PA System






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(CNS News) – A Michigan public high school that refused to allow a student’s pro-life message to be read over the school’s public address service during announcements has been ordered by a federal judge to read the message because, to not do so, is discriminatory and a violation of the First Amendment.

In his Nov. 4 order, U.S. District Court Judge Paul Borman said the Skyline High School in Ann Arbor, Mich., must read over its public address system on Nov. 7, the following statement,

“Attention Students

Are you interested in joining our efforts to protect the health of women and children?

If proposal 3 is passed it would eliminate health and safety regulations, legalize late term and partial birth abortion, no longer require physicians to perform abortions, and eliminate informed consent laws.

If so, email us at”

Proposal 3 in Michigan reads, “A proposal to amend the state constitution to establish new individual right to reproductive freedom, including right to make all decisions about pregnancy and abortion; allow state to regulate abortion in some cases; and forbid prosecution of individuals exercising established right.”



The statement was written by a student at Skyline High School and the school had refused to read it over its PA system, claiming it was “political." Skyline, however,  had allowed similar messages from the left to be announced over the PA system. For instance, students were able to promote abortion, Roe v. Wade, Planned Parenthood, Black Lives Matter, the George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin trial, climate change, and the visit of a Democratic congresswoman seeking re-election.

In response to this apparent censorship and discrimination against a pro-life message, the Thomas More Law Center (TMLC), a nonprofit public interest law firm, sent a letter to the Ann Arbor Public Schools and requested for the announcement to be made.

Ann Arbor Public schools later responded but denied any wrongdoing and continued “to censor Plaintiffs’ speech,” reads a press release from the TMLC.



The law firm subsequently filed a federal lawsuit Nov. 1 in the Federal District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan against the Ann Arbor Public Schools and officials of Skyline High School.

The lawsuit claims “blatant discrimination,” and alleges that the school violated the First and Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and the Equal Access Act. It was filed on behalf of David Nielsen and his minor son, who is identified as the “plaintiff,” after his announcement-request was denied by the school for its “political” nature.

“The Constitution protects a student’s right to have a different viewpoint from others and share it within the walls of a public school,” TMLC’s Chief of Supreme Court and Appellate Practice Erin Mersino said. “How else will students learn tolerance toward opinions to which they disagree or how to thrive in our pluralistic society?”

After the plaintiffs submitted their announcement request on Proposal 3, they were sent an email from the school that claimed the statement was political in nature, and therefore, would not be read or posted. The plaintiffs then met with the principal’s secretary, who confirmed the announcement was rejected and not made for that reason, because in his “opinion,” it was “political.”


(Getty Images)

“Public schools across our nation are stifling the free speech of conservative students and organizations,” TMLC President Richard Thompson said. “We are working to defend their constitutional rights – rights which the Supreme Court so famously said, they do not lose by merely entering the schoolhouse gate.”

A motion for a temporary restraining order was also filed Nov. 2, “asking the Court to require that the announcement be shared over the school’s public address system at the earliest possible time.” A hearing was held Nov. 4, to which Borman announced that the motion would be granted.

Borman’s ruling deemed that, “Plaintiffs have shown a likelihood of success on the merits of their First Amendment claim,” and that “Defendants seek to silence Plaintiffs’ appropriate speech by refusing to broadcast it with their morning announcements.”

California Enshrines Abortion Until Birth, Rejects Sports Gambling

283Sarah Morris / Getty


9 Nov 20220


California voters overwhelmingly voted for a state constitutional amendment that will enshrine the right to abortion until birth, though voters turned down many other ballot measures, including two that would expand sports gambling in the Golden State.

As of Wednesday morning, nearly two-thirds of voters had backed Proposition 1, which expands current abortion law, which guarantees abortion until viability. The language of the proposition also included a right to contraception, easing its passage.

California was one of several Democrat-governed states to approve such a resolution Tuesday, including Vermont and Michigan.

However, overwhelming majorities of California voters rejected Proposition 26 to allow sports betting on tribal lands, as well as Proposition 27 to allow online sports betting outside tribal lands. Voters approved Proposition 28 to expand arts funding in public schools, as well as Proposition 31 to restrict the sale of some flavored tobacco products. They rejected Proposition 29 to further regulate kidney dialysis clinics — the third time it has failed — and rejected Proposition 30, a tax hike to pay for electric vehicles.

Governor Gavin Newsom (D), who won reelection easily, mandated the purchase of electric vehicles after 2035 but campaigned against Proposition 30, portraying it as an effort by ride-sharing companies to pass the cost of new electric fleets to the taxpayers.

No Republican candidates were doing well in statewide races, though several were holding up well in early counts of congressional races. California takes weeks to finalize results because of its heavy reliance on mail-in ballots, including the use of ballot harvesting.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). He is the author of the recent e-book, Neither Free nor Fair: The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election. His recent book, RED NOVEMBER, tells the story of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary from a conservative perspective. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.



Biden: ‘Give Me Two More Democrats in the Senate and…We’re Going to Codify Roe v. Wade’



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(Photo by Stephanie Keith/Getty Images)

( - President Joe Biden spoke at a rally in support of New York Gov. Kathy Hochul on Sunday and said that if voters can give him two additional Democrats in the United States Senate, he will be able to move forward with codifying Roe v. Wade—the now-reversed Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion nationwide.

"And, look, here’s the bottom line: If Republicans gain control of Congress and pass a nationwide ban on abortion, I will veto it,” Biden said.


“And if we elect—they give me two more Democrats in the Senate and we keep control of the House, we’re going to codify Roe v. Wade in January and make it the law of the land,” said Biden.

Here is the transcript from the part of Biden’s speech where he said he that if the Democrats got two more seats in the Senate he would they would codify Roe v. Wade:

“Now, Governor Hochul is the first woman to serve as governor of New York. And on Tuesday night, with your help, she’ll be the first el- — woman elected governor of New York.

“And even before the Dobbs decision came down, your governor took action to protect patients and doctors to ensure that the right to choose for a woman in New York would be protected.  (Applause.)  And her opponent, meanwhile, believes that there should be no exceptions, even for rape or incest—none.

“His position is extreme. For example, he’s been down in Washington voting over and over again to defund Planned Parenthood. He’s in the—

“And, look, here’s the bottom line: If Republicans gain control of Congress and pass a nationwide ban on abortion, I will veto it. And if we elect—they give me two more Democrats in the Senate and we keep control of the House, we’re going to codify Roe v. Wade in January and make it the law of the land.”

Chuck Schumer: ‘Republicans Want to Ban Abortion’






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(Photo by Lev Radin/Pacific Press/LightRocket via Getty Images)

( - Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), who is running for reelection, sent out a couple of tweets over the last five days focusing on Republican opposition to abortion.

“MAGA Republicans want to ban abortion, slash Social Security and Medicare and give tax cuts to the rich,” Schumer said in a tweet he sent out on Nov. 2.



“The choice in this election is clear,” he said.

“Thank you, New York!” Schumer said in a tweet he sent on Sunday. “Two days to go and the choice is clear.

“Democrats are fighting to lower costs and protect our fundamental rights,” Schumer said. “MAGA Republicans want to ban abortion nationwide and cut Social Security & Medicare.

“VOTE on Tuesday!” Schumer said.


SBA Pro-Life America Denounces NPR Audio of Woman Undergoing an Abortion






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A woman undergoes an abortion. (Getty Images)

(CNS News) – The Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America organization called out the “brutal truth about abortion” after National Public Radio (NPR), funded by taxpayers, released a recording on-air of a woman undergoing an abortion.

“This heartbreaking audio exposes the brutal truth about abortion – the destruction of unborn children and exploitation of their mothers for profit,” SBA Pro-Life American President Marjorie Dannenfelser said in a news release.

“We can just imagine the last moments of the unborn child, who has a beating heart by six weeks, is forming unique fingerprints by 10 weeks, and can feel excruciating pain at least by 15 weeks,” she said. “And we may never know the fate of the unnamed mother, but we know abortion can result in life-threatening complications and long-term emotional and mental health impacts.”

The audio recording aired on NPR Nov. 3, and included in-depth detail and ambient sound of a mother getting an abortion around 11 weeks of the child’s development. Although the woman requested to remain anonymous, she gave permission for her procedure to be recorded.

The destruction of her unborn child, according to the audio recording, “feels a lot like a childbirth” with dimmed lights and “soothing music.” The audio continued with a loud machine (vacuum) used to abort the baby, and the sound of the woman in a state of distress.


The abortion was finished in “just a couple of minutes” and the woman was comforted with a “you did it” and “you did great,” the audio reveals.

“This is what Hell sounds like,” Lila Rose, founder and president of Live Action, tweeted in response to the recording. “NPR’S glorification of slaughtering TWIN babies. The sound of their deaths. Pure Hell.”


In addition to denouncing NPR, SBA Pro-life America brought attention to the midterm elections and how pro-abortions Democrats stray from answering specific abortion questions.

“Pro-abortion Democrats have avoided truths like these at all costs on the campaign trail as they dodge questions about their extreme record and whether there are any limits on abortion they would support,” Dannenfelser said. “Exposure to the harsh reality of abortion is important for voters as they consider their choices next Tuesday.”

Suggested Reading by CNSNews


Snuff Radio: NPR Airs Audio Of Woman Getting Abortion, Including Vacuuming, Moaning & Crying


Snuff Radio: NPR Airs Audio of Woman Getting Abortion With Vacuuming, Moaning & Crying



Late Night Hosts Sound The Literal Alarm In Final Election Pitches

Pro-Life Laws Save Thousands of Lives After Roe Overturn



3 Nov 20220


After the overturn of infamous abortion case Roe v. Wade, “at least 10,000” lives have been saved from abortion as a result of pro-life laws being enacted across the country.

According to analysis done by FiveThirtyEight, there were 10,670 fewer abortions since June’s decision on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization allowed states to regulate abortion.

Several states had trigger laws which automatically made abortion completely or almost entirely illegal, and many other states quickly passed abortion limitations in the aftermath.

While “medical tourism” for killing unborn babies has also increased, SBA Pro-Life America reported of the lives saved that “if these trends persist, there could be at least 60,000 fewer abortions in the next year as a result of the Dobbs decision.”


While FiveThirtyEight’s analysis appears more as a left-wing missive detailing a “pressure wave spreading out from a blast zone,” highlighting pro-abortion University of California – San Francisco professor Ushma Upadhyay’s complaint that the over 10,000 persons “felt they had no options,” others point out the leftist disinformation campaign on pregnancy centers and community clinics that provide life-oriented care.


Anti-abortion campaigners celebrate outside the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, DC, on June 24, 2022. (OLIVIER DOULIERY/AFP via Getty Images)

There is now a battle between pro-abortion and pro-life states, with the former advertising themselves as safe havens for abortion — even going as far as footing the bill for travel, hotel rooms, and the abortions themselves.

Democrats, too, have attempted to use the issue as a tool in the midterms, but have seen fairly little success.

As one Harris Poll made clear, while 40 percent of voters said the overturn of Roe makes them more likely to vote for Democrats, 37 percent said they were more likely to vote for Republicans — an increase of five points from September.

Harris Poll chairman Mark Penn said of the statistic that, “Democrats may have squandered their advantage by wasting time advocating for a controversial expansion of abortion rights, rather than for a bill that enshrined the rights allowed under Roe.”

One “controversial expansion” Democrats have pushed is the “Women’s Health Protection Act” which aimed at enshrining abortion on-demand and up-to-birth in federal law as well as voiding all state laws aimed at protecting the lives of the unborn.

Breccan F. Thies is a reporter for Breitbart News. You can follow him on Twitter @BreccanFThies.

Abortion on the Ballot in Five States






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(Getty Images)

In August, voters in Kansas turned back an effort to amend the state constitution: it would have declared there is no right to an abortion. Now voters in five other states will decide to expand or contract abortion rights.

Pro-life activists in Kentucky hope to do what the voters in Kansas decided against, making sure there is nothing in the state constitution that creates a right to abortion or requires government funding of abortions.

Voters in Montana will decide whether to legalize selective infanticide. To be specific, the ballot initiative states that infants born alive are legal persons and therefore cannot be denied medical care.

It matters not a whit if the baby survived as a result of induced labor, cesarean section, attempted abortion, or some other means.

Voters in California, Michigan, and Vermont will decide if they want to effectively ban all abortion restrictions.

California voters will decide if their state constitution should be amended to ensure that the state cannot restrict abortions for any reason. California bishops have spoken out against Proposition 1, saying it would provide for late-term abortions (which most Californians do not support).

Gov. Gavin Newsom, who says he is a Catholic, spent $2.5 million over two weeks on ads imploring Californians to vote for the pro-abortion measure.

If Proposition 3 in Michigan succeeds, it means the evisceration of parental rights; it would invalidate state law and allow minors to get an abortion without the consent of one of their parents. It would also allow for abortion at any time of pregnancy and do away with all abortion regulations.

Michigan bishops have branded it the “most extreme proposal” the nation has ever seen.

Vermont already has very liberal abortion laws. On the ballot is a provision, Proposal 5, that would ensure abortion-on-demand right up until the moment of birth. It wants to declare a state constitutional right to “personal reproductive autonomy.”

Do any of these laws matter? Absolutely. An analysis by the New York Times on October 31 found that there has been a 6% drop in abortions nationwide after Roe v. Wade was overturned. Thirteen states banned or severely restricted abortion; nine others added major restrictions. Some states witnessed an increase in abortion, as women seeking to terminate their pregnancy traveled from restrictive states to more liberal states.

Statistics can be cold. The 6% drop in abortions amounts to over 10,000 children who have been spared sudden death.

No state saw a more dramatic decline in abortions than Texas. Kudos to those men and women who stood up for the rights of the unborn. They are a role model for us all.

Suggested Reading by CNSNews


Sen. Lee Opposes National Abortion Ban: 'We Can't Suddenly Make It a Federal Issue'


CBS Morning News Celebrates Mobile Abortion Clinics, Barely Mentions Pro-Life Side



‘CBS Mornings’ Celebrates Mobile Abortion Clinics, Barely Mentions Pro-Life Side




Joe Biden: I Support Abortion Because ‘No One Knows Precisely When Does Human Life Begin’

17Joe Raedle/Getty


2 Nov 20220


President Joe Biden defended Roe v. Wade and the national right to abortion on Tuesday during a campaign rally in Florida arguing no one knows when life officially begins in the womb.

“I’m a practicing Catholic. I’ve supported Roe vs. Wade,” he said. “And the reason I support Roe vs. Wade is the most rational basis upon which confessional faiths can agree: No one knows precisely when does human life begin.”

Biden pointed out developing children in the womb were described in three trimesters

“It made sense,” he said referring about the right to abortion. “It made sense on who has what authority under what circumstances.”

The Catholic Church teaches, however, “human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception,” according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Biden has repeatedly claimed to be a “practicing Catholic” even though he has directly countered Church teaching on abortion.

In September, he revealed he did not agree with the Church on abortion, a theme he has addressed many times before.


“I respect those who believe life begins at the moment of conception and all … I respect that. Don’t agree. But I respect that,” he said.

The president has tried to make abortion a key issue for the midterms, vowing to support federal funding for women trying to pay for an abortion and making nationwide laws to legalize abortion nationwide.

Biden’s midterm campaign for more abortions earned him a rebuke from Baltimore Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore, the chairman of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities.


President of the United States Joe Biden delivers remarks during a Democratic National Committee event in Miami Gardens, United States on November 1, 2022. (Kyle Mazza/Anadolu Agency via Getty)

In a statement, Lori said Biden’s position was “gravely wrong.”

“This single-minded extremism must end, and we implore President Biden to recognize the humanity in preborn children and the genuine life-giving care needed by women in this country,” he said.


Virginia's Bishop Burbidge: Biden's Pro-Abortion Policy 'Only Brings About Pain and Death'






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Bishop Michael F. Burbidge, head of the Catholic Diocese of Arlington, Virginia. (Screenshot)

(CNS -- President Joe Biden said if Democrats retain control of Congress following the midterm elections, he would immediately send a bill to them to make Roe v. Wade the law of the land, a pledge that Catholic Bishop Michael Burbidge denounced and stressed would only bring about "pain and death."

"President Biden recently stated that if the Democratic Party has control of Congress following the November 2022 election, his top priority will be pro-abortion legislation," said the bishop, whose Arlington Diocese is just south of D.C. I condemn abortion and any political tactic that would codify abortion as national policy."

"Fundamentally, abortion ends the life of a precious child and deeply wounds the child's mother," said the bishop. "The role of Congress is to pass laws that serve the common good -- and yet this priority of the president only brings about pain and death."

In a speech on Oct. 18, President Biden said, “The court got Roe right nearly 50 years ago and I believe the Congress should codify Roe, once and for all.”


President Joe Biden at a fundraiser for the Planned Parenthood Action Fund. (Getty Images)

He then said that if Democrats retain control of the House and Senate, "here’s the promise I make to you and the American people: The first bill I will send to the Congress will be to codify Roe v. Wade. And when Congress passes it, I’ll sign it in January, 50 years after Roe was first decided the law of the land."

Although Biden is Catholic, he strongly supports abortion and other issues contrary to Church teaching, such as gay marriage, gay adoption, and gender ideology.

Bishop Burbidge further commented, "Any attempt to codify abortion, rather than to enact policies that support unborn children and mothers, should be met with peaceful, active and staunch opposition from the Catholic faithful and all people of good will."

"While overturning Roe v. Wade was perhaps the most significant pro-life victory in the last century, there is much work to be done to make abortion unthinkable and support mothers in need," said the bishop.  "The Catholic Church has long offered hope, healing and material support to the vulnerable. We stand ready to continue serving all expectant families in need."


Illustration of a D and E abortion, dilation and evacuation. (Screenshot)

In addition to Burbidge, Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities, denounced Biden's promise to codify Roe v. Wade in federal law.

“The President is gravely wrong to continue to seek every possible avenue to facilitate abortion, instead of using his power to increase support and care to mothers in challenging situations," said the archbishop in an Oct. 25 statement. 

"This single-minded extremism must end, and we implore President Biden to recognize the humanity in preborn children and the genuine life-giving care needed by women in this country," he added.

"As pastors who deal daily with the tragic impacts of abortion, we know that abortion is a violent act which ends the life of preborn children and wounds untold numbers of women," said Archbishop Lori. "The Catholic Church wishes to continue in our work with our government and leaders to protect the right to life of every human being and to ensure that pregnant and parenting mothers are fully supported in the care of their children before and after birth.”  

In its June 24 ruling (6-3) that overturned Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court said, "We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled. The Constitution makes no reference to abortion, and no such right is implicitly protected by any constitutional provision, including the one on which the defenders of Roe and Casey now chiefly rely—the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment."

 According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, "From its conception, the child has the right to life. Direct abortion, that is, abortion willed as an end or as a means, is a "criminal" practice, gravely contrary to the moral law."


Bottom line here is that the Biden administration doesn't want us to know how it's investigating the baby formula crisis, probably because it played such a big role in making it happen. 

What's Biden hiding on the infant formula shortage?

By Monica Showalter

The Biden administration made a mess with the infant formula shortage earlier this year, and the problem is still ongoing, remaining at crisis levels in some parts of the country.

But don't ask them how thing are going now. After launching a high-profile investigation on why it happened last May 24, the shortages are still there, and now there's a coverup.

According to the Washington Examiner:

EXCLUSIVE — President Joe Biden's Federal Trade Commission is being sued for allegedly blocking the release of records related to its investigation of the nationwide baby formula shortage.


The Functional Government Initiative, an ethics watchdog , sent a Freedom of Information Act request in August to the FTC for the records, noting their release is in the "public interest." But the watchdog has not received any records as of this writing and is now suing the FTC for "wrongfully withholding them," according to a Wednesday complaint obtained by the Washington Examiner.

"FGI anticipates that officials and staff at FTC discussed and participated in making and implementing decisions about the investigation into the infant formula crisis," read the watchdog's lawsuit. "The public does not have an ability to easily evaluate the decision-making surrounding FTC’s investigation."



The Functional Government Initiative smelled a rat on this probe, suspecting that the FTC was in bed with leftists in Congress, as well maybe taking orders from NGOs and Big Labor unions, and quite possibly making insulting remarks about all the moms with babies who were sending in the requested public comments to the agency as requested. There also was a legitimate question as to why it took the feds so long to investigate the baby formula shortage, given that it claimed a whistleblower complaint sent to it was "lost" in the mailroom for four months. Really? 

They made a request for the public records on this, and got stonewalled.

The formula is still in shortage, with the Washington Examiner citing data showing that it's just 87% in stock, compared to around 90% before the pandemic. The Examiner also cited a newly released household survey from the Census bureau stating that 30% of households say they still can't get the formula they need, meaning, some places may have a surplus, and others may have way less. That's how averages go, assuming the data are correct, and given that this is the Biden administration, it might not be.

Bottom line here is that the Biden administration doesn't want us to know how it's investigating the baby formula crisis, probably because it played such a big role in making it happen. Midterms are on, after all, so the records request can wait. The Bidenites along with the Obamatons, have a history of failing to release what are and should be public records, because they would show some kind of disaster.

One can only hope that the moms who were probably disparaged by these sneaky officials take that into account on election day -- and vote accordingly.


Image: John Crowley, via Wikimedia Commons // CC BY-SA 2.0


"Along with (LAWYER) Obama, Pelosi and (LAWYER) Schumer are responsible for incalculable damage done to this country over the eight years of that administration (JOE BIDEN (LAWYER) WAS OFF SUCKING OFF BANKSTERS AND BRIBES)." 



Capehart: National Dems Have Urged Focus on Abortion, Democracy over Economy



29 Oct 20220


On Friday’s “PBS NewsHour,” Washington Post Associate Editor and MSNBC host Jonathan Capehart said national Democrats have told Democratic candidates to avoid talking about jobs, the economy, and inflation and focus on abortion and democracy as issues in the midterms, but despite this advice from national figures, “plenty of” individual candidates pushing back against that advice and telling the national party, “I’m listening to my constituents, and they care about the economy. They care about gas. They care about jobs” and running their campaigns accordingly.

After New York Times columnist David Brooks accused many Democrats of spending too much time telling people to care about abortion and democracy and not to care about things like crime, homelessness, and inflation, Capehart stated, “I think Democrats are running — national Democrats, sure, will say, run on this, run on that, and this is your — what your message should be. But, in individual races, there are plenty of Democrats who are saying, don’t tell me what to do. I’m out there campaigning. I’m listening to my constituents, and they care about the economy. They care about gas. They care about jobs. And they are running in that way.”

Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett


'HE HAS BAD FATHER' Garland CHOKED UP after Rick Scott shows Biden's name in 'Hunter' email


 "This is how they will destroy America from within.  The leftist billionaires who orchestrate these plans are wealthy. Those tasked with representing us in Congress will never be exposed to the cost of the invasion of millions of migrants.  They have nothing but contempt for those of us who must endure the consequences of our communities being intruded upon by gang members, drug dealers and human traffickers.  These people have no intention of becoming Americans; like the Democrats who welcome them, they have contempt for us." PATRICIA McCARTHY

Biden Admin. Tramples on Peaceful Pro-Life Protesters’ Civil Liberties

Weaponizing the FBI to arrest pro-lifers in armed home raids

October 28, 2022 by Joseph Klein 1 Comment


The FBI has targeted peaceful pro-life protesters for arrest, using heavy-handed tactics that should shock the conscience of every freedom-loving American.

In one such case, about twenty armed FBI agents conducted a dawn raid on September 23rd at the home of a pro-life advocate, Mark Houck, who is the father of seven children. Mr. Houck is being charged with violating the federal Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (the FACE Act) outside of a Pennsylvania abortion facility in October 2021. FACE Act violations carry a prison term of up to eleven years. The Thomas More Society is defending Mr. Houck in court.

Thomas More Society’s Vice President and Senior Counsel Peter Breen said that the Biden Department of Justice had rejected Mr. Houck’s offer to appear in court voluntarily to answer the charges. Instead, the Department of Justice dispatched the FBI’s storm agents to Mr. Houck’s home to arrest him at gunpoint.

“Rather than accepting Mark Houck’s offer to appear voluntarily, the Biden Department of Justice chose to make a show of potentially deadly force, sending twenty heavily armed federal agents to the Houck residence at dawn,” Mr. Breen said. “In threatening form, after nearly breaking down the family’s front door, at least five agents pointed guns at Mark and arrested him in front of his wife and seven young children, who were terrified that their husband and father would be shot dead before their eyes.”

The incident leading to Mr. Houck’s arrest occurred during the course of Mr. Houck’s presence outside of an abortion clinic to pray and offer pro-life counseling support to women considering an abortion. He was accompanied by his 12-year-old son. An overly aggressive pro-abortion activist, who was serving as an escort for women seeking to enter the abortion facility, targeted the boy repeatedly with “vulgar verbal attacks,” according to the Thomas More Society.

Mr. Houck did what any good dad would do. He defended his son. First, he repeatedly asked the pro-abortion activist to stop the abuse. Only after the pro-abortion activist ignored Mr. Houck’s calls to back off did the father shove the activist away from his son’s face. The pro-abortionist clearly instigated the altercation and refused to stop harassing Mr. Houck’s 12-year-old boy despite being repeatedly asked to do so.

The Biden Department of Justice never should have brought a federal case against Mr. Houck in the first place. Mr. Houck did not shove the pro-abortion activist away from his son for the purpose of interfering with the activist’s provision of reproductive health services. Mr. Houck’s shove occurred solely in defense of his son after his attempts to de-escalate the tense situation failed to stop the pro-abortionist’s harassment.

The Biden Department of Justice ignored a highly relevant 2019 decision by a federal district court in Pennsylvania that limited the scope of a legally defensible charge of a FACE Act violation. Federal District Court Judge Chad F. Kenney ruled that a peaceful pro-life advocate had a First Amendment right to provide witness and sidewalk counseling outside an abortion facility.

Judge Kenney also played down the significance, for FACE Act purposes, of the alleged use of force that arose out of “a mutual argument” regarding how the defendant was exercising what he believed to be his constitutional rights. The opinion stated that “the Court does not find that Plaintiff has shown a reasonable probability of eventual success in proving that Defendant Sulpizio violated FACE by using force to intentionally injure or intimidate or attempt to injure or intimidate a person because that person is providing reproductive health services.”

The same finding should apply to Mr. Houck. He did not shove the pro-abortion activist because the activist was providing reproductive health services. Mr. Houck acted solely in defense of his son who was being harassed by the pro-abortionist.

Moreover, the pro-abortion activist’s attempt to have Mr. Houck charged at the state level with assault and battery because Mr. Houck shoved the pro-abortionist away from his son went nowhere. The authorities did not press charges. When the pro-abortionist tried to bring the charges himself, his case was thrown out of court.

In short, the Biden Department of Justice ignored both the law and the facts in Mr. Houck’s case and ran roughshod over his civil liberties. The only reason for the FBI to haul Mr. Houck away at gunpoint in a dawn raid at his home was to send an intimidating message to other peaceful pro-life protesters to remain silent or else.

The Biden administration’s egregious abuse of power against Mr. Houck is not simply a one-off case. On October 5th, armed FBI agents arrested Paul Vaughn, President of Tennessee Personhood, at his home. The Thomas More Society is defending Mr. Vaughn against spurious charges of “conspiracy against rights secured by the FACE Act.” The charges are focused on an alleged blockade at an abortion clinic’s entry doors, including allegedly preventing a patient and an employee from entering.

According to the Thomas More Society, Mr. Vaughn was recording a protest by pro-life advocates “sitting in a hallway outside of the abortion clinic singing Christian hymns, reading scripture, and praying.” Mr. Vaughn was also “serving as a liaison between life advocates and the police to ensure the safety of all involved. No one was hurt, and no property was damaged during the pro-life witness.”

Even if there were acts of civil disobedience at the protest, since when does engaging peacefully in such acts, much less simply recording them, justify the punishment that is possible under the FACE Act – 11 years in prison and fines of up to $250,000?

The Biden administration is weaponizing the FBI to go after the administration’s opponents, including peaceful pro-life protesters. The Biden Department of Justice does not even make a pretense of applying the law in an even-handed fashion. We have yet to see them display a mere fraction of the zeal that it has shown in persecuting pro-life advocates when it comes to pursuing the pro-abortion militants who have firebombed and vandalized pro-life pregnancy resource centers.


Joseph Klein

Joseph Klein is a Harvard-trained lawyer, and the author of Global Deception: The UN’s Stealth Assault on America’s Freedom and Lethal Engagement: Barack Hussein Obama, The United Nations & Radical Islam


U.S. Bishops Slam Joe Biden as ‘Gravely Wrong’ in Promoting Abortion

13Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images


26 Oct 20220


ROME — The leader of the U.S. Bishops’ pro-life office has blasted President Joe Biden for his abortion “extremism,” urging him to radically change course.

Baltimore Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore, chairman of the Bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities, responded publicly Tuesday to Mr. Biden’s declaration that his top legislative priority after the midterm elections will be to codify a national right to abortion.

“The President is gravely wrong to continue to seek every possible avenue to facilitate abortion, instead of using his power to increase support and care to mothers in challenging situations,” Archbishop Lori asserted in his statement.

“This single-minded extremism must end, and we implore President Biden to recognize the humanity in preborn children and the genuine life-giving care needed by women in this country,” he added.


President Biden, who self-identifies as Catholic despite flouting core Church teachings, has proven to be the most pro-abortion president in U.S. history, going far beyond the policies and  agitation of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.

Last year, Kansas City Archbishop Joseph Naumann exhorted President Biden to act like the “devout Catholic” he says he is by opposing the evil of the procedure.

“He likes to call himself a devout Catholic. I would urge him to begin to act like one, especially on the life issues,” Archbishop Naumann said. “And to let his faith really inform his conscience and the decisions that he’s making, not the platform of his party.”

Right now, the Biden administration is “looking for every opportunity to expand abortion,” he added.


U.S. President Joe Biden speaks while meeting virtually with Kathy Hochul, governor of New York, left, and other governors in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building in Washington, D.C., US, on Friday, July 1, 2022. Biden discussed his options for protecting women’s access to abortion with the group of Democratic governors. (Ting Shen/Bloomberg via Getty)

In 2021, Catholic League President Bill Donohue noted that Biden has a “rocky” relationship with the U.S. bishops, which is only getting worse.

“It’s time for President Biden to stop living a lie,” Dr. Donohue noted, in reference to Biden’s continued participation in Catholic sacraments while overtly promoting abortion on demand and other injustices.

In his essay, Donohue cited nine U.S. bishops who have been highly critical of Biden’s situation, several of whom have insisted the president should cease receiving Holy Communion at Mass until he repents of his abortion position.


In his statement Tuesday, Archbishop Lori said that the U.S. bishops “deal daily with the tragic impacts of abortion” and know that “abortion is a violent act which ends the life of preborn children and wounds untold numbers of women.”

“The Catholic Church wishes to continue in our work with our government and leaders to protect the right to life of every human being and to ensure that pregnant and parenting mothers are fully supported in the care of their children before and after birth,” he stated.


God, I Thank Thee That I Am Not Like Devout Catholics






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(Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

The famous Gospel passage has many applications: “The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, ‘God, I thank thee that I am not like other men, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week, I give tithes of all that I get.’” (Lk. 18:9-14)


The Pharisees took sinful pride in abiding by visible religious observances disconnected from virtue, and/or ruined their goodness by taking pride in it. All of us can become Pharisees, especially when we claim “devout Catholic” status, and comply with the external practices of the faith, but pay no attention to authentic Christian virtue.


Here are some carefully assembled facts.


President Joe Biden


President Biden has announced that if Democrats win the House and Senate in the midterm elections this November (2022), the first bill he would send to Congress would codify the so-called abortion rights established by Roe v. Wade.


· He promised he will be “appointing judges that respect foundational precedents like Roe.”

· He rescinded the pro-life Mexico City Policy, which ensured that foreign aid would not go to organizations that perform or refer for abortions.

· The Washington Post called Joe Biden a “president who has been called the most pro-transgender in history.”

· Retired Archbishop Chaput said Biden “is not in communion with the Catholic faith.” The archbishop added that “any priest who now provides Communion to the president participates in his hypocrisy.” Biden attends Mass, receives Communion, has met with the Pope, and has received Communion at papal Masses.


Joe Biden identifies as a devout Catholic.


Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi


Nancy Pelosi is pro-abortion, pro-transgender, and pro-gay agenda. Consequently, her archbishop denies her Communion because her politics manifest the scandal of grave unrepented sins. Pelosi ignores the decree. Cardinal Gregory and his two predecessors, Cardinal Wuerl and then-Cardinal McCarrick, have remained unmoved. Cardinal Wuerl said denying Communion according to canon law is not his “pastoral style.” Pelosi attends Mass, receives Communion, has met with the Pope, and has received Communion at papal Masses.

Nancy Pelosi identifies as a devout Catholic.


Department of Health and Human Services, Xavier Becerra


Biden’s Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services supports legislation that:


· Permits partial-birth abortion—killing a baby up until its birthday;

· Forces every healthcare plan to pay for abortions;

· Requires pro-life pregnancy centers to advertise abortions;

· Forces the Little Sisters of the Poor to pay for contraception and abortion drugs; and,

· Allows assisted suicide.


Xavier Becerra identifies as a devout Catholic.


Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin


An official website of the Defense Department reports: “Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III signed a memo today designed to ensure that service members and their families can access reproductive health care [abortion] and to support Department of Defense health care providers concerned about potential risks while providing federally authorized care.” Austin adds, “The Dobbs ruling ‘has impacted access to reproductive health care [abortion], with readiness, recruiting and retention implications for the force.”

NBC News summarizes the details: “The Defense Department [taxpayers] will pick up travel costs for service members and their dependents forced to cross state lines for reproductive healthcare [abortion] needs.”

Lloyd Austin identifies as a devout Catholic.


Mariana Mazzucato


Among the newest members of the Pontifical Academy for Life appointed by Pope Francis is an outspoken advocate of abortion rights, who shared her opposition to the overturning of Roe v. Wade on Twitter. Italian-American economist Mariana Mazzucato was among seven academics appointed by the Pope on October 15, 2022, to serve five-year terms with the academy.


Although Mariana Mazzucato identifies as an atheist, Pope Francis is a devout Catholic and the Vicar of Christ.

The preceding accounts merely report the facts. Now the Gospel application.


It’s dangerous to declare devout Catholic status.


Jesus indicts the Pharisees and—mutatis mutandis—devout Catholics who claim their devotion as they publicly deny by word and deed the teachings of Jesus through His Church. Let us count the ways (cf. Matthew 23:13–39):


· “But woe to you, devout Catholics, hypocrites! because you shut the kingdom of heaven against men; for you neither enter yourselves nor allow those who would enter to go in.”

· “Woe to you, devout Catholics, hypocrites! for you traverse sea and land to make a single proselyte, and when he becomes a proselyte, you make him twice as much a child of hell as yourselves.”

· “Woe to you, devout Catholics, who say, ‘If any one swears by the Church, it is nothing; but if any one swears by friends in the hierarchy, he is bound by his oath.’”

· “Woe to you, devout Catholics, hypocrites! for you tithe, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law, justice and mercy for the unborn… You blind guides, straining out a gnat and swallowing a camel!”

· “Woe to you, devout Catholics, hypocrites! for you are like whitewashed tombs, which outwardly appear beautiful, but within they are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness.”

· “You serpents, you brood of vipers, you devout Catholics, how are you to escape being sentenced to hell? Therefore I send you prophets, some of whom you will disparage as racist and homophobic, and some of you will arrest using FBI swat teams and persecute them from state to state….”


Yet, all of those people listed above are potential tax collectors. All they would have to do is say with sincerity, “O God be merciful to me, a sinner,” and make a good Confession. May an ordinary—not a “devout Catholic”—priest be at their bedsides before they cross the threshold to eternity.


In the meantime, we may do Pharisaical spiritual posturing of our own:


“God, I thank thee that I am not like devout Catholics, woke, inclusive, and advocates of LGBTQ, or even like pro-abortion so-called devout Catholics. I go to Mass on Sunday, say my prayers, and support the Church. I am not particularly devout, but I am a practical Catholic.” I also mind my business, keep my head down, avoid controversy, usually comply, and curse the madness—but only in private.



[This commentary was first published by Catholic Culture.]


--Fr. Jerry Pokorsky is a priest of the Diocese of Arlington who has also served as a financial administrator in the Diocese of Lincoln. Trained in business and accounting, he also holds a Master of Divinity and a Master’s in moral theology. Father Pokorsky co-founded both CREDO and Adoremus, two organizations deeply engaged in authentic liturgical renewal. He writes regularly for a number of Catholic websites and magazines.


Biden Cites God in Predicting Defeat of Pro-Lifers: ‘We’re Going to See What Happens All Over America, God Willing’






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(Screen Capture)

( - President Joe Biden cited God in a speech he delivered on Tuesday night at the Howard Theatre in Washington, D.C.. warning that because of the Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe v. Wade, Americans will turn out for the November election to defeat pro-life Republicans.

“The Dobbs decision—the Court practically dares women to go ahead and lead and be heard,” said Biden.


“One of the most extraordinary parts of that decision, in my view, was when the majority wrote, quote, ‘Women are not without electoral…’  ‘Are not…’—excuse me—“…are not without electoral or political power.”

“Let me tell you something — [laughs]— the Court and the extreme Republicans who have spent decades trying to overturn Roe are about to find out,” said Biden.

“As they say in one of the towns I grew up, ‘They ain’t seen nothin’ yet,’”  said Biden.

“Just take a look at what happened in Kansas,” he said.

“And come this November, we’re going to see what happens all over America, God willing,” said Biden.

Here is the full text of Biden’s speech:

Remarks by President Biden at a Political Event at the Howard Theatre

President Joe Biden: Well, folks, thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak to you.  Look, Doc, thanks for that introduction. 

And, you know, we’re only 22 days away from the most consequential election in our history, in my view — in recent history at least — elections where the choice and the stakes are crystal clear, especially when it comes to the right to choose.

And on January 22nd, 1973 — I hate to admit this, but I was a freshman — a 30-year-old freshman United States senator, and the Supreme Court issued its opinion on Roe v. Wade, establishing a fundamental constitutional right to choose.

Nearly 50 years later, on June 24th of this year, the Court issued the Dobbs decision.  A woman — and all — all across the country, starting in my house, lost the fundamental right.

I want to remind us all how we felt that day when 50 years of constitutional precedent was overturned —

I’m going to use this mic if it’s okay.

The anger, the worry, the disbelief, the unbelievable fact that for the first time in our history, the Supreme Court didn’t just fail to preserve a constitutional freedom, it actually took away the right that was so fundamental to Americans.  It took away a right.  And the fear that now that most personal decisions may not only be made by the woman and her doctor, but by politicians to make that decision.

The Dobbs decision — the Court practically dares women to go ahead and lead and be heard.

One of the most extraordinary parts of that decision, in my view, was when the majority wrote, quote, “Women are not without electoral…”  “Are not…” — excuse me — “…are not without electoral or political power.”

Let me tell you something — (laughs) — the Court and the extreme Republicans who have spent decades trying to overturn Roe are about to find out.  (Applause.)

As they say in one of the towns I grew up, “They ain’t seen nothin’ yet.”

Just take a look at what happened in Kansas.  (Applause.)  And come this November, we’re going to see what happens all over America, God willing.

You know, it’s only been four months since the Dobbs decision, but we’re no longer have to imagine the chaos and the heartache it’s causing.

In just four months, abortion bans have gone into effect in 16 states; 26.5 million women of reproductive age already live in states subject to these bans.

Today in America, there are women who have been turned away from emergency rooms while having miscarriages, losing wanted pregnancies, and told they need to wait until they’re sicker before they get the care they need.  And there are survivors of rape and incest who’ve been denied access to health services in their home states and been forced to travel to states that do provide that care.

And there’s so much confusion and uncertainty that doctors and nurses fear they could face criminal charges for just doing their job responsibly.

Patients are being denied prescriptions that they’ve been taking for years for conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and oste- — osteoporosis, you know, because pharmacies are concerned that those drugs could also be used to terminate a pregnancy, so they’re not giving them their prescriptions.

That’s not all.  I’ve warned about how this decision risks the broader right to privacy for everyone.  There’s a thing called the Ninth Amendment.  It says there’s a right to privacy.  That’s how it was interpreted back then.

Well, guess what, folks?  That’s because Roe recognized the fundamental right to privacy that has served as a basis for many more rights that are — were — were to come and to take — we’ve taken for granted of late.  And they’re ingrained in the fabric of this country: the right to make a decision — the best decision for your health; the right to birth control — the right that I pushed hard and it finally got changed — the married couples in the privacy of their bedroom.  Excuse me.  The mar- — I’m thinking about the Dobbs — the Dobbs decision.

Imagine — well, I’ll get to that in a second with Clarence Thomas.  (Laughter.)  But the right to marry who you love.  (Applause.)

Look, folks, Justice Thomas said as much in his concurring opinion in Dobbs, writing, quote, “In future cases, we should reconsider all of this Court’s substantive due process precedents, including Griswold…” — we’re getting to the whole idea of contraception — “…Lawrence and Obergefell.”

Look, folks, meanwhile — and I just want to make clear — I know you all know, but I’ll make sure — they’re talking about the right to use contraception and the right to marry who you love.  I mean —

Anyway, I don’t want to get started.  (Laughter.)

Meanwhile, congressional Republicans are doubling down on their extreme positions.

Kevin McCarthy, the Republican Leader of the House, has said that if they take control of the House, our work is, quote, “far from done.”  He wants the United States Congress to pass a law that would ban abortion nationwide.

Senator —

Well —

Senator Lindsey Graham called for an abortion ban that criminalizes doctors and nurses who provide medical care for their patients in need.

If Republicans get their way with a national ban, it won’t matter where you live in America.  So let me be very clear: If such a bill were to pass in the next several years, I’ll veto it.  (Applause.)  But we can’t let it pass in the first instance. 

Immediately after the Dobbs decision came down, I signed an order and my administration took a number of actions to protect the access to reproductive healthcare, including emergency medical care; to protect a woman’s right to travel from a state that prohibits abortion to a state that allows it; and to protect the privacy of sensitive health information preserving — preventing states from tracking women who are seeking help, because that’s what some will do. 

But as I said when the Dobbs decision — we’re fighting a battle in the courts as well.  But as I’ve said in the Dobbs decision, when it was released, I want to repeat it again: The only sure way to stop these extremist laws that are — put in jeopardy women’s health and rights is for Congress to pass a law.  (Applause.)

And I’ve said before: The Court got Roe right nearly 50 years ago, and I believe Congress should codify Roe once and for all.  (Applause.)

Right now, we’re short a handful of votes.  If you care about the right to choose, then you got to vote.  That’s why, in these midterm elections, it’s so critical to elect more Democratic senators to the United States Senate and more Democrats to keep control of the House of Representatives.  (Applause.)

And, folks, if we do that, here is the promise I make to you and the American people: The first bill that I will send to the Congress will be to codify Roe v. Wade.  (Applause.)  And when Congress passes it, I’ll sign it in January, 50 years after Roe was first decided the law of the land.  (Applause.)

And together, we’ll restore the right to choose for every woman in every state in America.  So, vote.  You got to get out the vote.  We can do this if we vote.  (Applause.)

And, folks, I also have a message for the young people of this nation.  I’ve always believed that this generation is — the young generation represents the best educated, most talented, least prejudiced generation in American history —  (applause) — and that today we face an inflection point, one of those moments that only come around every several generations where there’s so much change happening — technologically, politically, and socially — that the decisions we make now are going to determine the future of our nation and the future of your generation for the next 30 or more years, and it only happens once every five, six generations. 

I know that you may feel like it’s an added burden on top of all you’ve already been through and this young generation, my grandchildren and children, have been through.

I’m not saying you have to shoulder the burden alone.  The task at hand and the task ahead is the work of all of us.  What I am saying is you represent the best of us.  Your generation will not be ignored, will not be shunned, and will not be silent.  Just look at what happens when you speak out. 

Two years ago, perhaps many of you voted for your first time in an election or volunteered for your — work in your first election.  You understood the choices and the stakes.  And because of your experience and power to vote, you elected me President and Kamala Vice President — the highest-ranking woman ever to be elected in American history.  (Applause.)

And since then, with your help, we’ve delivered enormous progress for the nation — the most significant gun safety law in 30 years.  (Applause.)  And, by the way, if you give me a Democratic Congress, we’re going to ban assault weapons again.   I did it once, I’ll do it again.  (Applause.)

And the most significant Infrastructure Law in seven years.  Have us — you know, we ranked up, like, in the 20s, in terms of infrastructure — the United States of America, for God’s sake.

We made the most significant commitment ever in all of history to protect our environment — ever, ever, ever — $360 billion.  (Applause.)

And with your help, we’re forgiving student debt.  (Applause.)  By the way, we really worked hard to get the system right as to how you apply.  Just since yesterday, 4 million more people applied.  (Applause.)

I’m keeping my promise that no one should be in jail merely for using or possessing marijuana.  You should not be in jail.  (Applause.)

Together, making sure our democracy delivers for people, but we know there’s much more progress that needs to be made.  And we know that there remains real options. 

In 2020, you voted and delivered the change you wanted to see in the world.  In 2022, you need to exercise your power to vote again for the future of our nation and the future of your generation. 

So let me close with this.  I’m asking the American people to remember how you felt — how you felt the day the extreme Dobbs decision came down and Roe was overturned after 50 years.  And I’m asking you — and, by the way, it’s not just affecting your gener- — young generation.  It’s affecting children, moms, grandmoms, grandpops, all — the entire generations all the way across the board. 

And I remember asking — I want you to remember that the final say does not rest in the court now; it does not rest with extremist Republicans in Congress — and finally say — finally say, about your right to choose, that it rests with you.  And if you do your part and vote for Democratic leaders in Congress, I promise you we’ll do our part.  I’ll do my part.

And with your support, I’ll sign a law codifying Roe in January.  (Applause.)  

Together, let’s remember who we are.  We are the United States of America, and there’s nothing beyond our capacity.  (Applause.)  So vote, vote, vote! 

God bless you all.  And may God protect our troops.  Thank you. 

I’m sorry — (music plays) —

I was apologizing for my back.  (Music stops playing.)  My mother would be very angry.  I was talking with people with my back to them.  I apologize.  (Laughter.) 

So, thank you all so very, very much.

Exclusive: Chip Roy Leads Letter to Pentagon Demanding Rescission of ‘Abortion Travel Slush Fund’

13Al Drago/Bloomberg via Getty Images


26 Oct 20220


Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) is leading a letter with 40 other Republicans demanding the Pentagon rescind its new policy to use American taxpayer money to pay for travel and transportation costs of troops seeking out-of-state abortions, Breitbart News has learned first.

“Among several policy changes, this memo directs the unprecedented use of American taxpayer dollars to facilitate abortions for service members and their families, against the wishes of the American people from all walks of life,” the letter to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin says.

Roy said in a statement to Breitbart News:

The United States military is facing a historic recruiting crisis as a result of wokeness and its strategically foolish COVID shot mandate. The Biden administration’s response is to kill more unborn Americans.

By creating an abortion travel slush fund with hard-earned taxpayer dollars, the Biden Administration is outright mocking the majority of Americans who oppose their tax dollars being used to end life in the womb.

Secretary Austin must immediately rescind this directive; it’s as abhorrent as it is unconscionable. And any Republican who votes to fund or authorize this in December should be asked one simple question: why?”

The Pentagon announced last week that it would pay for the travel and transportation of a service member and their family members seeking abortion if they are stationed in an area where they do not have access to it.

The military healthcare system is prohibited from performing abortions other than in the cast of rape or if the mother’s life is at risk, and military health care does not cover abortions outside of those cases.

However, the Biden Pentagon is attempting to get around those prohibitions by funding the travel and transportation costs of troops and their family members seeking abortions instead of funding the actual abortion procedure.

“This move represents an unprecedented politicization of our Armed Forces, which has unfortunately been a hallmark of the Biden Administration from the start,” the letter says.

It adds:

Your decision to bypass Congress and establish a DoD abortion travel fund flies in the face of nearly a half-century of bipartisan consensus to respect the sincere beliefs of millions of pro-life Americans by restraining the federal government from using taxpayer dollars to fund most abortions. It is even more disgraceful that you are using our brave service members and their families – tasked with providing for our nation’s security – as the vehicle to push this extreme policy on the American public.

The Pentagon’s policy change came just three weeks ahead of the midterm elections, which the Biden administration and Democrats have been attempting to turn into a vote for abortion rights.

“This obvious political gamesmanship will only serve to further undermine Americans’ trust in the U.S. Armed Forces and further hamstring future military recruitment efforts,” the letter said. “We demand the immediate rescission of this unconscionable directive.”

The other Republican signatories of the letter include: Jeff Duncan, Dan Bishop, Michael Cloud, Tim Burchett, Bob Good, Mary E. Miller, Jake Ellzey, Randy K. Weber, Vicky Hartzler, Warren Davidson, Kevin Hern, Louie Gohmert, Lauren Boebert, Clay Higgins, Roger Williams, Diana Harshbarger, Doug Lamborn, Jim Banks, Mike Johnson, W. Gregrory Steube, Gus M. Bilirakis, Ben Cline, Elise M. Stefanik, Burgess Owens, Bruce Westerman, Andy Biggs, Michael Waltz, Brad Finstad, Ralph Norman, Barry Moore, Ann Wagner, Michael Guest, Debbie Lesko, Jack Bergman, John Moonelaar, Bill Posey, Brian Mast, Mark E. Green, Scott Franklin, and Ronny L. Jackson, M.D.

Follow Breitbart News’s Kristina Wong on TwitterTruth Social, or on Fac.


Federally Funded ‘Humanized Mouse Core’ at UCLA Transplanted Fetal Tissue into Mice






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(CNS News) –  A federally funded “Humanized Mouse Core” at the University of California-Los Angeles created “humanized mice” by transplanting human fetal tissue into the mice.

Multiple journal articles published by federally funded researchers working at UCLA have described or summarized how these mice were constructed using tissue taken from human fetuses. Additional journal articles reference UCLA as the provider of humanized mice in studies funded by the National Institutes of Health.

For example, a 2016 article entitled “Propagating Humanized BLT Mice for the Study of Human Immunology and Immunotherapy,” published by Stem Cells and Development and co-authored by multiple UCLA researchers, provides a description of how “humanized BLT mice” are constructed.

“The humanized bone marrow-liver-thymus (BLT) mouse model harbors a nearly complete human immune system, therefore providing a powerful tool to study human immunology and immunotherapy,” says the article’s introduction. “However, its application is greatly limited by the restricted supply of Human CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells and fetal thymus tissues that are needed to generate these mice.”



The article includes a section carrying the subhead “Generation of humanized BLT Mice.” In explaining the generation of these mice, it says “1–2 fragments of human fetal thymus (~1mm3), as well as donor-matched fetal liver CD34- cells, when available (~4.5x106 ), were implanted under the kidney capsule of each recipient NSG mouse.”

In the “acknowledgements” section, the authors thank “the UCLA AIDS Institute/CFAR Virology Core/Gene and Cell Therapy Core/Humanized Mouse Core for providing human cells/tissues and humanized mice services.”

The authors note that their work “was supported by an UCLA Center for AIDS Research Grant (NIH/NIAID AI028697, to J.Z.),” as well as “a National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director’s New Innovator Award (DP2 CA196335, to L.Y.).”

Another article, published on Jan. 10, 2022 in the journal Nature Communications and entitled “Latency reversal plus natural killer cells diminish HIV reservoir in vivo,” was co-authored by multiple UCLA researchers, as well as researchers from the University of California, Irvine, Stanford University, and a researcher associated with both UCLA and the University of Hong Kong.

The article described research funded by the National Institutes of Health that used “humanized mice” constructed by “the UCLA humanized mouse core” using fetal tissue.

“All mice were maintained in the animal facility at UCLA,” said the article. “All experiments were performed in ethical compliance with the study protocol approved by the UCLA Animal Research Committee.”

“Humanized bone marrow liver thymus (BLT) mice were constructed by the UCLA humanized mouse core using techniques described previously,” it said.

“In brief, NOD.Cg-Prkdcscid Il2rgtm1Wjl/SzJ or NSG mice or C57BL/6 Rag2−/−γc−/−CD47−/− or TKO mice were obtained from Jackson Laboratories and bred at UCLA,” it said.



“Male and female mice were age-matched and between 6 and 8 weeks old were irradiated with 270 rads, and then pieces of fetal thymus and liver tissue were transplanted under the kidney capsule. Mice were then injected intravenously with 5 × 104 human fetal liver-derived CD34+ cells isolated by immunomagnetic separation.”

The journal article acknowledged the support of the NIH.

“We acknowledge support from the National Institutes of Health (AI155232 to J.T.K., K08CA235525 to C.S.S., AI131294 to J.A.Z. and M.D.M., AI124743 to J.A.Z. and P.A.W., and AI145038 to R.S.) […] and the UCLA Center for AIDS Research (AI28697).”

A page on the NIH Reporter website on the UCLA project, “Defining Factors Controlling HIV Rebound,” that did the research described in this journal article, says the project was funded by the NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).

The NIAID grant had a “Project Start Date” of Aug. 10, 2017 and a “Project End Date” of July 31, 2022. The NIAID’s “Total Funding’ for the project, according to the NIH Reporter, was $1,540,000.  

One of the sub-projects of “Defining Factors Controlling HIV Rebound,” is called “Mouse Core.”

page on the UCLA Health website briefly describes the division of the Center for AIDS Research that makes humanized mice. It is called “Core D: Humanized Mouse and Gene Therapy.” The brief description says the core “[p]rovides humanized mice, access to BSL2+ vivarium facilities, expertise in humanized mouse models, and further development of improved humanized mouse models.”

Another website maintained by the entire University of California system includes a brief description of what it calls the “UCLA CFAR Humanized Mouse Core.”

“The overall goal of this Core laboratory is to provide the infrastructure, materials, animals, technical expertise and support that will facilitate the use of humanized immunodeficient mice in studies examining the pathogenesis and treatment of HIV-induced disease,” it says.


(Screenshot, Washington Post)

“Recent advances have enabled the recapitulation of human immune cell development and function in immunodeficient mice,” it says. “Human hematopoietic tissue is placed in the mice where it undergoes multlineage hematopoiesis into multiple types of human immune cells.  The human tissue utilized in these studies is capable of a high degree of experimental manipulation prior to and subsequent to implantation in the mouse and is further susceptible to infection with HIV. This provides a powerful surrogate in vivo model to examine human hematopoiesis, the pathogenic effects of HIV infection, and ways to protect the human system from HIV.”

The final sentence in this description of the UCLA CFAR Humanized Mouse Core says: “Develop and supply mice and ‘humanized’ mouse models to facilitate progress in HIV/AIDS and oncology based research.” 

The NIH RePorter website lists multiple journal articles associated with the project “Mouse Core” that indicated the program used humanized mice in its federally funded research.

These include:

1. Characterization of designed, synthetically accessible bryostatin analog HIV latency reversing agents. (July 2018)

“Characterization of designed, synthetically accessible bryostatin analog HIV latency reversing agents,” was published in July of 2018 and funded by multiple NIH grants. On page three, in the Introduction, there is a summary of the use of humanized mice in the study:

“We further established that one particularly efficacious bryolog (SUW133) could induce HIV from latency ex-vivo from CD4 + T cells derived from HIV-infected ART-treated patients and in vivo in humanized BLT mice (Marsden et al., 2017).”

Page 12 includes an additional reference to humanized mice, which also parenthetically cites the same Marsden et al study:

“Subsequently, one particularly potent bryolog termed SUW133 was further tested ex vivo in ART-treated patient-derived cells and in vivo in a humanized mouse model of HIV latency (Marsden et al., 2017), the outcome of which provided further support for this approach and its clinical potential.”

The 2017 Marsden et al. study cited here is called “In vivo activation of latent HIV with a synthetic bryostatin analog effects both latent cell ‘kick’ and ‘kill’ in strategy for virus eradication.” The first author listed in this 2017 study was a researcher at UCLA at the time the article was published.  Three other co-authors are listed as researchers at UCLA. 



“Humanized bone marrow liver thymus (BLT) mice were constructed by the UCLA humanized mouse core using techniques described previously,” said this article.

“In brief, NOD.Cg-Prkdcscid IL2rgtm1Wjl (Nod-SCID-common gamma chain knockout [NSG]) mice were first irradiated with 270 rads and then transplanted under the kidney capsule with pieces of fetal thymus and liver tissue. Mice were then infused intravenously by retro-orbital injection with 5x105 human fetal liver-derived CD34+ cells isolated by immunomagnetic separation as previously described.”

A footnote in this passage referred to a 2012 journal article, co-authored by the same UCLA researcher, entitled “HIV Latency in the Humanized BLT Mouse,” which explicitly states that BLT mice are made with fetal tissue.

It says,

“Several alternative murine models for HIV infection, including humanized Rag2-/- yc-/- mice (4, 40) and the recently developed BLT (bone marrow-liver-thymus) mouse, now exist. The BLT mouse represents a significant improvement over the SCID-hu (Thy/Liv) mouse by providing robust peripheral reconstitution with multiple human hematopoietic lineages. These BLT mice are produced by transplanting human fetal liver and thymus tissue under the kidney capsule of a nod-SCID-common gamma chain-knockout (NSG) mouse. Endogenous hematopoietic progenitors are then depleted by irradiation or chemical treatment, and new human CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells are introduced by intravenous injection. Human immune cells in BLT mice are present in multiple organs, including the Thy/Liv implant, peripheral blood, lymph nodes, gut, lungs, bone marrow, and liver. Moreover, the human CD4+ cells in these mice can also be infected with HIV.”

In a subsection, “Construction of BLT mice,” it states,

“Fetal tissue for these studies was obtained from either the UCLA CFAR Gene and Cellular Therapy Core or Advanced Biosciences Resources Inc.”

1. Tracking HIV Rebound following Latency Reversal Using Barcoded HIV (Dec 22, 2020)

Another journal article co-authored by researchers from UCLA (along with researchers from UC Irvine, Stanford, and the School of Medicine at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China), also includes references to humanized mice. It is titled “Tracking HIV Rebound following Latency Reversal Using Barcoded HIV.” Published on Dec. 22, 2020, the research cited in this publication was funded by a series of NIH grants (including P01 AI131294 to J.A.Z., CA31845 to P.A.W., AI124763 to M.D., AI124743 to J.A.Z. and P.A.W.).

According to page two of the study:

“These mice were constructed by implanting fetal liver and thymus tissues under the kidney capsule of an immunodeficient (typically Nod-SCID-common gamma chain knockout) mouse, followed by irradiation and then transfusion of hematopoietic stem cells. This results in the generation of multilineage immune reconstitution with human cells including CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, natural killer (NK) cells, monocytes, macrophages, and dendritic cells. We and others have shown that the BLT mouse model can be efficiently infected with HIV and forms authentic post-integration latency in resting CD4+ T cells.” 

1. Robust CAR-T memory formation and function via hematopoietic stem cell delivery (Apr 17, 2021)

Another journal article published by UCLA researchers was “Robust CAR-T memory formation and function via hematopoietic stem cell delivery.” It was published on April 17, 2021 and funded by NIH grants (NIH U19AI117941, 1R21AI122390, R01CA239261 to SGK; CIRM DISC2-10748 to SGK; NIH U19AI149504 to SGK and IC, NIH 1R01AI140775 to OOY and SGK; CIRM TR4-06845, NIH P01AI131294 to JAZ; NIH P30AI28697 to UCLA CFAR Virology Core, Gene and Cell Therapy Core, and Humanized Mouse Core); (NIH IRACDA K12 GM106996 to MC; NIH 1R21AI140866 to AZ).

The publication includes an “ethics statement” that reads,

“For humanized mice, all surgeries were performed under ketamine/xylazine and isofluorane anesthesia and all efforts were made to minimize animal pain and discomfort.”



It also states, “To examine if D1D2CAR also suppresses endogenous TCR expression, we constructed humanized bone marrow-liver-thymus (BLT) mice with HSCs transduced with lentiviral vectors expressing either the CD4CAR or D1D2CAR as described above.”

“Humanized BLT mice,” it said, “were transplanted with donor matched fetal thymus and liver derived HSC (CD34+) transduced with either CD4CAR, D1D2CAR, CD4CAR-41BB, D1D2CAR-41BB, CD4CARCD28 or D1D2CAR-CD28” 

1. Latency reversal plus natural killer cells diminish HIV reservoir in vivo (Jan 10, 2022)

Another journal article published by UCLA researchers along with researchers from UC Irvine, Stanford, and the University of Hong Kong, was entitled “Latency reversal plus natural killer cells diminish HIV reservoir in vivo.” It was published on Jan. 10, 2022 and funded by NIH grants (NIH AI155232 to J.T.K., K08CA235525 to C.S.S., AI131294 to J.A.Z. and M.D.M., AI124743 to J.A.Z. and P.A.W., and AI145038 to R.S).

A section of this journal article carried the headline, “Methods.” A subsection of this “Methods” section was headlined “Mice.” It states:

“All mice were maintained in the animal facility at UCLA. All experiments were performed in ethical compliance with the study protocol approved by the UCLA Animal Research Committee (ARC # 1996–058). Humanized bone marrow liver thymus (BLT) mice were constructed by the UCLA humanized mouse core using techniques described previously8,61. In brief, NOD.Cg-Prkdcscid Il2rgtm1Wjl/SzJ or NSG mice or C57BL/6 Rag2−/−γc−/−CD47−/− or TKO mice58 were obtained from Jackson Laboratories and bred at UCLA. Male and female mice were age-matched and between 6 and 8 weeks old were irradiated with 270 rads, and then pieces of fetal thymus and liver tissue were transplanted under the kidney capsule. Mice were then injected intravenously with 5 × 104 human fetal liver-derived CD34+ cells isolated by immunomagnetic separation.”

Despite the multiple references in these journal articles to the use of fetal tissue in the construction of humanized mice, the articles do not indicate whether or not the fetal tissue used to create these mice came from elective abortions. repeatedly reached out to UCLA Medical School’s press spokesmen, NIAID spokesman, and the doctors involved with the UCLA humanized mice core and asked, among other things, if any of the fetal tissue used to create these humanized mice came from elective abortions.

Neither UCLA nor NIAID responded. specifically asked, “Does any of the fetal tissue used to create the humanized mice in the NIAID-funded UCLA Mouse Core come from elective abortions?”

In 2019, the Congressional Research Service published a report entitled, “Human Fetal Tissue Research: Frequently Asked Question.”  This report states:

“Fetal tissue used in research is mostly obtained from elective (induced) abortions. Though statute (PHISA Section 498A(g)) also permits the collection of human fetal tissue from spontaneous abortions (e.g., miscarriages) or stillbirths for subsequent use in federally funded research, these events often occur during unpredictable circumstances where it is difficult to preserve the tissue for research purposes. In addition, the tissue from spontaneous abortions or stillbirths is more likely to have genetic or other abnormalities that preclude its use for research purposes.”

“background paper” sent by Harvard to the House Energy and Commerce Committee on July 7, 2016 explained why “obtaining fetal material from elective pregnancy termination is far superior to obtaining whatever material might be recoverable following spontaneous miscarriage.” It stated:

“Mice that have human immune systems are an invaluable scientific resource, but these mice are engineered to this condition only by means of the use of human fetal material. … If human fetal tissue is needed, why can it not be obtained from miscarriages instead of abortion? Here, timing is very important.  Almost all miscarriages happen at home or in locations in which fetal material is not recovered and, importantly, preserved in a usable state. Just as obtaining tissue during a scheduled surgery or an in-hospital autopsy soon after death provides tissue that is untainted by decay relative to obtaining those same tissues from the morgue or a funeral home, obtaining fetal material from elective pregnancy termination is far superior to obtaining whatever material might be recoverable following spontaneous miscarriage, even assuming a mechanism existed for the collection of such material.”



“Fresh fetal tissue or tissue shipped overnight on ice from various organ procurement agencies can be used,” says a 2012 publication authored by a group of UCLA researchers that is titled “Using the BLT Humanized Mouse as a Stem Cell based Gene Therapy Tumor Model.”

The same publication includes a video showing the procedure by which these mice are humanized with fetal tissue.

The UCLA Medical School requires those requesting NIH funding to conduct research with the use of fetal tissue to go through a special approval process. On the UCLA Medical School website, a document called “NIH Proposals with Human Fetal Tissue (HFT)” states that “applications proposing HFT that do not address these requirements will be administratively withdrawn.”

The application form includes a required field that says “if the proposed project involves the use of human fetal tissue obtained from elective abortions (HFT), check ‘Yes’ and complete the rest of the ‘Human Fetal Tissue’ section.”

Applicants who check “Yes,” are then instructed to provide the medical school with the HFT Compliance Assurance, the HFT Sample IRB Consent Form, R & R Budget Form including a Budget Justification, as well as a Research Plan. 

In 2020, the director of UCLA’s Center for AIDS Research told the Washington Post that “work with humanized mice ‘was a flagship technique of ours.’” After the Trump administration issued stricter guidelines on the use of fetal tissue in NIH-funded projects, the same researcher told the Post that he was then reluctant to assign students to projects using humanized mice. “I might not put them on a humanized mouse project,” said the researcher. “Even if the mice were standing in front of you, you can’t do it if the grant says you can’t do it.”

“It is not a small thing,” he told the Post. “My career has been based on using these tissues.”

Under these guidelines, when the UCLA Center for AIDS Research applied to NIH to renew its grant in 2019, the director of the mouse core “made the wrenching decision to leave out the usual request to provide money for the humanized mice.”

Another researcher explained the reasoning behind this decision, saying: “We didn’t want to risk sinking the entire grant.”



According to the Washington Post, the UCLA Humanized Mouse Core Laboratory “was the first of its kind when it was created in the early 1990s and now provides such mice to 70 scientists on campus and around the country.” Citing one of the UCLA researchers, the Post said that “[a]bout three-fourths of the researchers who buy mice from the lab rely on NIH grants.” 

Under the Biden administration, federally funded fetal tissue research has resumed without the Ethics Advisory Board put into place by the 2019 HHS policy under the Trump administration, reported Forbes.

A new project at UCLA called “Core D-Humanized Mouse and Gene Therapy Core” began on April 8, 2022 and ends on March 31, 2027. The project is funded by NIAID and led by the same researcher who led the previous NIAID-funded mouse core at UCLA.

According to NIH RePorter, “The overall goal of the UCLA-CDU CFAR Humanized Mouse and Gene Therapy (HMGT) Core (Core D) is to provide support and expertise for HIV/AIDS-related research requiring stem cells, gene therapy, and humanized mice for in vitro and in vivo experimentation.” 




David Daleiden: Kamala Harris Prostituted Her Law Enforcement Powers to Planned Parenthood

Her more radical positions, such as support for the Obama administration’s Iran deal, prosecuting a journalist who exposed Planned Parenthood’s collection and sale of aborted babies’ body parts (while receiving campaign donations from them), and defending Ilhan Omar’s anti-Semitism, may indeed sit well with a great many leftists, but her actions as Attorney General of California may not. While in that position, Harris jailed hundreds on marijuana charges and authorized anti-prostitution sting operations which, according to SF Weekly, disproportionately targeted Latino men (a crucial Democrat demographic). In addition to this -- though she later admitted it was a mistake -- she prosecuted and jailed the parents of truant teens. She even refused to release the names of Catholic priests accused of sexually molesting children, abnegating law enforcement’s most basic and humane duty -- regardless of anyone’s opinion of the Catholic Church.

Report: U.S. Sees 32,000 Fewer Abortions 6 Months After Dobbs Decision

1AP Photo/Eric Gay


12 Apr 202372


The United States saw 32,000 fewer abortions in the six months after the U.S. Supreme Court issued the Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade,  according to a report.

The Society of Family Planning, a left-wing non-profit that “believe[s] in just and equitable abortion and contraception informed by science,” published its #WeCount report on Tuesday. The group describes the #WeCount report as a “national abortion reporting effort that aims to capture the shifts in abortion access by state” following the Dobbs decision.

The study was accomplished by collecting data from abortion providers nationwide, including clinics, private medical offices, hospitals, and virtual clinics. More than 80 percent of known providers responded, according to the organization. Abortions that occurred outside of the healthcare system or were self-managed were not included in the analysis.  

The report found that there was an average of 5,377 fewer abortions in the U.S. each month in the six months following the Dobbs decision. The national abortion rate decreased from 13.2 per 1,000 women of reproductive age in the month of April to 12.3 per 1,000 women in that same time span, according to the report.

Watch: MSNBC’s Reid on Abortion Restrictions: ‘Can’t Imagine Anything Closer to Slavery’ — This Is The Handmaid’s Tale

0 seconds of 4 minutes, 56 secondsVolume 90%

States with strong pro-life laws protecting unborn babies “witnessed a cumulative total of 43,410 fewer people [women] who had abortions.” 

“The 13 states with abortion bans in place had a monthly average of 7,235 fewer abortions after the Dobbs decision as compared to pre-Dobbs. While the telehealth services expanded in states where abortion was permitted, that number dropped to <10 by December in states with abortion bans,” according to the report. 

The organization found that while overall abortions decreased, the number of abortions provided by virtual clinic telehealth providers increased from 3,610 in April 2022 (four percent of all abortions) to 8,540 in December (11 percent of all abortions).

“This change represents an increase of 137 percent in the number of abortions provided from virtual-only services, comparing April and December 2022,” the report states. “Telehealth abortions provided by virtual clinics have increased every month since April 2022 and by December, represent 9 percent of all abortions across the post Dobbs six months, indicating that a greater percentage of U.S. abortions are taking place by way of virtual-only clinics than before the Dobbs decision.”

States that permitted abortion following the Dobbs decision saw a cumulative total of 11,150 more abortions. 

“States where abortion was permitted offered a monthly average of 1,858 more abortions after the Dobbs decision. Virtual clinics provided 3,590 telehealth abortions in states where abortion was permitted, and this increased to 8,540 by December,” the report states. 

Florida (7,190 more abortions), Illinois (6,840 more abortions), North Carolina (4,730 more abortions), Colorado (2,580 more abortions), and Michigan (2,490 more abortions) saw the largest increases in the total number of abortions in the six months after the Dobbs decision.

“Some states that had restrictions in place but were closer in distance to states that banned abortion also experienced surges in number of abortions provided by a clinician,” the report noted.

Related: Planned Parenthood CEO McGill Johnson: Dobbs Decision ‘Will Ensure that People Will Be Forced into Pregnancy’

0 seconds of 2 minutes, 17 secondsVolume 90%

HealthPoliticsAbortionabortion banabortion pillDobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organizationmedication abortionspro-life legislationReportRoe v. WadeSupreme CourtTelemedicineunborn babies


Vice President Harris: ‘Extremist Elected Officials Continue to Undermine and Attack Reproductive Freedom’







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(Photo by Olivier Douliery/AFP via Getty Images)

( - Vice President Kamala Harris this Holy Week put out a statement criticizing pro-life elected officials for seeking to “undermine and attack reproductive freedom."

In doing so, Harris pointed to Tuesday’s election in Wisconsin, where voters elected a pro-abortion judge to the state’s Supreme Court.

“This week’s election in Wisconsin reaffirmed what we already know to be true: the majority of Americans believe and agree that every woman, not her government, should have the freedom to make decisions about her own body,” Harris said in her written statement.

“After the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, voters have rejected measures to take away reproductive rights and supported measures to strengthen them every time the measures were on the ballot,” said Harris.

“Since the Dobbs decision, extremist elected officials continue to undermine and attack reproductive freedom,” she said. “They have pushed for a wide range of radical policies, from banning abortion in all 50 states, to criminalizing doctors and nurses, to threatening access to safe and effective FDA-approved medication.

“The consequences of these abortion bans and extreme laws have been heart-wrenching,” said Harris.

Here is the full text of Harris’ statement:

Vice President Kamala Harris: “This week’s election in Wisconsin reaffirmed what we already know to be true: the majority of Americans believe and agree that every woman, not her government, should have the freedom to make decisions about her own body. After the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, voters have rejected measures to take away reproductive rights and supported measures to strengthen them every time the measures were on the ballot. We saw that last year in states across our nation, including in Kansas, California, Michigan, Montana, Kentucky, and Vermont. Similarly, we saw Americans standing up for reproductive freedom this week in Wisconsin. 
“Since the Dobbs decision, extremist elected officials continue to undermine and attack reproductive freedom. They have pushed for a wide range of radical policies, from banning abortion in all 50 states, to criminalizing doctors and nurses, to threatening access to safe and effective FDA-approved medication. 
“The consequences of these abortion bans and extreme laws have been heart-wrenching. Women’s lives have been put at risk, as care is denied because providers fear prosecution for doing their job. Women have been turned away from emergency rooms and denied treatments and care that are essential to preserve their health and life.
“President Biden and I will continue to stand with the women of America, and against these attacks on their freedom and health care. As voters in Wisconsin showed, this fight continues. And we will not rest until Congress passes a law to protect freedom and liberty.”

 Her more radical positions, such as support for the Obama administration’s Iran deal, prosecuting a journalist who exposed Planned Parenthood’s collection and sale of aborted babies’ body parts (while receiving campaign donations from them), and defending Ilhan Omar’s anti-Semitism, may indeed sit well with a great many leftists, but her actions as Attorney General of California may not. While in that position, Harris jailed hundreds on marijuana charges and authorized anti-prostitution sting operations which, according to SF Weekly, disproportionately targeted Latino men (a crucial Democrat demographic). In addition to this -- though she later admitted it was a mistake -- she prosecuted and jailed the parents of truant teens. She even refused to release the names of Catholic priests accused of sexually molesting children, abnegating law enforcement’s most basic and humane duty -- regardless of anyone’s opinion of the Catholic Church.


Catholic Biden Hits Priests With Cease and Desist Order

When Freedom of Religion died.

April 12, 2023 by Tod Starnes 17 Comments



Catholic priests who minister at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center were issued a “cease and desist order” just before Holy Week.

I warned you that a day was fast-approaching when people who follow the teachings of Jesus Christ would be shunned from the public marketplace. That’s why I wrote “Culture Jihad: How to Stop the Left From Killing a Nation.”

In a statement on Saturday, Walter Reed said the center is a “welcoming and healing environment that honors and supports a full range of religious, spiritual, and cultural needs.”

The Holy Name College Friary had been providing priests to the hospital for nearly two decades, according to the Catholic Archdiocese for the Military Services.

“It is incomprehensible that essential pastoral care is taken away from the sick and the aged when it was so readily available,” Archbishop Timothy Broglio said in a statement. “This is a classic case where the adage ‘if it is not broken, do not fix it’ applies.”

The White House needs to explain why a Catholic president would banish Catholic priests from a military hospital just before Holy Week.

“Especially, during Holy Week, the lack of adequate Catholic pastoral care causes untold and irreparable harm to Catholics who are hospitalized and therefore a captive population whose religious rights the government has a constitutional duty to provide for and protect,” the diocese said.

The medical center is reportedly going to replace the priests with a government-approved, for-profit contractor to provide Catholic ministry. In other words, don’t be surprised if Ray Epps or his cronies at the FBI are sporting clerical collars and hearing your confessions.

“The refusal to provide adequate pastoral care while awarding a contract for Catholic ministry to a for-profit company that has no way of providing Catholic priests to the medical center is a glaring violation of service members’ and veterans’ Right to the Free Exercise of Religion,” the archdiocese said.

Rep. Mary Miller (R-IL) condemned the Biden administration’s decision.

“Priests and pastors guided our troops through the darkest days of our toughest battles,” she wrote on Twitter. “The Biden Admin chose Easter weekend to kick Catholic priests out of Walter Reed, violating their First Amendment right to free exercise of religion. The House will not allow this to stand.”

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene slammed the administration, calling the decision “embarrassing and wrong.”

“This is another attack on the church, and this time, directed at our military,” Greene wrote on Twitter.

I’m a Baptist and I’m proud to stand alongside Catholic patriots as they are being targeted.

It’s imperative for every freedom-loving person of faith in America to rise up and condemn this blatant anti-Catholic bigotry.

And I hope you will remember on Election Day that Catholic President Joe Biden denied hospitalized military veterans access to Catholic priests during Holy Week.

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House Judiciary Subpoenas Records on FBI Infiltration of Catholic Churches







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House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio). (Getty Images)

( -- Because FBI Director Christopher Wray has essentially ignored several requests by the House Judiciary Committee for documents about the agency's reported surveillance and infiltration of Catholic parishes to uncover "radicalization" among parishioners, Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) issued a supoena to the FBI on April 10 for specific records and information.

In a letter to Wray, Jordan explained that his committe is "conducting oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FB) handling of domestic violent extremism investigations against Catholic Americans and its effect on protected First Amendment activity."

Based on "limited information" provided to the committee by the FBI, said Jordan, it is clear now that the agency "proposed that its agents engage in outreach to Catholic parishes to develop sources among the clergy and church leadership to inform on Americans practicing their faith."


FBI Director Christopher Wray. (Getty Images)

"This shocking information reinforces our need for all responsive documents, and the committee is issuing a subpoena to you to compel your full cooperation," wrote Jordan. 

The committee notes on its website that it officialy requested information from the FBI about a document generated in its Richmond, Va., office in January about potential  connections between "violent extremists" and "radical-traitionalist Catholic ideology." 

The FBI ignored a Feb. 16 request from the committee about the memo, and then produced "a substandard and partial response" to a March 23 request, which was riddled with redactions. This prevented the committee "from fully assessing the content and context of the documents and obtaining information requested from the Bureau."

In the January 2023 document out of Richmond, under "Opportunities," the FBI wrote, “In addition to [redaction], engage in outreach to the leadership of other [Society of Saint Pius X] chapels in the FBI Richmond [area of responsibility] to sensitize these congregations to the warning signs of radicalization and to enlist their assistance to serve as suspicious activity tripwires.


Page one of the FBI memo on "radical" Catholics. (Screenshot)

The Society of St. Pius X is a Catholic organization that follows the centuries-old teaching of the Church and only offers the traditional Latin Mass. 

In addition to the Society, the FBI plan included outreach to so-called "mainline Catholic parishes" and the local "diocesan leadership," reported the House committee.

"The [January] document itself shows that its contents, including its proposal to develop sources in Catholic churches, were reviewed and approved by two senior intelligence analysts and even the local Chief Division Counsel," said the committee.  "Whistleblowers have advised that the FBI distributed this document to field offices across the country."

The January memo reveals that FBI claims of "numerous" and "rigorous" policies to protect the First Amendment rights of Chirstian worshipers are dubious, said Jordan in his April 10 letter to Wray.


Catholic children at First Communion. (Getty Images)

The so-called radical-traditionalist Catholics cited in the FBI memo came from a list compiled by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a left-wing organization that creates "hate maps" and describes people who oppose "gay marriage" as "hate groups."

In a Feb. 10 letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray, 20 state attorneys general detailed why the SPLC "has been utterly discredited as a reliable source."

The FBI has yet to announce whether it will comply with the House committee's subpoena. 


Jim Jordan Subpoenas FBI Dir. Wray Over Memo Comparing 'Radical-Traditionalist Catholics' to 'White Nationalists'







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Judging by some of the information that comes out concerning our “intelligence” agencies, one would be remiss not to wonder who those agencies are serving — the American people or themselves.

As a result of such distrust in the aforementioned agencies, specifically the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), House Judiciary Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) has subpoenaed that agency’s director, Christopher Wray.

According to The Hill:

The memo, a product of the Richmond, Va., FBI field office, discussed meeting with church leaders to review “the warning signs of radicalization and to enlist their assistance to serve as suspicious activity tripwires.”

The memo has become the basis for GOP lawmakers accusing the department of developing an anti-Catholic bias in the wake of last year’s Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade that spurred threats at both churches and abortion clinics.

The FBI memo detailed growing overlap between white nationalist groups and “Radical-Traditionalist Catholics,” which it identifies as a small minority within the church.

Basically, President Joe Biden’s regime seems to continue to target white Americans concerned about the direction said regime is taking the country in that they are still conflating those Americans with domestic terrorists.

Related: Microsoft-Tied NewsGuard Was Paid By Feds While It Censored Conservative Media, Including MRCTV

I suppose if I was drunk with power I might try to mislabel my political counterparts to the point that people begin getting violent with each other on the government’s behalf.

“Americans attend church to worship and congregate for their spiritual and personal betterment,” Jordan said. “They must be free to exercise their fundamental First Amendment rights without worrying that the FBI may have planted so-called ‘tripwire’ sources or other informants in their houses of worship.”

Christians in particular are feared by the establishment government for the mere fact that people who hold strong religious beliefs recognize God as God rather than looking to the state for their salvation.

To their credit, the FBI does a really good job of using their power and clearances to “allegedly” do the dirty work of a “possibly” corrupt government. Criminals are victims. Victims are criminals. Christianity is evil. And, evil is righteous.

It’s not exactly clear what should be done about our out of control government, but karma is something that may rear its ugly or beautiful face — depending on how you look at it — and carry out justice that no one else can provide.


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Rep. Andy Ogles Introduces Articles of Impeachment Against Biden, Harris: ‘They Have Mired Office in Criminal Activity, Political Weaponization’

Ting Shen/Bloomberg via Getty Images


13 Jun 202356


Rep. Andy Ogles (R-TN) introduced articles of impeachment Monday against President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, accusing them of poorly handling their leadership roles.

The articles accuse Biden of “weaponizing” the presidency in an effort to “shield the business and influence peddling schemes of his family from congressional oversight and public accountability,” Fox News reported Monday.

In a social media post on Monday, Ogles said Biden and Harris have “refused to protect and defend the Constitution.”

“They have mired their office in criminal activity and political weaponization. It is time their corruption be brought to task with the full force of the law,” he added:


The documents also claim the president has acted in a “manner contrary to the public trust and subversive of constitutional government, to the great prejudice of the cause of law and justice and to the manifest injury of the people of the United States” in regard to how he has dealt with the crisis at the southern border.

In February, Ogles yelled, “It’s your fault,” at Biden during the State of the Union Address when he was speaking about fentanyl deaths, according to Breitbart News.


Ogles later said he was one of those who shouted at Biden regarding the issue.

“He has left our border wide open and allowed our streets to be flooded with drugs; meanwhile, 60% of women and children are raped trying to cross. Yes, it’s his fault,” he stated.

According to WKRN, Ogles said in a statement Monday, “Joe Biden hasn’t just failed the American people with his abysmal excuse for ‘leadership,’ he’s violated his sworn oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

“Joe Biden has repeatedly abused his position of power, both as vice president and president, to cover up his illicit family business dealings and exploitation of taxpayer resources,” he concluded:


Punishments attached to an official impeachment are removal from office and a possible ban from serving in the government, the WKRN report said.

The impeachment articles regarding Harris target her performance as vice president and how she has dealt with issues at the nation’s southern border, per the Fox report.

The documents accuse her of exhibiting “extraordinary incompetence” regarding her responsibilities at the border.

After Biden named Harris the “Border Czar” in 2021, she faced mounting criticism from Republicans due to her lack of effort and hesitancy in visiting the border to assess the situation, Breitbart News reported in May.

Related — Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Finishes Her “Impeachment Week” by Announcing She’s Filing Articles to Impeach Biden

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene / Facebook

0 seconds of 4 minutes, 1 secondVolume 90%

ImmigrationPoliticsPre-ViralAndy OglesDemocratsimpeachmentJoe BidenKamala HarrisRepublicansSouthern Border

Dems Jockey To Replace Biden in Case 'Slippy Joe' Doesn't Survive His Next Fall

Making moves in '24: Gretchen Whitmer, Pete Buttigieg, and Kamala Harris


Andrew Stiles

June 12, 2023

What happened: Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D., Mich.) launched a political action committee to raise money for the 2024 election cycle and beyond.

• The Fight Like Hell PAC plans to support President Joe Biden's campaign reelection campaign as well as Democrats running in House and Senate races across the country.

• This will allow Whitmer to "carve out a visible and supportive role in 2024 races," NBC News reports.

Context: Whitmer's announcement comes less than two weeks after Biden, 80, suffered a hard fall at the Air Force Academy graduation ceremony in Colorado Springs.

• Falls are the leading cause of injury-related death among adults aged 65 and older, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

Why it matters: Biden, sometimes referred to as "Slippy Joe," probably won't survive his next fall. That's why Whitmer and other Democrats are jockeying to be the one who replaces him as the party's nominee in 2024. Launching a PAC is a crucial first step in terms of positioning oneself to jump into the presidential election on short notice.

• Pete Buttigieg, the embattled secretary of transportation, reactivated his own political action committee ahead of last year's midterm elections. The Win the Era PAC jolted to life in June 2022, several days after Biden fell off a bicycle in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.

• No one really wants Vice President Kamala Harris to be the party's nominee in 2024, but a prominent liberal activist group recently announced a multimillion-dollar campaign to bolster her reputation. EMILY's List, the abortion-focused political action committee, will spend "tens of millions of dollars" in 2024 to defend Harris from her many, many, many critics.

Bottom line: Hold on to your butts.

Published under: 2024 Election Democratic Party Democratic Primary Gretchen Whitmer Joe Biden Kamala Harris Pete Buttigieg Super PACs











In Kamala’s America, killing and dismembering unborn babies and marketing their body parts is perfectly acceptable. Reporting on the practice is criminal. If that is not fascistic, I am not sure I know what is. JOHN CASHILL

It is the handmaidens working for Planned Parenthood who have joked about selling aborted baby body parts.  And it was Kamala Harris, when she was A.G. of California, who viciously prosecuted the young man who exposed that scandal, after she had received a hefty donation from Planned Parenthood.

Kamala Harris -- Planned Parenthood's Choice

By Daniel John Sobieski

Kamala Harris, who slept her way into political power riding former California General Assembly leader Willie Brown’s, er, coattails (WILLIE BROWN IS AN ETHICALLY DEPRAVED LAWYER-POLITICIANS UNDER CONSTANT RECIEW AND GAMING THE CA STATE BAR), is a political dominatrix willing to inflict supreme pain and damage to our Constitution, our civil liberties, and the unborn   


It is the handmaidens working for Planned Parenthood who have joked about selling aborted baby body parts.  And it was Kamala Harris, when she was A.G. of California, who viciously prosecuted the young man who exposed that scandal, after she had received a hefty donation from Planned Parenthood.


Kamala Harris: ‘We Must Protect the Constitutional Right…Under Roe v. Wade by Codifying It Into Law’

By Staff | December 13, 2021 | 11:16am EST






(Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

( - Vice President Kamala Harris issued a statement on Saturday responding to the Supreme Court’s opinion issued on Friday that allows a Texas law that bans abortion after an unborn child has a heartbeat to remain in force while it is being challenged by a lawsuit.

"We must protect the constitutional right recognized under Roe v. Wade by codifying it into law,” said Harris.

“We must pass the Women’s Health Protection Act,” she said. “And we must continue to do everything in our power to defend women’s reproductive rights.”

Here is the full text of Harris’s statement:

“In the United States of America, the right of women to make decisions about their own bodies is non-negotiable. For nearly 50 years, this right has been protected. Yesterday’s Supreme Court decision allows SB8, which threatens women’s health and rights, to remain in effect. The ban on abortion after six weeks of pregnancy remains. The cash incentives for vigilantes remain. And the harm to women remains. We must protect the constitutional right recognized under Roe v. Wade by codifying it into law. We must pass the Women’s Health Protection Act. And we must continue to do everything in our power to defend women’s reproductive rights."


Report: Pro-Abortion PAC to Spend over $10M to Boost Kamala Harris’s Image in 2024

NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP via Getty Images


12 Jun 20230


One of the nation’s largest pro-abortion PACs has plans to spend more than ten million dollars to prop up Vice President Kamala Harris during the 2024 election.

EMILY’s List — an organization whose goal is to elect pro-abortion Democratic women to public office — told Politico over the weekend about its plans to promote the embattled vice president, whose approval ratings have teetered around the low-40s and mid-30s for much of President Joe Biden’s first term.

“Such an investment in support of a sitting vice president is politically unprecedented. And it reflects the lack of broader efforts that have been made to date to help bolster the vice president amid persistently low approval ratings,” the report states.

“It also underscores the growing recognition that Harris may play an outsized role in what is sure to be a tough election. Republican presidential candidates have made it clear they will be using the specter of a Harris presidency as a way to hurt Joe Biden’s chances at reelection, particularly by raising questions about his age and capacity for the job,” the report continues. 


President of EMILY’s List Laphonza Butler told the outlet that the PAC wants to “push back against the massive misinformation and disinformation that’s been directed towards her since she’s been elected.” The PAC previously supported Harris in 2020 after she was announced as Biden’s running mate, and Butler also helped guide Harris’s failed presidential bid while working for a leading California political consulting firm.

Butler said the pro-abortion group, while at the beginning of planning its investment, is looking to target certain types of voters on different platforms. 

“Some age groups and demographics get their information from things like YouTube or from TikTok. For some demographics, they are much more interpersonal in terms of how they get and disseminate information,” Butler said. 


A senior Republican strategist, who spoke anonymously for the sake of frankness, told Politico that Republicans will point to her as a “boogeyman … when it comes to pushing their message,”  and noted that “a President Harris would be even worse than a President Biden” because she campaigned as a far-left Democrat before she framing herself as a moderate with Biden in 2020. 

The funding announcement comes after Axios reported in May that Harris was “quietly forming a small, outside group of women allies to help amplify her role as the White House’s leading warrior” against Republican-led laws protecting unborn babies from abortion. A Democrat official familiar with the situation told the outlet that 14 women from across the abortion industry and other groups met with Harris, including Butler for EMILY’s List, Alexis McGill Johnson of Planned Parenthood, and NARAL’s Mini Timmaraju.

Watch: Kamala Harris Spills Motivational Mumbo Jumbo During Rally Speech

Kamala Harris

0 seconds of 32 secondsVolume 90%

Her more radical positions, such as support for the Obama administration’s Iran deal, prosecuting a journalist who exposed Planned Parenthood’s collection and sale of aborted babies’ body parts (while receiving campaign donations from them), and defending Ilhan Omar’s anti-Semitism, may indeed sit well with a great many leftists, but her actions as Attorney General of California may not. While in that position, Harris jailed hundreds on marijuana charges and authorized anti-prostitution sting operations which, according to SF Weekly, disproportionately targeted Latino men (a crucial Democrat demographic). In addition to this -- though she later admitted it was a mistake -- she prosecuted and jailed the parents of truant teens. She even refused to release the names of Catholic priests accused of sexually molesting children, abnegating law enforcement’s most basic and humane duty -- regardless of anyone’s opinion of the Catholic Church.


Handmaid's Tale? Leftist handmaidens destroyed the USA

By Diana Mary Sitek

Many rational people who attempted to read Margaret Atwood's dystopian The Handmaid's Tale (1985) found it a big yawn.  But the left loved it.  So Hulu (a Disney company partly owned by Comcast), naturally made a mini-series of it.

Now we have the left opining, on September 21, that people like Amy Barrett were the inspiration for that totalitarian nightmare.  "Amy Coney Barrett, a favorite to be President Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee to replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, is affiliated with a type of Christian religious group that served as inspiration for Margaret Atwood's dystopian novel, The Handmaid's Tale."

I suggest that the boot is on the other foot!  It has been the women of the left who are first and foremost the handmaidens responsible for the appalling state of the nation and its totalitarian, "woke" culture — and their narcissist soy boys like former President Obama, Trudeau of Canada, Newsom of California, et al.  Looked at in this light, Joe Biden is the perfect Democrat candidate!  As a white, ineffectual, imbecilic male, ready to drop off the perch, he is exactly what Democrat women love.

Women now have enormous political power through sheer numbers.  Although there has been no female president as yet, women are heavily represented at all levels of the political, legal, bureaucratic, educational, health, H.R., and local county sectors.  Women are a determinative voting segment, and younger women have been educated to identify with the left.  Therefore, it is their policies, and their values alone, that have been enacted, including claiming the murder of their unborn children as their natural right.

It is the handmaiden founders of Black Lives Matter who have denigrated women's traditional role (part of the "oppressive patriarchy") and who have encouraged street violence.

It is the handmaidens working for Planned Parenthood who have joked about selling aborted baby body parts.  And it was Kamala Harris, when she was A.G. of California, who viciously prosecuted the young man who exposed that scandal, after she had received a hefty donation from Planned Parenthood.

So what area of the dystopian, censored "woke" society we now find ourselves in are women not responsible for?  The Deep State?  Oh, no!  We have the corruption of HRC — and scandal after scandal involving female politicians and officeholders, day after day.  The latest is handmaid Ilhan Omar's treacherous ballot-harvesting in Minneapolis. 

Professor Janice Fiamengo's YouTube "Fiamengo Files" (now very heavily censored) give witness to the diabolical hatred of men that characterizes these feminist handmaidens.  And we have Jane Fonda telling us why women are at the forefront of the unscientific climate change hoax, where men are accused of raping Gaia!  Nancy Pelosi, in an attempt to distract attention from her hairdo hissy fit and the left's mismanagement of forest areas, has told us Mother Nature is angry.  Nor can we overlook that handmaiden of Gaia, the squinty-eyed Greta Thunberg.  As for globalism, the U.N. says women are key to that supra-nationalist organization's sustainable development goals.  Translate: New World Order.

Teenage handmaidens are at the forefront of the LGBT+ gender revolution, as revealed by Abigail Shrier in her book Irreversible Damage:  The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters.  The health industry is on board and immediately affirms the young handmaidens' self-diagnosis, frequently entailing drastic surgery and hormonal intervention.

One can only ask what else remains for these handmaidens to destroy.  Virtually nothing.  Traditional hearth and home demolished.  Constitutional law shredded.  Civil war lit.  Gender confusion.  A.I.-human interface planned.  They have, with the help of their male enablers and those who do not see themselves as the beneficiaries of dead, white males, chopped out, erased, expunged, and revoked the Western heritage, root and branch.  Yet, having accomplished all of this, they are unhappy.  It's not enough.  There are still those who dare to protest against them, like the illustrious signatories of the recent Philadelphia Statement, courteously requesting a return to freedom of speech in the cause of liberal democracy.  They will be canceled out because the Amazon handmaids have debauched the language as well, using the terminology of liberal democracy to mean its opposite (exactly as their buddies, the Chinese, do).

But there is hope.  We know from history that moral decay eventually leads to societal collapse — and the opportunity to rebuild anew.  I believe we may be witnessing not the beginning of a new nightmare, but the final death agonies of the feminist dystopia, paralleled in the fate of Joe Biden.

Intrinsic to the human psyche is a foundational desire to adore the Eternal Good — which many call "God."  When that is replaced by the lust for power, as Faust testified, hell enters.  In making that Faustian bargain, by exchanging womanly graces for vengeful power, the handmaids sowed the seeds of their own destruction.  That is the chaos we now behold. 


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