Tuesday, November 28, 2023

WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO COLORADO? - Chilling Truths: Denver’s Policy Leaves Homeless Out in the Cold - Tim Hernández makes it clear where his loyalties lie.


Chilling Truths: Denver’s Policy Leaves Homeless Out in the Cold

Marxist Colorado State Rep. Replaces U.S. Flag on His Desk with Palestinian Flag

Tim Hernández makes it clear where his loyalties lie.

[Make sure to read Robert Spencer’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]

Tim Hernández, a state legislator in Colorado, is not a stealth Marxist in the sense that all Democrats are, since the statist, authoritarian policies they advocate would lead us straight to the gulag. No, the earnest young Hernández is even worse: he is an open, out-and-proud, avowed lover of Marxism/Leninism and all its work and all its pomps.

If he ever became president of the United States (or the guy who runs the president), those gulags would in short order become a cheerful new feature of the American landscape. In the meantime, Hernández continues to make abundantly clear where his loyalties lie: not with the United States of America.

On Saturday, pro-Hamas protesters stormed the Colorado state legislature and hung Palestinian flags and anti-Israel banners on the gallery railing, while chanting all the usual slogans. Hernández was thrilled, writing: “Standing in strong solidarity with Coloradans who bravely stood up and disrupted our job this morning calling for a Ceasefire in Gaza. Over a majority of Americans now support a Ceasefire. I urge my colleagues to listen. #FreePalestine.”

He concluded this tweet with an emoji of a Palestinian flag and another of a slice of watermelon. Apparently, he meant the watermelon as an assertion that the Palestinian jihad against Israel was ultimately a Marxist struggle: green (the color of Islam) on the outside, but red on the inside.

Hernández included two photos, one of the legislature galleries festooned with Palestinian flags and the other of his own desk. In the foreground of the photo of the galleries, the unoccupied desks of several of Hernández’s colleagues are clearly visible. At the front of each are two small flags, one of the United States and the other of Colorado. But in Hernández’s photo of his own desk, there is a significant difference: on his own desk, the Marxist legislator has replaced the American flag with the Palestinian flag.

Hernández must have considered, if only for a moment, whether to replace the American flag or the Colorado flag on his desk, and he made the choice that most clearly reflected his loyalties. Hernández, who frequently rails against “Whiteness” and has called for a “FORCEFUL Cultural Revolution,” clearly has no loyalty whatsoever to the United States. He is open about his Marxism/Leninism, although he prefers to take a practical approach to indoctrinating the masses, rather than inundating his hapless charges with the finer points of Marx’s theory of capital:

We like to compete who knows Marx better, who knows these things better, who’s a Leninist. Listen, all right, I’ll give you a real take on this s**t. Kids don’t care. Yes, it’s important to know theory. But you have to do some practices, you have to get out into the streets. You have to get into your workplace. You have to go to your families. If we are just sitting, talking in an ideological circle, our kids are still going to schools that are underfunded where they are investing more in their failure than in their success.

So Hernández’s loyalty is to the Coloradans, whom he wants to transform into loyal cadres of the worker’s paradise, and to the Palestinians, whom he imagines are Communists as he is underneath all their Islamic jihad rhetoric, and so those are the two flags he displays on his desk in the legislature.

But Hernández’s display raises the inevitable question: why is this man in the Colorado legislature at all? Don’t members of the Colorado State House have some obligation to be loyal to the nation in which they reside, or is that an impossibly antiquated notion in these days when our country has no Southern border and literally anyone in the world can waltz in and demand every benefit that American taxpayers are required to provide?

It is a particularly peculiar feature of our insane age that we have people who amount to open traitors as our representatives, and no one seems to mind very much. Imagine if Harry Truman or General Patton were to return to America, today’s America, and see the Marxist Tim Hernández replacing the American flag with that of a terror statelet and proudly spouting the rhetoric of those who want to destroy the United States and replace it with an international tyranny.

But we have no men like Truman and Patton today; they’ve given way to the likes of Old Joe Biden and General Milley. America today has the representatives it wants and deserves, and one of them is Tim Hernández.

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Robert Spencer

Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 26 books including many bestsellers, such as The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)The Truth About Muhammad and The History of Jihad. His latest books are The Critical Qur’an and The Sumter Gambit. Follow him on Twitter here. Like him on Facebook here.

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Liberal California Emigrants are Toxic

By R. Quinn Kennedy

When Arizona, a state that has historically leaned conservative, was won by Joe Biden and now-senator Mark Kelly this week, very few were taken by surprise. Extensive polling indicated Arizona was ripe for swinging liberal and in this instance, at least, the polling was correct.

The question is why? Why has a state that held two elected Republican senators as recently as 2018 and which held a dependable stable of electoral votes for GOP presidential candidates become a purple state on its way to becoming solidly blue? Have Arizona residents suddenly awaked to the idea that liberal policies and doctrines are more sensible than conservative ones? Hardly.

The answer regarding Arizona’s swing lies in its neighbor to the west, California. Since 2012, California has overwhelmingly sent more transplants to Arizona than any other state. When surveyed, escaping Californians cite high taxes, high crime rates, unaffordable housing, out-of-control homelessness, and high unemployment rates as their top reasons for fleeing.

Who is responsible for creating such an alarming living environment within the state? California liberals. A November, 2020 report produced by the Mercatus Center at George Mason University stated that California has 395,608 regulatory restrictions. The sheer volume and scope of California regulations creates such a compliance nightmare that they kill entire industries, send housing prices to unattainable heights, and restrict even commonplace liberties for which conservative leaning states are known.

Piled onto California’s endless river of regulations are its nonsensical laws and policies. Twenty major metropolitan cities or counties in California have established laws, ordinances, regulations, or other practices that shield illegal immigrants from prosecution after committing a crime. These counties brazenly safeguard illegal immigrant criminals against deportation either through noncompliance or by refusing to hand them over to federal agencies such as ICE. With over $1.5 trillion in state and local government debt, California effectively has little money to spare for conveniences such as criminal incarceration. What do sanctuary cities and counties see as the alternative to handing illegal immigrant criminals over for deportation? Release them back into the general population, of course.

Consider this: Between 2014 and 2017, the FBI reported that 49 states saw an average increase in crime annually of around 3%. After implementing “humane” alternatives to criminal prosecution, California crime increased more than 12% per year over the same time period. With irrational sanctuary policies that send a clear message of little to no consequence for offenses, is it any wonder California’s crime rate is now spiraling out of control?

Arizona is not the only beneficiary of the California exodus. The Colorado State Demography Office has published an active flow map of people moving into the state from 2010 on. Disturbingly, the state sending the most movers to Colorado since then has consistently been California. As recently as 2004, Colorado had the political trifecta of a Republican governor and a Republican-controlled House and Senate. A short ten years later, all three had turned irrevocably Democrat. The subsequent consequence? A drastic increase in state and local regulations, a dramatic increase in violent crimes, a severe shortage of home inventory and affordable housing, and a staggering increase in homelessness. Do these newfound troubles sound familiar to any other state mentioned here? The only safeguard against out-of-control tax hikes in Colorado is the TABOR Amendment passed by voters 1992, prior to the influx of California residents, that requires taxpayer approval for any new tax. Not surprisingly, emboldened liberals in Colorado are vigorously resolute in repealing this tax hike protection. As of the most recent election they are unsuccessful, yet remain undeterred.

What has coincided with Colorado’s decline? The mass inflow of Californians to the state. Californians have brought with them all the very same liberal doctrines and ideologies that forced their flight from California in the first place. Does this dissuade liberal Californians from shaping Colorado into the very image of California? Not in the least.

If there is any hope for Arizona, it is that they might learn from the resulting ruin of Colorado, however unlikely.

In the 2020 election, Texas was startlingly considered in play for liberals. Since 2015, which state has contributed the most emigrants into Texas? Not surprisingly, the state of California. The hope for liberals is that they can turn Texas into the next purple soon-to-be blue state. The coveted prize is Texas’ electoral votes. Even more insidious, if liberals are able to capture Texas as they have done in Colorado and Arizona, they will force the state to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. They will then achieve their ultimate goal of a Democrat president reigning over the United States for endless generations until the point our country experiences the same collapse as other great civilizations throughout world history.

The obvious question is this: How can Texas avoid the same fate as states such as Colorado and Arizona? Simple. By being proactive.

It is much easier for liberals to enact new legislation than to argue for the removal of existing laws. With this in mind, Texas should take advantage of their current Republican-controlled Senate, House, and governor’s office by making haste and passing laws that would limit the future incursion of liberal meddling. Texas can presently enact laws that prohibit sanctuary cities, require voter approval to remove the state’s mandated balanced budget, require that any new regulation must necessitate the removal of an existing one, and compel voter approval of each new local or state tax including non-user fees. While such laws may only serve to stem the liberal takeover of the state, they would be roadblocks making it much more difficult for ideological infiltration in areas that affect inhabitant’s liberties and quality of life.

It would be absurd to suppose Californians have malintent. Rather, they are simply following the course with which they are most familiar while being blissfully ignorant of the negative unintended consequences their political ideology brings. To suggest that any act of suppression, aggression, or intimidation towards Californians moving into red states is acceptable would simply be un-American and subject to the same type of hypocrisy liberals practice. If conservatives stoop to their level, we have lost the battle and, perhaps, the war.

However, by taking aggressive legislative action in states that have not yet succumbed to liberal infiltration, Conservatives will effectively be planting our flag in a defiant refusal to hand over our institutions and our liberty.

The Democrat Party Hates America

Mark Levin’s new book answers, “Why is this happening to our country?”

As the 2024 presidential candidates jostle for position and their campaigns gather (or lose) momentum, it’s instructive to review the accomplishments of the incumbent Democrat Party to ask ourselves, as Ronald Reagan once urged us to: Are Americans better off than we were four years ago?

Under the administration of figurehead President Joe Biden, Democrats have waged an economic blitzkrieg of crushing inflation and astronomical gas prices designed to crush the middle class and grow state power. They have instituted pro-crime policies that create lawless urban war zones and drive businesses out of inner cities. They have thrown open our southern border and facilitated a tsunami of unvetted, illegal migrants bussed and flown all over the nation. They have allowed rampant homelessness and a flood of fentanyl to ravage our cities. They have exacerbated racial tensions by stoking anti-white racism and backing ideological subversion like Critical Race Theory in our schools and DEI policies in every human resources department. They have alienated our allies by putting LGBTQ demands at the very center of our foreign policy goals. They have pursued a full-frontal assault on our constitutional freedoms, including weaponizing federal agencies against political enemies like concerned parents at school board meetings. And they have empowered our enemies through tepid leadership, military debacles like the exit from Afghanistan, the funding of the nuclear ambitions of the Islamic terror regime in Iran, and bending the knee to the Chinese Communist Party.

The conclusion any neutral observer would have to draw about the state of the union since Donald Trump’s exit from the White House is that, as bestselling author and talk radio superstar Mark Levin put it in the title of his newest book, The Democrat Party Hates America.

“The Great One” Levin is the author of the previous books American MarxismLiberty & Tyranny, and many others in which he, like David Horowitz, has established himself as a modern-day Thomas Paine, broadcasting a rallying cry to save our country from the predations of the radical Left. In his latest work, from Simon & Schuster’s Threshold imprint, he devotes eight profound chapters to exploring various aspects of the Left’s assault on the America we know and love: their authoritarianism, anti-black racism and anti-Semitism, anti-white racism, language and thought control, Stalin-like attacks on political opponents, and wars on our families, our citizens, and our constitution.

“People ask me all the time,” Levin writes, “‘Why is this happening to our country? Don’t these Democrat politicians and their friends care about our country?’”:

The answer is power. The power to rule over the citizenry and remake not just society but mankind into the kind of image that these would-be masterminds prefer and demand. In other words, they do not share our values, beliefs, and principles. They have a totalitarian mind-set. This means the party must come before country, as the party is the means by which the country is to be conquered from within and ultimately ruled.

“Unlike the Republican Party, the Democrat Party is more than a political party,” Levin notes in the book’s epilogue. “It is the state party. It seeks to monopolize the political system, the culture, government, and society.” Thus,

the Democrat Party single-handedly builds permanent centers of power, including in the vast federal bureaucracy, subsidized nongovernment organizations, lifetime activist judges, tenured professors and teachers, Party members in the media, etc. The Democrat party uses the culture and politics to empower itself and its agenda…

Consequently, over time, it becomes increasingly difficult to reverse the Democrat Party’s political and cultural damage.

Indeed it does, and the feckless, “flat-footed” Republican Party, by contrast, “fails in its most important mission: to defend the American people from a Democrat party that literally hates the country and is destroying it from within.”

Levin begins by explaining how the “political chameleon and intellectual lightweight” Biden is following in Barack Obama’s Marxist footsteps by “fundamentally transforming” our republic through an authoritarian, monopoly party that is eviscerating the Constitution and targeting its political opponents. The Great One then proceeds to dissect the various ways, as listed above, in which this fundamental transformation is being carried out.

As a constitutional scholar, Levin is at his best in the chapter on “War on the Constitution,” as you might expect. But he also shines in the chapter on “War on the Nuclear Family,” where he examines the Biden administration’s obsession with pushing gender theory, abortion without restrictions, and the indoctrination of our youth in schools and the culture. Ditto in the short chapter “Stalin Would Be Proud,” in which he writes, “The Democrat Party long ago abandoned comity and civility for character assassination and the iron fist, a fact that establishment Republicans have difficulty grasping.”

Those highlights aside, Levin infuses every chapter – indeed, every page – with the razor-sharp, intelligently written insights and wit his listeners and readers expect from him.

“As I spent more than a year researching and writing this book,” Levin writes,

it became obvious to me that the Democrat party is a treacherous political organization dating back to its founding; that its obsession is with self-empowerment and societal control; that it has never embraced Americanism; and that it is the entity through which, and in coordination with, American Marxism (self-described “Progressivism” and “democratic socialism”) intends to impose its top-down revolution.

America is unraveling, Levin writes, adding, “It is my deepest hope that this book, like a Thomas Paine pamphlet to the early colonists, will help alert our fellow citizens to the existential threat and rally them peacefully to the cause before darkness descends on the Republic.”

He can’t be accused of not getting the word out. Featuring over 50 pages of endnotes documenting his argument, Levin’s new book went straight to the top of the New York Times bestseller list for hardcover nonfiction upon its release in late September. It was his 8th straight book to hit the shelves at number one – no mean feat for any political writer, much less a conservative one on the leftist news outlet’s coveted listing, which notoriously discriminates against books by conservative authors.

Mark Levin concludes his essential new book with this sobering message: “The Democrat Party stands for the relentless pursuit of power and control. America was founded on the principle of individual and human liberty and the dispersion of political and governmental power… If the Democrat party succeeds, the American experiment will have failed.”

That would be a civilizational tragedy that we and the rest of the free world cannot afford. Today’s far-Left Democrat Party likes to crow that they are on the right side of history; The Democrat Party Hates America is Levin’s call for American patriots to ensure, instead, that the Democrats’ Marxist agenda is consigned to the dustbin of history once and for all.

Follow Mark Tapson at Culture Warrior

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Mark Tapson

Mark Tapson is the Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, focusing on popular culture. He is also the host of an original podcast on Frontpage, “The Right Take With Mark Tapson”. Follow him on Substack.

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"Mexican president candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador called for mass immigration to the United States, declaring it a "human right". We will defend all the (Mexican) invaders in the American," Obrador said, adding that immigrants "must leave their towns and find a life, job, welfare, and free medical in the United States."


"Fox’s Tucker Carlson noted Thursday that Obrador has previously proposed granting AMNESTY TO MEXICAN DRUG CARTELS. “America is now Mexico’s social safety net, and that’s a very good deal for the Mexican ruling class,” Carlson added."

"Many Americans forget is that our country is located against a socialist failed state that is promising to descend even further into chaos – not California, the other one. And the Mexicans, having reached the bottom of the hole they have dug for themselves, just chose to keep digging by electing a new leftist presidente who wants to surrender to the cartels and who thinks that Mexicans have some sort of “human right” to sneak into the U.S. and demographically reconquer it." KURT SCHLICHTER



Mayorkas: There Are ’12 Million People’ in U.S. Illegally Who Contribute ‘So Fundamentally to Our Country’s Well-Being’ BUT THAT 12 MILLION ARE ONLY A FRACTION OF THE INVASION!

During an interview with Bloomberg TV on Monday, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas responded to a question on how to handle people who are in the country illegally by stating that there are “12 million people who are here in the United States who have been contributing so fundamentally to our country’s well-being.”

Host Romaine Bostick said that the consequences for arriving at the border irregularly won’t be a deterrent for a lot of people and don’t “address the other sort of elephant in the room, which is dealing with the undocumented immigrants who are already here in the nation. And I know it’s been a political football, as we’re trying to figure out the best way to address that, but I’m going to ask you, what is the best way to address that, from your perspective?”

Mayorkas responded, “The answer is quite clear and quite straightforward, and we’ve been waiting for it for about 30 years. And that is to fix a system that everyone agrees is fundamentally broken. And we need congressional action, both for the lawful pathways, that really need to be more robust in statute, and for the 12 million people who are here in the United States who have been contributing so fundamentally to our country’s well-being. They’re our neighbors, our friends, our fellow congregants. They provide — are frontline workers. We need to do something, and I am hopeful and remain hopeful that Congress will do it. The president, on his first day in office, presented Congress with a proposal.”

Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett

Under Biden, America skids towards poverty -- government data show median wage has fallen to just $40,847.18

So they want billions and billions in assistance to foreign countries, such as Ukraine, which is not a NATO country, but a big hog wallow for the U.S. foreign policy consulting establishment, nearly all Democrats, drawing lots of "contracts," if not losing track of the money entirely, as a top Ukrainian official admitted, but they refuse to lift a finger to halt Joe Biden's open-borders policies, which have created untold misery on city streets as migrants are dumped, human trafficking networks are empowered, cartels are growing so rich they are driving Mexicans out of their homes, families are being separated and broken up and kids sold into slavery based on Biden's immigration incentives, migrants ae dying en route through dangerous crossings, illegal alien crime is growing, and Democrat-led cities are seeing their budgets blown out and vital police and fire services cut. MONICA SHOWALTER

 JOE BIDEN is known as a serial liar, a "public servant" who has somehow managed to accrue tremendous wealth, a race-baiting opportunist, Catholic-in-name-only, and a bought-and-paid-for politician in bed with criminal cartels and foreign foes.  In another era, Joe Biden would have been run out of his country much the same way Benedict Arnold was two and a half centuries ago; in an era when integrity, honor, fortitude, fidelity, and grit have been jettisoned for immorality, unscrupulousness, weakness, betrayal, and craven pliability, however, he is elevated to king sleazeball in a city drowning in sleaze. JB SHURK

NYC: Illegal Immigrant ‘Sanctuary’ Sees Homeless Population Surge as Busloads from Texas Continue to Arrive

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New York City’s homeless population is surging thanks, in part, to the continued arrival of busloads of illegal immigrants from Texas being sent to the self-proclaimed “sanctuary.”

In the city’s Fiscal Year (FY) ending June 30, the homeless population increased 73%, rising from 46,675 in FY2022 to 80,724 in FY2023, according to statistics published last month in a financial report by the city’s comptroller.

“More than 22,000 asylum seekers applied for shelter through DHS as of April 2023,” the comptroller said in an August review of the city’s homeless situation, apparently counting all migrants as “asylum seekers.”

Last week, migrants set up camp in front of the mayor’s residence, to protest the time limit on how long they can live in one of the city’s shelters, regional network Spectrum News NY 1 reports:

“On Thursday, dozens of protestors set up tents and sleeping bags outside of Gracie Mansion, blasting the city’s recent restrictions on the length of time migrants can stay in shelters before they have to reapply for housing.”

The city currently has a 30-day shelter limit for adults and a 60-day limit for families.

In a September press release warning of the financial burden of actually having to be a sanctuary, Democrat New York City Mayor estimated that approximately 10,000 “asylum” seekers are “still arriving each month.”

The comptroller’s review says the city’s shelter system has been “overwhelmed” by the surge in immigration that began in 2022 when Texas – which was already being overwhelmed by illegal immigration – began busing immigrants to the “sanctuary” New York City had promised them:

“In October 2022, at the peak of the surge in migrants seeking asylum, DHS reported the highest-ever number of homeless people living within the shelter system.

“DHS stated that starting in April 2022, the State of Texas began sending buses of migrant asylum seekers to New York City. Buses arrived unannounced and unscheduled, and the people on them—most of whom had crossed into the United States via the southern border—were in need of shelter and care.

“By April 4, 2023, 22,002 asylum seeker households had applied for shelter through DHS. In response, the City opened 135 emergency sites between June 2022 and May 2023 for asylum seekers.

“The City shelter system was overwhelmed by this surge. The shelter population reached its highest-ever daily population by October 5, 2022, with over 61,000 people recorded. Although other City agencies have since stepped in to help shoulder part of this burden, the number of people in DHS shelters continued to grow. On March 1, 2023, the daily population in DHS shelters reached 70,848 people.”

On Friday, Republican Texas Governor Greg Abbott reported that his state has bused more than 22,800 migrants to New York City since August of 2022, as part of the multi-agency border security measure, Operation Lone Star.

To deal with the staggering cost of the immigrant surge, Mayor Adams has announced the city is reducing its number of police and making across-the-board budget cuts:

“[M]ake no mistake: Migrant costs are going up, tax revenue growth is slowing and COVID stimulus funding is drying up.”

New York City’s migrant crisis will cost nearly $11billion over two fiscal years and its FY2025 budget gap is expected to “surpass unprecedented $7 billion,” the mayor’s press release estimates.

600 Migrants Cross into Texas Border Town in Single Group on Thanksgiving

Eagle Pass Thanksgiving Day (File Photos: Randy Clark/Breitbart Texas)
File Photos: Randy Clark/Breitbart Texas

The migrant crossings in Eagle Pass, Texas, did not show any signs of slowing on Thanksgiving Day as a single group of more than 600 migrants entered the small border city in the early morning hours. As most American families gathered for a Thanksgiving feast and a day of NFL football, Border Patrol agents were, once again, tied up with processing a large migrant group crossing.

The group of more than 600 migrants was undeterred by the colder temperatures in the region that dipped to 37 degrees Fahrenheit overnight. Concertina wire barriers also failed to deter the migrants who made speedy entry into the heart of the downtown area and quickly surrendered to the Border Patrol. The group consisted of mostly single adult males and females but also included some family units with small children.

Eagle Pass Mayor Rolando Salinas informed the public of the crossing via social media and gave thanks to the federal, state, and local law enforcement and first responders working the Thanksgiving holiday. As the Mayor toured an area below the Eagle Pass Camino Real Bridge II, migrants were being accepted by the Border Patrol after making the dangerous river crossing.

The mayor also spoke of the number of migrant drownings in the vicinity of Eagle Pass, which he says stands at nearly 20 during the month. The number of migrant deaths in such a short period has put a strain on local law enforcement and one local funeral home tasked with identifying the remains of those pulled from the murky waters of the Rio Grande.

Thursday’s group of migrants brings the number of crossings just in Eagle Pass to more than 1,300 in less than 24 hours, according to a U.S. Customs and Border Protection source.

As previously reported by Breitbart Texas, in 2022, local authorities in the small border city found themselves unable to deal with the number of migrant deaths in a short period and were quickly overwhelmed. Currently, the city relies on one funeral home to store the deceased migrant’s remains. It utilizes a refrigeration truck operated by Maverick County authorities as a temporary morgue to aid in the task. The increase in migrant deaths in recent weeks has resulted in a move to bury the remains in a mass grave, as was done in 2022, to keep up with the pace of migrant drownings.

The latest large migrant group crossing into Eagle Pass continues a trend of large single migrant group crossings in recent months. On Wednesday, another large migrant group of nearly 500 mostly Venezuelan and Central American migrants crossed into Eagle Pass in one single group near the heart of the downtown area. The group also managed to breach the existing concertina wire barriers installed by the State of Texas.

The migrants will be transported to a nearby Border Patrol processing facility. Once processed, many will likely be released to pursue asylum claims within the United States. In October, according to CBP, more than 38,000 migrants were apprehended in the Del Rio Sector, the majority of whom crossed into Eagle Pass. The sector currently is the second busiest for migrant crossings into the United States nationwide.

The steady migrant releases of several thousand migrants in cities across the southwest border daily is being felt in large metropolitan sanctuary cities across the United States, struggling to cope with hundreds of migrants in need of shelter arriving daily.

Randy Clark is a 32-year veteran of the United States Border Patrol.  Prior to his retirement, he served as the Division Chief for Law Enforcement Operations, directing operations for nine Border Patrol Stations within the Del Rio, Texas, Sector. Follow him on Twitter @RandyClarkBBTX.

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