Saturday, December 9, 2023

GAMER LAWYER JOE BIDEN GAMES HOMELAND SECURITY - Top Republican Senators: Joe Biden’s $106 Billion Ukraine Aid Plan Hides a Migrant ‘Magnet’

 pig biden will always be on the enemies' side!

Top Republican Senators: Joe Biden’s $106 Billion Ukraine Aid Plan Hides a Migrant ‘Magnet’

Biden Zelensky Border
Nick Ut/Getty Images, AP Photo/Susan Walsh

President Joe Biden’s request for $106 billion in emergency military aid to Ukraine and Israel includes a hidden magnet for more migration that would expose American communities to more poverty, drugs, and terror threats, say Republican senators.

“When we looked at this emergency supplemental … [we found it] continues to facilitate the mass migration that we see across our border,” Sen. Katie Britt (R-AL) told a December 7 press conference. “It was yet more of a magnet to draw more and more people here!”

“You can’t throw money at it” if you want to stop the migration, said Sen. John Thune (R-SD). “This requires changes in policy that change the signals that we’re sending to people who are coming across the border illegally, and the magnets that are out there that keep pulling them [across the border].”

Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) dismissed the Democrats’ $14 billion migrant magnet as merely “funding to address the symptoms” of Biden’s open border.

“The symptoms are a New York mayor saying it’s out of control [and] Chicago saying they’ve had too many people sleeping in tents and cold conditions. He [requested] money to address the symptoms. We’re here to fix the problem,” he said.

RELATED — NYC Mayor Eric Adams: Migrant Crisis Will Destroy New York City

The senators held their December 7 press event to explain to Democrat-enthralled reporters why they voted on Thursday against the massive spending bill that included $14 billion for the border plus $92 billion in military aid for Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan.

The event was also used to reassure the GOP’s 2024 voters that the GOP senators are not faking their opposition to the migrant spending and will not crack under relentless closed-door pressure from GOP donors, pro-migrant media, and ruthless Democrat senators.

But the GOP senators have a long history of “failure theater” — faking opposition while gradually allowing Democrats to win — that advocates will have to maintain pressure on the GOP for many months to beat, one advocate warned Breitbart News.

The GOP press event was also used to torpedo the White House’s media-echoed narrative that Republicans are recklessly endangering Ukraine and Israel by blocking the aid to win “radical” border changes for “petty” political reasons.

In reality, Democrats are holding the $90 billion in military aid hostage until they can get ten GOP senators to vote for their $14 billion magnet plan that would fly and bus more illegals into the United States.

WATCH — GOP Senators on Biden’s Border Plan: “It’s a Magnet”


The GOP senators would have voted en masse against the migrant magnet plan if Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) had tried to pass it through the Senate without the military aid. “Giving the Biden Admin more money to fuel its disastrous open-borders resettlement operation is insanity,” Sen. Bill Hagerty (R-TN) said in October. “It would worsen the border crisis, not stop it,” he tweeted.

Democrats paired the magnet bill with the war funding because they needed ten votes from GOP senators to pass the magnet bill. They hoped to get those ten votes by delaying military aid for Israel and Ukraine until ten GOP senators switched sides.

That strategy reveals that Democrats view their magnet bill as a higher political priority than aid for Ukraine and Israel — contrary to their media-echoed narrative.

But the plan failed Thursday when all Republicans voted against the funding package.

“I care about Ukraine’s homeland Security; I care about Israel’s homeland security,” responded Tillis, one of the most pro-migration GOP senators and one of the four GOP senators negotiating a deal with Democrats. “But it would be immoral for me to put those two ahead of what I think is a clear and present threat to our homeland security.”

“I will not go back to South Carolina and try to explain why I helped Ukraine, Taiwan, and Israel and did nothing to secure our own border,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who is the top GOP member of the Senate’s judiciary committee and usually a cheerleader for more migration. “I will help all of our allies, but we’ve got to help ourselves first,” he added.

In 2013 and 2014, Graham pushed the “Gang of Eight” amnesty bill that would have further flooded the U.S. labor market for at least ten years. But amid Biden’s migrant flood, he has suddenly moved to the center, and he used the press event to repeatedly slam Biden’s open-borders policy.


Republicans slammed Biden’s open-border policy as a deliberate policy choice that is bad for national security, drug deaths, terror threats, and pocketbook economics.

“The president is the enforcer of the laws,” said Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), who holds the title of senator pro tempore of the U.S. Senate, putting him third in line to replace the president. Biden “has decided not to enforce these laws because he believes in an open border.”

“Republicans are dead serious about solving Biden’s border crisis as part of a national security debate that we’re having on the floor of the Senate right now,” said Thune, the GOP’s whip and the top deputy — and potential successor – to Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY).

“I’ve been to six different high schools where parents are grieving, having lost their child to fentanyl poisoning,” said Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX), who is another leading candidate to succeed McConnell.

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) sketched the pocketbook cost to Americans, noting that Biden’s migration “puts strain on jobs and wages for American workers, for schools, hospital systems, and housing.” Cotton is an important voice because he is on the working group with Tillis that is trying to craft a deal with Biden’s deputies.

Outside the Senate, more establishment GOP figures are making a populist case against Biden’s mass migration. Citizens’ wages and wealth are shrinking, their credit card bills and rents are rising, and their adult children are less able to afford homes because Biden’s extraction migration policy skews the U.S. economy in favor of investors, CEOs, and migrants.

“Americans are being pushed aside for Biden’s illegal immigrants,” former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA) noted on December 6. “Parents and other citizens in communities being impoverished by the Biden illegal immigration policy should be invited to testify about the ways in which the Biden administration is making their lives more difficult.”

The GOP senators also showed the reporters that they understand the legal loopholes Biden’s deputies are using to import 12,000 illegal migrants per day. That inflow is greater than the daily number of U.S. births.

“We have 12,000 illegal migrants crossing every day because he abuses our asylum laws [and] because he extends parole to vast groups of people as opposed to [migrants on] a case-by-case basis,” said Cotton. “He could implement policies tomorrow that would not just substantially reduce but almost entirely stop the flow of illegal migrants … He has shown no willingness to stand up to the radical left in his party.”

A reporter asked what the GOP would trade for a deal, such as an amnesty. “Nothing, nothing [that would] incentivize more illegal migration,” Graham replied vehemently, adding, “Right now, legalizing people incentivizes [more] poor people to come … No legalization. Secure the border to get money for Ukraine, to get money for Israel, and to help Taiwan. Secure the border before we get attacked.”

Cornyn noted that the GOP gained leverage because Biden’s deputies linked the migrant magnet bill with the wartime funding:

President Biden has been unmoved to work with us to try to come up with a solution, but now we have found something that provides us the opportunity to force him to do something that they’ve been unwilling to do until this point. And we intend to do everything we can to make sure that these policies are put in place to stem the flow of illegal immigration in our country — along with all the other problems that go along with it.

Unwilling “Democrats have to change their [migrants welcome] messaging, or we will not survive as a nation,” Graham told another reporter:

Here’s what I tell my Democratic colleagues: “You want to please [the far-left progressive] people that literally want the border to stay open in an unlimited fashion [even though] 76 percent of Americans would like to see the border secure?”

[They ask] “How can I sell this to my caucus?” Here’s what you need to sell to your caucus: “On your watch, on the Biden administration’s watch, the largest amount of illegal crossing is occurring daily. We’re on track to 10 million illegal immigrants in the first four years of the Biden administration. The threats to the country to an all-time high.” What do you get? You get a secure nation if you work with us.

“It’s like pulling teeth talking to these [Democrat] guys,” Graham said.

A reporter told Graham that Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) had earlier described the border problem as a traffic jam that could be solved by more processing at the border. Graham replied:

These negotiations should end because he doesn’t understand [the migration crisis]. It is hard to fix a problem if he doesn’t understand what it’s all about. If he thinks 12,000 people are coming here because we’re under-resourced, that’s insane. They’re coming here because they believe once they get here they will never leave under Biden … It is about policy choice, not resources.

“None of us who are supportive of Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan can vote on a supplemental because you’re making us pick countries abroad over our own homeland security,” said Graham. “Everybody behind me will vote for aid to Ukraine if we can get the border right.”

Biden’s economic policy of extraction migration has pulled at least four million foreign workers into the nation’s workplaces.

Business groups urge and welcome that flood because it cuts Americans’ blue-collar wages and white-collar salaries. It also reduces marketplace pressure to invest in productivity-boosting technologyheartland states, and overseas markets and reduces economic pressure on the federal government to deal with the drug and “Deaths of Despair” crises.

Biden’s easy-migration policies are deliberately adding the foreigners’ problems to the lengthening list of Americans’ problems — homelessness, low wages, a shrinking middle class, slowing innovation, declining blue-collar life expectancy, spreading poverty, the rising death toll from drugs, and the spreading alienation among young people.


We need to secure our borders to make sure that we know who is in this country … this is taking away resources that we desperately need to take care of our own citizens. [Emphasis added]

Joe Biden has instituted an “open border policy that has drawn millions into the United States by breaking the law,” Gingrich notes in his hard-hitting essay.


The time has come to hold Mayorkas accountable

As Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas continues to treat Congress and the American people with contempt, it’s far past time for the secretary to finally face some consequences for his actions.

Mayorkas narrowly escaped becoming the second cabinet official in U.S. history to be impeached when eight Republicans voted with all House Democrats last month to refer Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s impeachment resolution to the House Homeland Security Committee. Some members who voted against the impeachment resolution indicated that they would ultimately support impeaching Mayorkas, but would like to see a more thorough investigation completed before moving forward.

Mayorkas, like any cabinet official facing impeachment for high crimes and misdemeanors, of course, deserves due process. Yet, more than 10 months into the 118th Congress, and over a year since former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy vowed an impeachment inquiry was imminent, there has been no inquiry, and no timetable put forward for impeachment.

The case against Mayorkas is extensive and damning. Since he has been in charge of DHS, the department responsible for securing the U.S. border, millions of illegal aliens have crossed the border, shattering all the wrong records. Just Tuesday, 12,000 foreign nationals crossed into the U.S. illegally, hitting an all-time record for a single day. Mayorkas and other leading Biden administration officials have worked to systematically destroy America’s operational control over its border, while violating the Immigration and Nationality Act, and flagrantly disregarding their Constitutional responsibility to protect the U.S. from invasion. Mayorkas has demonized and demoralized Border Patrol agents, siding with anti-borders conspiracy theorists over his own agents.

He has put the national security of the U.S. at grave risk, allowing a record number of suspected terrorists to cross the border. Every step of the way, Mayorkas has prioritized his destructive anti-borders ideology over his responsibilities under the law. The case for his impeachment and removal is clear, but one person who doesn’t seem to be concerned is Mayorkas himself.

Anyone who pays attention to the comings and goings on Capitol Hill has seen Mayorkas strut around the Capitol with a smirk, while refusing to answer basic questions from members of Congress. The secretary has refused to provide members of Congress with data on the number of illegal aliens who have entered the country on his watch, including the number of those with ties to terrorist organizations. He has used Congressional testimony to engage in sparring matches with members of Congress attempting to perform oversight of his department.

All in all, Mayorkas acts like someone who believes he’s untouchable, someone who believes he will never be held accountable for his attacks on America’s sovereignty and its rule of law. It will be up to Congress to prove him wrong.

At the end of the day, Congress is the only institution that has the authority to hold Mayorkas and other Biden administration officials accountable for the crisis at the Southern border. There are two mechanisms through which Congress can enact accountability. One of them is impeachment and the other is through the power of the purse. So far in the 118th Congress, neither option has been used.  This needs to change soon.

Two-thirds of the American people disapprove of the Biden administration’s handling of the border, according to a recent Fox News poll. Congress must act as the voice of the American people and begin holding Mayorkas and his cronies accountable for all the damage they have wrought. This starts – but does not end – with relegating Mayorkas to historical infamy by making him just the second cabinet official in U.S. history to be impeached.

Mayorkas and his allies will cry foul, and accuse Congress of using impeachment as a tool to express policy disagreements, but they will be wrong. Securing the border is not a matter of policy, but is the most essential responsibility the federal government holds. It is a requirement under both the Constitution and federal law. Congress cannot allow a precedent to be set that allows bad actors like Mayorkas to open up the border and then brush it aside as a typical policy disagreement. Impeachment is a messy process, but the alternative is doing nothing as the U.S. continues down the path of lawlessness and chaos.

After years of debate, tough talk, and hearings, it’s time for Congress to hold America’s worst cabinet secretary accountable. It’s time to impeach Alejandro Mayorkas.

William J. Davis is a communications associate for the Immigration Reform Law Institute, a public interest law firm working to defend the rights and interests of the American people from the negative effects of mass migration.

Image: Screen shot from Jose Ventura Media video, via Twitter

Sen. Steve Daines: Joe Biden Siphoning Healthcare from Military Veterans to Serve Illegal Aliens

CIUDAD JUAREZ , MEXICO - DECEMBER 05: Hundreds of migrants, predominantly from Venezuela, cross the Rio Grande with the intention of seeking humanitarian asylum by crossing the border between Mexico and the United States in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico on December 05, 2023. Upon reaching the Rio Grande, they encountered a …
David Peinado/Anadolu/Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT) says President Joe Biden is siphoning Veterans Affairs healthcare resources away from the nation’s military veterans to serve illegal aliens arriving at the United States-Mexico border.

The statements from Daines come as Fox News’s Adam Shaw reported this week that the Concerned Veterans for America group is urging Congress and federal investigators to look into the Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) arrangement with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

During a press conference on Dec. 5, Daines said the report about the VA possibly servicing illegal aliens instead of veterans is just “one more story to build on why we need to solve the problem on the southern border.”

Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT) directs a question about limiting abortions to Xavier Becerra, nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services, at his confirmation hearing before the Senate Finance Committee on Capitol Hill February 24, 2021 in Washington, DC. (Michael Reynolds-Pool/Getty Images)

Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT) directs a question about limiting abortions to Xavier Becerra, nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services, at his confirmation hearing before the Senate Finance Committee on Capitol Hill February 24, 2021 in Washington, DC. (Michael Reynolds-Pool/Getty Images)

“We just learned that [Veterans Affairs] health care resources, the VA, are being used to facilitate healthcare to illegal migrants,” Daines said:

Veterans have a hard enough time getting the care that they need and now they have to compete with illegal immigrants? This will not fix the border crisis. Biden’s border crisis puts illegal immigrants first, it puts our veterans last. You know in Montana we have the second highest per capita veteran population in the United States. This is a disservice to all those who have said sacrificed and served our country. [Emphasis added]

Last year, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas seemingly confirmed to Rep. Ashley Hinson (R-IA) that the agency was looking at using VA healthcare resources at the southern border.

Reports from the House Homeland Security Committee, chaired by Rep. Mark Green (R-TN), have shown that Medicaid costs for emergency services for illegal aliens cost American taxpayers more than $7 billion in Fiscal Year 2021 and more than $5.4 billion in Fiscal Year 2022.

Annually, Americans are forced to subsidize medical care for illegal aliens to the tune of $18.5 billion. In 2021, Americans footed the bill for more than $316 million in medical care for illegal aliens who were detained by ICE.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here.

Long Island Official: Illegal Aliens Burglarizing New Yorkers to Pay Back Mexican Drug Cartels

@CeFaanKim via Twitter
@CeFaanKim via Twitter

An official from Long Island, New York, says “organized gangs” are making their way through the United States-Mexico border on President Joe Biden’s watch and exacerbating crime in many American communities.

During a House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Emergency Management and Technology hearing this week, Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman (R) said communities and law enforcement agencies on Long Island are feeling the impact of illegal immigration.

We have seen an increase in crime, basically because you have these organized gangs that are part of the drug cartels from Mexico and other countries who have come to the metropolitan area,” Blakeman detailed:

They’re residing primarily in New York City and they do cross-border crime … I think common sense people realize that the problem is that we don’t know who’s coming in. We can’t control the numbers and they are committing crimes. [Emphasis added]

They are also creating burdens on our young people that are devastating. In the United States, over 65,000 young people have overdosed on fentanyl. Where is it coming from? It’s coming from south of the border and many of it is coming from Chinese nationals. I read today that there were 24,000 Chinese nationals that were detained at the border. Those are the ones that were detained. How many got through? [Emphasis added]

We need to secure our borders to make sure that we know who is in this country … this is taking away resources that we desperately need to take care of our own citizens. [Emphasis added]

Blakeman said Nassau County law enforcement has seen a rise in illegal aliens committing residential and commercial burglaries. Their goal, Blakeman testified, is to pay back the Mexican drug cartels that helped smuggle them into the U.S. in the first place.

Figures from 2021 show that the cartels earned a record $13 billion from human smuggling and trafficking, alone. In 2022, the cartels earned another $13 billion from such smuggling. Compare those profits to 2018, when the cartels made $500 million off illegal immigration to the U.S.

“Some of the patterns that we’ve found on the burglaries of residential and commercial properties have been done by migrants who came here through the current migrant policy,” Blakeman said.

“They’ve come here owing the cartels a great deal of money to transport them over the border, and if they don’t pay that money, I’ve been told that their families would be seriously harmed if not killed in their native country,” he continued. “Therefore they need quick money and they need to get it fast so they’re engaging in all kinds of crimes — burglary, shoplifting.”

As a result, Blakeman said law enforcement is overwhelmed:

It has become a burden on our police department. And I just want to supplement, what happens in New York City has an effect also in Nassau County. We send hundreds of thousands of people into New York City each day from Nassau County. So if there’s a diminution in the ranks of the firefighters or the police officers, it presents a safety problem for Nassau county residents. Many of the firefighters and cops live in Nassau County, so it’s a problem for us as well as New York City. [Emphasis added]

Last year, three illegal aliens — along with a fourth suspect born in the U.S. but who spent most of his life in Colombia — were arrested and charged in Nassau County after having allegedly burglarized 20 to 30 homes in Long Island.

The three illegal aliens had arrived at the U.S.-Mexico border under Biden and subsequently been released into the nation’s interior.

Every month, the Biden administration is estimated to be releasing more than 60,000 illegal aliens into the U.S. interior, though little is known about their nationalities, whereabouts, and if they have ultimately secured asylum.

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) said he estimates that Biden has welcomed about six million illegal aliens in less than three years. That figure includes those released by the Department of Homeland Security and those who successfully crossed the border.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here

NYC Mayor Eric Adams’ Approval Hits Record Low Amid Budget Cuts to Afford Illegal Immigration Surge

UNITED STATES -November 21: Mayor Eric Adams flanked by City Commissioners is pictured during his week off topic press conference at City Hall Blue Room, Tuesday November 21, 2023. During the press conference Adams discussed recent budget cuts, the migrants crisis and recent raids by the FBI to persons connected …
Luiz C. Ribeiro for NY Daily News via Getty Images

Approval for New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) has hit a record low amid budget cuts on New Yorkers to afford waves of continued illegal immigration, a new Quinnipiac Poll shows.

The poll finds that just 28 percent of registered voters in New York City approve of the job Adams is doing as mayor, while 58 percent disapprove. Black voters are the only demographic group to show favorability for Adams, as 48 percent approve of him while 38 percent disapprove.

Meanwhile, 61 percent of white voters, 65 percent of Hispanic voters, and 60 percent of Asian voters disapprove of the job Adams is doing as mayor, as well as 69 percent of swing voters, 49 percent of Democrats, and 68 percent of Republicans.

According to the pollsters, “This is the lowest job approval rating for a New York City mayor since Quinnipiac University began polling New York City registered voters in 1996” with former Mayor Michael Bloomberg (I) previously holding the lowest approval rating on record in July 2003, when only 31 percent of New Yorkers approved of him.

The poll comes soon after Adams announced that New Yorkers would see five percent budget cuts across the board in city services as waves of illegal immigration costs local taxpayers billions.

According to the Quinnipiac poll, 66 percent of New Yorkers oppose Adams’ budget cuts and 66 percent of New Yorkers oppose the way Adams is handling illegal immigration. Crime is another weak spot for Adams ,as 6-in-10 New Yorkers oppose the way he has handled the city’s rise in violent crime.

Recent footage taken by a local citizen journalist in New York City showed border crossers and illegal aliens sleeping on the streets in freezing temperatures. Also this week, a brawl broke out among migrant men across from one of Adams’ many migrant hotels.

Months ago, Adams projected that New Yorkers will be forced to subsidize $12 billion in costs associated with illegal immigration by the end of next year.

According to Adams, New York City has a whopping $7.1 billion budget shortfall because of illegal immigration over the last nearly two years. Adams, as well as other sanctuary city mayors, has pleaded with Biden for a $5 billion bailout, but the White House has yet to make any such move.

The poll surveyed nearly 1,300 New York City registered voters from Nov. 30 through Dec. 4. The poll has a margin of error of +/- 2.7 percentage points.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here.

Newt Gingrich Slams Biden’s ‘Illegal Immigration Policy’ Crushing the Nation

Newt Gingrich, former speaker of the US House of Representatives, speaks during the America First Policy Institute's America First Agenda summit in Washington, D.C., US, on Monday, July 25, 2022. The non-profit think tank was formed last year by former cabinet members and top officials in the Trump administration to …
Al Drago/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich warned Wednesday that President Joe Biden’s “illegal immigration policy” is undermining and damaging the United States.

Joe Biden has instituted an “open border policy that has drawn millions into the United States by breaking the law,” Gingrich notes in his hard-hitting essay.

In the article, Gingrich insists that we should never discuss the current illegal immigration mess “without putting its architect’s name on it,” and that architect is none other than the current president.

President Joe Biden meets Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, Mexico's president (not pictured) in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, DC, Tuesday, July 12, 2022. INSET: U.S.-Mexico border (Chris Kleponis/Sipa/Bloomberg/Eric Thayer for The Washington Post via Getty Images)

President Joe Biden meets Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, Mexico’s president (not pictured) in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, DC, Tuesday, July 12, 2022. // INSET: U.S.-Mexico border (Chris Kleponis/Sipa/Bloomberg/Eric Thayer for The Washington Post via Getty Images)

In the end, it is wholly Biden’s illegal immigration policy that is causing the problem, and “the people illegally crossing the border are Biden’s illegal immigrants,” Gingrich states.

The question is not academic or semantic, he contends, because “the ongoing border disaster is taking resources away from Americans and legal immigrants and giving them to people who have broken the law to get into the country illegally.”

Left-wing “propaganda outlets” fail to connect the dots for their viewers, he writes, because they know that the Biden illegal immigration policy is deliberate and “amazingly effective” from a leftist standpoint.

More people illegally flooding into the country “means more government spending and redistribution of resources,” Gingrich asserts, and, if allowed to continue, will mean “more voters who will be dependent on the government.”

Central American migrants, part of a caravan hoping to reach the U.S. border, move on the road in Escuintla, Chiapas State, Mexico (AP Photo/Moises Castillo).

It is a fever dream of progressives for the “Big Government Socialists” to give illegal immigrants legal status or simply the right to vote, he adds.

Suzanne Cordeiro/AFP/Getty Images

The policy has real-world consequences for the many Americans who are being pushed aside for Biden’s illegal immigrants.

In the world of the left, Biden’s illegal immigrants deserve better treatment than Korean War veterans in their nineties or the families of American veterans and active-duty servicemembers, he notes.

Government policy has been converting senior living facilities citizens into migrant shelters with private rooms and meal services, he writes, citing a Department of Social Services (DSS) spokesman.

“Similar shifts of resources from Americans to Biden’s illegal immigrants are occurring across the country,” he observes.

Republicans need to take a page from the left’s playbook and learn how to “identify and highlight sympathetic figures” if they are going to defeat the Biden illegal immigration policy in the public sphere, he urges.

This entails harnessing the moving testimonies of parents impoverished by the Biden illegal immigration policy, legal immigrants punished for obeying the law and working hard, and mayors of major cities forced to transfer precious resources from education, public safety, sanitation, and other services “to take care of Biden’s illegal immigrants.”

Whereas President Donald Trump had the border remarkably under control, Biden has created a border disaster that should be “a major issue in the 2024 election at every level,” Gingrich writes.

Durbin: I’ll Try to Include Legalizing DACA Recipients in Talks over ‘Overwhelmed’ Border

On Wednesday’s broadcast of “PBS NewsHour,” Senate Majority Whip Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) stated that “we are being overwhelmed at our border” and there need to be border policy changes, and that it’s “a serious mistake” that giving protection to DACA recipients isn’t part of the negotiations and “If I get a chance to be part of this immigration negotiation, and I hope I will, I will definitely include that request.”

Co-host Amna Nawaz asked, “We hear[d] President Biden say earlier he’s open to significant changes on border policy. Do you share that view?”

Durbin answered, “Yes, I do. Let’s be open-minded about it. I don’t want to do something that is inconsistent with our country’s values, but I recognize the obvious, we are being overwhelmed at our border by people seeking to come into the United States. We have got to adjust the standards that are used at the border in a reasonable, humane way, but we’ve got to be open to change, Democrats, as well as Republicans.”

Nawaz then asked, “So, what are some of those changes you’d be willing to compromise on that you weren’t before? Would they be tightening asylum rules, for example?”

Durbin responded, “I’d take a look at the asylum language standards, but I’d be very careful, because there are people who are genuinely escaping situations where their lives are in danger, and we don’t want to ignore that possibility. But I also want to make sure that we have a system that makes sense. If I told you the countries that are producing immigrants at our border in the south of the United States, you would be amazed, thousands coming from places like Uzbekistan. You think to yourself, that is not what I expect to hear. What is happening is an obvious move from around the world to use the United States as a refuge.”

Nawaz then asked, “I should ask you too, as part of those talks, what about the DREAMers, those DACA recipients who were brought to the U.S. as children? You have said that you will fight for them repeatedly, but they were not included in these last rounds of talks. What’s your message to them today?”

Durbin answered, “Well, I can just tell you, I think that’s a serious mistake. I have been fighting for these DREAMers for over 20 years since I introduced the legislation. These young people, 800,000 of them or more, should be part of America’s future. And we have to do everything we can to make that happen. If I get a chance to be part of this immigration negotiation, and I hope I will, I will definitely include that request.”

Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett


The time has come to hold Mayorkas accountable

As Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas continues to treat Congress and the American people with contempt, it’s far past time for the secretary to finally face some consequences for his actions.

Mayorkas narrowly escaped becoming the second cabinet official in U.S. history to be impeached when eight Republicans voted with all House Democrats last month to refer Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s impeachment resolution to the House Homeland Security Committee. Some members who voted against the impeachment resolution indicated that they would ultimately support impeaching Mayorkas, but would like to see a more thorough investigation completed before moving forward.

Mayorkas, like any cabinet official facing impeachment for high crimes and misdemeanors, of course, deserves due process. Yet, more than 10 months into the 118th Congress, and over a year since former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy vowed an impeachment inquiry was imminent, there has been no inquiry, and no timetable put forward for impeachment.

The case against Mayorkas is extensive and damning. Since he has been in charge of DHS, the department responsible for securing the U.S. border, millions of illegal aliens have crossed the border, shattering all the wrong records. Just Tuesday, 12,000 foreign nationals crossed into the U.S. illegally, hitting an all-time record for a single day. Mayorkas and other leading Biden administration officials have worked to systematically destroy America’s operational control over its border, while violating the Immigration and Nationality Act, and flagrantly disregarding their Constitutional responsibility to protect the U.S. from invasion. Mayorkas has demonized and demoralized Border Patrol agents, siding with anti-borders conspiracy theorists over his own agents.

He has put the national security of the U.S. at grave risk, allowing a record number of suspected terrorists to cross the border. Every step of the way, Mayorkas has prioritized his destructive anti-borders ideology over his responsibilities under the law. The case for his impeachment and removal is clear, but one person who doesn’t seem to be concerned is Mayorkas himself.

Anyone who pays attention to the comings and goings on Capitol Hill has seen Mayorkas strut around the Capitol with a smirk, while refusing to answer basic questions from members of Congress. The secretary has refused to provide members of Congress with data on the number of illegal aliens who have entered the country on his watch, including the number of those with ties to terrorist organizations. He has used Congressional testimony to engage in sparring matches with members of Congress attempting to perform oversight of his department.

All in all, Mayorkas acts like someone who believes he’s untouchable, someone who believes he will never be held accountable for his attacks on America’s sovereignty and its rule of law. It will be up to Congress to prove him wrong.

At the end of the day, Congress is the only institution that has the authority to hold Mayorkas and other Biden administration officials accountable for the crisis at the Southern border. There are two mechanisms through which Congress can enact accountability. One of them is impeachment and the other is through the power of the purse. So far in the 118th Congress, neither option has been used.  This needs to change soon.

Two-thirds of the American people disapprove of the Biden administration’s handling of the border, according to a recent Fox News poll. Congress must act as the voice of the American people and begin holding Mayorkas and his cronies accountable for all the damage they have wrought. This starts – but does not end – with relegating Mayorkas to historical infamy by making him just the second cabinet official in U.S. history to be impeached.

Mayorkas and his allies will cry foul, and accuse Congress of using impeachment as a tool to express policy disagreements, but they will be wrong. Securing the border is not a matter of policy, but is the most essential responsibility the federal government holds. It is a requirement under both the Constitution and federal law. Congress cannot allow a precedent to be set that allows bad actors like Mayorkas to open up the border and then brush it aside as a typical policy disagreement. Impeachment is a messy process, but the alternative is doing nothing as the U.S. continues down the path of lawlessness and chaos.

After years of debate, tough talk, and hearings, it’s time for Congress to hold America’s worst cabinet secretary accountable. It’s time to impeach Alejandro Mayorkas.

William J. Davis is a communications associate for the Immigration Reform Law Institute, a public interest law firm working to defend the rights and interests of the American people from the negative effects of mass migration.

Image: Screen shot from Jose Ventura Media video, via Twitter

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