Sunday, January 14, 2024

VIDEO - WHO PAYS FOR THE BIDEN - MAYORKAS MASS INVASION? - Denver Faces Fallout: $180 Million for Migrant Crisis Sparks 15% City Budget Slash on Vital Services

narcomex on, under, over and in america's open and undefended border!



Rep. Mark Green: DHS Chief Mayorkas Has Imported 5 Million Illegal Aliens — Outpacing Annual U.S. Births

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas testifies during a hearing of the Senate Appropriations Committee on President Biden's supplemental funding request, on Capitol Hill, Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2023, in Washington. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)
AP Photo/Alex Brandon/STRINGER/AFP

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has brought five million illegal aliens to the United States in three years, a foreign population that outpaces the nation’s annual births, Rep. Mark Green (R-TN) says.

Denver Faces Fallout: $180 Million for Migrant Crisis Sparks 15% City Budget Slash on Vital Services


The state of California is home to more illegal aliens than any other state in the country. Approximately one in five illegal aliens lives in California, Pew reported.

Immigration Studies (CIS) finds that about 72 percent of households headed by noncitizens and immigrants use one or more forms of taxpayer-funded welfare programs in California — the number one immigrant-receiving state in the U.S.

Rep. Mark Green: DHS Chief Mayorkas Has Imported 5 Million Illegal Aliens — Outpacing Annual U.S. Births

Denver Mayor: Abbott Doesn’t See Migrants Are Following Statue of Liberty, Also Stop Sending Us So Many of Them

On Friday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Source,” Denver Mayor Mike Johnston stated that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) doesn’t see people crossing the border as people “who are trying to do exactly what the Statue of Liberty says, which is, send us your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” He also stated that he hopes Texas stops sending migrants to Denver during the winter storm and “A strategy of having folks just sent to New York and Chicago and Denver I think is not setting them up for success or setting our cities up for success.”

Host Kaitlan Collins asked, “[T]he Governor of Illinois, Gov. Pritzker (D), he sent a letter to a fellow Gov., Greg Abbott of Texas, asking him to stop sending migrants during the dangerous winter storm, warning that it could kill people. Do you expect that Gov. Abbott — who’s also sent migrants to Denver, I should note — do you expect that he’ll heed that warning?”

Johnston answered, “I would hope that he would. It is incredibly dangerous for us to have folks arriving in the middle of this polar vortex where we’ll have record-low temperatures, but we also think this underscores part of the challenge that the country is facing right now, which is — what we need to make this work is not to have a system where one Governor decides where every migrant in the country gets sent, but instead, a place where we have federal dollars that support new arrivals, they arrive with the ability to work when they get to cities like Denver, and we have a coordinated entry plan so actually all of the cities and states in the country can figure out what their capacity is and take up to that capacity. A strategy of having folks just sent to New York and Chicago and Denver I think is not setting them up for success or setting our cities up for success.”

Later, he added that Abbott has failed to see “the folks that are coming here as human beings who are trying to do exactly what the Statue of Liberty says, which is, send us your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. These are folks that have walked 3,000 miles looking for opportunity. It’s hard for me to get my three kids to the grocery store and back. We have families that are putting their 2 and 4 and 6-year-olds and bringing them 3,000 miles to get to opportunity. I think they’re looking for the American Dream.”

Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett

Fmr. Obama Official: Biden ‘Owns’ Border Surge, He Sent Message that ‘We Wanted People to Come’

During an interview aired on Friday’s broadcast of Bloomberg’s “Wall Street Week,” Steve Rattner, who served as counselor to the Treasury Secretary in the Obama administration, stated that President Joe Biden “conveyed a sense that we wanted people to come here back from the first day of his Inauguration, and the result is you have 3 million people a year now crossing the southern border and going through our crazy, convoluted system.”

Rattner said, “We take in a million a year legally, and if you just want to maintain our population, given our fertility rate, you have to take in 4 million a year, or else our population will start to decline. So, we need these people. We have a 3.7% unemployment rate. They are not going to take away American jobs. But it is the most divisive political issue. And frankly, President Biden didn’t say open borders, but he conveyed a sense that we wanted people to come here back from the first day of his Inauguration, and the result is you have 3 million people a year now crossing the southern border and going through our crazy, convoluted system. And the Republicans, therefore, have no political incentive really to solve this problem. Biden owns it. The country, including Democrats, are very unhappy with our immigration policy. And there could be a deal in Congress. I think they’re going to announce something this week, but I’m not that optimistic it’s going to get passed.”

Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett


We Are in an Abusive Relationship with Our Government

California is now covering the costs of genital-mutilating surgeries for illegal aliens.  Leftism’s slippery slope invariably leads to depraved absurdity.  Consider how Governor (receding) Hairdo and the Pyrite State’s other communist saboteurs have greased the shifting ground under Californians’ feet:

(1) There is no illegal immigration crisis.

(2) There may be a crisis, but California taxpayers won’t be paying for it.

(3) Taxpayers may have to foot the bill for the illegal immigration crisis, but California will do nothing to incentivize illegal immigration.

(4) After further review, these aliens aren’t “illegal,” but rather “undocumented.”

(5) Health care is a human right.

(6) California must provide “undocumented” aliens healthcare.

(7) Mutilating the genitals to make them look like the opposite sex is health care.

(8) California taxpayers must pay for “undocumented” aliens’ genital surgery.

(9) Californians who object to paying for undocumented aliens’ genital surgery may be guilty of “hate” crimes and will be prosecuted. 

Quod erat demonstrandum.

Why punish the people who illegally enter the United States when you can punish the people who do not want to subsidize immigration crimes while canceling their votes with the votes of those here illegally?  Why should “health care” stop with free genital mutilation for the whole planet?  Why not label spacious split-level homes with at least one electric vehicle in each garage “health care” as well?  Why shouldn’t California taxpayers be on the hook for each new illegal alien’s  “green energy” lifestyle?  The absurdity will never end.

As Sundance frequently reminds readers over at The Conservative Treehouse, “We are in an abusive relationship with our government.”  And in California, where the Marxist globalists rule with absolute power, the government never gets tired of slapping American citizens around and telling them it’s for their own good.

California’s decision to become a Mecca for foreign men who want to chop off their willies and hang out in women’s restrooms is just the latest example of government insanity promoted as “progress.”  While foreign nationals are invading the United States in unprecedented numbers, Department of Homeland (in)Security secretary Alejandro Mayorkas continues to claim that (1) there is no crisis of any kind, and (2) if there is a crisis, Congress should just allocate more money for DHS to quickly bus the invaders into small towns throughout the country.  Hear that, American citizens?  The problem isn’t that tens of millions of foreigners are illegally entering the country; the problem is that people are noticing the problem — which would quickly disappear if DHS had the funds to hide the invaders more effectively and seed them into the counties where illegal votes from illegal aliens will do Democrats the most good.  Canceling American votes one invader at a time — yet none dare call it election-rigging on a massive scale!

Mayorkas’s admission that his plan to tackle illegal immigration consists of (1) making it worse but (2) hiding it more effectively is another infuriating example of why governments (of any kind!) can never, ever be trusted.  The best that any civilized society can do is shackle government power so severely that its agents feel as if they are rotting away in a dark dungeon without any prospect of public glory.  That’s why our Founders worked so hard to write a Constitution that limits the powers of all the miscreants who inevitably end up running things.  After all, at its core, government is nothing more than a collection of unethical people given legal immunity for performing otherwise criminal acts.  

In exchange for a little law and order, prosperity, and peace, the people look the other way while government bureaucrats steal their property (taxes), intimidate them with threats of force (FBI-Gestapo), and occasionally sacrifice their children for the greater good (war).  As soon as government is celebrated as something wonderful (instead of something that should always be dreaded and despised), those same bureaucrats break free from their dungeons, anoint themselves as unaccountable kings, and devise the most elaborate schemes to pillage, plunder, and endanger the citizenry without remorse.  No tax is too high!  No government mandate or regulatory fiat is too grotesque!  No life is too precious for the spoils of endless, needless war!  In Mayorkas’s world, bureaucrats bark orders, citizens comply, the government tells you what you may own, and armed IRS agents confiscate the rest!

How has the freest nation on Earth been reduced to a population of citizen-slaves begging for government scraps?  America’s tyrants use the same two-pronged approach that all totalitarian regimes do: the U.S. government (1) lies about everything, while (2) intentionally inflicting emotional harm on its citizens.  Everything that unscrupulous government agents such as Mayorkas shove down Americans’ throats is part of a psychological war meant to enfeeble, confuse, dispirit, and infantilize the adult population while indoctrinating younger generations to accept absurdities, surrender to “woke” ideology, and refrain from ever questioning authoritarian “elites.”

That’s why popular actors, musicians, and athletes must all believe the same thing — lest they be summarily “canceled.”  It is absolutely essential that young minds see intellectual conformity as something to celebrate and dissent as something to abhor.  It is why presidential puppet Joe Biden likes to say, “We’re all in this together,” while simultaneously stigmatizing half the electorate as “domestic terrorists” who “threaten democracy.”  Critical thinking, artistic individualism, philosophical disagreement, and public debate are not tolerated in totalitarian regimes.

In an essay for the Brownstone Institute, Jeffrey Tucker describes his experience at a train station where prominent warning signs still command travelers to obey COVID’s strict social distancing requirements.  For the most part, people just ignored the government’s orders and went about their lives.  After pondering the “enormous disjunction ... between what we are told to do and what we actually do,” Tucker concludes that the “edicts to which no one complies serve a certain purpose.  They are a visual reminder of who is in charge, what those people believe, and the presence of a Sword of Damocles hanging above the whole population: at any point, anyone can be snatched away from normal life, made a criminal, and be forced to pay a price.”  In a psychological war meant to obtain total control over citizen behavior, “the nuttier the edicts, the more effective the message.”

Writer Kit Knightly aptly describes these nutty edicts as part of the government’s broader propaganda campaign to “cultivate” a “perfidious unreality,” where our “authoritarian ruling elite” promulgate “insane narratives” that “serve as both loyalty test and humiliation ritual.”  When government agents say something that is “impossible to believe” and people accept it as true nonetheless, then citizens demonstrate “greater loyalty” to the government’s absurd fabrications than to reality.  “Humiliation is the ultimate demonstration of control” because under a system “where nothing is true, anything could be.”  Knightly concludes that the government engages in psychopathic behavior meant to do one thing: break every citizen’s spirit and mind.

What this means is that fighting for human liberty against the government’s encroaching totalitarianism requires more than civil disobedience; it requires an acceptance that everything our government says is a lie and everything our government does is destructive.  The U.S. government — along with most Western governments that have been captured by central banks, spy agencies, and an international cabal of Marxist “elites” — is dedicated to destroying any notion of “objective truth.”  That is why we are told that biological sex is a social construct, that private property causes “climate change,” and that popular political movements are “undemocratic.”  To free our bodies, we must free our minds.  And to free our countries, we must work to free the minds of as many of our fellow citizens as we can.

When the battlefield is the human brain, revolutionary ideas are more important than bullets.

Image: Don Hankins via FlickrCC BY 2.0 (cropped).

Rep. Mark Green: DHS Chief Mayorkas Has Imported 5 Million Illegal Aliens — Outpacing Annual U.S. Births

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas testifies during a hearing of the Senate Appropriations Committee on President Biden's supplemental funding request, on Capitol Hill, Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2023, in Washington. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)
AP Photo/Alex Brandon/STRINGER/AFP

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has brought five million illegal aliens to the United States in three years, a foreign population that outpaces the nation’s annual births, Rep. Mark Green (R-TN) says.

Green, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, opened impeachment hearings against Mayorkas on Wednesday. In his opening statements, Green detailed Mayorkas’s expansive Catch and Release network, in which the DHS briefly processes a reported 85 percent of illegal aliens before releasing them into American communities.

“Multiple sources confirmed Secretary Mayorkas admitted that release rates of illegal aliens are currently around 85 percent,” Green said:

All told, DHS numbers indicate that well over three million inadmissible aliens have been released into our country on Secretary Mayorkas’s watch. Factor in the 1.8 million known gotaways, and that’s roughly the population of the state of South Carolina. [Emphasis added]

The figure suggests that Mayorkas has released more illegal aliens into American communities from 2021 through 2023 than the number of babies born annually in the U.S., which is fewer than four million.

The majority of these illegal aliens, released via parole, will end up securing work permits to hold American jobs — a boon for big business, Wall Street, and real estate investors looking to keep wages low by inflating the labor market, add as many residents to the population to drive up housing demand, and increase the supply of consumers to whom they can sell products.

Green also noted that the rate at which the DHS never detains illegal aliens at the southern border has skyrocketed under Mayorkas compared to former President Barack Obama’s leadership:

In Fiscal Year 2013, according to [the] DHS’s own numbers, the Obama administration detained 82 percent of illegal aliens from the moment they were encountered until their case was decided, and another nine percent were held for at least some portion of that time.

In Secretary Mayorkas’ first year on the job, that 82 percent number dropped to just ten percent. Illegal aliens not detained at all jumped from nine percent in FY 2013 to 64 percent in FY 2021. In a court opinion earlier this year, federal judge Kent Wetherell wrote, ‘The evidence establishes that in late January or early February of 2021, [the] DHS made a discrete change in detention policy from release only if there is a compelling reason to, to release unless there is a compelling reason not to.” [Emphasis added]

On Monday, Mayorkas visited the U.S.-Mexico border, where he called on Congress to approve President Joe Biden’s billions of dollars in supplemental funding to bus and fly more border crossers and illegal aliens into the nation’s interior.

“Some have accused [the] DHS of not enforcing our nation’s laws. This could not be further from the truth,” Mayorkas said.

RELATED EXCLUSIVE: 1,500 Migrants Cross Border into Texas in Six Hours

Randy Clark/Breitbart Texas

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here.

How Obama Pulls Biden's Strings

By Peter Olsson

Barack Obama and his “Hope and Change” for America represented a political Trojan Horse phenomenon.  Joe Biden was Obama’s choice for his vice president for eight years of his Trojan Horse presidency. Joe Biden’s presidency has been an Obama Trojan Horse II with less subtle, more blunt messages of political persuasion and policy formation.

Obama, through clever political manipulation, presidential dictates, and eloquent speechmaking brought a seductive liberal, progressive, socialistic utopian vision to America. Obama used sophisticated Alinsky-style tactics to construct his Trojan Horse. He has tried to change America from within by distorting our political system. According to Obama, we are not an exceptional country. We are in Obama’s mind merely another tribe in his vision of where the best history of the collective human village is going.

Joe Biden trumpets Obama’s propaganda slogans of “social justice” vaunted as America’s true democratic values. Obama and now Biden both seduce and are pampered and protected by the American mainstream media which suspends vigorous investigative reporting about Hunter Biden’s promoting ‘the Biden brand” for alleged political influence peddling and financial gain for Biden family members.  

Joe Biden has created a third term for Obama’s propaganda domain labelled as “social justice” and “our American democratic values,” really Obama-Biden’s version. Biden has added climate change as his anti-fossil fuel campaign that destroys our energy independence and brings American security and military power down a peg. The Biden administration’s status as Obama presidential term three is confirmed by Biden’s appointment of enormous number of Obamaites:

Cabinet Members and Key Advisors

National Security Adviser

Jake Sullivan: Obama’s Deputy Assistant and Director of Policy.

Secretary of State

Antony Blinken: Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor (2013-2015) and Deputy Secretary of State (2015-2017).

Secretary of Homeland Security

Alejandro Mayorkas: Obama Director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. He also managed staffing the DoJ Criminal Division

Director of National Intelligence

Avril Haines: Was Obama’s Deputy Director of the CIA then Deputy National Security Advisor. Biden promoted her to DNI in 2021.

Ambassador to the United Nations

Linda Thomas-Greenfield: Obama’s Director General of the Foreign Service and Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs.

Administrator, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)

Samantha Power: Obama’s transition team for the State Department and his UN Ambassador (2013-2017)

Deputy Secretary of State

Wendy Sherman: Obama’s Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs. Retired July 2023 and replaced by Victoria Nuland (acting)


Director, National Economic Council 

Brian Deese: Obama's senior White House advisor, acting director of the Office of Management and Budget, and deputy director of the National Economic Council. Subsequently. Deese was Global Head of Sustainable Investing at BlackRock before joining the Biden administration.

Secretary of the Treasury

Janet Yellen: Obama’s Chairman of the Federal Reserve and Biden’s appointment as Secretary of the Treasury.

Chair, Council of Economic Advisers

Cecilia Rouse: Obama member of the Council of Economic Advisors promoted to the chair by Biden in 2021. 

Deputy Secretary of the Treasury

Adewale "Wally" Adeyemo: A Nigerian, Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economics and deputy director of the National Economic Council, then head of the Obama Foundation.

Member, Council of Economic Advisers

Jared Bernstein: VP Biden economic advisor during Obama years, then Biden appointed him Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors.

Chair, Securities and Exchange Commission

Gary Gensler: Obama Chair of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, then Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission in 2021

Attorney General

Merrick Garland: Obama nominee for Justice of the Supreme Court after death of Antonin Scalia. Senate refused to vote on his nomination. Biden then made Garland U.S. Attorney General in 2021.

Secretary of Agriculture

Tom Vilsack: Obama Secretary of Agriculture, appointed by Biden in 2021.

Secretary of Veterans Affairs

Denis McDonough: Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor, then Chief of Staff. Biden appointed him in 2021.

Director, Office of Science and Technology Policy

Eric Lander: Obama’s advisor on science and tech. Elevated to Cabinet in 2021. He resigned in 2022 for bullying, replaced by Alondra Nelson.

Deputy Attorney General

Lisa Monaco: Obama Homeland Security Advisor, appointed by Biden to Deputy Attorney General in 2021.

Associate Attorney General

Vanita Gupta: Obama Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights. promoted by Biden to Associate Attorney General in 2021.

Surgeon General

Dr. Vivek Murthy: Obama’s (and Trump’s) Surgeon General, reappointed by Biden in 2021.

Chairperson, Council on Environmental Quality

Brenda Mallory: Obama General Counsel of the EPA, then promoted by Biden to Chair of Council on Environmental Quality.


Chief of Staff

Ron Klain: Obama Ebola Response Coordinator. Replaced by Jeff Zients, Obama Director of OMB, and Director of the National Economic Council.

Director, Domestic Policy Council

Susan Rice: Obama’s National Security Advisor and UN Ambassador

Special Presidential Envoy for Climate

John Kerry: Obama’s Secretary of State.

National Climate Adviser

Gina McCarthy: Obama Administrator of the EPA.

Director, Office of Legislative Affairs

Louisa Terrell: Was Obama’s Legislative Aide

Counsel to the President

Dana Remus: Obama Deputy Assistant and Deputy Counsel for Ethics, then general counsel for the Obama Foundation and Michelle Obama.

Comptroller General of the U.S.

Gene Dodero (appointed by Obama and still in office)

Image: White House                     


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