Saturday, February 24, 2024

Sen. Hawley: Mayorkas Told Me Biden’s Border Policies Are Working – and He’s Telling the Truth


Sen. Hawley: Mayorkas Told Me Biden’s Border Policies Are Working – and He’s Telling the Truth

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Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) says DHS Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas was telling the truth when he told him that Pres. Joe Biden’s border policies are working.  

Sen. Hawley, a member of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, made the observation Monday while discussing the border crisis with Fox News Channel’s Kayleigh McEnany:

“And I tell you what, Kayleigh, I’ve had Alejandro Mayorkas, Biden’s Homeland Security secretary, say to me directly multiple times that the Biden border policies are working – and that’s them telling the truth.”

“They are working, because they want the border open: that is their policy,” Sen. Hawley explained.

“So, this is all because of Joe Biden. It’s one hundred percent on him,” Hawley said, laying blame for the flood of illegal aliens squarely on Pres. Joe Biden:

“He’s the reason why the border’s open. There hasn’t been any change in the law from the last president, President Trump, to this president. The only change has been Joe Biden.”

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“And, he’s the one American workers can look to and say, ‘Man, you are costing us our jobs, you are costing us our security, you’re costing us our farmland.’ It is on him,” the senator added.

The Border Patrol Union echoed Hawley’s observation Monday, posting a social media message to Biden:

“Dear Joe,

“You OWN this catastrophic disaster at the border - lock, stock and barrel. You created it. You nursed it along. You encouraged it. You facilitated it. It's all yours.

“Don't run from it now like a coward.

“Signed, The BP agents you've thrown under the bus.”

Last week, the U.S. House of Representatives impeached Sec. Mayorkas on two counts of refusing to secure the U.S. southwest border, as Fox News explains:

“Two impeachment articles were approved against Mayorkas by the House Homeland Security Committee. One accused him of having ‘refused to comply with Federal immigration laws’ and the other of having violated ‘public trust.’”


“The office of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said Mayorkas' impeachment trial will begin later this month.”

Hawley and Mayorkas
Sen. Josh Hawley (L) and DHS Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas


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The Democrats' Long Game for 2030 Census

Much has been written analyzing the issues regarding the Biden Border Crisis. One aspect, however, that has not been adequately covered should be deeply troubling to all honest Americans: The impact of 8-10 million illegal residents on the future make-up of Congress as a result of the allotment of congressional districts.

In the business world, U.S. companies are too often focused on the short term: end of the month or quarterly targets are de rigueur. Long-term goals are discussed in some circles, but are not usually the primary focus that they should be to position companies for future success.

The same does not hold true in political circles, at least those circles occupied by the Democrats.  Take the next decennial census in 2030, as an example. That may seem distant, but if the next party to occupy the White House serves two terms, it will occur in that second term. If a younger Democrat replaces Biden on the ticket, as many are speculating, then that person could be in a position to influence the next census, as historically most Presidents are reelected to serve two consecutive terms (George H. W. Bush , Carter, and Trump being recent exceptions).

Democrats are already thinking along those lines. Case in point, and one which should be troubling, is that elected Democrats in Congress are admitting that a primary reason for allowing illegal immigrants into our nation is the need for more bodies, in their districts, to offset those who are fleeing many blue states. Rep. Yvette Clarke (D-NY) is one such example. "I need more people in my district just for redistricting purposes."

Consider: The current population of the USA (about 340 million) is represented in Congress by 435 representatives, which equates to about 780,000 people per district. The 8-10 million ‘asylum’ seekers then would represent the equivalent of 10-13 Congressional districts being settled into the country.

If Democrats continue their open border policies, as they desire to do, then we can fully expect that the number of illegals allowed in will far exceed the 8-10 million we have seen in the last three years. Imagine that occurring for four or eight more years.

We need to examine where these people are being settled. From the Pew Research Center, we have the following data from 2021:

  • California (1.9 million)
  • Texas (1.6 million)
  • Florida (900,000)
  • New York (600,000)
  • New Jersey (450,000)
  • Illinois (400,000)

Although the data is from 2021 these six states have consistently had the most unauthorized immigrants since 1990 and earlier. That trend likely remains consistent today.

President Trump fought to reinstate the ‘citizenship’ question back into the decennial census. Unfortunately in the Department of Commerce et al. v. New York et al case in a 5-4 decision (addressing one specific aspect of the case),  SCOTUS declined to reinstate the question. As a result, congressional districts are determined based on population and not citizens. Democrats fought tooth and nail to achieve this victory.

In the next census, with population being counted, not citizens, those illegal immigrants are going to help determine the allocation and alignment of congressional districts in the House of Representatives. The states listed above are either blue states or states that are shifting from red to purple. Given enough time and a continued open border policy, the purple states could continue shifting in the blue direction.

The fear has long been that the illegal immigrants will be voting in upcoming elections, either legally or illegally, through unverified mail-in ballots. That fear is well founded. Regardless of that occurrence those illegal citizens will be added into the districts that historically vote Democrat.

The current make-up in the House favors the Republicans by a slim margin of 219 to 213, with three vacancies. The political climate shifts periodically, making control by one party or the other questionable in any given election cycle. The impact of an additional net effect of 13 districts, possibly more, favoring the Democrats will make Republican control of the House a monumental task.

In a speech before the Young Men's Lyceum of Springfield, Illinois, on January 27, 1838 future President Abraham Lincoln warned his audience with these words:

“At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever (is to) reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.”

In his successful campaign for the presidency in 2015, President Trump succinctly paraphrased the above words as:

“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”

Today’s Democrats envision themselves as having higher moral standards than those of us whom they view with abject disdain. They also recognize that they are in fact outnumbered by Americans on the actual issues. Thus, those numbers must be modified, or overcome, be it through ballot harvesting, illegal drop boxes, falsified mail-in ballots, stacking the courts, adding in new states (D.C., Puerto Rico), or the allowed influx of illegal aliens.

As Republicans focus on the next election, Democrats are increasingly focusing on factors to make those elections a moot point.  It is an unfortunate situation that the Republican Party, the only party available to the voter to stop these actions, remains more content to maintain a secondary level of power than to do what it takes to stop this planned onslaught against the nation.


Biden’s Iran Policy Is an Existential Threat

If the United States slid suddenly into the blazing abyss of hell, the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s prayers would be answered.  The ayatollah is Iran’s “spiritual leader and its highest authority — he has the final say over all government matters in the country.”  His rhetorical ethos and fervent prayer is “death to America,” which he recognizes as the “great Satan.”  This is the liturgy and policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Democrat politicians reimagine their Iranian counterparts as Ivy League liberals instead of missile-firing, drone-flying, weapons-smuggling terrorists who promise death to America.  The Obama administration negotiated the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), which lifted oil sanctions and delivered billions of dollars to Iran in return for an agreement that Iran wouldn’t produce nuclear weapons for ten years — the blink of an eye in historical terms.  The agreement was negotiated while Iran was delivering improvised explosive devices (IEDs) in large volume to proxies in Iraq, killing and horrifically maiming thousands of American soldiers.  Obama’s plan funded the IEDs, Hamas, Hezb’allah, the Houthis, drone manufacturing, and missile production, all helping Iran achieve its anti-American objectives.

President Trump canceled Obama’s nuclear deal in 2018 to take “additional actions to counter Iran’s malign influence and deny Iran all paths to a nuclear weapon.”  Severe sanctions were placed on exports of Iranian oil.  The Abraham Accords demonstrated a pragmatic foreign policy supporting peaceful coexistence between Arab states and Israel while further isolating Iran.

President Biden has attempted to renegotiate a nuclear deal with Iran.  This has proven difficult, since Iran refuses to talk to him.  Despite this, Biden has delivered huge sums of money to Iran.  Biden wants Iranian oil delivered to international markets to reduce gasoline prices at home.  To accomplish this, Trump’s sanctions have not been enforced by the Biden administration, resulting in “an Iranian gain of $26.3 to $29.5 billion” since Biden took office.  In 2023, six billion dollars was released to Iran to be used for humanitarian purposes as a ransom for American hostages.  Biden is now set to release $10 billion more to a regime that believes that funding terrorists is a humanitarian response to counter the Great Satan.

Robert Malley was “appointed Special Envoy for Iran on January 28, 2021.  Under President Barack Obama he served as Special Assistant to the President, Senior Advisor to the President for the Counter-ISIL campaign, and White House Coordinator for the Middle East, North Africa and Gulf Region in 2015-2016 and, before that, as Senior Director for the Gulf Region and Syria before joining the National Security Council staff in February 2014.”  It also appears that Malley helped place Iranian agents in the State and Defense departments while he was negotiating with his buddies in Iran.

Democrats fund Iran and its terrorist proxies while Iran develops nuclear weapons under Biden’s nose.  The Biden-Obama administrations have either criminally naïve, unclever, anti-American, or all the above.

Since Hamas attacked Israel on October 7, the U.S. has been reacting ineffectively to attacks by Iranian proxies.  Soldiers manning outposts in the Middle East should be defended by the full capacity of the U.S. military.  Any enemy force that attacks Americans soldiers should be destroyed.  If Biden is not prepared to protect soldiers manning remote outposts, these soldiers should be withdrawn, and the outposts abandoned.

After three soldiers were killed in Jordan by Iranian proxies on January 28, U.S. government spokesperson Sabrina Singh indicated that, “the President has said, we don't seek conflict.”  Soldiers manning outposts in Syria, Iraq, and Jordan have been attacked hundreds of times.  These attacks have intensified since Hamas sucker-punched Israel on October 7.  Houthis in Yemen have attacked international shipping in the Red Sea.  Navy SEALs died circumventing shipments of Iranian weapons to Yemen.  Iranian proxies killed hundreds and wounded thousands of American soldiers during the Iraq War.  America has been in a conflict with Iran for decades, regardless of what President Biden wants or Ms. Singh tells the press.

Senator Lindsey Graham called for U.S. forces to destroy oil infrastructure inside Iran.  This would be a bold move.  Biden and his Democrat handlers wouldn’t consider this for two reasons: they aren’t bold people, and oil prices would surge north of $100/bbl. the day after the attack.  Higher gasoline prices in an inflationary economy would be bad politics in an election year.  Biden has other options.  He could attack drone, missile, and weapons factories in Iran.  This would impact Iranian proxies and Russian soldiers fighting with Iranian weapons in Ukraine.

There are reports that Iran can produce nuclear weapons in a matter of weeks.  The U.S. must face the possibility that Iran already has a nuclear weapon.  Would Iran use nuclear weapons?  Only the ayatollah knows for sure, but one thing is certain: countries don’t spend billions of dollars developing weapons to not use them.

Biden should focus his attention on protecting American soldiers.  On February 2, Biden ordered attacks on Iranian proxies in Iraq and Syria.  A couple of days later, the U.S. attacked the Houthis in Yemen.  Biden should allow the military to engage in tactics to destroy any enemy force in the region that threatens Americans.  Attacks against Iranian territory should be considered strategically.

For decades, American politicians in both parties have warned that Iran was developing nuclear weapons and missiles to deliver them.  Does Iran already have nuclear weapons?  If so, what can be done to neutralize its capacity to use them?  The U.S. and its allies should meet and decide how best to proceed.  There are options:

  • Destroy Iran’s nuclear research, development, and production capabilities.
  • Leave the ayatollah to his own devices.

Don’t be surprised if a government spokesperson takes the stage someday soon and announces that Iran has successfully tested a nuclear weapon.  Any decision an American president makes at that time will become much more difficult.  The ayatollah’s threats will be taken more seriously.  The security of the American people will be diminished.

This is not a suggestion to change the regime in Iran.  The Iranian people should choose their own government.  A nation’s capacity to wage war on the United States and its allies can be neutralized without winning the hearts and minds of its people and reimagining the nation as a Western democracy.  The purpose of America’s government is not to spread democracy abroad, but to protect the security and interests of its people.

While the State Department frets over microaggressions or pronoun choices, Iran is destabilizing the Middle East and working frantically to develop atom bombs.  When selecting political candidates this year, Americans should consider candidates for the House, Senate, and president that will engage pragmatically with Iran, which may already have nuclear weapons.  In the meantime, Biden continues to fund the ayatollah’s work.

VIDEO: Which president is the real dictator?

It’s become axiomatic that the fascist far left and the national socialist media (being one and the same) will always accuse the pro-freedom right of what they are doing to cause confusion and chaos.  Accusing President Trump of wanting to be a dictator and comparing him to Hitler have become a cottage industry, and the campaign hasn’t even really started.  But as we noted many times, there are countless ways in which the Democrats are very much like the Nazis, with Biden’s dictator moves being the latest example.

We listed out 12 instances of the media projecting on steroids, with a number to add to the list — many from the creator of “Godwins’ Law,” the new Hitler card admonishment that we’re not supposed to make these comparisons (unless the left does it — then it’s okay):

Yes, it’s okay to compare Trump to Hitler. Don’t let me stop you.

‘Trump Knows What He’s Doing’: The Creator of Godwin’s Law Says the Hitler Comparison Is Apt

‘Godwins’ Law’ Creator Justifies Trump-Hitler Comparisons in Searing Column: ‘The Parallels…Seem Inescapable’

Just How Similar Is Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler?

Fact Check: Is Donald Trump, Adolf Hitler Viral Quote Comparison Accurate?

Donald Trump's history with Adolf Hitler and his Nazi writings: ANALYSIS

Is it wrong to compare Trump to Hitler? No.

Hillary Clinton likens Trump to Hitler and warns he would end democracy

The Uncanny Resemblance of the Beer Hall Putsch and the January 6 Insurrection

Anti-liberty leftists have actually gone so far as to caution against comparing President Trump to Hitler because, according to them, it causes the unpardonable injury of denigrating Hitler.  Seriously. 

Of course, no authoritarian leftist worth his salt would pass up a chance to accuse President Trump of wanting to be a dictator.  Never mind that unlike those with the collectivist mindset of the far left, we on the pro-freedom right are grounded in limited government and individual liberty and wouldn’t abide by such actions.

The irony in all this is that while the sock puppet in chief jumped on board with making this ridiculous comparison — previously verboten by leftist lore — it’s the dear leader that more closely fits the comparison to a dictator and Herr Hitler — never mind all of the startling and uncomfortable ways the national socialist “Democrat” Party emulates the Nazi Party that we’ve documented so far.   

President Trump merely used certain words deemed verboten by the nation’s authoritarian left, while the video and the list detail actual dictatorial actions by Herr Biden — to the point of bragging about defying the Supreme Court in unconstitutionally buying votes with other people’s money, taken at gunpoint.

All of these are detailed and listed in the video.

Dictator Move 1: The eviction moratorium. 

Dictator Move 2: The vaccine mandates. 

Dictator Move 3: Canceling student loans. 

Dictator Move 4: The “Disinformation Governance Board.” 

Dictator Move 5: Destroying American energy. 

Dictator Move 6: Biden’s massive land grab. 

Dictator Move 7: Naming parents “domestic terrorists.” 

Dictator Move 8: Targeting pro-life demonstrators. Last year, 

Dictator Move 9: Censoring YOU. 

Dictator Move 10: Forcing transgenderism in schools. 

Actually, let’s make it 11: Trying to throw your political rival in jail is the ULTIMATE dictator move.

Biden has been President for 3 years and issued 131 executive orders so far — a little less than an average of 1 PER WEEK. During his first year in office alone, he issued 77 orders — almost double Obama’s first year, and 40% more than Trump’s first year. 

The video goes on to detail a couple more Biden dictator moves, but the point is made.  While the national socialist media continually complain and propagandize that President Trump is the next rendition of that “swashbuckling little politician,” it would seem as though leftists can’t get Germany’s most infamous dictator out of their minds.  It’s almost as if they admire the man.  Maybe that’s why they talk about him so much.

D Parker is an engineer, inventor, wordsmith, and student of history, the director of communications for a civil rights organization, and a long-time contributor to conservative websites.  Find him on Substack.

Image: Gage Skidmore via 

87K Fentanyl Pills, Meth, Heroin Seized in Washington State from Alleged Cartel-Connected Smuggler

Drugs and Guns Tacoma (Tacoma Police Department)
Tacoma Police Department

BORDER TOWN USA: Police in Tacoma, Washington, seized approximately 87,000 fentanyl pills from an alleged drug trafficker connected to a Mexican cartel, city officials said in a written statement. The officers also found 83 pounds of methamphetamine and heroin allegedly being brought from the Mexican border to Washington.

“During the investigation, it was uncovered that the suspect had connections with cartel members near the United States Southern Border,” Tacoma Police Department Public Information Officer William Muse said in a written statement. “Subsequently, the suspect would transport large quantities of narcotics back to Tacoma for distribution along the Pacific Avenue Corridor.”

Breitbart Texas reached out to Tacoma police officials for the identity of the alleged drug trafficker and their nationality. The official said they are not allowed to release that information. The Pierce County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office officials were not available for comment.

Police say the suspect “specialized in the distribution of fentanyl, methamphetamine, and heroin” along the Pacific Avenue corridor. Investigators learned the suspect has connections with cartel members near the United States southern border. The suspect would allegedly transport large quantities of the drugs back to the Tacoma area.

Investigators report the seized drugs have an estimated value of $550,000. In addition to the drugs, investigators reportedly seized a handgun loaded with armor-piercing rounds. Police described the bullets as “cop-killer bullets.” Police also seized body armor worn by the suspect during the arrest, officials stated.

A search of the suspect’s residence led to the seizure of four additional firearms. Police say two of these guns were reported stolen. Included in the seizure were two .556 caliber rifles modified into “pistol” configuration, the statement revealed. Additional armor-piercing ammunition was also seized from the home.

“This investigation and subsequent arrest represent a significant victory in addressing the opioid and fentanyl crisis while also mitigating the violence linked with narcotics trafficking,” Muse concluded.

Bob Price is the Breitbart Texas-Border team’s associate editor and senior news contributor. He is an original member of the Breitbart Texas team. Price is a regular panelist on Fox 26 Houston’s What’s Your Point? Sunday morning talk show. He also serves as president of Blue Wonder Gun Care Products 

New York Post Previews ‘Blood Money’: Peter Schweizer Exposes China’s ‘Control from Start to Finish’ of U.S. Fentanyl Trade

(Photos: Patrick T. Fallon, Johannes Eisele, Gary Coronado/Getty; Mamta Popat/AP)
Patrick T. Fallon, Johannes Eisele, Gary Coronado/Getty; Mamta Popat/AP

China’s involvement in the fentanyl crisis “can be found in every stage of the poison’s spread in North America,” bestselling investigative journalist Peter Schweizer explains in an excerpt from his new book Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans.

Schweizer, who is the president of the Government Accountability Institute and a Breitbart News senior contributor, describes China’s weaponization of fentanyl in an exclusive excerpt of Blood Money for the New York Post.

“While we debate domestic politics to address the fentanyl crisis, the reality is that Beijing is deeply involved at every stage of the drug’s production and distribution in the United States,” Schweizer writes, noting that in 2019 the U.S. Department of Homeland Security asked for fentanyl to be classified as a “weapon of mass destruction.”

China’s production of the precursor chemicals necessary to make fentanyl is well known, but Schweizer’s book reveals the communist regime’s involvement in the full production, distribution, and even financing of the drug’s trafficking in North America.

“Based on leaked US national security documents, Mexican government hacked emails or correspondence, and Chinese corporate records, we know that the fentanyl operation is under Chinese control from start to finish,” Schweizer writes.

The Blood Money author breaks down his findings into five bullet point subsections detailing China’s fentanyl involvement:

* Production of the basic chemicals needed to make it

* Creation of fentanyl and counterfeit pills in both Mexico and the United States

* Distribution of the deadly drug within the United States

* Facilitation of drug cartel financial transactions, and even money laundering

* Facilitation of communications networks used by the cartels to operate without detection in the United States.

Schweizer’s findings reveal the close relationship between Chinese organized crime syndicates, or triads, and Mexican drug cartels, as well as the role of Chinese banks in helping to launder the money from the drug trade.

Read the full New York Post excerpt here.

Schweizer is a seven-time New York Times bestselling author whose past books have sparked FBI investigations, led to the resignation of members of Congress, and has been the driving force behind bipartisan congressional anti-corruption reform laws.

Politico exclusively reported that Blood Money will reveal China’s “Disintegration Warfare” plans to kill Americans and sow social chaos and show a pattern of U.S.—China money flows, which Schweizer and his team of forensic investigators reportedly spent two years tracking.

The book cover features California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D), Dr. Anthony Fauci, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), Neville Roy Singham, President Joe Biden, Chinese Communist Party Leader Xi Jinping, and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), as well as images of drugs, guns, and stacks of cash.

Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans, published by HarperCollins, comes out on February 27 and is available now for pre-order.

Mark Levin: Schweizer’s ‘Blood Money’ Is ‘Jaw-Dropping’

Fox News host Mark Levin said Sunday on his show “Life, Liberty & Levin” that Breitbart News Senior Contributor Peter Schweizer’s new book Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans was “jaw-dropping.”

Levin said, “A journalist who uncovers really seedy muck in our government and by certain populations. And Peter Schweizer. And it’s always an honor to have Peter on the program as an exclusive guest when he has a new book coming out. He doesn’t just put out books. He his books, his team does an enormous amount of research. They back it up with facts and footnotes, and it’s always jaw dropping.”

He continued, “His new book, “Blood Money Why the Powerful Turned a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans” is stunning. It’s stunning in the breadth to which communist China owns our government. It’s stunning in the extent to which it affects our society. It is stunning by the fact that we have a president, the United States, and a family. As Peter has reported before, that basically has taken tens of millions of dollars from this government, which I think is one of the reasons why they don’t stand up to communist China.”

Levin asked, “Let’s start with China’s foot soldiers, China’s foot soldiers in America. What do you mean by that?”

Schweizer said, “Yeah, I mean, you look at a situation like the fentanyl crisis, it’s killing 100,000 Americans a year. And a lot of people know that the precursors come from China. What they don’t know is that China is involved in every single chain in this link that leads to the deaths of Americans. The precursors come to a port at the port of Manzanillo in Mexico. It’s run by a Chinese company. They send those precursors up to a small border town in Mexico, where 2000 Chinese nationals help them turn it into fentanyl. They take pill presses that are imported from China, that are sold to the drug cartels at cost by the Chinese. They make these pills. They then bring them across the border into the United States.”

He continued, “Now, the Mexican cartels need a way to communicate securely, Mark. They use Chinese apps and Chinese communication devices because they know the Chinese will not share that information with American law enforcement. And finally, when these drug cartels collect all this money they used to launder back in the old days with cocaine, they used to launder those profits in the Latin American banks. Today, they launder them in Chinese banks. So the fentanyl crisis is complete li one that is delivered from China. And the problem is our political leaders, people like Joe Biden, people like Gavin Newsom, people like Adam Schiff have ties. They have entanglements to some of the networks that are involved in this process, money laundering, etc.”

Schweizer added, “If you just look at Joe Biden, for example, Mark, the the Chinese gangster that set up the Sinaloa cartel with fentanyl made them the kings of fentanyl is a guy named Zong on Lo. He goes by the name White Wolf. White Wolf has a business partner. That business partner gave the Biden family $5 million. So does Joe Biden really want to have a conversation about Chinese involvement in the financial crisis? He does not, and his policies show it.”

Levin said, “This is the Bible on what communist China is doing to our country, the politicians they bought off and the politicians that are soft on them.”

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN

‘My Son Did Not Die for Nothing’: Florida Moms Combat Fentanyl Poisoning

People who lost relatives to a drug overdose sit among imitation graves set up by the Trai

Three Florida mothers are taking a stand to inform the public about the dangers of fentanyl after losing their children to the deadly drug.

Rhonda Willis lost her 27-year-old son, Zachary Willis, in 2022.

“Toxicology came back with the Oxy with the fentanyl, and he had enough fentanyl in his system to kill 20 people,” she told Tampa’s News Channel 8. 

According to the heartbroken mother, knowing that she “can never hug him again, or hold him again, or tell him I love him, or hear his voice” is a “parent’s worst nightmare.”

Over 3,000 individuals died from fentanyl poisoning in Florida from January to June 2022, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement found.

The city of St. Petersburg suffered the most fentanyl deaths with 374. 

A camera crew has recently been documenting the tragedies around Tampa, which came in fourth place at 267 fentanyl deaths.

Heidi Kettles was just 27 when she passed away after using the intense opioid in 2020.

“In the middle of the night she died, and it was fentanyl and cocaine,” said her mother, Julie Kettles.

Tammy Plakstis also lost her son, Dylan Plakstis, in 2020. 

“They Narcan’d him three times and they were able to get a heartbeat, but he ended up being brain dead,” she told the local outlet.

While the three mothers did not know each other prior to their respective interviews, their losses and newfound activism bring them together on one mission: saving lives.

“My sorrow, my pain will never be over,” said Kettles. “Has it eased some? Yes. I also lead a grief support group, so by helping others and having that calling to do that, it helps me.”

The grieving moms put up billboards and speak at public events in addition to participating in different groups.

According to Willis, “The more awareness that we can get out, then the more lives that can be saved.”

“The goal is to not have other parents go through what I have experienced, it is a very rough road,” she added.
Plakstis said she works with the anti-drug group Rachel’s Angels to put up awareness billboards and distribute Narcan.

“If this whole raising awareness can just save one, just one life, then my son did not have to die for nothing,” Willis added.

Police: Indiana Baby Fatally Overdoses on Fentanyl, Parents Charged

Nichole Neely and Owen Miller
Elkhart County Jail

An Indiana couple is facing felony neglect charges after their six-month-old baby died from fentanyl and methamphetamine toxicity, officials say.

Nichole Neely, 42, and Owen Miller, 43, are each facing one count of neglect resulting in the death of a dependent and two counts of neglect where they placed the dependent in a dangerous situation, reports WNDU. 

According to the Elkhart County Prosecutor’s Office, a neighbor called the police after discovering the infant unresponsive in the parents’ home on January 18.

“In an interview with authorities, Neely told investigators that the child had been lying down in her bedroom with Miller when she went to the kitchen for 10 minutes,” the local outlet reported. “When she returned, she claimed the child was limp and not breathing and that they tried to take the child to a neighbor who happened to work in the medical field.”

A different neighbor “later visited the child’s home,” where they unsuccessfully performed CPR.

When law enforcement arrived at the residence, they reportedly found trash and rotting food littering the entire home. According to court documents viewed by WNDU, the house was so crowded with garbage that police were unable to fully open the door to the bedroom where the baby was found.

Police also said they found a baby’s bottle containing brown liquid with a fly floating in it.

The child was pronounced dead at the hospital.

An autopsy revealed that the baby suffered from “acute fentanyl and methamphetamine toxicity, as well as diaper rash and pulmonary edema; and the child’s blood culture was positive for a Staph infection,” according to the station.

A six-year-old and an eight-year-old in the home were also taken to the hospital and treated for fentanyl poisoning, but they survived.

The baby’s father, Miller, had to be given Narcan at the scene for a drug overdose before being taken to the hospital. 

When speaking with officers after receiving treatment, Miller reportedly had “difficulty spelling the names of his other children.”

The fentanyl crisis sweeping across the country has sadly not spared the children of drug abusers. In recent weeks, a California man is mourning the loss of his 17-month old son who died in his mother’s care, a Florida woman was arrested after her baby survived an overdose, and a North Carolina father turned himself in after his one-year-old was also treated for fentanyl poisoning.

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