Friday, March 8, 2024

YOU MEAN ADAM SCHIFF IS A LYING GAMER LAWYER??? - Democrat Calls Election ‘Rigged’ After Adam Schiff Boosts Republican Rival



Schiff knew that he faced a tougher fight in a deep-blue state if Porter or another Democrat qualified for the general election. Therefore he boosted Garvey — a deceptive yet effective tactic, symbolic of how Schiff has advanced his career.

Democrat Calls Election ‘Rigged’ After Adam Schiff Boosts Republican Rival

FILE - Rep. Katie Porter, D-Calif., speaks during a House Committee on Oversight and Refor
AP Photo/Andrew Harnik, Pool, File

Democrat Rep. Katie Porter of California claimed Wednesday that the election for U.S. Senate had been rigged, after Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) boosted Republican rival Steve Garvey into second place to ensure a win in November.

Porter posted on X (formerly Twitter) that she had faced “an onslaught of billionaires spending millions to rig this election.”

Schiff was the most well-funded candidate, thanks in part to his role in impeaching Donald Trump.

Moreover, as Breitbart News noted, Schiff spent on advertising in which he focused on Garvey as “too conservative for California,” which made Democrats rally around Schiff and also let Republican voters that they actually had a candidate in the race.

In one case, Schiff’s campaign created a fake Facebook news page called “Golden State Pulse,” then used a Fox News headline about Garvey and falsely labeled it “” so that conservative readers would pay more attention.

Under California’s “jungle” primary system, all of the candidates compete in one pool, regardless of party, and the top two finishers in the primary, from all parties, advance to the November general election, regardless of party affiliation.

Schiff knew that he faced a tougher fight in a deep-blue state if Porter or another Democrat qualified for the general election. Therefore he boosted Garvey — a deceptive yet effective tactic, symbolic of how Schiff has advanced his career.

Porter was once a rising star among “progressive” Democrats, but was forced to court moderate voters in a failed effort to finish second to Schiff. (Her mentor, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), is notorious for calling the system “rigged.”)

Democrats are furious at Porter for claiming the election was “rigged,” after their party’s entire message for the past four years has been the Trump and his supporters are a threat to democracy because of doubts about the 2020 election.

Porter voted to impeach Trump — a second time — for allegedly inciting the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021, by claiming that the election had been rigged against him.

Porter will now depart Congress after given up her Orange County seat.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). He is the author of the new biography, Rhoda: ‘Comrade Kadalie, You Are Out of Order’. He is also the author of the recent e-book, Neither Free nor Fair: The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.



The State of the Union

Regardless of what POTUS says, it’s what he’s doing that counts.

Trump followers want to make America great again. No one seems to know what the Republican Party wants. But the goals of the Democratic Party are clear. The defining position of today’s left, now more than ever, is one of dissatisfaction and dissidence. Socioeconomic classes and inequalities are resultant of the oppressed being subjugated by the oppressors in an unjustly evolved social system based in racism, xenophobia, misogyny, and capitalistic greed. There is little or nothing in current American society that warrants perpetuation. The Democrats want to remake American society into a system they alone control.

  • The Constitution. An illegitimate document framed by slaveowners. It must be reframed to show preference for favored groups, institutions, and policies to bolster the political influence of the Left.
  • The Supreme Court. Strict adherence to the tenets of a flawed Constitution stands in the way of progressive liberalism. Judicial activism need replace jurisprudence. The Court needs to be expanded with progressive thinkers. Its jurisdiction should not be limited to Constitutional issues -- Roe should have been upheld.
  • Patriotism. Patriotism is a product of white nationalism and xenophobia. There is no American exceptionalism. We must totally and immediately embrace globalization as a moral imperative. Open borders is “who we are!”
  • Democracy. Their concept of the democratic process is to jail their political opponent via a weaponized legal system instead of defeating him at the polls. And if that doesn’t work, there is always ballot harvesting and early and absentee mail-in voting.
  • Electoral college. A system imparting too much power to the states, particularly rural red zones over urban blue zones. And if it has to stay, we’ll have to grant statehood to D.C. and Puerto Rico to establish a permanent electoral majority.
  • Free market economy. Unregulated markets, driven by private sector supply and demand, are innovative and efficient, but lack social responsibility and environmental stewardship. Better to have the economy driven by central planning in which the government promotes and subsidizes ventures aligned with its political agenda. (The subprime mortgage push, Solyndra, and current EV mandates are clear examples of central-planning outcomes.)
  • Caucasians. A race which, while generating the bulk of mankind’s scientific and technical advances and evolving representative forms of government, has also found time to oppress other ethnic and racial groups and establish a culture of white supremacy and privilege. The DIE movement must be sustained to level the playing field.
  • Religion. Religious tenets can be in conflict with the objectives of the administrative state and so must be declared illegal. Society currently includes state and religion. But if society is to be consumed by and equated to state, there is simply no room for religion.
  • Family. The family structure, too, can conflict with the agenda of the state. Parents should have no input in developing public-school curricula. Single parenthood is fine, encouraging state dependency. In Obama’s “The life of Julia,” Julia was exalted as a cog in the wheel of the welfare state, without purpose or individuality.
  • Gender. We must achieve gender neutrality. “Toxic masculinity” fosters competition and reward for merit in direct opposition to our D-I-E initiative. It also embodies individualism, which hampers collectivism and the attainment of a compliant populace.
  • Human nature. Self-serving behavior is baked into human nature, so leftists seek to override the role of human nature in determining behavior because, if left unchecked, it introduces patterns that cannot be manipulated. Acceptable behavior must be molded primarily by environmental exposure. The best way to achieve compliant behavior is through indoctrination of the young.
  • Natural law. Natural law also is too inflexible and resistant to manipulation for the Left. Gender and race are thus to be looked upon as social structures rather than biological entities.

These are fulfilling times for the Left, which thrives on stirring up discontent, thus creating an opportunity to display its moral certitude and superiority in defense of the “oppressed“ while weaponizing the forces of the administrative state to wreak revenge upon the “oppressors,” whom they strive to replace.

Image: Ethan Hein


The best comment about Biden’s demeanor came from Greg Gutfeld, who skipped over the usual take that Biden was completely hopped up on a variety of possibly illegal amphetamines: (BELOW)

Biden’s SOTU address was, quite simply, horrible

Joe Biden’s State of the Union (“SOTU”) was unlike anything I’ve seen before, and I started watching these speeches in the mid-1980s. No president has ever been so maniacally wired, periodically incoherent, or viciously angry. That was style. The substance was worse. Biden opened by calling Trump a Nazi, shifted to Ukraine, promised to stamp out “insurrections,” and attacked Republicans—and then ended by calling for non-partisanship and comity. Throughout it all, he lied and then lied some more. This was a Dark Brandon campaign speech, not an SOTU.

If you didn’t watch Biden’s SOTU, count yourself lucky. It was a deeply disturbing experience. The best comment about Biden’s demeanor came from Greg Gutfeld, who skipped over the usual take that Biden was completely hopped up on a variety of possibly illegal amphetamines:

When it came to the frenzied speed behind the speech, Ari Fleischer had the second-best description:

Joe Biden was an angry Grandpa Simpson, with the volume cranked up and the speed out of control. This was the kind of guy who, in a rage, would readily push the red button. That alone was unnerving, demonstrating that we have a maniac in office—and, worse, his rage is against the American people.

Biden didn’t open by speaking to Americans about our wonderful country. He began by saying that America is facing a dystopian moment because Donald Trump is effectively Hitler, a point he returned to in an ad-lib during the speech. (All quotations are from the official White House transcript.)

In January 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt came to this chamber to speak to the nation.

He said, “I address you at a moment unprecedented in the history of the Union.”

Hitler was on the march. War was raging in Europe.

President Roosevelt’s purpose was to wake up the Congress and alert the American people that this was no ordinary moment.  

Freedom and democracy were under assault in the world.

Tonight I come to the same chamber to address the nation.

Now it is we who face an unprecedented moment in the history of the Union.

And yes, my purpose tonight is to both wake up this Congress, and alert the American people that this is no ordinary moment either.

Not since President Lincoln and the Civil War have freedom and democracy been under assault here at home as they are today.

After telling Americans we’re all about to come under the thumb of the new Third Reich, Biden didn’t even return to America. Instead, he spent several minutes telling Americans we must fund the war in Ukraine. Yup. America’s under threat from Putin’s war in Eastern Ukraine. Show Joe the money.

Next in the Democrat dog-and-pony show was January 6, the darkest day in American history.

January 6th and the lies about the 2020 election, and the plots to steal the election, posed the gravest threat to our democracy since the Civil War.

Most Republicans and a large share of Democrats and Independents believe that the 2020 election was riddled with fraud. That truly poses a grave threat to democracy (the voice of the people). Biden actually fears that reversing that fraud is the gravest threat to the Democrat party since the Civil War. No wonder Biden implicitly warned Americans, again, that if they push back against fraud, they will get a visit from the FBI.

Having threatened Americans, Biden did a weird fistshake at the Supreme Court. Naturally, he complained about the Dobbs decision destroying a constitutional right when, in fact, the decision said no federal right ever existed, with abortion being a state’s right matter. But it was what followed that was so disturbing in tone, content, and incoherence:

Is any of this normal?

Nor is it normal for the president during a SOTU, which is supposed to tell Congress and the American people how we’re doing in terms of the economy, national security, and other national metrics, to keep attacking his election opponent. Biden didn’t stop at calling Trump the new Hitler. Instead, according to the official script, he referred negatively to Trump 13 times. (He ad-libbed multiple other insults):

Then there were the flat-out lies. One of the most obvious was Biden’s claim that he, personally, brought the cost of insulin down to $400 per month for seniors:

Instead of paying $400 a month for insulin seniors with diabetes only have to pay $35 a month!

And now I want to cap the cost of insulin at $35 a month for every American who needs it!

For years people have talked about it but I finally got it done and gave Medicare the power to negotiate lower prices for prescription drugs just like the VA does for our veterans.

The truth is that Trump had already lowered insulin prices via executive order. On his first full day in office, Biden reversed that order, causing prices to shoot up. Then, he signed his own order, for which he now takes credit:

It’s a Herculean task to go through Biden’s SOTU and find every lie, whether by commission or omission, about national security, the economy, education, or anything else—and that’s the point. As Alex Jones told Tucker following the SOTU, it’s easy to rebut one lie. It’s almost impossible to rebut a hundred.

He's right. As a litigator, I saw that it takes a sentence to tell a lie but a paragraph or more to rebut it. Most people (judges included) have no patience for the rebuttal, especially when there are a hundred rebuttals. The “Big Lie” is equally effective when presented as 100 smaller lies.

Throughout it all, the Democrats in the audience responded with partisan fervor, screaming, “Four more years,” not just when Biden entered the chamber but throughout his speech.

I think that because they were in the House chamber for an official proceeding (it’s in the Constitution!), this was a clear Hatch Act violation, as well as violating House ethics rules.

Jamie Raskin gleefully tagged Marjorie Taylor Greene for wearing a hat that wanted to Make America Great Again, which is a sentiment every American politician should endorse:

Greene, incidentally, scored the best moment of the SOTU when she demanded that Biden say Lakin Riley’s name. Biden processed the request and decided on the fly that he’d better comply. Therefore, he acknowledged that “Lincoln Riley” was killed by an “illegal” (infuriating his base) before saying actual Americans are more dangerous and, by the way, did you know that his son died, too:

Biden also demanded (again) that Republicans vote for the border bill, insisting that it will stem the flow of illegal aliens by giving him the power he needs. In fact, Biden already has plenary power to stop all illegal immigration instantly. What the bill will do is weaken America’s existing immigration laws to paper over the crisis Biden created by violating those same laws.

The only unexpected part of a speech, which included predictable demands for gun control, crocodile tears about book banning, an effort to lessen election integrity, and a huge, boats-on-the-water relief effort for the same people in Gaza who enable Hamas, was Biden’s bizarre claim that Democrats are the pro-police party. Marinate on that one for a while.

After this unnerving display of anger, hysteria, vengefulness, hate, and dishonesty, Biden closed his speech this way: “Hate, anger, revenge, retribution are among the oldest of ideas. But you can’t lead America with ancient ideas that only take us back. … There is nothing beyond our capacity when we act together!”

A coked-up demagogue is not what America needs, but it’s all that the Democrat party has to offer.

Image: YouTube screen grab (cropped).

Gold Star father thrown out of Biden's SOTU and put in cuffs after shouting a call to remember his son

Joe Biden's State of the Union was long, at least and hour long, and boring as heck, going into minutia about ticket prices, shrinkflation, and abortion as "care," amounting to essentially a campaign speech.

Left unsaid was any mention of one of the worst failures on his watch, the horrendous U.S. pullout from Afghanistan. While he's running for re-election, he'd rather that be ... forgotten.

Well, not everyone has that luxury of forgetting and moving along.

According to the Daily Mail:

The Gold Star father of a Marine killed during the catastrophic Afghanistan withdrawal was arrested during Thursday's State of the Union for heckling President Joe Biden during his speech. 

Steve Nikoui, the father of slain Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui, shouted 'Remember Abbey Gate!' 'United States Marines!' and 'Abbey Gate!' from the balcony of the House chamber in the middle of the president's remarks.

Abbey Gate is where Nikoui's son Kareem and 12 other service members were killed by a suicide bomber during the chaotic American exit from Kabul on August 26, 2021.

The 51-year-old, who has blamed Biden for his son's death, was quickly removed from the public gallery and placed in handcuffs.

The Gold star father began his protest after Biden said 'America’s safer today than when I took office.' 

O.K., I can understand removing him from the speech owing to his heckle. When you make up your mind to do that, you pretty well know that you'll be stopped and taken out. 

What's obnoxious here is that they saw fit to handcuff him, like a drunk or criminal, when he was clearly an aggrieved father who sought to have his son's needless death remembered given that it was done in selfless service to his country. Biden, remember, looked at his watch several times when his son's body was brought back in a box from Afghanistan. Had this father not been treated this badly by the Bidenites these past few years, his shoutout never would have happened.

But for that, they slap the cuffs on him, which is a lot more than they do for illegal aliens literally breaking into our country through its Southern border. 

The sheer lack of proportionality here, along with the extreme leadership failures that led up to his son's death does call for an explanation from Joe and his miserable lieutenants out on their Hamptons vacays.

But Joe doesn't want anyone to so much as remember this, let alone the lives of the 13 innocent servicemembers who were needlessly killed on the way out. That explains the draconian response on a Gold Star father.

Democrats have screamed outrage at President Trump for his tiffs with some gold star families with activist agendas in other contexts.

Where is their outrage now?

Image: Twitter screen shot

Obama-Biden Administration Was Creeping Fascism

The similarities between the Obama administration and Italian fascism have been pointed out many times. Over a dozen articles about this are on this site alone (1234). It is usually said that fascism is a strain of socialism in which the means of production are beneficially owned by private persons but controlled by the government.

Both the Obama administration and Mussolini used a financial crisis to take over banks and industry. Mussolini openly assumed complete control of them, even though partial private ownership was allowed to remain. The U.S. government bailed out banks and the auto industry in 2008, before Obama was inaugurated. It did not own the banks, but the bailout created public sentiment in favor of government control of the banks and more regulation of all businesses. Obama used this sentiment to its full extent. Elizabeth Warren led the creation of the partisan Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which wielded unprecedented powers and was unaccountable to Congress. By 2016, the corporate world was already subverted and controlled by the Democrat administration. For example, all banks refused to deal with Donald Trump in 2016. The democrat-controlled media misrepresented the cause of this discrimination. Warren’s Consumer Financial Protection Bureau effectively allowed the ruling administration to strangle its opposition financially.

Citizens United v. FECdecided by the Supreme Court in January 2010, very likely radicalized Democrats even further into total fascism. The Supreme Court confirmed that private corporations have the First Amendment right to use their money to support political candidates; Democrats concluded that they would have to control corporations to win elections.

Starting in 2010, the Obama administration viciously targeted any effective opposition, including the Tea Party movement, which was obliterated. The IRS was most notorious for targeting Tea Party organizations, but the DOJ (Eric Holder) and the FBI (Robert Mueller) also participated. What do we call regimes that destroy non-violent opposition movements?

A few months before the 2012 elections, Obama’s DOJ sued Gallup for hinting that the government had manipulated unemployment numbers. Additionally, Obama’s DOJ sued Standard & Poor’s for $5 billion for downgrading the federal debt, Treasurys. As a result, nobody challenges the false current inflation numbers, and the credit rating agencies do not dare downgrade the Treasurys below their current AA+/AAA rating.

The Obama administration also waged and eventually won the war on Fox News. It also chilled media criticism of Obama and the administration’s agenda. The DOJ and FBI (Robert Mueller and James Comey) criminally prosecuted and imprisoned filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza and lied about the initiation and predication of that investigation. (D’Souza had produced a film criticizing and mocking Obama.)

Similarly, climate scientists who opposed the administration's climate dogma were defunded and silenced. Then, the Obama administration intimidated businesses into not donating to nonprofits linked to climate dissent, essentially stifling corporate donations to almost all right-of-center think tanks.

Much of this information was not known during the Obama administration, and most of the public missed it. How could this happen? Where was the media—the self-appointed guard dog of democracy? In the beginning, the mainstream media was enamored with Obama. By the time it realized the severity of Obama’s abuses of power, it was no longer able to mount any opposition.

How did this happen? The Obama administration started by hand-picking tech corporations, who then quickly and consequently became what we now call “Big Tech.” Combined with other measures, this effectively gave the administration control over the flow of information, including the news.

As newspapers, journals, and magazines transitioned to the Internet, Google and Microsoft took authors’ copyrighted content without compensation and offered access to it through their search engines. Improvements in Google’s search engine meant exploiting other people’s work more efficiently.

The Obama administration failed to enforce copyright laws on written works, in violation of Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution which reads:

To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries[.]

By 2009, the news media was able to connect its financial difficulties to Google. Rupert Murdoch attempted to work out a compromise with Big Tech, but the administration waged war on him.

Instead of enforcing copyright laws, the Democrats arranged for Big Tech, specifically Google, to pay only selected outlets, such as The New York Times. This resulted in the media becoming entirely dependent on the Big Tech corporations Obama chose. The administration also signed special agreements with these Big Tech corporations and patronized them with thousands of government accounts, effectively eliminating all other competitors.

Democrats also disregarded the second part of the above clause regarding Inventors and Discoveries. The seemingly bipartisan “America Invents Act”, passed under intense lobbying by Big Tech, made most patents unenforceable retroactively. Although there was a legitimate controversy about software patents, the leading cause for this reform was that the tech companies picked by the Obama administration were young and entirely based on inventions made by others. For example, Facebook was founded in 2004, after inventions that led to the creation of the interactive web had already been made. So, for Big Tech to not pay royalties or give credit to the original inventors, the government re-distributed wealth from the pioneers of the Internet to the multi-billion dollar corporations of its choice.

Obamanet was another major strike against freedom, forcing all publishers and authors to go through Google and other internet gatekeepers.

Thus, the opposition press was muzzled and driven almost to extinction without the public noticing. The Big Tech winners, cherry-picked by the Obama administration, became the administration’s most enthusiastic supporters. In addition to its monopoly of information, Big Tech also provided Democrats troves of private data and the capacity for mass surveillance and economic marginalization of dissenters. By 2013, Twitter was suspending accounts criticizing Obamacare.

Trump’s victory in 2016 came as a shock for Democrats who thought they had a firm grip on both the corporations and the media. It was as if Mussolini decided to allow sham elections and suddenly lost them. While Obama expected to quit after his two terms, the corporations who had developed this symbiotic relationship with the ruling Democrat party needed it to remain in power. Together with young and hungry Democrat operatives, they launched the resistance.

In 2016, the Democrat government apparatus, which had destroyed the Tea Party, jailed Dinesh D’Souza, hounded dissenting voices from Fox News to the Associated Press (some articles), and had now set its sights on Donald Trump. In hindsight, this was predictable.

In 2021, Biden confirmed what many had suspected — Democrats wanted the Republican party as a controlled opposition. In January 2021, Biden was telling the public what the Republican party should be. By March 2021, Biden was already saying that he is not sure whether there will be a Republican party in 2024.

Obamaism and Italian fascism have more in common than ideological similarities. Before WWI, Mussolini was a non-fascist socialist; socialists were anti-war. What turned Mussolini against anti-war socialism was Marx’s observation that wars are followed by revolutions. If wars cause revolutions, let’s join the war! Notice how easy this switch was?

Image generated by AI.


California Primary: Adam Schiff’s Plan to Boost Steve Garvey Works as Both Advance to General

Adam Schiff responds
Kevin Dietsch/Getty

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) pulled off his audacious primary election plan on Super Tuesday: to boost his Republican rival, Steve Garvey, so both would qualify for the general election, leaving more viable Democratic contenders behind.

Under California’s “jungle” primary system, the top two vote recipients in the primary advance to the general election, regardless of party. Schiff might have faced a tougher challenge from one of the female Democrats in the race — Reps. Katie Porter (D-CA) or Barbara Lee (D-CA), for example. But when Garvey, a former baseball player for the Los Angeles Dodgers, entered the race as a Republican, he provided the perfect foil for Schiff to set up an easier November contest.

Los Angeles, CA – News cameras focus on Dodgers legend Steve Garvey during a visit to the Downtown Center Business Improvement District offices in Los Angeles on Thursday afternoon, Jan. 11, 2024. Garvey is campaigning to represent California in the United States Senate, an office that formerly was held by the late Sen. Dianne Feinstein. (photographer} / Los Angeles Times)

Democrats enjoy such a huge registration advantage in the state — nearly 47% Democratic to just 24% Republican — that the GOP has been shut out of statewide office since Arnold Schwarzenegger was governor, nearly 15 years ago.

Schiff ran ads in major media markets, and on social media platforms, that slammed Garvey for his conservative views. That achieved two goals: it set Schiff up as the party standard-bearer, and also excited conservatives about Garvey.

It was in many ways a dirty, deceptive campaign. In one Facebook ad, for example, Schiff borrowed a headline from Fox News, but attributed it to “,” a stronger conservative brand. The ad linked to a different Breitbart article.

Schiff and Garvey will compete in two races: a special election to complete the unfinished six-year term of the late Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), and a regular election to begin the new six-year term that starts in January. As of Tuesday evening, before a full count of mail-in and dropped-off ballots, Schiff won 33.8% and Garvey won 31.1% in the special election, and Schiff won 36.6% and Garvey won 29.3% in the regular election. Porter was a distant third in both races.

As editor Jon Fleischman explained on Breitbart News Sunday on SiriusXM Patriot 125, the one bit of good news for Republicans is that Garvey’s presence on the ticket could help House candidates in downticket races.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). He is the author of the new biography, Rhoda: ‘Comrade Kadalie, You Are Out of Order’. He is also the author of the recent e-book, Neither Free nor Fair: The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.


America’s Destruction and the Ghosts of Revolutions Past

Have you ever been listening to someone talk and have déjà vu even though you’ve never seen or heard of the person speaking, and the interview you’re watching happened just a few hours before? I have. Once. Last week. Hint: It has to do with America’s destruction.

I was listening to Tucker interview Xi Van Fleet, a Chinese native who lived through the Cultural Revolution in China. She eventually immigrated to the United States, where she’s now lived for 40 years. Listening to her describe the beginnings of the Cultural Revolution and its eerie echoes here, I knew I’d heard something similar before.

And then it hit me: I had. Exactly 40 years ago, a defector from the Soviet Union, Yuri Bezmenov, gave an interview explaining how the KGB was using what it called Ideological Subversion to collapse the United States.

Now, these two interviews weren’t remotely the same. One was from a KGB operative, someone who was part of the Soviet system suppressing the Russian people and who became disillusioned and defected to the West, while the other was from someone who experienced the CCP’s suppression before immigrating to the US.

Nonetheless, although given exactly 40 years apart, the two interviews taken together paint a very stark picture of America today and going forward. They reminded me of a technique that is often recommended for effective public speaking: “Tell them what you’re going to tell them. Tell them. Then tell them what you’ve just told them.”

Bezmenov lays out the KGB’s plan—ideological subversion—for sowing America’s and Western Europe’s collapse. The plan involved four elements, which he carefully explained:

1) Demoralization—15-20 years to re-educate one generation.

This is done through uncritically introducing Marxist ideology into schools without counterbalancing it with basic American values, patriotism, and morals. Eventually, a significant segment of the population will become immune to accurate information.

2) Destabilization—2-5 years to destabilize a nation.

The goal is to destabilize the nation via the economy, foreign relations, and defense policy.

3) Crisis—as little as 6 weeks to bring a nation to crisis. (George Floyd, anyone?)

4) Normalization. For this, I’ll let Bezmenov’s words speak for themselves:

This is what will happen in the United States if you allow all the schumcks to bring the country to crisis, to promise people all kind of goodies and paradise on earth. To destabilize your economy and illuminate the principle of free market competition and to put a big brother government in Washington DC with benevolent dictators like Walter Mondale.

Your leftists in the United States, all the professors and the beautiful civil rights defenders, they are instrumental in the process of the subversion. Only to destabilize the nation. When their job is completed, they are not needed anymore. They know too much. Some of them, when they get disillusioned, when they see that Marxists / Leninists come power they get offended they think they will come to power. That will never happen of course. They will be lined up against the wall and shot.

That last sentence is particularly interesting because it’s exactly what Xi Van Fleet says happened in China…twice. The first involved the peasants who put Mao in power in the first place. They were repaid for their efforts by being chained to their farms, and, between 1958 and 1962, fifty million of them starved to death. Then, in 1969, three years after the Cultural Revolution began, Mao turned on his Red Guards. These were literally children who had been his stormtroopers. They were too unstable to keep around, so he either had the military kill them or he sent them to re-education camps.

AI Image created by Vince Coyner.

Xi’s story is a tragic one, but as she walks through it, you hear echoes of exactly what is happening in America today. After 16 years of brainwashing, Mao had his young Red Guards ready to terrorize the nation. They used violence and language control. Suddenly, propaganda was everywhere. Everything old had to be destroyed while law and order were dismantled. The police were told to stay out of the schools, which were the beating heart of the Revolution. Police also couldn’t respond if Red Guard members attacked them.

All this resembles how two generations of American students have been indoctrinated in the fiction of Climate Change and the gay and trans agendas, as well as the manipulation of language and discourse via the prohibition of words and ideas. Statues tying America to the past have been torn down. Add in the defund the police movement, the violence after George Floyd, and the lack of consequences for criminal behavior, and we have exactly what Bezmenov discussed and Xi described. Whether it’s climate activists, supporters of “Palestine” (AKA antisemites), LBTQXYZ123# harassers, or Antifa & BLM rampaging through cities, they’re all playing their parts in the play the KGB wrote, which Western communists adopted after the Berlin Wall collapsed.

What’s more, both refugees from tyranny discussed what America is becoming, he by predicting it and she by chronicling it. Whether it’s reporters being arrested, protesters sent to the gulag, or the regime using lawfare to harass its rich and/or popular opponents, the rules never apply to those in power. It’s not that there are no rules; they just don’t matter.

The Soviets had a constitution that guaranteed a wide variety of civil liberties, and the Chinese constitution guarantees “citizens of the People’s Republic of China enjoy freedom of speech, of the press, of assembly, of association, of procession, and of demonstration.” We have our Constitution, which currently provides about as much of a limit on government as a spaghetti strainer does on water.

The funny thing (as in, not really funny) about all of this is that the leftists who think they’re going to be running things once the crisis blossoms into a full-blown tyranny will likely be the first to go. Whether Stalin’s erstwhile supporters who fell in the Great Purge or the Chinese Red Guards who fell to the guns of the military, those who are at the vanguard of leftist revolutions often find themselves victims of the very powers they put in place.

As we watch powerlessly as our great cities devolve into crime-infested dystopian nightmares; George Soros-impelled DAs and prosecutors smile as they demonstrate their two-tiered legal system; the federal government actively subverts efforts to secure the border; cities cut services to citizens and veterans to give illegals billions; schools and hospitals and states empower the brainwashing and butchering of children; and the Uniparty in Washington runs up trillion dollar deficits and sends tens of billions to Ukraine, we begin to recognize what Bezmenov called Normalization.

A decade ago, Americans of most stripes would have understood that this was a disaster in the making. But now we’re told that all of it is not only normal, but you’re a racist, homophobic, transphobic white nationalist if you disagree with any of it.

The outcome in November will decide which path we take. The thing to remember when we walk into those voting booths is that Bezmenov and Xi had a place to escape to for freedom: America. We don’t have that luxury. Vote accordingly.

Follow Vince on Twitter at ImperfectUSA or you can visit his new website Gratitude for America.

The main objective of “political animals” like Obama and the Clintons is to get elected; it’s not to fix a broken America, nor to protect her. There are people who govern and there are people who campaign; Obama and the Clintons are the latter. Just look at the huge Republican electoral gains under Obama and the Clintons. It’s amazing that Democrats who still care about their party still support the very people who have brought it down.

In "Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans," investigative journalist Peter Schweizer sheds light on rampant corruption, particularly focusing on the Biden family's foreign entanglements. With decades of experience uncovering political and economic corruption, Schweizer delves into the Clinton's ventures, the Obamas, and the Bidens, exposing layers of corruption. He discusses Trump's claims about Hillary Clinton's potential presidential run and offers insights into the Letitia James fraud trial against Trump, as well as the Fani Willis trial. Through his book, Schweizer aims to reveal China's destructive influence on America, highlighting how elites ignore the consequences while prioritizing their own interests.




‘Blood Money’: Establishment Media Blame Republicans for Joe Biden’s Fentanyl Debacle

Joe Biden fentanyl
HERIKA MARTINEZ, Patrick T. Fallon/AFP, Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA/Bloomberg, Spencer Platt, Ethan Swope/Getty Images

President Joe Biden’s deputies are trying to blame Republicans for his failure to slow the massive inflow of fentanyl through his semi-open southern border.

NBC News touted Biden’s campaign-year fentanyl pitch on Tuesday, which will likely be part of his Thursday State of the Union address.

“We do have technology that’s in the warehouse that has been tested — but we need approximately $300 million [to] actually put the technology in the ground,” claimed Troy Miller, the acting commission of the Customs and Border Protection agency. “It’s extremely frustrating,” he said in an article that was pushed by media companies to the top of newsfeeds nationwide.

The Democrat Party’s blame-shifting comes as investigative author Peter Schweizer has detailed China’s central role in the fentanyl drug disaster, which is killing roughly 70,000 young Americans each year — far more than the Vietnam War’s total death toll of 55,000.

“What everyone needs to understand is that China is the senior partner in the fentanyl trade to kill Americans, and the cartels are the junior partners … end-to-end, America’s fentanyl epidemic is a Chinese pipeline,” says Schweizer’s “Blood Money.”

Peter Schweizer, author of Blood Money (BNN)

Biden’s deputies are eager to use their drug crisis as a campaign club against former President Donald Trump, according to Jon Feere, a former top staffer in Trump’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency.

“There’s no doubt the Secretary of Homeland Security and people in the White House have the means to put together $300 million [by moving] it around from other departments,” he told Breitbart News.

They are “choosing not to spend [the $300 million] on these machines that allegedly would make a huge difference in the trafficking of fentanyl,” he added. Meanwhile, the administration is spending billions of dollars to welcome, feed, transport, and shelter Biden’s migrants throughout the United States.

RELATED: Migrants Waiting for Entry to Roosevelt Hotel


“The fact that they are interested in using [the drug-detection machines] as a bargaining chip or a political tool suggests that they’re not all that serious about the importance of these machines,” Feere noted.

For months, Biden has been excusing his disastrous and unpopular migration policy by blaming the GOP, whose voters strongly oppose his mass migration priorities.

For example, in August and October, Biden asked for many billions of emergency dollars to run the “Northside Catch and Release Network,” which supports millions of migrants. The requests also asked for $416 million to speed up the deployment of the drug surveillance machines.

Since February, he has also blamed the GOP for blocking the open-borders “border security” bill that Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), and Biden’s border chief, Alejandro Mayorkas, secretly developed.

GOP Senators shut down the bill once the pro-migration details were revealed. Those details included several billion dollars to bail out the “sanctuary cities” that are sheltering Biden’s migrants during the 2024 campaign.

But the bill also included roughly $400 million for the popular goal of installing more of the machines that can find hidden drugs in vehicles as they cross the border, NBC reported:

The new technology, known as Non-Intrusive Inspection, or NII, lets CBP X-ray a percentage of cars and trucks as they pass through the massive U-shaped screeners, which look something like car washes. Drivers don’t have to get out of their vehicles to be screened, which means traffic can keep flowing through border checkpoints with fewer interruptions.

NBC blamed the GOP for the administration’s failure to deploy the machines, saying:

But some of the equipment that has been purchased hasn’t yet been put into use, because Congress hasn’t allocated the funding needed to install it. The money to install the screeners was in the supplemental funding request Republicans blocked.

In a separate article, published Wednesday, NBC suggested Biden would try to blame the GOP for his many failures:

WASHINGTON — In his State of the Union speech this week, President Joe Biden will pose a question that he hopes will answer itself: Whose side are you on?

Are Americans, as he’ll frame it, on the side of lower health care costs, democratic freedoms and Ukraine’s fight to keep itself from being swallowed up by Russia? Or on the side of drug company profits, tax breaks for the wealthy and Russia’s autocratic leader Vladimir Putin?

The GOP has held hearings into the connections between Biden’s easy-migration rules, the Mexican cartels, and China.

“You talk about welcoming those crossing our border “seeking protection” — you’re welcoming drug dealers across our border!” said Rebecca Kiessling, the emotional Michigan mother of two young men who were killed by a drug overdose in Michigan in a March 2023 hearing. She added:

I don’t use the term “drug overdose” because this was not an overdose. This was murder. My children got fake Percocets [pills] that were fentanyl. There was no Percocet in it at all. And it’s “homicide,” not “overdose.”

Watch: Mom Testifies About Fentanyl Death of Her Two Sons
Homeland Security Committee Events / YouTube

Biden’s deputies have not pressured Mexico to forcibly shut down the drug trade because they need Mexico’s cooperation to stabilize the chaotic flow of migrants across Biden’s semi-open border, Feere said.

The Democrats’ eagerness to blame the GOP for drug deaths on Biden’s watch “all goes hand-in-hand with the administration’s general view of national sovereignty — they’re just not that into it,” said Feere, adding, “They don’t care about the effects it has on the American people. They don’t care about the impact that has on our society. This is an anti-border administration run by some of the most extreme American activists they can find … They’re sick.”

“The reality is that Americans see nothing but chaos and crime perpetrated by this administration — and even [administration officials] are realizing these little political games aren’t going to work to their advantage,” he said.

“For Newsom, it appears that honestly addressing the fentanyl crisis by dealing with China’s central role in the crisis might disrupt his political and financial security,” Schweizer concludes.

Peter Schweizer: Fentanyl a ‘Chinese Operation Much More than It Is a Mexican Drug Cartel Operation’

Peter Schweizer Fentanyl
GAI, Fatih Aktas/Anadolu Agency, PATRICK T. FALLON, JOHANNES EISELE, SAUL LOEB/Getty Images, Jae C. Hong/AP

Fentanyl is a “Chinese operation much more than it is a Mexican drug cartel operation,” Peter Schweizer, author of Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans, said during an appearance on Breitbart News Saturday.

Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute (GAI) and senior contributor at Breitbart News, explained how the Chinese are using fentanyl as a weapon against the United States.

“A lot of the people involved in the fentanyl trade actually have senior positions in the CCP [Chinese Communist Party] or they’re advisers to the CCP government, but the links in this chain of fentanyl that is poisoning 100,000 Americans, every link in that chain is a Chinese operation,” Schweizer said, explaining that the Mexican cartels are “really the junior partners.”

“We all know the precursors come from China,” Schweizer said, explaining that we have been unable to stop the precursors because the International Terminal in Manzanillo in Mexico is “actually run by a Chinese company that’s very close to the Chinese state,” he said, explaining that those precursors “come into the port of Manzanillo” and are “moved to a town in northern Mexico where, according to leaked documents from the Department of Homeland Security that I obtained, 2,000 Chinese nationals essentially operate as chemists.”

In other words, these Chinese nationals are on our border doing it in our backyard. It does not end there, either, because the Chinese are selling pill presses to the Mexican cartels “at cost,” and the cartels are using communication devices and apps that are Chinese “because they know that the Chinese will not share those communications with U.S. law enforcement,” Schweizer said.

“And then the final part of the puzzle is you’re a Mexican cartel. You’re selling drugs. You’ve got all this cash you’re making selling this poison in America. You need to launder your money. Well, it used to be that they laundered their money in Latin American banks when they were selling cocaine and other drugs like that. Now with the fentanyl, they are actually laundering the money in Chinese state-owned banks. And, according to our law enforcement, they use Chinese students in the United States on education visas to actually launder the money in those banks,” Schweizer said.

“So this is a Chinese operation much more than it is a Mexican drug cartel operation,” he added.


When asked why leaders in D.C., including President Joe Biden, are not doing anything about this, Schweizer said some politicians simply want to get along. They know that if they actually look at what is happening, it changes the entire relationship with China, and they do not want to do the heavy lift. But with Biden, Schweizer said, it is much more “personal.”

“In the case of Joe Biden, it’s much more personal and I think is related to the financial ties that his family has, not just to the Chinese, but to actual individuals that are on the outer fringes of the drug trade. So I’ll give you a specific example,” he said,  explaining that the reason that so much of this flows through Mexico is the Sinaloa Cartel.

“They are the kings of fentanyl. They’re the ones that are responsible for most of this stuff coming in the United States. There’s a Chinese criminal gang called UBG,” headed by a man known as “White Wolf,” Schweizer continued.

“White Wolf” has a business partner who sent $5 million to the Bidens in 2017.

“Of course, it’s never been paid back. And this is all well-documented. Nobody disputes this. What is new — the new piece of the puzzle — is the link between this Chinese businessman who gave him the $5 million forgivable loan that they’ve never paid back and White Wolf. So this means that the first family of the United States, there is one degree of separation between the Biden family and those that are providing this poison in the United States,” he said, noting that other well-known individuals, including California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D), have links to Chinese organized crime.

Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans, published by HarperCollins, is available now in hardcover, e-book, and audiobook.


‘Blood Money’: Gavin Newsom Partnered with Triad-Linked Businessman on Initiative That Brought Chinese Mafia-Linked Businesses to California

Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with Gavin Newsom, governor of the U.S. state of Califo
Huang Jingwen/Xinhua via Getty Images

Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) partnered with a Chinese Communist Party-tied businessman – allegedly connected to the triads – on an endeavor that brought Chinese mafia-linked businesses to California’s Bay Area when Newsom served as San Francisco’s mayor, Peter Schweizer reveals in his new book Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans.

Schweizer reveals in Blood Money that Newsom has had links to Chinese organized crime through his connections to known triad members and that these connections go beyond the ChinaSF initiative that Newsom launched in 2008 to bring Chinese businesses to San Francisco. Schweizer also argues that Newsom has skirted addressing China’s role in the fentanyl trade that has killed so many Californians.

Schweizer, a New York Times best-selling author whose investigative work has led to bombshell revelations of corruption among America’s elite, highlights Newsom’s relationship with Chinese businessman Vincent Lo, who served as the cochairman of ChinaSF and the president of the Council for the Promotion and Development of Yangtze.

Schweizer describes ChinaSF as “an ambitious effort to make the Bay Area the ‘premiere [sic] U.S. gateway for Chinese companies expanding into the North American market.’”

Schweizer writes in Blood Money:

ChinaSF was highly favorable to the Chinese entities involved: any investment they made in an American company would grant them intellectual property rights in China for the technology developed. It “would involve U.S. companies handing over their secret formulas.” But many of the Chinese companies and businessmen that were involved in ChinaSF and benefited from the program had ties to Chinese organized crime.

Newsom’s ChinaSF partner Vincent Lo has ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), as well as alleged ties to the triads, according to Blood Money.

“In the 1990s, Lo’s company reportedly hired triad members to provide ‘canteen and security services’ on his building sites on construction projects around Hong Kong. His company first confirmed the practice, but then Lo denied it,” Schweizer writes. “Lo also backed a Hong Kong politician whose associates were accused of soliciting support from triad members. At the same time, a prominent businessman accused Lo’s companies of ‘sending armed thugs’ likely linked to Chinese triads to forcibly take over his luxury villa complex in suburban Beijing. Lo’s company denies the claim.”

Moreover, Lo is a Real Estate Developers of Association of Hong Kong board member along with his brother, and Schweizer notes that the association’s “leadership is populated with developers linked to the triads.”

“Why did Newsom partner with an individual with all these alleged triad connections?” Schweizer writes. “Lo and his family secured large deals in the Bay Area with help from Newsom’s ChinaSF. Lo and his business associates acquired the iconic Bank of America Center in San Francisco. ChinaSF championed development projects carried out by Lo’s family, including the 555 Howard Street project in the Bay Area, which is tied to the California High-Speed Rail project long championed by Governor Newsom.”

ChinaSF also benefited other businessmen who have ties to the triads, according to Schweizer:

In 2010, Newsom announced that he was bringing the headquarters of a Chinese energy company called GCL-Poly to San Francisco. The company was partly owned by a subsidiary of China Poly Group, a company with “intimate ties” to the Chinese military. In fact, in the 1990s, the company had been implicated in a plan to smuggle thousands of fully automatic machine guns into the United States and has been tied to “sketchy dealings with third-world dictators and arms traders” around the world. China Poly is also said to work “hand and glove” with Chinese organized crime figures: according to one report, triad-linked Stanley Ho once “spent millions” to acquire an object of tremendous propaganda value for the company. Why would Newsom’s ChinaSF green-light such a company’s moving into San Francisco?

Trina Solar Company was another energy company that Newsom announced would be coming to the Bay Area, and it would later be “embroiled in controversy” surrounding an American company’s intellectual property, according to Blood Money. A CEO for one of Trinar Solar Company’s American competitors levied allegations that “it was likely receiving support from the People’s Liberation Army via hackers who were stealing intellectual property from competitors and giving it to the company.”

A GCL-Poly Energy Holdings Ltd. facility in Changji, Xinjiang province, China, on March 2, 2021. Factories in Xinjiang produce nearly half the world’s polysilicon supply. (Colum Murphy/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

The Trina Solar Ltd. headquarters in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, China, on April 24, 2015. Trina Solar is the world’s biggest solar manufacturer. (Tomohiro Ohsumi/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

Additionally, Newsom touted the arrival of offices for the Chinese-government-controlled newspaper China Daily in San Francisco through ChinaSF.

Notably, the ChinaSF initiative was being launched at the same time then-mayor Newsom ran a “fake-out” in San Francisco during the passing of the torch relay in the lead-up to the 2008 Beijing Olympics after protests in major European cities had “deeply embarrassed” China, Schweizer explains.

“Earlier torch relays in London and Paris had been met by human rights protestors, which had deeply embarrassed Beijing. So Newsom executed an intricate ‘fake-out,’ changing the torch relay route at the last minute, leaving thousands of protestors and supporters at one end of San Francisco while the torch passed through the other side of town,” Schweizer writes. “The protestors were furious, as were Bay Area leaders from Newsom’s own political party.”

Pro-China spectators who had been waiting since as early as 6 am along the intended route of the Olympic Torch relay watch as a phalanx of police walk to take up positions along the originally planned route on April 9, 2008, in San Francisco, California. The torch was diverted shortly after being lit and never took this route. (ROBYN BECK/AFP via Getty Images)

The first torch runner, Chinese Olympic swimmer Lin Li (left) holds the flame and waves at the start of the Olympic Torch relay on April 9, 2008, in San Francisco, California. Hundreds of baton-wielding police herded the Olympic torch through San Francisco as organizers switched the relay course to avoid people protesting the Chinese Communist regime’s human rights abuses, as happened during the Beijing Olympic’s torch relays through Paris and London earlier. (ROBYN BECK/AFP via Getty Images)

Protestors scaled the Golden Gate Bridge to hang “Free Tibet” banners on April 7, 2008, in San Francisco, California, in anticipation of the Beijing Olympic’s torch relay through San Francisco that day. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Two sailboats with pro-Tibet banners pass police and Coast Guard boats patrolling the harbor before the start of the Olympic Torch relay on April 9, 2008 in San Francisco, California. (ROBYN BECK/AFP via Getty Images)

Tibetan activists protest before before the 2008 Beijing Olympic torch relay in San Francisco, California, on April 9, 2008. Police on bicycles, in boats and in running shoes deployed along San Francisco’s waterfront as thousands of protesters gathered for a shortened and re-routed relay of the 2008 Olympic torch in San Francisco, which was the only North American stop for the Beijing Olympic’s torch relay. (Kimberly White/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

Thousands of protestors march up San Francisco’s Embarcadero to the Ferry Building were they hoped to greet the Beijing Olympic Torch relay on April 9, 2008. But San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom re-routed the torch relay at the last minute to avoid embarrassing the Chinese Communist regime. (LANCE IVERSEN/San Francisco Chronicle via Getty Images)

San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom’s police officer drag to the ground a pro-Tibetan demonstrator protesting China’s human rights abuses during the Beijing Olympic Torch relay in San Francisco, California, on April 9, 2008. (Ryan Anson/AFP via Getty Images)

San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom’s police officers tackle a pro-Tibetan demonstrator protesting China’s human rights abuses during the Beijing Olympic Torch relay in San Francisco, California, on April 9, 2008. (Ryan Anson/AFP via Getty Images)

Newsom’s links to triad members also went beyond the ChinaSF endeavor, Schweizer writes:

Mayor Newsom worked with a San Francisco businessman named Allen Leung and reappointed him as chairman of the Chinatown Economic Development Group. But Leung was no ordinary businessman; he was the dragonhead of the “ominous” Chee (variously “Ghee” or “Gee”) Kung Tong, “transpacific incarnations of criminal Triad gangs originating in China.” Members of his gang were involved in the drug trade. Leung was brutally murdered in 2006.

Then there is Raymond “Shrimp Boy” Chow, “Leung’s successor,” with whom “Newsom also had a fishy history,” according to Schweizer. The Blood Money author explains that Shrimp Boy was “an organized crime leader in San Francisco’s Chinatown” and served multiple prison sentences in the 1970s and 1980s for armed robbery and assault with a deadly weapon, respectively. After that, “he worked for leaders in the Wo Hop triad” and was incarcerated again in the 1990s on firearms charges, Schweizer reports. Shrimp Boy cooperated with the Department of Justice, leading to his early release.

FBI agents lock up the door of the Ghee Kung Tong Free Mason building in San Francisco, California, on March 26, 2014. This was one of many locations raided by the FBI as part of a widespread federal criminal complaint filed on March 24 involving State Sen. Leland Yee and 25 others including Raymond “Shrimp Boy” Chow, the leader of the Ghee Kung Tong organization. (Laura A. Oda/MediaNews Group/East Bay Times via Getty Images)

FBI agents raid the Ghee Kung Tong Free Mason building in San Francisco, California, on March 26, 2014, as part of a massive investigation of Raymond “Shrimp Boy” Chow’s Ghee Kung Tong organization. (Laura A. Oda/MediaNews Group/East Bay Times via Getty Images)

Tony Serra, right, former attorney for Raymond Chow, known as “Shrimp Boy,” pictured at left, listens to speakers at a news conference in San Francisco on April 10, 2014. A federal judge on Aug. 4, 2016, sentenced the San Francisco Chinatown gang leader known as “Shrimp Boy” to two life sentences, one for killing a rival, in a wide-ranging organized crime investigation that also brought down a state senator. (AP Photo/Jeff Chiu)

“Controversy ensued when Shrimp Boy took control of an organization that the mayor’s office was funding. Public outrage in the Asian community in San Francisco led Newsom to cancel the contract,” Schweizer writes. “The grant was withdrawn, but there seemed to be no animus with the mayor. Chow later posted a photo of himself with then lieutenant governor Gavin Newsom on his Facebook page.”

While Newsom was still lieutenant governor in 2016, Shrimp Boy, who was a “dragonhead” of the Chee Kung Tong himself, landed in severe legal trouble that lead to a murder conviction. Schweizer writes:

In 2016, Shrimp Boy was charged with a total of 162 counts of racketeering, aiding and abet- ting the laundering of drug money, and other offenses and was found guilty of murder. Among those crimes was his apparent involvement in the killing of Leung.

Shrimp Boy’s lawyers argued that the prosecutor in his case, who had been appointed by Newsom, culled “political figures out of the prosecution.” Those who skirted criminal charges, according to the lawyers, included individuals “appointed, connected, extremely closely associated with” Gavin Newsom and other political elites.

One of Shrimp Boy’s collaborators was a man named Keith Jackson, who would eventually face a murder-for-hire charge that was dropped when he took a plea deal, according to Blood Money.

Newsom appointed Jackson to his transition team in 2003, when Newsom was San Francisco’s mayor-elect. Jackson was described as “a fixture in the hallways of City Hall” when Newsom was mayor, Schweizer notes. Laurence Pelosi, Newsom’s cousin, even hired Jackson as a consultant for a large real estate project that was important to Newsom, according to Schweizer.

Shrimp Boy partnered with Jackson because he held “a lot of political influence and can do ‘inside deals’ with the City,” but Jackson also “had a very dark side,” according to Blood Money.

“While the FBI was investigating Shrimp Boy, its agents were introduced to Jackson, who claimed that his son ran a $50,000-a-week drug business,” Schweizer writes. “Jackson was later charged in a murder-for-hire scheme and a gunrunning deal involving Shrimp Boy and the Chinese triads. Those charges were dropped as part of a plea agreement.”

Blood Money also dives deeply into Newsom’s posture toward China as governor and his reluctance “to support even rudimentary initiatives designed to contain China’s activities in California.”

For example, Blood Money points to a bipartisan bill that Newsom ultimately vetoed in 2022, which would have halted the sales of the state’s agricultural land to foreign governments. China was the “primary focus” of the bill.

“Perhaps part of Newsom’s motive over the years has been financial,” Schweizer contends.

“He sells his wines in both mainland China and CCP-controlled Hong Kong,” Schweizer writes. “In recent years his wife has been a shareholder in several Chinese companies, to the tune of potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars.”

Meanwhile, Newsom does not appear “remotely interested” in holding China accountable for its role in the global fentanyl trade, Schweizer points out.

A homeless man is seen on a sidewalk as San Francisco fights with fentanyl problems in San Francisco, California, on February 26, 2024. (Tayfun Coskun/Anadolu via Getty Images)

A homeless man and his dog seen on a sidewalk as the city fighting with fentanyl problems in San Francisco, California, on February 26, 2024. (Tayfun Coskun/Anadolu via Getty Images)

A homeless man is seen on a sidewalk as the city fighting with fentanyl problems in San Francisco, California, on February 26, 2024. (Tayfun Coskun/Anadolu via Getty Images)

Homeless people are seen as the city fights with fentanyl problems in San Francisco, California, on February 26, 2024. (Tayfun Coskun/Anadolu via Getty Images)

“A broad national conversation dealing with Chinese organized crime, which is intimately involved in the drug trade, would raise uncomfortable questions for Newsom. And politicians like to avoid discomfort,” he writes in Blood Money.

For instance, Newsom unveiled a vision to address the fentanyl crisis in March 2023 that failed to include measures to hold the CCP accountable for the drug trade it is so heavily involved in.

“The strategy included elements such as deploying the National Guard to seize fentanyl supplies, conducting overdose prevention efforts, raising awareness about the dangers of drugs, and holding the ‘opioid pharmaceutical industry accountable,’” Blood Money states. “Somehow Newsom’s comprehensive plan overlooked holding Beijing accountable for its involvement in every step of this scourge.”

Months later, in October 2023, Newsom trekked to China for an eight-day, six-city tour organized by the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries rather than the United States because Newsom is only a state official, not a federal official. Schweizer highlights that the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries is affiliated with Chinese intelligence.

Newsom received “superlative treatment” from Beijing during the trip, according to Blood Money, evidenced by his meeting with Chinese Communist Leader Xi Jinping in the Great Hall of the People, the optics of which were starkly different from Secretary of State Anthony Blinken’s visit months before.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom walks up a section of the Great Wall on the outskirts of Beijing, China, on Oct. 26, 2023. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan, File)

California Gov. Gavin Newsom, left, meets with Chinese Communist Party Leader Xi Jinping at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on October 25, 2023. (Office of the Governor of California via AP)

“In an unusual move, Newsom was allowed to sit side-by-side with the Chinese leader, a sign of respect. When US Secretary of State Tony Blinken had visited earlier in the year, Blinken sat opposite Chinese officials while Xi was in the center—a position of superiority,” Schweizer writes.

A Chinese writer described the Newsom meeting as a well-intended gesture to the United States. However, it was also seen as China having a “long-term investment” in the governor, Schweizer notes, directly quoting the writer.

American media was shut out from the meeting, and Newsom completed his visit without publicly criticizing Beijing. He did, however, call on Americans “to tone down their criticisms of China,” Blood Money notes. However, Newsom’s office claimed that he did confronted Xi about precursor chemicals used in synthesizing fentanyl.

“Newsom’s office says that he brought up the subject of fentanyl with Xi in the context of ‘China’s role in combating the transnational shipping of precursor chemicals,’ implying the shipments were somehow occurring independent of the Chinese government,” Schweizer notes. “Hong Kong media wrote that Newsom ‘mentioned the fentanyl crisis in the United States’ to Xi but did not elaborate.”

Newsom would later state that his conversations with Xi around fentanyl were “honest,” but he caveating this by adding that “no fingers were being pointed.”

“For Newsom, it appears that honestly addressing the fentanyl crisis by dealing with China’s central role in the crisis might disrupt his political and financial security,” Schweizer concludes.

Blood Money, published by Harper-Collins, is available now. Schweizer, a senior contributor to Breitbart News and the president of the Government Accountability Institute (GAI), is the best-selling author of Profiles in Corruption, Clinton CashSecret Empires, and Red-Handed.

India Blocks China-Backed World Trade Organization Investment Deals

Chinese President Xi Jinping is seen during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) L
Kent Nishimura/Getty Images

India and South Africa on Wednesday blocked the passage of a major investment agreement at the World Trade Organization (WTO) conference in Abu Dhabi, potentially scuttling hundreds of billions of dollars in investments — many of them slated for developing countries of the “Global South,” which India frequently claims to champion.

A trade delegate from a Western nation told Reuters it seemed “ironic that India and South Africa stand in the way of something with such manifest benefits for developing countries.”

The “something” in question is the Investment Facilitation for Development Agreement (IFD), introduced at the WTO by Chile and South Korea, with support from China. Depending on how they are implemented, the projects covered by the IFD would be worth between $200 billion and $800 billion.

The WTO has a rule that any of the 164 member nations can block an agreement by filing a formal objection. India and South Africa exercised that option, while 123 of the other members affirmatively supported the IFD.

India filed its objection because it would compromise the “multilateral” nature of the WTO by imposing binding regulations and agreements on all members. Indian officials suggested the nations eager to participate in the IFD could negotiate among themselves and reach an agreement outside the World Trade Organization.

India contends that an agreement such as the IFD must be adopted through a specific set of WTO procedures that would require the unanimous agreement of all members. IFD co-sponsor South Korea seemingly agreed with that point at the Abu Dhabi conference and said WTO leaders are trying to persuade India and South Africa to withdraw their objections.

India also argued that developed nations have a history of making promises to the developing world that they cannot keep, so carefully negotiated multilateral agreements would be preferable to the huge, sweeping IFD proposal advanced by South Korea and Chile.

Less expressly stated was India’s concern that the IFD agreement, which has been rattling around the WTO in various permutations since 2017, is a power play by China and its client states in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Indian media often refer to the agreement as “China’s IFD.”

Mint noted on Thursday that the IFD has been criticized for “potentially favoring countries heavily reliant on Chinese investments and those with sovereign wealth funds.”

South Africa did not comment on its reasons for blocking the IFD, beyond agreeing with India’s procedural objections.

Peter Schweizer: Chinese Strategy Is Defeat U.S. ‘Without Firing a Shot’ AND JOE BIDEN IS RIGHT THERE CASHING IN LIKE A PARASITE LAWYER

U.S. President Joe Biden escorts Chinese President Xi Jinping to his car to bid farewell a
Li Xueren/Xinhua via Getty Images

The Chinese are engaging in what has been described as “disintegration warfare,” essentially engaging in war with the United States but through means such as social chaos and division, Peter Schweizer, author of Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans, said during an appearance on Breitbart News Saturday.

“This strategy is, ‘Why have a kinetic war where we kill Americans, they kill us? We get damaged. Why not simply try to defeat them in war without actually appearing that we are at war?’ And what that means is, they are going to, and they are, developing and using strategies that are designed to divide Americans, to encourage social chaos, to turn America against America,” Schweizer said, explaining that social chaos in the United States is “magnified by China.”

Schweizer explained that there is a facility in China where they have thousands of military officers, and each one has thousands of social media accounts in the West, and “they’re posing as Americans.”

“And basically half of these social media accounts say ‘America is a racist society’ and the other half say ‘I only like white people,’ and it’s designed to magnify,” he said.

“The strategy as they say it is, ‘Let’s defeat the United States without actually having to fire a shot.’ And that’s essentially what their strategy is,” the Blood Money author continued.

“And they’ve been doing it over the last decade, and it manifests itself in all kinds of ways,” he continued, explaining in great detail how the Chinese are also intricately involved in poisoning Americans via the fentanyl pipeline and using social media platforms to sow even more discord in the United States.

Schweizer explained that they attempted to take out ads for Blood Money on TikTok — owned by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) — and they refused.

“It’s clear to me the reason they did not want these ads run is because the ads focused on the fact that TikTok is directly linked to the CCP, and as we point out in the book, they are explicitly using it to undermine social cohesion in the United States and as a propaganda tool against young people, and they’re very explicit about how they do that,” Schweizer said.

“We got access to Chinese military journals and publications. One military official calls TikTok the Trojan Horse that they are using against the West. And there were specific examples of how they use emotion and they use other tools to subconsciously message to America’s young people and to get them to reject the values that they were raised with,” the seven-time New York Times bestselling author continued.


“They’re very, very explicit about it. They’re very direct about it. These are not my words. This is not my assessment. This is actually what the Chinese military and the Ministry of Propaganda say and talk about with regards to TikTok, and that’s what I think makes it so stunning and explicit,” he said, explaining that American leaders are refusing to discuss it because “there’s so many big investors who have money in ByteDance — the parent company of TikTok — so you have investors at the Carlyle Group that are very close to Joe Biden, who have a big stake in this company.”

“They could stand to lose billions of dollars if this app was banned. So of course, Joe Biden reversed Donald Trump’s decision to force a sale of TikTok. On the Republican side, you have organizations like Club for Growth, one of their biggest donors. … Jeff Yass owns 17 percent of ByteDance. And he is pushing the Club for Growth and others to say, ‘No, we don’t want a ban on TikTok.’ That’s the position of the Club for Growth now. So it’s a pressure problem on both sides of the aisle. But the evidence is clear of what TikTok does. They say it in their own words, and our political leaders don’t want to act back on it because their financial backers have large stakes in this company,” he added.

Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans, published by HarperCollins, is available now in hardcover, e-book, and audiobook.

Breitbart News Saturday airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Eastern.

James Biden Admits Joe Biden Got $40K in China Funds Via Alleged Loan Repayment

Democratic Vice Presidential candidate Joe Biden (L) and his brother James Biden during th
Rick Friedman/Corbis via Getty Images

Joe Biden got a $40,000 check in 2017 from China funds that originated from a Biden family deal with a CCP-linked company, CEFC China Energy Co., James Biden admitted to the House impeachment inquiry on February 21, according to a transcript reviewed by Breitbart News.

The acknowledgment raises questions about Joe Biden’s previous claims that his family never made money from China.

James Biden maintained his contention that the $40,000 check was allegedly a repayment to satisfy a prior loan, while his lawyer Paul Fishman added that “money’s fungible,” a statement that underscores the obscurity of the Biden business.

Investigators reminded James that his bank account “did not have sufficient funds” to make the $40,000 alleged loan repayment on his own, “so it is traceable.”

Subpoenaed bank records show James Biden’s bank account only had about $50 before the infusion of cash from a web of entities just days beforehand.

“Where did you believe the source of the money that was going into Owasco, prior to being sent to you, was coming from?” an investigator asked James Biden.

“CEFC,” the president’s brother admitted.

Hunter Biden maintained a different story during his deposition on Wednesday. Hunter denied his father received any money sourced from the CEFC China deal, despite investigators’ tracing of funds used to pay Joe Biden $40,000 in September 2017.

“Remember when Joe Biden told the American people that his son didn’t make money in China?” House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) asked on X. “Well, not only did he lie about his son Hunter making money in China, but it also turns out that $40,000 in laundered China money landed in Joe Biden’s bank account in the form of a personal check.”

“Even if this $40,000 check was a loan repayment from James Biden, it still shows how Joe benefited from his family cashing in on his name … with money from China no less,” he added.

Hunter and James are material witnesses in the impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden, who has denied involvement in the family’s business at least nine times.

The House investigation has found a massive web of wire transfers, 20 shell companies, and associates who helped the Biden business rake in at least $24 million from foreign nationals over the course of approximately five years.

Evidence against Joe Biden can be found here and here.

Wendell Husebo is a political reporter with Breitbart News and a former GOP War Room Analyst. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality. Follow Wendell on “X” @WendellHusebø or on Truth Social @WendellHusebo.

Fentanyl is a “Chinese operation much more than it is a Mexican drug cartel operation,” Peter Schweizer, author of Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans, said during an appearance on Breitbart News Saturday.

Peter Schweizer: Fentanyl a ‘Chinese Operation Much More than It Is a Mexican Drug Cartel Operation’

Peter Schweizer Fentanyl
GAI, Fatih Aktas/Anadolu Agency, PATRICK T. FALLON, JOHANNES EISELE, SAUL LOEB/Getty Images, Jae C. Hong/AP

Fentanyl is a “Chinese operation much more than it is a Mexican drug cartel operation,” Peter Schweizer, author of Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans, said during an appearance on Breitbart News Saturday.

Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute (GAI) and senior contributor at Breitbart News, explained how the Chinese are using fentanyl as a weapon against the United States.

“A lot of the people involved in the fentanyl trade actually have senior positions in the CCP [Chinese Communist Party] or they’re advisers to the CCP government, but the links in this chain of fentanyl that is poisoning 100,000 Americans, every link in that chain is a Chinese operation,” Schweizer said, explaining that the Mexican cartels are “really the junior partners.”

“We all know the precursors come from China,” Schweizer said, explaining that we have been unable to stop the precursors because the International Terminal in Manzanillo in Mexico is “actually run by a Chinese company that’s very close to the Chinese state,” he said, explaining that those precursors “come into the port of Manzanillo” and are “moved to a town in northern Mexico where, according to leaked documents from the Department of Homeland Security that I obtained, 2,000 Chinese nationals essentially operate as chemists.”

In other words, these Chinese nationals are on our border doing it in our backyard. It does not end there, either, because the Chinese are selling pill presses to the Mexican cartels “at cost,” and the cartels are using communication devices and apps that are Chinese “because they know that the Chinese will not share those communications with U.S. law enforcement,” Schweizer said.

“And then the final part of the puzzle is you’re a Mexican cartel. You’re selling drugs. You’ve got all this cash you’re making selling this poison in America. You need to launder your money. Well, it used to be that they laundered their money in Latin American banks when they were selling cocaine and other drugs like that. Now with the fentanyl, they are actually laundering the money in Chinese state-owned banks. And, according to our law enforcement, they use Chinese students in the United States on education visas to actually launder the money in those banks,” Schweizer said.

“So this is a Chinese operation much more than it is a Mexican drug cartel operation,” he added.


When asked why leaders in D.C., including President Joe Biden, are not doing anything about this, Schweizer said some politicians simply want to get along. They know that if they actually look at what is happening, it changes the entire relationship with China, and they do not want to do the heavy lift. But with Biden, Schweizer said, it is much more “personal.”

“In the case of Joe Biden, it’s much more personal and I think is related to the financial ties that his family has, not just to the Chinese, but to actual individuals that are on the outer fringes of the drug trade. So I’ll give you a specific example,” he said,  explaining that the reason that so much of this flows through Mexico is the Sinaloa Cartel.

“They are the kings of fentanyl. They’re the ones that are responsible for most of this stuff coming in the United States. There’s a Chinese criminal gang called UBG,” headed by a man known as “White Wolf,” Schweizer continued.

“White Wolf” has a business partner who sent $5 million to the Bidens in 2017.

“Of course, it’s never been paid back. And this is all well-documented. Nobody disputes this. What is new — the new piece of the puzzle — is the link between this Chinese businessman who gave him the $5 million forgivable loan that they’ve never paid back and White Wolf. So this means that the first family of the United States, there is one degree of separation between the Biden family and those that are providing this poison in the United States,” he said, noting that other well-known individuals, including California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D), have links to Chinese organized crime.

Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans, published by HarperCollins, is available now in hardcover, e-book, and audiobook.


‘Blood Money’: Gavin Newsom Partnered with Triad-Linked Businessman on Initiative That Brought Chinese Mafia-Linked Businesses to California

Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with Gavin Newsom, governor of the U.S. state of Califo
Huang Jingwen/Xinhua via Getty Images

Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) partnered with a Chinese Communist Party-tied businessman – allegedly connected to the triads – on an endeavor that brought Chinese mafia-linked businesses to California’s Bay Area when Newsom served as San Francisco’s mayor, Peter Schweizer reveals in his new book Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans.

Schweizer reveals in Blood Money that Newsom has had links to Chinese organized crime through his connections to known triad members and that these connections go beyond the ChinaSF initiative that Newsom launched in 2008 to bring Chinese businesses to San Francisco. Schweizer also argues that Newsom has skirted addressing China’s role in the fentanyl trade that has killed so many Californians.

Schweizer, a New York Times best-selling author whose investigative work has led to bombshell revelations of corruption among America’s elite, highlights Newsom’s relationship with Chinese businessman Vincent Lo, who served as the cochairman of ChinaSF and the president of the Council for the Promotion and Development of Yangtze.

Schweizer describes ChinaSF as “an ambitious effort to make the Bay Area the ‘premiere [sic] U.S. gateway for Chinese companies expanding into the North American market.’”

Schweizer writes in Blood Money:

ChinaSF was highly favorable to the Chinese entities involved: any investment they made in an American company would grant them intellectual property rights in China for the technology developed. It “would involve U.S. companies handing over their secret formulas.” But many of the Chinese companies and businessmen that were involved in ChinaSF and benefited from the program had ties to Chinese organized crime.

Newsom’s ChinaSF partner Vincent Lo has ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), as well as alleged ties to the triads, according to Blood Money.

“In the 1990s, Lo’s company reportedly hired triad members to provide ‘canteen and security services’ on his building sites on construction projects around Hong Kong. His company first confirmed the practice, but then Lo denied it,” Schweizer writes. “Lo also backed a Hong Kong politician whose associates were accused of soliciting support from triad members. At the same time, a prominent businessman accused Lo’s companies of ‘sending armed thugs’ likely linked to Chinese triads to forcibly take over his luxury villa complex in suburban Beijing. Lo’s company denies the claim.”

Moreover, Lo is a Real Estate Developers of Association of Hong Kong board member along with his brother, and Schweizer notes that the association’s “leadership is populated with developers linked to the triads.”

“Why did Newsom partner with an individual with all these alleged triad connections?” Schweizer writes. “Lo and his family secured large deals in the Bay Area with help from Newsom’s ChinaSF. Lo and his business associates acquired the iconic Bank of America Center in San Francisco. ChinaSF championed development projects carried out by Lo’s family, including the 555 Howard Street project in the Bay Area, which is tied to the California High-Speed Rail project long championed by Governor Newsom.”

ChinaSF also benefited other businessmen who have ties to the triads, according to Schweizer:

In 2010, Newsom announced that he was bringing the headquarters of a Chinese energy company called GCL-Poly to San Francisco. The company was partly owned by a subsidiary of China Poly Group, a company with “intimate ties” to the Chinese military. In fact, in the 1990s, the company had been implicated in a plan to smuggle thousands of fully automatic machine guns into the United States and has been tied to “sketchy dealings with third-world dictators and arms traders” around the world. China Poly is also said to work “hand and glove” with Chinese organized crime figures: according to one report, triad-linked Stanley Ho once “spent millions” to acquire an object of tremendous propaganda value for the company. Why would Newsom’s ChinaSF green-light such a company’s moving into San Francisco?

Trina Solar Company was another energy company that Newsom announced would be coming to the Bay Area, and it would later be “embroiled in controversy” surrounding an American company’s intellectual property, according to Blood Money. A CEO for one of Trinar Solar Company’s American competitors levied allegations that “it was likely receiving support from the People’s Liberation Army via hackers who were stealing intellectual property from competitors and giving it to the company.”

A GCL-Poly Energy Holdings Ltd. facility in Changji, Xinjiang province, China, on March 2, 2021. Factories in Xinjiang produce nearly half the world’s polysilicon supply. (Colum Murphy/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

The Trina Solar Ltd. headquarters in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, China, on April 24, 2015. Trina Solar is the world’s biggest solar manufacturer. (Tomohiro Ohsumi/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

Additionally, Newsom touted the arrival of offices for the Chinese-government-controlled newspaper China Daily in San Francisco through ChinaSF.

Notably, the ChinaSF initiative was being launched at the same time then-mayor Newsom ran a “fake-out” in San Francisco during the passing of the torch relay in the lead-up to the 2008 Beijing Olympics after protests in major European cities had “deeply embarrassed” China, Schweizer explains.

“Earlier torch relays in London and Paris had been met by human rights protestors, which had deeply embarrassed Beijing. So Newsom executed an intricate ‘fake-out,’ changing the torch relay route at the last minute, leaving thousands of protestors and supporters at one end of San Francisco while the torch passed through the other side of town,” Schweizer writes. “The protestors were furious, as were Bay Area leaders from Newsom’s own political party.”

Pro-China spectators who had been waiting since as early as 6 am along the intended route of the Olympic Torch relay watch as a phalanx of police walk to take up positions along the originally planned route on April 9, 2008, in San Francisco, California. The torch was diverted shortly after being lit and never took this route. (ROBYN BECK/AFP via Getty Images)

The first torch runner, Chinese Olympic swimmer Lin Li (left) holds the flame and waves at the start of the Olympic Torch relay on April 9, 2008, in San Francisco, California. Hundreds of baton-wielding police herded the Olympic torch through San Francisco as organizers switched the relay course to avoid people protesting the Chinese Communist regime’s human rights abuses, as happened during the Beijing Olympic’s torch relays through Paris and London earlier. (ROBYN BECK/AFP via Getty Images)

Protestors scaled the Golden Gate Bridge to hang “Free Tibet” banners on April 7, 2008, in San Francisco, California, in anticipation of the Beijing Olympic’s torch relay through San Francisco that day. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Two sailboats with pro-Tibet banners pass police and Coast Guard boats patrolling the harbor before the start of the Olympic Torch relay on April 9, 2008 in San Francisco, California. (ROBYN BECK/AFP via Getty Images)

Tibetan activists protest before before the 2008 Beijing Olympic torch relay in San Francisco, California, on April 9, 2008. Police on bicycles, in boats and in running shoes deployed along San Francisco’s waterfront as thousands of protesters gathered for a shortened and re-routed relay of the 2008 Olympic torch in San Francisco, which was the only North American stop for the Beijing Olympic’s torch relay. (Kimberly White/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

Thousands of protestors march up San Francisco’s Embarcadero to the Ferry Building were they hoped to greet the Beijing Olympic Torch relay on April 9, 2008. But San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom re-routed the torch relay at the last minute to avoid embarrassing the Chinese Communist regime. (LANCE IVERSEN/San Francisco Chronicle via Getty Images)

San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom’s police officer drag to the ground a pro-Tibetan demonstrator protesting China’s human rights abuses during the Beijing Olympic Torch relay in San Francisco, California, on April 9, 2008. (Ryan Anson/AFP via Getty Images)

San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom’s police officers tackle a pro-Tibetan demonstrator protesting China’s human rights abuses during the Beijing Olympic Torch relay in San Francisco, California, on April 9, 2008. (Ryan Anson/AFP via Getty Images)

Newsom’s links to triad members also went beyond the ChinaSF endeavor, Schweizer writes:

Mayor Newsom worked with a San Francisco businessman named Allen Leung and reappointed him as chairman of the Chinatown Economic Development Group. But Leung was no ordinary businessman; he was the dragonhead of the “ominous” Chee (variously “Ghee” or “Gee”) Kung Tong, “transpacific incarnations of criminal Triad gangs originating in China.” Members of his gang were involved in the drug trade. Leung was brutally murdered in 2006.

Then there is Raymond “Shrimp Boy” Chow, “Leung’s successor,” with whom “Newsom also had a fishy history,” according to Schweizer. The Blood Money author explains that Shrimp Boy was “an organized crime leader in San Francisco’s Chinatown” and served multiple prison sentences in the 1970s and 1980s for armed robbery and assault with a deadly weapon, respectively. After that, “he worked for leaders in the Wo Hop triad” and was incarcerated again in the 1990s on firearms charges, Schweizer reports. Shrimp Boy cooperated with the Department of Justice, leading to his early release.

FBI agents lock up the door of the Ghee Kung Tong Free Mason building in San Francisco, California, on March 26, 2014. This was one of many locations raided by the FBI as part of a widespread federal criminal complaint filed on March 24 involving State Sen. Leland Yee and 25 others including Raymond “Shrimp Boy” Chow, the leader of the Ghee Kung Tong organization. (Laura A. Oda/MediaNews Group/East Bay Times via Getty Images)

FBI agents raid the Ghee Kung Tong Free Mason building in San Francisco, California, on March 26, 2014, as part of a massive investigation of Raymond “Shrimp Boy” Chow’s Ghee Kung Tong organization. (Laura A. Oda/MediaNews Group/East Bay Times via Getty Images)

Tony Serra, right, former attorney for Raymond Chow, known as “Shrimp Boy,” pictured at left, listens to speakers at a news conference in San Francisco on April 10, 2014. A federal judge on Aug. 4, 2016, sentenced the San Francisco Chinatown gang leader known as “Shrimp Boy” to two life sentences, one for killing a rival, in a wide-ranging organized crime investigation that also brought down a state senator. (AP Photo/Jeff Chiu)

“Controversy ensued when Shrimp Boy took control of an organization that the mayor’s office was funding. Public outrage in the Asian community in San Francisco led Newsom to cancel the contract,” Schweizer writes. “The grant was withdrawn, but there seemed to be no animus with the mayor. Chow later posted a photo of himself with then lieutenant governor Gavin Newsom on his Facebook page.”

While Newsom was still lieutenant governor in 2016, Shrimp Boy, who was a “dragonhead” of the Chee Kung Tong himself, landed in severe legal trouble that lead to a murder conviction. Schweizer writes:

In 2016, Shrimp Boy was charged with a total of 162 counts of racketeering, aiding and abet- ting the laundering of drug money, and other offenses and was found guilty of murder. Among those crimes was his apparent involvement in the killing of Leung.

Shrimp Boy’s lawyers argued that the prosecutor in his case, who had been appointed by Newsom, culled “political figures out of the prosecution.” Those who skirted criminal charges, according to the lawyers, included individuals “appointed, connected, extremely closely associated with” Gavin Newsom and other political elites.

One of Shrimp Boy’s collaborators was a man named Keith Jackson, who would eventually face a murder-for-hire charge that was dropped when he took a plea deal, according to Blood Money.

Newsom appointed Jackson to his transition team in 2003, when Newsom was San Francisco’s mayor-elect. Jackson was described as “a fixture in the hallways of City Hall” when Newsom was mayor, Schweizer notes. Laurence Pelosi, Newsom’s cousin, even hired Jackson as a consultant for a large real estate project that was important to Newsom, according to Schweizer.

Shrimp Boy partnered with Jackson because he held “a lot of political influence and can do ‘inside deals’ with the City,” but Jackson also “had a very dark side,” according to Blood Money.

“While the FBI was investigating Shrimp Boy, its agents were introduced to Jackson, who claimed that his son ran a $50,000-a-week drug business,” Schweizer writes. “Jackson was later charged in a murder-for-hire scheme and a gunrunning deal involving Shrimp Boy and the Chinese triads. Those charges were dropped as part of a plea agreement.”

Blood Money also dives deeply into Newsom’s posture toward China as governor and his reluctance “to support even rudimentary initiatives designed to contain China’s activities in California.”

For example, Blood Money points to a bipartisan bill that Newsom ultimately vetoed in 2022, which would have halted the sales of the state’s agricultural land to foreign governments. China was the “primary focus” of the bill.

“Perhaps part of Newsom’s motive over the years has been financial,” Schweizer contends.

“He sells his wines in both mainland China and CCP-controlled Hong Kong,” Schweizer writes. “In recent years his wife has been a shareholder in several Chinese companies, to the tune of potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars.”

Meanwhile, Newsom does not appear “remotely interested” in holding China accountable for its role in the global fentanyl trade, Schweizer points out.

A homeless man is seen on a sidewalk as San Francisco fights with fentanyl problems in San Francisco, California, on February 26, 2024. (Tayfun Coskun/Anadolu via Getty Images)

A homeless man and his dog seen on a sidewalk as the city fighting with fentanyl problems in San Francisco, California, on February 26, 2024. (Tayfun Coskun/Anadolu via Getty Images)

A homeless man is seen on a sidewalk as the city fighting with fentanyl problems in San Francisco, California, on February 26, 2024. (Tayfun Coskun/Anadolu via Getty Images)

Homeless people are seen as the city fights with fentanyl problems in San Francisco, California, on February 26, 2024. (Tayfun Coskun/Anadolu via Getty Images)

“A broad national conversation dealing with Chinese organized crime, which is intimately involved in the drug trade, would raise uncomfortable questions for Newsom. And politicians like to avoid discomfort,” he writes in Blood Money.

For instance, Newsom unveiled a vision to address the fentanyl crisis in March 2023 that failed to include measures to hold the CCP accountable for the drug trade it is so heavily involved in.

“The strategy included elements such as deploying the National Guard to seize fentanyl supplies, conducting overdose prevention efforts, raising awareness about the dangers of drugs, and holding the ‘opioid pharmaceutical industry accountable,’” Blood Money states. “Somehow Newsom’s comprehensive plan overlooked holding Beijing accountable for its involvement in every step of this scourge.”

Months later, in October 2023, Newsom trekked to China for an eight-day, six-city tour organized by the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries rather than the United States because Newsom is only a state official, not a federal official. Schweizer highlights that the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries is affiliated with Chinese intelligence.

Newsom received “superlative treatment” from Beijing during the trip, according to Blood Money, evidenced by his meeting with Chinese Communist Leader Xi Jinping in the Great Hall of the People, the optics of which were starkly different from Secretary of State Anthony Blinken’s visit months before.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom walks up a section of the Great Wall on the outskirts of Beijing, China, on Oct. 26, 2023. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan, File)

California Gov. Gavin Newsom, left, meets with Chinese Communist Party Leader Xi Jinping at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on October 25, 2023. (Office of the Governor of California via AP)

“In an unusual move, Newsom was allowed to sit side-by-side with the Chinese leader, a sign of respect. When US Secretary of State Tony Blinken had visited earlier in the year, Blinken sat opposite Chinese officials while Xi was in the center—a position of superiority,” Schweizer writes.

A Chinese writer described the Newsom meeting as a well-intended gesture to the United States. However, it was also seen as China having a “long-term investment” in the governor, Schweizer notes, directly quoting the writer.

American media was shut out from the meeting, and Newsom completed his visit without publicly criticizing Beijing. He did, however, call on Americans “to tone down their criticisms of China,” Blood Money notes. However, Newsom’s office claimed that he did confronted Xi about precursor chemicals used in synthesizing fentanyl.

“Newsom’s office says that he brought up the subject of fentanyl with Xi in the context of ‘China’s role in combating the transnational shipping of precursor chemicals,’ implying the shipments were somehow occurring independent of the Chinese government,” Schweizer notes. “Hong Kong media wrote that Newsom ‘mentioned the fentanyl crisis in the United States’ to Xi but did not elaborate.”

Newsom would later state that his conversations with Xi around fentanyl were “honest,” but he caveating this by adding that “no fingers were being pointed.”

“For Newsom, it appears that honestly addressing the fentanyl crisis by dealing with China’s central role in the crisis might disrupt his political and financial security,” Schweizer concludes.

Blood Money, published by Harper-Collins, is available now. Schweizer, a senior contributor to Breitbart News and the president of the Government Accountability Institute (GAI), is the best-selling author of Profiles in Corruption, Clinton CashSecret Empires, and Red-Handed.

India Blocks China-Backed World Trade Organization Investment Deals

Chinese President Xi Jinping is seen during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) L
Kent Nishimura/Getty Images

India and South Africa on Wednesday blocked the passage of a major investment agreement at the World Trade Organization (WTO) conference in Abu Dhabi, potentially scuttling hundreds of billions of dollars in investments — many of them slated for developing countries of the “Global South,” which India frequently claims to champion.

A trade delegate from a Western nation told Reuters it seemed “ironic that India and South Africa stand in the way of something with such manifest benefits for developing countries.”

The “something” in question is the Investment Facilitation for Development Agreement (IFD), introduced at the WTO by Chile and South Korea, with support from China. Depending on how they are implemented, the projects covered by the IFD would be worth between $200 billion and $800 billion.

The WTO has a rule that any of the 164 member nations can block an agreement by filing a formal objection. India and South Africa exercised that option, while 123 of the other members affirmatively supported the IFD.

India filed its objection because it would compromise the “multilateral” nature of the WTO by imposing binding regulations and agreements on all members. Indian officials suggested the nations eager to participate in the IFD could negotiate among themselves and reach an agreement outside the World Trade Organization.

India contends that an agreement such as the IFD must be adopted through a specific set of WTO procedures that would require the unanimous agreement of all members. IFD co-sponsor South Korea seemingly agreed with that point at the Abu Dhabi conference and said WTO leaders are trying to persuade India and South Africa to withdraw their objections.

India also argued that developed nations have a history of making promises to the developing world that they cannot keep, so carefully negotiated multilateral agreements would be preferable to the huge, sweeping IFD proposal advanced by South Korea and Chile.

Less expressly stated was India’s concern that the IFD agreement, which has been rattling around the WTO in various permutations since 2017, is a power play by China and its client states in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Indian media often refer to the agreement as “China’s IFD.”

Mint noted on Thursday that the IFD has been criticized for “potentially favoring countries heavily reliant on Chinese investments and those with sovereign wealth funds.”

South Africa did not comment on its reasons for blocking the IFD, beyond agreeing with India’s procedural objections.GAVIN NEWSOM = POS 

‘Blood Money’: Gavin Newsom Partnered with Triad-Linked Businessman on Initiative That Brought Chinese Mafia-Linked Businesses to California

Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with Gavin Newsom, governor of the U.S. state of Califo
Huang Jingwen/Xinhua via Getty Images

Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) partnered with a Chinese Communist Party-tied businessman – allegedly connected to the triads – on an endeavor that brought Chinese mafia-linked businesses to California’s Bay Area when Newsom served as San Francisco’s mayor, Peter Schweizer reveals in his new book Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans.

Schweizer reveals in Blood Money that Newsom has had links to Chinese organized crime through his connections to known triad members and that these connections go beyond the ChinaSF initiative that Newsom launched in 2008 to bring Chinese businesses to San Francisco. Schweizer also argues that Newsom has skirted addressing China’s role in the fentanyl trade that has killed so many Californians.

Schweizer, a New York Times best-selling author whose investigative work has led to bombshell revelations of corruption among America’s elite, highlights Newsom’s relationship with Chinese businessman Vincent Lo, who served as the cochairman of ChinaSF and the president of the Council for the Promotion and Development of Yangtze.

Schweizer describes ChinaSF as “an ambitious effort to make the Bay Area the ‘premiere [sic] U.S. gateway for Chinese companies expanding into the North American market.’”

Schweizer writes in Blood Money:

ChinaSF was highly favorable to the Chinese entities involved: any investment they made in an American company would grant them intellectual property rights in China for the technology developed. It “would involve U.S. companies handing over their secret formulas.” But many of the Chinese companies and businessmen that were involved in ChinaSF and benefited from the program had ties to Chinese organized crime.

Newsom’s ChinaSF partner Vincent Lo has ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), as well as alleged ties to the triads, according to Blood Money.

“In the 1990s, Lo’s company reportedly hired triad members to provide ‘canteen and security services’ on his building sites on construction projects around Hong Kong. His company first confirmed the practice, but then Lo denied it,” Schweizer writes. “Lo also backed a Hong Kong politician whose associates were accused of soliciting support from triad members. At the same time, a prominent businessman accused Lo’s companies of ‘sending armed thugs’ likely linked to Chinese triads to forcibly take over his luxury villa complex in suburban Beijing. Lo’s company denies the claim.”

Moreover, Lo is a Real Estate Developers of Association of Hong Kong board member along with his brother, and Schweizer notes that the association’s “leadership is populated with developers linked to the triads.”

“Why did Newsom partner with an individual with all these alleged triad connections?” Schweizer writes. “Lo and his family secured large deals in the Bay Area with help from Newsom’s ChinaSF. Lo and his business associates acquired the iconic Bank of America Center in San Francisco. ChinaSF championed development projects carried out by Lo’s family, including the 555 Howard Street project in the Bay Area, which is tied to the California High-Speed Rail project long championed by Governor Newsom.”

ChinaSF also benefited other businessmen who have ties to the triads, according to Schweizer:

In 2010, Newsom announced that he was bringing the headquarters of a Chinese energy company called GCL-Poly to San Francisco. The company was partly owned by a subsidiary of China Poly Group, a company with “intimate ties” to the Chinese military. In fact, in the 1990s, the company had been implicated in a plan to smuggle thousands of fully automatic machine guns into the United States and has been tied to “sketchy dealings with third-world dictators and arms traders” around the world. China Poly is also said to work “hand and glove” with Chinese organized crime figures: according to one report, triad-linked Stanley Ho once “spent millions” to acquire an object of tremendous propaganda value for the company. Why would Newsom’s ChinaSF green-light such a company’s moving into San Francisco?

Trina Solar Company was another energy company that Newsom announced would be coming to the Bay Area, and it would later be “embroiled in controversy” surrounding an American company’s intellectual property, according to Blood Money. A CEO for one of Trinar Solar Company’s American competitors levied allegations that “it was likely receiving support from the People’s Liberation Army via hackers who were stealing intellectual property from competitors and giving it to the company.”

A GCL-Poly Energy Holdings Ltd. facility in Changji, Xinjiang province, China, on March 2, 2021. Factories in Xinjiang produce nearly half the world’s polysilicon supply. (Colum Murphy/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

The Trina Solar Ltd. headquarters in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, China, on April 24, 2015. Trina Solar is the world’s biggest solar manufacturer. (Tomohiro Ohsumi/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

Additionally, Newsom touted the arrival of offices for the Chinese-government-controlled newspaper China Daily in San Francisco through ChinaSF.

Notably, the ChinaSF initiative was being launched at the same time then-mayor Newsom ran a “fake-out” in San Francisco during the passing of the torch relay in the lead-up to the 2008 Beijing Olympics after protests in major European cities had “deeply embarrassed” China, Schweizer explains.

“Earlier torch relays in London and Paris had been met by human rights protestors, which had deeply embarrassed Beijing. So Newsom executed an intricate ‘fake-out,’ changing the torch relay route at the last minute, leaving thousands of protestors and supporters at one end of San Francisco while the torch passed through the other side of town,” Schweizer writes. “The protestors were furious, as were Bay Area leaders from Newsom’s own political party.”

Pro-China spectators who had been waiting since as early as 6 am along the intended route of the Olympic Torch relay watch as a phalanx of police walk to take up positions along the originally planned route on April 9, 2008, in San Francisco, California. The torch was diverted shortly after being lit and never took this route. (ROBYN BECK/AFP via Getty Images)

The first torch runner, Chinese Olympic swimmer Lin Li (left) holds the flame and waves at the start of the Olympic Torch relay on April 9, 2008, in San Francisco, California. Hundreds of baton-wielding police herded the Olympic torch through San Francisco as organizers switched the relay course to avoid people protesting the Chinese Communist regime’s human rights abuses, as happened during the Beijing Olympic’s torch relays through Paris and London earlier. (ROBYN BECK/AFP via Getty Images)

Protestors scaled the Golden Gate Bridge to hang “Free Tibet” banners on April 7, 2008, in San Francisco, California, in anticipation of the Beijing Olympic’s torch relay through San Francisco that day. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Two sailboats with pro-Tibet banners pass police and Coast Guard boats patrolling the harbor before the start of the Olympic Torch relay on April 9, 2008 in San Francisco, California. (ROBYN BECK/AFP via Getty Images)

Tibetan activists protest before before the 2008 Beijing Olympic torch relay in San Francisco, California, on April 9, 2008. Police on bicycles, in boats and in running shoes deployed along San Francisco’s waterfront as thousands of protesters gathered for a shortened and re-routed relay of the 2008 Olympic torch in San Francisco, which was the only North American stop for the Beijing Olympic’s torch relay. (Kimberly White/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

Thousands of protestors march up San Francisco’s Embarcadero to the Ferry Building were they hoped to greet the Beijing Olympic Torch relay on April 9, 2008. But San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom re-routed the torch relay at the last minute to avoid embarrassing the Chinese Communist regime. (LANCE IVERSEN/San Francisco Chronicle via Getty Images)

San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom’s police officer drag to the ground a pro-Tibetan demonstrator protesting China’s human rights abuses during the Beijing Olympic Torch relay in San Francisco, California, on April 9, 2008. (Ryan Anson/AFP via Getty Images)

San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom’s police officers tackle a pro-Tibetan demonstrator protesting China’s human rights abuses during the Beijing Olympic Torch relay in San Francisco, California, on April 9, 2008. (Ryan Anson/AFP via Getty Images)

Newsom’s links to triad members also went beyond the ChinaSF endeavor, Schweizer writes:

Mayor Newsom worked with a San Francisco businessman named Allen Leung and reappointed him as chairman of the Chinatown Economic Development Group. But Leung was no ordinary businessman; he was the dragonhead of the “ominous” Chee (variously “Ghee” or “Gee”) Kung Tong, “transpacific incarnations of criminal Triad gangs originating in China.” Members of his gang were involved in the drug trade. Leung was brutally murdered in 2006.

Then there is Raymond “Shrimp Boy” Chow, “Leung’s successor,” with whom “Newsom also had a fishy history,” according to Schweizer. The Blood Money author explains that Shrimp Boy was “an organized crime leader in San Francisco’s Chinatown” and served multiple prison sentences in the 1970s and 1980s for armed robbery and assault with a deadly weapon, respectively. After that, “he worked for leaders in the Wo Hop triad” and was incarcerated again in the 1990s on firearms charges, Schweizer reports. Shrimp Boy cooperated with the Department of Justice, leading to his early release.

FBI agents lock up the door of the Ghee Kung Tong Free Mason building in San Francisco, California, on March 26, 2014. This was one of many locations raided by the FBI as part of a widespread federal criminal complaint filed on March 24 involving State Sen. Leland Yee and 25 others including Raymond “Shrimp Boy” Chow, the leader of the Ghee Kung Tong organization. (Laura A. Oda/MediaNews Group/East Bay Times via Getty Images)

FBI agents raid the Ghee Kung Tong Free Mason building in San Francisco, California, on March 26, 2014, as part of a massive investigation of Raymond “Shrimp Boy” Chow’s Ghee Kung Tong organization. (Laura A. Oda/MediaNews Group/East Bay Times via Getty Images)

Tony Serra, right, former attorney for Raymond Chow, known as “Shrimp Boy,” pictured at left, listens to speakers at a news conference in San Francisco on April 10, 2014. A federal judge on Aug. 4, 2016, sentenced the San Francisco Chinatown gang leader known as “Shrimp Boy” to two life sentences, one for killing a rival, in a wide-ranging organized crime investigation that also brought down a state senator. (AP Photo/Jeff Chiu)

“Controversy ensued when Shrimp Boy took control of an organization that the mayor’s office was funding. Public outrage in the Asian community in San Francisco led Newsom to cancel the contract,” Schweizer writes. “The grant was withdrawn, but there seemed to be no animus with the mayor. Chow later posted a photo of himself with then lieutenant governor Gavin Newsom on his Facebook page.”

While Newsom was still lieutenant governor in 2016, Shrimp Boy, who was a “dragonhead” of the Chee Kung Tong himself, landed in severe legal trouble that lead to a murder conviction. Schweizer writes:

In 2016, Shrimp Boy was charged with a total of 162 counts of racketeering, aiding and abet- ting the laundering of drug money, and other offenses and was found guilty of murder. Among those crimes was his apparent involvement in the killing of Leung.

Shrimp Boy’s lawyers argued that the prosecutor in his case, who had been appointed by Newsom, culled “political figures out of the prosecution.” Those who skirted criminal charges, according to the lawyers, included individuals “appointed, connected, extremely closely associated with” Gavin Newsom and other political elites.

One of Shrimp Boy’s collaborators was a man named Keith Jackson, who would eventually face a murder-for-hire charge that was dropped when he took a plea deal, according to Blood Money.

Newsom appointed Jackson to his transition team in 2003, when Newsom was San Francisco’s mayor-elect. Jackson was described as “a fixture in the hallways of City Hall” when Newsom was mayor, Schweizer notes. Laurence Pelosi, Newsom’s cousin, even hired Jackson as a consultant for a large real estate project that was important to Newsom, according to Schweizer.

Shrimp Boy partnered with Jackson because he held “a lot of political influence and can do ‘inside deals’ with the City,” but Jackson also “had a very dark side,” according to Blood Money.

“While the FBI was investigating Shrimp Boy, its agents were introduced to Jackson, who claimed that his son ran a $50,000-a-week drug business,” Schweizer writes. “Jackson was later charged in a murder-for-hire scheme and a gunrunning deal involving Shrimp Boy and the Chinese triads. Those charges were dropped as part of a plea agreement.”

Blood Money also dives deeply into Newsom’s posture toward China as governor and his reluctance “to support even rudimentary initiatives designed to contain China’s activities in California.”

For example, Blood Money points to a bipartisan bill that Newsom ultimately vetoed in 2022, which would have halted the sales of the state’s agricultural land to foreign governments. China was the “primary focus” of the bill.

“Perhaps part of Newsom’s motive over the years has been financial,” Schweizer contends.

“He sells his wines in both mainland China and CCP-controlled Hong Kong,” Schweizer writes. “In recent years his wife has been a shareholder in several Chinese companies, to the tune of potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars.”

Meanwhile, Newsom does not appear “remotely interested” in holding China accountable for its role in the global fentanyl trade, Schweizer points out.

A homeless man is seen on a sidewalk as San Francisco fights with fentanyl problems in San Francisco, California, on February 26, 2024. (Tayfun Coskun/Anadolu via Getty Images)

A homeless man and his dog seen on a sidewalk as the city fighting with fentanyl problems in San Francisco, California, on February 26, 2024. (Tayfun Coskun/Anadolu via Getty Images)

A homeless man is seen on a sidewalk as the city fighting with fentanyl problems in San Francisco, California, on February 26, 2024. (Tayfun Coskun/Anadolu via Getty Images)

Homeless people are seen as the city fights with fentanyl problems in San Francisco, California, on February 26, 2024. (Tayfun Coskun/Anadolu via Getty Images)

“A broad national conversation dealing with Chinese organized crime, which is intimately involved in the drug trade, would raise uncomfortable questions for Newsom. And politicians like to avoid discomfort,” he writes in Blood Money.

For instance, Newsom unveiled a vision to address the fentanyl crisis in March 2023 that failed to include measures to hold the CCP accountable for the drug trade it is so heavily involved in.

“The strategy included elements such as deploying the National Guard to seize fentanyl supplies, conducting overdose prevention efforts, raising awareness about the dangers of drugs, and holding the ‘opioid pharmaceutical industry accountable,’” Blood Money states. “Somehow Newsom’s comprehensive plan overlooked holding Beijing accountable for its involvement in every step of this scourge.”

Months later, in October 2023, Newsom trekked to China for an eight-day, six-city tour organized by the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries rather than the United States because Newsom is only a state official, not a federal official. Schweizer highlights that the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries is affiliated with Chinese intelligence.

Newsom received “superlative treatment” from Beijing during the trip, according to Blood Money, evidenced by his meeting with Chinese Communist Leader Xi Jinping in the Great Hall of the People, the optics of which were starkly different from Secretary of State Anthony Blinken’s visit months before.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom walks up a section of the Great Wall on the outskirts of Beijing, China, on Oct. 26, 2023. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan, File)

California Gov. Gavin Newsom, left, meets with Chinese Communist Party Leader Xi Jinping at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on October 25, 2023. (Office of the Governor of California via AP)

“In an unusual move, Newsom was allowed to sit side-by-side with the Chinese leader, a sign of respect. When US Secretary of State Tony Blinken had visited earlier in the year, Blinken sat opposite Chinese officials while Xi was in the center—a position of superiority,” Schweizer writes.

A Chinese writer described the Newsom meeting as a well-intended gesture to the United States. However, it was also seen as China having a “long-term investment” in the governor, Schweizer notes, directly quoting the writer.

American media was shut out from the meeting, and Newsom completed his visit without publicly criticizing Beijing. He did, however, call on Americans “to tone down their criticisms of China,” Blood Money notes. However, Newsom’s office claimed that he did confronted Xi about precursor chemicals used in synthesizing fentanyl.

“Newsom’s office says that he brought up the subject of fentanyl with Xi in the context of ‘China’s role in combating the transnational shipping of precursor chemicals,’ implying the shipments were somehow occurring independent of the Chinese government,” Schweizer notes. “Hong Kong media wrote that Newsom ‘mentioned the fentanyl crisis in the United States’ to Xi but did not elaborate.”

Newsom would later state that his conversations with Xi around fentanyl were “honest,” but he caveating this by adding that “no fingers were being pointed.”

“For Newsom, it appears that honestly addressing the fentanyl crisis by dealing with China’s central role in the crisis might disrupt his political and financial security,” Schweizer concludes.

Blood Money, published by Harper-Collins, is available now. Schweizer, a senior contributor to Breitbart News and the president of the Government Accountability Institute (GAI), is the best-selling author of Profiles in Corruption, Clinton CashSecret Empires, and Red-Handed.

India Blocks China-Backed World Trade Organization Investment Deals

Chinese President Xi Jinping is seen during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) L
Kent Nishimura/Getty Images

India and South Africa on Wednesday blocked the passage of a major investment agreement at the World Trade Organization (WTO) conference in Abu Dhabi, potentially scuttling hundreds of billions of dollars in investments — many of them slated for developing countries of the “Global South,” which India frequently claims to champion.

A trade delegate from a Western nation told Reuters it seemed “ironic that India and South Africa stand in the way of something with such manifest benefits for developing countries.”

The “something” in question is the Investment Facilitation for Development Agreement (IFD), introduced at the WTO by Chile and South Korea, with support from China. Depending on how they are implemented, the projects covered by the IFD would be worth between $200 billion and $800 billion.

The WTO has a rule that any of the 164 member nations can block an agreement by filing a formal objection. India and South Africa exercised that option, while 123 of the other members affirmatively supported the IFD.

India filed its objection because it would compromise the “multilateral” nature of the WTO by imposing binding regulations and agreements on all members. Indian officials suggested the nations eager to participate in the IFD could negotiate among themselves and reach an agreement outside the World Trade Organization.

India contends that an agreement such as the IFD must be adopted through a specific set of WTO procedures that would require the unanimous agreement of all members. IFD co-sponsor South Korea seemingly agreed with that point at the Abu Dhabi conference and said WTO leaders are trying to persuade India and South Africa to withdraw their objections.

India also argued that developed nations have a history of making promises to the developing world that they cannot keep, so carefully negotiated multilateral agreements would be preferable to the huge, sweeping IFD proposal advanced by South Korea and Chile.

Less expressly stated was India’s concern that the IFD agreement, which has been rattling around the WTO in various permutations since 2017, is a power play by China and its client states in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Indian media often refer to the agreement as “China’s IFD.”

Mint noted on Thursday that the IFD has been criticized for “potentially favoring countries heavily reliant on Chinese investments and those with sovereign wealth funds.”

South Africa did not comment on its reasons for blocking the IFD, beyond agreeing with India’s procedural objections.GAVIN NEWSOM = POS 

‘Blood Money’: Gavin Newsom Partnered with Triad-Linked Businessman on Initiative That Brought Chinese Mafia-Linked Businesses to California

Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with Gavin Newsom, governor of the U.S. state of Califo
Huang Jingwen/Xinhua via Getty Images

Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) partnered with a Chinese Communist Party-tied businessman – allegedly connected to the triads – on an endeavor that brought Chinese mafia-linked businesses to California’s Bay Area when Newsom served as San Francisco’s mayor, Peter Schweizer reveals in his new book Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans.

Schweizer reveals in Blood Money that Newsom has had links to Chinese organized crime through his connections to known triad members and that these connections go beyond the ChinaSF initiative that Newsom launched in 2008 to bring Chinese businesses to San Francisco. Schweizer also argues that Newsom has skirted addressing China’s role in the fentanyl trade that has killed so many Californians.

Schweizer, a New York Times best-selling author whose investigative work has led to bombshell revelations of corruption among America’s elite, highlights Newsom’s relationship with Chinese businessman Vincent Lo, who served as the cochairman of ChinaSF and the president of the Council for the Promotion and Development of Yangtze.

Schweizer describes ChinaSF as “an ambitious effort to make the Bay Area the ‘premiere [sic] U.S. gateway for Chinese companies expanding into the North American market.’”

Schweizer writes in Blood Money:

ChinaSF was highly favorable to the Chinese entities involved: any investment they made in an American company would grant them intellectual property rights in China for the technology developed. It “would involve U.S. companies handing over their secret formulas.” But many of the Chinese companies and businessmen that were involved in ChinaSF and benefited from the program had ties to Chinese organized crime.

Newsom’s ChinaSF partner Vincent Lo has ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), as well as alleged ties to the triads, according to Blood Money.

“In the 1990s, Lo’s company reportedly hired triad members to provide ‘canteen and security services’ on his building sites on construction projects around Hong Kong. His company first confirmed the practice, but then Lo denied it,” Schweizer writes. “Lo also backed a Hong Kong politician whose associates were accused of soliciting support from triad members. At the same time, a prominent businessman accused Lo’s companies of ‘sending armed thugs’ likely linked to Chinese triads to forcibly take over his luxury villa complex in suburban Beijing. Lo’s company denies the claim.”

Moreover, Lo is a Real Estate Developers of Association of Hong Kong board member along with his brother, and Schweizer notes that the association’s “leadership is populated with developers linked to the triads.”

“Why did Newsom partner with an individual with all these alleged triad connections?” Schweizer writes. “Lo and his family secured large deals in the Bay Area with help from Newsom’s ChinaSF. Lo and his business associates acquired the iconic Bank of America Center in San Francisco. ChinaSF championed development projects carried out by Lo’s family, including the 555 Howard Street project in the Bay Area, which is tied to the California High-Speed Rail project long championed by Governor Newsom.”

ChinaSF also benefited other businessmen who have ties to the triads, according to Schweizer:

In 2010, Newsom announced that he was bringing the headquarters of a Chinese energy company called GCL-Poly to San Francisco. The company was partly owned by a subsidiary of China Poly Group, a company with “intimate ties” to the Chinese military. In fact, in the 1990s, the company had been implicated in a plan to smuggle thousands of fully automatic machine guns into the United States and has been tied to “sketchy dealings with third-world dictators and arms traders” around the world. China Poly is also said to work “hand and glove” with Chinese organized crime figures: according to one report, triad-linked Stanley Ho once “spent millions” to acquire an object of tremendous propaganda value for the company. Why would Newsom’s ChinaSF green-light such a company’s moving into San Francisco?

Trina Solar Company was another energy company that Newsom announced would be coming to the Bay Area, and it would later be “embroiled in controversy” surrounding an American company’s intellectual property, according to Blood Money. A CEO for one of Trinar Solar Company’s American competitors levied allegations that “it was likely receiving support from the People’s Liberation Army via hackers who were stealing intellectual property from competitors and giving it to the company.”

A GCL-Poly Energy Holdings Ltd. facility in Changji, Xinjiang province, China, on March 2, 2021. Factories in Xinjiang produce nearly half the world’s polysilicon supply. (Colum Murphy/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

The Trina Solar Ltd. headquarters in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, China, on April 24, 2015. Trina Solar is the world’s biggest solar manufacturer. (Tomohiro Ohsumi/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

Additionally, Newsom touted the arrival of offices for the Chinese-government-controlled newspaper China Daily in San Francisco through ChinaSF.

Notably, the ChinaSF initiative was being launched at the same time then-mayor Newsom ran a “fake-out” in San Francisco during the passing of the torch relay in the lead-up to the 2008 Beijing Olympics after protests in major European cities had “deeply embarrassed” China, Schweizer explains.

“Earlier torch relays in London and Paris had been met by human rights protestors, which had deeply embarrassed Beijing. So Newsom executed an intricate ‘fake-out,’ changing the torch relay route at the last minute, leaving thousands of protestors and supporters at one end of San Francisco while the torch passed through the other side of town,” Schweizer writes. “The protestors were furious, as were Bay Area leaders from Newsom’s own political party.”

Pro-China spectators who had been waiting since as early as 6 am along the intended route of the Olympic Torch relay watch as a phalanx of police walk to take up positions along the originally planned route on April 9, 2008, in San Francisco, California. The torch was diverted shortly after being lit and never took this route. (ROBYN BECK/AFP via Getty Images)

The first torch runner, Chinese Olympic swimmer Lin Li (left) holds the flame and waves at the start of the Olympic Torch relay on April 9, 2008, in San Francisco, California. Hundreds of baton-wielding police herded the Olympic torch through San Francisco as organizers switched the relay course to avoid people protesting the Chinese Communist regime’s human rights abuses, as happened during the Beijing Olympic’s torch relays through Paris and London earlier. (ROBYN BECK/AFP via Getty Images)

Protestors scaled the Golden Gate Bridge to hang “Free Tibet” banners on April 7, 2008, in San Francisco, California, in anticipation of the Beijing Olympic’s torch relay through San Francisco that day. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Two sailboats with pro-Tibet banners pass police and Coast Guard boats patrolling the harbor before the start of the Olympic Torch relay on April 9, 2008 in San Francisco, California. (ROBYN BECK/AFP via Getty Images)

Tibetan activists protest before before the 2008 Beijing Olympic torch relay in San Francisco, California, on April 9, 2008. Police on bicycles, in boats and in running shoes deployed along San Francisco’s waterfront as thousands of protesters gathered for a shortened and re-routed relay of the 2008 Olympic torch in San Francisco, which was the only North American stop for the Beijing Olympic’s torch relay. (Kimberly White/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

Thousands of protestors march up San Francisco’s Embarcadero to the Ferry Building were they hoped to greet the Beijing Olympic Torch relay on April 9, 2008. But San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom re-routed the torch relay at the last minute to avoid embarrassing the Chinese Communist regime. (LANCE IVERSEN/San Francisco Chronicle via Getty Images)

San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom’s police officer drag to the ground a pro-Tibetan demonstrator protesting China’s human rights abuses during the Beijing Olympic Torch relay in San Francisco, California, on April 9, 2008. (Ryan Anson/AFP via Getty Images)

San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom’s police officers tackle a pro-Tibetan demonstrator protesting China’s human rights abuses during the Beijing Olympic Torch relay in San Francisco, California, on April 9, 2008. (Ryan Anson/AFP via Getty Images)

Newsom’s links to triad members also went beyond the ChinaSF endeavor, Schweizer writes:

Mayor Newsom worked with a San Francisco businessman named Allen Leung and reappointed him as chairman of the Chinatown Economic Development Group. But Leung was no ordinary businessman; he was the dragonhead of the “ominous” Chee (variously “Ghee” or “Gee”) Kung Tong, “transpacific incarnations of criminal Triad gangs originating in China.” Members of his gang were involved in the drug trade. Leung was brutally murdered in 2006.

Then there is Raymond “Shrimp Boy” Chow, “Leung’s successor,” with whom “Newsom also had a fishy history,” according to Schweizer. The Blood Money author explains that Shrimp Boy was “an organized crime leader in San Francisco’s Chinatown” and served multiple prison sentences in the 1970s and 1980s for armed robbery and assault with a deadly weapon, respectively. After that, “he worked for leaders in the Wo Hop triad” and was incarcerated again in the 1990s on firearms charges, Schweizer reports. Shrimp Boy cooperated with the Department of Justice, leading to his early release.

FBI agents lock up the door of the Ghee Kung Tong Free Mason building in San Francisco, California, on March 26, 2014. This was one of many locations raided by the FBI as part of a widespread federal criminal complaint filed on March 24 involving State Sen. Leland Yee and 25 others including Raymond “Shrimp Boy” Chow, the leader of the Ghee Kung Tong organization. (Laura A. Oda/MediaNews Group/East Bay Times via Getty Images)

FBI agents raid the Ghee Kung Tong Free Mason building in San Francisco, California, on March 26, 2014, as part of a massive investigation of Raymond “Shrimp Boy” Chow’s Ghee Kung Tong organization. (Laura A. Oda/MediaNews Group/East Bay Times via Getty Images)

Tony Serra, right, former attorney for Raymond Chow, known as “Shrimp Boy,” pictured at left, listens to speakers at a news conference in San Francisco on April 10, 2014. A federal judge on Aug. 4, 2016, sentenced the San Francisco Chinatown gang leader known as “Shrimp Boy” to two life sentences, one for killing a rival, in a wide-ranging organized crime investigation that also brought down a state senator. (AP Photo/Jeff Chiu)

“Controversy ensued when Shrimp Boy took control of an organization that the mayor’s office was funding. Public outrage in the Asian community in San Francisco led Newsom to cancel the contract,” Schweizer writes. “The grant was withdrawn, but there seemed to be no animus with the mayor. Chow later posted a photo of himself with then lieutenant governor Gavin Newsom on his Facebook page.”

While Newsom was still lieutenant governor in 2016, Shrimp Boy, who was a “dragonhead” of the Chee Kung Tong himself, landed in severe legal trouble that lead to a murder conviction. Schweizer writes:

In 2016, Shrimp Boy was charged with a total of 162 counts of racketeering, aiding and abet- ting the laundering of drug money, and other offenses and was found guilty of murder. Among those crimes was his apparent involvement in the killing of Leung.

Shrimp Boy’s lawyers argued that the prosecutor in his case, who had been appointed by Newsom, culled “political figures out of the prosecution.” Those who skirted criminal charges, according to the lawyers, included individuals “appointed, connected, extremely closely associated with” Gavin Newsom and other political elites.

One of Shrimp Boy’s collaborators was a man named Keith Jackson, who would eventually face a murder-for-hire charge that was dropped when he took a plea deal, according to Blood Money.

Newsom appointed Jackson to his transition team in 2003, when Newsom was San Francisco’s mayor-elect. Jackson was described as “a fixture in the hallways of City Hall” when Newsom was mayor, Schweizer notes. Laurence Pelosi, Newsom’s cousin, even hired Jackson as a consultant for a large real estate project that was important to Newsom, according to Schweizer.

Shrimp Boy partnered with Jackson because he held “a lot of political influence and can do ‘inside deals’ with the City,” but Jackson also “had a very dark side,” according to Blood Money.

“While the FBI was investigating Shrimp Boy, its agents were introduced to Jackson, who claimed that his son ran a $50,000-a-week drug business,” Schweizer writes. “Jackson was later charged in a murder-for-hire scheme and a gunrunning deal involving Shrimp Boy and the Chinese triads. Those charges were dropped as part of a plea agreement.”

Blood Money also dives deeply into Newsom’s posture toward China as governor and his reluctance “to support even rudimentary initiatives designed to contain China’s activities in California.”

For example, Blood Money points to a bipartisan bill that Newsom ultimately vetoed in 2022, which would have halted the sales of the state’s agricultural land to foreign governments. China was the “primary focus” of the bill.

“Perhaps part of Newsom’s motive over the years has been financial,” Schweizer contends.

“He sells his wines in both mainland China and CCP-controlled Hong Kong,” Schweizer writes. “In recent years his wife has been a shareholder in several Chinese companies, to the tune of potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars.”

Meanwhile, Newsom does not appear “remotely interested” in holding China accountable for its role in the global fentanyl trade, Schweizer points out.

A homeless man is seen on a sidewalk as San Francisco fights with fentanyl problems in San Francisco, California, on February 26, 2024. (Tayfun Coskun/Anadolu via Getty Images)

A homeless man and his dog seen on a sidewalk as the city fighting with fentanyl problems in San Francisco, California, on February 26, 2024. (Tayfun Coskun/Anadolu via Getty Images)

A homeless man is seen on a sidewalk as the city fighting with fentanyl problems in San Francisco, California, on February 26, 2024. (Tayfun Coskun/Anadolu via Getty Images)

Homeless people are seen as the city fights with fentanyl problems in San Francisco, California, on February 26, 2024. (Tayfun Coskun/Anadolu via Getty Images)

“A broad national conversation dealing with Chinese organized crime, which is intimately involved in the drug trade, would raise uncomfortable questions for Newsom. And politicians like to avoid discomfort,” he writes in Blood Money.

For instance, Newsom unveiled a vision to address the fentanyl crisis in March 2023 that failed to include measures to hold the CCP accountable for the drug trade it is so heavily involved in.

“The strategy included elements such as deploying the National Guard to seize fentanyl supplies, conducting overdose prevention efforts, raising awareness about the dangers of drugs, and holding the ‘opioid pharmaceutical industry accountable,’” Blood Money states. “Somehow Newsom’s comprehensive plan overlooked holding Beijing accountable for its involvement in every step of this scourge.”

Months later, in October 2023, Newsom trekked to China for an eight-day, six-city tour organized by the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries rather than the United States because Newsom is only a state official, not a federal official. Schweizer highlights that the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries is affiliated with Chinese intelligence.

Newsom received “superlative treatment” from Beijing during the trip, according to Blood Money, evidenced by his meeting with Chinese Communist Leader Xi Jinping in the Great Hall of the People, the optics of which were starkly different from Secretary of State Anthony Blinken’s visit months before.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom walks up a section of the Great Wall on the outskirts of Beijing, China, on Oct. 26, 2023. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan, File)

California Gov. Gavin Newsom, left, meets with Chinese Communist Party Leader Xi Jinping at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on October 25, 2023. (Office of the Governor of California via AP)

“In an unusual move, Newsom was allowed to sit side-by-side with the Chinese leader, a sign of respect. When US Secretary of State Tony Blinken had visited earlier in the year, Blinken sat opposite Chinese officials while Xi was in the center—a position of superiority,” Schweizer writes.

A Chinese writer described the Newsom meeting as a well-intended gesture to the United States. However, it was also seen as China having a “long-term investment” in the governor, Schweizer notes, directly quoting the writer.

American media was shut out from the meeting, and Newsom completed his visit without publicly criticizing Beijing. He did, however, call on Americans “to tone down their criticisms of China,” Blood Money notes. However, Newsom’s office claimed that he did confronted Xi about precursor chemicals used in synthesizing fentanyl.

“Newsom’s office says that he brought up the subject of fentanyl with Xi in the context of ‘China’s role in combating the transnational shipping of precursor chemicals,’ implying the shipments were somehow occurring independent of the Chinese government,” Schweizer notes. “Hong Kong media wrote that Newsom ‘mentioned the fentanyl crisis in the United States’ to Xi but did not elaborate.”

Newsom would later state that his conversations with Xi around fentanyl were “honest,” but he caveating this by adding that “no fingers were being pointed.”

“For Newsom, it appears that honestly addressing the fentanyl crisis by dealing with China’s central role in the crisis might disrupt his political and financial security,” Schweizer concludes.

Blood Money, published by Harper-Collins, is available now. Schweizer, a senior contributor to Breitbart News and the president of the Government Accountability Institute (GAI), is the best-selling author of Profiles in Corruption, Clinton CashSecret Empires, and Red-Handed.

India Blocks China-Backed World Trade Organization Investment Deals

Chinese President Xi Jinping is seen during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) L
Kent Nishimura/Getty Images

India and South Africa on Wednesday blocked the passage of a major investment agreement at the World Trade Organization (WTO) conference in Abu Dhabi, potentially scuttling hundreds of billions of dollars in investments — many of them slated for developing countries of the “Global South,” which India frequently claims to champion.

A trade delegate from a Western nation told Reuters it seemed “ironic that India and South Africa stand in the way of something with such manifest benefits for developing countries.”

The “something” in question is the Investment Facilitation for Development Agreement (IFD), introduced at the WTO by Chile and South Korea, with support from China. Depending on how they are implemented, the projects covered by the IFD would be worth between $200 billion and $800 billion.

The WTO has a rule that any of the 164 member nations can block an agreement by filing a formal objection. India and South Africa exercised that option, while 123 of the other members affirmatively supported the IFD.

India filed its objection because it would compromise the “multilateral” nature of the WTO by imposing binding regulations and agreements on all members. Indian officials suggested the nations eager to participate in the IFD could negotiate among themselves and reach an agreement outside the World Trade Organization.

India contends that an agreement such as the IFD must be adopted through a specific set of WTO procedures that would require the unanimous agreement of all members. IFD co-sponsor South Korea seemingly agreed with that point at the Abu Dhabi conference and said WTO leaders are trying to persuade India and South Africa to withdraw their objections.

India also argued that developed nations have a history of making promises to the developing world that they cannot keep, so carefully negotiated multilateral agreements would be preferable to the huge, sweeping IFD proposal advanced by South Korea and Chile.

Less expressly stated was India’s concern that the IFD agreement, which has been rattling around the WTO in various permutations since 2017, is a power play by China and its client states in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Indian media often refer to the agreement as “China’s IFD.”

Mint noted on Thursday that the IFD has been criticized for “potentially favoring countries heavily reliant on Chinese investments and those with sovereign wealth funds.”

South Africa did not comment on its reasons for blocking the IFD, beyond agreeing with India’s procedural objections.

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