Wednesday, August 19, 2020


 It sounds to me as if, with Kamala Harris now in place in the campaign, Obama is attempting to remove Biden from the picture entirely. Obama was never really going to let a senile man head the Democrat party ticket, and he may now be getting his ducks in a row to ease Biden out.

Devastating Trump campaign video portrays the dramatic mental decline of Joe Biden over the last few years

The Democrats are hiding their radical platform and the party’s capitulation to the Sanders-AOC socialists, and instead touting the personality and purported character of Joe Biden as a guarantor of moderation.

It’s a phony appeal, of course, on two counts. One is that the lefty rads are totally in control and they know it.  They just have to keep a low profile and count on the media to hide them and their views.

But the other count is harder to conceal: Joe Biden’s mental decline is severe. Maybe they think that they can limit his spontaneous interactions to interviews with Cardi B and People Magazine (which implies they will try to cancel the scheduled debates). Alzheimer’s is no joke, and a substantial portion of the public knows someone who has been afflicted, so they can recognize the symptoms when they see them in Biden. And that’s a big problem, because while Biden has his moments of lucidity, he also has offered plenty of evidence that he is not the same man he was 5 years ago.

The old gaffe-prone Biden was never the sharpest knife in the drawer, but the video below from the Trump campaign put the lie to the contention that his mental wandering off is just “Joe being Joe.” It is barely over a minute long:

“You can’t beat somebody with nobody” is a political dictum (attributed to Jack Abramoff) that carries a lot of truth. By nominating a candidate whose mental capacity is rapidly falling, the Democrats are trying to beat somebody with nobody.  

This video argues against both counts of the Democrats’ fraud. Biden lacks the focus and energy to keep the radicals reined in, even if that were possible). And his character, even if voters accept the fiction that it is sterling (ignoring his corruption in China, Ukraine and elsewhere), now that nobody is home upstairs, it doesn’t matter.  

Photo credit: YouTube screen grab

 Maybe they just hope to defeat Trump by any means necessary and plan to invoke the 25th Amendment elevating Kamala Harris to the presidency -- someone who couldn’t convince more than 2% of the primary voters to consider her for the nomination.

The Real Problem with Joe's Dementia

By Sally Zelikovsky


Many Americans seem to have understandably concluded that Joe Biden has dementia based on his very public displays of confusion, aphasia, and incoherence.  But the question we should actually be asking is What is going on with Joe out of public view? 

Like many Americans who have cared for parents with dementia, I witnessed my father’s decline firsthand and, sadly, Joe Biden is presenting exactly as my father did in the early stages -- right down to the vacant look in his eyes.  While I am neither doctor nor expert, physicians and other medical professionals rely heavily on caregiver observations because they monitor the disease’s progression 24/7 over the long haul, and can add valuable input that is not always obvious at an appointment or measurable with a cognitive test.  I am relying on my experience as my father’s caregiver, corroborated by medical professionals, health consultants, literature, research, and the shared experiences of others.  Of course, not every dementia victim will experience every symptom, but the commonalities are significant. 

As the disease grabs hold of one’s faculties, men like Biden and my father continue to view themselves as experienced executives -- in control, commanding, and coherent; holding court as the family patriarch; the old dude who’s seen it all.  They don’t doubt their ability to express complex ideas with the right words.  And so, they conduct business as usual and, for the most part, things go fine until they stammer over a word, get frustrated, then confused, and either babble their way out or shut down.  It isn’t long before lost words, forgotten names, and elusive ideas are replaced by whatchamacallit, whosimajig, whatshername, and the thing.

These lapses can be easily hidden during the early stages.  It’s not uncommon for loved ones, spouses in particular, to make excuses for the afflicted, cover up the messes, and run interference with others.  In those embarrassing moments when a dementia patient fails to recognize someone he should know, the dutiful spouse (often in denial) will swoop down, rush to his side, and handle the mishap.  Of course X remembers you.  He’s just very tired from our trip.  Can you excuse us for a second? She will answer the phone and put the caller on speaker to assist with answering questions her spouse might find confounding.  She will accompany him everywhere and serve as backup if he starts to frazzle.  But for those occasional “senior moments,” he seems put together to the outside world. 

That’s because sub rosa the dutiful spouse makes sure medicine is taken, hygiene and grooming are attended to, and meals are provided and eaten.  She controls his schedule and prepares him for the day’s events.  She learns mornings are best, he tires and gets confused as the day ensues, and that crowds and noise are triggers.  If she doesn’t manage his life, he won’t be able to manage it.  But the charade can only last so long -- she cannot anticipate everything and the effects of the disease can be unpredictable.

What many people don’t realize is that stress is a huge trigger and maintaining “life as usual” can add untold stress to a dementia patient’s life.  Things we generally take for granted can be monumental stressors: a change in schedule or routine, a visit to a new place, travel, a new doctor, crowds, too many people talking at once, loud noises, a rare visit from an adult child. 

As stress incidents accumulate over time, anxiety increases.  As anxiety builds, confusion mounts.  Eventually, it seems none of the brain’s electrical impulses can get where they need to go and the individual devolves into delusions and hallucinations.  It can happen at the end of a “normal” day where the patient decompensates and becomes disoriented, confused, anxious, belligerent, or agitated (“sundowning”) or amass over months and give way to hallucinations. I call it the anxiety-confusion-delusion loop but I honestly don’t recall if I coined that caring for my father or if I read it somewhere.

What should give every voter pause is the likelihood that Biden is already experiencing or, due to high stress levels, has a very high risk of experiencing disorientation, crippling anxiety, paranoia, serious behavioral changes, delusions, and intense cognitive decline. Dementia cannot be reversed and will only worsen.  He might deliver a short speech and take a few questions without incident, but he invariably falters as he tires -- indicia of other symptoms that will intensify with the hourly rigors of a campaign.

It isn’t far-fetched to anticipate a president in the White House who forgets to dress, thinks night is day, wanders aimlessly in the middle of the night looking out windows, opening drawers, trying to get somewhere else.  The laundry list of behavioral changes is vast and not conducive to a functioning presidency.  However, he will be propped up by Jill and his handlers, groomed, medicated, and fed, and might appear just fine at the next day’s events, even reading from notes and teleprompters… until he forgets how to read, what the notes are for, or how the teleprompter works.   Forget about multitasking, handling complex economic or geopolitical issues, and running the country 24/7. 

With today’s technology, deep fake videos, and a COVID-inspired virtual presidency, perhaps the DNC is confident they can pull a fast one on the American people, run a shadow government with Joe as the face of the presidency, and cover up his infirmity and ineptitude with the aid of the press -- think Woodrow Wilson and FDR.   Maybe they just hope to defeat Trump by any means necessary and plan to invoke the 25th Amendment elevating Kamala Harris to the presidency -- someone who couldn’t convince more than 2% of the primary voters to consider her for the nomination. Or, they could be running Biden-Harris  knowing they’re unwinnable, but fully intending to contest the election, accuse Trump of stealing it, calling (again) for his impeachment/removal, and causing just enough bedlam to destroy his second term.

The Democrat-Media Complex has been explicit about taking Trump down by any means necessary so none of this is overblown or hyperbole.  In fact, these tactics have either been deployed during Trump’s first term (i.e., impeachment) or suggested as potential tools against him in another context (i.e., 25th Amendment). 

Fortunately for Jill Biden and Joe’s political handlers, COVID has played right into their hands, requiring limited exposure to crowds, a controlled schedule, and scaled-back social interactions. But lurking behind those senior moment-y, Joe Biden-y gaffes is his inability to function independently for a full day at peak performance.  Of course they don’t want a normal campaign season. They just need to get Joe to the finish line and, if they’re lucky, over it. 

Image: Goodfreephotos


Barack Obama is meddling in the upcoming election

By Andrea Widburg

Barack Obama was never a traditional American president. After all, he was the only president ever to come to the White House manifestly disliking and being embarrassed by the country he was elected to lead. With that as a background, maybe we shouldn’t be surprised that he’s publicly meddling in the upcoming election in a way that even Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton didn’t try. (Former Republican presidents have more graciously stayed out of the fray.)

Both of Obama’s lines of attack are serious. First, he’s explicitly saying that Trump is trying to throw the election by putting his managerial skills to work to address a postal system that is in complete disarray. Second, he’s attacking his own former Vice President, who is now waiting in the wings to be officially crowned as the Democrat party’s presidential candidate.

The United States Post Office is a mess. In 2018, the Post Office had a net loss of $3.91 billion. In 2019, the net loss had more than doubled, reaching a staggering $8.81 billion. Even considering the claim that some of that money was a result of bookkeeping changes, the net loss was still almost $2 billion greater than in 2018.

Thanks to the Wuhan virus, 2020 is promising to be the worst year ever. At the end of April, the Post Office said that its first-quarter losses were already $4.5 billion. In the second quarter, the Post Office lost another $2.2 billion. It is a barely functional institution.

Nevertheless, Democrats are insisting that, come November, all voting in America must be done via the U.S. Mail, with states mailing ballots to every registered voter and the voters mailing them back. Others have pointed out that this will be a disaster, so I won’t belabor the point. It’s enough to say that the possibilities of fraud on a hitherto unknown scale are enormous. Moreover, with the Postal union just having endorsed Joe Biden, if Trump voters are forced to vote by mail, they'll have a reasonable fear that their ballots will never get counted.

Donald Trump, looking at this mess, decided to do what he’s done for decades: Install new management to make a business better. This isn’t just his avocation; it’s also his constitutional job.

In June, Trump appointed Louis DeJoy, an experienced businessman, as his Postmaster General. DeJoy immediately set about trying to slow the financial bleeding. Democrats, of course, complained. Things really went “postal,” though, on August 7, when DeJoy reassigned or removed 23 senior postal officials. Management shuffles are a logical step to take when an organization is dysfunctional.

In our politicized age, this was going to be a hot potato under any circumstances. Still, Obama, who should be staying out of things, turned it into a nuclear potato by accusing Trump of deliberately sabotaging the election:

Barack Obama slammed President Donald Trump for trying to ‘actively kneecap’ the postal service to disenfranchise voters.

Obama did not say Trump’s name but did refer to the ‘president’ in his interview on the podcast of David Plouffe, his former campaign manager, in some of his harshest, direct criticism of Trump to date.

‘What we’ve seen in a way that is unique to modern political history is a President who is explicit in trying to discourage people from voting,’ Obama said. ‘What we’ve never seen before is a President say, ‘I’m going to try to actively kneecap the postal service to encourage voting and I will be explicit about the reason I’m doing it.’’ 

‘That’s sort of unheard of,’ he added. 

Ironically, Obama meddled on the same day that Dr. Fauci finally admitted that, if people could shop, they could also do in-person voting.

But that wasn’t the end of Obama’s meddling. There was a leak on Friday (that Obama might have planted) that Obama is unhappy with Biden’s candidacy:

[A] number of anonymously sourced quotes from Obama leaked out throughout the 2020 Biden campaign where the former president allegedly expressed doubts about his former running mates’ fitness for office.

“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f--k things up,” one Democrat who spoke to the former president recalled him saying.

When lamenting his own diminishing relationship with the current Democratic electorate, particularly in Iowa, Obama reportedly told one 2020 candidate: “And you know who really doesn’t have it? Joe Biden.”

It sounds to me as if, with Kamala Harris now in place in the campaign, Obama is attempting to remove Biden from the picture entirely. Obama was never really going to let a senile man head the Democrat party ticket, and he may now be getting his ducks in a row to ease Biden out.

Put simply, Russia couldn’t have done a better job at interfering with a presidential election than Obama has done. Four years ago, his interference was covert and illegal. This year, it’s overt and disgusting.

Image: Obama and Biden, by Obama White House; U.S. Government work, public domain.


Kamala's Threat to American Democracy

Who, exactly, is a vice-president supposed to be?

Tue Aug 18, 2020 

Barry Nussbaum



The arrival of Joe Biden’s decision on a running mate is a true turning point in the history of American politics.

There has never before been a presidential candidate who, prior to entering the White House, has shown such undeniable signs of age-related neurological decay. All political disagreements disregarded, the sight of an elderly person succumbing to the demons of those dreaded cognitive ailments -- which all too often rob us of the older people we love -- is truly excruciating to behold.

The political outcome of Biden's mental state is, if possible, even more unsettling. The role of the president is meant to be powerful. All constitutional checks and balances considered, the sheer power of the chief executive, in that one single person invested with authority to counter-balance the power of the legislative and judicial branches, is truly awesome.

In our situation today, we see a man who is clearly not in full command of his mental faculties, who is allowing himself to be considered for that office of chief executive; an office which, unlike a prime minister in a parliamentary system, is intended to be stable and not prone to regular changes in leadership.

The expectation of a normal four-year presidential tenure on Biden’s part if he is elected must, at the very least, be subjected to serious doubt. If pronouncing basic words -- let alone quoting the most famous phrase of our Declaration of Independence -- is such a confusing  ordeal for him, then it is our urgent duty to question whether this individual is fit to be the man who must accept the ultimate responsibility for this country’s national security and well-being.

These facts squarely cast the Democrat side of the current election as not a presidential election at all, but a vice-presidential election.

Should Biden win, the chances are very probable that his vice president will become the 47th president to finish out his first four-year term. As the vice president automatically succeeds to the Oval Office if the president dies or is rendered permanently incapacitated, the profoundly anti-democratic repercussions of this situation is worsened by whom Biden has actually chosen.

The traditional custom for presidential hopefuls is to either choose the second-highest-polling candidate in a primary race, as Ronald Reagan did with George H. W. Bush in 1980, or to choose a highly capable politician who is well-respected by most of the party, as Donald Trump did with Governor Mike Pence in 2016. In both of those cases, the aforementioned running mates reflected the Republican Party and its voters quite respectably while promoting unity.

It is highly questionable, meanwhile, whether Kamala Harris -- aside from all of the establishment media’s expected giddy cheerleading -- really represents her party all that well. She was polling at 2% nationally by the time she ended her own presidential bid on December 3, 2019. Her more radical positions, such as support for the Obama administration’s Iran deal, prosecuting a journalist who exposed Planned Parenthood’s collection and sale of aborted babies’ body parts (while receiving campaign donations from them), and defending Ilhan Omar’s anti-Semitism, may indeed sit well with a great many leftists, but her actions as Attorney General of California may not. While in that position, Harris jailed hundreds on marijuana charges and authorized anti-prostitution sting operations which, according to SF Weekly, disproportionately targeted Latino men (a crucial Democrat demographic). In addition to this -- though she later admitted it was a mistake -- she prosecuted and jailed the parents of truant teens. She even refused to release the names of Catholic priests accused of sexually molesting children, abnegating law enforcement’s most basic and humane duty -- regardless of anyone’s opinion of the Catholic Church.

it is highly debatable if these are positions that a high number of progressives who voted for the Democrat primary runner-up, Bernie Sanders, would approve of. Especially today, being tough on minority and drug crime -- to the exclusion of “white patriarchal” clergy sex abuse -- is not en vogue among the Democratic Party’s truly energized base, which is largely college-educated millennials taught to have contempt for not only aggressive inner city policing, but inner city policing overall.

It also remains a question as to how many black American voters Kamala really represents. Without doubt, she completely failed to gain these voters' support during the primary. Many black Americans responded to Barack and Michelle Obama due to their image as people who empathized authentically with the black experience of living in inner city America. Harris’s flip-flopping on criminal justice issues has clearly deprived her of the Obama touch.

What should highly concern all Americans of whatever political persuasion is the fact that, given Joe Biden’s medical condition, a Democrat victory in 2020 could very likely result in a person for whom only 2% of Democrats and Democrat-leaning Independents supported to become president.

The reasons for Biden’s choice of Kamala Harris as his running mate are as yet not entirely clear. What is very clear, however, is that a new president of the United States in the near future could be a person whom a weak and faltering man chose by fiat, and not someone whom the majority of the country elected by the ballot.

That's a problem.

It's a problem for America -- and it's a serious and profound problem for American democracy.

Barry Nussbaum is an exceptional American businessman and real estate mogul, whose distinguished career extends more than 38 years. He is an experienced news commentator on international affairs, who has been featured on major television networks, web-based and in print media. Visit his site:


Kamala Harris: Mike Nifong in a Dress

By Civis Americanus

While the Black Lives Matter movement is a fraud whose principal agendas include "revolution" and an anti-Trump campaign on 501(c)(3) tax-exempt money, the overwhelming majority of Americans support the ostensible causes behind which it hides.  These include opposition to police misconduct, which includes not just excessive force, but also imprisonment of innocent people, many of whom are black.  This makes Kamala Harris exactly what everybody is protesting.

Over-Aggressive Prosecutors Are More Dangerous than Most Criminals

An over-aggressive prosecutor is far more dangerous to society than any but the most violent criminals.  If a thug invades your home to rob, rape, or murder you, you can shoot him, and the law will be on your side when you do it.  A prosecutor can, on the other hand, force you to spend your life savings to defend your freedom and good name and maybe even send you to prison for something you didn't do.  Consequences for the prosecutor are rare, although disgraced Duke Lacrosse prosecutor Mike Nifong (D-N.C.) is an exception.  Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) has been involved in similarly questionable prosecutions, although in a position of supervisory responsibility rather than direct participation.

People believe that a jury trial is similar to the one in Twelve Angry Men, in which one juror convinced the others to examine the evidence thoroughly and discover reasonable doubts.  What aggressive prosecutors really want are twelve people who are too stupid to get out of jury duty, will believe and do whatever they are told, and will rubber-stamp the prosecutor's decision to send somebody to prison or even the death chamber.  George Stinney was, for example, a black teenager who was executed at age 14 on the basis of evidence that would not convince any intelligent person.

The Amiraults were convicted, and far more recently, on the basis of evidence such as a magic room, a secret room, and an evil robot, none of which was ever found but for which the jury took the prosecution's word.  There were also allegations of sexual abuse with a butcher knife that somehow left no injuries whatsoever.  Superior Court judge Isaac Borenstein, who presided over the trial, opined, "Every trick in the book had been used to get the children to say what the investigators wanted" and, according to the National Registry of Exonerations, added that "[t]he children's accounts were tainted by suggestive interviewing techniques and were coerced by investigators who refused to take a denial of abuse as an answer."  Scott Harshbarger (D-Mass.) and Martha Coakley (D-Mass.) then ran for higher offices, as Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) is doing today.

Trying to railroad an innocent person to prison is professional misconduct for which a prosecutor can be censured, suspended, or even disbarred.  "The prosecutor in a criminal case shall refrain from prosecuting a charge that the prosecutor knows is not supported by probable cause."  The prosecutor is also obliged to disclose exculpatory evidence.  Enforcement of these rules is rare, noting the junk cases now being brought against motorists who defend themselves against carjackers while the carjackers go free and against police officers who shoot violent assailants.

Mike Nifong was among the rare exceptions because "Nifong kept from the defense DNA test results that found genetic material from several men in the accuser's underwear and body, but none from any lacrosse player."  The Democratic Party's vice presidential candidate — and Joe Biden's age means she could easily become president — comes across as just more of the same.  "Comes across" is emphatically an opinion based on the references shown below as opposed to any kind of proven fact, but voters have the right to choose based on informed opinions.

Mike Nifong in a Dress

"Kamala Harris Was Not a 'Progressive Prosecutor'" by Lara Bazelon, former director of the Loyola Law School Project for the Innocent, is highly instructive.  It appeared in the leftist New York Times, so the Democrats cannot denounce it as a right-wing smear job.  The article alleges, "Ms. Harris fought tooth and nail to uphold wrongful convictions that had been secured through official misconduct that included evidence tampering, false testimony and the suppression of crucial information by prosecutors."  "Judge rips Harris' office for hiding problems" provides additional detail.  These articles do not even hint that Harris did these things herself, but, as the person in charge, the buck stops with her.

Harris also "refused to allow newly available DNA testing for a black man [Kevin Cooper] convicted of hacking to death a beautiful white family and young neighbor," although she later changed her mind.  The Innocence Project stipulates that Harris eventually went along with the DNA testing for Cooper but also implicates Jerry Brown (D-Calif.) in refusing to allow a form of DNA testing that might exculpate Cooper.  The last thing any decent person in this country will tolerate should be, "I'm frameable because I'm an uneducated black man in America."

"Jim Crow Joe [Biden] and Kamala the Cop" from Left Voice — a socialist website, so the Democrats can't write this one off as a Republican smear, either — cites the case of Daniel Larsen, who was sentenced to 27 years under California's three strikes law but exonerated after he served 13 years.  Kamala Harris, however, challenged his release because "he hadn't presented proof that he was innocent quickly enough."  If I read this correctly, Kamala Harris thinks it is OK to imprison an innocent person over a technicality.

None of us would want to entrust our lives to an engineer who let stand rather than correct a mistake in a structural design, or our finances to a CPA who let stand rather than correct a potential accounting error.  Nobody would tolerate a doctor who, upon discovering a medication error, allowed the patient to get the overdose anyway and then buried his mistake.  Why, then, does our society tolerate prosecutors who continue to stand behind cases or convictions after they discover serious problems with their evidence?  Why do we tolerate the "finality" (the word used by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court when it reinstated the Amiraults' conviction) of leaving defendants in prison despite evidence of questionable convictions?

There is also the issue of Harris's failure to support universal use of police body cameras.  (She did require their use by officers who reported to her own agency.)  Body cameras usually, but admittedly not always, keep police and suspects alike on their best behavior.  The Republicans' JUSTICE Act says states that receive federal grants for body cameras "shall have a policy in place to apply discipline to any law enforcement officer who intentionally fails to ensure that a body-worn camera purchased using those funds is engaged, functional, and properly secured at all times during which the camera is required to be worn[.]"

Harris also dragged her heels in terms of following a recommendation to institute a policy for disclosure of police misconduct to defendants.  The Bazelon article cites other equally controversial cases in which Harris has been involved in a position of ultimate responsibility.  This raises serious doubts about her fitness to be only one heartbeat away from the presidency itself.

Civis Americanus is the pen name of a contributor who remembers the lessons of history and wants to ensure that our country never needs to learn those lessons again the hard way.  The author is remaining anonymous due to the likely prospect of being subjected to "cancel culture" for exposing the Big Lie behind Black Lives Matter.

Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr.



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