Tuesday, March 23, 2021






“The effrontery to all of us to put an obviously ailing and incoherent 

Joe Biden for the top spot and for the V.P., Kamala Harris, who 

couldn't even carry her own state in the primaries, indicates their lack of

judgment.”  ALAN BERGSTEIN

“However, I would like to encourage my fellow Democrats to approach Senator Harris with a healthy dose of skepticism. As a prosecutor and California State Attorney General, Harris has engaged in blatantly unethical behavior for her profession and embraced positions that actively hurt her constituents.”

                                                             JESSER HOROWITZ

Joe Biden, the corrupt, unaccomplished 47-year career politician, with a reputation of having been a proud segregationist, an unabashed plagiarist and liar, a resolute tale-teller, and a serial flip-flopper, is pretending to head up a radical social-democratic ticket for President of the United States that includes as his running mate the ambitious, disagreeable junior senator from California: Kamala Harris. 

Senate GOP Gives Victory to Kamala Harris, Her Big Tech Donors with Green Card Giveaway…. WITH KAMALA, JUST FOLLOW HER LONG HISTORY OF BRIBES SUCKING!







9. Why did your office decline to investigate the health supplement fraud cases involving companies your husband’s law firm represented? Did you, as California’s attorney general, ever purposefully decline investigating or prosecuting clients of your husband’s law firm?

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) and her husband, attorney Douglas Emhoff, gave 1.1% of their income to charity in 2019, tax records show.

Harris reported giving $35,390 to charity, while she and her husband earned $3,095,950 in taxable income.

The best-case scenario is that she’s a progressive who repeatedly violated her own principles so that she could promote her career. In the worst-case scenario, she’s just another corrupt, rotten, regressive prosecutor.

                                                           JESSER HOROWITZ


Report: White House directs all agencies to refer to 'Biden-Harris administration'

It begins.  Faster than anyone anticipated.

As Joe Biden falls 3 times in a light breeze boarding Air Force One, the latest sign of dementia he presents, and as his first-ever press conference looms next week, the public is being prepared for a transition of power to Kamala Harris.  The gay conservative site Outspoken reports that it has received leaked emails revealing the following:

[T]he White House is shifting toward a communication strategy that seeks to elevate Vice President Kamala Harris in all official White House business.

The directive, the employee reports, came from a top White House communications team member and instructs all agencies to refer to the Biden administration as the "Biden-Harris Administration" in place of the "Biden Administration."

"Please be sure to reference the current administration as the 'Biden-Harris Administration' in official public communications," the directive reads, with "Biden-Harris Administration" accented in bold. (snip)

The subtle move to diminish Biden was also reflected in the official Twitter account for the White House. The description for that account now reads, "Welcome to the Biden-Harris White House!"

Neither of the @WhiteHouse Twitter accounts from the previous two administrations mentioned the vice president in the account's description. Under the Obama administration, the account description read, "Follow for the latest from President Obama and his administration."

Apparently, the order already is being implemented:

The highly specific language also appears on the websites of all 15 executive departments. Press releases and other communications from the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, Interior, Labor, State, Transportation, Treasury, and Veterans Affairs, and the Attorney General all exclusively refer to the Biden-Harris Administration, in lieu of only naming the president, which has been customary until now.

That language now appears to apply to all agencies that work with the federal government. The email provided to Outspoken and redacted to protect the identity of the source — who requested anonymity citing fears of repercussions in the workplace — was sent to a "bipartisan" federal agency established by Congress to deal in foreign relations and is not affiliated with the State Department.

I take this as a sign that the pressures of the presidency have aggravated and accelerated the decline of the 78-year-old president.  I am certain that the handlers running things for the regime that chose Biden and Harris as its frontmen frontpersons wanted more time to ease Harris into office.  As many have noted, waiting two years and a day from inauguration would have qualified Harris for two more terms as president.  But more importantly, she has never exhibited popular appeal beyond statewide races in California, where whatever the Democrat party nominates gets elected statewide.

Meanwhile, you can be sure that Jill Biden, already showing signs of an Edith Wilson complex, wants to prop up Joe as long as possible, just as Woodrow Wilson's wife did more than a century ago.

The Democrats Are Not Governing

By Steve Feinstein

Let’s just state this unequivocally right up front: The Democrats have no interest in governing the country with the aim of enhancing the country’s fortunes for the benefit of the entire population. Instead, the Democrats have two aims and they’re quite clear to anyone who is paying even the most casual attention:

1. Pander to their selected special-interest groups with over-the-top rulings and executive orders for the express purpose of buying their votes and hopefully cementing future electoral victories.

2. Undo every possible policy put in place by President Trump for the purpose of eradicating any vestige of his presence on the American political scene.

Most of Biden’s executive orders accomplish both goals at the same time -- they pay debt service to the voting blocs that are key to future Democratic victories, while simultaneously dismantling President Trump’s America First accomplishments.

Personal communications style controversies aside, no president has ever been more focused on the overall good of the American people than President Trump. From promoting the expanded energy production that led us -- finally! -- to true energy independence and seemingly permanent low petroleum prices to rebuilding our military and greatly enhancing America’s security and influence on the global stage to building the border wall and straightening out our ridiculously haphazard, costly and disruptive immigration system to promoting a business environment where private businesses felt confident and supported -- instead of vilified and demonized by the federal government -- leading to the best unemployment numbers among minority groups in history, everything President Trump did redounded directly to the good of the American people.

That was his intent: make life better for all Americans. And he did it, as a matter of verifiable, indisputable record. However, he made two big mistakes:

1. He thought his political enemies (the Democrats and the liberal media) would eventually come around and see the good that the citizenry was enjoying as a result of his policies and thus back off from being unrelentingly hostile to being merely the loyal opposition.

2. He misjudged the personal hatred his caustic style, his defeat of Hillary, and his intent to rip the cover off D.C. corruption and “drain the swamp” would engender among his opponents. (Opponents in both parties, by the way.) For over four years, the unfounded witch hunts never ceased.

So, after unprecedented, undeniable, documented fraud, we are left with Joe Biden as the country’s “President.” (Note to the Fraud Deniers: Liberal Media reporting dishonesty along with judicial cowardice in not taking up the cases does not constitute “debunking” of voting fraud.)

Now we have Biden being propped up to do the far Left’s bidding and remake America into something they desire. Joe is simply a puppet. One look at his vacuous blank stare, the robotic, wooden manner in which he speaks to the camera -- painfully struggling to read the 20/200-sized teleprompter words -- his badly mangled syntax when, despite his handlers’ best efforts to control his every utterance, he manages to say something spontaneous, it’s quite clear that the Hair-Sniffer-in-Chief is not exactly operating as a fully-functioning president. No, he’s operating exactly as everyone expected him to.

His puppet masters are pulling all the strings, molding America into something unrecognizable, a distorted, mutant caricature of the country we once lived in. The street names and physical landmarks are familiar, but everything else around us is changing. And it’s changing for the worse, very quickly.

Here are just a few negative developments:

· We’ve rejoined the Paris Climate Accords. It’s a sham of a so-called international climate agreement that even John Kerry admits is all for show and will accomplish absolutely nothing. In words spoken on December 9, 2015 , Kerry commits the worst sin a politician can commit: He tells the truth --

…The fact is that even if every American citizen biked to work, carpooled to school, used only solar panels to power their homes, if we each planted a dozen trees, if we somehow eliminated all of our domestic greenhouse gas emissions, guess what -- that still wouldn’t be enough to offset the carbon pollution coming from the rest of the world.

If all the industrial nations went down to zero emissions -- remember what I just said, all the industrial emissions went down to zero emissions -- it wouldn’t be enough, not when more than 65% of the world’s carbon pollution comes from the developing world.

· We’ve opened the southern border and relaxed our immigration standards. Unrestricted, job-

· '

· stealing, taxpayer-funded refugees are once again flooding into the country.



· The Keystone pipeline has been canceled and exploration/production leases on Federal lands have been rescinded. With the world oil market reacting instantly to what it correctly sees as a marked reduction in supply coming from the U.S., crude oil prices have shot up from the low $40’s to the mid-$60’s/bbl in no time, and gasoline has risen from around $2.10/gal to $2.70/gal. Summer 2021 promises to be fun.

· We’re trying desperately to find a way to re-enter the Iran nuclear deal, remove the economic sanctions on them and help them threaten Israel with nuclear annihilation.

· Finally, landmark social changes like the Equality Act (allowing men to compete against women in sports and shower in their locker rooms) and reparations for slavery are being enacted or garnering serious support.

The question is, how do these actions benefit the country as a whole? How does unrestricted illegal immigration benefit society? How do higher gasoline and heating costs help the typical middle-class working family? When a 17-year-old girl is cheated out of a college athletic scholarship because she lost her race to a biological male, the good that comes from that is what, exactly?

Nothing that the “Biden” administration is doing helps the country as a whole. That is not their intent. All they are doing is feeding the insatiable appetites of their special-interest voting blocs in hopes of securing future electoral victories. The best that normal people can hope for is an anti-Democratic voter backlash in upcoming elections -- assuming the country isn’t too far gone by then and that those upcoming elections are actually on the up and up.

This is a critically important juncture in America’s journey. There are no guarantees that this is going to end well.


Blue State Blues: Will the Politburo Let Joe Biden Address Congress?



President Joe Biden has not delivered an address to a joint session of Congress yet.

Traditionally, the annual address — known as the “State of the Union” in every year of a presidency except the first — happens in the first two months of the year.

Occasionally, presidents will deliver written reports, or radio addresses, rather than (or in addition to) the speech to the House and the Senate that Americans have come to expect. But rarely do they happen after February.

The Constitution does not require that the president address Congress, only that he provide a report. Article II, Section 3 provides: “He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient.”

From Thomas Jefferson through William Taft, presidents gave written reports; speeches resumed with President Woodrow Wilson in 1913.

Thus far, we have heard nothing from the Biden White House about what Biden plans to do.

At a press briefing Feb. 23, Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked if there had been “conversations about a joint address to Congress,” and if he would be willing to deliver an address “virtually.”

Psaki’s response: “[H]e’s clearly willing to hold events virtually … And we’re certainly open to a range of formats. I don’t have any update on a date or a timeline for joint address.”

It was an odd response for a White House that had dozens of executive orders ready for Biden’s signature on Day One. Surely they had considered the possibility of a virtual address? Or the basic obligation of a written report?

Perhaps the delay is due to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), who considers herself equal in rank, if not superior, to the President of the United States. She has not extended Biden an invitation to speak.

“We won’t be doing any of that until we pass our COVID bill. That’s the first order of business,” she told Capitol Hill reporters on Feb. 11.

She has tried such tactics before.

In 2019, after inviting then-President Donald Trump to give the State of the Union, she delayed the address because of a government shutdown over a budget impasse relating to the border wall. She only renewed the invitation once President Trump caved and agreed to a temporary deal to open the government.

If Pelosi is allowed to block the president from addressing Congress — even a president from her own party — it would mark a shift in the delicate balance of power between the three branches of government.

The executive has expanded its power in recent decades, and critics (including myself) have called for Congress to be more assertive.

But there are a few things for which the president is solely responsible, and the State of the Union is one of them.

Biden’s delay is troubling for reasons other than the separation of powers.

It also reinforces suspicions that Biden is not actually in charge of his own administration. His Inaugural Address was about “unity,” but the far-left runs his policies. When Psaki is asked about what the president thinks about a particular issue, she often answers that she has not spoken to him, or to the “team.” There is a sense the country is being governed by a committee or politburo.

When there’s a leader, things get done. There is no leader.

Whether Biden delivers a speech or not, he must still discharge his constitutional obligations. There is really no excuse for a report that is not delivered by the end of February.

Before Roosevelt, presidents typically spoke at year’s end, rather than at the beginning. Is that how long we will have to wait for Biden to set an agenda?

Or is there some reason he is unwilling to confront the American people?

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). He is the author of the recent e-book, Neither Free nor Fair: The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election. His recent book, RED NOVEMBER, tells the story of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary from a conservative perspective. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.




A tidy corrupt partnership


She also declined to prosecute OneWest, run by now-Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin from 2009-2015, after her own prosecutors said they discovered over a thousand violations of foreclosure law committed by the bank. (OneWest donated $6,500 to Harris' attorney general campaign in 2011, and Mnuchin himself donated $2,000 to her Senate campaign in 2016.)

Obama taking his third term at the Biden White House?

Is former president Obama giving orders to doddering Joe Biden about how to run America over the phone?

Sure sounds like it, if the word of Jen Psaki is to be believed.  Yes, I know that sounds funny.  But according to the Daily Caller:

President Joe Biden and his policy teams have been in "regular touch" with President Barack Obama on "a range of issues," White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki told reporters Monday.

A reporter questioned Psaki on if and how frequently Biden has consulted with Obama since gaining office. Psaki said Biden and Obama are close friends and have spoken over the phone several times. She also said Biden expects to continue consulting with Obama on healthcare issues as he works to improve upon the Affordable Care Act.

"I expect given former President Obama's work on the Affordable Care Act and President Biden's commitment to expanding access to healthcare throughout his presidency that, yeah it's an issue they'll talk about," Psaki said.

The reporter then asks how many times Biden and Obama have spoken since January 20.

"I don't have an exact number for you," Psaki responded. "They keep in regular touch and our teams are in regular touch about a range of issues."

Let's parse this a little, first for the bee ess. 

Psaki said they talked a lot and that it was "a number of issues."  Then she said they talked about Obamacare, which is hardly a number of issues; it's just one — one that has Obama's name in it — so it doesn't seem controversial.

What's more, Obamacare hasn't been in the news, and no action to cut its costs has been bruited by leftists.  Leftists, and certainly Obama, don't care about the cost.  If anything, they like the idea of raising the costs, the better to tax all those Trump voters who have no choice but to buy it.  In their minds, not even Trump could get rid of it, so they're home free.  They're more likely to talk about how to make it more horrible since there's no threat to the basic structure, and certainly none now.  Heard anything about Obamacare lately?

Somehow, it doesn't seem as though that's what Obama and Biden would have talked about.  More likely, they talked about what's in the news and what might threaten Democrat power: the human-wave border crisis, the failed summit with red China, the ways to misuse troops to intimidate Republicans, the ways to hunt their political enemies down.  They probably discussed a cooked up narrative about anti-Asian racism that casts all blame on President Trump.  They likely decided how to bail out blue-city governments and fill their bloated pension plans through stimulus so that those critical political allies at election time counting can keep expanding as usual.  Those are the topics that sound like Obama playing consigliere to Biden.  Obamacare is a non-issue.

And who says it was all over the phone?  It's worth noting that the Biden White House has refused to release its White House logs of virtual meetings and meetings off the White House grounds where Biden and his aides travel, according to Politico.  They're hiding something, and it might be Obama.

All signs point to Biden's ineptness for the presidency.  He's senile.  He's doddering.  He's enfeebled.  And he's making a lot of mistakes.  That he doesn't seem to be in charge at all seems to be a given.  Rep. Ronny Jackson, former physician to several presidents, said "something's not right" with Biden's health.  Andrew Malcolm, now writing at RedState, amassed a first-rate pile of evidence of Joe's insentience, which includes a lot of incidents that didn't make much news.

Biden, in fact, is so out of it that I found reason to compare him to former Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev — and after me, others did, too.  But Brezhnev was different in that he held a lot of power for many, many years.  He was sort of doddering in his late years, but he didn't arrive senile.  The Soviet character most comparable to Joe is the transitory Konstantin Chernenko, who doddered through his Soviet presidency and was promptly replaced after about a year.

Here's what the Soviets went through in the mid-1980s with Chernenko, according to Wikipedia:

Historian John Lewis Gaddis describes him as "an enfeebled geriatric so zombie-like as to be beyond assessing intelligence reports, alarming or not" when he succeeded Andropov in 1984.

In early 1984, Chernenko was hospitalised for over a month but kept working by sending the Politburo notes and letters. During the summer, his doctors sent him to Kislovodsk for the mineral spas, but on the day of his arrival at the resort Chernenko's health deteriorated, and he contracted pneumonia. Chernenko did not return to the Kremlin until later in 1984. He awarded Orders to cosmonauts and writers in his office, but was unable to walk through the corridors of his office and was driven in a wheelchair.

By the end of 1984, Chernenko could hardly leave the Central Clinical Hospital, a heavily guarded facility in west Moscow, and the Politburo was affixing a facsimile of his signature to all letters, as Chernenko had done with Andropov's when he was dying. Chernenko's illness was first acknowledged publicly on 22 February 1985 during a televised election rally in Kuibyshev Borough of northeast Moscow, where the General Secretary stood as candidate for the Supreme Soviet of the Russian SFSR, when Politburo member Viktor Grishin revealed that the General Secretary was absent in accordance with doctors' advice. Two days later, in a televised scene that shocked the nation, Grishin dragged the terminally ill Chernenko from his hospital bed to a ballot box to vote. On 28 February 1985, Chernenko appeared once more on television to receive parliamentary credentials and read out a brief statement on his electoral victory: "the election campaign is over and now it is time to carry out the tasks set for us by the voters and the Communists who have spoken out".

Emphysema and the associated lung and heart damage worsened significantly for Chernenko in the last three weeks of February 1985. According to the Chief Kremlin doctor, Yevgeny I. Chazov, Chernenko had also developed both chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver. On 10 March at 15:00, Chernenko fell into a coma and died later that evening at 19:20. He was 73 years old. An autopsy revealed the cause of death to be a combination of chronic emphysema, an enlarged and damaged heart, congestive heart failure and liver cirrhosis.

The whole Joe senile-a-thon has given way to speculation about puppetmasters, same as happened in the enfeebled Soviet power void desperate to cling to power.

In Joe's case, who are they?  Maybe hedge fund guys, or Jill Biden playing Edith Wilson, or the California political machine of Gavin Newsom, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, and that bunch, or moneybags like George Soros.  But Obama is particularly salient in the mix, given his greed for power, desire to defend his sorry legacy, and actual experience in the job.  If anyone is telling Joe what to do, it's probably Obama, who, unlike Joe, still has popularity and charisma.

Does this amount to a third term for Obama?  It definitely looks like it.  And that's creepy, given that not only was Joe Biden not elected freely and fairly, given his fraudulent election, but neither was Obama.  Bad as Joe is, he got some votes, though, and Obama got none.  Obama's not allowed a third term, but we can recall how much he talked about one.  Here's another thing: he doesn't even like Joe.  His contempt for the dotard is legendary.

It appears that despite all these factors, Obama seems to be taking charge.  Joe's out of commission, and this is sorry stuff.  Just don't call it "democracy."

Image credit: Ari Levinson via WikipediaCC BY-SA 3.0.  Image filtered with Graphite by BeCasso.

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