Sunday, March 7, 2021

THEY PUMPED UP JOE BIDEN AND THEN PUSHED HIM OUT OF THE WHITE HOUSE BASEMENT SO HE COULD PRETEND NOT TO BE SENILE - Gaetz Asks if ‘Transition to Harris Has Already Begun’ — ‘Joe Biden’s Had More Nap Time Than He’s Had Questions from Reporters’


Gaetz Asks if ‘Transition to Harris Has Already Begun’ — ‘Joe Biden’s Had More Nap Time Than He’s Had Questions from Reporters’


During this week’s broadcast of FNC’s “Sunday Morning Futures,” Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) took a swipe at President Joe Biden, who he argued had been absent from the forefront on foreign policy.

The Florida Republican congressman suggested that perhaps the “transition” from Biden to Vice President Kamala Harris was already underway as Harris has already had meetings with international leaders, including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and French President Emmanuel Macron.

“You have to wonder whether or not the transition to Harris has already begun,” Gaetz said. “Joe Biden’s had more nap time than he’s had questions from reporters. And you’re right. While the Middle Kingdom grows more ambitious in their goals, we are still toiling away in the Middle East. Joe Biden has had more attacks on Syria than he’s had press conferences.”

“And so you have to ask to the progressive voters, is this really what you expected?” he continued. “Is this what you wanted, a warmonger president like Joe Biden, when Donald Trump did so much to bring peace to the world and to actually confront the real threat, China, not to be trying to build democracies out of blood and sand and Arab militias in some desert far away?”

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor

Uh-oh! They let Biden get in front of a microphone again

Even ten minutes reading from a teleprompter on a Saturday afternoon was too much for the 46th President of the United States. I suppose his handlers figured that it was important to mark Senate passage of the nearly $2 trillion pork-laden, blue state-bailing out “stimulus” bill with some presidential remarks. It may, after all, turn out to be the high point of the Biden presidency, since Senate passage of the rest of the Biden agenda looks iffy, now that Senators Manchin and Sinema have stated their opposition to ending the filibuster.

But how much longer will the American people accept the spectacle of their command-in-chief visibly incapable of coherence? It’s painful to watch even 35 seconds of it.



When he had all of his (limited) faculties, Biden knew that a bipartisan bill was one that attracted votes from both parties. The husk of his former self does not.

We’re all getting older, and it is no fun at all to notice how addled he is getting.

My guess is that his handlers had some date in mind for pulling the plug on Joe’s presidency via the 25th Amendment, figuring that it would look too fishy to evacuate him from the Oval Office too soon. A year at least, right? Anything less would suggest that they knew he was unable to perform the duties of office but pulled a fast one on the voters with the enthusiastic help of the media. Not even Democrat primary voters were willing to vote for Kamala as president, so he was her human shield, her stand-in.

But poor Joe seems to be fading fast. The awesome responsibilities of office seem to age presidents at a scary pace (except Donald Trump, who looked in terrific form a week ago at CPAC).  Jen Psaki asked for 3+ weeks until he does a press conference. I am beginning to wonder if that will be the one where he announces he is stepping aside?

The part that bothers me the most are his eyes, the windows on his soul.

It’s really uncomfortable how much those eyes resemble this guy:

Remember him? Someone else has been struck by the resemblance and created this amusing video:


Given the years of investigations costing millions of dollars to delve into fake Russia collusion accusations against Trump world, the American people deserve to know what China was up to with Joe Biden, especially when Beijing had already shelled out millions of dollars to Biden family members — including millions in set-asides for “the big guy.” What else is on that infamous Hunter Biden laptop? The conflicted Biden Justice Department cannot be trusted to engage in any meaningful oversight on this issue. We need a special counsel now.

Joe's Long Decline

In their desperation for a president they could manipulate and in her zeal to be FLOTUS, the Democrat Party and Jill Biden offered Joe Biden as a sacrificial lamb to gain power -- forcing the rest of us to watch, in real time, the disintegration of a human being suffering from dementia.  As far as I’m concerned, this is elder abuse that ranks right up there with the criminal actions of Democrat governors in sending tens of thousands of seniors to their early graves via COVID. 

They can prop Joe up, but he increasingly stumbles in interviews, his public appearances are shorter, his press conferences nonexistent, and his jogs up to the dais have been replaced with him tottering off stage like Tim Conway’s Duane Toddleberry.

Not only does Kamala escort him off stage after standing legs athwart, masked in black like the Hand of the King, but Jill, the quintessential helicopter spouse, is ever-present, holding his hand.  They call it affection but it is really for backup. 

This is astounding behavior for a POTUS and FLOTUS but common among spouses in denial or trying hide what is happening at home.  Jill is the latter -- clearly by his side for reinforcement and to whisk him away when the time is right because he won’t know when to leave a situation, where to go, or how to extricate himself -- as we saw when he asked for questions at a House Democratic Caucus event and the live feed was abruptly terminated.

We saw Jill swoop in when he faltered in a Univision interview about kids in “facilities” on the border.  She interrupted clarifying they were “shelters” and insisted it was being handled “in a more humane way.”   Turns out that Jill has been tasked with supervising immigrant family reunification at the border -- appearing more co-president than dutiful First Lady. This goes way beyond the routine reading, online bullying, and diet initiatives of recent First Ladies.  With life imitating art, one wonders if 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue isn’t starting to resemble House of Cards?

This is not okay.  The President is indisputably on the decline and no one seems to care about his well-being or the nation’s security.     

Stress and anxiety don’t cause dementia but can exacerbate a dementia patient’s confusion. It can be brought on by something as mundane as a large family gathering, a change in routine, a fall, a visit to the hospital, or stress from a job.  While “sundowning” or decompensating after a family event are common fallouts from stress, the real challenge is the accumulation of stress and anxiety over time that leads to confusion and, ultimately, delusions, which, in turn, can foster increased levels of anxiety that can exacerbate the confusion experienced and result in even more delusions, and so forth and so on.  It’s a hellacious cycle.

It goes without saying that the daily pressures of being POTUS dwarf anything we normally experience.  On a given day, Biden will encounter bustling mobs tending to daily White House routines; multiple meetings; travel; calls with congressional members, party leaders, governors, and leaders of foreign nations -- all disruptive and potentially triggering to an elderly dementia patient.  We already see, only six weeks into his presidency, that early bedtimes, calming fires, strict routines, limited schedules, and lowered expectations for public appearances, cannot fend off the effects of this disease.  As POTUS, there is no escape from the stress on which dementia feeds.    

It doesn’t take much for these daily stressors to snowball into the kind of monster that sometimes can only be controlled with heavy-duty medications like Seroquel, which is basically a pharmaceutical lobotomy, or Depakote to control outbursts and agitation, both of which cause incredible fatigue and listlessness.  A president cannot function taking these medications.

For Joe Biden and every other dementia patient, this disease doesn’t improve, stabilize, or go into remission.  The remaining days of those afflicted are a downward spiral of “new normals” to which loved ones have no choice but to adjust. 

The real issue for Biden isn’t what we see, but what is happening behind the scenes. He might pull off a ten-minute address reading from a teleprompter -- albeit with increasing difficulty and such strain on his face and in his voice that it hurts to watch.  But afterwards and behind the Oval Office doors, is when the bedlam begins -- repeated questions about where he is, what is going on, who is with him; difficulty recalling events; garbled speech; and temper tantrums.  Some withdraw; others become belligerent. Speech is nonsensical, anxiety acute, and paranoia common.

As Biden himself would say:  this is serious business, folks.  No joke.

How does this end?  Biden will be forced to resign probably within six months, a year at the latest.  If the powers that be meet any resistance from the Bidens, they’ll threaten to 25th Amendment him and Congress will determine his fitness to hold office.  That requires a 2/3 majority vote each in the House and Senate -- a higher bar than the alternative of impeachment, which requires a majority in the House and 2/3 of the Senate to convict/remove.  While impeachment is a viable alternative, it requires high crimes and misdemeanors.  Thus, to force Joe’s hand, those in charge will circle back… to his Ukraine and China “dealings.” 

Faced with tying up Congress with a messy 25th Amendment process that puts his health on full display or an ugly impeachment with all that implies, Joe will capitulate and resign, and Kamala will be president.  Under the 25th Amendment, her pick for VP requires a majority vote of the House and Senate.  If they wait until the mid-terms to force Joe’s resignation and they lose the House, House Republicans could stonewall vote after vote and the VP position could remain vacant.  Not only would we lack a VP, but there wouldn’t be anyone to break ties in the Senate -- all the more challenging if the Senate remains at 50-50 or close to that after 2022.

Then again, even if Kamala is installed before 2022 and the House approves her VP, it’s highly likely the Senate vote would be tied… and there won’t  be a VP to break the tie!  According to the Senate website, in the absence of a VP, the President Pro Tempore presides over the Senate but authority to break ties lies strictly with the VP.    

I’m not sure if this constitutes a constitutional crisis or just a conundrum, but it would be choppy nonetheless.  Congress would likely craft legislation to fill the vacant veep position.  That would raise hotly debated amendment concerns but, given the last four years, we should be used to the extraordinary when it comes to the Constitution and political warfare.

I don’t foresee any whistleblowers revealing the behind-the-scenes truth about Biden’s condition, but that’s okay. It won’t be long before the cat’s out of the bag and Joe is out of the White House.  We’ll just have to wait-and-see what happens next.

Joe Biden Again Travels ‘Home’ During CDC Travel Restrictions

US President Joe Biden boards Air Force One before departing from New Castle Airport in New Castle, Delaware on February 8, 2021. - Biden is returning to Washington, DC after spending the weekend in Wilmington, Delaware. (Photo by MANDEL NGAN / AFP) (Photo by MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images)
MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images

Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked on Thursday if President Joe Biden should set a better example about personal travel during the pandemic, as he plans to fly to Wilmington, Delaware, for the weekend again.

“The CDC does still urge people not to travel for personal reasons,” the reporter prefaced, “but should the president be doing more to set an example about personal travel during the pandemic?” the reporter asked.

“The president lives in Wilmington. It’s his home. It’s where he’s lived for many, many years. And as you know, as any president of the United States does, he takes a private airplane, called Air Force One to travel there,” Psaki responded.

“That is of course unique from most Americans,” she continued, “but I think most Americans would also see that as a unique circumstance.”

Citing that Biden “lives” in Wilmington, Delaware, is the newest reason why Biden is breaking CDC guidelines to travel home. Traditionally, the United States president relocates to “live” in Washington D.C. during his presidency.

Whatever the reasons for Biden’s desire to travel “home,” Biden has asked Americans to refrain from travel numerous times due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

Biden asked citizens in November to isolate themselves during one of America’s most significant holidays, Thanksgiving.

And again on December 4, Biden asked Americans not to travel for Christmas.

“You cannot be traveling during these holidays, as much as you want to,” Biden, speaking from Wilmington, told a group of workers and small business owners during a virtual briefing.

He reiterated in January, “I recognize that I’m asking everyone to make a tremendous sacrifice. That’s why I’m issuing a stay-at-home order only for a time when there’s something really good on TV,” referring to the NFL Super Bowl game on February 7.

Embarrassing excuse offered for Biden’s vanishing State of the Union Address

All of a sudden, here it is the end of February, and there is no State of the Union (SOTU) address scheduled for President Biden.  That's odd because last month, Biden promised what sounds exactly like a SOTU:

"Next month, in my first appearance before a joint session of Congress, I will lay out my 'Build Back Better' recovery plan," he said. "It will make historic investments in infrastructure, manufacturing, innovation, and research and development in clean energy."

The AP and PBS both got wind that the address was to be given on February 23 in and said so in posts that are now deep-sixed:

But on February 16, Jen Psaki denied such a plan in a press conference:

[W]hen asked about the timing, his press secretary Jen Psaki said there had never been a plan for him to address a joint session this month.

"We don't know where the Feb. 23 date came from. It's a great mystery," she said during the regular daily briefing.

"I've not Nancy Drewed that one out today, but it was never planned to be in February, and we don't have a date for a joint session at this point," Psaki said, comparing herself to the popular character in a series of children's books who solves mysteries.

It is only tradition that a president address a joint session of Congress early in the year to fulfill the constitutional requirement (Article II, Section 3) that a POTUS "shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient[.]"

Jimmy Carter, a failed one-term president, actually skipped his in the year of his inauguration, missing an opportunity to lay out his plan for the presidency and the nation, with blanket television coverage, plus plenty of pomp and circumstance.  And look what happened to him.

Yet Biden's handlers seem to have pulled the plug on the man the late Rush Limbaugh mocked as "Plugs" because of his hair transplants to forestall a receding hairline.  The lickspittle media are rushing in with "fact checks" to assure the nation that there is no requirement or deadline for a SOTU speech.  But it is awkward, especially considering the rising doubts about Biden's mental and physical state.  Nick Arama of RedState expressed the view of many:

Let's face it. There's a big problem with having Joe try to deliver a ninety-minute speech at 9:00 p.m. at night without a teleprompter in front of Congress. He has trouble just making it through basic remarks before media for a few minutes, much less a speech of that length. They must be wracking their brains to figure out how they're going to pull it off.

As we previously reported, Biden hasn't even had a solo press conference with the media yet. By this time, both Barack Obama and Donald Trump had done solo pressers.

The excuse dredged up yesterday for missing SOTU guessed it...the January 6 Capitol incursion, which the left wants to make the defining moment of the century:

The Capitol Police is keeping its security posture high in response to intelligence that indicates some extremists who joined the Jan. 6 insurrection have discussed plans to attack the building during the State of the Union, Acting Capitol Police Chief Yogananda Pittman revealed Thursday.

The chatter among extremists about trying to blow up the Capitol during the still-unscheduled presidential address, Pittman said, has prompted the Capitol Police to maintain the elevated presence it has kept since last month's riot. Any decrease in the police's posture, she said, would come after the threat passes and other gaps identified in the aftermath of the Capitol siege are resolved.

While she didn't precisely blame the de-scheduling of the SOTU on "chatter among extremists," that is the logical conclusion, and it is an embarrassing one, especially considering the thousands of National Guard troops still occupying the nation's capital.

Democrats know that Biden is not all there.  That's why a bunch of them want to take away the power for him to launch a nuclear strike.  Just yesterday, he had to be reminded by Kamala, at a COVID event, not to go wandering up to people without wearing a mask:

Check out the look he gets from Fauci for going off-script on mask.


American people deserve to know what China was up to with Joe Biden, especially when Beijing had already shelled out millions of dollars to Biden family members — including millions in set-asides for “the big guy.” What else is on that infamous Hunter Biden laptop? The conflicted Biden Justice Department cannot be trusted to engage in any meaningful oversight on this issue. We need a special counsel now. TOM FITTON - JUDICIAL WATCH



RIDING THE DRAGON: The Bidens' Chinese Secrets (Full Documentary)

Schweizer: ‘It’s Going to Be Business as Usual’ for Hunter’s Dealings







On Wednesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Breitbart News senior contributor Peter Schweizer said he reads President Biden’s statements about his son Hunter’s deals as a declaration that “it’s going to be business as usual in the Biden administration as far as these deals are concerned.”

Schweizer said, “Joe Biden has said there are going to be no sketchy overseas deals during his second term. Here’s the problem: He does not believe that the early deals that Hunter was involved in, the China deal, Burisma, he’s never described those as sketchy. So, I read that as saying, it’s going to be business as usual in the Biden administration as far as these deals are concerned.”






Chris Hedges: How Republicans, Democrats, and the Media Have Weakened US Democracy


Fitton: America Needs to Know the Truth About Biden Family’s Corruption

PAUL J. RICHARDS/AFP via Getty Images


3 Feb 2021262


The Biden scandals didn’t disappear when Joe Biden entered the Oval Office, as I wrote in this op-ed for The Washington Times:

A president takes office amidst charges of family corruption and shady business dealings with a country connected to interfering in the very election that put him in the White House. Sound familiar?

The false narrative that Democrats concocted to hobble the Trump administration four years ago is now the real deal with Joe Biden and his family. And unlike President Trump, who faced unprecedented institutional resistance and Deep State resistance, President Biden can likely count on the Justice Department and the media to allow him to escape meaningful scrutiny.

Judicial Watch recently started a petition at asking the Department of Justice immediately to appoint a special counsel to investigate Biden family dealings in China, Ukraine and other countries. There is substantial evidence, from documents and witness statements, that the Biden family, including President Joe Biden, may have been involved in criminal activity with foreign entities tied to Ukraine and China. In just a few days the petition has garnered nearly 200,000 signatures. 

Judicial Watch uncovered documents that show even as far back as the Obama administration Russia-linked media in Ukraine were “trolling” Joe Biden over “his son’s business.” Mr. Biden’s son Hunter has acknowledged that he is the target of an FBI criminal investigation. Any investigation should involve alleged money laundering, influence peddling and tax violations among other shady activities.

A special counsel is required because the Justice Department and its FBI are conflicted in investigating any matters that could implicate the president and/or his immediate family in criminal activity. As Republican Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas said recently, “if there were ever circumstances that create a conflict of interest and call for a special counsel, that’s here.” Justice Department regulations that were abused to appoint a special counsel to harass then-President Trump actually do fairly apply to the Biden situation. A special counsel is required by Justice regulations when:

(a) That investigation or prosecution of that person or matter by a United States Attorney’s Office or litigating Division of the Department of Justice would present a conflict of interest for the Department or other extraordinary circumstances; and

(b) That under the circumstances, it would be in the public interest to appoint an outside Special Counsel to assume responsibility for the matter.

The matter is urgent. Americans just learned that communist China was actively involved in the 2020 presidential election. Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe, in a letter transmitted to Congress, concluded that “based on all available sources of intelligence, with definitions consistently applied, and reached independent of political considerations or undue pressure — that the People’s Republic of China sought to influence the 2020 U.S. federal elections.”

Chinese efforts to interfere in the 2020 election might have been better known before election days but for Deep State resistance. Intelligence Community Ombudsman Barry Zulauf found that CIA analysts were reluctant to reveal China’s malign actions because they were opposed to the Trump administration, and were “saying in effect, I don’t want our intelligence used to support those policies.” In fact, “strong efforts” were made last summer to suppress analysts who wanted to expose the full range of Chinese efforts to swing the election to Mr. Biden.

We are already seeing China indirectly benefitting from Biden policies. Cancelling the Keystone XL pipeline will divert Canadian oil west to the petroleum-hungry People’s Republic. Re-entering the Paris Climate Agreement gives political cover to China’s excessively polluting dirty coal industry, in which Hunter Biden is heavily invested. Mr. Biden’s State Department on Day One removed a page on its web site that contained a comprehensive assessment of the threats China poses to the U.S. and its allies, and an emboldened Beijing slapped outrageous sanctions on outgoing Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and 27 other former Trump officials. Does China have corrupt leverage over President Biden?

Given the years of investigations costing millions of dollars to delve into fake Russia collusion accusations against Trump world, the American people deserve to know what China was up to with Joe Biden, especially when Beijing had already shelled out millions of dollars to Biden family members — including millions in set-asides for “the big guy.” What else is on that infamous Hunter Biden laptop? The conflicted Biden Justice Department cannot be trusted to engage in any meaningful oversight on this issue. We need a special counsel now.


Washington Post Fact Checkers Called President Trump a Liar to Cover Up Biden’s Corruption

Did the Washington Post’s 30,573 false fact checks help rig the election for Biden?



Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

Once upon a time, the media used fact checkers to check its own facts before publishing a story. And then the media stopped checking its facts and started smearing everyone else.

The media’s false claim that Russia had somehow rigged the 2016 election to help President Trump win with “disinformation” became the basis for a media movement pressuring Big Tech to let the media’s fact checking censors silence conservatives with their ‘fact checking’.

Even as the media discarded all of its remaining standards, it claimed truth as its standard.

“This is an apple. Some people might try and tell you that it’s a banana,” CNN lectured viewers. “They might scream banana, banana, banana over and over and over again."

At the Washington Post, which had declared war on President Trump early on, fact checking became its own industry. Glenn Kessler, the head of the Post’s fact checking team, and two junior members published a book last year titled, Donald Trump and His Assault on Truth. It was the last hurrah for the team which shut down its presidential fact checking operation in 2021

But Kessler and the Post continued touting its fake database claiming that President Trump had made “30,573 false or misleading claims” even while making it clear that the game had changed. When Joe Biden falsely claimed that there was no vaccine when he came into office, Kessler insisted that it was a “verbal stumble, a typical Biden gaffe”, but not false or a lie.

Whether it’s an apple or a banana, truth or a lie, is a matter of the media’s opinion and agenda.

But the Democrat media fact checking machine wasn’t just applying different standards, it was a key element of the effort to elect Biden by suppressing President Trump’s exposure of his corruption. Dig into the “30,573 false or misleading claims” around the election and you’ll find the Washington Post’s fact checkers working overtime to cover up Biden’s corrupt dealings while falsely repeating the old Democrat claims about President Trump and the 2016 election.

That’s why the David Horowitz Freedom Center dug into a sample of false Washington Post fact checks from before the election on November 1 that were used to rig the election.

"Joe Biden is a corrupt politician who sold out to... China... he's vice president, his son's like a human vacuum cleaner. He follows his father and he takes the scraps," President Trump had warned. "We're putting a corrupt man up for possibly being elected.”

"Without evidence, Trump has repeatedly claimed Biden is the head of an organized crime family and a corrupt politician," the Post's fact checkers complained. They falsely insisted that "no evidence has emerged of corruption and shady dealings" and that there was also no evidence that "Joe Biden was involved in his son’s business activities".

That was in November. The previous month had already exposed some of Hunter’s dirty dealings and connected them to Joe Biden via a mention of the “big guy” which Tony Bobulinski, the former CEO of Sinohawk Holdings, said was indeed a reference to the Democrat candidate.

The Washington Post was aware of the allegations, but chose to suppress them except when President Trump brought them up at the debate, when it went on the attack to suppress them.

Meanwhile its fact checkers falsely insisted that there was no evidence because they ignored it.

When the Post then fact checked President Trump specifically quoting the “big guy gets 10%” line, it dismissed it based on a claim by Biden, by his campaign spokesman, and assorted other media outlets operating in the same echo chamber without ever addressing Bobulinski’s claims.

“Then he gets $3.5 million from the mayor of Moscow's wife. 3.5 million. Well, gee, Hunter, what did you do? What did you do? You gave her some big advice, I guess, Hunter, right?” President Trump said.

The Post sicced its fact checkers to play spin doctor even though the information about the payment to Rosemont Seneca had appeared in the Senate Homeland Security Committee report, the Post fact check argued that the report “does not allege any illegality in the transaction” and quoted Hunter Biden’s lawyer denying any ties to Rosemont Seneca.

The Post’s fact checkers didn’t bother fact checking Hunter’s lawyer. Instead they used him as a source whose factual authority, unlike that of President Trump and his people, was unquestioned. The Biden fact checking exemption at the Post also applied to his son’s lawyer.

But Politico had reported in 2019 that Hunter and Kerry's stepson had "formed a variety of investment-focused firms under the name Rosemont Seneca." That reporting was never withdrawn even as the Post and media fact checks attacked President Trump for citing it.

Instead the Post and media fact checkers continued to attack President Trump’s exposure of Hunter Biden by citing as their definitive factual source… Hunter Biden’s lawyer.

The Post’s fact checkers falsely gave four pinocchios to an accusation by President Trump about Hunter Biden, “and then they go to China, he takes out $1.5 billion to manage.”

"The Washington Post Fact Checker has dismantled this conspiracy theory,” Biden’s campaign spokesman bragged, showing off the linkage between the campaign and its fact checking allies.

What was the Post’s factual source for “dismantling” the $1.5 billion figure? Hunter Biden’s lawyer. The Biden campaign was praising the Post for quoting Hunter Biden’s lawyer.

The source of the original figure was a 2014 article from the Wall Street Journal’s financial coverage with a quote mentioning that, “The fund—launched by Chinese asset managers Bohai Industrial Investment Fund Management Co. and Harvest Fund Management Co. alongside U.S. investment and advisory firms Rosemont Seneca Partners and Thornton Group LLC—started fundraising in the second quarter, and has raised its target to $1.5 billion.”

The Washington Post (and the Wall Street Journal) chose to ignore a direct quote from a spokesman at Bank of China International Holdings and instead touted Hunter’s lawyer.

That’s what fact checking at the Washington Post looks like.

The funniest of the Post’s fact checks followed President Trump’s exposure of Biden’s corruption in which he said that, “Because we have freedom of the press, but we don't. We have suppression by the press. It's suppression. And if anybody even mentions that story -- You don't see that story in The New York Times.” The Post hilariously retorted, “Most news organizations have standards and will not print allegations without attempting to confirm them first.”

That would come as real news because the Washington Post had spent 4 years falsely spreading disinformation alleging that President Trump was a Russian agent. Even in 2021, the Post is still running pieces falsely promoting claims that “Trump is a Kremlin asset” that conclude with, “We know that Trump was compromised, but we’re not sure exactly how”.

Those are the Post’s standards.

The Washington Post fact checked something that was a fact, protested that it won’t print allegations without confirming them, and then disproved that by printing the same bizarre nonsense about President Trump being a Kremlin asset without confirming it.

But while the Washington Post’s intrepid fact checkers were happy to rely on Hunter Biden’s lawyer to clear him, they were just as happy to keep on pushing the Russia hoax, launching fake fact checks of President Trump’s assertions that, “we were under investigation for three years. And it turned out to be a phony hoax” and “No collusion....They found no collusion”.

The Post has no response to this except to repeat the same false claims by Mueller’s team of Democrats that “the Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency and worked to secure that outcome”. There is zero evidence that the Russian government either wanted to elect President Trump (Republicans are invariably harsher on foreign enemies than Democrats and that remained true under the Trump administration despite media smears). And there is even less evidence that the Russians did anything to “secure that outcome”.

The Democrat conspiracy theory about the election, falsely promoted by the media, relied on Russian Facebook ads, the vast majority of which targeted black people after the election.

But, like Biden and Hunter Biden’s lawyer, the Mueller Democrats mustn’t be fact checked.

Instead, the Washington Post fact check attacks President Trump for pointing out that the Mueller team was a partisan hack job.

"They had eighteen angry Democrat prosecutors. ... So we had 18 angry, crooked Democrats. You had Bob Mueller that didn't have a clue," President Trump argued. The Post’s fact checkers gave it 3 pinocchios because only "eleven out of 16 attorneys on Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team made public so far have contributed to Democrats" while "the other five have no record of political contributions, though the Daily Caller says 13 are registered Democrats."

Hunter Biden’s lawyer could not be reached for comment.

Finally, the Washington Post decided to fact check the following statement by President Trump.

“The media is fake and corrupt. Big tech controls the media, and they control the politicians."

The Washington Post is owned by Jeff Bezos who was at the time the CEO of Amazon. Big Tech literally owns the fact checkers who are fact checking the statement that they’re owned by Big Tech. And the Post’s fact checkers responded with, “This is loony conspiracy-theory stuff.”

Actually if the Post fact checkers wanted to see “loony conspiracy-theory stuff”, they could read their own paper which began hilariously claiming that their owner’s nude photos were hacked by the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. If anyone doubted that Big Tech controls the Post, all they had to do was look at a paper that was trying to spin its owner’s embarrassing adultery scandal as an international conspiracy because it would help them keep their jobs at his newspaper.

“Joe Biden is bought and paid for by big tech, big media, and powerful specialist interests,” President Trump said. The Post’s fact checkers complained that, “Without evidence, Trump suggests Biden is guilty of corruption because he is raising so much more money”.

$2.6 million of Biden’s cash came from Amazon employees. The Big Tech company has also announced that it would suspend donations to Republicans who challenged Biden’s election, and hired the brother of one of Biden’s campaign chair to lobby for the monopoly.

There’s plenty of corruption in both the Biden camp and the Washington Post’s fact checkers.

The biggest contribution from Amazon to the Biden campaign may have come from the Washington Post. The tendentious lies and smears of its editorials posing as news and its spin posing as fact checking helped cover up Biden’s corruption while tearing down President Trump.

How much was that contribution to the Biden campaign worth? Let’s look at two numbers.

Jeff Bezos paid $250 million for the Washington Post. As I previously noted, “Amazon’s federal contract revenues rose from $200 million in 2014 to $2 billion now.” President Trump then played a role in denying Amazon the $10 billion military cloud contract it wanted. How much did the Washington Post’s fake fact checks put Amazon into a position to potentially reclaim it?

When the Washington Post’s hacks tout their false claim that President Trump had lied or misled 30,573 times, the relevant number is the $250 million or $10 billion behind that lie.

The Washington Post’s fact checks are audaciously dishonest, malicious, and untrustworthy.

“The final count. Never would have believed this number was possible when we started four years ago,” Glenn Kessler, the Post’s top fact checker tweeted, about the 30,573 number.

It’s easy to get to 30,573 when media hacks mangle the truth, treat political differences as lies, and use double standards to pursue the media’s agenda of attacking conservatives for the Left.

Now you know how much the Washington Post’s fake 30,573 fact checks are worth.


Emoting and Oprahfying, Jill Biden leaves out a few details about her divorce

Jill Biden is racking up a pretty impressive record as a hypocrite.

This time, the topic is her divorce. While taking in a softball interview from ace investigative interviewer Kelly Clarkson, otherwise known as a second-rate celebrity with personal problems, she started emoting to Clarkson on the topic of Clarkson's divorce:

Citing her late mother’s advice, she tells Clarkson things happen for a reason. She also says her divorce freed her to meet Joe Biden and have a family with him.

“My mother always said to me things are going to look better, tomorrow,” Jill Biden said, encouraging Clarkson to “take one day at a time, and things will get better.”

’I look back on it now, and I think, you know, if I hadn’t gotten divorced, I never would have met Joe,” she continued. “I wouldn’t have the beautiful family I have now. So I really think things happen for the best and I think, Kelly, over time, I don’t know how long it’s been for you, but I think, over time, you heal, and you’re going to be surprised and I can’t wait until that day comes for you.”

She never would have met Joe? Her ex-husband recalls things differently. According to the New York Post, reporting last August 2020:

Jill Biden's ex-husband has accused the potential first lady of having an affair with Joe Biden and says they lied about how they met in the 1970s, according to a bombshell new report.

Bill Stevenson on Monday accused the presumptive Democratic nominee of being a home-wrecker and says the feel-good story of how Joe and Jill met on a blind date is completely made up, the Daily Mail reported.

"I don't want to hurt anyone," said Stevenson, now 72, who is working on a book that includes the lurid claim. "But facts are facts and what happened, happened."

Stevenson and his then-wife grew close to Biden in 1972 while working on his first campaign to represent Delaware in the US Senate.

As I noted at the time:

The account says that Stevenson first suspected an affair in 1974.  But the pair "grew close" during his 1972 Senate political campaign, which predated the crash.  Was Biden sneaking around on Neilia even then?  There was a distinct possibility of it, given that the affair was secret.

This, if true, would suggest that maybe he didn't like Neilia as much as he claims to have liked Neilia.  Worse still, did he breathe a sigh of relief that she was gone without a divorce?  Maybe someone should ask.

Far from Jill meeting Joe serendipitously, the pair had apparently been sneaking around. Like the swingers of the early '70s. Nobody knows how she really felt when divorce was called, the most likely sense would have probably been 'good ridddance.'

She's a cold calculating political creature posing as the queen of compassion. She's targeting the pop press, to better reach the low-information voters. Now she's putting out a phony story, for her and her husband's own benefit. Apparently, she does this sort of political work a lot. When a key was made for one of Hunter Biden's foundation offices in Washington, the give-to list included a China state-linked business executive pal and ... Jill Biden. She knows what she is doing. 

Anyone ask her about the teachers' unions keeping schools closed? She's made much hay billing herself as a teacher.

 Meanwhile, the ex-husband says he's writing a book about this so-called 'devout Catholic' who eventually became his ex. If he does, the sleazy history of the Bidens will once again come into the fore.

Image: Screen shot from Today show video, posted on shareable YouTube 

Apparently, Hunter Biden’s life was even more sordid than we knew

I’m sure that there are some Americans, somewhere, who voted for Joe Biden because the media assured them that Joe is an honest, decent family man – all of which is patently untrue. Because they were unaware that the only thing “abnormal” about the Trump administration was the relentless attacks from the Democrat party and the media (but I repeat myself), they thought Biden would bring an era of peace and even honor. No wonder, then, that the media and the tech tyrants corrupted the election by quashing any reports about Biden’s sleazy son Hunter. And now, it turns out that Hunter was even worse than we realized.

Those people who paid attention to conservative media outlets and learned of Hunter Biden’s laptop, knew that Hunter Biden functioned as a conduit by which foreign governments, most notably Ukraine and China, funneled millions of dollars to the “Big Guy,” aka then-Vice President Joe Biden. They also knew that Hunter Biden is one of the sleaziest men in America.

It was public knowledge that Hunter Biden was a crack cocaine addict which had resulted in his being booted from the Navy, that he’d had an affair with his sister-in-law after his brother died from cancer, that he impregnated a stripper, and that he refused to pay for his children and, instead, married another woman. The media rather successfully dressed all this up in the story of a troubled young man trying to make good.

What the laptop revealed, in addition to the Biden family cartel, is that Hunter’s personal life was even worse than anyone realized. A Taiwanese outlet made public videos showing Hunter, a man with a foot fetish, smoking crack and cavorting with multiple women. Additionally, tweets on the computer indicated that the women in Hunter’s life worried about him and underage girls. In this regard, Hunter must take after his father who has been shown in endless video footage fondling and nuzzling little girls. It doesn’t matter to me if that public behavior is the only and worst thing Joe Biden does to little girls. It’s sufficient to make him a creep and a pervert.

It turns out, though, that Hunter’s unutterably sleazy sex life was even worse than those paying attention knew back in 2020. Get a gander at this Daily Mail headline: “EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden was living with his brother Beau's widow Hallie while sending raunchy texts and FaceTiming in the shower with her married SISTER as they declared their love and she called him her ‘prince’”

You can read all the sordid details in the Daily Mail. For now, I’ll just quote from the bullet points at the top of the article:

  • Hunter Biden began dating his late brother Beau's widow, Hallie Biden, shortly after Beau died of brain cancer in 2015
  • The unconventional relationship was first exposed in March 2017 with Joe Biden issuing a statement giving his blessing to the couple
  • can reveal Hunter was also exchanging sexual text messages with Hallie's then-married sister Elizabeth Secundy around that time
  • In a 2016 text conversation recovered from his abandoned laptop hard drive, Hunter offered to teach Secundy 'how to masturbate'
  • Secundy, 49, who was married to husband Joel Secundy, referred to Hunter as her 'prince' and told him she loved him in the texts
  • Another conversation showed Hunter texted Secundy telling her he had been up late watching 'bad porno movies like I'm 13'
  • Secundy separated from her husband and father of her three children in 2015 after 15 years of marriage. Their divorce was finalized three years later

What’s really baffling is Hunter’s success with women. Despite being a total loser with a terrible drug habit and some weird sexual perversions, Hunter managed to seduce his brother’s widow, her sister, a stripper, and the woman he married, all over the course of four years. It’s enough to make one think that Hunter’s charm had less to do with the man himself and more with the benefits flowing from the Biden family cartel.

The American people knew what they were getting with Trump: A flamboyant man who had sown his wild oats, raised five extremely successful children, and loved America. Naïve American people had no idea what they were getting with Biden: A senile, corrupt, debauched old man with a son who was a conduit for his dirty dealings and who has a personal life so disgusting it’s hard to write about it. That’s what the American media and the tech tyrants have done to America.

IMAGE: Hunter Biden in a selfie from his laptop.

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