Wednesday, June 9, 2021

CAN'T THINK OF A SINGLE THING THE BANKSTER REGIME OF LAWYER BARACK OBAMA, LAWYER JOE BIDEN AND BANKSTERS' RENT BOY LAWYER ERIC HOLDER EVER DID FOR BLACK AMERICA??? - President Joe Biden said the n-word 13 times in the Senate while Hunter Biden followed his father’s example multiple times in text messages .


Joe Biden Said N-Word 13 Times in Senate, Hunter Multiple Times in Texts

joe biden, hunter biden
AP Photo/Nick Wass

President Joe Biden said the n-word 13 times in the Senate while Hunter Biden followed his father’s example multiple times in text messages, a report revealed Tuesday.

Biden deployed the n-word 13 times in a 1985 hearing series, U.S. Senate transcripts revealed, during which he repeatedly used the offensive slur when he was questioning William Reynolds, then-President Ronald Reagan’s assistant attorney general for civil rights, as Reynolds was under consideration for a promotion to be associate attorney general.

Breitbart News reported on the incident in July of 2020:

The first instance occurred during the morning of June 4, 1985, when Biden first used the term twice. A later instance, from the next day, June 5, has already had widely circulating video of Biden reciting the derogatory term from the quote twice. While some people circulating the video left out the context that includes proof Biden was not using the N-word himself but quoting someone else saying it, the mere question as to if that is even acceptable has dogged politicians for some time.

Flash forward to June 7, 2021, when reports show Hunter Biden followed his father’s example, using the n-word multiple times in text messages with his white attorney.

The Daily Mail first reported on Hunter’s profanity:

The president’s son joked in a January 2019 text to corporate attorney George Mesires about a ‘big penis’, and said to the lawyer: ‘I only love you because you’re black’ and ‘true dat n***a’.

In another text a month earlier he wrote to the Chicago lawyer saying: ‘how much money do I owe you. Becaause [sic] n***a you better not be charging me Hennessy rates.’

Mesires replied: ‘That made me snarf my coffee.’

Hunter added: ‘That’s what im saying ni…’, cutting off the racial slur mid-word, then texted a picture to Mesires.

Hunter’s laptop is also said to carry a meme depicting his father and former President Barack Obama, which included racist slurs.

The meme is a photo of Biden hugging the president with the caption:

‘Obama: Gonna miss you, man

‘Joe: Can I say it? Just this once?

‘Obama: *sigh* go ahead

‘Joe: You my n***a, Barack’

The mainstream media has handled the revelations by largely ignoring Hunter Biden’s text messages. For example, on Tuesday NBC News highlighted Kid Rock’s use of a slur Saturday but overlooked Hunter Biden’s use of the n-word.

The latest example of media bias comes as the mainstream media has been dropping in television ratings. To be specific, CNN ratings suffered a major dive in May.

#RacistHunter Catches Steam: ‘He’s a Product of the Biden Family Household’

DUBUQUE, IA - DECEMBER 9: Democratic Presidential hopeful Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE) fields questions as his son Hunter Biden (R) looks on at a campaign stop at 180 Main Pub and Restaurant December 9, 2007 in Dubuque, Iowa. The stop was part a of four-day campaign swing through central and …
Scott Olson/Getty Images

#RacistHunter took off on Twitter following the revelations that President Biden’s son used a racial slur several times in exchanges with his attorney — an action that would likely have any GOP-associated figure targeted by the cancel culture mob almost immediately, were they caught acting in the same manner.

The messages, stemming from Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop, show several exchanges with his white attorney George Mesires. Some of them show Mesires attempting to have deeper conversations with the disgraced Biden son, only to be met with interjections of “frivolity,” including the use of the n-word.

“Where do you find unconditional love then George,” Hunter asked, prompting a response from Mesires.

“God loves unconditionally. Beau loves you unconditionally. Children are too young to understand what it means. But you will show them,” he said adding, “There are ideals of unconditional love that serve as proxies. I don’t have many. You. God.”

“OMG n****,” Hunter snapped. “Did you just a fictional character from the imagination of the collective frightened and my dead brothers [sic] unconditional love is what I should rely on and my kids aren’t children George,” he continued before talking about his penis.

That conversation serves as just one example of his use of the word. Hunter also reportedly kept a meme on his computer showing his father and former President Obama hugging. It read, “Obama: Gonna miss you, man. Joe: Can I say it? Just this once? Obama: *sigh* go ahead. Joe: You my n***a, Barack.”

Despite the seeming silence from establishment media and left, many are jumping on the #RacistHunter trend on Twitter.

“If @DonaldJTrumpJr had just ONE text like this, the media mob would be enraged!!! Where is the #cancelculture #RacistHunter,” former Trump spox Katrina Pierson said:

“Children aren’t born racist. Hunter Biden is no exception. He’s a product of the Biden family household,” GOP strategist Arthur Schwartz said, also using the hashtag “#RacistHunter”:

“Try to imagine one of the Trump kids dropping the n-word,” Donald Trump Jr. remarked. “Real quote from Hunter: ‘n***a you better not be charging me Hennessy rates.’ #RacistHunter”:

Others jumped in the mix as well:

Neither President Biden nor Vice President Kamala Harris had weighed in on the remarks as of the publication of this post.

Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden spews the 'n-word'

Joe Biden, who of late has been putting on his anti-racism skin suit, and lecturing America about all its past racial transgressions, declaring America no better today than its Jim Crow era, ought to take a closer look at what's going on at home.

According to the Daily Mail:

Hunter Biden used the n-word multiple times in conversation with his white, $845-per-hour lawyer, his texts messages reveal.

The shocking texts may prove embarrassing for his father President Joe Biden, who just last week gave a speech decrying racism on the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa massacre, and has sought to portray racial justice as a top priority for his administration.

The president's son joked in a January 2019 text to corporate attorney George Mesires about a 'big penis', and said to the lawyer: 'I only love you because you're black' and 'true dat n***a'.

So Joe, who lectured Americans about a century-old racist massacre in Oklahoma and called it emblematic of America's systemic racism today, somehow has a kid he calls "the smartest man I know" who spews the 'n-word'? And based on the fuller report in the Daily Mail, even his lawyer seems to be disgusted?

Imagine if Don Trump, Jr. or Ivanka Trump wrote emails like that? What would the press be like if something like that happened and it got out? Right now the press is sleepy, while untold cancel-culture canceling goes on for far less racist activities, such as wearing blackface at a party in a bad Halloween costume, or telling another professor that black students tend to get lower grades, or making some high-school-aged racist trash talk to shock one's little friends on a private student bulletin board and years later, getting one's Harvard admission rescinded because of it, as happened to Parkland survivor Kyle Kashuv. Anyone who does such stuff without political connections is canceled quickly. But Hunter? Well, he's got a book deal and an art gallery show, as well as his ChiCom and other board seats ungiven-up, profiting handsomely as the beautiful people fawn. Nobody's talking about canceling him for this dreck.

Yet the fact of the matter remains that only disgusting people talk like that, flaming racists, for starters. It's also done by spoiled, rich, entitled lordlings and princelings. The last white person I can recall who did that was hotel heiress and party gal Paris Hilton, circa 2007, between one of her jailings for dissolute behavior. She, however, had to abjectly apologize. In Hunter's case, with his history of drinking, drugs, and wenching, no apologies seem forthcoming. He also seems to be a high consumer of gangsta rap music, where such language is used, in the same kinds of slangy contexts, which is triply disgusting, since the 51-year-old son of the president is kind of old for it, even when he was 48, which is when he was making these racist texts.

It just goes to show the humongous sense of entitlement seen in Biden's middle-aged son, who feels free to use the 'n-word' around his lawyer, as easily as if it were something he grew up with. Normal people don't use that word, because they don't have any sort of society around them that might give it a thumbs-up. Hunter, though, doesn't have that kind of inhibition. Someone has always enabled him in such language, and that's why he used such words facilely. One wonders what kind of talk this overgrown kid was exposed to growing up in the Biden household as Joe praised Democrat former Klansman-turned Senator Robert Byrd.

The Bidens ought not to be allowed in any polite company for this kind of language. They ought to be pariahs. But being Democrats, they have their get-out-of-racism-free cards, and incredibly, still have the nerve to lecture the rest of us.

Why Obama's So Defensive of Critical Race Theory

In an interview with Anderson Cooper that aired Monday on CNN, Barack Obama showed once again how well he has mastered the art of sanctimony.

"You would think with all the public policy debates that are taking place right now that the Republican Party would be engaged in a significant debate about how are we going to deal with the economy and what are we going to do about climate change?" Obama said to Cooper.

He added, "Lo and behold, the single most important issue to them apparently right now is Critical Race Theory. Who knew that that was the threat to our republic?"

In researching my forthcoming book, Barack Obama's Promised Land: Deplorables Need Not Apply, I found myself continually amazed at the price America has had to pay for Obama's spectacular failure to know who he is and to acknowledge how he got where he got.

I had a new insight into Obama's self-delusion from reading a 1995 article in his neighborhood newspaper, The Hyde Park Herald, unearthed by Los Angeles filmmaker Joel Gilbert.

 Interviewed soon after the release of his 1995 memoir, Dreams from My Father, Obama tries to explain how he ended up becoming "black."

He attributed his revelation, wrote reporter Monice Mitchell, "to an eye opening experience with affirmative action [AA] while attending Punahou Academy, a prestigious prep school in Honolulu."

"He had no choice about his racial identity," wrote Mitchell. "To be half-white was to be black all the way."  Without being too specific, Obama acknowledged that even fifty years ago, being "black" paid dividends.

Having accepted his blackness, Obama led Mitchell to believe that "he started hanging out with a group of similarly young angry black men and dabbled with drugs and trouble."  This claim would have amused his best friend from high school, Keith Kakugawa, or "Ray" as Obama called him in Dreams from My Father.  No one had a better perspective on Obama's racial shape-shifting than Kakugawa.

The friendship, Obama writes in Dreams, was "due in no small part to the fact that together we made up almost half of Punahou's black high school population."  Obama is famously half-black.  Kakugawa is one-eighth black.  The pair did not exactly make prime recruiting material for the Crips' Hawaiian franchise.

Speaking of Crips, says Kakugawa about Obama in his own self-published book, "He was cripplingly self-conscious about [race]."  Obama was not too self-conscious to play the AA card when it came to getting ahead.  Although admittedly an indifferent student, he found himself after high school at Occidental, one of the priciest colleges on the West Coast.

"You know, it just so happens my first car was a '76 Fiat," Obama reports telling his colleagues in his newest memoir, A Promised Land.  "Bought it used, my freshman year of college.  Red, five-speed stick."  It wasn't that used.  Obama started college in 1979.  As the purchase suggests, Obama lived a privileged life.  I cannot imagine too many other black eighteen-year-olds in L.A. buying Fiats, even used ones.

After a middling two years at Occidental, Obama rode his AA card to the Ivy League — Columbia, to be precise.  He graduated in 1983 but without honors.  That did not stop Obama from dreaming big.  He tells the reader in Dreams that he settled on three possibilities: "Harvard, Yale, Stanford."  Obama was not deluding himself.  Harvard, he knew, was keener on his DNA than his GPA, let alone his LSAT.

In a rare honest moment at Harvard, he shared the secret that his followers refuse to acknowledge.  Yes, as he explained in a letter to the Harvard Law Record, he was "someone who has undoubtedly benefited from affirmative action programs during my academic career, and as someone who may have benefited from the Law Review's affirmative action policy."  May have?

For fifty years Obama and people like him have been scamming the system.  Critical Race Theory is a codification of that scam.  To justify the unearned benefits that come with being black or half-black, the "theorists" have to pretend that the continuing risks of being black justify the rewards.

This results in an increased demand for evidence of racism amid a dwindling supply.  In the absence of real racism, the theorists have had to imagine it or to re-create it à la Jussie Smollett and a thousand other hoaxers across the fruited plain.

With mandatory CRT imposed in schools and other institutions, the CRT "trainers" are able to demand that whites imagine a racist America along with them.  Those who refuse this nonsense, who refuse to live their lives in the requisite shame and guilt, further justify CRT by their seeming embrace of white supremacy, the new and even more ludicrous label now applied even to unyielding African-Americans.

Sorry, Barry, but CRT is a threat to our Republic.  Anderson Cooper may believe your blather about "right-wing media venues" monetizing and capitalizing "on stoking the fear and resentment of a white population that is witnessing a changing America."  But it is all on you.

In 2008, even Republicans hoped Obama would succeed at pulling the races together.  He had a unique historic opportunity.  But instead, to justify his failures in office, he and Michelle encouraged their followers to read "race" into every slight, every disparity, every grievance.  Deception was Obama's strategy.  Division is his legacy, and CRT is his tool for widening the divide.  He should own it!

Jack Cashill's latest book, Barack Obama's Promised Land: Deplorables Need Not Apply, is now on pre-sale.  See for more information

Political correctness and double standards are all over the place these days

Over the last few years, we are frequently learning new things that have become unacceptable.

An actress goes to a ball that has been around for over one hundred years, and it is suddenly forbidden.

'The Office' Actress Ellie Kemper Apologizes for Attending a Ball, Acknowledges Her White Privilege

It is unacceptable to have ever used the word "antebellum" or to have attended a wedding or anything else at a plantation house.

We can never wear a Halloween costume where we pretend we are of a different race.

We can't pretend we have a different heritage by misappropriating someone else's garb or nationality.

We can't see Snow White because the prince kissed her without permission.  That is clearly sexual abuse.

Supreme Court justices are not eligible, whether white or black, if they have ever been accused of inappropriate actions of anyone no matter how long ago it occurred and no matter if there is any evidence.  The accusation is all that matters.  (Of course, this seems to matter only for people nominated by Republicans.)

It is racist to require a photo ID to vote despite the significant majority of all races approving the policy and the ease to get the ID for all people.

Being pro-life or limiting abortions is racist.

Giving a speech about statues where you say there are good people on both sides of the issue will be misrepresented as not just racist, but supportive of neo-Nazis, regardless of the facts.

Despicable people such as Joe Biden and Barack Obama will continue to lie about what you said for years.

If you are a senator and filibuster anything Biden wants, you are a racist.

Now here are things that most people posing as journalists accept as perfectly acceptable:

A Virginia governor and Jimmy Kimmel appearing in blackface if not actual Klan hoods.  They are surviving and thriving.

A Democrat senator who falsely claimed she was of Indian heritage for years.  This allowed her to move up at Harvard for years, and she is widely respected.

A school that can teach children everything about sex starting in kindergarten but won't allow children to see Snow White.  That, you see, is dangerous.

Ted Kennedy could leave a mistress to die to protect his political power and could have a "waitress sandwich" with Sen. Chris Dodd, and he was celebrated as a champion of women.

Bill and Hillary Clinton could physically and mentally abuse as many women as they wanted.  Then they could seek to destroy them, and the media, Hollywood, and other Democrats didn't care.  They were said to be very respectful of women's rights.  The women they abused were disposable.

Bill Clinton could hang around with well-known pedophile Jeff Epstein, and few cared.  The young girls were disposable.

Joe Biden is from Delaware, which requires photo IDs to vote, yet not once have I heard him or others accuse Delaware of having Jim Crow laws and being racist.

Democrats filibustered laws they didn't like 327 times in 2020, and not once, that I can find, did anyone posing as a journalist claim that their obstruction was racist.

Democrats support prevailing wage laws that were racist in intent.  These laws were meant to keep poor minorities from taking white workers' jobs.  Why are Democrats demanding adherence to laws that have oppressed minorities and taxpayers for ninety years?  Why is this OK with supposed journalists?  Isn't it racist?

Planned Parenthood was founded by a woman who wanted birth control to limit the population of people she deemed undesirable.  Margaret Sanger's legacy of "elimination of the unfit" is appalling:

While liberals praise Planned Parenthood for its contributions to the health of women (unborn infants carrying the feminine XX chromosomes excluded), no one seems eager to discuss the organization's origin or its racist founder, eugenics advocate, Margaret Sanger. For the record, according to Merriam-Webster, eugenics is "the practice or advocacy of controlled selective breeding of human populations (as by sterilization) to improve the population's genetic composition."

Planned Parenthood continues to abort black and brown babies at a rate much higher than their percentage of the population.  Democrats support quotas for everything, but somehow not for abortions.  Isn't that racist?

So it is not OK to attend a ball or go to an old plantation, but it is absolutely necessary for Democrats to use taxpayer money to support an organization like PP that was founded by a despicable eugenicist.

There was no outrage when Obama and Biden gave glowing eulogies to the white supremacist, racist, KKK leader Robert Byrd, who filibustered the Civil Rights law.

Democrats block vouchers and charter schools that minorities support, but somehow that is not condemned as racist.

Biden said blacks ain't black if they don't vote for him, that all blacks vote alike, that blacks don't have the ability to get photo IDs to vote, and that blacks have great ideas but don't have accountants and lawyers?  Those statements are all appalling racist statements, yet the media, Hollywood, and other Democrats don't care.

My summary is this: Democrats can do whatever they like, and almost all people pretending to be journalists will support them all the way to the president.

Republicans can have policies that lower unemployment rates for people of all races and education levels to record lows, can raise wages for those at the bottom, can reduce poverty to record lows, and Democrat campaign workers, posing as journalists, will seek to destroy them every day, no matter how many lies and conspiracies, like Russian collusion, they need to conjure up.

Facts and results clearly don't matter.  Power for leftists is all that matters.

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