Wednesday, June 9, 2021



Biden to Harris: Disaster 1 to Disaster 2

That “President” Biden is an unmitigated disaster as our chief executive is so painfully apparent to everyone that it hardly seems necessary to point it out.  Nonetheless, just briefly consider:

Catastrophic Governance

His policies -- anti-energy, anti-business, anti-military, anti-America First -- have wrecked the economy, driven gas to over $3.00/gallon, given us the absolute worst illegal immigration crisis in our history and bankrupted the country. In a warped way, it’s kind of impressive that he’s done that in only a bit over four months.

Leadership Vacuum

No one believes Biden is calling the shots, He’s totally malleable to behind-the-scenes operatives, acting in a confused, unknowing fog, reading as best he can from the teleprompter, and hiding behind his weird “I’ll get in trouble if I answer any more of your questions” excuse.

Made America Weak Internationally

The ayatollahs from Iran, Russia’s Putin, and Xi Jinping of Communist China are licking their chops at the prospect of having their way with poor ‘ol Joe.

Family Corruption

Has there ever been a “First Family” with anywhere near the decades-long, indisputable record of dishonesty, financial misdealings and outright graft that even approaches that of the Bidens?

Diminished Mental Capacity

For those among this readership who have a compromised older family member, it isn’t merely the grotesquely obvious signs of dementia that mark Biden as severely limited. It’s the more subtle behaviors that betray his overwhelming incapacity. A clear example occurred just recently when the ever-admiring and forever-excusing liberal media caught up with Biden as he was eating an ice cream cone. Breathlessly shouting out, “What flavor?” the media proceeded to float a softball his way, asking if there was any possibility that the Republicans might compromise with him on his infrastructure proposal.

That Biden (pre-coached, no doubt) predictably belittled the Republicans is not the point. The issue for those who have the experience with elders is the manner in which Biden was eating his ice cream cone: the tentative little bites and the way in which he seemed so preoccupied and protective of his treat, in an almost childlike way. It’s tough to put into exact words, but anyone with a badly slipping elder family member or friend recognizes this demeanor. Biden is well past even the vaguest pretense of mental competence.

This brings us to Kamala Harris. For these and other reasons, the Democrats will ditch Biden for Harris when they believe Biden has outlived his usefulness and feel that a Harris presidency can be leveraged for maximum political advantage. But other than transparently boasting that Harris is the country’s first female president, how would a Harris administration benefit the country? It won’t.

In modern times (since, say, 1960 Kennedy vs. Nixon), there has never been a vice-president or vice-presidential candidate more ideologically radical and more singularly unqualified to be president than Kamala Harris. Cabot Lodge, Miller, LBJ, Muskie, Shriver, Dole, Mondale, Ferraro, Bentsen, Kemp, Gore, Lieberman, Edwards, Palin, Ryan, Kaine and Pence all had their strengths and shortcomings, but each one was a serious, experienced politician who was qualified to be president if the need arose.

The mainstream liberal media would be quick to say that GHW Bush’s VP -- Dan Quayle -- was not qualified presidential material. As they are wont to do, the liberal media jumped all over his totally inconsequential “potatoe vs. potato” spelling controversy and lined up against him when he opposed the TV show Murphy Brown’s character’s decision to have an out-of-wedlock child. How dare he have the temerity to question the moral decision that the distinguished and sophisticated liberal icon Candice Bergen would bring to a mass television audience?  Conservatives will rightly point out that while Quayle had a penchant for saying inopportune things, he was not the ideological extremist that Harris is, nor was he beholden to the farthest reaches of his party the way Harris is and he certainly was not the inexpert, experiential lightweight that Harris is.

With her constant situationally inappropriate hyenalike cackling, her astonishingly unserious, wild proclamations about matters of critical national import (such as her preposterous assertion that “climate change” is a root cause of illegal immigration), and her bizarre narcissistic need for self-promotion as evidenced by her passing out “Kamala Harris” cookies to reporters, it is clear that Harris is nothing more than a hastily cobbled together collection of progressive checked boxes: Person of Color? Check. Female? Check. Victim of discrimination? Check. Radical ideology? Check.

Yet these boxes remain distressingly unchecked:

  • Detailed understanding of economics and taxation
  • Job creator
  • Successful manager in the “take no prisoners” private sector
  • Scientific/technical expertise
  • Awareness of American and world history.
  • Knowledge of military strategy, hardware and weaponry

To be fair, not all great presidents check every single box. But every passable president checks at least a few of them. Harris comes up totally empty.

Exactly when the Democrats will decide to discard Biden like three-day-old bread remains to be seen. Perhaps it will be after the Democrats have passed all the extreme legislation and executive orders they feel they can get away with. That would make some sense: get as many radical policies in place as possible, have them fall on Biden, then get rid of Biden in order to distance and inoculate Harris from Republican attack for those policies in 2024.

The flaw in this thinking is Harris’s incredible weakness and unsuitability for the job of commander-in-chief. Her leadership tenure would be a total catastrophe for America. She’ll be far more concerned with satisfying woke obligations than acting in the country’s interests as a whole. America under a Harris administration will be more divided and polarized along racial, gender and ideological fault lines than ever before.

The Republicans had better get this entire election integrity/fraud situation resolved by the 2022 midterms. Every thinking person knows that Joe Biden did not legitimately win the 2020 presidential election. His term has been the absolute fiasco for America that people feared it would be. A President Harris will be even worse. If she “wins” in 2024, the negative consequences for the country will likely be permanent and irreversible. That is the very definition of “disaster.”

Memo: Democrat Voters Unsure What Party Stands For

Supporters of Democratic Senate candidates Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock (D-GA) attend a get out to vote rally in Hampton, Georgia on January 2, 2021. - Just days ahead of a pair of crucial runoff elections in Georgia, Senator David Perdue is locked in a tight race with Democratic challenger …

A memo released by a pollster describes new Democrat voters as “not hearing enough about what Democrats have accomplished” and having “trouble describing a clear positive vision” for their party.

The memo comes after the leftist Lake Research Partners conducted focus groups of swing and surge voters in battleground congressional districts. NBC News, who first obtained the document, reported the memo was at the request of Congressional Progressive Caucus PAC.

“Most voters have trouble describing a clear positive vision of what the Democratic Party stands for,” the memo said, noting that new Democrat voters did not vote for Democrats but voted against Trump and Republicans.

Another key finding from the memo is “Voters are not hearing enough about what Democrats have accomplished, what they are fighting to accomplish, and how they are standing up for voters’ values and priorities.”

Lake Research said not having former President Donald Trump on the ballot “as a clear villain or stronger definition as a party.” The memo said the Democrats are “at risk of losing some of these new voters in 2022.”

Also, voters “are expecting Democrats to get things done,” but if they fail to get “real results for regular people, these new voters can be lost again.”

The pollster also found swing voters paid “little attention to Republican attacks on socialism or defunding the police,” which they found to be “divisive fearmongering.”

The memo showed that Democrat surge voters and swing voters both have far-left issue priorities:

  • Swing voters’ top issues are the environment and climate change, corruption in government, and kitchen table economics, followed by social justice, affordable health care, immigration, and the economy. Women are especially focused on education and health care.
  • Surge voters’ top motivating issues include the environment and climate change, social justice, COVID-19, immigration, and economic opportunity and inequality.
  • Surge and swing voters share many more common interests on issues right now than conventional wisdom often suggests.

Additionally, surge and swing voters look for different types of candidates than regular Democrats when looking for who to vote for, the memo added.

Joe Biden Said N-Word 13 Times in Senate, Hunter Multiple Times in Texts

joe biden, hunter biden
AP Photo/Nick Wass

President Joe Biden said the n-word 13 times in the Senate while Hunter Biden followed his father’s example multiple times in text messages, a report revealed Tuesday.

Biden deployed the n-word 13 times in a 1985 hearing series, U.S. Senate transcripts revealed, during which he repeatedly used the offensive slur when he was questioning William Reynolds, then-President Ronald Reagan’s assistant attorney general for civil rights, as Reynolds was under consideration for a promotion to be associate attorney general.

Breitbart News reported on the incident in July of 2020:

The first instance occurred during the morning of June 4, 1985, when Biden first used the term twice. A later instance, from the next day, June 5, has already had widely circulating video of Biden reciting the derogatory term from the quote twice. While some people circulating the video left out the context that includes proof Biden was not using the N-word himself but quoting someone else saying it, the mere question as to if that is even acceptable has dogged politicians for some time.

Flash forward to June 7, 2021, when reports show Hunter Biden followed his father’s example, using the n-word multiple times in text messages with his white attorney.

The Daily Mail first reported on Hunter’s profanity:

The president’s son joked in a January 2019 text to corporate attorney George Mesires about a ‘big penis’, and said to the lawyer: ‘I only love you because you’re black’ and ‘true dat n***a’.

In another text a month earlier he wrote to the Chicago lawyer saying: ‘how much money do I owe you. Becaause [sic] n***a you better not be charging me Hennessy rates.’

Mesires replied: ‘That made me snarf my coffee.’

Hunter added: ‘That’s what im saying ni…’, cutting off the racial slur mid-word, then texted a picture to Mesires.

Hunter’s laptop is also said to carry a meme depicting his father and former President Barack Obama, which included racist slurs.

The meme is a photo of Biden hugging the president with the caption:

‘Obama: Gonna miss you, man

‘Joe: Can I say it? Just this once?

‘Obama: *sigh* go ahead

‘Joe: You my n***a, Barack’

The mainstream media has handled the revelations by largely ignoring Hunter Biden’s text messages. For example, on Tuesday NBC News highlighted Kid Rock’s use of a slur Saturday but overlooked Hunter Biden’s use of the n-word.

The latest example of media bias comes as the mainstream media has been dropping in television ratings. To be specific, CNN ratings suffered a major dive in May.

#RacistHunter Catches Steam: ‘He’s a Product of the Biden Family Household’

DUBUQUE, IA - DECEMBER 9: Democratic Presidential hopeful Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE) fields questions as his son Hunter Biden (R) looks on at a campaign stop at 180 Main Pub and Restaurant December 9, 2007 in Dubuque, Iowa. The stop was part a of four-day campaign swing through central and …
Scott Olson/Getty Images

#RacistHunter took off on Twitter following the revelations that President Biden’s son used a racial slur several times in exchanges with his attorney — an action that would likely have any GOP-associated figure targeted by the cancel culture mob almost immediately, were they caught acting in the same manner.

The messages, stemming from Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop, show several exchanges with his white attorney George Mesires. Some of them show Mesires attempting to have deeper conversations with the disgraced Biden son, only to be met with interjections of “frivolity,” including the use of the n-word.

“Where do you find unconditional love then George,” Hunter asked, prompting a response from Mesires.

“God loves unconditionally. Beau loves you unconditionally. Children are too young to understand what it means. But you will show them,” he said adding, “There are ideals of unconditional love that serve as proxies. I don’t have many. You. God.”

“OMG n****,” Hunter snapped. “Did you just a fictional character from the imagination of the collective frightened and my dead brothers [sic] unconditional love is what I should rely on and my kids aren’t children George,” he continued before talking about his penis.

That conversation serves as just one example of his use of the word. Hunter also reportedly kept a meme on his computer showing his father and former President Obama hugging. It read, “Obama: Gonna miss you, man. Joe: Can I say it? Just this once? Obama: *sigh* go ahead. Joe: You my n***a, Barack.”

Despite the seeming silence from establishment media and left, many are jumping on the #RacistHunter trend on Twitter.

“If @DonaldJTrumpJr had just ONE text like this, the media mob would be enraged!!! Where is the #cancelculture #RacistHunter,” former Trump spox Katrina Pierson said:

“Children aren’t born racist. Hunter Biden is no exception. He’s a product of the Biden family household,” GOP strategist Arthur Schwartz said, also using the hashtag “#RacistHunter”:

“Try to imagine one of the Trump kids dropping the n-word,” Donald Trump Jr. remarked. “Real quote from Hunter: ‘n***a you better not be charging me Hennessy rates.’ #RacistHunter”:

Others jumped in the mix as well:

Neither President Biden nor Vice President Kamala Harris had weighed in on the remarks as of the publication of this post.

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