Wednesday, June 9, 2021


Senate GOP Gives Victory to Kamala Harris, Her Big Tech Donors with Green Card Giveaway…. WITH KAMALA, JUST FOLLOW HER LONG HISTORY OF BRIBES SUCKING!




9. Why did your office decline to investigate the health supplement fraud cases involving companies your husband’s law firm represented? Did you, as California’s attorney general, ever purposefully decline investigating or prosecuting clients of your husband’s law firm?

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) and her husband, attorney Douglas Emhoff, gave 1.1% of their income to charity in 2019, tax records show.

Harris reported giving $35,390 to charity, while she and her husband earned $3,095,950 in taxable income.

The best-case scenario is that she’s a progressive who repeatedly violated her own principles so that she could promote her career. In the worst-case scenario, she’s just another corrupt, rotten, regressive prosecutor.

                                                           JESSER HOROWITZ





A tidy corrupt partnership

She also declined to prosecute OneWest, run by now-Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin from 2009-2015, after her own prosecutors said they discovered over a thousand violations of foreclosure law committed by the bank. (OneWest donated $6,500 to Harris' attorney general campaign in 2011, and Mnuchin himself donated $2,000 to her Senate campaign in 2016.)


A Comprehensive Guide to All the Problems Kamala Harris Is Solving With Her Extensive Leadership Skills

Getty Images
 • June 8, 2021 4:50 pm


Vice President Kamala Harris has already been assigned an extensive portfolio of issues in an effort to make use of the exceptional political skills she displayed during the 2020 Democratic primary. It's getting hard to keep track; every week brings a new problem that Harris is in charge of solving. Please enjoy this comprehensive guide to the vice president's multitudinous leadership responsibilities.

1) Issue: Immigration crisis on the southern border. Status: Still a crisis (incomprehensible laughing fits notwithstanding).

2) Issue: National security in space. StatusInauspicious.

3) Issue: So-called voting rights reform. StatusJoe Manchin, according to libs, is a "cowardly, power-hungry white dude" for opposing it.

4) Issue: Supporting stepdaughter Ella Emhoff's dream of making more money than Hunter Biden did when his dad was vice president. StatusIn progress.

5) Issue: Preparing warm milk and chickpea mash for President Joe Biden, reading bedtime stories, applying a salve to his hair-plug sores on days when Dr. Jill is out of town or indisposed. Status: Unknown.

6) Issue: Making sure the media don't figure out that "Major," the Biden family's bloodthirsty, floor-befouling German shepherd, never actually returned from his stint at an "offsite training" facility. It's a completely different dog. Status: So far so good.

7) Issue: Becoming a fashion icon. StatusMixed bag.

8) Issue: Becoming a more charismatic public speaker than her predecessor, Mike Pence. Status: Improbable.

9) Issue: Periodically reaching out to CNN host Brian Stelter to reassure him, tell him he's doing a great job and trying really hard. Status: Ongoing.

10) Issue: Trying to persuade Meena Harris, her extremely online niece, to stop being so extremely online. StatusNeeds improvement.

11) Issue: Arresting and detaining climate activist and notorious scofflaw Greta Thunberg, who recently turned 18 and can be tried as an adult, for using her platform to manipulate the world's children into becoming shiftless truants. Status: Incomplete.

12) Issue: Tracking down "Ash Cat" Calloway and "Shiny Pants" (surname unknown), or any relations thereof, to see if they know the whereabouts of Biden's Jetfire Balsa Glider, the one that took fourth place at the Lackawanna County Fair. Status: In progress.

13) Issue: Coming to terms with the fact that she will never become president by winning an election. Status: Doubtful.

14) Issue: Avoiding drinking alcohol past 10 p.m. and other situations that might precipitate an ill-advised "I miss you" text to former lover and career adviser Willie BrownStatus: Unknown.

15) Issue: Remembering to laugh. StatusSuccess.

Published under: Democratic PartyJoe Biden

Both as a district attorney and, later, California's attorney general, she was famous for being unprincipled, but nevertheless appropriate as a vaguely Black female.

Kamala's terrible, no-good, awful response when asked about the border

Kamala Harris, even more than Barack Obama before her, attained her position not because of any inherent abilities or experience, but because she met the left's racial and sex metrics.  That she is not now, and probably never will be, ready for prime time has been made obvious thanks to Biden's decision to hand her responsibility for the mess that Biden made of America's southern border.

In an interview with a very friendly Lester Holt, Kamala again revealed how vapid she is.  When she should be intellectually nimble, she is, instead, always caught flat-footed.  The only good thing to come out of it was Tucker Carlson's wonderful riff about her manifest incompetence.

As a former Californian, I've long known about Kamala Harris.  I know that it was her affair with Willie Brown, the brilliant Black political godfather of California (and former San Francisco mayor) that got her started in politics.  As I like to say, she slept her way to the middle.  Both as a district attorney and, later, California's attorney general, she was famous for being unprincipled, but nevertheless appropriate as a vaguely Black female.

I also know people who know people.  One of my friends, who was politically incredibly well connected, told me that Kamala is none too bright.  In his estimation, she owed her political ascension entirely to having Willie Brown guide her.  Sure, that's hearsay, but it's consistent with her performance over the years. My guess is that it was Brown who came up with Kamala's successful "I was that little girl" attack on Biden early in the primaries. 

It's also my guess that now that she's in the White House, Kamala can't call on Willie Brown anymore, leaving her adrift.  That's why she's avoiding her responsibility regarding the border: she has no idea what to do because, politically, the border has become a hot potato.  While the Democrat base likes having an open border, most Americans don't — including the Hispanic citizens of McAllen, Texas, who just voted in a Republican mayor.  It's a tricky situation for a Democrat politician, and Kamala's pedestrian brain can't grapple with it.

Maybe I sound unkind but, honestly, there's no other way to explain how she responded when NBC's Lester Holt ever so gently pressed her about her failure to go to the border.  Without Jen Psaki to give her a good excuse ("She got a snack!"), Kamala fell back on her usual weapons when at a loss: prolonged silences, cackles, stupid statements, and repetition (starting at 4:30 in):

By the way, did you notice how faded she sounded?  Monica Showalter is right that there's something wrong.

Finally, for a comprehensive and deserved attack on the banal and unqualified woman standing on the verge of becoming president, you can't do better than Tucker Carlson's Tuesday-night monologue:

Image: Kamala Harris.  Twitter screen grab.

Is Kamala Harris's mission to Guatemala and Mexico crashing and burning?

For some, the aircraft malfunction of Kamala Harris's jet on her first flight abroad as Joe Biden's vice president to get at all those root causes to "solve" the border surge was kind of an omen.

After all, the jet malfunction could have gone undetected, or been put there by some Democrat insider, happening just as anonymous Democrat operatives are moaning aloud to the press about their dread of Harris becoming the next Democratic presidential candidate.  One wonders if Harris recalls the aircraft accident that took down former Clinton commerce secretary Ron Brown.  It's speculation, based on the miasma of events, none of it moored by fact.

What it symbolizes, though, is far harder to deny: Kamala Harris's mission to Guatemala and Mexico is looking like a disaster.

Let's take a gander at all that's come of it so far.

First, as Harris touched down in Guatemala, the locals greeted her this way, according to The Floridian, which appears to have some original photos.

But after boarding a new plane and taking the four-and-a-half-hour flight to Guatemala, protesters were at the Guatemalan Air Force base waiting for the vice president with open arms and signs.  Big signs.

One sign simply stated, "Kamala, TRUMP WON," another told the vice president that "Guatemala is pro-life," and another wants to her to "go home."

Here's a tweet:

Some of the other signs said "Kamala mind your own business," "Kamala go home," "Kamala Stop Funding Criminals," and the like.  So much for all that "civil society" Kamala says she plans to meet on her trip — community organizers, NGOs, activists.  So the press reports say.  The protest signs are the civil society over there, and rest assured, they're not going to be on her list of people to meet.  Imagine what the press would have been like if President Trump had been greeted by protesters of this variety. 

I spent well north of an hour looking for just which civil society community organizers she does plan to meet once she gets done with Guatemala's president, and thus far, the White House has released absolutely nothing.  Nobody in the press got a leak, either.

That suggests that maybe the list isn't quite ready yet, or that the White House would rather us not know just whom she plans to meet.  A good guess from that would mean probably communists of some kind, people with ties to human-smuggling rackets, and political opponents of the current Guatemalan president, who is a conservative. 

One strong indicator that supports that is Harris's recent pre-trip meetings with two notorious Guatemalan far leftists who got themselves thrown out of power for trying to break Guatemalan law and now position themselves as "dissidents." 

According to Mary Anastasia O'Grady's valuable Wall Street Journal column today

Guatemalan politics are highly charged, polarized and corrupt. One side, with backers in Washington, applauds land invasions, electricity theft and road blocks in the name of social justice. For the antidevelopment left, in Guatemala and in the American Democratic Party, the rule of law in the developing world is a nuisance.

Ms. Harris showed her cards in Washington last month when she met with Guatemala's former Attorney General Thelma Aldana, despite Ms. Aldana's two outstanding Guatemalan arrest warrants on charges of corruption. She has said on Twitter that she is a victim of "dark forces."

Former Guatemalan high-court judge Gloria Porras was at the same meeting, though there are scores of legal complaints against her at home for allegedly refusing to obey the constitution. These include complaints from a qualified majority of the association of representatives who drafted the constitution in the mid-1980s. Ms. Porras claims she was denied a third five-year term by an antidemocratic conspiracy.

That's whom she's meeting with: two hideous leftists who've already tried to rig the rule of law in their favor and refuse to face justice for it.  Apparently, no one's allowed to stop a leftist from breaking the law, in Kamala's world, which pretty well reflects the stance here. 

OK, so she met with that pair, and now she's off to meet with some unelected "community organizers" (you can just imagine), right after she meets with Guatemala's conservative president who was legitimately elected by the actual Guatemalan people, as well as some "entrepreneurs," who, as O'Grady notes near the top of her piece, aren't actually on board and, in fact, are holding back. 

It gets worse.  She's vowing to throw U.S. taxpayer money at the leftist community organizers, millions and millions of it, the better to help them in their mission to get rid of Guatemala's duly elected president. 

According to USA Today, which has a deep dive report but no names of these community organizers Harris is set to meet: 

As part of its fight against corruption and a broader diplomatic strategy in the region, the administration has proposed $4 billion in aid to tackle the root causes of migration. But the White House has been careful to ensure the funding would not only go to governments but also to NGOs and civil society groups – entities Beltrán [a very radical left-wing NGO functionary in Washington] said Guatemala is trying to undermine.

Got that Jacobo Arbenz feel to it all over again.  Arbenz, recall, was the elected president of Guatemala who in 1954 was overthrown, supposedly with U.S. complicity, and at the request of the United Fruit Company, for being a communist, a move that upset the global left for decades as they yelled and yelled about the evils of U.S. interventionism in banana republics.  Kamala is signaling that she'd like to do an Arbenz in reverse — to get rid of a conservative by bankrolling his opposition with U.S. foreign aid in order to install a communist.  The old Sorosian color-revolution "democracy" model is probably in operation already. 

And don't think that isn't the plan.  It's already happening in Mexico.  According to USA Today:

Elsewhere, the State Department's annual human rights report warned of Mexico's gang violence and limits on press freedom, and it criticized the country's prison and detention center conditions. Lopez Obrador slammed the U.S. for the annual report and for giving aid to an NGO that criticized his government. 

 Funny how the left likes to play the games it's always accusing the right of doing.

Apparently, AMLO, who is a leftist, but one who committed the cardinal sin of having a cordial working relationship with President Trump, and who was the foreign leader who first recognized the U.S. election fraud of 2020 because he knew the tricks and experienced the same funny business himself earlier, is kind of a problem to the Bidenites, so they're out bankrolling ACORN-style groups to get rid of him and calling it foreign aid to stem migration.  Anybody think AMLO is easily fooled?

None of this sounds like much to do with root causes of illegal migration that Kamala is billing herself the queen of, does it?  It's foreign meddling, and Harris's plan is to bankroll opponents of the two presidents of migration nations that will still talk to her (two others — the presidents of Honduras and El Salvador — won't even speak to her).  Latin American nations know this stuff when they see it, and it won't go down well.

Now let's move on to the presidents Kamala Harris is meeting with to get at all those root causes.  We already know how the president of Mexico feels about her, so let's now look at the president of Guatemala, from CBS News:

In their Zoom and telephone meetings so far, Harris "doesn't hold back, which is good. She is frank," Giammattei said.

"We are not on the same side of the coin. It is obvious," he added, explaining later that "we are in agreement on the 'what'" of the immigration crisis, "which is something. We are in not agreement on the 'how.'"

Translation: The talks were contentious, as the word "frank" is a diplomatic code word for "they were yelling at each other."  The "how" that the Guatemalan president mentions is that overthrowing him with the aid of U.S. taxpayer money to NGOs with the aim of installing leftists isn't going to stop illegal migration to the states the way she claims it will.  There's no such thing as a socialist paradise, Kams.  People flee socialist countries; they don't go running to them.

That sounds like a crash and burn right there.

The Guatemalan president also brought up that Biden had started the problem, something Harris has thus far paid no attention to, given her failure to visit the border:

During a bilingual interview with CBS News conducted Friday at the nation's presidential house, [Guatemala's President Alejandro Giammattei] was asked if Guatemalans are leaving his country now that Mr. Biden is president and Donald Trump is out of office. 

He said the change in government led to a change in message: "The message changed to, 'We are going to reunite families and we are going to reunite children.'" 

When that happened, "The very next day the coyotes here were organizing groups of children to take them to the United States."

Given the uptick in migration, "We asked the United States government to send more of a clear message to prevent more people from leaving," Giammattei said.

Rest assured, that hard statement of fact will go in one ear and out the other as Kamala focuses on bankrolling community organizers with taxpayer money.

Here's another problem with those presidential meetings: Harris doesn't know a word of Spanish, despite living in a border state and conducting prosecutions on more than a lot of Mexican nationals in California courtrooms.

While she has spent the past few weeks trying to get up to speed quickly on a broad array of issues, she acknowledged last week that she hadn't had as much time as she would have liked to brush up on her Spanish before the trip.

"One of my regrets is that I'm not fluent in Spanish," she said. "I will have my conversations in English so as not to embarrass myself."

What baloney.  Nobody ever embarrasses himself trying to speak another country's language.  The effort, even if imperfect, is always appreciated.  Kamala was just offering excuses for her laziness, and don't think the State Department, intelligence agencies, Voice of America, and other government agencies don't have top-notch speed-Spanish tutorial programs for their overseas operatives to get them up to speed on language very quickly before overseas assignments.  They do.  Kamala could have availed herself of one of those, but most likely, she was too lazy and incurious.

It's odd stuff, given that she's from California, too.  The prosecutors I know of in San Diego are either in Spanish classes for just this purpose (my community college classes in San Diego were filled with these people) or else know it by heritage.  It's odd as heck that Harris doesn't know jack about Spanish, given her California background.  Too much partying in Canada and posing for selfies, it seems.

How else is this a crash and burn?  Well, look at the low expectations her media allies are creating for her.

According to Politico's syrupy lede:

GUATEMALA CITY — The Biden administration is trying to manage expectations for Kamala Harris' first international trip as vice president.

The goal for her two-day visit to Guatemala and Mexico isn't to roll out a massive plan to solve the problems driving thousands to flee the region, according to administration officials, people close to the White House and experts, but simply to show that the U.S. cares and isn't just looking for quick fixes.

So she's off to meddle in the internal affairs of these countries.  Locals are protesting her, but she's off to shovel cash to unelected NGOs and ACORN-style community organizers to topple the governments.  The businesses remain absent, and not one of her group of twelve businesses is offering to create jobs in these countries, which really would get people to stay there.  Meanwhile. she's fighting with the presidents of the migrant-exporting countries that will actually talk with her.  And back home, the media are lowering expectations, taking their cues from the Biden White House itself, which doesn't want anyone to hold their breath. 

I'd call that a crash and burn.  And it hasn't even happened yet.  Who knows how many more things can go wrong in this wretched span of just two days?

Anyone notice how haggard Kamala Harris looked in Guatemala?

Kamala Harris is under some kind of pressure.

It's hard to say what, given the working thesis (first seen in a tweet by Newt Gingrich) that Joe Biden appointed her to the position of border czar because he knew she would do nothing.

But it's pretty obvious there were signs of strain in her face as she met with the president of Guatemala on Monday and then held a dual press conference. She looked like hell.

Here are some camera shots from the NBC News report on the television set:

She actually looks pretty lost, uncertain, way out of her comfort zone. Not ready for prime time. And her hair was clumped and dirty. This wasn't one of her selfie glamour shots.

At this point, we can only speculate.

Was it an unusually rough meeting with Guatemala's conservative President Alejandro Giammattei? We know that he has publicly blamed the Biden administration for the border surge that Kamala Harris is coming to Guatemala to somehow stop. He's explicitly stated that the Biden administration has sent "mixed messages" and that when Old Joe said that unaccompanied children would not be sent back, the coyotes in Guatemala had the kids lined up for the journey right away. He has their number, and he said it on international television. Could what he said to her in private have been even rougher? Perhaps he gave her the facts of life about his country's national interest, or warned her not to bankroll NGOs who'd like to overthrow him. Quite possibly he lectured her on yanqui imperialismo and let her know that she was the oppressive supremacist imperialist. Something like that.

Her nervous giggles and cackles probably didn't impress him.

Perhaps even more likely, she was hearing from Old Joe, whose flash temper, shifts of policy, and tendency to fly off the handle is legendary. Could that have been the reason she came out with the insincere-sounding headline maker here:

“I want to be clear to folks in this region for thinking about making that dangerous trek to the US-Mexico border. Do not come. Do not come,” she said.

You know those aren't her words, they're Joe's, something he said back at the dawn of his presidency. They're also a joke, words that stopped no one from coming. More than 170,000 illegal aliens poured over our border in just April alone. Nobody pays attention to those words, they pay attention to the Biden administration's deeds -- letting in all comers, offering a free ride on health care, a free ride to one's destination of choice in the U.S. (without passports), letting them in bearing COVID and spreading it throughout the country, letting them in without even court dates, changing all the diapers. And Kamala herself undercut even that supposedly unambiguous message by tentatively adding "“I believe if you come to our border, you will be turned back,” signalling she hasn't done much homework on this, which for would-be illegal migrants, leaves open the possibility that maybe they wouldn't be sent back. Don't quote her.

As Giammattei said: Mixed messages.

Or could it be that she's so inexperienced she doesn't know how to prepare for an international flight? It's not like the flight was long -- it was four and a half hours, which is less than a cross-country U.S. flight. It was also done in the utmost of comfort on Air Force 2, with its extensive sleeping quarters and room service. Perhaps she doesn't know a lot about self-care for such a trip. Or she was busy with selfies and other stupid but typical pursuits of hers, perhaps with winning her next election, which left her tired when it was time to go to work.

Having flown on one of those jets myself, to Colombia as part of the official press entourage of then-Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in 2008, I recall how ultra-sharp and alert Rice looked ahead of all her Colombian appointments that the press followed her on, even her makeup was flawless, her clothes were awesome, she was utterly well-briefed and sharp as a tack, showing a 160 IQ command of facts, standing tall and straight and sharp-eyed and looking like a million bucks. She had just flown in from Davos the night earlier, and probably didn't much sleep, but still, she had her personal presentation down pat, confounding the reporters actually.

Harris hasn't figured that out yet, and obviously isn't ready for prime time. She came in as nominally Lady Bountiful to the Guatemalans and obviously found herself out of her depth and looking unprepared for the whole thing.

Now she's off to even readier Mexico, whose president has made no secret of his view that she and Joe Biden cheated to win the election, and blames them openly for the crisis. This should get even more harrowing for her. 

Obviously, she's not ready for prime time.

UPDATE: Kamala Harris Still Laughing Her Way Through Border Crisis

Vice president claims 'we've been to the border.' (She hasn't.)

 and  • June 8, 2021 6:00 pm


Vice President Kamala Harris is supposed to be in charge of the immigration crisis on the southern border but is struggling to take the assignment seriously. Back in March, for example, she couldn't stop laughing after a reporter asked whether she had plans to go to the border and witness the crisis firsthand.

The struggle continues, apparently, as Harris was unable to control her laughter once again during an interview with NBC's Lester Holt on Tuesday. Not only that, but Harris also falsely claimed "we've been to the border" in a bizarre attempt to challenge the premise of Holt's question.

"This whole thing about the border. We've been to the border. We've been to the border," Harris said.

When Holt pointed out that she had not, in fact, been to the border, Harris appeared to concede. "I—and I haven't been to Europe. And I mean, I don't—I don't understand the point that you're making," Harris said.

Republicans seized, obviously, on Harris's unusual remarks. As a result, Holt's colleagues in the media were quick to seize on the GOP seizing. "Republicans and conservatives are going crazy on Twitter," New York Times reporter Katie Rogers said during Tuesday's press briefing at the White House.

"Does the president think there is a scenario in which she should visit the border? And also the mounting criticism from conservatives, would that ever factor [into] a decision to send her down there?" Rogers continued. "I mean, don't they have a point that if she has this task in front of her, should she not see the end cause as well as the root cause of the problem?"

White House press secretary Jen Psaki responded vaguely, suggesting that visiting the southern border was something that Harris "certainly may do" at some point.

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