Wednesday, June 16, 2021



Petition to Remove Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin


Editors' note: The hour is late. We need to mount a mass campaign to oppose the betrayal of our country by the Biden Administration and a military leadership that is undermining troop morale and sabotaging our country’s ability to defend itself. Please sign the petition below and spread the word.


Petition to Remove Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin:

No institution in America – from government offices to schoolrooms to corporate boardrooms and beyond – is safe today from the divisive racism of Critical Race Theory and the “1619 Project.” both of which posit that United States history is rooted in slavery and white supremacy, and that “whiteness” is an incurable disease. The institution whose subversion poses the greatest threat to our national security is the U.S. military, whose head is Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin. General Austin is a determined advocate of these repulsive anti-American views.

As Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin has incorporated both Critical Race Theory and the 1619 Project as core elements of the Pentagon’s military training programs, under the guise of “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.” He has further ordered a purging of the military ranks of what he calls “extremists,” defined as opponents of these noxious views and supporters of former president Donald Trump.

The consequence of dividing our troops by race and gender, and regarding one community of Americans as oppressors and beneficiaries of race and gender-based privileges is a direct threat to unit cohesion and military morale, the core elements of an effective military force.

That’s why I hope you’ll join me, and demand the Removal of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.

If you are a 19-year old and pondering whether it is worth risking your life for your country, the teachings now current in the United States military will cause you to have second thoughts about the country you are supposed to defend.

On April 9, 2021, Secretary Austin issued a memorandum announcing the establishment of the Countering Extremism Working Group (CEWG) to spearhead the military’s internal witch-hunt of “extremism” in the ranks.

To lead the CEWG, Austin appointed as his senior adviser, a black American named Bishop Garrison, who has made no secret of his profound contempt for former President Trump and the millions of people who voted for him. In July 2019, for example, Garrison wrote: “Support for him [Trump], a racist, is support for ALL his beliefs. He’s dragging a lot of bad actors (misogynist, extremists, other racists) out into the light, normalizing their actions. If you support the President, you support that.”

As part of the re-education of our fighting force, Austin’s officers have required recruits to watch a film portraying Democrat presidents – and only Democrat presidents - as civil rights heroes, thus dividing military personnel along partisan political lines as well.

Please add your name to this petition right away, and demand the Senate remove Secretary Austin.

Richard Torres-Estrada, the new “chief of diversity” for Special Operations, has compared President Trump to Hitler. His appointment came as part of a plan for embedding intersectionality into Special Operations diversity training through the “interconnectedness of matters relating to culture, ethnicity, religion, class, race, and gender”.

“The job of the Department of Defense is to keep America safe from our enemies,” explains Austin.  “But we can't do that if some of those enemies lie within our own ranks.”

Or, if they preside over those ranks.

Secretary Austin claims his planned purge “is not about politics or political views.” Yet, nearly all 18 members of the Combatting Extremism Working Group in charge of the purge supported Joe Biden and the Democrats in the 2020 elections. Six of them are radical Islamists including a Pakistani national, who is not even a citizen. This is hardly surprising since in his first days as Secretary of Defense Austin ordered hundreds of former President Trump’s appointees from at least 31 Pentagon advisory boards and panels, to resign.

To guide his political purge, Austin has recruited the Southern Poverty Law Center, a notorious, fact-challenged smear operation which has routinely labeled conservative organizations and individuals like the American Enterprise Institute and Trump HUD Secretary Ben Carson as “hate mongers.”

In a world as dangerous as ours where our chief adversary China is openly and aggressively building what it hopes will be the most dominant military force in the world, having a divisive, morale-sapping, politically partisan Secretary of Defense in charge of the nation’s defenses is a itself a threat to national security.

On May 10, 2021, Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier, a commanding officer with the U.S. Space Force, released a self-published book titled Irresistible Revolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military. “As a commander of young military professionals, all of whom have taken an oath to support and defend the Constitution,” wrote Lohmeier, “I became concerned that race-based identity politics would erode the trust and confidence these young people have in their country and in the Constitution.” In his book Lohmeier recounts stories of white officers who left the military because they grew tired of being told that “they are racists solely based on the color of their skin.” He describes high-school students reluctant to join the armed services because “they are unsure what their country stands for anymore.” And he cites black West Point cadets who, as a result of the Marxist propaganda with which they have been indoctrinated, are “conflicted about swearing an oath to defend a white supremacist country.”

For expressing his concerns, Lohnmeier was fired from his command and removed from his Space Force unit, whose task is the tracking of ballistic missile launches.


David Horowitz

David Horowitz


In 2021, does anyone seriously believe blacks are oppressed?

President Obama's attorney general, Eric Holder, while in office, said the United States is "a nation of cowards" when it comes to race relations.  He went on to say that, although there have been improvements in race relations, our country is still socially segregated.  It was kind of odd to hear that from our country's first black A.G., appointed by our first black president.  After all, tens of millions of whites voted for Obama against his opponent, John McCain, a white guy.  Therefore, if more than half the nation wanted to be represented by a black man, wouldn't that indicate that racial barriers had been taken down?  Add to that the fact that Obama was re-elected over another white guy when he bested Mitt Romney in 2012.

The irony of Holder's comments is that his boss became a racially divisive leader during his eight years in office.  Moreover, five years after he left the White House, our country is dealing with black hatred toward whites on an unprecedented scale.  Black Lives Matter, a group that openly hates whites, tell us we must not say "all lives matter" because that is racist language.  In other words, the only lives that matter are black lives.  Interestingly, that roguish gang of extortionists never comments on or actively works to deter the massive number of black lives lost, at the violent hands of other blacks, each year in major cities across the country.

Yet if a black thug is killed during an encounter with a white police officer, most often when resisting arrest, it's immediately leapt upon as a propaganda tool to bash all of white society.  If BLM were really concerned about black lives, they'd be using some of their ill gotten cash to pay for ads that tell people to make their complaints at the police station or the courtroom, rather than in violent clashes on the street.

I learned a lot of things during my twenty years as a cop in NYC.  Among them was that people who resist arrest are almost always doing so because they have a "yellow sheet," as we used to refer to lengthy arrest records; hence, they fear the longer sentences handed out to recidivists.  Another lesson I learned is that everyone I arrested was "innocent."

When whites decry the overtly abusive comments about their skin color, their protestations are referred to as "white fragility," AKA racism.  Whites who are perceived to have more of anything than blacks, they are called "privileged" — i.e., racists.  One wonders how much privilege whites receive from such targeted programs as affirmative action.  Undoubtedly, some readers of this column will call me a racist, since they don't have an intellectual argument to refute the contents.  It's all part of the left-wing hustle, which seeks to control the conversation by muzzling opposition.

A couple of years ago, a black University of Georgia teacher's assistant grabbed headlines when he said, "Some white people may have to die for black communities to be made whole."  When questioned about his outrageous racism, Irami Osei-Frampong, said he didn't see why people got upset.  Well, I think most rational people would say his vision is seriously impaired if he can't "see" how despicable a human being he is.

More recently, during a lecture at Yale University, psychiatrist Aruna Khilanani said she has fantasies about shooting white people.  "I had fantasies of unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way, burying their body and wiping my bloody hands as I walked away relatively guiltless with a bounce in my step, like I did the world a f------ favor," she said.  Again, irony suggests that this deranged shrink seek help from a psychiatrist.

Then we come to Critical Race Theory, a radical-left philosophy that found its way into many public schools.  CRT teaches kids to hate their country and to judge their classmates based on their skin color.  Furthermore, it tells black children they are permanently oppressed because of their skin pigment.  In addition, there's the hackneyed canard emphasizing that whites are the reason for the misery of blacks.  Thankfully, parents of all races are becoming aware of such extremist agendas and are fighting back.

I could go on and on with similar threats against whites, and they are numerous, but suffice to say that whites have been taking a lot of abuse.  We haven't reached the point in which whites begin making similar vicious comments against blacks.  Nevertheless, we keep hearing that blacks are oppressed.  One can only imagine the backlash if a white professor said she fantasized about shooting blacks.

Fortunately, the overwhelming number of whites and blacks are not falling for the Machiavellian tactics of hate-filled nihilists.  To quote Maya Angelou, "Hate has caused many problems for the world, but it has not solved one yet."

Image: Andy Witchger via Wikimedia CommonsCC BY 2.0.

Black Lives Matter Promoted the Destruction of Israel

It came to light during the past couple of months that Black Lives Matter Global Network's co-founder Patrisse Cullors called for the destruction of Israel in 2015 — an agenda shared by the terrorist group Hamas.  The Daily Mail is not a particularly reliable source, but Cullors speaks for herself in the linked YouTube video.

Palestine is our generation's South Africa and, if we don't step up boldly and courageously to end the imperialist project that's called Israel, we're doomed.

This sentence should be enough to end, from a public relations standpoint, the race-hustling project that's called Black Lives Matter.  No decent person or organization can continue to associate with an entity that advocates the actual destruction of the world's only Jewish-majority nation, and this includes (1) the Democratic Party, (2) corporations that support BLM and/or allow their workers to wear BLM attire on the job, and (3) universities such as Hardin-Simmons.  In fairness to Starbucks, however, the company probably did not know about Cullors's reprehensible statements.  Neither did I until recently.

While BLM has not gone so far as to voice support for the terrorist organization Hamas, it has nonetheless shilled for Hamas by referring to Israel as "settler colonialism."  It also said it stood in solidarity with the Palestinians, which can be construed as support for Hamas just as standing in solidarity with Germany in 1943 would have constituted implicit support for Nazism.  The Nazis controlled Germany then just as terrorists control Gaza today, regardless of the positions and behavior of individual Germans and Palestinians, respectively.

BLM and the Judenrein Middle East

Cullors is not talking about a two-state solution that, while controversial, does not involve the destruction of Israel.  She is not talking about ending the occupation of the lands that Israel seized in self-defense during the 1967 war caused by Egypt, Syria, and Jordan.  She says to "end the imperialistic project that's called Israel."

Hamas's useful idiots state repeatedly that opposition to the policies of Israel is not anti-Semitic.  This is true, just as disagreement with policies and actions of the United States is not anti-American.  Had more of us disagreed with the Spanish-American and First World Wars, a lot of innocent lives would have been saved all around.  On the other hand, those who call for the destruction of the United States are at least morally if not legally domestic enemies of the United States, and those who call for the destruction of Israel — as attempted by its enemies in 1948, 1967, and 1973 — are anti-Semitic.

A pro-Palestinian march with alleged BLM connections in Brooklyn featured the chant, "Genocide since '48, we don't want your Jew state."  These Hamas shills must have followed the purported advice of Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels to accuse the other side of what yours is guilty of because the only genocide in 1948 was the one attempted by Israeli's enemies.

Yet another speaker made it clear that he also wanted to make the region Judenrein: "We don't want a fake Palestinian state that they give us while Israel still exists.  The land that Israel exists on is still stolen. '48 lands are still stolen."  I cannot ascertain the degree to which Black Lives Matter was involved in this, but the Times of Israel reported, "At a pro-Palestinian, pro-Black Lives Matters demonstration in Brooklyn this week, participants called to eliminate the Jewish state as well as the United States, amid chants of 'Death to Israel,' 'Death to America' and 'From Gaza to Minnesota, globalize the Intifada!'"

While the degree of BLM's involvement in the Brooklyn anti-Semitic, anti-police, and anti-American hate speech is not known, an op-ed in the Forward adds that BLM demonstrators in Washington, D.C. proclaimed, "Israel, we know you, you murder children, too."

The Republican Jewish Coalition added of the D.C. protest, "We are horrified by this vicious hatemongering by Black Lives Matter protesters.  The Black Lives Matter charter is filled with anti-Israel and anti-Semitic lies.  It is deeply disturbing, but not surprising, to hear those sentiments chanted in the streets of Washington, DC."

This Should Cost the Democrats the 2022 Elections

Now that BLM's co-founder is on record as advocating the actual dismantling of Israel, and there are video and audio of BLM demonstrators in Washington, D.C. slandering Israel with a false accusation of murdering children, we must return to BLM's influence on the 2020 election.  BLM claims that it helped elect the Biden/Harris ticket, and it did this while under the 501(c)(3) tax-exempt fiscal sponsorship of Thousand Currents and then the Tides Foundation.  Had the Republican Party pressed this issue last year instead of waiting until after the election to pursue questionable allegations of voter fraud, it might now control the White House and both houses of Congress.

Now Biden, Harris, and the entire Democratic Party must come to terms with the revelation that the huge movement that helped put them where they are has called for the destruction of the only nation in that part of the Middle East that is a safe place for people of all races and religions, women, and LGBT people.  The Democratic Party is also on record as promoting Al Sharpton's National Action Network, the same organization that engaged in racist and anti-Semitic hate speech at Freddy's Fashion Mart in Harlem.

The Cat Is Now Out of the Bag

Perhaps BLM did the civilized world a favor through its role in exposing the true agenda of Hamas and its shills, including those who infest America's streets and college campuses.  Their objective was never just a two-state solution or Palestinian autonomy, just as Czechoslovakia was not Hitler's last demand.  When you chant, "We don't want your Jew state," your problem is with Jews and not the policies of Israel.   When you say "end the imperialist project that's called Israel," you support the goal of driving the Jews into the sea, as the terrorists tried to do in 1948 to make the region Judenrein.

The ultimate goal of Hamas is clearly a Final Solution to Hamas's Jewish Problem in the Middle East.  This problem includes a high standard of living for all, as well as equal rights for all people.  Israel should have therefore applied a Final Solution to the Hamas Problem long ago the same way the Allies applied a Final Solution to the Nazi Problem in 1945.

Note that I said "Hamas problem" and "Nazi Problem" and not "Palestinian Problem" or "German Problem."  Most Germans probably wanted to be rid of Hitler by 1944, and most Palestinian Arabs would be better off without Hamas the same way healthy tissue is better off without cancer.

Civis Americanus is the pen name of a contributor who remembers the lessons of history and wants to ensure that our country never needs to learn those lessons again the hard way.  The author is remaining anonymous due to the likely prospect of being subjected to "cancel culture" for exposing the Big Lie behind Black Lives Matter.

Image: Johnny Silvercloud via Flickr (cropped), CC BY-SA 2.0.

Biden Privilege: A Tale of Two Racists

We are living in a P.C. culture. In the past few years, we’ve seen multiple celebrities canceled for comments that have been taken to be offensive against African Americans or Black Lives Matter. Meanwhile, Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, get a free pass when openly insulting Black people.

There’s a long list of celebrates who got canceled after they purposefully or accidentally said or tweeted offensive remarks against Black people, including remarks that were not objectively racist but were perceived as racist. For example, Roseanne Barr, Megyn Kelly, and “The Flash” star Hartley Sawyer were each fired from their positions after either tweeting or making remarks the cancel culture perceived as racist.

Barr tweeted that President Barack Obama’s adviser Valerie Jarret was the “offspring of the Muslim Brotherhood and Planet of the Apes.” She was subsequently fired from the Roseanne Barr Show. Kelly was fired for simply talking about the changing attitudes of black face on NBC. Sawyer was fired for racist and misogynistic tweets. 

Many individuals who have used the n-word were either fired or pressured into resigning. Papa John’s founder John Schnatter resigned from the company after he was set up to use the n-word on a conference call. Paula Deen was let go by the Food Network for admitting she said the n-word decades before.

Things are different if you’re a Biden. Throughout his political career, Joe Biden has regularly made racist remarks. Beginning in the 1970s, when he started his career, Biden proudly associated with segregationists and said busing would lead to a “racial jungle.” As a U.S. Senator, he said quoted the n-word thirteen times during Senate hearings in 1985. Just fifteen years ago, Biden said, “You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.”

The 2020 presidential campaign again brought out Biden’s inner racist. While running for president, Biden said, “If you have trouble figuring out whether you are for me or Donald Trump, then you ain’t Black.” He also said, "Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.”

During Biden’s more than forty years of public service, the mainstream media never criticized him for his racist rhetoric. None of Biden’s comments made it difficult for him to run for president. 

Just this week, more revelations came from Hunter Biden’s confiscated laptop revealing that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. 

On Monday, June 7, 2021, it emerged that Hunter Biden sent racist text messages to his attorney George Mesires. This revelation came from Hunter’s laptop and was reported in the Daily Mail. Joe Biden’s son continuously referred to his lawyer as the n-word. Additionally, he shared a meme of his dad calling Obama the n-word.

Since this disclosure, none of the major progressive news sources have covered the story. The New York TimesThe Washington PostCNNNBC, and MSNBC have all remained silent on the matter. This is a common example of the mainstream media covering up for fellow leftists. If one of Donald Trump’s children had made such a comment, then the media would have crucified Trump. They would have constantly reminded the public that Trump raised awful racist children. There would have been calls for Trump to resign. He might even have been impeached over it. 

Back in February, President Biden accidentally said the n-word when speaking at the Virtual Munich Security Conference. While a mistake, imagine what would have happened if Trump had said the same thing as president? The press would have vilified him. 

Former President Donald Trump never even had to say something as remotely racist as what the Biden’s said for the mainstream to crucify him. In fact, the mainstream media and Democrats perpetrated a false narrative for nearly four years accusing Trump of praising Neo-Nazis.  

For nearly four years Trump has been wrongly accused of praising Neo-Nazis at the Charlottesville, Virginia rally. Neo-Nazis and Antifa got into an altercation over removing Robert E. Lee’s statue. While Neo-Nazis and KKK were calling for violence, not everyone who participated in the protests was violent. Trump said that there were, “very fine people on both sides.” As he instantly made clear, he was referring to peaceful protestors who did not want the statues removed. He was not referring to either Neo-Nazis or Antifa. He condemned the Neo-Nazis during this same speech. 

Even though Trump condemned Neo-Nazis it did not stop the mainstream media from painting Trump as a racist. News outlets such as CNN, MSNBC, and NPR constantly accused Trump of not condemning Neo-Nazis. In fact, they blatantly lied to the public telling the public that Trump praised Neo-Nazis and the KKK. 

Throughout the years this lie has continued. Biden used this false narrative to challenge Trump for the presidency. In painting Trump as some evil racist, the mainstream media and Democrats convinced many voters that Trump actually is a racist. The left has continued to push this narrative to win support among African Americans. 

On June 8, 2021, Obama continued to push this false narrative by criticizing congressional Republicans who did not speak out about Trump’s “very fine people” remarks in regards to the Charlottesville rally. Of course, congressional Republicans did not correct Trump because they knew he was not referring to Neo-Nazis, as would anyone who was paying attention.  

The liberal media are able to convince many Americans that Trump is a horrible racist because they continue to twist his words. Ironically, the ones who are really racists are Biden and his son. They, however, get a free pass when insulting African Americans because they are leftists.    

How is it that the party that preaches diversity and inclusion has as its leader a man who has an ugly history of insulting black people? Why are there different standards of rules when dealing with celebrities, Republicans, and Democrats over racism? 

As between Trump, Joe Biden, and Hunter Biden, there are only two racists: One is the man in the White House who thinks he owns the black vote; the other is his son, a White man who is fine with using the n-word.   

The Bidens can be racist while accusing Republicans and most Americans of being racist because of their leftist privilege. If Biden wants to root out racism, he should deal with his own family first.

IMAGE: Joe Biden (cropped) by Gage Skidmore (CC BY-SA 2.0); Hunter Biden (YouTube screen grab).

Biden’s Racist Farm Reparations

The blatantly unconstitutional Pigford 2.0 excludes white farmers.


The Biden-Harris administration is promising to press on with a blatantly unconstitutional $4 billion farm relief program that deliberately excludes white people even after a federal judge ruled it was racially discriminatory and temporarily blocked it.

Democrats view the explicitly racist government program as a down payment on the slavery reparations package they want to force on Americans a century and a half after Abraham Lincoln’s Republicans took Democrats’ slaves away from them.

Twelve plaintiffs in nine states sued the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) in a case called Faust v. Vilsack to enjoin officials from implementing a loan-forgiveness program for farmers and ranchers under Section 1005 of the grotesque $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA), the recent so-called pandemic-related stimulus legislation. The plaintiffs say Section 1005 denies them equal protection of the law because eligibility to participate in the program is based solely on racial classifications.

“The Court recognized that the federal government’s plan to condition and allocate benefits on the basis of race raises grave constitutional concerns and threatens our clients with irreparable harm,” said Rick Esenberg, president and general counsel for the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty (WILL).

“The Biden administration is radically undermining bedrock principles of equality under the law. We look forward to continuing this litigation but urge the administration to change course now.”

WILL represents the 12 farmers and ranchers from Wisconsin, Minnesota, South Dakota, Ohio, Missouri, Iowa, Arkansas, Oregon, and Kentucky. Each plaintiff would be eligible for the federal loan forgiveness program, but for their race.

U.S. District Judge William Griesbach of Green Bay, Wisconsin, cut through the woke nonsense argued by placeholder president Joe Biden’s legal team and issued a temporary restraining order against the program June 10.

“Plaintiffs are excluded from the program based on their race and are thus experiencing discrimination at the hands of their government,” Griesbach wrote.

Only someone who is a member of a “socially disadvantaged group,” meaning “a group whose members have been subjected to racial or ethnic prejudice because of their identity as members of a group without regard to their individual qualities,” is eligible for loan relief.

“In other words, the loan forgiveness program is based entirely on the race of the farmer or rancher,” the judge wrote. Only individuals “who are one or more of the following: Black/African American, American Indian, Alaskan native, Hispanic/Latino, Asian, or Pacific Islander,” are eligible under the ARPA program.

“Congress can implement race-neutral programs to help farmers and ranchers in need of financial assistance, such as requiring individual determinations of disadvantaged status or giving priority to loans of farmers and ranchers that were left out of the previous pandemic relief funding,” the judge wrote.

“It can also provide better outreach, education, and other resources. But it cannot discriminate on the basis of race.”

Matt Herrick, USDA director of communications, justified the racist, obviously unconstitutional program and told the Washington Post his agency would continue to discriminate against whites.

“We respectfully disagree with this temporary order and USDA will continue to forcefully defend our ability to carry out this act of Congress and deliver debt relief to socially disadvantaged borrowers,” Herrick said.

“When the temporary order is lifted, USDA will be prepared to provide the debt relief authorized by Congress,” he predicted.

Ignoring Judge Griesbach’s order, USDA officials, who say 17,000 farmers of color qualify for taxpayer-provided apartheid alms, are urging borrowers to keep filing.

The WaPo article claims that the farmer giveaway “sought to correct long-standing disadvantages faced by Black, Latino, and other minority farmers in getting loans from banks and the government.” The Biden administration asserted the dubious claim that people in communities of color “had a more difficult time accessing relief programs due to systemic racism and other issues.”

“Over the last 100 years, policies were implemented that specifically twisted in a way that disadvantaged socially disadvantaged producers,” said immortal swamp creature Tom Vilsack, the U.S. agriculture secretary, invoking critical race theory-based lies.

“There’s no better example of that than the COVID relief efforts. Billions of dollars went to White farmers, because the system is structured in a way that gives them significant advantages.”

Biden’s Zimbabwe-style farm loan forgiveness program hearkens back to the Pigford scandal that began in the Clinton era and resurfaced in the Obama era.

The Section 1005 program brings to mind an earlier program administered by the USDA that led to a class-action lawsuit known as Pigford v. Glickman, which was settled in 1999. Black farmers claimed they were discriminated against by the agency’s allocation of farm loans and assistance.

The government agreed to pay $50,000 to black claimants who said USDA loan administrators discriminated against them. The proof required was minimal, critics said, which led to fraud. In 2010, Congress appropriated $1.2 billion for claims that were filed late, in addition to the estimated $1 billion already paid out. Critics said the Obama administration dispensed settlement funds using even looser evidentiary standards than those that applied in the original settlement.

“Conservative crusader Andrew Breitbart was correct when he exposed a multibillion-dollar redistribution scheme to African-American farmers based on largely dubious claims of discrimination,” Investor’s Business Daily editorialized in April 2013.

The New York Times concluded years after the scandal broke “that Breitbart was right, that Pigford became not a redress of legitimate grievances but ‘a runaway train, driven by racial politics, pressure from influential members of Congress and law firms that stand to gain more than $130 million in fees.’”

“Pigford was the kind of social justice championed by Van Jones, Obama’s former green jobs czar who advocated the redistribution of wealth from successful capitalists and entrepreneurs to minorities and American Indians who he says have been shut out of the system and exploited by it,” according to IBD.

“In a now famous rant, Jones talked about how minorities were ‘pushed,’ ‘bullied,’ ‘mistreated’ and ‘shoved into all the land that we didn’t want.’ Jones then thundered, ‘Give them the wealth! Give them the wealth!’”

Things have changed since then.

The self-admitted communist and black nationalist Van Jones has blended into the Democratic Party’s mainstream. The Democratic National Committee officially endorsed Black Lives Matter in 2015. Left-wingers were fine with last year’s Black Lives Matter and Antifa-led riots that reportedly caused more than $2 billion in damages nationwide and were encouraged by Democrat governors and mayors.

And the aggressive, in-your-face racism of our dangerously senile president, who claims “terrorism from white supremacy is the most lethal threat to the homeland today,” is not even  acknowledged.

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