Thursday, December 16, 2021


 BIDENOMICS.... these are the clowns CNN wants to see replace senile Joe. Shocking!


Tucker: This is how dumb CNN is

By hook or by Willie Brown she made it to the U.S. Senate.  By hook or by race-based politics she made it onto the presidential ticket.  Kamala may lack competence, judgment, focus, etc., but she does not lack self-serving ruthlessness.  (Put an “l” at the end of her middle name, just saying.)  Kamala will do what Kamala needs to do to advance her career. 

By executive order Kamala can goose domestic energy production.  She can reinstate Trump's (make the sign of the cross) order to kill two regulations for each one added.  Throw in revoking the mask and vaccination mandates.  Nor would it hurt to declare full support for law enforcement and order the Justice Department to apply the RICO statutes to smash-and-grabbers and carjackers.  And she can veto any version of the Build Back Better bill that reaches her desk.

So what if Kamala Harris becomes president?

President Kamala Harris.  When the prospect is raised, people of either political party shudder.  But President Harris may be coming to a theater near you.

President Joe Biden is a faltering soul.  His unfortunate state is not due to overwork (First Lady Jill claims Joe toils for the country 24/7).  No, Joe falters due to early entry into old age.

Joe strains mightily to read a teleprompter.  His handlers tell him to just read the damn words and don't insert any of his own.  Joe faithfully complies.  With squinting eyes and monotone voice he recites every word scrolled.  Including “end of quote.”

Contrast the present Joe with the Joe of a mere two years ago.  In the second video at the link, also note the shifty nastiness of the woman who is now V.P., and the woman in white who so deftly skewered her.  Also see why Jill hates Kamala.

One morning we will may wake to learn that Joe has joined the dearly departed.  Crocodile tributes and tears will flow from the Democrat elite, but they will regret Joe's passing mainly for what the cat now drags in.  And there is nothing the elite can do about it.

Kamala Devi Harris does not need confirmation by Congress or a ruling by the Supreme Court to assume the presidency.  The Constitution automatically raises her to that office.  The instant Joe goes to his reward, she is in.  Period.

Imagine the terror of those who have conspired to remove her from the vice presidency.  Ditto for the wider bunch who have relentlessly humiliated and dissed her.  Kamala has certainly been taking names, and soon comes the part about kicking butts.  Many derrières will fly.

Kamala is regarded as a lightweight.  However – this lightweight is not mentally or physically impaired like her boss.  She is 57, healthy, and brimming with plenty of naked ambition.  She don't need no stinking handlers either. 

By hook or by Willie Brown she made it to the U.S. Senate.  By hook or by race-based politics she made it onto the presidential ticket.  Kamala may lack competence, judgment, focus, etc., but she does not lack self-serving ruthlessness.  (Put an “l” at the end of her middle name, just saying.)  Kamala will do what Kamala needs to do to advance her career. 

That career has always steered toward the main prize, the presidency of the United States (don't need no spot on the Supreme Court).  President 47 or bust.

So. With Joe's passing, Kamala Harris gains her heart's desire. Now what?

Option 1: Attempt to achieve the fundamental transformation of America that Obama and Biden could not.  Join FDR and LBJ as presidents that, for better or worse, permanently altered American society.

Option 2: Win the 2024 election.

Kamala has enjoyed a front row seat at the death spiral performance of the Biden administration.  This collection of nincompoops – which repeatedly pushed her into no-win roles – has provided a sterling education on what not to do.  Every leftist policy implemented by this bastardized version of the Obama gang has harmed the country and increased the president's unpopularity.  Kamala might not care much about the first outcome, but she sure does the second.

President Harris could blindly double down on these failed policies.  She could turn the screws on America even worse than Biden.  In the depths of her heart, she might truly believe the left way is the best way.

Her brain (she does have one) would tell her staying the progressive course for now will lead to electoral disaster.  She could exceed George McGovern's loss in 1972.  She doesn't want that as her legacy, or shoving Biden out of the Worst President Ever slot.  

Look for expediency to trump ideology.  Put your money on Option 2.

Kamala certainly is aware of the 1992 dictum of James Carville: “It's the economy, stupid.”  Throughout American history, with mainly wartime exceptions, the state of the economy has determined if an incumbent president gets a second term.

Task number one for Kamala, even before kicking derrières, will be to mend the inflation-ravaged economy.  She doesn't need the help of Congress.  What Joe has done, Kamala can undo.

By executive order Kamala can goose domestic energy production.  She can reinstate Trump's (make the sign of the cross) order to kill two regulations for each one added.  Throw in revoking the mask and vaccination mandates.  Nor would it hurt to declare full support for law enforcement and order the Justice Department to apply the RICO statutes to smash-and-grabbers and carjackers.  And she can veto any version of the Build Back Better bill that reaches her desk.

The AOC-Bernie crowd would scream bloody murder.  But the vast majority of Americans would applaud and sigh with great relief.  Kamala's abysmal poll numbers would take off like a Saturn V rocket.  President Harris would be on her way to victory in 2024.  (Once elected, she is free to pursue whatever agenda she pleases.) 

So.  In the tense months to come, will President Pooper hang on?  Or will President Cackles get the last laugh?

P.S. Who might Kamala nominate as her vice president?   Michelle Obama, Stacey Abrams of Georgia, Muriel Bowser of D.C., and Cory Booker of New Jersey come to mind.  Or Larry Hogan, the innocuous governor of Maryland, could climb aboard as a unity pick.  For sure it will not be Jill Biden or Tulsi Gabbard.  Kamala, of course, could leave the office vacant and free of a potential rival.

Image: GPA Photo Archive, via Flickr // public domain

Confidence: Biden’s Achilles’ heel

True leadership requires confidence. Period.

This is something that must be exhibited by leaders, and also something that their followers must feel about them. In other words, a leader must exhibit confidence in their decisions, their speech, and their body language. Also, their followers must feel confident in the capabilities, intellect, and presence of their leader. Without both aspects, the leader’s effectiveness will crumble. In the case of Joe Biden, he has neither.

Despite the support of mainstream media, Biden's poll numbers continue to slip. This slippage seemed to gain steam back in August, when his numbers took a turn for the worst after the debacle that was the Afghanistan withdrawal.

I would argue that his numbers, compounded by the Kamala Harris leadership vacuum, are systemic of the American public’s newfound understanding of who Biden really is as their President. For months during the 2020 campaign, Biden was hidden away from the public, protected from tough questions, and insulated from the rigors of being constantly on the go. Today, however, we’ve seen nearly a year of his leadership presence, or more appropriately the lack thereof. For months, Biden seemed to avoid press conferences, instead depending on scripted outings. And still today he limits taking questions from the press, or speaking extemporaneously in front of a microphone.

As President, Biden can no longer ignore the limelight. He’s the leader of the free world, for goodness sake. People expect him to say something, anything, to lead, to build confidence. Yet his absence has become notorious. In fact, it’s systemic of an administration that seems to be hiding from itself.

But when Biden does make an appearance, he seems fragile, a man who is longer in top form. Perhaps this is why his handlers script his outings and limit exposure to the media, because they know he can’t handle the pressure. Ultimately, this has created an environment where people are no longer confident in his abilities to lead the nation. This has come about not just because of his horrible job with Afghanistan, but also because of the concerning nature of his speech and body language. Just watch a video of him interacting with political leaders, walking to and from Marine One, or any other public outing. It would seem to most people, including just about everyone I talk to, that he isn’t all there.

Back in August, former congressman, Dr. Greg Ganske wrote a column about Biden’s mental acuity and his obvious degradation. One aspect in particular that he mentions are the “changes in his gait, with little normal arm motion.” His body language is a clear indicator to Dr. Ganske that something is wrong. It’s also evident to me of Biden’s fragility. He reminds me of a feeble old man. It doesn’t give me any joy to say this. In fact, it pains me to think this, because regardless of politics, he is our President. I want our President to succeed for the American people; but to think that our President isn’t completely there erodes any confidence in my mind of his ability to succeed.

Now consider the confidence exuded by Barack Obama after eight years of being president. His farewell address, if you can look past the years of horrible policy and liberal progressivism, was uplifting and encouraging, as far as political speeches go. Additionally, more than any other act it cemented the confidence of the American public in his abilities as a leader. This confidence in speech and demeanor is what helped him win the presidency in the first place, to be reelected, and helped push through key legislation. His confidence was electrifying. This is a great lesson for future political leaders.

The same can be said for Donald Trump. He of all people is one of the most self-confident people in the world. This confidence propelled a businessman with no political experience into the Oval Office, of course his household name recognition definitely helped. However, when you look back at his blistering pace during the 2016 campaign where he held over 300 rallies and spoke directly to over 1 million people, not to mention the countless millions who viewed his rallies on TV or via the web, it’s not surprising to see how he tipped the scales against Hillary Clinton. His message to make America great again was a confidence boost that the American public couldn’t ignore.

Both Obama and Trump stand in direct opposition to Biden’s approach to presidential leadership. Biden does not engage often with the public or press, he doesn’t speak with confidence or act with surety of action as his predecessors did; rather Biden avoids this type of exposure at all costs. This leaves a glaring void of leadership, and where there’s a void it is filled with the public’s doubt.

This all leads to an environment where the American public is not confident in their commander-in-chief. There is little to feel confident about. Not only have things gone worse with COVID, a top-tier campaign issue for Biden, but he has also botched the Afghanistan withdrawal, has been unable to stop the border crisis, address rising gas prices, or even stem the tide of supply chain issues. When you take a step back and look at what he has and hasn’t accomplished, and add Harris’ foibles into the mix, the Biden administration gives little to be confident about.

In the end, the American public is forgiving and willing to give their president the benefit of the doubt, but they need to be constantly reassured that their commander-in-chief is confident in his abilities to lead, make tough decisions, protect them, and secure their freedoms. Failure to lift up the American public’s outlook in these areas will undermine any presidency. To help stop the bleeding, Biden must build confidence by appearing in public, answering tough questions, speaking coherently, and appearing strong with world leaders. Unfortunately, I’m not sure he’s capable of doing this.

Ultimately, a leader’s success is dependent upon his ability to be confident. This is a critical maxim for every leader, and unfortunately for Biden it is his Achilles’ heel.

Jason D. Bland is the founder of Signet Leadership, an organizational leadership consulting and coaching firm. He is a military veteran and experienced leader of organizational operations in both the military and civilian sectors. Jason is also a doctoral student at Regent University, studying Strategic Leadership. He writes about Christian leadership and its impact on society, as well as providing social and political commentary from a Christ-centered worldview. If you would like to connect with Jason he can be reached via emailLinkedIn, or Twitter.



What do migrant surges and smash-and-grab lootings have in common?

The sudden appearance of smash-and-grab mass lootings has left a lot of people perplexed. After all, who the hell would do that sort of thing? We know that such people are aware that they won't be punished, but that isn't the full story. Most of us wouldn't do that kind of thing no matter what the incentives. We're the kind of people who return an extra dollar to a store clerk because honesty is natural and compassion is our way of life -- we don't want the clerk's drawer to come up short at the end of the day. We live our social capital. 

The people who engage in organized smash-and-grab lootings have an entirely unrecognizable mentality. Sure, they're likely fatherless. And sure, they're likely religion-less, with zero exposure to morality. It's natural to wonder if these people were raised by wolves and kept in some sort of den to come out like vampires now that Chesa Boudin is running the district attorney's shop in San Francisco. The phenomenon doesn't add up.

Actually, between basic absence of morality brought on by social chaos, and the knowledge that one will never be punished for one's crime, there's an intermediary cause, an activator of this these mobby crimes.

According to The Hill, citing the Wall Street Journal:

Police say that some of the smash-and-grab robberies that recently took place in California and Minnesota were organized on social media and were carried out by people who did not know each other.

Local law enforcement said robberies at a Bay Area Nordstrom, a San Francisco Louis Vuitton and at a Minneapolis Best Buy were all organized on social media, according to The Wall Street Journal.

For the people who took part in some of the incidents in California, Snapchat was used to organize the crimes as thieves were possibly attracted to the app’s ability to make messages disappear. Once law enforcement arrested some suspects, they at times did not know the names or have any information about the people with whom they were working, the Journal reported.

And yes indeed, these people are out there and they are activated by social media -- Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, TikTok, and others -- openly slavering to be included in these loot fests, all made possible by social media.

In an earlier blog post, I ran across this pair:

The posts are still up, with Twitter continuing to focus on right-wingers to censor, not the brays of the wannabe looters asking for someone to put them on a list to call so they can go smash and grab a fancy retailer for "free" designer goods.

Facebook and Snapchat have been named in the reports, too, and apparently, it's the new "in" thing. Not too long ago, another social media outfit, TikTok, was the vehicle of choice for random attacks on educators called the "Slap a Teacher Challenge." Overseas this year, Palestinian terrorists initiated a comparable "Slap a Jew" TikTok challenge, copycatting the revolting 2015 "Knockout Game" targeting Jews in New York, with attacks from behind which also emerged from the social media swamp. And though I have not found the entire trail of evidence yet, I'd bet money that the violent random attacks on Asians going on in deep-blue cities are also social-media (as well as YouTube) generated. It fits the sick pattern.

Mass lootings are social media's new achievement this day, and nobody in that wealthy tech industry ever pays for it. The looters get off, the retailers eat the loss, and the shops close up, leaving beautiful American cities all duplicates of Detroit during its bad years. Worse still, ravaged cities can take decades to recover. Just ask South Central Los Angeles or Detroit itself in the wake of its mass riots.

It's far from the only negative act coming out of social media with zero accountability.

Do you wonder why the border surges are so intense and huge, and include nationals now of more than a hundred countries? How did they get there? Why do so many third-worlders in actual rising economies suddenly want to move here? This didn't used to be the case in years past when these countries were poorer, but now these surges are a way of life with Joe Biden in the saddle, inviting them in. And why have the cartels themselves grown so powerful, now taking over ports and threatening our neighbor to the South?

Thank your local social media for all of that illegal activity, too, which makes it possible. I wrote about those issues here and here. And here.

So now we have social media at the nexus of mass lootings, and social media at the center of migrant surges and cartel empowerment. What kind of operation is this? Social media seems obsessed with censoring conservatives in the name of 'fake news' or fact-checking, which it turns out is all opinion, as Facebook has admitted. Meanwhile, America's cities are on fire, its shops are trashed, no one feels safe, the quality of life is going down, and illegal aliens are surging on in. It's all got the same root and the same irresponsible enablers. The elites running these outfits claim that they are as upset as anyone else about the illegal activity their sites are promoting, but they never seem to do anything about it. Meanwhile, they take refuge in Article 230 which protects them from liability from the kind of things that occur on their sites, and vigorously protest and lobby and hand cash to politicians to keep it that way.

It's a pretty obvious pattern of illegality and irresponsibility. Anyone else who'd let a criminal group use a safehouse or enable them to organize would be jail-bound, but not these guys. Now it's getting obvious that social media is enabling this kind of new criminality. Come 2022, Congress needs to take action to drop that outrageous protection and force these people to own their activity. And any retailer who has been devastated by one of these looter mobs should be free to sue these social media barons who make this activity possible.

Image:  Pixabay / Pixabay License




Frustrated San Francisco Residents Demand Answers Over Escalating Crime | Erica Sandberg

Court documents reportedly said White’s life of crime went back 30 years with her initial conviction for stealing from a woman in 1989.

“Despite her crimes, in 2011 she was awarded a $30,000 payout by San Francisco School District which she sued after claiming a teacher had stolen her younger daughter Haniyah’s Twinkie snacks,” according to the Mail article.

PHOTO: Grandma Accused in San Francisco $1 Million Looting Spree


A mother and daughter were among those arrested for allegedly looting a San Francisco Louis Vuitton store prior to Thanksgiving, the Daily Mail reported Tuesday.

“Grabbing grandmother Francill White, 53, and daughter Kimberly Cherry, 28, were two of five looters nabbed by police over the November 19 incident that saw thieves make off with more than $1million-worth of designer goods,” the outlet said.

Beside the also accused Tameko Miller, 23, and Ivan Speed, 34, the two were charged with four felony counts of looting amid a state of emergency, second degree commercial burglary, grand theft, and receiving stolen property.

In addition, Miller’s cousin, 23-year-old Jamisi Calloway, was charged in the incident and faces five felony counts including possession of a firearm with a prior felony, concealing a firearm, and resisting arrest.

“Despite being slapped with serious charges – and a combined 14 previous convictions ranging from shoplifting to attempted murder – all five are now back on the street on bond,” the Mail article continued:

Convicted drug dealer Speed has even taken to social media while on house arrest: launching a range of hoodies with the slogan ‘No Face No Case’ – an apparent reference to his masked appearance during the looting spree. Cops told the raid was put together by organized crime gangs with the stolen goods earmarked for resale overseas and said they have had to step up patrols in the upscale shopping area in a bid to beat the criminals.

San Francisco’s Union Square has since boarded up amid the Christmas shopping season after the “mass looting” incidents began, Breitbart News reported December 1.

“The spate of lootings has been blamed on ‘woke’ San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin and a 2014 California law that made theft under $950 a misdemeanor,” the Mail article read.

The outlet pieced together the alleged looting gang’s rap sheet through information obtained from nearby counties, news reports, and an overview on the San Francisco Superior Court’s website.

Court documents reportedly said White’s life of crime went back 30 years with her initial conviction for stealing from a woman in 1989.

“Despite her crimes, in 2011 she was awarded a $30,000 payout by San Francisco School District which she sued after claiming a teacher had stolen her younger daughter Haniyah’s Twinkie snacks,” according to the Mail article.


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Marcus with designer handbags


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Busting an Organized Shoplifting Ring


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San Francisco locals react to rampant shoplifting, break-ins | Fox News Digital Original


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SF Suffers Highest Rate of Car Break-Ins Compared to Atlanta, DC, Dallas, LA

San Francisco schools face $125 million budget deficit and over 400 layoffs this year

On November 2, San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) announced a $125 million budget deficit for fiscal year 2021-2022. The district, which serves 54,000 students, has been losing students amid the growing social crisis from the COVID-19 pandemic and now faces a 10 percent budget shortfall. An additional deficit of $21.6 million is anticipated for the following fiscal year.

San Francisco Unified School District Administrative Building at 555 Franklin Street. (Wikimedia)

SFUSD is planning to cut 360 school jobs and 55 central office jobs. Board of Education members who have vehemently pushed racialist attacks on public art and school names have now meekly bowed down before this assault on education. United Educators of San Francisco (UESF), the union which represents roughly 6,200 teachers, remained silent on the issue until November 12 as rank-and-file members became increasingly restive.

In a leaflet announcing a series of toothless protests at upcoming school board meetings, the union encourages the district to simply shift the budget cuts to administration, writing, “A viable alternative plan is possible when we look at where else cuts can be made and increased revenue.” This would in fact deepen the crisis of public education in the city and in no way improve learning or school conditions for students.

The State of California as a whole is staring in the face of education disaster. Minimal federal support in the first two years of the pandemic has barely constituted a band-aid for longstanding budget shortfalls and will entirely evaporate by the 2023-2024 school year. Declining student enrollment and attendance due to the growing social crisis are further suppressing school budgets.

The top 10 districts with the greatest loss of attendance are the largest school districts in the state. The drop is blamed on an aging population, but the fundamental issues are surging housing prices, pupils pulled from schools due to legitimate fears over COVID-19, and charter school growth.

West Contra Costa Unified School District in the Bay Area foresees a $30 million deficit, Sacramento City Unified School District anticipates an $18 million shortfall, and Los Angeles Unified School District faces a 20 percent drop in enrollment. The funding crisis is so severe that consultants are offering districts a “Planning for Reductions in Force” webinar to be held in January.

In addition to layoffs, many teachers have left the profession in response to the unsafe and exploitative conditions during the pandemic. School districts are responding to a continual loss of credentialed teachers with increased staffing of inexperienced employees via internships, emergency permits and waivers. Statewide, 13,380 teachers are working without the necessary training. In SFUSD, roughly 10 percent of teachers are without a preliminary or clear credential. The lack of special education teachers is significantly worse throughout the state and nationally.

The murderous policy of mandatory in-person learning, which has sickened many students and teachers this semester, was promoted by the California Governor Gavin Newsom, San Francisco Mayor London Breed, and American Federation of Teachers (AFT) President Randi Weingarten, all leading Democrats.

Democratic Party politicians and union bureaucrats have sacrificed the health of Californians to ensure that students return to school and their parents to return work to sustain corporate profit-making. The results could not be clearer. In California, children under 18 years old account for over 700,000 cases with nearly 10,000 infected each week.

In 2020, before the rollout of vaccines, Mayor Breed stated, “It is infuriating that our schools are not going to reopen for in-person learning in January. I can’t imagine how hard this is for our families and for our young people who haven’t been in the classroom since March and are falling further behind every single day. We should not be creating a false choice between education and a safe return to classrooms.” The fiction of a “safe” return to in-person instruction was demonstrated by California’s rate of pediatric COVID-19 hospitalizations soaring over eight-fold between June and September as schools fully reopened this fall.

Breed’s fury over the delay in reopening has played a role in her support for the recall election against three SFUSD school board members: Board President Gabriela López, Board Vice President Faauuga Moliga, and Commissioner Alison M. Collins. These individuals have backed the return to in-person instruction, but the recall campaign is being driven by a cabal of right-wing opponents of public education, in particular the two largest contributors, Arthur Rock and David Sacks.

Rock and his wife Toni Rembe Rock are enthusiastic supporters of Teach For America (TFA), an organization that regularly provides minimal training for inexperienced college graduates to become teachers at rock-bottom salaries.

Sacks is the co-author of The Diversity Myth: Multiculturalism and Political Intolerance on Campus. This book was published by the libertarian Independent Institute, which has supported climate change deniers. The book outlines “the transformation of Stanford University from an institution committed to preserving the values of Western civilization to one intent on engineering social change on campus to promote the dogmas of multiculturalism.” This right-wing diatribe is provided with a veneer of legitimacy by the equally right-wing identity politics pushed by members of the San Francisco Board of Education.

Alison Collins, a leading purveyor of identity politics on the Board of Education, made several anti-Asian statements on Twitter in 2016. When these tweets surfaced, she was removed from her position as vice president of the Board. She retaliated with an $87 million lawsuit intended to destroy public education in San Francisco. The case was thrown out of court by Federal Judge Haywood Gilliam, Jr., but only after the district had already squandered $125,000 in attorney fees and expenses fighting Collins’ lawsuit.

Earlier this year, the Board of Education decided that 44 schools would be renamed. Like George Orwell’s Newspeak in 1984, which was realized with “the elimination of ideologically undesirable words,” the Board decided to erase figures with “dishonorable legacies,” including Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.

This despicable move was fought by half a dozen plaintiffs, including Laurence Tribe, a Harvard University professor emeritus, who denounced the denigration of Lincoln by stating, “I think it goes dangerously far when the Great Emancipator is treated as insufficiently woke.” In April, a Superior Court judge ordered the Board to reverse its vote and to pay $60,000 to cover the legal fees of the plaintiffs.

In 2019, the Board voted to cover a mural in George Washington High School by left-wing artist Victor Arnautoff, which they considered politically incorrect. At least $148,000 of education funds were spent on defending the censorship against legal challenges, but Judge Anne-Christine Massullo made a preliminary decision that the board violated state law, determining that the evidence supports the suit of the George Washington High School Alumni Association brought against the board.

Teachers and other school employees must rely on their own strength to defend their jobs and health. Concerned teachers should subscribe to the World Socialist Web Site Educators Newsletter and learn about the Educators Rank-and-File Safety Committee. Worldwide, the unions are functioning to defend profits against members and it is only by building independent rank-and-file committees that school employees and public education as a whole will have a future.

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