Wednesday, March 8, 2023

THE DEMOCRAT CRIME PARTY - They care only about power. On a side note: Why do so many people posing as reporters have so much interest in an ethics investigation of Santos and so little in an ethics investigation of AOC? The answer is they are Democrats and don't care.


Jesse Watters Primetime


“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation  (TWO GAMER LAWYERS) (WHAT ABOUT THE BIDEN PENN CENTER?)  and the Obama (TWO GAMER LAWYERS) book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family (THREE GAMER LAWYERS) corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren (GAMER LAWYER) and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (ADD GAMER LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS AND HER LAWYER HUSBAND AND THE BANKSTERS’ RENT BOY, LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER).    BRIAN C JOONDEPH

OPERATION OBOMB: Barack Obama, Eric Holder and their bankster paymasters plan coup.

Barack Obama was famous not wanting to leave office when his term was done and well known for projecting a sense of entitlement to power.

Biden positions, after doing nothing, save for the end, at best, to help Biden's presidential campaign, suggesting that the hollow-victory Biden administration is just a placeholder for the return of an Obama third term.  It's a sign that Obama éminence grise is more than a little active, behind the scenes as she always is.

“Obama’s new home in Washington has been described as the “nerve center” of the anti-Trump opposition. Former attorney general Eric Holder has said that Obama is “ready to roll” and has aligned himself with the “resistance.” Former high-level Obama campaign staffers now work with a variety of groups organizing direct action against Trump’s initiatives. “Resistance School,” for example, features lectures by former campaign executive Sara El-Amine, author of the Obama Organizing.”

The dark side of Obama's 'Rising Star' exposed

Jack Cashill’s new book, Unmasking Obama: The Fight to Tell the True Story of a Failed Presidency, is widely available. See also


Obama lets the cat out of the bag: He's got plans to make Joe Biden his stooge

By Monica Showalter


Joe Biden, who couldn't even get President Obama's endorsement during the primaries, now has word that Obama may well use him as his marionette stooge for what's in fact a third Obama term.

He's not even trying to hide it.


OPERATION OBOMB: Barack Obama, Eric Holder and their bankster paymasters plan coup.

Barack Obama was famous not wanting to leave office when his term was done and well known for projecting a sense of entitlement to power.

Biden positions, after doing nothing, save for the end, at best, to help Biden's presidential campaign, suggesting that the hollow-victory Biden administration is just a placeholder for the return of an Obama third term.  It's a sign that Obama éminence grise is more than a little active, behind the scenes as she always is.

“Obama’s new home in Washington has been described as the “nerve center” of the anti-Trump opposition. Former attorney general Eric Holder has said that Obama is “ready to roll” and has aligned himself with the “resistance.” Former high-level Obama campaign staffers now work with a variety of groups organizing direct action against Trump’s initiatives. “Resistance School,” for example, features lectures by former campaign executive Sara El-Amine, author of the Obama Organizing.”



Obamanomics: How Barack Obama Is Bankrupting You and Enriching His Wall Street Friends, Corporate Lobbyists, and Union Bosses

 “Of course, one of the main reasons the nation is now “divided, resentful and angry” is because race-baiting, Islamist, class warrior Barack Hussein Obama was president for eight long years." MATTHEW VADUM

Biden's Right: His Word Means Nothing

Installed (p)Resident Joe Biden loves to make promises secured by the supposed worth of his family name.  "I give you my word as a Biden," he said back in March of 2020, "When I'm president, I will lead with science, listen to the experts and heed their advice, and always tell you the truth."  Again giving his solemn word before the 2020 mail-in ballot presidential selection, he promised both "to turn division into unity and bring us together," as well as to "be an ally of the light, not the darkness."  Just over a week ago, he declared, "My word as a Biden: I've never been more optimistic about America's future than I am today."  My goodness, if only Biden's family name possessed more value than that of Benedict Arnold's, we would be blessed with a man in the White House committed to truth, unity, spiritual guidance, and American success.  Yet Biden's name is synonymous with none of those things, is it?

Instead, the Biden family name has really stood for only two things: buffoonery and corruption.  For fifty years, Joe Biden has managed to hold onto some slice of power in D.C. as a senator, vice president, and Oval Office stooge not because he is renowned for his erudition or virtue but rather because his doltish behavior and venal character make him ideal for others to control.  Perhaps no other Washington relic has accomplished so little for the American people over such a prolonged government career or managed to harness those defects for lucrative advancement more successfully than China Joe

He is known as a serial liar, a "public servant" who has somehow managed to accrue tremendous wealth, a race-baiting opportunist, a Catholic-in-name-only, and a bought-and-paid-for politician in bed with criminal cartels and foreign foes.  In another era, Joe Biden would have been run out of his country much the same way Benedict Arnold was two and a half centuries ago; in an era when integrity, honor, fortitude, fidelity, and grit have been jettisoned for immorality, unscrupulousness, weakness, betrayal, and craven pliability, however, he is elevated to king sleazeball in a city drowning in sleaze.

Perhaps when America's Scumbucket-in-Chief gives his "word as a Biden," he is depending upon the solid reputations of notable relatives.  Alas, no.  His brother James has been repeatedly implicated in allegations of fraud and quid-pro-quo financial schemes leveraging Joe's political office as a means to advance the Biden family's interests and wealth.  His daughter Ashley struggles with sex and drug addictions, problems she has attributed in part to her memories of taking showers with her dad at a young age (no wonder Creepy Joe excuses pedophilia and transgender madness so effortlessly).  And then there is the "smartest guy" Joe claims to know — his son Hunter — whose illegal drug usesexual debauchery with prostitutesemployees, and relatives alike; gun crimes; occupation as an undeclared foreign agent; and serially-excused role as the family's point man for turning the powers of Joe's political office into seedy profit are all well known to the American people (even if habitually ignored by the corrupt Department of [in]Justice).  In any other family concerned about its reputation for probity and honor, Hunter Biden would have been cast off as some sort of uncontrollable "black sheep."  In the Biden herd, though, Hunter blends right in with his unseemly, scuzzy kin.  The Biden pedigree is made from rotten stuff — more like a pustule than a bloodline and filled with dreck, mediocrity, selfishness, pusillanimity, and unrepentant sin.

When you stop to consider how shockingly meaningless Joe's "word as a Biden" schtick really is, it actually becomes tempting to consider whether the old, fatuous fraud is ironically — and just this once — telling the American people the truth!  Perhaps when he says, "I give you my word as a Biden," he is really saying: "I give you my word as an incestuous pervert who cannot learn to keep my hands off little girls or keep from sniffing and grabbing women against their will; as a shameless liar who distorts everything, including the circumstances of my own wife and daughter's tragic deaths, when those lies induce public sympathy or are otherwise advantageous; as a plagiarist with no original thoughts or accomplishments of my own; as a lifelong racist who has had many friendships with segregationists and race hustlers while lying about having been active in the civil rights movement; as a corrupt politician who has ties to the mob and whose family has profited generously from my public office; and as a traitor to the United States who has repeatedly sold out my country for the benefit of foreign interests in Ukraine, China, and anywhere else I can make a buck."  

I guess when you see how long it would take to vomit forth that mouthful of insidious nastiness, using the shorthand, "I give you my word as a Biden," just means that whatever is said next is almost certainly untrue.  

Seen from that perspective, Biden's time as installed president makes a lot more sense.  When he promised to unite the country by ridding it of petty divisions, what he really meant was that he planned to exacerbate racial animosities to the best of his abilities, rub salt in old wounds to ensure intolerance festers and anguish lingers, and incite hatred among groups of Americans who would otherwise get along.  When he promised to "bring us together," he meant that he would promote propaganda reframing the J6 protest for fair elections as an "insurrection" seeking to topple the government and use that laughably fraudulent pretense as an excuse to persecute and imprison his political enemies.  When he promised to be "an ally of the light, not the darkness," he meant that he would threaten concerned parents with criminal prosecution should they resist the government's program of sexualizing childhood, encouraging bodily mutilation, brainwashing innocents with "transgender" delusions, and promoting abortion-on-demand.

When he promised to "lead with science," he meant that he would use the unscrutinized declarations of unelected government health bureaucrats with secret political agendas as a sword and shield for imposing a dictatorship of unconstitutional mandates, censorship, ephemeral freedoms, and unjust orders contrary to established law.  When he promised to "listen to the experts and heed their advice," he meant that he would further empower an already-out-of-control Deep State to police Americans' thoughts and words for alleged "misinformation" and "hate"; expand the national security surveillance State to spy on Americans' every move; and target for criminal punishment those who nonetheless insist on engaging in "wrongthink."  When he promised to "always tell you the truth," he meant that his administration would construct "politically correct" falsehoods, propagate those falsehoods through a willingly compliant and compromised State-aligned news media, vilify dissent as harmful "disinformation," and characterize contrary viewpoints as mere "conspiracy theories."

Finally, when Biden recently claimed that he has "never been more optimistic about America's future," what he meant is that he has given China permission to send spy balloons loaded with explosives across the continent; criminal cartels permission to flood America with illegal aliens; the pharmaceutical companies permission to reap windfall profits from harmful, untested, yet government-mandated products; the World Health Organization and United Nations permission to usurp U.S. sovereignty; the Federal Reserve permission to print money on our way to economic Armageddon; and the World Economic Forum permission to usher in a "great reset" of centralized control and loss of individual liberty.  Surely all that carnage is worth a relatively small finder's fee of 10%.

When Commie Joe's statements are viewed in their proper context, he is just a presidential truth-teller.  Really.  After all, he gives us his word as a Biden!

Image: 10 Tampa Bay via YouTubeCC BY 3.0 (cropped).

A lot of major Democrat donors have a couple things in common

Besides being major contributors to Democrats over the years, what else do the following people have in common?

  • Alex Murdaugh
  • Bernie Madoff
  • George Soros
  • Jeffrey Epstein
  • Samuel Bankman Fried
  • Mark Zuckerberg
  • Marc Rich

They were all involved with serious crimes.

Besides committing murder, Murdaugh, was a serial thief. Why hasn’t the media demanded that Hillary, Biden, and others send back their contributions in order to help pay the victims?

Alex Murdaugh’s Political Contributions Include Maximum Donations to Joe Biden,
Hillary Clinton

Bernie Madoff was a career criminal who stole billions and some of that money went to politicians who were mostly Democrats. I don’t believe the politicians gave the money to a victim’s fund.

Madoff and Company Spent Nearly $1 Million on Washington Influence

Madoff made a fortune, and he played politics with some of that money. In total, he and his wife, Ruth, have given $238,200 to federal candidates, parties and committees since 1991, with Democrats getting 88 percent of that. Overall, Madoff and other individuals at his company, Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities, gave $372,100 in campaign contributions since 1991, with 89 percent to Democrats.

George Soros was convicted of a felony in France and served no time. He spends massive amounts of money on radical leftist causes to remake and destroy America, including supporting radical soft-on-crime prosecutors.

If you look Soros up on the internet, he is described as a businessman and philanthropist instead of a radical, leftist felon. There is nothing philanthropic about seeking to destroy America including by destroying cities with prosecutors who let dangerous career criminals roam the streets.

Soros Is Found Guilty in France On Charges of Insider Trading

Jeffrey Epstein was convicted of abusing and using young girls. In a world with journalists, Hollywood, and Democrats who care, they would be looking hard for other culprits who enjoyed Epstein’s activities, but there seems to be little interest in learning the names and activities of powerful men. They have as much interest as they did in all the women the Clintons physically and mentally abused.

The Me-Too movement was fake.

Billionaire sex offender Epstein gave heavily to Democrats, until he didn’t

Jimmy Kimmel even made fun of Aaron Rodgers for wanting to know who Jeff Epstein associated with. That shows how little Kimmel cares about abused women and their accusers.

Besides stealing billions, Bankman Fried made tens of millions in illegal campaign contributions. Why hasn’t that money been paid into a victims’ fund?

Bankman-Fried charged with hundreds of illegal campaign donations

The FTX co-founder is accused of "flooding the political system with tens of millions of dollars in illegal contributions," according to a new indictment.

In 2016, the media complained that Russia interfered in the election by spending hundreds of thousands on social media outlets.

Yet they didn’t care when Mark Zuckerberg spent hundreds of millions in 2020 to interfere in elections while committing fraud.  Instead of caring about the fraud, they falsely accuse anyone who questioned the 2020 election of being a liar and denier. The liars and deniers are people who knew about the fraud and other questionable things and tell the public that the election was clean.

Most of the media has sought to destroy Fox News as unreliable for a long time and now they are attacking them because some people on Fox questioned the 2020 election.

When will WaPo, NYT, USA Today, CNN, PBS, NPR, CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, etc. come clean about their intentional lies on Russian collusion, Hunter’s laptop, COVID, and by falsely saying the 2020 election was completely clean? The answer is never because truth and objectivity haven’t mattered for a long time, only power for leftists 

Election report finds Facebook mogul’s ‘Zuck Bucks’ broke law, swayed election outcome in Wisconsin

A 2020 election integrity probe in Wisconsin reported findings Tuesday that a nonprofit group funded by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg committed election bribery when it targeted $8.8 million in get-out-the-vote funds to five heavily Democratic jurisdictions.

Marc Rich was on the most wanted list for a long time but all he had to do to be above the law was donate to the Clintons. 

Clinton pardon of Rich a saga of power, money

President Clinton's pardon of Marc Rich is a saga of secrecy, tenacity, sleight of hand and pressure from Rich's ex-wife and one of her friends, who together have steered millions of dollars to Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton's causes and those of fellow Democrats.

The saga began in the fall of 1999. Rich was No. 6 on the government's list of most wanted fugitives. He had been on the lam, albeit a posh one, for 16 years, ever since his 1983 indictment by a grand jury on more than 50 counts of wire fraud, racketeering, trading with the enemy and evading more than $48 million in income taxes.

The government accused him of conspiring with Iran in 1980 to purchase over 6 million barrels of oil, in violation of a trade embargo imposed by the United States because Iran was holding 52 Americans hostage in the U.S. Embassy in Tehran. Payments for the oil, federal agents said, were made fraudulently through American banks and by the illegal use of American telecommunications facilities.

Eric Holder helped facilitate the pardon, and the media once pretended to care.

Marc Rich pardon may haunt Holder

The media complains that there is too much money in politics, so why do they raise prices during high demand election periods? Isn’t that gouging?

Joe Biden and other Democrats say they care about equity, equality and fairness, so why don’t they take their advantage in campaign funds and equalize the balance in their opponents’ accounts to achieve equity? Shouldn’t they pay reparations to all their opponents who have lost because they were underfunded?

Conclusion: The media and other Democrats don’t really care about any of the following:

  • Too much money in politics
  • Where the donations come from
  • Paying back victims of crime.
  • Soft on crime prosecutors
  • Equity
  • Equality
  • Fairness.

They care only about power.

On a side note: Why do so many people posing as reporters have so much interest in an ethics investigation of Santos and so little in an ethics investigation of AOC? The answer is they are Democrats and don't care.

Photo credfit: Jericho CC BY 3.0 license


Jesse Watters: The people responsible won’t talk


The main objective of “political animals” like Obama and the Clintons is to get elected; it’s not to fix a broken America, nor to protect her. There are people who govern and there are people who campaign; Obama and the Clintons are the latter. Just look at the huge Republican electoral gains under Obama and the Clintons. It’s amazing that Democrats who still care about their party still support the very people who have brought it down.

Jesse Watters: The Clintons' crooked connections


All criminal roads lead back to Hillary Clinton: Former US attorney



Tucker: Trump was right about this

Victorious Democrats would also end congressional investigations into the Hillary-Deep State-DNC-Russian-Clinton Foundation collusion and corruption. All the players in these massive, sordid affairs will be deemed “too big to jail” – and too closely tied to the Democratic Party to be investigated further. 

Russian Billionaires Did Business with Hunter Biden, Dined with Joe, Dodged Sanctions

Here’s your Russian collusion.

Before Donald Trump was even elected president and throughout the entire period of his administration, the Leftist establishment that is entrenched in Washington officialdom and among the propaganda outlets that are known as the major news organizations inundated us with nonsense about how he had improperly colluded with Russia in order to gain the White House, and was still in Vladimir Putin’s pocket. There was, as is now well-known, nothing whatsoever to it; it was all a hoax designed to discredit Trump and destroy his presidency, although like the Japanese soldiers found hiding in the woods in the 1970s, not knowing that the war was over, there are still some holdouts on the far Left who insist it was all true. And actually it was, but not of Donald Trump. If you want actual Russian collusion, take a look at Old Joe Biden.

The New York Post reported Thursday that “two Russian billionaires who have managed to dodge US sanctions over Moscow’s year-old invasion of Ukraine went property shopping with Hunter Biden, dined with then-Vice President Joe Biden, and discussed ‘favors’ they might swap.” That’s collusion for you, but of course the Washington establishment that went after Trump with such vicious ferocity over nothing whatsoever is entirely indifferent to this fresh evidence that the demented corruptocrat they installed in the White House is as crooked as the day is long. Russian collusion is only of interest to this establishment when it can be used as a political tool; when people on their side do it, it’s entirely beneath notice.

Well, almost entirely. The Biden regime’s Treasury Department did take notice long enough on Friday to spare two Russian pals of Joe and Hunter, Yelena Baturina and Vladimir Yevtushenkov, from “a fresh batch of sanctions.” The UK and Australia have sanctioned Yevtushenkov, but not the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. And with a level of understatement that was positively Hemingwayesque, an anonymous source whom the Post says has “firsthand knowledge of the business relationship between Hunter Biden and Yevtushenkov,” says: “I think it’s very fishy.”

So does Michael McFaul, who is such a right-wing Trumpian ideologue that he served as Barack Obama’s ambassador to Russia. “I think he should be sanctioned,” McFaul said of Yevtushenkov. “I don’t understand why he has not been.”

I do, Mike. It’s really quite simple. Yevtushenkov hasn’t been sanctioned because he had the good judgment to do business with Hunter and Joe Biden. This gives the Russian an all-purpose Get-Out-of-Jail-Free card, as the Washington establishment will do anything it can possibly do to shield the Bidens from the consequences of their corrupt dealings, and to keep the American people from discovering just how crooked the man who pretends to be president really is.

And he is. Yevtushenkov “admitted last year he met with Hunter Biden for breakfast at the Ritz-Carlton in Manhattan on March 14, 2012 — but denied any further contact.” He was, the terminally naïve will be surprised to learn, lying: “emails and calendar entries from Hunter’s former laptop show that they were set to meet again on Jan. 27, 2013, for dinner at DC’s Cafe Milano before looking at a commercial real estate development the next day near Dulles International Airport in northern Virginia.” The Post’s source recounted: that he asked Yevtushenkov why he was meeting with Hunter, and the Russian billionaire replied: “I think it would be good to have a good relationship with this guy … maybe he can do a favor for us and we can do a favor for him.” The source added: “It was a complete quid pro quo that he was going in for.” Collusion and quid pro quo! It looks as if yet again the Left has engaged in the old tactic of accusing the other side of that which they are guilty of doing. The source added: “I told him that’s not the way it works in America, [but] he basically laughed at me and told me I was so naïve.”

Indeed. And wait, there’s more: “A different source, meanwhile, told The Post he vividly recalled Baturina and her husband, ex-Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov, looking ‘like an odd couple’ at a now-infamous, intimate dinner with Hunter and his father, the then-vice president.” Also at the dinner was “Vadym Pozharskyi, an executive at Ukrainian energy company Burisma, which paid Hunter up to $1 million per year beginning in 2014 while his VP dad controlled the Obama administration’s Ukraine policy. Pozharskyi emailed Hunter the next day to thank him for ‘giving an opportunity to meet your father.’”

But Old Joe Biden knows how the game is played. He “called the report a false ‘Russian plant’ at the time and social media platforms Twitter and Facebook initially censored it.” Even now, he will face no political consequences for all this Russian collusion. That’s only for presidents who dare to put America first.

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Robert Spencer

Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 26 books including many bestsellers, such as The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)The Truth About Muhammad and The History of Jihad. His latest books are The Critical Qur’an and The Sumter Gambit. Follow him on Twitter here. Like him on Facebook here.

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Kamala Harris's hate-filled childhood

Remember the cackle?

It's been pretty quiet for awhile. Its absence made one think maybe some public relations minion finally got through to Kamala Harris that to make her understand that her cackle was a political disaster, a public relations nightmare, a defining failure, a political death wish. Did she finally learn?

No such luck. The cackle is baaack!

Here's Kamala Harris, speaking before a group in Colorado:

<iframe width="600" height="337" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe> 

According to the New York Post, she said:

“I grew up learning about — we called it ecology at the time, and so, some of us who were born around that time know what I’m saying — and we talked about it in the context of conservation,” Harris told an audience Monday in Colorado during a discussion on climate policy.

“In fact, I’m going to share with you a very simple story, which is that I went home one day and I said, ‘Well, why are conservatives bad, Mommy? I thought we were supposed to conserve things,’” she added.

“I couldn’t reconcile it. Now I can,” Harris said before bursting into her trademark cackle.

The Post guffawed that the story was likely another made up tale, citing a slew of experts and Kamala watchers, the reaction on social media, and Harris's own history of making up stories about herelf, particularly those "little girl" ones.

But I'm gonna give Harris the benefit of the doubt this time. I suspect that what she's saying is actually true. After all, there was no political gain to be made from the story, and the point of her telling it was rather unclear other than a "between us girls" occasion for a group cackle. The lead in, that she was taught "ecology" rather then greenie environmentalism, was a small and correct detail, as I remember it very well myself, and I too was taught in California at the same time she was. Meanwhile, her question is very much the kind of question a kid might ask, there's nothing strange or precocious about it, nothing far-fetched, nothing self-aggrandizing; I recall trying to reason things out in the same way at that age on matters around the Vietnam War.   

But that paints an even more unflattering story about Harris than that of mere new notch on her lipstick case of lies.

Take a look at this line: "Well, why are conservatives bad, Mommy? I thought we were supposed to conserve things."

Was she so steeped in leftwingery in her childhood in Berkeley, California, that she was taught from birth that "conservatives are bad"? What kind of household was she was raised in? Was she taught hate from the cradle? Couldn't conservatives be "wrong" without being utterly bad?

It's so left-wing. It also might explain why she's so unable to grasp what other people think, let alone serve as a "uniter" or bridger of gaps. If she was propagandized from birth to think that "conservatives are bad" how could she ever deal with a conservative in the unlikely event that she met one? Might this explain why there are two sets of laws for Americans in this country, one for the left, one for conservatives? If she was never taught that people exist outside of politics and normal people should not be defined by their politics, how can she ever hope to understand the U.S. or a conservative when she meets one?

Someone should ask her whether she ever learned to get along with conservatives and see them as people of complex character rather than stick figures under the heading of "bad." How did she learn that what she was brainwashed with was garbage and how did she overcome it to be able to function in a society?

It rather explains a lot about her. In her political career, she was always a privileged chosen one, never facing a Republican opponent of consequence in her all-blue state and it rather has handicapped her, making her slow on her feet and absurdly certain in her outlook, unable to change course or adapt to new realities.

She really was taught that "conservatives are bad" when she was kid? Were they the boogie man under her bed? Did she run from them when they appeared on T.V.?

What kind of kids grows up thinking half the country is "bad" and expects to win high office?

Image: Screen shot from Fox Business video, via YouTube

The best-case scenario is that she’s Kamala Harris) a progressive who repeatedly violated her own principles so that she could promote her career. In the worst-case scenario, she’s just another corrupt, rotten, regressive prosecutor.  

                                                 JESSER HOROWITZ

Joe Biden, the corrupt, unaccomplished 47-year career politician, with a reputation of having been a proud segregationist, an unabashed plagiarist and liar, a resolute tale-teller, and a serial flip-flopper, is pretending to head up a radical social-democratic ticket for President of the United States that includes as his running mate the ambitious, disagreeable junior senator from California: Kamala Harris. 


Duplicity aside, perhaps the only details of Harris’s speech more cringeworthy than her insincerity was her inability to tell the truth about virtually anything. DAVID KELTZ


She insinuated that Kavanaugh was linked to Russian collusion — a claim so absurd that she was mocked by both of the major newspapers in her home state, the San Francisco Chronicle and the Los Angeles Times. Harris also drew criticism for a deceptively-edited video in which she falsely suggested Kavanaugh opposed birth control.

Senate GOP Gives Victory to Kamala Harris, Her Big Tech Donors with Green Card Giveaway…. WITH KAMALA, JUST FOLLOW HER LONG HISTORY OF BRIBES SUCKING!




9. Why did your office decline to investigate the health supplement fraud cases involving companies your husband’s law firm represented? Did you, as California’s attorney general, ever purposefully decline investigating or prosecuting clients of your husband’s law firm?

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) and her husband, attorney Douglas Emhoff, gave 1.1% of their income to charity in 2019, tax records show.

Harris reported giving $35,390 to charity, while she and her husband earned $3,095,950 in taxable income.

The best-case scenario is that she’s a progressive who repeatedly violated her own principles so that she could promote her career. In the worst-case scenario, she’s just another corrupt, rotten, regressive prosecutor.                          JESSER HOROWITZ



A tidy corrupt partnership

She also declined to prosecute OneWest, run by now-Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin from 2009-2015, after her own prosecutors said they discovered over a thousand violations of foreclosure law committed by the bank. (OneWest donated $6,500 to Harris' attorney general campaign in 2011, and Mnuchin himself donated $2,000 to her Senate campaign in 2016.)

Fact Check: Kamala Harris Falsely Claims Biden Admin Reduced Heating, Electric Bills 

TALLAHASSEE, USA - JANUARY 22: U.S Vice President Kamala Harris delivers remarks for the 50th commemoration of the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision in Tallahassee FL, United States on January 22, 2023. (Photo by Peter Zay/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
Peter Zay/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

CLAIM: On Wednesday at Bowie State University, Vice President Kamala Harris stated the Biden administration has “reduced heating and electricity bills so folks have more money in their pocket.”

VERDICT: FALSE. The cost of natural gas rose 6.7 percent from December 2022 to January 2023, and electricity increased 0.5 percent, according to the latest Consumer Price Index (CPI) in January.

On a yearly bases, Harris’s claims were also false. “The fuel oil index rose 27.7 percent over the last 12 months, while the index for electricity rose 11.9 percent, and the index for natural gas increased 26.7 percent over the same period,” the CPI reported in January.

Moreover, since the Biden administration assumed office, the average price for electricity per Kilowatt-Hour in American cities has spiked, the St. Louis FED reported.

In February 2021, the cost was $0.137. In January 2023, the unit cost soared to $0.168:


In a recent interview, Jill Biden said Joe needed to stay in office because he hasn’t finished his goals. His goals appear to be to remake or destroy America with open borders and by making as many people dependent on the government as possible — and most of the media supports those goals, claiming the slogan of Make America Great Again is dangerous. That is delusional.

Delusional Democrat Kamala Harris strikes again, this time on the cost of living crisis

The Inflation Reduction Act did nothing to lower the rising inflation rate. What it did was dole out rebates if people spent money on the greenie “investments” so loved by Democrat politicians. For example if a person were to spend $20,000 on a geothermal energy system for their home, they would receive a $6,000 tax credit. Thanks to the destruction of the dollar at the hands of the government, most poor and middle class people today can’t even come up with $1,000 for an emergency; how in the world are they supposed to qualify for this “generosity.” The IRA should have been called the Inflation Production Act.

Kamala Harris is either so willing to lie, or is so ignorant that she believes the Biden clown show is actually focused on and successfully reduced energy costs. The price of crude oil was around $40 when she and Biden took office; immediately, Biden set out to destroy energy companies that produced reasonably priced energy for the public. The price skyrocketed from $40 per barrel to around $120 per barrel, or up 200%. Now, the price is down to around $80 per barrel, which is still a 100% increase from two years ago. I bet people haven’t received a 100% pay increase to match, yet we have the displeasure of Kamala Harris (mis)informing the public that prosperity and a high standard of living are Biden administration priorities. From a California news outlet:

VP Kamala Harris tells Americans to calm down, and take a vacation, claiming her and President Biden ‘have reduced heating and electricity bills so folks have more money in their pocket to buy things like school supplies, replace the dishwasher or take a family vacation.’

The Biden administration clearly knows that high energy prices “hurt” people — see a headline from yesterday below:

Deputy Treasury Sec’y: We’ve Avoided any Russia Sanctions that Would Impact Energy Delivery Because That Hurts Developing World

So Biden and his troupe forgo sanctions against Russia so as not to hurt the citizens, but they have no problem imposing policies on us, the American people, with the same harmful consequences. We are essentially financing both sides of the war.

Incidentally, why is China still considered to be a developing country when disastrous policies like the “Paris Climate accord” are considered? That is delusional when China is an enemy that will gladly destroy us. 

On a personal note: I just saved $2,000 with the purchase of my new 2022 Dodge Charger. Of course, it cost my $45,000 to save that $2,000, but still, what a bargain! Thanks Joe! My 2018 Charger, which was similarly equipped, cost $33,000. People should remember that when Joe and Kamala were (s)elected, inflation hovered under 2%.

When the Democrats passed the “Affordable Care Act” they falsely promised that it would substantially lower healthcare costs. Instead, prices skyrocketed because they took away freedom of choice which would allow the market to regulate, and added restrictive government mandates. The media still cheers for this act that was passed with a series of lies and which greatly increased costs for businesses, individuals and families who don't qualify for the subsidies.

Again, it begs the question: What are these people smoking?

In a recent interview, Jill Biden said Joe needed to stay in office because he hasn’t finished his goals. His goals appear to be to remake or destroy America with open borders and by making as many people dependent on the government as possible — and most of the media supports those goals, claiming the slogan of Make America Great Again is dangerous. That is delusional.

Image: Free image, Pixabay license, no attribution required.

The Democrats' dilemma: even Californians don’t want Kamala Harris

Am I a bad person to enjoy the increasingly untenable position in which Democrats find themselves as we near the 2024 election? I really love watching them struggle with the specter of a second Biden campaign or, worse, the problem of lining up candidates if they convince Jill…er, Joe not to run. A new piece of evidence about the dilemma facing the Democrats is the fact that Californians do not like Kamala Harris, the country’s most powerful Democrat “woman of color.” Heh.

Whether you like all the potential candidates or not, the Republican field is dynamic and offers lots of great choices along with some dispiriting and depressing ones: Trump (who has declared), DeSantis (who almost certainly will declare), Ramaswamy (declared), Haley (declared), Tim Scott (probably will declare), Mike Pence (probable declaration), Larry Hogan (probable declaration), Glenn Youngkin (possible declaration). Indeed, we have an embarrassment of riches that, as in 2016, requires an incredibly strong candidate to emerge victorious from the fray.

Meanwhile, the Democrats have Joe Biden. Admittedly, he is the most effective president America has ever seen. In only two years, he’s reversed everything Trump accomplished, and has driven America into the deepest ditch imaginable.

If you measure success by a broken economy, a nonexistent border, racial hatred, gender madness, a nearing nuclear conflict, and America’s full retreat from being the world’s superpower, Biden is your guy, no matter how old and senile he’ll be at the start of a second term. There are people out there celebrating Jill Biden’s promise that Joe will run again.

Image: Kamala Harris. YouTube screen grab.

However, Democrats are beginning to suspect that not everyone supports Joe’s “Destroy America” agenda. They’d love to see Joe announce a graceful retirement, which would leave the field open for…Kamala Harris.

Yup. Kamala. Given how important women, especially black women and self-loathing white women, are to the Democrat party, should Kamala choose to run, the Democrats cannot abandon her. After all, she is the Vice President of the United States and the first woman of cackle…sorry, I mean color to hold that office. She is pretty much untouchable for a party built around labels involving sex, race, and sexual identity.

The problem for the party is that, aside from the fanatic base, voters really don’t like Kamala Harris. You may recall that, in 2019, she had to drop out of the Democrat primary after it became apparent that she wouldn’t even carry her home state of California. Across America, voters disliked her politics and her persona.

It turns out that they still do. Writing at SFGATE, a left-leaning online newspaper out of San Francisco, Eric Ting, the publication’s political analyst, writes that Californians still dislike Kamala Harris:

The Berkeley Institute of Government Studies/Los Angeles Times poll, conducted between Feb. 14 and Feb. 20 among 7,512 registered voters, asked respondents the question, "If Joe Biden decides not to run for a second term for President in 2024, how would you feel about Vice President Kamala Harris running for President in 2024?"

Just 16% said they'd be "very enthusiastic," while 21% said they'd be "somewhat enthusiastic"; 18% answered "not too enthusiastic," and a clear plurality of 41% said "not enthusiastic at all." Four percent of survey respondents offered no opinion.

In sum, just 37% of voters say they have enthusiasm for a Harris presidential bid, compared with a whopping 59% who expressed hesitancy. When looking at the results among only Democratic voters, 56% say they'd be enthusiastic, while 41% said they would not be. The fact that 4 in 10 California Democrats don't want to see Harris run for president is extremely worrying news for her.

One should never discount Black Swans, of course, those completely unexpected events that shape the future. Trump was a Black Swan, and so was Biden. That he won the election revealed the depth of corruption infecting voting across America. While that was almost predictable, the Black Swan part was that Biden, a pretty generic Democrat throughout his career, turned into the destroyer. (I keep thinking how, in Ghostbusters, the “destructor” ended up being the smiling Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.)

So, something may happen in the next year that completely changes the Democrat race and raises to the forefront a powerful and beloved black woman who has a former president at her side for the pillow talk of governance. Let’s hope, though, that the Black Swan I’m thinking of does not want to run. Instead, let me enjoy, at least for the moment, the thought that Democrats are trapped between the Scylla and Charybdis of Biden and Harris for 2024.


Jesse Watters: The people responsible won’t talk


The main objective of “political animals” like Obama and the Clintons is to get elected; it’s not to fix a broken America, nor to protect her. There are people who govern and there are people who campaign; Obama and the Clintons are the latter. Just look at the huge Republican electoral gains under Obama and the Clintons. It’s amazing that Democrats who still care about their party still support the very people who have brought it down.

Jesse Watters: The Clintons' crooked connections


All criminal roads lead back to Hillary Clinton: Former US attorney



Tucker: Trump was right about this

Victorious Democrats would also end congressional investigations into the Hillary-Deep State-DNC-Russian-Clinton Foundation collusion and corruption. All the players in these massive, sordid affairs will be deemed “too big to jail” – and too closely tied to the Democratic Party to be investigated further. 

Russian Billionaires Did Business with Hunter Biden, Dined with Joe, Dodged Sanctions

Here’s your Russian collusion.

Before Donald Trump was even elected president and throughout the entire period of his administration, the Leftist establishment that is entrenched in Washington officialdom and among the propaganda outlets that are known as the major news organizations inundated us with nonsense about how he had improperly colluded with Russia in order to gain the White House, and was still in Vladimir Putin’s pocket. There was, as is now well-known, nothing whatsoever to it; it was all a hoax designed to discredit Trump and destroy his presidency, although like the Japanese soldiers found hiding in the woods in the 1970s, not knowing that the war was over, there are still some holdouts on the far Left who insist it was all true. And actually it was, but not of Donald Trump. If you want actual Russian collusion, take a look at Old Joe Biden.

The New York Post reported Thursday that “two Russian billionaires who have managed to dodge US sanctions over Moscow’s year-old invasion of Ukraine went property shopping with Hunter Biden, dined with then-Vice President Joe Biden, and discussed ‘favors’ they might swap.” That’s collusion for you, but of course the Washington establishment that went after Trump with such vicious ferocity over nothing whatsoever is entirely indifferent to this fresh evidence that the demented corruptocrat they installed in the White House is as crooked as the day is long. Russian collusion is only of interest to this establishment when it can be used as a political tool; when people on their side do it, it’s entirely beneath notice.

Well, almost entirely. The Biden regime’s Treasury Department did take notice long enough on Friday to spare two Russian pals of Joe and Hunter, Yelena Baturina and Vladimir Yevtushenkov, from “a fresh batch of sanctions.” The UK and Australia have sanctioned Yevtushenkov, but not the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. And with a level of understatement that was positively Hemingwayesque, an anonymous source whom the Post says has “firsthand knowledge of the business relationship between Hunter Biden and Yevtushenkov,” says: “I think it’s very fishy.”

So does Michael McFaul, who is such a right-wing Trumpian ideologue that he served as Barack Obama’s ambassador to Russia. “I think he should be sanctioned,” McFaul said of Yevtushenkov. “I don’t understand why he has not been.”

I do, Mike. It’s really quite simple. Yevtushenkov hasn’t been sanctioned because he had the good judgment to do business with Hunter and Joe Biden. This gives the Russian an all-purpose Get-Out-of-Jail-Free card, as the Washington establishment will do anything it can possibly do to shield the Bidens from the consequences of their corrupt dealings, and to keep the American people from discovering just how crooked the man who pretends to be president really is.

And he is. Yevtushenkov “admitted last year he met with Hunter Biden for breakfast at the Ritz-Carlton in Manhattan on March 14, 2012 — but denied any further contact.” He was, the terminally naïve will be surprised to learn, lying: “emails and calendar entries from Hunter’s former laptop show that they were set to meet again on Jan. 27, 2013, for dinner at DC’s Cafe Milano before looking at a commercial real estate development the next day near Dulles International Airport in northern Virginia.” The Post’s source recounted: that he asked Yevtushenkov why he was meeting with Hunter, and the Russian billionaire replied: “I think it would be good to have a good relationship with this guy … maybe he can do a favor for us and we can do a favor for him.” The source added: “It was a complete quid pro quo that he was going in for.” Collusion and quid pro quo! It looks as if yet again the Left has engaged in the old tactic of accusing the other side of that which they are guilty of doing. The source added: “I told him that’s not the way it works in America, [but] he basically laughed at me and told me I was so naïve.”

Indeed. And wait, there’s more: “A different source, meanwhile, told The Post he vividly recalled Baturina and her husband, ex-Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov, looking ‘like an odd couple’ at a now-infamous, intimate dinner with Hunter and his father, the then-vice president.” Also at the dinner was “Vadym Pozharskyi, an executive at Ukrainian energy company Burisma, which paid Hunter up to $1 million per year beginning in 2014 while his VP dad controlled the Obama administration’s Ukraine policy. Pozharskyi emailed Hunter the next day to thank him for ‘giving an opportunity to meet your father.’”

But Old Joe Biden knows how the game is played. He “called the report a false ‘Russian plant’ at the time and social media platforms Twitter and Facebook initially censored it.” Even now, he will face no political consequences for all this Russian collusion. That’s only for presidents who dare to put America first.

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Robert Spencer

Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 26 books including many bestsellers, such as The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)The Truth About Muhammad and The History of Jihad. His latest books are The Critical Qur’an and The Sumter Gambit. Follow him on Twitter here. Like him on Facebook here.

Reader Interactions

If Leftists Hate America So Much, Why Don't They Leave?

Why aren't the fascist far-left leaving the country they loathe?

People usually don't try to transform and then destroy that which they love, so why aren't they just leaving?

These days, the Babylon Bee has the range, and it's putting its rhetorical rounds right on target.  Now it's just firing for effect, from a story about a man catching up on the latest news by reading two-year-old posts on a conspiracy blog to a satirical report from a few years ago about a group of leftists heading for the Socialist Paradise of Venezuela.  

It brings up a point you might have been asking yourself for quite some time: why aren't they leaving?  Why haven't the authoritarians of the fascist far left packed their bags and set off for greener collectivist fields, leaving the rest of us alone?

Why are the tyrannical ten percent sticking around when it's nothing like their authoritarian floor model, the big shiny communist nation of China, with its "socialism with Chinese characteristics" that they love?

How can they stomach dealing with a nation where people are just allowed to say or write whatever they want and defend themselves with — dare we say it — guns?  How do they live in a nation where people are just allowed to have gas stoveslawnmowers, and chainsaws?  Where the government in its infinite wisdom cannot penalize the people for wrongthink?  Where all of that liberty-induced stress puts a strain on their already fragile psyches?

Why are they still here when they could move to perfect examples of the Utopia (that means "no place") that they want to impose on us that already exist around the world?  They pine for the "worker's paradise" perfection that was national socialist Germany, the USSR, Cuba, Venezuela, and communist China, yet they are still here, complaining that we're not properly suffering as they are in those nations.

Perhaps if they don't know their feelings for the country, we can help them with our second point.  Maybe they're under the false impression that they are being "patriotic" and fostering "progress."  They are entirely incorrect in this impression.  Destroying a country has never been considered to be "patriotic."  We'll lay out a partial case to illustrate the point. 

It'll be a partial case because we don't have the space to detail all of what Team Wrecking Ball has done to the country.  They started out destroying our energy independence, inflated the currency to screw the middle class, threw open the border to an illegal invasion, actively worked to weaken the nation, and divided it by race and other immutable characteristics.   

Then we have foreign policy debacles, epitomized by the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal.  They fascistically have the government collude with Big Tech to suppress free speech and freedom of the press, while they obsess day and night over new ways of confiscating guns and depriving the people of their commonsense civil rights.

This doesn't even begin talking about how they lie with language to make normal weather events seem more severe or crime the fault of inanimate objects.  Or how they are actively working to weaken the country by depleting our Strategic Petroleum Reserve and sending unending piles of cash overseas, unaccountable to anyone.  Who knows what else they have in store for us?

Every roll of the dice is against our best interest, against our people, and against our commonsense civil rights.  Even blind luck would have something come out in our favor once in a while, but nothing ever does.  It's not that we're questioning their patriotism, because they would need to show patriotism before it could be questioned.

All of this is just touching the surface.  It raises the question: what would they be doing differently if they wanted a different outcome?  How is all of this supposed to magically transform the country into something better?

Can anyone figure out how having the country overrun with an illegal invasion, overdosed on fentanyl, weakened by energy dependence on unreliable energy sources, divided so we are fighting with one another, having our basic civil liberties destroyed, and beset by a myriad of other self-inflicted wounds supposed to foster "Progress"?  We don't see it, so where is their "patriotism"?

[W]henever the legislators endeavor to take away, and destroy the property of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of war with the people, who are thereupon absolved from any farther obedience.

John Locke, Second Treatise of Government, 1690

The main point is that we are talking about a small political minority that has to constantly use deception to gain any traction, hence we call them "the tyrannical ten percent."  We're talking about a small but very vocal political minority in the country.  Yes, they love to pretend they are the "majority," but seriously, how many people are fully on board with all of what we just detailed?

We're supposed to somehow fall for the fiction from the nation's socialist media that all of this is either a "conspiracy theory" or happenstance.  We're also supposed to forget that everything else they told us was a "conspiracy theory" or happenstance.

The tyrannical ten percent, the ruling aristocrats (cultural guerrilla warfare means we don't refer to them as "elite"), have an outsized influence, and after two long years, it is clear: they are doing all they can to destroy the country they must hate with a passion.  So why aren't they leaving?

Why are they trying to transform the nation into a socialist scum hole that no one else wants? 

D Parker is an engineer, inventor, wordsmith, and student of history, the director of communications for a civil rights organization, and a longtime contributor to conservative websites.  Find him on Substack.

Meet the Anti-Semitic Spiritual Guru on Cori Bush's Payroll

Nathaniel Davis, who claims he's 109 trillion years old and that Jews control the world, has received $137,000 from Bush since 2020

Rep. Cori Bush (D., Mo.) and her security guard, Nathanial Davis III.
March 7, 2023

He claims he can summon tornadoes at will, cause earthquakes with his hate, and conduct blood rituals to bring ruin upon his enemies. An intergalactic master of psychic self-defense born 109 trillion years ago, his days, he says, are now spent tending to his crops and spreading anti-Semitic conspiracies.

Nathaniel Davis III also happens to be Rep. Cori Bush’s (D., Mo.) close friend and her highest-paid private security guard.

Davis has earned over $137,000 providing "security services" for Bush since 2020, according to FEC filings, the latest of which showed disbursements of $5,000 in Dec. 2022. Using dozens of social media posts, including photos and videos that show Davis with Bush, the Washington Free Beacon has confirmed that Davis is in fact a St. Louis, Missouri, spiritual guru known as Aha Sen Piankhy who teaches classes on how to read minds, summon mythical beings, and maintain urban gardens—to avoid having to buy food from the Jews.

Davis, a former member of the vehemently anti-Semitic New Black Panther Party, is a natural fit for Bush, who has a history of associating with anti-Semites. She spent years working with anti-Israel activist Neveen Ayesh, who has said she wants to burn Jews alive. A vocal supporter of the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, Bush is a close ally of her fellow Squad member, anti-Semitic Rep. Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.).

Similarly, Bush spent years working as a faith healer for a religious sect that claims the power to resurrect the dead and cure deadly maladies through prayer. The head pastor of Bush’s church told the Free Beacon in 2021 that he cured Bush’s severe case of COVID-19 with a phone call. Nor is Davis the only eyebrow-raising security guard on Bush’s payroll: The congresswoman last week announced that she had married another of her handsomely compensated protectors.

When Davis, who did not return requests for comment, is not protecting the congresswoman, he spends his time teaching St. Louis’s black community to grow their own food—so they can liberate themselves from a genocidal Jewish cabal that runs the world.

"I’m going come teach the people how to survive. It’s what I came to this planet for in this lifetime," Davis said in a July 17, 2020, Facebook live stream. "I’m 109 trillion years old in this galaxy, the Milky Way galaxy."

Davis has advanced a number of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, including the belief that the Rothschild family "runs the Western Hemisphere" and unleashed the COVID-19 pandemic to murder 99 percent of the human population. Davis is also a proponent of QAnon, according to a Facebook post he shared in December 2018.

"You got the global elite looking to kill every last one of us. They want to wipe out half the population of the planet,"  Davis said in a July 17, 2020, Facebook livestream.

It is unclear when or how Bush and Davis met. But the congresswoman’s personal Facebook page shows that she is friends with "Aha Davis Zadok El," one of Davis’s Facebook accounts. There, he claims to be a member of the "Priesthood of the Sun Moon Sect." Davis’s various FacebookTwitter, and Instagram accounts are riddled with references to the "Priesthood of the Sun Moon Sect."

Davis has also claimed a number of supernatural abilities, including the ability to summon hurricanes, levitate, and retrieve winning lottery numbers "from the spirit realm," a difficult skill that Davis warns may come at an undisclosed cost to the summoner.

The Free Beacon was able to confirm just one event in which the psychic self-defense master provided security to Bush.

Wearing an oversized beige T-shirt, green cargo pants, and a white face mask, Davis was latched to Bush’s side during a July 3, 2020, protest that culminated in her shouting through a megaphone outside the home of Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the St. Louis couple that brandished weapons before Black Lives Matter protesters a week prior, according to video footage of the event.

Davis can be seen walking alongside Bush in a video the lawmaker posted on Twitter the day after the July 3 protest.

A few days prior, on June 20, 2020, Davis posted a photo of himself on Facebook wearing an identical outfit at a Juneteenth festival in St. Louis.

Davis also filmed two brief videos of himself walking behind Bush at the July 3 protest. While her face is never shown, Bush can be seen wearing the same black shirt, white polka-dotted face mask, and blue jeans, as well as carrying a plastic water bottle in her back-left pocket, as seen in other photos of the event.

Bush appears to have taken steps to conceal Davis’s identity in her campaign spending reports by listing her campaign headquarters’ address for the majority of her payments to Davis—a move that made it nearly impossible to identify which Nathaniel Davis was on her staff.

But the three other campaign payments to Davis list a residential home in St. Louis, which is the same address Davis used in July 2020 when he formed a Missouri LLC called the Revolutionary Business Group.

The Revolutionary Business Group was a business incubator chaired by Davis that claimed to have officers in five states and the Netherlands. It doesn’t appear the group ever got off the ground. Its website is offline, and the group has been inactive on Facebook since January 2022.

Still, Davis references the group on his various FacebookTwitter, and Instagram accounts. He appears in an August 2020 Facebook video introducing the Revolutionary Business Group team, in which a colleague introduces him as "Mr. Aha Nathaniel Davis III." Davis later refers to himself as "Aha Sen Piankhy."

Davis claims he chooses not to make use of his most destructive powers. But he is not above making threats, claiming in May 2020 that he can cause his enemies' teeth to fall out whenever they speak his name.

At publication time, this reporter’s teeth remain firmly affixed to his head.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hadn't been paying the help

What do we call people who don't pay the help?

Well, in the past, they were known as plantation owners, or slave-holders, a hot topic for wokester leftists.

Nowadays, just say "Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez."

She's got quite a track record of not paying the help based on her appearance at the Met Gala last year, according to revelations from the congressional ethics investigation on her.

She not only took "gifts" (really big gifts, which started with the $35,000 price of the ticket), but failed to pay in any timely manner the staff who fluffed her up in her famous "Tax the Rich" gown that got her so much fawning publicity.

According to TMZ:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez delayed making payments in regards to her Met Gala appearance two years ago — this according to the findings of an ethics investigation.

The NY congresswoman has been at the center of a Capitol Hill probe for about a year, and this week ... the results were released. According to the fact-finders, it looks like AOC and/or her staff were quite slow in paying people back ... to the tune of thousands of dollars.

The House Ethics Committee came down hard in their report, saying they have "substantial reason" to believe Rep. Ocasio-Cortez might have violated ethics rules for members of Congress, and maybe even broken federal laws pertaining to gifts and perks she received at the time of the Gala, when she walked the red carpet in a loud "Tax the Rich" dress.

According to them, it's unclear if AOC was ever going to pay people back for the dress, the makeup services, the hotel costs, the accessories, or anything else she received as part of her appearance ... and they go on to claim that the launch of this investigation seems to have spurred her and her staff to act. AOC has since paid off the tab ... about $7,700 all told.

This is an amazingly crummy way of treating tradespeople, who no doubt gave their all to make Ocasio-Cortez look like a million bucks for the other Beautiful People at that Vogue-sponsored gala.  Ocasio-Cortez makes a six-figure congressional salary, so we know she had the means to pay.  She just didn't want to, and had there not been a congressional ethics investigation, she might not have.

Most of these people who went unpaid for months weren't high-paid workers, as Nicole Gelinas wrote in her excellent description of the scandal for the New York Post.

It costs money to be a Kardashian-level celebrity: transportation, dress, hair, makeup, hotel room, manicure, shoes, handbag, jewels, boyfriend accessories.   

As AOC's lawyer assured Congressional ethics officials just after the gala, "the Congresswoman is paying personally for all other benefits including the rental value of her dress, handbag, and accessories, ... shoes ..., hair and makeup, transportation, and ... hotel room ... for staging."  

Oh, no! What to do? Just ... don't pay for these things, and hope no one notices.  

How? The fashion industry is famously exploitative. Struggling designers need exposure, and work for cheap to get it.  

So AOC got herself a haute couture dress – consultation, design, fittings, materials, and day-of styling, likely well above a ten-thousand-dollar value – from a Brooklyn designer for a billed cost of a $1,300 "rental." 

Good deal! But did she pay the $1,300? No. Her campaign staff called the designer to talk the price down to $300. That's how much AOC values weeks worth of labor.  

Then she delayed, by months, the paying of the staffers who gussied her up — the gown "rental," the shoe "rental," (Gelinas points out that these were questionable classifications), as well as the hairdo, the makeup, the car service, the hotel service, the boyfriend's accessories.  Only the manicurist got paid promptly because she demanded payment in cash up front.  (It makes one wonder if she's been burned in the past by people like AOC.)  The others got paid only after the congressional investigation got going.  According to Gelinas, "the makeup artist sent the bill to a collection agency, which said it was 'EXTREMELY overdue.'"  The hairdresser threatened to call the New York Department of Labor to make a complaint over the $477.73 bill.

Apparently, only the congressional ethics investigation actually motivated her to cough up.

Ocasio-Cortez preened around like a celeb because in her mind she was a celeb, and stiffing the little guys who do these things is what celebrities often do.  The little guys in that industry are forced to take it because the celeb's custom is "exposure" for them, but it usually doesn't work out that way, and even if it did, they still need to be paid.  It's one of Hollywood's crappiest games, and Ocasio-Cortez leaped in to embrace it with gusto.

That left a lot of people waiting for a paycheck after performing their services, something that wouldn't be tolerated in the restaurant industry or at hotels if the clients were ordinary people.  One set of laws for them...

Ocasio-Cortez, however, is a pol, and politicians are subject to more ethics rules on gifts than ordinary people, which makes her omission twice as egregious.  Pols know the rules and are very careful to follow them, but Ocasio-Cortez flouted them with alacrity.

She not only flouted the pay-the-help practice, but actually solicited the tickets to the event and then spent weeks with staffers attempting to make it on the up-and-up, not an illegal campaign gift, finally settling for AOC's tickets not being from Vogue (whose parent company has a Washington lobbyist, making it subject to ethics rules on gifts), but from Devil-Wears-Prada editor Anna Wintour, who must consider AOC a very good friend indeed to be handing her two free $35,000 tickets to her gala.

Of course, it has the look of cash for favors.  But like the unpaid help, it's of little concern to AOC.  Laws are for little people.  Socialist celebrities are different.  That's what AOC demonstrated here.  Who knew that AOC would have so much in common with Leona Helmsley? 

TMZ says that Congress gave AOC a pass on the tickets/gift violation, while AOC's induced payment of the help got her off the hook otherwise.  Haven't congressional investigators sent less tony congressmen to jail for less?  Think of Rep. Duncan Hunter, who spent campaign cash on trips to Italy.  He's out of office for that.  Why isn't she?

Image:  Twitter screen shot.

TREND ALERT: 'Squad' Democrats Funneling Money to Men They're Sleeping With

Radical left-wing clique dogged by dubious transactions

March 6, 2023

What happened: Another member of "The Squad," a consortium of radical left-wing Democratic lawmakers, has been caught funneling campaign money to her male lover.

Rep. Cori Bush (D., Mo.) married her private security guard, Cortney Merritts, in a secret ceremony last month. The revelation raised concern among ethics advocates who pointed out that Bush's campaign had paid Merritts more than $62,000 since January 2022, long after the pair became romantically involved.

Despite being paid for security services, Merritts does not appear to have a private security license, which is required to perform security services in St. Louis, where Bush's district is located. He did have a security license at some point, but it expired in 2012.

Why it matters: Bush is the second "Squad" member to come under fire for using campaign funds to line the pockets of her romantic partner. Rep. Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.), the 2019 Anti-Semite of the Year, married her top political consultant Tim Mynett in 2020 after funneling more than $500,000 to Mynett's firm.

Context: Before marrying him, Omar repeatedly denied allegations that she was dating Mynett, probably because he was married to another woman at the time. Court documents indicate that Mynett separated from his wife in April 2019 after admitting he was "romantically involved with and in love with another woman, Ilhan Omar."

Omar married Mynett less than a year later and continued to funnel the majority of her campaign funds to his firm, the E Street Group, which raked in nearly $3 million from his wife's campaign during the 2020 election cycle.

More context: Bush, who wants to defund the police, has spent more than $600,000 in campaign funds on private security, including the payments to her then-boyfriend. She spends more on private security than almost every other member of Congress—by far.

What they're saying:

• "Cori Bush's payments of $62,360 for security services to her lover and now husband from her campaign funds raises the question of whether he is being paid for providing legitimate security services or simply for escorting her to events as her partner." — Paul Kamenar, counsel to the National Legal and Policy Center.

• "Suck it up, and defunding the police has to happen. We need to defund the police." — Cori Bush, in response to critics of her exorbitant security spending.

Bottom line: The "Squad," described by some as the future of the Democratic Party, is comprised of radical left-wing politicians who consistently engage in ethically dubious behavior. For example, an investigation by the Office of Congressional Ethics recently found "substantial reason to believe" that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) violated House ethics rules by failing to promptly repay the hairstylist, makeup artist, and other service workers who helped her attend the 2021 Met Gala in an infamous "Tax the Rich" dress.

Published under: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Cori Bush Defund the Police Democratic Party Ethics Ilhan Omar The Squad


Dem Senators Blasted Ticketmaster Over Taylor Swift Debacle. They Have Nothing to Say About It Raking In Cash From Farrakhan Hate Rally.

Richard Blumenthal and Amy Klobuchar sit on the Senate Task Force for Combating Anti-Semitism

Richard Blumenthal (L.), Louis Farrakhan (C.), Amy Klobuchar (R.)
March 7, 2023

Sens. Richard Blumenthal (D., Conn.) and Amy Klobuchar (D., Minn.) last fall trained their fire on Ticketmaster after bungled sales for Taylor Swift's concert tour led to price-gouging and automated scalping, calling on the Department of Justice to investigate the ticketing giant. But when the company doled out tickets to Louis Farrakhan's rally—in which the Nation of Islam leader defended Adolf Hitler and predicted another Holocaust against Jews—the Democratic duo had nothing to say.

Blumenthal went on a crusade against Ticketmaster in November, saying "consumers deserve better than this anti-hero behavior." Klobuchar said she had "serious concerns" about Ticketmaster's failure to get the so-called Swifties tickets efficiently and wrote to the company's chief executive officer demanding answers.

Neither Blumenthal, who has warned that the "horrors of the Holocaust" could happen again if Americans don't fight anti-Semitism, nor Klobuchar, who has pledged "to confront anti-Semitism," have criticized Ticketmaster for profiting off of the Farrakhan ticketing sales. The two senators, who sit on the Senate's Task Force for Combating Anti-Semitism, did not respond to requests for comment.

Farrakhan during his speech claimed that Jews control the levers of power in Washington, Hollywood, and global finance and are using these powers to corrupt the world. "Somebody has to take on the synagogue of Satan," he said. "We cannot let them take the country." Critics had urged Ticketmaster, which charges service fees on each ticket it sells, to drop the Farrakhan event from its sales platform, but the ticket giant did not budge.

Among House Democrats, there has also been silence from lawmakers who criticized Ticketmaster in the past. Last November, more than two dozen House Democrats sent a letter to Ticketmaster, saying it "strangled competition for ticketing in the live entertainment marketplace." The Washington Free Beacon reached out to 28 members who signed the letter and are still in Congress to get their thoughts on Ticketmaster’s decision to sell seats at the Farrakhan event. None of them responded.

Democrats who signed the letter included Rep. Barbara Lee (D., Calif.), Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.), and Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.).

Omar has a history of incendiary statements about Jews. She claimed in 2019 that U.S. support for Israel was "all about the Benjamins baby," suggesting that lawmakers were being bribed to back the Jewish state. That remark and others, in which she downplayed the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, led Republicans to remove her from the House Foreign Affairs Committee earlier this year.

Farrakhan defended Omar’s "Benjamins" comment, saying she had a "sweet heart" and was helping to "shake the government up, but you have nothing to apologize for."

Tlaib, one of the most vocal anti-Israel lawmakers in Congress, faced criticism from the Anti-Defamation League and members of her own party in September after she claimed that Americans "cannot claim to hold progressive values yet back Israel’s apartheid government."

Lee, who has attended an event with Farrakhan, denounced the preacher’s "anti-Semitic and hateful comments" amid public pressure in 2018.

During his speech last week, Farrakhan assailed the "stranglehold that Jews have on this government" and claimed "Jewish power is what has all of our people of knowledge and wisdom and talent afraid."

Farrakhan criticized Jews who use the phrase "Never Again" when discussing the Holocaust.

"You can say that to men, but you can’t say that to God. Because the Bible says, behold, the day cometh that shall burn—as a what?—as an oven. And those who do wickedly, He will slay them."

"God is not unjust; when he kills you, you know you deserved it," he added.

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R., Tenn.)—who also spoke out about the Taylor Swift debacle—weighed in on the Farrakhan controversy when contacted by the Free Beacon.

"It is extremely concerning that Ticketmaster is choosing to use its platform to elevate and promote a well-known anti-Semite. The targeting of the Jewish people has gone on far too long and must stop," she said.

Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R., Wash.), a Ticketmaster critic who serves as the chairwoman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, also said the company needs to be "completely transparent" about its decision to profit off anti-Semitism.

"Anti-Semitism has no place in America," McMorris Rodgers said. "Ticketmaster should be completely transparent on why it chose to profit off of Farrakhan's abhorrent history of hatred and violent threats of genocide against the Jewish people."

Published under: Amy Klobuchar Anti-Semitism Democrats Louis Farrakhan Richard Blumenthal

TREND ALERT: 'Squad' Democrats Funneling Money to Men They're Sleeping With

Radical left-wing clique dogged by dubious transactions

March 6, 2023

What happened: Another member of "The Squad," a consortium of radical left-wing Democratic lawmakers, has been caught funneling campaign money to her male lover.

Rep. Cori Bush (D., Mo.) married her private security guard, Cortney Merritts, in a secret ceremony last month. The revelation raised concern among ethics advocates who pointed out that Bush's campaign had paid Merritts more than $62,000 since January 2022, long after the pair became romantically involved.

Despite being paid for security services, Merritts does not appear to have a private security license, which is required to perform security services in St. Louis, where Bush's district is located. He did have a security license at some point, but it expired in 2012.

Why it matters: Bush is the second "Squad" member to come under fire for using campaign funds to line the pockets of her romantic partner. Rep. Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.), the 2019 Anti-Semite of the Year, married her top political consultant Tim Mynett in 2020 after funneling more than $500,000 to Mynett's firm.

Context: Before marrying him, Omar repeatedly denied allegations that she was dating Mynett, probably because he was married to another woman at the time. Court documents indicate that Mynett separated from his wife in April 2019 after admitting he was "romantically involved with and in love with another woman, Ilhan Omar."

Omar married Mynett less than a year later and continued to funnel the majority of her campaign funds to his firm, the E Street Group, which raked in nearly $3 million from his wife's campaign during the 2020 election cycle.

More context: Bush, who wants to defund the police, has spent more than $600,000 in campaign funds on private security, including the payments to her then-boyfriend. She spends more on private security than almost every other member of Congress—by far.

What they're saying:

• "Cori Bush's payments of $62,360 for security services to her lover and now husband from her campaign funds raises the question of whether he is being paid for providing legitimate security services or simply for escorting her to events as her partner." — Paul Kamenar, counsel to the National Legal and Policy Center.

• "Suck it up, and defunding the police has to happen. We need to defund the police." — Cori Bush, in response to critics of her exorbitant security spending.

Bottom line: The "Squad," described by some as the future of the Democratic Party, is comprised of radical left-wing politicians who consistently engage in ethically dubious behavior. For example, an investigation by the Office of Congressional Ethics recently found "substantial reason to believe" that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) violated House ethics rules by failing to promptly repay the hairstylist, makeup artist, and other service workers who helped her attend the 2021 Met Gala in an infamous "Tax the Rich" dress.

Lawmakers Mum As Ticketmaster Doles Out Tickets For Farrakhan Hate Rally

Ticketmaster makes money off event where Farrakhan assailed 'stranglehold that Jews have on this government'

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan / Getty Images
March 2, 2023

The ticketing giant hated by Taylor Swift fans and everyone else who has ever tried to buy concert tickets is now under fire from Jewish activists for selling tickets to a Louis Farrakhan event in which the minister defended Adolf Hitler and predicted another Holocaust against Jews. But many of Ticketmaster's biggest critics on Capitol Hill don't seem to care.

Ticketmaster, which charges service fees on each ticket it sells, raked in money selling tickets to Farrakhan's annual Saviours' Day conference in Chicago last weekend. During his speech at the event, Farrakhan assailed the "stranglehold that Jews have on this government" and claimed "Jewish power is what has all of our people of knowledge and wisdom and talent afraid."

The event was met with crickets on Capitol Hill, with almost no one in Congress speaking out against Ticketmaster for making money off of the Farrakhan event. The reaction is a stark contrast to lawmakers' response when Ticketmaster bungled sales last year for Taylor Swift's much-anticipated concert tour. That fiasco was in the news cycle for weeks and led to a Department of Justice investigation as well as a Senate hearing. Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle say Ticketmaster and its parent company, LiveNation, have a monopoly over the ticket industry, leading to price-gouging and a failure to crack down on automated scalping.

"Daily reminder that Ticketmaster is a monopoly, it’s merger with LiveNation should never have been approved, and they need to be reigned in [sic]," wrote Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) in a Twitter post in November. Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R., Wash.), now the chairwoman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, sent a letter to Ticketmaster last year raising concerns about its practices, while Sens. Richard Blumenthal (D., Conn.) and Amy Klobuchar (D., Minn.) called on the Department of Justice to investigate. None of their offices responded to a request for comment on Ticketmaster's Farrakhan sales.

Only Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R., Tenn.)—who also spoke out about the Taylor Swift debacle—weighed in on the Farrakhan controversy when contacted by the Washington Free Beacon.

"It is extremely concerning that Ticketmaster is choosing to use its platform to elevate and promote a well-known anti-Semite. The targeting of the Jewish people has gone on far too long and must stop," she said.

Entertainment industry leaders and Jewish groups had urged Ticketmaster to drop the Farrakhan event from its sales platform, but Ticketmaster did not waver. The Anti-Defamation League also sent a letter to Ticketmaster on Friday to "note that the Nation of Islam’s annual Saviors’ Day event regularly serves as a platform to amplify this hate and bigotry." The group said it was not calling on the company to halt ticket sales.

The event came as anti-Semitism is on the rise in the United States. Hate crimes against Jews have surged in major cities, while celebrities like Kanye West and Kyrie Irving have promoted anti-Jewish conspiracy theories on social media. Farrakhan during his speech praised West as a "very great brother" and "genius."

"Ye broke into the fashion industry, that’s controlled by Jews," said Farrakhan. "Don’t be mad with them. They’re in every avenue that leads to power."

"Somebody has to take on the synagogue of Satan, and here we are," he said. "We cannot let them take the country."

Farrakhan criticized Jews who use the phrase "Never Again" when discussing the Holocaust.

"You can say that to men, but you can’t say that to God. Because the Bible says, behold, the day cometh that shall burn—as a what?—as an oven. And those who do wickedly, He will slay them."

"God is not unjust; when he kills you, you know you deserved it," he added.

Farrakhan also defended the Nazis by citing an argument he supposedly heard from a Jewish rabbi on TV.

"Usury is what has made [the Jews] strong. I heard a Jewish rabbi, maybe about six weeks ago, he came on television talking about Adolf Hitler," said Farrakhan. "And he said Hitler was right. He said Hitler went against usury and Hitler attacked pornography that the Jews had put on the Germans."

Farrakhan and his group, the Nation of Islam, promote numerous conspiracy theories about Jews, including that Jews control the government, the media, and global financial institutions.

Last week, a group of entertainment industry leaders sent a letter to Ticketmaster CEO Michael Rapino calling on the company to drop the sales of the Farrakhan event and citing the preacher’s long history of anti-Semitism.

White Lies: Fake Muslim Activist Who Rubbed Shoulders With 'Squad' Members Resigns in Disgrace

March 1, 2023

A white diversity consultant who cozied up to prominent Democrats while pretending to be an Arab Muslim is out of a job after it was revealed that she was "white as the driven snow."

Raquel Evita Saraswati resigned from her position as chief equity, inclusion, and culture officer at the American Friends Service Committee on Monday after her mother revealed in February that she was born Rachel Elizabeth Seidel. The committee, a Quaker group that works for a "just, peaceful, and sustainable world free of violence, inequality, and oppression," confirmed that Seidel had made the "difficult" and "deeply personal" decision to resign from the group in a statement.

"Raquel Saraswati, who is facing public allegations that she misrepresented her background and past associations, has informed us of her intention to separate from the organization," AFSC spokesman Layne Mullett told USA Today.

The transracial grifter, who since 2004 claimed to be of Latin, South Asian, and Arab descent,  is a prominent activist in the Philadelphia area and has rubbed shoulders with Democratic Reps. Ilhan Omar (Minn.) and Rashida Tlaib (Mich.), and attended an event at the Obama White House in July 2016, according to photos from her deleted Flickr album.

Before she tendered her resignation, Seidel faced a revolt from her former colleagues at the committee, who penned an anonymous open letter on Feb. 10 accusing her of lying about her racial heritage and serving as a mole for right-wing interests. The letter prompted the human resources professional who hired Seidel in 2021 to say he felt "conned" and "deceived" for believing she was a queer woman of color who happened to be a Muslim.

Seidel’s mother, Carol Perone, confirmed her daughter is white in an interview with the Intercept in February.

"I call her Rachel. I don’t know why she’s doing what she’s doing," Perone said. "I’m as white as the driven snow and so is she. … I’m German and British, and her father was Calabrese Italian. She’s chosen to live a lie, and I find that very, very sad."

Seidel said she was not fired from the committee and maintained that she was honest with the group during her hiring process in a statement to Fox News.

"I was … honest and completely transparent in securing my role, which I have found extremely fulfilling," Seidel said. "Regarding details of my personal life: I am currently taking the time I need both with loved ones as well as with professional counsel to ensure my concerns and interests are addressed comprehensively while maintaining discretion and care for the personal lives of others."

Seidel, who promoted herself as a "vegan, Muslim, queer feminist," has drawn comparisons to Rachel Dolezal, a former NAACP chapter president who resigned in disgrace after it was revealed that she was white and had been pretending to be African American. In Sept. 2022, TMZ reported that Dolezal had started an OnlyFans page.

Muslim clerics promote pedophilia over adoption

A little known, though highly controversial, Islamic teaching is back in the news.  According to a Feb. 21, 2023 report, Diyanet, Turkey’s highest religious (and therefore Islamic) institution:

...opened a special section on its fatwa website about earthquakes and answered the question of “Can children of earthquake victims be adopted?” The fatwa stated that it is not right for foster families to treat adopted children like their own children and that “there is no barrier to marriage between the adopter and the adopted child.”

The fatwa mounted criticism on social media and many public figures reacted against the Diyanet’s response.

Journalist Fatih Altaylı also reacted to the Diyanet's fatwa on his Twitter account, saying: “We understand that you are really perverts, but what are you doing in an institution like the Diyanet? Perverts. Go into the porn industry. Don't pollute the institution established by (founder of modern Turkish Republic) Atatürk to give people proper religious knowledge with your perverted imagination.”

Diyanet responded by opening a lawsuit against the journalist for “insulting our presidency and its employees with derogatory expressions.”

The controversy amounts to this: Islam bans adoption; and Islam’s clerics, as they often do, are trying to find a loophole.  Rather than adopt, a man may “marry,” concluded Diyanet, a destitute child of his choosing, and that is halal -- a win-win for all involved, and in keeping with Islam’s ban on adoption.

This ban is more prevalent, and negatively impacts more lives, than might be assumed.  In fact, just one week after the above report from Turkey appeared, on Feb. 27, 2023, Coptic Solidarity, which focuses on the plight of Christian minorities throughout the Middle East, especially Egypt’s indigenous Copts, launched an “online grassroots campaign” dedicated to arguably the most infamous adoption-related case in modern times in the Muslim world.

Nearly five years ago, a Coptic priest heard cries emanating from inside his empty church.  He discovered a newborn baby boy, apparently abandoned by a mother who bore him out of wedlock.  The priest entrusted the babe to a childless couple from his congregation.  Considering that they had for nearly 30 years been praying for a child, they joyously embraced the boy as their own and baptized and named him Shenouda, a popular Coptic name.

For the next four years everything went well.  Shenouda became the pride and joy of his adoptive parents’ lives. Seeing him as a “gift from God,” they spared no care or expense on his upbringing. 

Then the Egyptian state learned about this otherwise happy development and seized the four-year-old child from his loving parents’ arms and sent him to an orphanage. 

As with Turkey’s Diyanet, although adoption is illegal in Egypt, there are state-approved ways -- loopholes -- for families to take custody of orphan children.  In this case, however, the primary argument used by the state against Shenouda’s adoptive parents’ legal attempts to reclaim the boy revolves around religion.  Because Islam teaches that every human is born as a sort of prototypical Muslim (until their parents conform them to their own religion), and because the religious identity of Shenouda’s biological parents is unknown, he must, therefore, be considered Muslim; and entrusting Muslim children to non-Muslim parents is strictly forbidden. 

Since being transferred to an overcrowded and underfed orphanage, the child was “returned” to -- that is, forced into -- Islam.  He was issued a birth certificate marked “Muslim” under religion and stripped of his formerly Christian name and given an acceptable Muslim one, Yusuf. 

Meanwhile, logic suggests that Shenouda was born to a Christian mother -- or at least to a mother who thought Christians would best know how to raise her unwanted child.  Otherwise, why abandon the babe in a church?

Such are the unknown casualties of Islamic law: whether destitute children from earthquake-ravaged regions must be turned into “spouses” before they are taken care of in Turkey, or whether destitute orphans must be stripped away from loving adoptive parents because they are “infidel” Christians, here is yet another example of human suffering in the name of sharia.

Note: If you’d like to make your voice heard concerning the child Shenouda, click here and join the Coptic Solidarity petition.

Raymond Ibrahim, author most recently of Defenders of the West,  is the Distinguished Senior Shillman Fellow at the Gatestone Institute and the Judith Rosen Friedman Fellow at the Middle East Forum.

Image: RawPixel/U.S. Forest Service

Broward Sheriff Attends Award Ceremony Hosted by Muslim Group Linked to Terror, Bigotry

Anti-Gay Imam honors Sheriff Gregory Tony and his Executive Officer.

Normally, it would be a surprise to see a Sheriff show up to a radical Muslim event, but in Broward County, for years, it has been the norm. Sheriff Scott Israel did it, while accompanied by his Deputy liaison and then-representative for CAIR, Nezar Hamze, and Israel’s replacement, Gregory Tony, does it with the help of his second-in-command, Executive Officer Munib Ahmed. This month, though, it was Sheriff Tony that accompanied Ahmed, as Ahmed received an award from the Darul Uloom Institute (DUI), a past haven for high-profile al-Qaeda terrorists run by an anti-gay imam. This is the shocking state of affairs at the Broward Sheriff’s Office (BSO).

On February 11th, DUI held its 40th Anniversary Annual Award Ceremony and Fundraising Dinner. One of this year’s award recipients was BSO Colonel Munib Ahmed. Ahmed, who previously (and ironically) served as a supervisor in a counter-terrorism unit, enjoys the lofty position of Executive Officer to the Sheriff. Sharing the stage with him were DUI’s founder and imam Shafayat Mohamed, who was donning a lapel pin resembling a Sheriff’s badge (the same pin that the Sheriff wears on his tie), and Sheriff Tony, who received a gift from the mosque, himself. All three were arm-in-arm with big smiles for the camera.

Ahmed spoke glowingly about Shafayat Mohamed and the organization he represents. Ahmed told the crowd that he remembers watching Mohamed’s sermons, “as a young man growing up.” He stated about Mohamed, “To see him today perform in front of us, after 40 years, is amazing. He’s done amazing work not only for this community, but for all of us. We are a better people, because of him, because he gave voice to the people that could not speak. He brought light to situations and current situations that we would never have found out about, so I appreciate you sir, for all your hard work and dedication to this community, and I wish you all the best.”

Part of Mohamed’s work was as an Islamic teacher. One of his students at DUI was soon-to-be convicted terrorist “Dirty Bomber” Jose Padilla. Padilla, a convert to Islam, had met with senior al-Qaeda operatives to discuss his involvement in terrorist operations, including a plot to set off a radiological bomb inside the US.

Another terrorist related to DUI was future al-Qaeda Commander Adnan el-Shukrijumah, who was a prayer leader at DUI. Prior to him being killed in 2014 by the Pakistan Army, el-Shukrijumah had ordered the bombing of the New York subway system. DUI Arabic teacher Imran Mandhai, along with mosque goers Hakki Aksoy and Shueyb Mossa Jokhan, hatched a plot at DUI to blow up different South Florida structures, including electrical power stations, Jewish businesses, and a National Guard armory. Shafayat Mohamed has also admitted that one of the 9/11 hijackers was rumored to have prayed at DUI.

Mohamed has used his pulpit to target homosexuals with the worst of bigotry. In February 2005, DUI published an article written by Mohamed, titled ‘Tsunami: Wrath of God,’ in which he claimed gay sex caused the 2004 Indonesian tsunami. In the piece, he quotes the Quran, saying “most” Jews and Christians “are perverted transgressors.” During an August 2015 DUI sermon, Mohamed lamented the existence of gay Muslim communities. His deeds caused him to be thrown off several Broward County boards. He complained he “got sacked,” because “a lot of gay people” spoke out against him. He said, “I had a choice to sit in paradise or go to hell.”

In his youth, Mohamed was a proud student of now-deceased bigot Ahmed Deedat, author of the anti-Christian screed, Crucifixion or Cruci-Fiction? who, according to The New York Times, was “a vocal anti-Semite and ardent backer of Osama bin Laden,” and who would callously refer to gays as “Sodomites.” On the DUI website, one can find a photograph of Mohamed shaking hands with Deedat in Deedat’s facility, what was at the time known as the Bin Laden Centre. Following Deedat’s death, Mohamed traveled to Deedat’s home, in Durban, South Africa, to meet with Deedat’s son and zealous Adolf Hitler fan, Yusuf Deedat, and to pray by his grave.

This was not the first time Sheriff Tony and his BSO came in contact with a radical mosque. This past April, Sheriff Tony and a number of BSO officers showed up to the Islamic Center of South Florida (ICOSF) for a Ramadan ‘Break the Fast.’ In June, it looked as if the entire BSO showed up to ICOSF’s 2022 Summer Camp. In October, the ICOSF Sisterhood sponsored a BSO event at the mosque, where the female BSO representatives donned hijabs.

ICOSF is owned by the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT), a group named by the US a co-conspirator to Hamas financing. ICOSF’s Imam Hasan Sabri has cursed America as an “enemy” and threatened Muslims who accept her help. ICOSF regularly brings controversial imams Monzer Taleb and Fadi Kablawi to the mosque to give khutbahs (sermons). Taleb is a self-professed member of Hamas, who posted on Facebook that Jews in Israel “should be relocated to Germany.” Kablawi, who the FBI says is a member of ISIS, has called Jews “the lowest of the lowest”; blamed women for rape; and said gays should thank him for their continued existence.

This was, as well, not the first time Sheriff Tony came in contact with DUI’s Shafayat Mohamed. A photo from Sheriff Tony’s September 2022 ‘Unity in Faith Prayer Breakfast and 9/11 Memorial,’ has the Sheriff bowing has head in prayer with Mohamed. Furthermore, Mohamed recently interviewed Tony for his Al-Hikmat TV program. During the interview, Mohamed mentioned that, two weeks prior to the taping of the show, the BSO called him to request 250 copies of the Quran to be presented to BSO prisoners.

The Sheriff told Mohamed, who said he was astonished that the BSO contacted him for Qurans, “We’ve totally changed our cultural awareness here. Broward County is one of the most diverse counties in every facet… We have to be able to engage with the community to make sure we’re not leaving any facet out. Having so much control and being in contact with so many parts of our community, it’s important that we don’t ostracize anyone. I was surprised when I’ve had dialogue with members of our Muslim community how disengaged they were from this organization, not having any type of inclusion, and that’s a problem…”

It is a much bigger problem that Sheriff Tony and the BSO are engaging with radical Muslims. In doing so, they have abandoned their motto ‘to protect and serve,’ and, instead, they are embracing extremism and endangering the community.

Beila Rabinowitz, Director of Militant Islam Monitor, contributed to this report.

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Joe Kaufman

Joe Kaufman is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, and the Chairman of the Joe Kaufman Security Initiative. He was a 2014, 2016, and 2018 Republican nominee for the U.S. House of Representatives (Florida-CD23).

Reader Interactions

Anti-Semitism is First and Utmost a Danger to America and its Values

Heed our warnings.

At a summit held by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in November, FBI Director Christopher Wray spoke about “the tragic reality that the Jewish community uniquely ends up on the receiving end of hate-fueled attacks from all sides.” He referenced the white supremacist attacks in recent years in Poway and Pittsburgh, and the 2022 attack at the synagogue in Colleyville, Texas, motivated by “violent Jihad”. But it’s not just white supremacists and radical Muslims.

There are myriad of groups espousing Jews-hatred – the far-right, the far-left, radical Muslims, and black supremacists, such as Louis Farrakhan, to name a few. The reality is that these groups and their individual members and supporters pose a danger not only to the Jewish community, but to all Americans. Antisemites target Jews first, as they see the Jewish people as easy prey, but what they are really after is changing America beyond recognition, according to their distorted and extreme ideologies.

The tragic reality is that America as a whole is on the receiving end of hate-fueled attacks from all the radical elements of societyThe fabric of America is disintegrating in front of our eyes at the hands of the sworn enemies of the American and the Jewish people.

The Mounting Threat for Jewish Americans

In recent years, the threat against American Jews, and consequently the American people, has been mounting. Per FBI Director Wray, “A full 63% of religious hate crimes are motivated by antisemitism—targeting a group that makes up just 2.4% of our population.”

Interestingly, this hate is one of the sole common threads between far-right, far-left, radical Muslim, and black supremacist ideologies. These groups are united by familiar antisemitic tropes of a nefarious and powerful Jewish or “Zionist” cabal that allegedly seeks to dominate and subjugate individuals, societies, and nations through behind-the-scenes scheming.

More and more, these hate groups, who at their core are enemies to each other, are coalescing and cooperating in their hatred of the Jewish people and the Jewish State.

How did we arrive to this point, and is Antisemism just a Jewish problem?

The Threat from the Far Right

Jew hatred from the far-right has grown in recent years with the popularization of the Great Replacement conspiracy theory, in which Jews are commonly held responsible for a plot to subjugate if not eliminate the white race through promotion of non-white mass immigration, feminism, transgenderism, and other supposedly devious schemes.

Hence, at the notorious white supremacist “Unite the Right” rally held in Charlottesville, Virginia in August 2017, marchers feverishly chanted, “Jews will not replace us”.

Within the year, this unfolded into real world violence against Jews. In March 2018, 46-year-old white supremacist Robert Gregory Bowers killed 11 Jews at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania during Shabbat services, the deadliest attack on Jews in America’s history. Blaming the Jews for mass migration to the U.S., Bowers posted on social media before the attack, “I can’t sit by and watch my people get slaughtered. Screw your optics, I’m going in.”

A little over a year later in April 2019, 19-year-old John Timothy Earnest burst into the Chabad of Poway synagogue outside San Diego, killing one congregant in a burst of gunfire, again during Sabbath services. In his manifesto, Earnest wrote, “Every Jew is responsible for the meticulously planned genocide of the European race. They act as a unit, and every Jew plays his part to enslave the other races around him—whether consciously or subconsciously.”

As I’ve warned, the Jews were just the first, most attractive target. Soon these attacks spread to the rest of America. In August 2019, a far-right shooter targeted Latinos in an El Paso, Texas Walmart, killing 23. In May 2022, a far-right shooter targeted black Americans at a supermarket in Buffalo, New York, killing 10. Both cited the “Great Replacement” theory as motivations for their attacks.

The Threat from Black Nationalists

Jew hatred doesn’t only come from white nationalists, but also from black nationalists, who since the 1960’s have been advocating for a major national influence through the Nation of Islam (NOI) and their co-hordes through race pride for African Americans and black separatism.

Hatred of Jews has long been brewing in the black community. Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the antisemitic Nation of Islam (NOI), has been a prominent voice in the community for decades.

Farrakhan spews hateful venom at Jews, alleging that the Jewish people were responsible for the slave trade and that they conspire to control the government, the media and Hollywood, as well as various black individuals and organizations. He frequently denies the legitimacy of Judaism – or the Jewish claim to the Land of Israel – arguing that “Judaism is nothing more than a ‘deceptive lie’ and a ‘theological error’ promoted by Jews to further their ‘control’ over America’s government and economy.”

The severity of this problem burst onto the national scene in December 2019, with a spate of attacks against the Jewish community in the New York metropolitan area. On December 10, two heavily armed individuals connected to the Black Hebrew Israelite (BHI) movement murdered three people at a kosher supermarket in Jersey City, New Jersey. Weeks later, on December 28, a BHI-inspired individual attacked a Hanukkah gathering in Monsey, New York with a large knife, killing 72-year-old Rabbi Josef Neumann.

Once again, this hate then reared its head from Jews to the rest of society. In November 2021, Darrell Brooks, a black nationalist drove his SUV into a crowd of Christmas parade attendees in Waukesha, Wisconsin, killing six people and wounding dozens. In April 2022, another black nationalist Frank Robert James perpetrated a mass shooting on the New York City subway during rush hour, injuring 29. James’s online incitement and bigotry included antisemitic diatribes.

Farrakhan’s views are echoed in the recent antisemitic outbursts of famed rapper Kanye West, who now goes by “Ye”. Kanye is now claiming, “Somehow our country has been taken over by, you know, maybe about 300 Zionists.” Farrakhan and Kanye have actually been publicly connected for years, with West referring to him as “sensei” in one of his songs.

When Kanye talks about blacks being the real Jews, he mimics the beliefs of the Black Hebrew Israelites (BHI). While white supremacists say “Jews will not replace us”, BHI followers say they are us. Just this past month, a group of BHI marchers in Brooklyn ominously chanted, “we are the real Jews”.

And now Kanye has united with the far right, bringing white supremacist Nick Fuentes along with him when dining with former President Donald Trump in Mar-a-Lago on November 22.

The “Red-Green” Alliance: The Threat from the Radical Left & Radical Muslims

Not to be outdone, the radical left has been ramping up its Jew hatred for decades, disguising it using hatred for the homeland of the Jewish people, the State of Israel. This radical group new kind of new antisemitism initially gained intellectual currency in universities and other leftist intellectual circles. Today, modern anti-Semitism can be found among members of the radical Left, who are inherently anti-American and  see Israel as a symbol of American and Western imperialism, aggressive military rule and the violation of human rights.

Similarly, radical Muslims have long sought Israel’s destruction and promulgated conspiracies of Jewish Zionist global domination. Despite the fact that radical Muslims and leftists are naturally completely misaligned in their belief systems and ideologies, they have joined forces and as the Reut Group warns, “The strategic partnership between the radical left and political Islam, known as the red-green or Islamo-Left alliance, emerged in Europe, but it has migrated to the US in recent years.” Despite their hatred and intolerance to each other they have a shared agenda that is anti-Western, anti-American, and anti-Zionist.

The New Antisemites Report by and Zachor Legal Institute in which anti-Zionism or hatred of Israel is utilized as an acceptable stand-in for the classical hatred of Jews documents how this contemporary hate, as disseminated by the Islamo-Left so-called “Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions” (BDS) Movement, is negatively influencing large segments of the United States’ population and creating a dangerous environment that normalizes vilification of Jews, as well as inciting violence against Jews, something that history has shown to have deadly consequences.

The radical left have also been promoting Critical Race Theory (CRT) and the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) programs on universities and high schools contributing to antisemitism in the American education system. However, antisemitism is not just a Jewish problem – it is an American problem and while CRT and DEI policies may disproportionately target and harm Jewish students, their agenda ultimately seeks to undermine and replace fundamental American values and replace it with its own radical vision.

The trend of intersectionality has accelerated the Islamo-Left collaboration.

The strange alliance between the radical Left and radical Muslims – two groups that, despite their seemingly incompatible worldviews, happily collaborate against Israel and the Jews, can be explained by the theory of intersectionality adopted by many in the far Left. According to this theory, groups that consider themselves neglected and discriminated against must come together to fight against each of those groups’ supposed enemies.

This new partnership was on full display during the last major conflict between Israel and the Palestinians in May 2021, when terror groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad launched more than 4,000 rockets and mortars at Israeli civilians. Back in America, we witnessed stunning and unprecedented scenes in New York, Los Angeles, and other major progressive urban centers of Jews being assaulted by mobs of anti-Israel activists. This surge of anti-Jewish hate also included harassment, vandalism and online abuse.

Few could have imagined that such a wave of violence against Jews in major American cities would be possible within living memory of the Holocaust. Jews in America often fear walking the streets wearing Jewish symbols, congregating outside Jewish community buildings, or even speaking Hebrew or Yiddish in public. This is a growing threat to American society. Street violence and hate speech is replacing the American principles of reasoned discourse and debate.

Through intersectionality, the Red-Green alliance seeks to replace the universal virtues of tolerance, pluralism, freedom of speech, and rule of law with racialized “anti-racism”, hierarchical critical race theory, discriminatory diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) policies, intolerant “cancel culture”, and the censorship of “de-platforming”.

Danger at Our Doorstep

As I’ve repeatedly warned, defining antisemitism as a Jewish problem is a lose-lose proposition. Antisemitism is a threat to America, as it is a harbinger of rising violent extremism that will soon consume us all.

Together, those who foremost target Jews – white and black nationalists as well as the Red-Green alliance of the left and Islamists – are a fundamental threat to America and its values. These radical groups are spearheading efforts to erode the core principles that make our country exceptional, replacing America’s commitment to individual rights and equality, meritocracy, rule of law, tolerance, pluralism, due process, freedom of speech, and free-market capitalism with a racialized and violent world steeped in conspiracy theories and political polarization.

The Jewish people have long been portrayed as the sacrificial “canary in the coal mine”, a powerless creature that will warn others of danger through its demise. But here we are, not a canary, but as an eagle, warning Americans of the looming threats on the horizon. Heed our warnings.

Adam Milstein is an Israeli-American “Impact Philanthropist.” He can be reached at, on Twitter @AdamMilstein, and on Facebook 


Had he been a Thomas Sowell, an Allen West, or Ben Carson, or even the liberal Colin Powell, a patriot who loved his country and recognized the significance of a Black man winning the American Presidency.  But, no, that man was not a patriot.  He was instead a community organizing, race-baiting, anti-American, cult-Marxist agitator.  He was Barack Hussein Obama, who presided over the greatest lost opportunity in American history.  

Dr. Moss is a practicing Ear Nose and Throat Surgeon, candidate for Congress in 2016 and 2018, author, columnist, local investor, and small businessman, residing in Jasper, IN.  He has written A Surgeon’s Odyssey and Matilda’s Triumph, available on  Find more of his essays at Visit Richard Moss, M.D. on Facebook, Twitter, Parler, Gettr, GAB, TruthSocial, and Instagram.

Obama, Trayvon, and Race in America

The rhetoric and uproar over the beating death of Trye Nichols by five Black police officers in Memphis, Tennessee, demonstrates how badly the “conversation” over race has deteriorated.  One would think that a crime involving Blacks killing another Black would lack a racial angle to exploit.  Alas, in today’s race-obsessed universe that is never the case.  Unable to help themselves, our nation’s top racialists, beginning with President Joe Biden, weighed in on the controversy hurling the standard epithets of “systemic racism” and “White supremacy.”  The media, and others, were happy to join in.  

With the Brown v. Board of Education decision in 1954 ending “separate but equal,” the Civil Rights legislation of the sixties, affirmative action, and “Great Society,” with its trillions of dollars of wealth transfers to Blacks, one might have considered that, nearly sixty years later, the nation would mend and race relations improve.

Indeed, the emergence of Barack Obama and his ascension to the Presidency in 2008 suggested that that moment had arrived. The event should have been an inflection point in America’s racial history.  Many thought it was.  How else to explain a White majority nation electing a Black President, other than that America had turned the corner?  Alas, Obama was not one to placate the nation.  Rather than use the opportunity of his rise to the White House as the crowning achievement of a long treacherous journey to racial reconciliation, he chose instead to agitate and polarize the nation further.  His presidency should have represented the fulfillment of the great dream of Lincoln, King, and of our Declaration of Independence, but became instead the basis of an ever-widening racial gap that may never be bridged.

Of his many racial stunts, perhaps the worst moment occurred during the Trayvon Martin affair.  After the shooting death of the young Black, Obama famously stated that “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon.”  The statement was provocative.  Rather than pacify the nation, he inflamed it.  He seemed to dismiss his White mother and the White grandparents who raised him.  He, thus, injected his own biases into the controversy.  As in so many other instances, rather than seek a peaceful resolution, he roiled the nation further.  

The Trayvon Martin episode (like so many others) had, indeed, unleashed the furies emanating from the dark underside of racial politics and grievance in America; and it was not a pretty sight.  It revolved around a simple narrative that had become the essence of a vast and elaborate racial industry that had grown and metastasized through the decades.

The narrative was as plain as it was destructive: it was that America was racist to the core, institutionally and categorically, and no matter what progress the nation made, no matter the multitude of unparalleled triumphs Blacks enjoyed, the stain and moral culpability would never be erased.  

It did not matter that Blacks occupied the highest echelons of American wealth, power, and influence in the country, even the Presidency, the attorney general's office, the halls of Congress, governors' mansions, city halls, in the media, the academy, Hollywood, the music and entertainment world, sports, business, fashion, medicine, and law.  

Nor did it matter that a vast complex of diversity programs, appointments, set asides, quotas, contracts, gerrymandered districts, anti-discrimination laws, voting rights, and wealth transfers have been instituted on behalf of Blacks, or that extensive bureaucracies and organizations have been brought into existence to protect and cater to the needs of Blacks.   

Nor did it matter that Blacks, Black achievement, and Black culture were embraced, that Blacks received extensive preferential treatment and subsidies, or that a substantial political/media broadside was triggered for virtually any perceived racial slight or slur to defend Black sensitivities.  

Nor did it matter that the United States was bar none the single greatest place in the world for a young Black to live and grow.  

The narrative would not go away, for Obama and the race industry would not allow it; they had too much to lose, too much lucre and power to forfeit; it existed to ensure that the race catechism was never forgotten, and brandished as a sharp sword at a moment's notice.

George Zimmerman was only the latest foil at the time (and many since).  The episodes of prior racial industry clampdowns were well known.  Bernie Goetz, Crown Heights, Tawana Brawley, Jena 6, Henry Louis Gates, Duke-Lacrosse, and then Zimmerman, all saw the race industry in full attack mode, unleashing the power of its divisions, the integrated machinery of media, politicians, unions, activists, hucksters, protesters, administrators, academicians, lawyers, civil rights groups, bureaucracies and organizations unwinding themselves on the national stage, targeting victims, wrecking lives, and reinforcing the crucial race narrative upon which their careers and livelihoods depended.  

The guilt or innocence of the protagonists hardly mattered.  No one knew if Zimmerman committed a crime.  But that was immaterial.  Zimmerman’s offense was not legal but political.  

If the man who pulled the trigger had been named Sanchez or had been a Black, it would have been a non-story, having failed the race template, no different than the thousands of Blacks killed every year by other Blacks that go unreported.  

That he was Hispanic disturbed the tidy narrative of White racism and placed dueling liberal pieties at odds; and so a new ethnicity was discovered: the “White Hispanic.”  

But the Hispanic dimension is troubling for the race crowd.  It needs to look hard into the future for the demographics are not favorable.  Hispanic Americans, when their numbers are great enough, will discard the temporary alliance they may have with Blacks and will not be patient with Black demands and Black victimhood.  Having had nothing to do with slavery and being members of an “oppressed minority” themselves, there will be no pool of White guilt from which to extract wealth transfers or preferential treatment of any kind.  

Indeed, the window for Blacks is closing quickly and the future is grim.  Instead of seeking liberty, accomplishment, and full integration into American society, they have followed the admonitions of the race industry into a ghetto of cultural breakdown, unemployment, criminality, and poverty, to their own deepening detriment.  They have accepted liberalism's nostrums for Black dysfunction, embraced liberalism's assumptions of their inability to compete and requirement for ever-expanding government largesse; they have been mined by the race industry for votes and money; furthermore, they have learned to resent bitterly their country, the “White patriarchy,” and to believe that the cards were stacked against them.  They have been led into a house of poverty and despair.  

One would be hard pressed to devise a more disabling ideology than this. 

And the man who did more to perpetuate and exacerbate their dysfunction and misery while deepening the division of the nation, was none other than the one who could have actually ended it -- had the first Black President been a different man.  Had he been a Thomas Sowell, an Allen West, or Ben Carson, or even the liberal Colin Powell, a patriot who loved his country and recognized the significance of a Black man winning the American Presidency.  But, no, that man was not a patriot.  He was instead a community organizing, race-baiting, anti-American, cult-Marxist agitator.  He was Barack Hussein Obama, who presided over the greatest lost opportunity in American history.  

Dr. Moss is a practicing Ear Nose and Throat Surgeon, candidate for Congress in 2016 and 2018, author, columnist, local investor, and small businessman, residing in Jasper, IN.  He has written A Surgeon’s Odyssey and Matilda’s Triumph, available on  Find more of his essays at Visit Richard Moss, M.D. on Facebook, Twitter, Parler, Gettr, GAB, TruthSocial, and Instagram.

Image: Ryan Vaarsi

Biden positions, after doing nothing, save for the end, at best, to help Biden's presidential campaign, suggesting that the hollow-victory Biden administration is just a placeholder for the return of an Obama third term.  It's a sign that Obama éminence grise is more than a little active, behind the scenes as she always is.

here is only one way to say that Biden is innocent, and that is for Obama to announce, “I told Joe he could take the documents.” However, if Obama makes that announcement, he has conceded, and all the Dems will be forced to concede, that a president can declassify documents simply by walking them out of the White House or authorizing someone else to do so.

In other words, to exonerate Biden, Obama must also exonerate Trump from the disgraceful, deeply (criminally?) dishonest charge leveled against Trump. I get a real kick imagining Obama sitting in the lavishly decorated office of one of his three luxury homes, cursing to himself that you can always trust Joe Biden to “F” things up.














Watters: Sam Bankman-Fried had 'full access' to Biden White House


Obviously Obama must have been successful since the Biden Crime Family’s activities went unreported on by most of the news media prior to the 2020 presidential election. Even now there’s been a reluctance to report on anything associated with the claims of illegal – indeed impeachable offenses by Joe Biden.



Victor Davis Hanson: Biden is the most dangerously radical President in US history


JOE BIDEN is known as a serial liar, a "public servant" who has somehow managed to accrue tremendous wealth, a race-baiting opportunist, Catholic-in-name-only, and a bought-and-paid-for politician in bed with criminal cartels and foreign foes.  In another era, Joe Biden would have been run out of his country much the same way Benedict Arnold was two and a half centuries ago; in an era when integrity, honor, fortitude, fidelity, and grit have been jettisoned for immorality, unscrupulousness, weakness, betrayal, and craven pliability, however, he is elevated to king sleazeball in a city drowning in sleaze. JB SHURK

Biden's Right: His Word Means Nothing

Installed (p)Resident Joe Biden loves to make promises secured by the supposed worth of his family name.  "I give you my word as a Biden," he said back in March of 2020, "When I'm president, I will lead with science, listen to the experts and heed their advice, and always tell you the truth."  Again giving his solemn word before the 2020 mail-in ballot presidential selection, he promised both "to turn division into unity and bring us together," as well as to "be an ally of the light, not the darkness."  Just over a week ago, he declared, "My word as a Biden: I've never been more optimistic about America's future than I am today."  My goodness, if only Biden's family name possessed more value than that of Benedict Arnold's, we would be blessed with a man in the White House committed to truth, unity, spiritual guidance, and American success.  Yet Biden's name is synonymous with none of those things, is it?

Instead, the Biden family name has really stood for only two things: buffoonery and corruption.  For fifty years, Joe Biden has managed to hold onto some slice of power in D.C. as a senator, vice president, and Oval Office stooge not because he is renowned for his erudition or virtue but rather because his doltish behavior and venal character make him ideal for others to control.  Perhaps no other Washington relic has accomplished so little for the American people over such a prolonged government career or managed to harness those defects for lucrative advancement more successfully than China Joe

He is known as a serial liar, a "public servant" who has somehow managed to accrue tremendous wealth, a race-baiting opportunist, a Catholic-in-name-only, and a bought-and-paid-for politician in bed with criminal cartels and foreign foes.  In another era, Joe Biden would have been run out of his country much the same way Benedict Arnold was two and a half centuries ago; in an era when integrity, honor, fortitude, fidelity, and grit have been jettisoned for immorality, unscrupulousness, weakness, betrayal, and craven pliability, however, he is elevated to king sleazeball in a city drowning in sleaze.

Perhaps when America's Scumbucket-in-Chief gives his "word as a Biden," he is depending upon the solid reputations of notable relatives.  Alas, no.  His brother James has been repeatedly implicated in allegations of fraud and quid-pro-quo financial schemes leveraging Joe's political office as a means to advance the Biden family's interests and wealth.  His daughter Ashley struggles with sex and drug addictions, problems she has attributed in part to her memories of taking showers with her dad at a young age (no wonder Creepy Joe excuses pedophilia and transgender madness so effortlessly).  And then there is the "smartest guy" Joe claims to know — his son Hunter — whose illegal drug usesexual debauchery with prostitutesemployees, and relatives alike; gun crimes; occupation as an undeclared foreign agent; and serially-excused role as the family's point man for turning the powers of Joe's political office into seedy profit are all well known to the American people (even if habitually ignored by the corrupt Department of [in]Justice).  In any other family concerned about its reputation for probity and honor, Hunter Biden would have been cast off as some sort of uncontrollable "black sheep."  In the Biden herd, though, Hunter blends right in with his unseemly, scuzzy kin.  The Biden pedigree is made from rotten stuff — more like a pustule than a bloodline and filled with dreck, mediocrity, selfishness, pusillanimity, and unrepentant sin.

When you stop to consider how shockingly meaningless Joe's "word as a Biden" schtick really is, it actually becomes tempting to consider whether the old, fatuous fraud is ironically — and just this once — telling the American people the truth!  Perhaps when he says, "I give you my word as a Biden," he is really saying: "I give you my word as an incestuous pervert who cannot learn to keep my hands off little girls or keep from sniffing and grabbing women against their will; as a shameless liar who distorts everything, including the circumstances of my own wife and daughter's tragic deaths, when those lies induce public sympathy or are otherwise advantageous; as a plagiarist with no original thoughts or accomplishments of my own; as a lifelong racist who has had many friendships with segregationists and race hustlers while lying about having been active in the civil rights movement; as a corrupt politician who has ties to the mob and whose family has profited generously from my public office; and as a traitor to the United States who has repeatedly sold out my country for the benefit of foreign interests in Ukraine, China, and anywhere else I can make a buck."  

I guess when you see how long it would take to vomit forth that mouthful of insidious nastiness, using the shorthand, "I give you my word as a Biden," just means that whatever is said next is almost certainly untrue.  

Seen from that perspective, Biden's time as installed president makes a lot more sense.  When he promised to unite the country by ridding it of petty divisions, what he really meant was that he planned to exacerbate racial animosities to the best of his abilities, rub salt in old wounds to ensure intolerance festers and anguish lingers, and incite hatred among groups of Americans who would otherwise get along.  When he promised to "bring us together," he meant that he would promote propaganda reframing the J6 protest for fair elections as an "insurrection" seeking to topple the government and use that laughably fraudulent pretense as an excuse to persecute and imprison his political enemies.  When he promised to be "an ally of the light, not the darkness," he meant that he would threaten concerned parents with criminal prosecution should they resist the government's program of sexualizing childhood, encouraging bodily mutilation, brainwashing innocents with "transgender" delusions, and promoting abortion-on-demand.

When he promised to "lead with science," he meant that he would use the unscrutinized declarations of unelected government health bureaucrats with secret political agendas as a sword and shield for imposing a dictatorship of unconstitutional mandates, censorship, ephemeral freedoms, and unjust orders contrary to established law.  When he promised to "listen to the experts and heed their advice," he meant that he would further empower an already-out-of-control Deep State to police Americans' thoughts and words for alleged "misinformation" and "hate"; expand the national security surveillance State to spy on Americans' every move; and target for criminal punishment those who nonetheless insist on engaging in "wrongthink."  When he promised to "always tell you the truth," he meant that his administration would construct "politically correct" falsehoods, propagate those falsehoods through a willingly compliant and compromised State-aligned news media, vilify dissent as harmful "disinformation," and characterize contrary viewpoints as mere "conspiracy theories."

Finally, when Biden recently claimed that he has "never been more optimistic about America's future," what he meant is that he has given China permission to send spy balloons loaded with explosives across the continent; criminal cartels permission to flood America with illegal aliens; the pharmaceutical companies permission to reap windfall profits from harmful, untested, yet government-mandated products; the World Health Organization and United Nations permission to usurp U.S. sovereignty; the Federal Reserve permission to print money on our way to economic Armageddon; and the World Economic Forum permission to usher in a "great reset" of centralized control and loss of individual liberty.  Surely all that carnage is worth a relatively small finder's fee of 10%.

When Commie Joe's statements are viewed in their proper context, he is just a presidential truth-teller.  Really.  After all, he gives us his word as a Biden!

Image: 10 Tampa Bay via YouTubeCC BY 3.0 (cropped).


New revelations about Hunter will hit President Joe Biden's already plummeting popularity

During Obama’s presidency, everyone joked that he selected Biden for VP because Biden’s incompetency insured that Obama would never be impeached. Yes, Obama was bad, but Biden would be worse. Now that Biden’s the president, that joke was 100% correct. Sadly, he’s multiple times worse than anyone imagined. Biden has more failures in one year than most presidents have in a lifetime – the Afghanistan debacle and surrender, huge crime spikes due to Democrat “defund the police” insanity, actively working to destroy the petroleum industry while supporting Russia’s, soaring inflation, open support and deference to China, and his weakness being directly responsible for Putin’s invasion of Ukraine -- to name just a few epic failures. As bad as Biden is as president, it’s obvious he selected Harris for the same reason that Obama selected him -- to insure he’s never removed from office. If you think things can’t possibly get worse, just look at Harris and you instantly realize – yes, they can. She would be multiple times worse than Joe.

The dark side of Obama's 'Rising Star' exposed

Jack Cashill’s new book, Unmasking Obama: The Fight to Tell the True Story of a Failed Presidency, is widely available. See also


Obama lets the cat out of the bag: He's got plans to make Joe Biden his stooge

By Monica Showalter


Joe Biden, who couldn't even get President Obama's endorsement during the primaries, now has word that Obama may well use him as his marionette stooge for what's in fact a third Obama term.

He's not even trying to hide it.


OPERATION OBOMB: Barack Obama, Eric Holder and their bankster paymasters plan coup.

Barack Obama was famous not wanting to leave office when his term was done and well known for projecting a sense of entitlement to power.

Biden positions, after doing nothing, save for the end, at best, to help Biden's presidential campaign, suggesting that the hollow-victory Biden administration is just a placeholder for the return of an Obama third term.  It's a sign that Obama éminence grise is more than a little active, behind the scenes as she always is.

“Obama’s new home in Washington has been described as the “nerve center” of the anti-Trump opposition. Former attorney general Eric Holder has said that Obama is “ready to roll” and has aligned himself with the “resistance.” Former high-level Obama campaign staffers now work with a variety of groups organizing direct action against Trump’s initiatives. “Resistance School,” for example, features lectures by former campaign executive Sara El-Amine, author of the Obama Organizing.”



Obamanomics: How Barack Obama Is Bankrupting You and Enriching His Wall Street Friends, Corporate Lobbyists, and Union Bosses

 “Of course, one of the main reasons the nation is now “divided, resentful and angry” is because race-baiting, Islamist, class warrior Barack Hussein Obama was president for eight long years." MATTHEW VADUM

The dark side of Obama's 'Rising Star' exposed

Jack Cashill’s new book, Unmasking Obama: The Fight to Tell the True Story of a Failed Presidency, is widely available. See also


Obama lets the cat out of the bag: He's got plans to make Joe Biden his stooge

By Monica Showalter


Joe Biden, who couldn't even get President Obama's endorsement during the primaries, now has word that Obama may well use him as his marionette stooge for what's in fact a third Obama term.

He's not even trying to hide it.


OPERATION OBOMB: Barack Obama, Eric Holder and their bankster paymasters plan coup.

Barack Obama was famous not wanting to leave office when his term was done and well known for projecting a sense of entitlement to power.

Biden positions, after doing nothing, save for the end, at best, to help Biden's presidential campaign, suggesting that the hollow-victory Biden administration is just a placeholder for the return of an Obama third term.  It's a sign that Obama éminence grise is more than a little active, behind the scenes as she always is.

“Obama’s new home in Washington has been described as the “nerve center” of the anti-Trump opposition. Former attorney general Eric Holder has said that Obama is “ready to roll” and has aligned himself with the “resistance.” Former high-level Obama campaign staffers now work with a variety of groups organizing direct action against Trump’s initiatives. “Resistance School,” for example, features lectures by former campaign executive Sara El-Amine, author of the Obama Organizing.”


My colleague Peter Schweizer’s runaway bestseller, Red Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win, first revealed that the Biden family received some $31 million from the highest levels of Chinese intelligence at the same time Hunter was paying the vice president’s bills. Schweizer believes that there is a slam dunk case to indict Hunter Biden.

How Should We Regard the President’s Treason?

As an unmentionable subject or an existential threat?

To purchase your copy of David Horowitz’s new bestseller ‘Final Battle: The Next Election Could Be the Last’CLICK HERE.

In the four years of World War II, 300,000 American soldiers lost their lives, or 75,000 per year. In the last four years, the number of Americans poisoned by fentanyl, has approached that number. These poisons, deliberately designed to kill Americans and especially young Americans, are supplied by China and smuggled across our open southern border by Mexican drug cartels. These attacks have taken place without America’s commander-in-chief issuing a single protest or threat against the governments of Mexico and China, even though his primary responsibility is the protection of American lives.

Nor is this the first deadly assault on American citizens by the Chinese Communist Party – or enabling response by the Biden administration. Over one million Americans were killed by the coronavirus, a biological weapon funded by Dr. Anthony Fauci and America’s Centers for Disease Control, and created in a Chinese military lab in Wuhan. The Chinese government lied about the contagious and deadly nature of the virus, and permitted millions of Wuhan inhabitants to travel abroad for the Lunar New Year and infect the globe. Immediately after the World Health Organization formally declared the spread a “pandemic,” President Trump barred Chinese travel to America, an act for which he was viciously attacked by the leaders of the Democrat Party including Joe Biden who described Trump’s precautionary travel ban as “hysterical and xenophobic,” “fear mongering” and “racist.”

The list of such cover-ups to protect the Chinese Communist dictatorship is long and depressing. It includes the White House’s stone-walling of congressional efforts to investigate the origins of the pandemic that killed 9 million people globally. It includes similar stone-walling on otherwise inexplicable blunders that turned Afghanistan and its hapless citizens over to the Taliban and China, along with seven multi-billion-dollar air bases and tens of thousands of advanced weapons, and that made hostages of those who helped us during the 20-year war.

Who is Joe Biden? The language we have been using to describe what has been happening to our country is so sanitized that the most fearless of our politicians and news commentators will go no further than wondering aloud whether Joe Biden might be “compromised” by his influence-peddling side businesses with our enemies, China and Russia. Here is the blunt and clarifying way to put his activities of the last several decades: “Joe Biden and his family have made themselves wealthy beyond their dreams by taking millions of dollars in bribes from foreign powers, chief among them our mortal enemy Communist China.”

We don’t know exactly what American interests the president has betrayed to earn his ill-gotten wealth, but it doesn’t take rocket science to know that “betrayal” is the appropriate verb to describe what he has done.

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David Horowitz

David Horowitz is founder of the David Horowitz Freedom Center and the bestselling author of several books, including Radical Son, The Black Book Of The American Left, Dark Agenda: The War To Destroy Christian America, and I Can’t Breathe: How A Racial Hoax Is Killing America.

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They will simply annex America and Taiwan as allied territories, and drop Hunter another check.

Chinese government’s Bank of China less than two weeks after the trip. Schweizer’s work also uncovered the Biden family’s other vast and lucrative foreign deals and cronyism. Breitbart Political Editor Emma-Jo Morris’ investigative work at the New York Post on the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell” also captured international headlines when she, along with Miranda Devine, revealed that Joe Biden was intimately involved in Hunter’s businesses, appearing to even have a 10 percent stake in a company the scion formed with officials at the highest levels of the Chinese Communist Party.

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN

 America’s China Dependency Syndrome

The deal would impose no review of human rights and impose no conditions for democratic reforms, supervised multi-party elections and such. All that, and more, is already a done deal with China, like the USSR a one-party Communist dictatorship that never produced a single product the United States needs. This has come about, in large part, due to U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein, San Francisco Democrat.

                                                                                      LLOYD BILLINGSLEY

Report – China-Linked Hackers Gather More Info Than Spy Balloon: ‘They’re Everywhere’

Top government leaders told NPR that federal agencies are years behind where they could have been if Chinese cybertheft had been openly addressed earlier. Bill Hinton Photography/Getty Images
Bill Hinton Photography/Getty Images

If China Invades America, Will Leftists Rejoice?

God forbid there be a military conflict with China.  Yet as tensions increase over Taiwan, spy balloons, and escalating rhetoric, the prospect of a skirmish or broader conflict with that massive nation is a daunting cloud over America.  Traditionally, one would expect such a menace to unite Americans, yet today's far left despises the Constitution and the nation, and indeed tradition itself.  More, the left ignores the human rights abuses of nations such as China in its derisive slanders against America.  Bent on destroying the nation from within, will the left simply roll out the red carpet for Red China if it attacks America?

After all, the grand utopian fantasies of the America-haters is firmly grounded in Marxism — a power grab to create some new yet undefined authoritarian nirvana.  Deconstructionists destroy — even themselves.  The gullible cluelessness of today's postmodern truth-deniers extends to contempt for gender science, the family unit, heterosexual normativity, even math and economics.  Ignorance of the universal failures of Marxism does not deter the would-be nihilists: those who wave rainbow flags professing love of liberty spout hatred for their neighbors and nation.

And so why would they not welcome China as liberators?  As anarchy in the streets transforms more and more American neighborhoods into desolate Portlands, the plan appears to be to unleash chaos so that authoritarian domination can prevail.  Those who elevate "personal identity" as the highest moral value are simultaneously statists who demand that an omnipotent federal government crush individual rights to free expression, faith, and assembly in order to impose the woke cult.  This schizoid splintering of normalcy seeks to mutate America's "thousand points of light" into thousands of rabid Antifa thugs. 

In The War on the West, British author Douglas Murray observes the odd contempt of the West-haters, who seemingly ignore China's treatment of Uyghurs.  The far left defends extremist Islam while demonizing Judaism and Christianity.  Murray writes:

[I]t is remarkable that the new religion believes not just that it owes nothing to its origins but that its origins are in fact part of the problem[.] ... The West's sources — the traditions of Athens and Jerusalem — are in fact the last place that the new devout would look to for guidance or consolation. (p.156)

In a chapter in the book titled "China," Murray chronicles how that nation is expanding its colonizing dominance even as liberals in the West provide eager escort, and denounce past colonization by the West.  Murray exposes this insanity:

Most people around the world want to think well of themselves and of the country they are born into. ... All of this is a very unusual game to be playing. No societies outside the West are engaged in the same self-scourging enterprise. ... Aside from the historical illiteracy of the anti-Westernism of our day, there is something else going on here. It is a gigantic moral presumption. That presumption is the idea that nobody in the world can do anything wrong unless the West has made them do it. A presumption that is quite understandably wrong. (pp. 65 et seq.)

Academic (Marxist) elites are rarely held accountable for praising Stalin, Hitler, or Mao.  As Eric Hoffer noted, "[o]ne of the surprising privileges of intellectuals is that they are free to be scandalously asinine without harming their reputations."  Leftists condemn MAGA while lauding Mao — why would they fight to defend America?

In The Marxification of Education, James Lindsay equates the current social justice indoctrination in U.S. schools to Maoist brainwashing in China.  The social justice methodology of conscientization, dubbed "the pedagogy of the oppressed," parallels China's path, and,

literally, is to hold up the models of Che Guevara and the Chinese Cultural Revolution — where the brainwashing occurred — as clear success stories[.] ... Of course, aside from teaching children to destroy Chinese historical culture and shame and kill their parents, the method of education and re-education established by Mao Zedong to achieve this "success" is precisely the thought reform (brainwashing) process he employed to reorient people to the "people's standpoint."  (pp. 107, 108)

Dostoevsky famously concluded his prescient novel The Possessed this way: "Starting from unlimited freedom, I conclude with unlimited despotism."  This succinctly captures the headlong rush by many of today's Democrats into chaos and societal suicide, dragging the nation along for that demonic ride.  If Chinese soldiers landed on our nation's shores, perhaps they would be offered "the jobs that Americans don't want" or embraced as political refugees and offered free driving licenses and health care.  Or rather, they might be exalted as victims of racist marginalization due to past American transgressions against Chinese railroad laborers and offered racial reparations and free housing.

As Os Guinness concludes in Zero Hour America, "[i]dentity politics has no place for the notion of human dignity, individual worth, and personal responsibility" (p. 152).  This is the identical commie creed of China, touted by America's leftist enemies within.  David Horowitz shares the same observation in Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America (at p. 30):

Today [Progressives] no longer call their earthly redemption "Communism." They call it "social justice." Like Communism, social justice is an impossible future in which the inequalities and oppressions that have afflicted human beings for millennia will miraculously vanish and social harmony will rule.

Indeed, the Chinese Communist Party extols the "Harmonious Society" as its official societal goal — for which the individual must sacrifice, and which shall be achieved using constant high-tech surveillance, brutal lockdowns, and government domination of both the economy and media.  This system is indistinguishable from that proposed by America's postmodern social-justice-warrior race-baiters and nation-haters.

Malcolm X saw that "[y]ou can't hate the root without hating the tree."  Far-left contempt for the American creed extends to all humanity, a broad misanthropy by so-called environmentalists; globalists who seek to control the world so that human overpopulation will be stymied, and people will own nothing and be free.  Whether utopian or nihilist, American self-hatred is welcomed by China, which is being practically invited by the American left to invade the borders of a nation divided against itself.

With a few more years of Marxist social justice such as Biden's executive order edicts on raceclimateelectronic currency, and transhumanism, the Chinese will have no need to launch an attack.  They will simply annex America and Taiwan as allied territories, and drop Hunter another check.

Image via Good Free Photos.


We hope Joe and Hunter are proud of themselves.  This is a war they made possible as they helped themselves to the goodies.

“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation  (TWO GAMER LAWYERS) (WHAT ABOUT THE BIDEN PENN CENTER?)  and the Obama (TWO GAMER LAWYERS) book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family (THREE GAMER LAWYERS) corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren (GAMER LAWYER) and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (ADD GAMER LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS AND HER LAWYER HUSBAND AND THE BANKSTERS’ RENT BOY, LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER).    BRIAN C JOONDEPH

Exclusive – ‘F*ck Eric:’ Hunter Plotted to Betray Key Family Business Partner Expected to Cooperate in GOP House Probe

US President Joe Biden (L) waves alongside his son Hunter Biden after attending mass at Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Johns Island, South Carolina on August 13, 2022. (Photo by Nicholas Kamm / AFP) (Photo by NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP via Getty Images)
NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP via Getty Images

Hunter Biden plotted in 2019 to betray the family’s top financial lieutenant Eric Schwerin amid their crumbling relationship, built upon an off-the-books business arrangement, text messages obtained by Breitbart News from Hunter’s laptop reveal.

Hunter’s damaged relationship with Schwerin is notable because Schwerin is expected to “soon” provide revealing documents about the Biden family business to Republican House investigators, according to the House Oversight Committee. It is unknown what information he may provide in the wake of his deteriorated relationship with Hunter.

Schwerin is a powerful figure in the Biden family business. He shared bank accounts with Hunter and President Joe Biden and was president of Rosemont Seneca Partners, a fund created by Hunter and several​ associates that created business deals in Russia, Ukraine, China, and Romania. Schwerin also maintained guest lists for White House functions and negotiated the divorce settlement with Hunter’s first wife, Kathleen.

Despite Schwerin’s close relationship with the family, Hunter’s text messages in 2018 begin to show a deep distrust of Schwerin and his involvement in the family’s affairs, in which Hunter apparently owed Schwerin money. Their relationship seemingly became so poor that Hunter announced Schwerin was his “worst enemy…And everyone knows it.” By 2019, their relationship had deteriorated to the point that Hunter hatched a plot to cut Schwerin out of an ongoing off-the-books business arrangement.

On February 3, 2019, Hunter conspired with fellow Biden family business partners Jeff Cooper and Devon Archer to cut Schwerin out of a then-current Biden family business arrangement and to replace him with Cooper and Archer. It is unknown if the plot was ever carried out.

Cooper, an old friend and partner of the Biden family who flew on Air Force Two to meet Mexican business associates, had a prior interest with Hunter in Eudora Global, which yielded the president’s son a 2015 gain of $300,000. Archer, a second longtime business partner of the family, was also an instrumental family business associate until he was sentenced to prison in 2020 for a defrauding scheme.

Hunter, texting Cooper and Archer in a group chat, proposed dividing his current business arrangement with Schwerin into thirds and giving Cooper and Archer each one part, keeping one third for himself. Hunter also noted he could cut Schwerin out of the deal because the current agreement had “no contract or any documentation to the affect [sic].” In the text message, Hunter used the infamous acronym “BD” to name the “Biden family” business:

I won [own] 100% of BD ill sell you and D 33% apiece and we run these deals through the BD. Whomever the broker is now can easily switch his license to our BD. I get someone to replace Eric who isnclaiming 33% with no contract or any documentation to the affect and holding my money from Eudora and other shit as leverage to get me to give allmyequity to him in return for the 33

Months before seeking to cut Schwerin out of the business arrangement, Hunter had made it clear to close confidants that he did not trust Schwerin or his business acumen.

On December 20, 2018, Hunter told his assistant Katie Dodge that Schwerin was his “worst enemy” and whined he owed him “30% of my income” for apparently ten years. The text relates to Hunter’s apparent frustration about Schwerin’s continued involvement in the family business.

“He is literally my worst enemy and I have no enemies. And everyone knows it,” Hunter said, upset about unpaid bills:

And by the way Devon has never not got his piece or Burisma, Eric has never been removed from any accounts and has 30% of my income through the debts he says are 30% his responsibility but I pay %100. Send every bill in any way connected to the business for past 10 years and ask Eric for 33% of the total. For real — final job please. That includes salaries ADP all credit cards -the whole thing. That way I can transfer him ownership of the BD of which he owns 0%

Hunter’s frustration with Schwerin was again evident on December 20, 2018, when he blamed him for an inaccurate tax bill. Hunter told Kathleen, his first wife, that his tax bill was not accurate because the “Bill is going off information from Eric that is not accurate at all.”

“My tax returns aren’t completed,” Hunter claimed.

A few days prior, Hunter accused Schwerin of leaving him with a tax bill “hanging over my business.” Texting Hallie Biden, his brother’s widow turned his own lover, Hunter noted on December 14, 2018, that his financial position was poor amid “a tax bill that Eric left hanging over my business,” even as Joe Biden was “running for president”:

You’re right Hallie and I find myself (because I’ve chosen to alienate all my friends and family and employees and you and the kids and my kids etc..) very alone in dealing with rebuilding an income that can support an enormous alimony and my kids costs and myself, dealing with the aftermath of the abduction and likely assassination (that’s what NYT’s suspects) of my business partner the richest man in the world, the arrest and conviction of my client the chief of intelligence of the people’s republic of China by the US government, the retaliation of the Chinese in the ouster and arrest of US suspected CIA operatives inside China, my suspected involvement in brokering a deal with Vladimir Putin directly for the largest sale of oil gas assets inside Russia to China, a tax bill that Eric left hanging over my business and … And Dads running for president

Hunter’s outbursts of frustration with Eric were not confined to his inner circle. Hunter even cursed Schwerin in a private text to Andrew Schwartz, the chief communications officer at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).

“Had lunch with Eric yesterday and told him that your dad can count on me. Eric said he would put me in touch with your dad’s comms people,” Schwartz told Hunter on November 30, 2018.

Hunter replied, “Fuck Eric … seriously … but yes, do anything you want to do if…”

Hunter’s broken relationship with Eric comes as the House Oversight Committee in February requested documents and communications from Hunter, James Biden, and Schwerin. While Hunter has refused to comply, Schwerin’s attorney has told the committee Schwerin will cooperate with Comer’s request.

“We have received correspondence from the attorneys representing Hunter Biden and James Biden. Oversight Committee staff will be in communication with them about Chairman Comer’s request,” a House Oversight committee spokesperson told Breitbart News on Wednesday. “We are also in contact with Eric Schwerin’s attorney and expect him to start producing documents to the Oversight Committee soon.”

Wednesday was the deadline set by the committee for Schwerin and James and Hunter Biden to comply with demands to disclose a host of both classified and unclassified documents, records, and communications between business associates and family members, including Joe Biden. The records request included the following people and entities:

  • Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.;
  • Robert Hunter Biden or any known company or entity associated with Robert Hunter Biden, including Rosemont Seneca, Owasco, Hudson West, Bohai Harvest, Skaneateles, Burisma, Eudora, and any CEFC company or entity, including the CEFC China Energy Company;
  • James Biden or the Lion Hall Group LLC;
  • Sara Biden;
  • Catherine Dodge;
  • Joan Mayer or Joan Peugh;
  • Devon Archer;
  • Robert Walker;
  • Vuk Jeremic; and
  • Payments to Lunden Roberts from any Rosemont Seneca bank account.

It is unclear what information Schwerin will convey to the committee as it investigates the Biden family for nine potential violations, including money laundering and wire fraud.

As of Wednesday, Republican probes have been stonewalled by Hunter, the Treasury Department, and former FBI “point man” Timothy Thibault, who allegedly “improperly” “shut down” a probe into Hunter’s laptop that is likely unrelated to the ongoing criminal probe concerning possible tax fraud by the president’s son. In addition, the Treasury Department denied the Committee’s request in January to disclose 150 suspicious reports flagged by U.S. banks concerning Biden family business transactions, causing Comer to threaten a subpoena.

In 2018 and 2020, Breitbart Senior Contributor and Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer published Secret Empires and Profiles in Corruption. Each book hit #1 on the New York Times bestseller list and exposed how Hunter Biden and Joe Biden flew aboard Air Force Two in 2013 to China before Hunter’s firm inked a $1.5 billion deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China less than two weeks after the trip. Schweizer’s work also uncovered the Biden family’s other vast and lucrative foreign deals and cronyism.

Breitbart Political Editor Emma-Jo Morris’s investigative work at the New York Post on the Hunter Biden “laptop from Hell” also captured international headlines when she, along with Miranda Devine, revealed that Joe Biden was intimately involved in Hunter’s businesses, appearing even to have a 10 percent stake in a company the scion formed with officials at the highest levels of the Chinese Communist Party.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave


Elon Musk Gets Up and Ends Kamala Harris, Joe Biden and Obama’s Career to Jail 2023



Jesse Watters Primetime

Since Biden’s inauguration, the University of Pennsylvania has disclosed at least $14 million in donations from China or Hong Kong, the Free Beacon reported last week. The names of these donors have yet to be disclosed by the Department of Education, breaking the precedent of prior administrations which published foreign donor names in a public database.

GOP Wants to Know Why UPenn Saw Surge in Foreign Donations After it Opened Biden Think Tank

Foreign funding to UPenn tripled in the two years after the school teamed up with Biden

President Joe Biden (L) and Secretary of State Antony Blinken (R)

Alana Goodman

January 25, 2023

The House Foreign Affairs Committee is pressing President Joe Biden's secretary of state Antony Blinken for details on the sudden surge in foreign donations to the University of Pennsylvania after the establishment of the Penn Biden Center, where Blinken served as managing director.

The inquiry, led by HFAC chairman Michael McCaul (R., Texas), could shed light on the Penn Biden Center’s funding and whether think tank officials had any involvement with the university’s solicitation of foreign donors. Foreign funding to the University of Pennsylvania tripled in the two years after the school teamed up with Biden to launch the Penn Biden Center in 2017, with most of that money—$61 million—coming from China, the Washington Free Beacon first reported in 2021.

The donations "raise questions about the center’s ties to—or benefits derived from—that funding, interactions you or others had with the donors, and whether People’s Republic of China (PRC) linked individuals ever entered the center and came within close proximity of classified U.S. intelligence information," McCaul wrote in a letter to Blinken on Tuesday.

The Penn Biden Center has been under scrutiny after federal investigators discovered that classified documents from Biden’s vice presidency were being stored at the think tank’s offices in Washington, D.C., as well as at Biden’s home in Wilmington, Del.

McCaul asked Blinken to disclose his "involvement in fundraising activities for the Center or the University of Pennsylvania (including donor outreach/engagement), and whether you had knowledge of donations to the university by any PRC persons/sources," as well as a list of all "PRC persons and/or their representatives you met with while employed at the Center."

"Were you involved in meetings/engagements with foreign persons who had made or went on to make donations to the University of Pennsylvania or the Penn Biden Center?" he asked.

McCaul also asked Blinken for information on the classified documents found at the Penn Biden Center and whether any of these records originated from the State Department.

"The Foreign Affairs Committee is concerned about the national security and foreign policy implications of classified documents found at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement," wrote McCaul.

The University of Pennsylvania told the Free Beacon this month that no foreign donations were earmarked for the Penn Biden Center, and the think tank was financed by general university funds. The Penn Biden Center employed many of Biden’s top foreign policy aides before they joined the administration, including Pentagon policy chief Colin Kahl, U.S. ambassador to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Michael Carpenter, and U.S. deputy ambassador to the United Nations Jeffrey Prescott.

Since Biden’s inauguration, the University of Pennsylvania has disclosed at least $14 million in donations from China or Hong Kong, the Free Beacon reported last week. The names of these donors have yet to be disclosed by the Department of Education, breaking the precedent of prior administrations which published foreign donor names in a public database.

The Penn Biden Center is also under scrutiny for hosting events for other UPenn groups, including a pro-China-engagement bootcamp for congressional staffers in June, where attendees were able to walk around the D.C. offices unmonitored, the Free Beacon reported on Tuesday.

Published under: Antony Blinken Biden Administration China MIchael McCaul UPENN


So Hunter Biden's need to take baksheesh undercut U.S. security interests, left Ukraine a corruption-soaked mess unfit for NATO membership, and opened the gates wide for Russia to move in on Ukraine.  Ukraine was too corrupt to be a member of NATO, yet Western interests were knee-deep in perpetrating that corruption and reaping big dollars for themselves.

Way to go, Joe.  Biden family corruption was one of many reasons why Ukraine couldn't get into NATO and secure the Article 5 protections it needed to deter Russia.  Now it's fighting alone and hoping it can defeat the Russian juggernaut, which is only just beginning.  Whether Putin intends to stop just there is anyone's guess.  He's not in a friendly mood right now and has the wherewithal to use his oil earnings to wreak untold havoc on the West.  Is Hunter enjoying his money now?  We know that no prosecutor seems to be able to stop him.

We hope Joe and Hunter are proud of themselves.  This is a war they made possible as they helped themselves to the goodies.

Hunter’s Criminal Defense Lawyer Exits After ‘Unease and Dissent’ Plague Defense Team

Hunter Biden walks along the South Lawn before the pardoning ceremony for the national Thanksgiving turkeys at the White House in Washington, Monday, Nov. 21, 2022. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)
AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

Hunter Biden’s high-powered criminal defense lawyer Joshua Levy is reportedly no longer working for the president’s son after “unease and dissent” plagued the legal defense team, which consisted of at least four lawyers. 

Levy, who was hired to work on opposing congressional investigations that seek to reveal the complexities of the family’s business schemes, is no longer representing the infamous Biden family business member, the New York Times reported Wednesday.

Levy has removed himself from the case, reportedly due to infighting within Hunter’s legal team and specifically with Abbe Lowell, who was hired in December to defend Hunter and the Biden family from nine congressional probes, including money laundering and wire fraud. In the past, Lowell has represented high-profile individuals engulfed in political scandals, such as Bill Clinton and Jared Kushner.

Levy was reportedly discontented with Lowell’s legal strategies and feared that his tactics could flop. In February, Lowell was a part of the effort to send Rudy Giuliani, Tony Bobulinski, and 12 others “litigation hold” letters to preserve “Laptop from Hell” records, a move seen by some critics as a public relations tactic to change the troubling narrative for the Biden family.

Mike Davis, founder and president of the pro-Trump Article III Project, told Breitbart News those letters were a “desperate, frivolous, and laughable” effort that would hurt the family’s legal position because the lawsuit will lead to discovery, a legal process by which Hunter would be deposed on camera.

The Times reported on why Hunter initially hired Levy:

President Biden’s personal lawyer, Bob Bauer, had recommended Mr. Levy for the job. But Mr. Levy had clashed with Kevin Morris, a lawyer and close adviser to Hunter Biden who has lent him money to pay his back taxes and some other bills, according to a person familiar with the strategy. Mr. Morris and Hunter Biden brought on Mr. Lowell late last year, prompting Mr. Levy’s departure.

Lowell’s involvement in Hunter’s defense has not only forced the exit of Levy but has also triggered infighting with attorney Chris Clark, another high-profile attorney who leads Hunter’s criminal defense. Clark’s professional history includes working as a partner at the same Washington, DC, law firm where Rep. Liz Cheney’s husband works. The firm’s biography of Clark says he represents Hunter in the “grand jury investigation regarding tax issues.”

“Chris Clark, the lead criminal defense lawyer representing Mr. Biden in the Justice Department investigation, has kept Mr. Lowell at a distance in dealing with that matter,” the Times reported. With Clark keeping “a distance,” and Lowell and Levy’s departure, Hunter’s very expensive legal team has begun to crack just months into the House Oversight Committee’s investigation into the Biden family business.

When Ian Sams, a White House spokesman, was questioned about Lowell’s involvement in Hunter’s legal defense and the ensuing team chaos, he replied that Republican investigations into the Biden family were “politically motivated partisan attacks” that “deserve to be called out.”

In 2018 and 2020, Breitbart Senior Contributor and Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer published Secret Empires and Profiles in Corruption. Each book hit #1 on the New York Times bestseller list and exposed how Hunter Biden and Joe Biden flew aboard Air Force Two in 2013 to China before Hunter’s firm inked a $1.5 billion deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China less than two weeks after the trip. Schweizer’s work also uncovered the Biden family’s other vast and lucrative foreign deals and cronyism.

Breitbart Political Editor Emma-Jo Morris’s investigative work at the New York Post on the Hunter Biden “laptop from Hell” also captured international headlines when she, along with Miranda Devine, revealed that Joe Biden was intimately involved in Hunter’s businesses, appearing even to have a 10 percent stake in a company the scion formed with officials at the highest levels of the Chinese Communist Party.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.


Schwerin is a powerful figure in the Biden family business. He shared bank accounts with Hunter and President Joe Biden and was president of Rosemont Seneca Partners, a fund created by Hunter and several​ associates that created business deals in Russia, Ukraine, China, and Romania. Schwerin also maintained guest lists for White House functions and negotiated the divorce settlement with Hunter’s first wife, Kathleen.

Pentagon Investigates, Gives All Clear over Ukraine Fraud Allegations

The Associated Press
The Associated Press

There is no evidence any of the billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars spent on weapons and aid sent to Ukraine has been lost to corruption or diverted into criminal hands, the Pentagon’s inspector general said Tuesday, before adding investigations are still at an early stage.

The assurance came after members of Congress persistently questioned how closely the U.S. is tracking its aid to ensure it is not subject to fraud.

AP reports Robert P. Storch was pressed by House members several times about any fraud findings. He said a number of tips and allegations have come in to a new hotline, but there have been “limited findings” to date, with many reports pending.

Storch, who was testifying with other Pentagon leaders before the House Armed Services Committee, repeatedly qualified his remarks by saying he did not want to talk about investigations that have not yet been completed.

His comments came on the back of months of claim and counterclaim regarding the potential for corruption to the very highest levels of the Ukraine government, as Breitbart News reported.

In January a string of senior Ukraine government officials were sacked or resigned amidst a flurry of corruption claims, with those shown the door accused of taking illicit payments as the Ministry of Defence allegedly signed overinflated military contracts.

Deputy Defence Minister Vyacheslav Shapovalov, Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Kyrylo Tymoshenko and Deputy Prosecutor General Oleksiy Simonenko were among the senior Ukraine government officials who departed.

The AP report said Rep. Mike Rogers of Alabama, the Republican committee chairman, observed Congress has appropriated more than $100 billion in military, economic and humanitarian assistance to Ukraine and NATO allies.

Of that, the U.S. has doled out more than $75 billion so far including nearly $32 billion in Pentagon weapons and training to Ukraine since Russia’s invasion of its neighbor a year ago.

BORYSPIL, UKRAINE - JANUARY 25: Ground personnel unload weapons, including Javelin anti-tank missiles, and other military hardware delivered on a National Airlines plane by the United States military at Boryspil Airport near Kyiv on January 25, 2022 in Boryspil, Ukraine. The shipment comes as tensions between the NATO military alliance and Russia are intensifying due to Russia's move of tens of thousands of troops as well as heavy weapons to the Ukrainian border, causing international fears of a possible Russian invasion of Ukraine. The U.S., Great Britain and other NATO countries have sent arms in recent days to Ukraine in a bid to deter an invasion. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)

File/Ground personnel unload weapons, including Javelin anti-tank missiles, and other military hardware delivered on a National Airlines plane by the United States military at Boryspil Airport near Kyiv on January 25, 2022 in Boryspil, Ukraine. (Sean Gallup/Getty Images)

“These are unprecedented numbers. And it requires an unprecedented level of oversight by Congress,” Rogers said.

The Pentagon has a “robust program” to track the aid as it crosses the border into Ukraine and to keep tabs on it once it is there, depending on the sensitivity of each weapons system, Pentagon press secretary Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder said Tuesday at a press briefing.

There’s also a small team of Americans in Ukraine working with Ukrainians to do physical inspections when possible, but also virtual inspections when needed, since those teams are not going to the front lines, Ryder said.

A recent report from Transparency International found Ukraine ranked as the second most corrupt country in Europe, losing only to Russia, which ranked first. Ukraine also ranked as the 116th most corrupt country in the world, although it rose one rank since 2021.

Bombs rain down on Kiev, America gets ready for Putin's wrath, and Hunter Biden enjoys his money

By Monica Showalter

It finally happened, and everyone should have seen it coming: Russian bombs are now raining down on Kiev — and Donetsk, Luhansk, Kharkiv, Odessa, Ivano-Frankivsk, and Mariupol — making Ukraine a full-blown war zone with reports of civilian and military casualties piling up.

Long lines of cars are streaming out of the country.  Russian troops are pouring in from multiple directions.  Ukrainians with kids are hiding in basements.  Missiles are raining down.  Back in Moscow, long lines are streaming at banks as desperate locals seek to get their money out before it's devalued to nothing, frozen in sanctions, or otherwise expropriated.  Cyber-attacks are taking down Ukrainian government websites.  Attacks on the electrical grid are expected.  It's all-out warfare as Russia's Vladimir Putin seeks to conquer and annex the country, which he sees as entirely Russian, the righting of a wrong, as well as the command of geography.  It's a partial truth that has no consent from the westward-leaning Ukrainians.

The Ukrainian president's sad realization of what was happening after upbraiding the West for its panicked warnings is pathetic.  He's now begging for arms.  He's begging for help from the United Nations.  He's calling the reserves (he needs to be calling the regulars at this point).  He ought to have been prepared to play dirty with Russia — counter-cyber-attacks, terror attacks inside Russia, illegal alien warfare, and other poor man's war tactics — because he's fighting an invading nuclear Russia that is playing for keeps.  And what's really bad — as the West hand-wrings and upbraids Russia — is that Ukraine is fighting this alone.

This tweet by Katya Yushchenko, the wife of a former Ukraine president who had been poisoned earlier, likely by Russia-linked interests, tells us the root of the tragedy:

They begged and couldn't get in.

Why the heck wasn't Ukraine made a member of NATO if protecting Ukraine was as important to the West as it now claims?  Without that membership, Ukraine was a sitting duck.  Surely, some ace strategist at the NSC should have noticed this.  With enfeebled Joe Biden in power and his wokester military leadership demonstrating their chops for war in the disastrous Afghanistan pullout (which made the USSR's 1989 Afghanistan pullout look good in comparison), Putin knew that the window of opportunity was right now.

The U.S. claimed that it supported the membership, dating from 2008, but Germany, a country that doesn't live up to its promised military spending on NATO, reportedly was the power that vetoed it.  U.S. support was lip service, though, since the U.S. didn't do anything other than talk about it.  Deadbeat Germany ought to have been easy to muscle into changing its stance, given that it wasn't pulling its NATO weight, but Democrats like Joe Biden and Barack Obama were too busy gushing their admiration for socialistic German chancellor Angela Merkel and waving through the NordStream 2 pipeline from Russia so that Germany could scrap its nuclear plants; put in inefficient, unsustainable green energy; and still get real energy from Russia on the side. 

Worse still, this unresolved conflict on NATO membership left Ukraine hanging.  Vladimir Putin's original demand was for the West and Ukraine to guarantee no NATO membership.  That would have made Ukraine neutral, like Austria or Finland, which is a compromise, an imperfect solution, but a workable arrangement if history is any indicator.  Austria and Finland have been pretty well placed for the region in keeping the peace with paranoid Russia, and there have been no problems.  If NATO couldn't agree to make Ukraine a member, it ought to have gone the neutrality route to keep Putin from the door.

As Daniel Davis wrote two days ago in 1945:

Ignore these realities by stubbornly clinging to the fiction NATO’s door remains open to Kyiv, and the U.S.  will likely reap rotten fruit: potentially tens of thousands of Ukrainian people dying in an avoidable war, NATO security damaged — and regardless of which choice NATO makes, Ukraine will remain outside of NATO.

The West at large is trying every diplomatic way imaginable to avoid compromising on any of its baseline positions and refusing to grant Putin any of his key demands (which are no NATO membership for Ukraine, a return to 1997 security lines, and no intermediate- or short-range missiles near Russian borders). NATO prefers to resolve the crisis in a way that results in Putin standing down his military buildup, preserves the territorial integrity of Ukraine, and keeps the door open to future NATO aspirants.

Now the results speak for themselves.

The West is talking about the whole thing as if it's an attack on NATO, but acting like this is only Ukraine's problem, not their own.  Putin has made threatening noises to Poland and the Baltics.  Finland has signaled that it now wants to apply for NATO membership.  It doesn't seem as though it's all going to end with Kiev.  And Putin was very, very specific about what would happen to the West if it tried to stop Russia from taking Ukraine: "Whoever tries to interfere with us, and even more so, to create threats for our country, for our people, should know that Russia's response will be immediate and will lead you to such consequences that you have never experienced in your history."  There may be more to this than just Ukraine.  High oil prices for America and electrical power grid attacks may be in the works for us.  And it may well be that Putin is talking nukes.

What was at the root of Germany's opposition to NATO membership for Ukraine?

That Ukraine was just too corrupt to be allowed into the alliance.

Yes, the place was corrupt.  In 2021, it ranked a lowly 122 out of 180 countries evaluated by Transparency International in its annual Corruption Perceptions Index.

Transparency International added this for perspective:

The African state of Eswatini (Swaziland) is next to Ukraine, also having scored 32 points [out of 100]. Zambia, Nepal, Egypt, the Philippines, and Algeria are one point ahead — all with 33 points each.

Germany said Ukraine was too corrupt to be in NATO.

But it takes two to tango on corruption. Did it help that Germany's opposition was accompanied by the odd fact that former chancellor Gerhardt Schroeder was the power behind the NordStream 2 pipeline?  The guy was a leftist, not an oilman, yet somehow he got that well-paid job from the Russians.

It wasn't just Schroeder who was on the other side of the Ukraine corruption equation.  There also was Joe Biden — and, more specifically, Hunter Biden.

Via Instapundit, Austin Bay of StrategyPage has some cogent observations about what Hunter Biden's seat on the Burisma board meant for Ukraine, which desperately needed that seat at NATO:

The Ukrainian government contends the Russian-backed war in its Donbas region prevents it from effectively pursuing economic and political reform. The war slows reform, but since 2015 many Western creditors disagree argue Ukraine hasn't treated corruption as the grave security vulnerability it is.

Why? Fair question. U.S. government and media preach reform — but there is increasing evidence that U.S. leaders and institutions don't practice what they preach.

Earlier this month John Solomon, reporting in "Just The News," analyzed State Department emails obtained under a Freedom of Information Act request.

One email, written on Nov. 22, 2016, by former U.S. embassy official George Kent, was particularly chilling. It directly contradicted mainstream media reports in 2020 and public testimony by U.S. officials that "insisted Hunter Biden's lucrative job with the allegedly corrupt Ukrainian gas company Burisma Holdings ... had no impact on U.S. efforts to fight corruption in that country."

Solomon reported that in 2016 State Department officials in Ukraine told Washington "that Hunter Biden's business dealings in Ukraine 'undercut' U.S. efforts to fight corruption in the former Soviet republic."

Kent included this guidance: "The real issue to my mind was that someone in Washington needed to engage VP Biden quietly and say that his son Hunter's presence on the Burisma board undercut the anti-corruption message the VP and we were advancing in Ukraine."

Kent added: "Ukrainians heard one message from us and then saw another set of behavior, with the (Biden) family association with a known corrupt figure whose company was known for not playing by the rules in the oil/gas sector."

Hunter Biden's blatant corruption and hypocrisy had and still have real world strategic and national security costs. If defending Ukraine is a U.S. security interest, American participation in corruption undermines our security efforts. Hunter Biden was hindering Ukraine's warfighting and corruption-fighting effort.

So Hunter Biden's need to take baksheesh undercut U.S. security interests, left Ukraine a corruption-soaked mess unfit for NATO membership, and opened the gates wide for Russia to move in on Ukraine.  Ukraine was too corrupt to be a member of NATO, yet Western interests were knee-deep in perpetrating that corruption and reaping big dollars for themselves.

Way to go, Joe.  Biden family corruption was one of many reasons why Ukraine couldn't get into NATO and secure the Article 5 protections it needed to deter Russia.  Now it's fighting alone and hoping it can defeat the Russian juggernaut, which is only just beginning.  Whether Putin intends to stop just there is anyone's guess.  He's not in a friendly mood right now and has the wherewithal to use his oil earnings to wreak untold havoc on the West.  Is Hunter enjoying his money now?  We know that no prosecutor seems to be able to stop him.

We hope Joe and Hunter are proud of themselves.  This is a war they made possible as they helped themselves to the goodies.

Image: Alerta News24 Twitter screen shot.

Biden Admin Finally Bans TikTok on Government Devices

Republicans have long pushed for ban on Chinese spyware app

President Joe Biden takes a selfie at DNC headquarters / Getty Images
February 28, 2023

The White House on Monday banned TikTok from government devices, more than two years after then-president Donald Trump's attempt to ban the Chinese spyware app was thwarted by a district court.

The Office of Management and Budget instructed all federal agencies to eliminate TikTok from government devices within 30 days. The rule allows no exemptions for entire agencies and only some individual exceptions for research purposes.

Congressional Republicans, meanwhile, are still pushing for a nationwide ban on the app, arguing that the social media platform allows the Chinese Communist Party to access Americans' personal data.

"Anyone with TikTok downloaded on their device has given the CCP a backdoor to all their personal information," said Rep. Mike McCaul (R., Texas), who introduced a bill that would allow President Joe Biden to ban TikTok on all U.S. devices. "It’s a spy balloon into their phone."

Under Chinese law, companies in the country must submit any information they collect to the CCP.

Trump issued an executive order in 2020 to ban TikTok, but the move was blocked in a district court. The Biden administration opted for a broader rule in 2021 requesting the Commerce Department look into foreign software programs without targeting TikTok specifically.

Though the White House and certain federal agencies have existing bans on TikTok, Biden has often reached out to TikTok influencers to promote the White House's messages. In September, the president advocated for electric cars in a TikTok video taken at the Detroit Auto Show. Then-press secretary of the White House Jen Psaki was filmed in a viral TikTok video promoting COVID vaccines with comedian Benito Skinner "Benny Drama." And just before the 2022 midterm elections, the White House invited TikTok influencer Dylan Mulvaney, who identifies as a young girl, to discuss "trans issues" with the president.

TikTok is known to collect extensive data from its users. Forbes reported in December 2022 that ByteDance, the parent company of TikTok, spied on Forbes journalists after the magazine exposed the app’s links to China. The chief content officer of Forbes said TikTok's behavior was "a direct assault on the idea of a free press and its critical role in a functioning democracy."

Published under: Biden Administration China TikTok White House

Report – China-Linked Hackers Gather More Info Than Spy Balloon: ‘They’re Everywhere’

Top government leaders told NPR that federal agencies are years behind where they could have been if Chinese cybertheft had been openly addressed earlier. Bill Hinton Photography/Getty Images
Bill Hinton Photography/Getty Images

China-linked hackers have reportedly been gathering massive amounts of information from computer networks across the globe — more than the Chinese spy balloon.

In an article published Tuesday, NBC News said:

CrowdStrike says in its annual global threat report that it observed China-linked cyberespionage groups targeting 39 industries on nearly every continent. About a quarter of the hacking was aimed at North America, while most of it targeted China’s Asian neighbors, the report found. The techniques China used have become increasingly sophisticated as cybersecurity has improved, the report found.

Crowdstrike’s head of intelligence, Adam Meyers, warned that “They’re endemic at this point — they’re everywhere.”

The news comes after the U.S. military shot down the suspected Chinese spy balloon that was floating over the country earlier this month, Breitbart News reported on February 4.

China and the United States reportedly hack into the networks of adversaries to search for and gather intelligence, according to U.S. officials. But while the Chinese hack private corporations for intellectual property, America does not, the officials noted.

The Chinese have denied those accusations; however, hacking is still the communist country’s main espionage activity, according to James Lewis, a cybersecurity expert with the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

In recent years, the Chinese hackers’ efforts have reportedly become “sophisticated campaigns to steal credentials and slip quietly into networks,” the NBC article said.

In May, the Boston security firm Cybereason reported on a “massive Chinese intellectual property theft operation” that was known as “Operation CuckooBees,” according to Breitbart News.

“The operation involved Chinese hackers stealing hundreds of gigabytes of high-tech intellectual property from some 30 multinational corporations, including military technology and pharmaceutical data,” the outlet said.

On Tuesday, the House Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party is scheduled to hold its first hearing on the threat posed by the CCP, Breitbart News reported.

At the meeting, leaders will possibly discuss China’s surveillance program regarding balloons and the country’s military aggression towards Taiwan.

Republicans to Hold First Primetime Hearing on the Threat from the Communist Chinese Party

FILE - In this Sept. 16, 2018, file photo, American flags are displayed together with Chinese flags on top of a trishaw in Beijing. China on Thursday, Dec. 3, 2020 accused critics in the U.S. government of "an escalation of political suppression" against Beijing following a report of new visa …
AP Photo/Andy Wong, File

The House Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party is set to hold its first hearing Tuesday on the threat from the CCP.

The hearing will be primetime, airing at 7 p.m. ET — highlighting the importance of the topic for the Republican-controlled Congress.

Chairman of the committee Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI) has sought to keep the committee free of partisanship, h0wever, given the importance of having a unified front against China.

“Our hope is to come away from this with a better sense of why the CCP is a threat and why someone in Northeast Wisconsin or other parts of the country should care about that threat,” Gallagher told the Washington Post in an interview on Sunday.

Likely topics will include China’s surveillance program consisting of balloons such as the 200-plus foot one that floated across the continental United States for more than four days, raising alarm among American citizens and creating a political headache for the Biden administration.

The hearing will likely cover China’s increasing military aggressiveness towards Taiwan. China maintains that Taiwan is not a separate country but part of its territory that it is willing to use military force to forcefully take back.

Meanwhile, the U.S. has a robust unofficial diplomatic relationship with Taiwan and has supplied the country with weapons and other support. A Chinese invasion of Taiwan could pull the U.S. into a military conflict, though Republicans are urging the Biden administration to arm Taiwan to deter that possibility.

U.S. economic vulnerability and the need to somewhat decouple the U.S. economy from China will also likely loom large during the hearing, as well as the possibility of China supplying Russia with lethal aid in its war against Ukraine, which would prolong the war and likely prompt the U.S. to provide more lethal and economic aid to Ukraine.

The first hearing will feature two former Trump administration officials, a Chinese human rights advocate and the president for the Alliance for American Manufacturing.

The two former Trump administration officials are Matthew Pottinger, a former National Security Council official who led on Asia policy, and former National Security Adviser Ret. Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster.

The hearing will also feature Tong Yi, a Chinese human rights advocate, who was imprisoned for two-and-a-half-years for her work with Chinese dissident Wei Jingsheng, and Scott Paul, the president of the Alliance for American Manufacturing. Paul was added to the witness list by Democrats, Gallagher told the Post.

Follow Breitbart News’s Kristina Wong on TwitterTruth Social, or on Facebook.

Volkswagen Insists ‘No Human Rights Violations’ in Chinese Genocide Region Plant

Employees work at an assembly line of the north China base of FAW-Volkswagen in north China's Tianjin, Jan. 11, 2023. (Photo by Zhao Zishuo/Xinhua via Getty Images)
Zhao Zishuo/Xinhua via Getty

A top official in German automaker Volkswagen’s China operation insisted in remarks on Tuesday that a plant in Urumqi, the capital of occupied East Turkistan, did not show any signs of enslaving workers or participating in the Chinese government’s ongoing genocide against the Uyghur people of that region.

Ralf Brandstätter, a member of Volkswagen’s China board, revealed this week that he had visited the Urumqi plant on February 16 and 17 in response to the extensive evidence compiled by the United Nations, Uyghur organizations, and human rights researchers that Chinese dictator Xi Jinping had launched a campaign of genocide against Uyghurs and other Turkic people in East Turkistan.

The Chinese Communist Party – as revealed in eyewitness testimonies, leaked police documents, and other evidence – began building concentration camps in East Turkistan in 2017, ultimately imprisoning as many as 3 million people there. Survivors of the camps have testified to being forced to engage in communist indoctrination, renounce their religion (most of the region’s indigenous population is Muslim), and endured severe abuse, including beatings, torture, rape, and medical testing consistent with live organ harvesting. Many also accused camp directors of forcing them into slavery.

Outside of the camps, China has endeavored to raze mosques, cemeteries, and other sites of historical and cultural note, replacing them with everything from government buildings to toilets. Evidence also indicates that Beijing has enslaved Uyghurs outside of camps, forcing them to work in cotton fields, solar panel manufacturing plants, and other factories. Chinese officials have insisted that the slavery program – which features a trove of online advertisements in which the regime sells Uyghur slaves in batches to factory owners – is actually a government program to aid Uyghurs in transitioning into the modern Chinese economy. Similarly, China refers to its concentration camps as “Vocational Education Training Centers.”

People visit the Volkswagen stand during the 20th Guangzhou International Automobile Exhibition at Canton Fair Complex on December 30, 2022 in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province of China. (Photo by Zou Wei/VCG via Getty Images)

Volkswagen has maintained a facility in Urumqi despite years of evidence of an ongoing genocide in the region. The plant is co-managed by the Chinese company SAIC, China’s largest automaker. The Urumqi plant is used for final quality checks on cars assembled elsewhere and the distribution of these final products. The plant stopped manufacturing cars in 2019.

Brandstätter, the Volkswagen executive, insisted in his remarks this week that he had the ability to speak extensively with workers at the plant from multiple ethnic backgrounds

“Of course we are aware of the critical reports, we take that very seriously,” the finance publication dpa-AFX reported on Tuesday. “But we have no evidence of human rights violations at this plant – that has not changed after my visit.”

“I didn’t find any contradictions,” he asserted. “I have no reason to doubt the information and my impressions. Regardless of that, of course, we continue to look.”

“Our partner has great interest in and is committed to ensuring a positive atmosphere and proper working conditions,” Brandstätter said of SAIC.

The visit itself, and its conclusions, prompted the ire of Uyghur activists around the world, who have spent years bringing awareness to the world of the brutality of China’s genocide of their people. The World Uyghur Congress (WUC), in a statement alongside the Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV), on Tuesday questioned the authenticity of Brandstätter’s claim to having full and transparent access to workers at the plant. According to the groups, neither China nor Volkswagen has not allowed access to the plant for media in a decade.

“There are serious doubts about the extent to which Mr. Brandstätter was able to get an objective picture of the situation on the ground, especially since the visit was most likely planned and coordinated jointly with the Chinese authorities,” WUC Berlin office chief Haiyuer Kuerban said. “Volkswagen must not become a cover for the Chinese government’s genocide against the Uyghurs and other Turkic peoples.”

Hanno Schedler of the GfbV called for Volkswagen to “finally face the consequences and leave the region.”

Horizon Robotics at the World Artificial Intelligence Conference in Shanghai, China, July 7, 2021. On October 16, 2022, Volkswagen announced it will invest around 2.4 billion euros to jointly establish a new company with Chinese intelligent computing platform provider and AI chip service provider Horizon Robotics, focusing on technology development in the field of autonomous driving. (CFOTO/Future Publishing via Getty Images)

“It must also be transparent about how it investigates reports of forced labour in its supply chains and what consequences it is prepared to draw. Of course, this also concerns the Chinese supplier companies located in and outside Xinjiang/East Turkistan,” Schedler noted.

Volkswagen has already been implicated in the use of Uyghur slaves in plants outside of East Turkistan. The company was among 82 multinational corporations identified in a 2020 report by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) titled “Uyghurs for Sale” that found China shipping Uyghur slaves to factories and plants nationwide.

“The Chinese government has facilitated the mass transfer of Uyghur and other ethnic minority citizens from the far west region of Xinjiang [East Turkistan] to factories across the country,” the report revealed. “Under conditions that strongly suggest forced labour, Uyghurs are working in factories that are in the supply chains of at least 82 well-known global brands in the technology, clothing and automotive sectors, including Apple, BMW, Gap, Huawei, Nike, Samsung, Sony and Volkswagen.”

The report found online advertisements selling Uyghur slaves to factories at low prices and estimated that 80,000 Uyghur slaves were shipped out of East Turkistan to factories elsewhere in China.

Follow Frances Martel on Facebook and Twitter.


Rick Scott Slams Joe Biden’s ‘Pacifist’ Approach to China

rick scott
AP Photo/Mariam Zuhaib

President Joe Biden came under attack Sunday for his weakness in dealing with an aggressive China as Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) lamented the administration’s simpering efforts to appease Beijing.

“All that Biden does is pacify China,” Scott told John Catsimatidis on WABC’s “Cats Roundtable,” before adding, “I don’t know what it is, but this is a guy who won’t stand up to dictators around the world.”

Scott’s comments echoed similar criticisms of the Biden administration he made in the past week when he decried Washington for failing to stand up to Communist China.

“Communist China has chosen to be our enemy,” he said in a tweet on Thursday. “The CCP wants to destroy our way of life, and @JoeBiden shows nothing but weak appeasement. The American people deserve a leader in Washington who stands up to evil regimes and puts America first.”

Scott’s excoriation of the Biden regime’s soft approach to China is not new.

Last month he joined Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) and Sens. Ted Budd (R-NC) plus J.D. Vance (R-OH) to introduce a plan to end the United States’ decades-long, job-killing free trade status with China, as Breitbart News reported.

The legislation, titled the China Trade Relations Act, would end China’s permanent normal trade relations status.

If passed it would build on previous warnings of a losing trade fight with Beijing made by Scott.

Watch as Rick Scott warns back in 2020 we are in a Cold War with Communist China

0 seconds of 2 minutes, 24 secondsVolume 90%

Instead, presidential administrations would choose whether or not to authorize China’s free trade status with the U.S.

A majority in Congress would also get the power to override a president’s decision.

Poll: Majority of U.S. Worried About China’s Global Influence

STR/AFP via Getty Images

A majority of the United States is worried about China’s influence around the world, according to a recent poll.

The most recent poll conducted by the Associated Press-NORC Center with 1,247 adults showed that 89 percent of people in the United States are worried about the influence the communist country has around the world.

Of that, 28 percent is “extremely concerned, while 33 percent is “very concerned,” and 28 percent is “moderately concerned.” There was only ten percent of respondents who said they were not concerned at all.

The poll was conducted from February 16 to 20, with a 3.7 percent margin of error and a 95 percent confidence level.

Tensions with the communist country have appeared to grow since the U.S. military shot down a Chinese spy balloon roughly two weeks ago. Of course, despite U.S. officials claiming it was a spy balloon with surveillance capability, China maintains it was just an off-course weather balloon.

The Biden administration determined that the suspected Chinese spy balloon shot down earlier this month was operating with electronic surveillance technology capable of monitoring communications signals, according to a senior State Department official on Thursday.

Vice President Kamala Harris later claimed that downing the balloon should not impact diplomatic relations with communist China. “I don’t think so, no,” she told the outlet. Harris also argued the Biden administration seeks “competition” with Beijing and “not conflict or confrontation.”

The Associated Press has noted that the Biden administration has kept tariffs in place from the Trump administration on imports from China in addition to restricting the sale of advanced computer chips to the communist country, which ultimately argued Chinese officials.

Jacob Bliss is a reporter for Breitbart News. Write to him at or follow him on Twitter @JacobMBliss.

 America’s China Dependency Syndrome

The deal would impose no review of human rights and impose no conditions for democratic reforms, supervised multi-party elections and such. All that, and more, is already a done deal with China, like the USSR a one-party Communist dictatorship that never produced a single product the United States needs. This has come about, in large part, due to U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein, San Francisco Democrat.

                                                                                      LLOYD BILLINGSLEY

Chinese government’s Bank of China less than two weeks after the trip. Schweizer’s work also uncovered the Biden family’s other vast and lucrative foreign deals and cronyism. Breitbart Political Editor Emma-Jo Morris’ investigative work at the New York Post on the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell” also captured international headlines when she, along with Miranda Devine, revealed that Joe Biden was intimately involved in Hunter’s businesses, appearing to even have a 10 percent stake in a company the scion formed with officials at the highest levels of the Chinese Communist Party.

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN

Hunter Biden Rebuffs Congressional Investigation

Hunter Biden, an unidentified man, and then-vice president Joe Biden in China in 2013 / Getty Images
February 23, 2023

President Joe Biden's son Hunter is "refusing to provide the records" on his lucrative foreign business dealings to the Republican-led House Oversight Committee, the New York Post reported Wednesday.

Committee chairman James Comer (R., Ky.) said that Hunter Biden's records, as well as documents about the business dealings of business associates James Biden and Eric Schwerin, would "shed light on influence-peddling by the first family," the Post reported. The requests include all business "schedules, contact lists, and financial records" since 2009, when Joe Biden first became vice president.

Hunter Biden's attorney snubbed Comer's requests, calling the Oversight Committee's investigation "baseless." In response, the committee is "likely to subpoena the Bidens for the documents," the Post reported.

Hunter, who is under multiple investigations for tax evasion and his foreign ties, had access to the car near which his father improperly stored top-secret government documents, the Washington Free Beacon reported. At the same time, the scandal-plagued first son was handling deals with the shady Ukrainian company Burisma Holdings and the Chinese government-linked conglomerate CEFC China Energy.

An email from Biden's abandoned laptop said the "big guy" would receive 10 percent of the profit from the CEFC deal. The email's author has identified Joe Biden as the "big guy," the Post reported.

"Biden family members attempted to sell access around the world, including individuals who were connected to the Chinese Communist Party," Comer said. "If President Biden is compromised by deals with foreign adversaries and they are impacting his decision-making, this is a threat to national security."

Representatives for Schwerin, Hunter

Biden, and James Biden did not respond to

the Post's requests for comment.


Chinese Spy Car: Mercedes-Benz Will Integrate TikTok into the Dashboard of Certain Models

CULVER CITY, CALIFORNIA - DECEMBER 20: The TikTok logo is displayed outside a TikTok office on December 20, 2022 in Culver City, California. Congress is pushing legislation to ban the popular Chinese-owned social media app from most government devices. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)
Mario Tama/Getty Images, AP Photo/Andy Wong

Mercedes-Benz plans to integrate China’s TikTok into the dashboards of certain models, drawing the ire of people who consider the Chinese-owned social media app nothing more than a surveillance tool.

The Washington Post reports that TikTok, the Chinese-owned video app, has been making headlines recently after U.S. lawmakers began strictly enforcing restrictions on the app’s use. Some have begun advocating for the app to be banned entirely in response to growing worries about the threats it poses to national security. But even as TikTok looks to broaden its appeal to new demographics, conservatives and others that care about national security and the mental health of teenagers are working to ban the app from this country entirely.

People stand in front of their Mercedes cars at the Al-Jenadriyah festival in Riad, Saudi Arabia, 03 February 2016. Germany is a guest country at the two-week cultural and heritage festival in Jenadriyah near Riad. Photo: MICHAEL KAPPELER/dpa | usage worldwide (Photo by Michael Kappeler/picture alliance via Getty Images)

(Photo by Michael Kappeler/picture alliance via Getty Images)

Shou Zi Chew, chief executive officer of TikTok Inc., during an interview at the TikTok office in New York, U.S., on Thursday, Feb. 17, 2022. (Christopher Goodney/Bloomberg/Getty)

Despite controversy over the Chinese app, companies are eager to collaborate with the platform, including Mercedes-Benz. The new E-class sedan from the German automaker, which will enable users to download third-party apps directly to the center display, such as TikTok, Zoom, and the game “Angry Birds,” was recently unveiled. Through the partnership, passengers will have access to mobile apps on a separate screen that will be hidden from the driver while the car is moving.

The partnership is part of a larger initiative by Mercedes to improve the driving experience for its customers and to remain competitive in a sector that is becoming more and more dominated by technological innovation. The company is looking to adopt new technologies that can make driving more pleasurable and engaging as it aims to broaden its reach to new demographics. The collaboration allows TikTok to connect with new users and keep working to grow beyond its current user base.

However, there are national security concerns with any collaboration involving TikTok, especially in light of recent legislative actions in the United States. Congress approved a ban on the app for federal government devices in December, and about two dozen states followed suit. Critics claim that the app could be used to spread propaganda and other types of false information and that it threatens the privacy of American users.

Mercedes views the partnership as a way to embrace new technologies that can make driving more engaging and enjoyable while staying ahead of the curve in a rapidly changing sector. It presents TikTok with a chance to reach new users and further its efforts to appeal to older demographics — and perhaps the ability to spy on westerners in a new way.

Read more at the Washington Post here.

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship. Follow him on Twitter @LucasNolan

America’s China Dependency Syndrome

The deal would impose no review of human rights and impose no conditions for democratic reforms, supervised multi-party elections and such. All that, and more, is already a done deal with China, like the USSR a one-party Communist dictatorship that never produced a single product the United States needs. This has come about, in large part, due to U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein, San Francisco Democrat.

                                                                                      LLOYD BILLINGSLEY


As Ben Weingarten noted in the Federalist in 2018, Sen. Feinstein’s ties to China are “way deeper” than any Chinese spy in her office. Feinstein maintained a “strictly apologist line” on China’s human rights atrocities, and Feinstein’s husband has “profited handsomely” during her career in the Senate. Sen. Feinstein “served as a key intermediary between China and the U.S. government, while serving on committees whose work would be of keen interest to the PRC.” For two decades and three election cycles, Feinstein harbored a Chinese spy who fed “political intelligence” to Beijing’s Communist regime. Since that article, the dossier has grown longer.

Watters: I guarantee you Satan went to law school


American people deserve to know what China was up to with Joe Biden, especially when Beijing had already shelled out millions of dollars to Biden family members — including millions in set-asides for “the big guy.” What else is on that infamous Hunter Biden laptop? The conflicted Biden Justice Department cannot be trusted to engage in any meaningful oversight on this issue. We need a special counsel now.   

                               TOM FITTON - JUDICIAL WATCH


Breitbart Political Editor Emma-Jo Morris’s investigative work at the New York Post on the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell” also captured international headlines when she, along with Miranda Devine, revealed that Joe Biden was intimately involved in Hunter’s businesses, appearing to even have a 10 percent stake in a company the scion formed with officials at the highest levels of the Chinese Communist Party.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.


Hunter has reportedly sold five paintings worth $75,000 each to an anonymous buyer. Hunter’s art dealer, Georges Bergès, has previously boasted he had strong ties to businessmen in Communist China, which has concerned many due to the Biden family’s business ventures abroad.

“We are 95% sure that that artwork went to China,” Comer said. “We don’t know where exactly that went to in China, but we’re going to try to find out when we get subpoena power.”

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.

Biden family business dealings with China is a ‘national security issue’: Schweizer

RIDING THE DRAGON: The Bidens' Chinese Secrets (Full Documentary)

Kevin McCarthy Pledges Subpoenas for 51 Intel Agents in Wake of Hunter Biden ‘Twitter Files’




11 Dec 20220


House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy said Saturday on FNC’s “One Nation” that he will bring the 51 intel agents that signed a letter that said the Hunter Biden information was Russia collusion to testify at a congressional hearing.

Host Brian Kilmeade asked, “We saw the revelations coming out of Twitter as Elon Musk is unmasking the corruption that existed there and the denials that they testified about. So for you personally you have another move you want to make. Not only do we want to hear from the former executives of Twitter and the other entities, but you have something else you want to say.”

McCarthy said, Yeah, I do. This is egregious what we are finding. They should not have section 230 to start out with, but we also have to go further. What did Facebook and Google do as well because they became an arm of the Democratic Party and an arm of government.”

He continued, “Those 51 intel agents that signed a letter that said the Hunter Biden information was all wrong — was Russia collusion — many of them have a security clearance. We are going to bring them before committee. I’m going to have them have a hearing. Why did they sign it? Why did they lie to the American public? A Clapper, a Brennan? Why did you use the reputation that America was able to give to you more information, but use it for a political purpose and lie to the American public?”

In 2018 and 2020, Breitbart Senior Contributor and Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer published Secret Empires and Profiles in Corruption. Each book hit #1 on the New York Times bestseller list and exposed how Hunter Biden and Joe Biden flew aboard Air Force Two in 2013 to China before Hunter’s firm inked a $1.5 billion deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China less than two weeks after the trip. Schweizer’s work also uncovered the Biden family’s other vast and lucrative foreign deals and cronyism. Breitbart Political Editor Emma-Jo Morris’ investigative work at the New York Post on the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell” also captured international headlines when she, along with Miranda Devine, revealed that Joe Biden was intimately involved in Hunter’s businesses, appearing to even have a 10 percent stake in a company the scion formed with officials at the highest levels of the Chinese Communist Party.

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN

China's Spying Goes Far Beyond Balloons

“I never said, ‘I want to be alone.’ I only said ‘I want to be let alone!’ There is all the difference.” ― Greta Garbo


On February 2, Americans were treated to the spectacle of a giant balloon floating over Montana wilderness that would go on to traverse the entire length of the United States.  Of Chinese origin, this giant balloon was loaded with what appeared to be potential reconnaissance or communications equipment.  Depending on what side of the political aisle observers were on, there was one of two responses from the public: First, shoot it down.  We don’t appreciate foreign adversaries using espionage tools or potential weapons overhead.  Second, Biden did the right thing by ensuring it was over open waters before dispatching it.  It’s normal, they flew over during the Trump administration as well.

For myself, I fall squarely into the shoot-it-down camp.  There is something intrusive about a foreign object the width of several school buses entering my personal space that demands a decisive response.  Given the sparse population of Montana, it seemed the appropriate time to dispatch it while above remote territory with the least risk to bystanders below.  The concern wasn’t so much that China was gathering intelligence from above as some other potential for a weaponized payload like explosives, bioweapons, or an electromagnetic pulse device.  The Chinese have no shortage of satellites or technology required to spy on Americans.  Most Americans have willingly adopted Chinese manufactured and even branded surveillance technology into their homes, myself included.

I consider myself an early technology adopter.  I was an alpha tester of Amazon’s first Echo home speaker device.  An entire global library of music on-demand?  Yes, please!  What would follow is a connected home of lights, switches, thermostats, sprinkler controllers, alarm systems, cameras, etc. The convenient control over one’s home that technology allows is fantastic. But it has come at a cost. 

During my foray into writing, one of the first articles I penned concerned the Faustian bargain we enter into when we trade privacy for convenience.  The crux of this dilemma is that the parties we enter into these agreements with have ulterior motives. 

Take social media, for example. We traded free personal connections online for a seat at the table in our daily lives.  Technology corporations performed massive data mining campaigns to paint a picture of your entire life.  They know who you are, your family and friends, your interests and hobbies, your jobs and colleagues, and your daily habits from sun up to sun up.  They’re even listening while you sleep. 

Once these corporations were firmly entrenched in our lives, they began to apply social pressure to engineer society in their twisted mold.  From campaigns regarding topics such as diversity, equity, and inclusion, to election interference like that of the Center for Tech and Civic Life, to silencing political dissent by censorship or steering press coverage in manners favorable to themselves, big tech utilized the monetized data that they controlled against those they’d taken it from. 

But I’m different. I have nothing to hide. Right?  This is a common retort when debating the merits of privacy with the average American.  It’s a good thing they have nothing to hide because they’ve given up any possible place to hide.  I started my blog,, to explore withdrawing consent from a system and society that had abused it.  A part of that process was taking back control over my personal information, including what parts of my life I allow the rest of the world into.

A few years ago, I installed a Firewalla on my home network.  A Firewalla is an inexpensive home firewall device that is easy to set up and has a minimal footprint on my home network performance without ongoing subscription costs.  It allowed me to secure my home network from outside threats and gave me a picture of what was happening with devices inside my home network.   What I learned raised some serious red flags. 

At some point, my wife found a Shark Robotic vacuum on clearance at the store.  Excitedly, she set it up on our home network, and it went to work mapping out its cleaning path.  Unfortunately, the Firewalla began to set off alarms at odd times, suggesting that the Shark Vacuum was uploading a data feed to Shenzen, China.  Regardless of how innocuous this could be, I find no reason why any home appliance needs to send data it collects in my home to servers in China.  I took the Shark vacuum off our network, and we got rid of it.  We exchanged it for a different model with no data connection that works only on light detection and ranging, or lidar, to determine its path.

Recently, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology published an article demonstrating how one woman’s Roomba vacuum took pictures of her sitting on the toilet, and they were published on the internet.  Sometimes what seems innocuous is quite dangerous.  It was for this reason that I took a deeper look at what devices on my home network were uploading data to the internet.  I found that the most egregious offenders were smart televisions and speakers.  For the televisions, we turned off the wifi and utilize separate devices for streaming.  In the case of the smart speakers, the simple solution was to disable the hardware microphone buttons on top.  While inconvenient, it completely stopped the data uploads until we want to utilize the speakers.

The elephant in the room on intelligent devices and privacy intrusion is the smartphone.  Most of us have them, and most of us make exceptions for the smartphone to maintain communications with family and friends.  Though there are solutions to increase privacy, such as choosing a privacy-oriented device like a de-googled phone or installing privacy-focused software, your privacy only goes so far as the vendors whose apps and services you utilize. I will soon be getting rid of my Samsung phone because they consistently solicit me to accept changes to their privacy terms of service and to install their adware to earn money for globalist charities

When adversarial nations fly unidentified objects over our borders, we’re paralyzed by the threat.  Meanwhile, most of us whitewash the daily micro-intrusions we accept at a much more frequent pace.  At issue is not the absence or the presence of personal indiscretions.  At issue is the incremental nature of our daily concessions until we’re left with no privacy at all. 

Photo by Denny Müller on Unsplash

Brian Parsons is a paleoconservative columnist in Idaho, a proud husband and father, and saved by Grace.  You can follow him at or find his columns at the American Thinker, in the Idaho State Journal, or in other regional publications. Email | Gab

America’s China Dependency Syndrome Lessons from the USSR. Lloyd Billingsley


Posted By Ruth King on April 28th, 2020

““We cannot outsource our independence,” the president said last Monday. “We cannot be reliant on foreign nations. I’ve been saying this for a long time. If we’ve learned one thing it’s let’s do it here, let’s build it here, let’s make it here.”

“Made in China” has been a familiar label on products for years but it wasn’t until March of 2020 that Americans learned of the perils that might entail. China threatened to impose export controls on pharmaceuticals that would plunge America into “the mighty sea of coronavirus.

Sen. Marco Rubio told reporters the United States was “dangerously reliant” on China for critical goods, including parts for technologies needed to fight COVID-19. Since 2004, Chinese pharmaceutical companies have been supplying 80-90 percent of U.S. antibiotics. Americans might wonder how they landed in such a dependent position, and that invites a comparison with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The world’s first socialist state, established in the world’s largest nation, never produced a single product the West wanted or needed. For all its vast natural resources, the USSR was an economic basket case, and by the mid-1980s in serious trouble.

Suppose that some U.S. senator had then offered a trade deal that ignored the regime’s human rights violations and allowed state-owned Soviet companies to manufacture goods for the American market, all marked “Made In the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.” These would include vital pharmaceuticals and the deal would allow the use of Soviet steel, and Soviet labor, in major infrastructure projects in the United States.

The deal would impose no review of human rights and impose no conditions for democratic reforms, supervised multi-party elections and such. All that, and more, is already a done deal with China, like the USSR a one-party Communist dictatorship that never produced a single product the United States needs. This has come about, in large part, due to U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein, San Francisco Democrat.

On a visit to Shanghai in 2006 Feinstein told James Areddy of the Wall Street Journal, “I’ve been coming to China for 31 years, so I’m not a newcomer.” That would put her first visit in 1975, one year before the death of the Great Helmsman Mao Zedong his own self. Feinstein was then a San Francisco supervisor, and as mayor struck up a sister-city relationship with Shanghai. On the 2006 trip Feinstein spent time with former Shanghai mayor Zhu Rongji, “a good friend.”

Areddy asked about the Tiananmen Square massacre then turning 21. Feinstein said it was a “a great setback for China in the view of the world,” a public-relations problem for China, not a human rights issue. “It was just the PLA (People’s Liberation Army)” and China “learned lessons from it.” Still, Feinstein admitted, “we did not discuss it.”

As Ben Weingarten noted in the Federalist in 2018, Sen. Feinstein’s ties to China are “way deeper” than any Chinese spy in her office. Feinstein maintained a “strictly apologist line” on China’s human rights atrocities, and Feinstein’s husband has “profited handsomely” during her career in the Senate. Sen. Feinstein “served as a key intermediary between China and the U.S. government, while serving on committees whose work would be of keen interest to the PRC.” For two decades and three election cycles, Feinstein harbored a Chinese spy who fed “political intelligence” to Beijing’s Communist regime. Since that article, the dossier has grown longer.

As Rosemarie Ho noted in The Nation, Dianne Feinstein failed to support the democracy protesters in Hong Kong. When the coronavirus hit these shores, Feinstein was uncritical of China and one of the first to cry “racism” against those who pointed out the pandemic’s origin in Wuhan, China.

Ben Weingarten wondered how a motivated and empowered prosecutor would operate if tasked to explore “any links and/or coordination” between the Chinese government, Feinstein and individuals associated with her office. Such an investigation never took place with Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the most servile apologist of Communist China since Anna Louise Strong, and certainly the most influential. On the other hand, Donald Trump was thoroughly investigated for “collusion” with Russia, which turned out to be a hoax.

It was the president’s tweet that brought Feinstein’s Chinese spy to public attention. President Trump has access to all U.S. intelligence, a major reason domestic and foreign foes alike are desperately trying to remove him from office. In his April 19 press conference, the president called the upper reaches of the DOJ and FBI “human scum,” and their inattention to Feinstein, Hillary Clinton and other high-profile Democrats confirms that the rot continues.

President Trump is now throwing down with the invisible enemy of coronavirus and making progress despite opposition from Democrats and their media allies. As they parrot Chinese propaganda, the president has already started the decoupling process.

“We cannot outsource our independence,” the president said last Monday. “We cannot be reliant on foreign nations. I’ve been saying this for a long time. If we’ve learned one thing it’s let’s do it here, let’s build it here, let’s make it here.”

As with the USSR, we don’t need China for anything. And as Chuck Berry said, anything you want they got right here in the USA.

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