Wednesday, March 8, 2023



During Obama’s presidency, everyone joked that he selected Biden for VP because Biden’s incompetency insured that Obama would never be impeached. Yes, Obama was bad, but Biden would be worse. Now that Biden’s the president, that joke was 100% correct. Sadly, he’s multiple times worse than anyone imagined. Biden has more failures in one year than most presidents have in a lifetime – the Afghanistan debacle and surrender, huge crime spikes due to Democrat “defund the police” insanity, actively working to destroy the petroleum industry while supporting Russia’s, soaring inflation, open support and deference to China, and his weakness being directly responsible for Putin’s invasion of Ukraine -- to name just a few epic failures. As bad as Biden is as president, it’s obvious he selected Harris for the same reason that Obama selected him -- to insure he’s never removed from office. If you think things can’t possibly get worse, just look at Harris and you instantly realize – yes, they can. She would be multiple times worse than Joe.

Kamala Harris's hate-filled childhood

Remember the cackle?

It's been pretty quiet for awhile. Its absence made one think maybe some public relations minion finally got through to Kamala Harris that to make her understand that her cackle was a political disaster, a public relations nightmare, a defining failure, a political death wish. Did she finally learn?

No such luck. The cackle is baaack!

Here's Kamala Harris, speaking before a group in Colorado:

<iframe width="600" height="337" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe> 

According to the New York Post, she said:

“I grew up learning about — we called it ecology at the time, and so, some of us who were born around that time know what I’m saying — and we talked about it in the context of conservation,” Harris told an audience Monday in Colorado during a discussion on climate policy.

“In fact, I’m going to share with you a very simple story, which is that I went home one day and I said, ‘Well, why are conservatives bad, Mommy? I thought we were supposed to conserve things,’” she added.

“I couldn’t reconcile it. Now I can,” Harris said before bursting into her trademark cackle.

The Post guffawed that the story was likely another made up tale, citing a slew of experts and Kamala watchers, the reaction on social media, and Harris's own history of making up stories about herelf, particularly those "little girl" ones.

But I'm gonna give Harris the benefit of the doubt this time. I suspect that what she's saying is actually true. After all, there was no political gain to be made from the story, and the point of her telling it was rather unclear other than a "between us girls" occasion for a group cackle. The lead in, that she was taught "ecology" rather then greenie environmentalism, was a small and correct detail, as I remember it very well myself, and I too was taught in California at the same time she was. Meanwhile, her question is very much the kind of question a kid might ask, there's nothing strange or precocious about it, nothing far-fetched, nothing self-aggrandizing; I recall trying to reason things out in the same way at that age on matters around the Vietnam War.   

But that paints an even more unflattering story about Harris than that of mere new notch on her lipstick case of lies.

Take a look at this line: "Well, why are conservatives bad, Mommy? I thought we were supposed to conserve things."

Was she so steeped in leftwingery in her childhood in Berkeley, California, that she was taught from birth that "conservatives are bad"? What kind of household was she was raised in? Was she taught hate from the cradle? Couldn't conservatives be "wrong" without being utterly bad?

It's so left-wing. It also might explain why she's so unable to grasp what other people think, let alone serve as a "uniter" or bridger of gaps. If she was propagandized from birth to think that "conservatives are bad" how could she ever deal with a conservative in the unlikely event that she met one? Might this explain why there are two sets of laws for Americans in this country, one for the left, one for conservatives? If she was never taught that people exist outside of politics and normal people should not be defined by their politics, how can she ever hope to understand the U.S. or a conservative when she meets one?

Someone should ask her whether she ever learned to get along with conservatives and see them as people of complex character rather than stick figures under the heading of "bad." How did she learn that what she was brainwashed with was garbage and how did she overcome it to be able to function in a society?

It rather explains a lot about her. In her political career, she was always a privileged chosen one, never facing a Republican opponent of consequence in her all-blue state and it rather has handicapped her, making her slow on her feet and absurdly certain in her outlook, unable to change course or adapt to new realities.

She really was taught that "conservatives are bad" when she was kid? Were they the boogie man under her bed? Did she run from them when they appeared on T.V.?

What kind of kids grows up thinking half the country is "bad" and expects to win high office?

Image: Screen shot from Fox Business video, via YouTube

The best-case scenario is that she’s Kamala Harris) a progressive who repeatedly violated her own principles so that she could promote her career. In the worst-case scenario, she’s just another corrupt, rotten, regressive prosecutor.  

                                                 JESSER HOROWITZ

Joe Biden, the corrupt, unaccomplished 47-year career politician, with a reputation of having been a proud segregationist, an unabashed plagiarist and liar, a resolute tale-teller, and a serial flip-flopper, is pretending to head up a radical social-democratic ticket for President of the United States that includes as his running mate the ambitious, disagreeable junior senator from California: Kamala Harris. 


Duplicity aside, perhaps the only details of Harris’s speech more cringeworthy than her insincerity was her inability to tell the truth about virtually anything. DAVID KELTZ


She insinuated that Kavanaugh was linked to Russian collusion — a claim so absurd that she was mocked by both of the major newspapers in her home state, the San Francisco Chronicle and the Los Angeles Times. Harris also drew criticism for a deceptively-edited video in which she falsely suggested Kavanaugh opposed birth control.

Senate GOP Gives Victory to Kamala Harris, Her Big Tech Donors with Green Card Giveaway…. WITH KAMALA, JUST FOLLOW HER LONG HISTORY OF BRIBES SUCKING!




9. Why did your office decline to investigate the health supplement fraud cases involving companies your husband’s law firm represented? Did you, as California’s attorney general, ever purposefully decline investigating or prosecuting clients of your husband’s law firm?

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) and her husband, attorney Douglas Emhoff, gave 1.1% of their income to charity in 2019, tax records show.

Harris reported giving $35,390 to charity, while she and her husband earned $3,095,950 in taxable income.

The best-case scenario is that she’s a progressive who repeatedly violated her own principles so that she could promote her career. In the worst-case scenario, she’s just another corrupt, rotten, regressive prosecutor.                          JESSER HOROWITZ



A tidy corrupt partnership

She also declined to prosecute OneWest, run by now-Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin from 2009-2015, after her own prosecutors said they discovered over a thousand violations of foreclosure law committed by the bank. (OneWest donated $6,500 to Harris' attorney general campaign in 2011, and Mnuchin himself donated $2,000 to her Senate campaign in 2016.)

Fact Check: Kamala Harris Falsely Claims Biden Admin Reduced Heating, Electric Bills 

TALLAHASSEE, USA - JANUARY 22: U.S Vice President Kamala Harris delivers remarks for the 50th commemoration of the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision in Tallahassee FL, United States on January 22, 2023. (Photo by Peter Zay/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
Peter Zay/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

CLAIM: On Wednesday at Bowie State University, Vice President Kamala Harris stated the Biden administration has “reduced heating and electricity bills so folks have more money in their pocket.”

VERDICT: FALSE. The cost of natural gas rose 6.7 percent from December 2022 to January 2023, and electricity increased 0.5 percent, according to the latest Consumer Price Index (CPI) in January.

On a yearly bases, Harris’s claims were also false. “The fuel oil index rose 27.7 percent over the last 12 months, while the index for electricity rose 11.9 percent, and the index for natural gas increased 26.7 percent over the same period,” the CPI reported in January.

Moreover, since the Biden administration assumed office, the average price for electricity per Kilowatt-Hour in American cities has spiked, the St. Louis FED reported.

In February 2021, the cost was $0.137. In January 2023, the unit cost soared to $0.168:


In a recent interview, Jill Biden said Joe needed to stay in office because he hasn’t finished his goals. His goals appear to be to remake or destroy America with open borders and by making as many people dependent on the government as possible — and most of the media supports those goals, claiming the slogan of Make America Great Again is dangerous. That is delusional.

Delusional Democrat Kamala Harris strikes again, this time on the cost of living crisis

The Inflation Reduction Act did nothing to lower the rising inflation rate. What it did was dole out rebates if people spent money on the greenie “investments” so loved by Democrat politicians. For example if a person were to spend $20,000 on a geothermal energy system for their home, they would receive a $6,000 tax credit. Thanks to the destruction of the dollar at the hands of the government, most poor and middle class people today can’t even come up with $1,000 for an emergency; how in the world are they supposed to qualify for this “generosity.” The IRA should have been called the Inflation Production Act.

Kamala Harris is either so willing to lie, or is so ignorant that she believes the Biden clown show is actually focused on and successfully reduced energy costs. The price of crude oil was around $40 when she and Biden took office; immediately, Biden set out to destroy energy companies that produced reasonably priced energy for the public. The price skyrocketed from $40 per barrel to around $120 per barrel, or up 200%. Now, the price is down to around $80 per barrel, which is still a 100% increase from two years ago. I bet people haven’t received a 100% pay increase to match, yet we have the displeasure of Kamala Harris (mis)informing the public that prosperity and a high standard of living are Biden administration priorities. From a California news outlet:

VP Kamala Harris tells Americans to calm down, and take a vacation, claiming her and President Biden ‘have reduced heating and electricity bills so folks have more money in their pocket to buy things like school supplies, replace the dishwasher or take a family vacation.’

The Biden administration clearly knows that high energy prices “hurt” people — see a headline from yesterday below:

Deputy Treasury Sec’y: We’ve Avoided any Russia Sanctions that Would Impact Energy Delivery Because That Hurts Developing World

So Biden and his troupe forgo sanctions against Russia so as not to hurt the citizens, but they have no problem imposing policies on us, the American people, with the same harmful consequences. We are essentially financing both sides of the war.

Incidentally, why is China still considered to be a developing country when disastrous policies like the “Paris Climate accord” are considered? That is delusional when China is an enemy that will gladly destroy us. 

On a personal note: I just saved $2,000 with the purchase of my new 2022 Dodge Charger. Of course, it cost my $45,000 to save that $2,000, but still, what a bargain! Thanks Joe! My 2018 Charger, which was similarly equipped, cost $33,000. People should remember that when Joe and Kamala were (s)elected, inflation hovered under 2%.

When the Democrats passed the “Affordable Care Act” they falsely promised that it would substantially lower healthcare costs. Instead, prices skyrocketed because they took away freedom of choice which would allow the market to regulate, and added restrictive government mandates. The media still cheers for this act that was passed with a series of lies and which greatly increased costs for businesses, individuals and families who don't qualify for the subsidies.

Again, it begs the question: What are these people smoking?

In a recent interview, Jill Biden said Joe needed to stay in office because he hasn’t finished his goals. His goals appear to be to remake or destroy America with open borders and by making as many people dependent on the government as possible — and most of the media supports those goals, claiming the slogan of Make America Great Again is dangerous. That is delusional.

Image: Free image, Pixabay license, no attribution required.

The Democrats' dilemma: even Californians don’t want Kamala Harris

Am I a bad person to enjoy the increasingly untenable position in which Democrats find themselves as we near the 2024 election? I really love watching them struggle with the specter of a second Biden campaign or, worse, the problem of lining up candidates if they convince Jill…er, Joe not to run. A new piece of evidence about the dilemma facing the Democrats is the fact that Californians do not like Kamala Harris, the country’s most powerful Democrat “woman of color.” Heh.

Whether you like all the potential candidates or not, the Republican field is dynamic and offers lots of great choices along with some dispiriting and depressing ones: Trump (who has declared), DeSantis (who almost certainly will declare), Ramaswamy (declared), Haley (declared), Tim Scott (probably will declare), Mike Pence (probable declaration), Larry Hogan (probable declaration), Glenn Youngkin (possible declaration). Indeed, we have an embarrassment of riches that, as in 2016, requires an incredibly strong candidate to emerge victorious from the fray.

Meanwhile, the Democrats have Joe Biden. Admittedly, he is the most effective president America has ever seen. In only two years, he’s reversed everything Trump accomplished, and has driven America into the deepest ditch imaginable.

If you measure success by a broken economy, a nonexistent border, racial hatred, gender madness, a nearing nuclear conflict, and America’s full retreat from being the world’s superpower, Biden is your guy, no matter how old and senile he’ll be at the start of a second term. There are people out there celebrating Jill Biden’s promise that Joe will run again.

Image: Kamala Harris. YouTube screen grab.

However, Democrats are beginning to suspect that not everyone supports Joe’s “Destroy America” agenda. They’d love to see Joe announce a graceful retirement, which would leave the field open for…Kamala Harris.

Yup. Kamala. Given how important women, especially black women and self-loathing white women, are to the Democrat party, should Kamala choose to run, the Democrats cannot abandon her. After all, she is the Vice President of the United States and the first woman of cackle…sorry, I mean color to hold that office. She is pretty much untouchable for a party built around labels involving sex, race, and sexual identity.

The problem for the party is that, aside from the fanatic base, voters really don’t like Kamala Harris. You may recall that, in 2019, she had to drop out of the Democrat primary after it became apparent that she wouldn’t even carry her home state of California. Across America, voters disliked her politics and her persona.

It turns out that they still do. Writing at SFGATE, a left-leaning online newspaper out of San Francisco, Eric Ting, the publication’s political analyst, writes that Californians still dislike Kamala Harris:

The Berkeley Institute of Government Studies/Los Angeles Times poll, conducted between Feb. 14 and Feb. 20 among 7,512 registered voters, asked respondents the question, "If Joe Biden decides not to run for a second term for President in 2024, how would you feel about Vice President Kamala Harris running for President in 2024?"

Just 16% said they'd be "very enthusiastic," while 21% said they'd be "somewhat enthusiastic"; 18% answered "not too enthusiastic," and a clear plurality of 41% said "not enthusiastic at all." Four percent of survey respondents offered no opinion.

In sum, just 37% of voters say they have enthusiasm for a Harris presidential bid, compared with a whopping 59% who expressed hesitancy. When looking at the results among only Democratic voters, 56% say they'd be enthusiastic, while 41% said they would not be. The fact that 4 in 10 California Democrats don't want to see Harris run for president is extremely worrying news for her.

One should never discount Black Swans, of course, those completely unexpected events that shape the future. Trump was a Black Swan, and so was Biden. That he won the election revealed the depth of corruption infecting voting across America. While that was almost predictable, the Black Swan part was that Biden, a pretty generic Democrat throughout his career, turned into the destroyer. (I keep thinking how, in Ghostbusters, the “destructor” ended up being the smiling Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.)

So, something may happen in the next year that completely changes the Democrat race and raises to the forefront a powerful and beloved black woman who has a former president at her side for the pillow talk of governance. Let’s hope, though, that the Black Swan I’m thinking of does not want to run. Instead, let me enjoy, at least for the moment, the thought that Democrats are trapped between the Scylla and Charybdis of Biden and Harris for 2024.

Senate GOP Gives Victory to Kamala Harris, Her Big Tech Donors with Green Card Giveaway…. WITH KAMALA, JUST FOLLOW HER LONG HISTORY OF BRIBES SUCKING!


It begins: NYT and its Democrats launch bid to revamp Kamala Harris into presidential material

With the 2024 presidential campaign on and most Democrats convinced that Joe Biden is too old to be president, the race is on to find some kind of successor to the doddering old failure.

Enter Democrat operative Donna Brazile who's penned a public relations buildup of Kamala Harris's execrable vice presidential record as the new pitch to potential voters.


Obviously, they're not going to be subtle. Brazile, who represents the Democrat establishment that put  Biden and Harris into the top two executive slots, is laying it on thick. There's a halo around Harris's head in the Reuters photo accompanying the Brazile piece.

Brazile goes on to explain:


I have watched politicians up close for decades. And‌ I have known Vice President Harris for years and urged Joe Biden to make her his running mate in 2020. I ‌believe that the criticism of her is unrelated to her performance as vice president and fails to account for the role she plays in the White House.

As a consequential and successful vice president himself for eight years under Barack Obama, President Biden has a keen understanding of the job he once held and he has tasked Vice President Harris with major responsibilities. She has done an outstanding job and her record in two years stands up to that of her predecessors. Has she solved every problem? No, but name me one vice president who has.

Brazile goes on to argue that Harris has "traveled the country to meet with Americans," and met with "more than 100 world leaders to repair damage to our international relationships caused by Donald Trump" as her pitch about Harris's excellence.

Last the rest of us saw, there's a slow-moving world war on, in Eastern Europe and in the South China Sea, as well as over the American land mass. There's sabre-rattling about nuclear war coming from Moscow, along with scrapped treaties to prevent it. There's also an open border where five million unauthorized migrants have crossed into the country unvetted, and are still crossing. The aftereffect of this is that our bordering neighbor, Mexico, is in danger of falling to the newly empowered cartels.

That's some repair to our international relations. 

But Brazile doesn't want you to notice that. Then her piece gets worse:

At the Munich Security Conference in February she announced that the Biden administration has formally concluded that Russia is guilty of “crimes against humanity” in its war against Ukraine and warned China not to assist Russia in its invasion. Through public-private partnerships, she helped raise over $4.2 billion to address the root cause of migration from Central America.

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