Wednesday, September 27, 2023



What it tells us is that Comer is onto something dangerous for Biden and the Biden machine will stop at nothing to protect its kingpin and take down his rival. Call that corruption piled upon corruption. One can only hope that Comer will recognize that he's over the target and expose these thugs to the max, the getting to the bottom of the whole corrupt foundation of House Biden before they can do any more damage to the country.                                          MONICA SHOWALTER

As Breitbart News reported, Biden’s campaign is being backed by nearly “all the big banks” on Wall Street, according to CNN analysis, and Wall Street executives and employees have donated more than $74 million to elect the former vice president.

Despite his Wall Street, big business, Big Tech, and billionaire donations, Biden has attempted to portray himself as a small-town fighter from Scranton, Pennsylvania. JOHN BINDER

“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation  (TWO GAMER LAWYERS - OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS) (WHAT ABOUT THE CHINA BIDEN PENN CENTER?)  and the Obama (TWO GAMER LAWYERS - OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS) book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family (FOUR GAMER LAWYERS - JOE, HUNTER, JAMES, FRANK - OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS AND LARRY FINK OF BLACKROCK)  corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren (GAMER LAWYER) and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (ADD GAMER LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS (WANTS TO BE OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS) AND HER LAWYER HUSBAND AND THE BANKSTERS’ RENT BOY, LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER, OWNED BY LARRY FINK OF BLACKROCK WHO OWNS A BIG PIECES OF THE ‘BIG GUY’ JOE, AND GEORGE SOROS’ RENT BOY (GAMER LAWYER) TONY BLINKENAS WELL AS CON MAN (GAMER LAWYER) ADAM SHIFF) AND HIS CORRUPTNESS (GAMER LAWYER) BOB MENENDEZ STILL EVADING PRISON.


The Devolution of Zelensky

In April 2019, Ukraine was brimming with optimism as it elected Volodymyr Zelensky, a candidate who promised peace, an end to government corruption, and economic prosperity. Fast forward four years: a civil war within the Donbas region turned into a European war raging on Ukrainian territory, destroying the country’s infrastructure, killing hundreds of thousands of its citizens, and creating millions of refugees. Government corruption is an all-time high, and the country is in a state of material poverty.

When Ukraine gained independence in 1991, its national debt was $0.4 billion; in 2018, before Zelensky was inaugurated, it was $76 billion, and by 2023, it had reached $120 billion and kept growing. The country survives on international assistance, and people who four years ago promised “вільна та незалежна Україна” (free and independent Ukraine) proved to be liars and hypocrites.

So, what went wrong in Ukraine? To understand the present, we have to look at Ukraine’s past. Ukraine is a child of Bolsheviks’ geopolitical engineering. Created on the land of the former Russian Empire in 1919 and governed by Moscow until its independence in 1991, it found itself without adult supervision. Its leaders’ understanding of geopolitics, management of risk, and the ability to formulate short and long-term national interests and make meaningful economic and political choices proved beyond their experience and analytical skills.

Ukraine inherited one of the world's largest agricultural and industrial bases from the Soviet Union. Ukraine manufactured tractors, airplanes, ships, locomotives, turbines for hydropower plants, electrical motors and transformers, and a huge assortment of consumer goods. It also manufactured a variety of military hardware, including tanks, missiles, and jet fighters. Its steel mills produced millions of tons of steel, and its coal mines were a major supplier for the Soviet Union’s steel mills and power plants. Having a well-educated population, Ukraine could have become one of Europe's economic powers. Regrettably, inept Ukrainian leaders have plundered most of the Soviet inheritance into disrepair while the ravages of war further erode what remains of this once-thriving legacy.

Zelensky understood that corruption was the cancer eating at Ukraine's core, and after his inauguration, he moved swiftly to replace corrupt bureaucrats and enact anti-corruption legislation. The changes did not affect the business relations established over six previous administrations nor the culture enamored with corruption.

What he did not understand was that Ukrainian corruption is systemic: it is not people; it is a system. Moreover, this system was built into all aspects of society, including the judiciary, defense, law enforcement, banking, health care, and, of course, the economy, and perpetuates itself.  

Therefore, it doesn’t matter how many officials are replaced and how many new anticorruption agencies are created. New appointees immediately begin filling their pockets, and new agencies add more layers of corruption.

As Zelensky grappled with the formidable challenge of rooting out corruption, he realized that it requires more than election oratory but governance skills, subtly, and political ruthlessness. Hence, he did not just accept the system; he did the unthinkable. He ushered Ukraine into a new corruption era by replacing its raison d'état – calculable principles of national interests -- with calculable principles of personal interest. As they say in Ukraine, if you live with wolves, you should howl like a wolf.

Nowadays, every government decision, whether it is the economy, social programs, or foreign affairs (including the issues of war and peace), is guided by consideration of corruption.

Corruption played an important role in Ukraine’s ethnic conflicts in Eastern Ukraine. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Ukraine got its borders within which it achieved independence, and millions of Russians, Poles, Hungarians, and Romanians were trapped in a newly created country exposing ethnic incompatibilities.

So, it was easy for President Poroshenko, Zelensky’s predecessor, to provoke a conflict with the Eastern region by imposing the Ukrainian language on non-Ukrainian people.

Zelensky had the opportunity to pursue a conciliatory approach, offering limited autonomy for the belligerent East that it demanded from the outset, avoiding a bloody conflict altogether. Instead, he decided to continue the policy of his predecessor, resolving ethnic conflicts by force. The reason for the continuation of combat was primarily financial.

Depicting Ukraine as a victim of Russian aggression, Zelensky, just like his predecessor, claimed that Ukraine was about to be defeated by a superior force and traveled the world to raise military and economic aid. For Zelensky and his cronies, war and corruption are inseparable.

It was, therefore, inevitable that the quest for cash would drive Zelensky & Co. into war with Russia. Inevitably, before leading his country into a disastrous and ultimately self-destructive war, Zelensky must have known that his country was expendable in the geopolitical struggle between the US/ NATO and Russia. He could have avoided military conflict by forgoing NATO membership.

Instead, prior to the invasion, Zelensky worked hard to ensure that no third party would step in to prevent the impending calamity when he told reporters,

“There are signals even from respected leaders of states, they just say that tomorrow there will be war. This is panic - how much does it cost for our state?" he told a press conference in Kyiv. The "destabilization of the situation inside the country" was the biggest threat to Ukraine, he said.

The "destabilisation of the situation inside the country" was the biggest threat to Ukraine, he said.

For him the invasion was not a threat -- it was an opportunity.   

Afterward, Zelensky dragged Hitler's moldy corpse out, comparing Putin to Hitler to build international support for Ukraine. According to Zelensky’s logic, since Ukraine defends Europe from Putin’s imperialism, Europe has to pay for it. Never mind that, at the same time, he wants Ukraine to become a member of NATO so that NATO would protect Ukraine from Putin’s imperialism.

The virtuosity of his strategy is that while Ukraine burns in death and destruction, the conflict has led to an unlimited influx of funds that line the pockets of Zelensky and the political and military elites.

In the annals of history, it would be difficult to name another case when a nation's elected leader has frittered away so much political capital, betrayed the people's trust, and traded his dazzling ambition for personal enrichment.

Alexander G. Markovsky is a senior fellow at the London Center for Policy Research, a think tank that examines national security, energy, risk analysis, and other public policy issues. He is the author of Anatomy of a Bolshevik and Liberal Bolshevism: America Did Not Defeat Communism, She Adopted It. Mr. Markovsky is the owner and CEO of Litwin Management Services, LLC. He can be reached at

How Ukraine and America Evaporate

President Zelensky's recent visit to America suggests that Ukrainians do not appreciate conservatives in Congress.  The Ukrainians either do not know or intentionally ignore the right side of the aisle and enthusiastically work solely with left-wingers in Washington, D.C. and elsewhere.

However, the truth is that the United States federal government has no money.  American leftists devoted all the money to encouraging a multi-million invasion on our southern border; implementing unprofitable, wasteful "green" technologies; and nurturing woke, feminized, toothless military (and, in part, the general population).

The United States federal government has to borrow money from future generations of Americans to survive the present.  Allocating money to Ukraine automatically degrades young Americans' prospects for a good life.  Sad to say, American money is depleted; what the outside world sees is merely a shell of former American glory.

Besides, the exact expenditure of American taxpayers' money remains unknown to everyone (it applies not to just the Ukrainian case).  Yes, the White House directs a portion of American taxpayers' money toward various weapons systems observable in the combat zone.  However, the public is unaware of how significant that segment is.  What about the money we do not see on the battlefield?  Who controls the feedback loop from the American Treasury to Ukraine and back to the Democrat operatives, including the "big guy"?  What is the rate of return on the money funneled into the Ukraine-enabled left-wing patronage machine?

If Ukraine accepts American funds, it must accept traditional American accounting practices, with mandatory periodic financial audits.  Unfortunately, the Biden clique, along with the Democratic National Committee (DNC) plankton, does things to remind everybody of Biden's lucrative deals in China, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and here and there.  The Biden administration blocks all efforts to implement even rudimentary accountability.

That leads us toward the loudest issue, at least from the American perspective: the catapulting of Ukraine into the DNC client state.

History demonstrates that a political party could have a satellite military force that bypasses the official military chain of command.  These legions report exclusively to party bosses.  For example, the Nazis had their military branch, the SS, outside the Wehrmacht.  Putin's party army, Rosgvardia, is not answerable to the Russian Ministry of Defense, either.  While these examples are well known, history has never witnessed a political party forming not its military offshoot, but a client state.  It looks as though Ukraine constitutes itself as the first state on a short leash by a foreign political party: the Democrat party of America.

In the past, the Democrat Party successfully attempted to establish party-aligned military or quasi-military wings.  Recall the KKK, Antifa, numerous "Occupy" movements, and BLM thugs.  Now a supposed sovereign country, Ukraine, has willingly submitted itself to Democrat party serfdom, along with a carefully established and well oiled money-laundering conveyor.

The deliberate weakening of the United States and Russia by their respective presidents mandates prolonged, bloody trench warfare.  That is why neither the United States, NATO allies, nor Russia is rushing.  China's Politburo, directly or indirectly, demanded the piecemeal delivery of armaments to Ukraine.  Everyone on the left side of the political spectrum stays committed to the plan.

The world — not to mention Ukrainians — must understand that the de-Ukrainization of Ukraine at the hands of Russian revanchists is just a sideshow.  This bitter truth is hard to swallow, but the main event is the de-Americanization of America and the de-Russification of Russia by Chinese communists.  The end of bloodshed may reside well outside the kill zone that separates the defender and the aggressor.

Conservatives worldwide are traditionally against war (any war, by the way).  Biden's political opponents have an entirely distinct vision of the situation.  They prefer a one-time delivery of overwhelming military might to expel Russian invaders for good and generate revenue by rebuilding Ukraine after that.  For instance, the pre-woke military establishment, per General McMaster, considers 30 Abrams tanks for Ukraine laughable and advocates for 300 as a minimum.

However, Donald Trump, one of the conservative movement's leaders, is persona non grata in Ukraine.

Regrettably, the "Russia, Russia, Russia" hoax has warped minds on both sides of the Atlantic.  Ukrainian society continues to view Trump as a Kremlin agent.  Ukrainians contributed significantly to the deception.  Recall that the DNC's squadron to dig dirt on Trump during the 2016 election cycle headquarters was at the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, D.C.  Since then, Ukraine elected a new president, Zelensky, who refused to honor Trump's call to help root out Biden clan corruption.  That paved the way for Trump's first impeachment.

The irony is that Trump is the only politician who can realistically halt the largest shooting war in Europe since World War II.  Stop quickly — and, as such, ruin leftists' endgame.  Almost everyone wants more weapons for Ukraine, but Trump keeps his eyes on the strategic rather than tactical goal.  From his perspective, the objective is not to arm Ukraine, but to stop the bloodshed.  Trump has tools at his disposal that operatives in the bowels of the DNC (or Ukrainians, for that matter) cannot foresee.

To illustrate, Trump-47 could declare the removal of the American nuclear arsenal from Japan and its relocation to Taiwan — complemented with implicit permission for Japan to acquire its own nuclear weapons.

Such a move would shake the leftist endeavors for World Domination because China would suddenly have to deal with nuclear-armed Japan.  Japanese scientists will complete their Manhattan Project in less time than the American one.  In a few years, China will face the possibility of losing Taiwan — probably forever.  Also, China's world dominance fantasies will evaporate (also forever) because China understands that it can negotiate with nuclear America but not with nuclear Japan.

Basically, Trump would make China the offer it could not refuse: keep the status quo — on the condition of ordering its vassal state, Russia, to withdraw from Ukraine — or gravely jeopardize the whole Mao ideological experiment.

Americans, especially conservative Americans, respect Ukraine's national hero Stepan Bandera and his WWII-era Ukrainian nationalism while detesting his left-wing, proto-fascist ideology.  In return, Americans expect Ukrainians to respect American nationalism.  Ukrainians cannot count on sympathy from American conservatives for their cause to surpass American nationalism.  True nationalism does not come at the expense of somebody else's.

The Ukrainian government must not hire a disgraced (now suspended) American transgender as the Ukrainian army spokesman.  Ukrainians must not offer the ambassador position to a tasteless promoter of satanic rituals.  The president of Ukraine must not weaponize science by stating that "humanity is failing on its climate policy objectives" while begging for money at the United Nations.  Picking up an economic fight with Ukraine's most staunch supporter, conservative Poland, is ludicrous.

On the contrary, the young nation that fights for its existence must look beyond its nose and choose friends and enemies wisely.

Gary Gindler, Ph.D. is a conservative columnist at Gary Gindler Chronicles and a new science founder: Politiphysics.  Follow him on Twitter/X.

Image via Pxfuel.

Another Trump indictment and what a coincidence, just as some damning news about Joe Biden's corruption rolls out

Another judicial book thrown at President Trump, and sure enough, it coincided with some very bad news about Joe Biden's corruption.

Start with how news flashed about a New York judge throwing out this ruling to Get Trump at 4:43 p.m. Eastern yesterday:

NEW YORK (AP) — A judge ruled Tuesday that Donald Trump committed fraud for years while building the real estate empire that catapulted him to fame and the White House, and he ordered some of the former president’s companies removed from his control and dissolved.

Judge Arthur Engoron, ruling in a civil lawsuit brought by New York Attorney General Letitia James, found that Trump and his company deceived banks, insurers and others by massively overvaluing his assets and exaggerating his net worth on paperwork used in making deals and securing loans.

Engoron ordered that some of Trump’s business licenses be rescinded as punishment, making it difficult or impossible for them to do business in New York, and said he would continue to have an independent monitor oversee Trump Organization operations.

Now let's look at the kind of news that came just before it, at 2:08 p.m. Eastern:



Well, what a coincidence. The fact that the bad news for Trump tightly followed the bad news for Biden, and swamped the news cycle was so obvious, even the press noticed, or at least, those with brains and a keen sense of the political landscape:



Those without brains, the narrative-parroters, the lapdogs, the performing seals, presented this picture, which RealClearPolitics's Tom Bevan couldn't help noticing:



The Biden news is serious and bad, showing in concrete terms that a foreign bribe from America's top adversary was paid, it was a big bribe, and Joe Biden was directly involved as the recipient, the bribe itself going to Biden's own home. It also was recent, dating from 2019. And Hunter Biden was living in Malibu at the time the Chinese paid it, meaning, he was not the recipient, so there is no way to blame it on Biden's dissolute and drug-addicted son.

That's a major smoking gun in Biden's impeachment inquiry, and it will be all but impossible for Biden to gaslight his way out of it.

As for the charges against Trump, they were bee ess, generic charges that could be leveled at any real estate developer. Somehow only Trump got them and the timing was amazing.

They were also bee ess because valuing of properties is highly subjective. The judge valued Trump's Mar-a-Lago properties at $18 million, while the vacant lots in the area are going for $400 million. That sounds like corruption on her side of the bench, not Trump's.

As I wrote here, commenting on an attempted Washington Post hit job Trump's banker in San Diego, a good banker always checks out the collateral on a client's loan forms to make his own assessment before offering a loan. This banker profiled in the Washington Post, from Axos Bank, named Gregory Garrabrants, in fact, found the Trump empire to be reasonable and honest, giving the Post's reporter the fisheye by saying:

"It wouldn't matter if I was friends with someone, I'm not going to make a loan that's no good," he said. "I don't like anyone that much."

It's garbage charges, amplified by garbage reporting, and the main aim seems to be to cover up news about Joe Biden's increasingly obvious corruption.

That's despicable machine politics going on here which makes a mockery of justice and shows just how coordinated and sleazy the Biden political machine is. This isn't the first time they've done it -- hit Trump with charges in order to deflect attention from revelations about their own scandals.

What it tells us is that Comer is onto something dangerous for Biden and the Biden machine will stop at nothing to protect its kingpin and take down his rival. Call that corruption piled upon corruption. One can only hope that Comer will recognize that he's over the target and expose these thugs to the max, the getting to the bottom of the whole corrupt foundation of House Biden before they can do any more damage to the country.

Image: Twitter screen shot

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