Wednesday, September 27, 2023



“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation  (TWO GAMER LAWYERS - OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS) (WHAT ABOUT THE CHINA BIDEN PENN CENTER?)  and the Obama (TWO GAMER LAWYERS - OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS) book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family (FOUR GAMER LAWYERS - JOE, HUNTER, JAMES, FRANK - OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS AND LARRY FINK OF BLACKROCK)  corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren (GAMER LAWYER) and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (ADD GAMER LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS (WANTS TO BE OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS) AND HER LAWYER HUSBAND AND THE BANKSTERS’ RENT BOY, LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER, OWNED BY LARRY FINK OF BLACKROCK WHO OWNS A BIG PIECES OF THE ‘BIG GUY’ JOE, AND GEORGE SOROS’ RENT BOY (GAMER LAWYER) TONY BLINKENAS WELL AS CON MAN (GAMER LAWYER) ADAM SHIFF) AND HIS CORRUPTNESS (GAMER LAWYER) BOB MENENDEZ STILL EVADING PRISON.


NBC News 4 has reported “…criminal investigators are attempting to determine if Menendez or his wife had taken up to $400,000 worth of gold bars from Fred Daibes, a New Jersey developer and former bank chairman, or his associates in a swap for Menendez reaching out to the Justice Department to aid the ‘admitted felon’ accused of banking crimes.”

The Evidence Against Menendez

In 2017, Democratic New Jersey senator Bob Menendez endured a three-month trial for eighteen counts of alleged corruption. The procedure ended in a mistrial. Ten jurors found Menendez guilty with two dissenting. Prosecutors can retry defendants in trials that result in a hung jury. The Justice Department opted not to retry Menendez.

Does the prosecution have a sufficient case this time to avoid another mistrial, or is the evidence of corruption weak because this is just another presidential vendetta against Menendez for disagreeing with the Democratic policy agenda?

Per the Washington Post, in that trial prosecutors said Menendez took gifts from Doctor Salomon Melgen, including a luxury hotel stay, private jet flights, and campaign donations, in exchange for which he tried to help Melgen get U.S. visas for his girlfriends, intervened in the doctor’s $8.9 million billing dispute with Medicare (Melgen was subsequently found guilty), and assisted with a port security contract of the doctor’s in the Dominican Republic.  

Juror Ed Norris, a 49-year-old equipment operator from Morris County, said that the evidence was mostly emails and that he “didn’t see a smoking gun.’’  “I don’t think the government proved anything,’’ Norris said. “I didn’t see anything bad that he did.’’ 

Menendez and Melgen were longtime friends. Both defendants denied any wrongdoing, arguing the gifts were merely evidence of their close friendship.

What does a smoking gun in a case like this look like? Per WAPO, Barbara Van Gelder, a lawyer with Cozen O’Conner, “Once you blur business with friendship, it’s very hard to ask the jury to untangle that. . . The jury is looking for a concrete quid pro quo, not just a plausible quid pro quo.’’

Although the Senate Ethics Committee admonished Senator Menendez, he hung on to his seat as Chair of Foreign Relations Committee (FRC). In April 2018, the Committee stated  that Menendez “knowingly and repeatedly accepted gifts of significant value from Dr. Melgen without obtaining required Committee approval, and that you failed to publicly disclose certain gifts as required by Senate Rule and federal law. Additionally, while accepting these gifts, you used your position as a Member of the Senate to advance Dr. Melgen’s personal and business interests.”

This time, based on corruption allegations alone, Senator Menendez has stepped down from the FRC. He was found guilty of ethics violations and will be again, in all likelihood. Under the law Menendez merits a presumption of innocence until proven guilty of a felony in a court of law.

Are the current bribery charges just another vendetta like the corruption charges brought by the Obama Justice Department in 2017. At the time, Andrew McCarthy asserted that the original reason for the charges are that Menendez had angered President Obama, who as payback went after him through the Justice Department.  Menendez has also not backed Biden’s every policy.

As in the first case, there are rumblings that the Biden administration is pursuing corruption charges motivated by a vendetta against Menendez. Which makes some sense if you consider the Constitution does not prohibit felons from holding elected federal office. Such an action would serve to motivate compliance with the party line without losing a coveted Senate vote. The Democrats can't afford to lose his vote.

All the same, Menendez could face impeachment, which would remove him from office.

NBC News 4 has reported “…criminal investigators are attempting to determine if Menendez or his wife had taken up to $400,000 worth of gold bars from Fred Daibes, a New Jersey developer and former bank chairman, or his associates in a swap for Menendez reaching out to the Justice Department to aid the ‘admitted felon’ accused of banking crimes.”

The bribery charge against Menendez, his wife, and the three New Jersey businessmen alleges that the group schemed to pay Menendez in exchange for political favors. 

The Hill is reporting that he and his wife allegedly accepted bribes from a group of New Jersey businessmen on behalf of interests in Egypt, totaling over $600,000. Prosecutors allege that the senator and his wife accepted cash, gold bars and a luxury car in return for assisting the businessmen. Nearly $500,000 in cash and more than $100,000 in gold were found at Menendez’s home in a raid last year, allegedly payment for the bribes.

Additionally, Menendez “allegedly took bribes from interests in Egypt, and in exchange advocated for issues important to Egypt in Congress. That includes pressuring the State Department to encourage the construction of a dam considered important to Egyptian interests and advocating on behalf of the Egyptian military in encouraging U.S. arms deals.”

Menendez also “set up a fraudulent business -- Strategic International Business Consultants, LLC -- to facilitate the bribes, prosecutors allege, as well as used his influence to protect a business monopoly of a second business related to Egyptian interests and the businessmen.”

The Hill further reports that “according to prosecutors, Menendez ‘directly and indirectly, would and did corruptly demand, seek, receive, accept, and agree to receive and accept something of value personally and for another person and entity, in return for being influenced in the performance of an official act and for being induced to do an act and omit to do an act in violation of his official duty.’”

Furthermore, prosecutors allege that Menendez, et al “met multiple times, and communicated via text through his wife. Menendez also pressured New Jersey prosecutors to interrupt the prosecutions of multiple federal and state criminal cases.”

These are serious allegations that could have negative consequences for Democrat political aspirations in 2024. More importantly, if the allegations are determined to be true by a criminal court of law, then justice needs to be served.

Ed Norris wanted to see a smoking gun in the first trial. If jurors need a smoking gun to convict now, then it is hoped that the prosecution can present themw ith one.

Image: Defense Visual Information Distribution Service



how many of these clowns are  gamer lawyers?

Burning Man Roast


Peter Schweizer, author of “Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends,”

For George Soros it was about control to gain influence, access, and special treatment.  After the election Biden formed a transition team that staffed itself with people connected to Soros.

But his money also played a part.  Soros spent over $70 million on activities that backed Biden's candidacy.  Soros bought frequent access to Obama.  That access returned under Biden.  Biden's Kampf


Records: Son of Billionaire Democrat Donor George

Soros Has Visited the White House 14 Times

Since Biden’s inauguration, the University of Pennsylvania has disclosed at least $14 million in donations from China or Hong Kong, the Free Beacon reported last week. The names of these donors have yet to be disclosed by the Department of Education, breaking the precedent of prior administrations which published foreign donor names in a public database.


One topic that Hillary is quick to criticize President Trump on is his relationship with Saudia Arabia. It’s ironic given the Clinton Foundation’s refusal to state that they will no longer accept financial donations from The Kingdom as others have.


For one thing, there’s a very sordid background to the story. The family  has a long history of corruption and drug use unhampered by legal prosecution.

Michelle Obama got $750,000 for a single speech in Munich

Debate is raging about whether Michelle Obama will step in to save the day for Democrats if both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are yanked from the top of the ticket. Meanwhile, though, Michelle isn’t letting any grass grow under her feet. Instead, she jetted off to Munich to give a single speech, in exchange for which she collected 700,000 euros, which is equivalent to over $740,000. Given how rich the Obamas are, one has to wonder about her price tag…although I have some guesses.

I’m not a Michelle Obama fan. She came from an affluent black Chicago family; got into the Ivy Leagues (probably through affirmative action, given the childishly poor quality of her bachelor’s thesis); obtained jobs for which she was not qualified and that required no work but nevertheless paid her very, very well; and ended up as America’s First Lady for eight years. Along the way, she and her husband amassed at least $70 million, a wealth package that includes three mansions, one in D.C., one in Martha’s Vineyard, and one in Hawaii.

Image: Michelle Obama. YouTube screen grab.

That level of wealth is impressive when you consider Barack Obama’s considered opinion that “I mean, I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money.” But of course, for leftists, enough is never really enough. The richest people in the world are leftists who squirreled away a bit of money for themselves—e.g., Hugo Chavez, Yasir Arafat, every Soviet dictator, Fidel Castro, and, now, the Obamas. Oh, and let’s not forget Bernie Sanders, who used to inveigh against millionaires and billionaires until he became a millionaire. Then, he only had a problem with billionaires.

But back to Michelle. Here’s the reason I don’t like her: Despite her wealth and prestige, Michelle Obama is a woman who feels that life has done her wrong. She’s a race hustler who waves her skin color around like an angry flag. If you don’t worship at her feet, it’s not because you dislike her values or her personality. It’s because you’re part of a systemically racist, capitalist, American system that offends her to the core, despite her having benefitted from that same capitalist, American system in a way few people ever have or will.

That anger and greed may explain why Michelle happily accepted over $740,000 for a one-hour “diversity and inclusion” speech to a group of entrepreneurs in Munich:

Michelle Obama raked in nearly $750,000 for a one-hour speech at a tech fair in the southern German city of Munich on Monday, has learned.

The 59-year-old picked up the eye-watering check for speaking to a start-up event held on the sidelines of the annual Oktoberfest beer festival, two sources close to the conference organizers said.

According to the event’s webpage, the ex-attorney was set to speak to some 5,000 attendees on how to ‘push past self-doubt while discussing the importance of inclusivity and diversity.’

The Harvard graduate will be paid 700,000 euros for her appearance at the three-day love-in for European entrepreneurs, which is roughly the equivalent of $741,000.

There’s no mention in the article that Michelle intends to give any of that money to charity. Indeed, leftists are remarkably stingy when it comes to charity. They think charity is the taxpayers’ responsibility, not their own.

But there’s more going on here. I’ve long believed that Michelle Obama will end up being the Democrat party candidate for president. Ted Cruz believes that, too. That would be a real threat. Despite her lack of any accomplishments whatsoever and her sulky persona, Michelle Obama is enormously popular on the left. She’s especially popular with the left’s two most fanatic demographics: neurotic white and black women.

If she really is running, then $740,000 in her pocket now is a small price to pay for influence in the White House. As with those huge book deals Democrats always get, these are not market-based price tags for valuable products. They are, instead, legal bribes. And Michelle Obama, despite her $70 million bank account, may be getting ready to run.

The Democratic Party is a reactionary party of Wall Street and the military-intelligence apparatus, and Menendez is one of its more repellent representatives. 

As Breitbart News reported, Biden’s campaign is being backed by nearly “all the big banks” on Wall Street, according to CNN analysis, and Wall Street executives and employees have donated more than $74 million to elect the former vice president.

Despite his Wall Street, big business, Big Tech, and billionaire donations, Biden has attempted to portray himself as a small-town fighter from Scranton, Pennsylvania. JOHN BINDER

The bribery charges against Senator Menendez and the corruption of the Democratic Party

The indictment of Senator Bob Menendez supplies another yardstick with which to measure the corrupt and reactionary character of the Democratic Party. The New Jersey Democrat long held one of the most powerful positions in the US Senate, as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He used it to both promote the interests of American imperialism, particularly in Latin America and the Middle East, and to amass a fortune for himself, signaled by the wads of cash, totaling $480,000, and kilos of gold found in his house by federal agents.

At a press briefing Monday morning, Menendez declared that he would not resign from the Senate and suggested that the indictment was in retaliation for his long record fighting for the interests of New Jersey citizens and as a supporter of Democratic Party policies on the expansion of social programs and democratic rights. Why this would lead the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York, appointed by Democratic President Joe Biden, to bring a false indictment the senator did not bother to explain.

Gold bars seized in a search of the Menendez residence last year. [Photo: US Department of Justice]

His remarks were curiously limp, suggesting an official who is aware that he has been caught redhanded and has little likelihood of escaping from this indictment, as he did a previous corruption charge brought in 2015. That case ended in a hung jury and a decision by the prosecution not to proceed any further.

There is no innocent explanation for the stash of money, stuffed into jacket pockets and other locations throughout his home, or the gold bars, with the photographs spread widely by the media. The senator did not make reference to the gold bars—worth at least $50,000 apiece—and his claim that he had accumulated nearly half a million dollars in cash through withdrawals from his savings account over the past 30 years is preposterous.

His statement that he kept the cash “for emergencies and because of the history of my family facing confiscation in Cuba” is a deliberate appeal to anticommunism, based on a flat-out lie. His family actually emigrated from Cuba in 1953, and Menendez himself was born in New York City on January 1, 1954, exactly five years before Fidel Castro and his guerrilla fighters marched into Havana. The senator wishes to justify his conduct by painting his family as a victim of Castroism and relying on widespread historical ignorance and a compliant media to get away with it.

Whatever the fate of Menendez in the present case, the exposure of his gross corruption shows the seamy side of a political gangster who is implicated in far greater crimes than those he was charged with last Friday. In his 30 years in the US Congress, Menendez has been a ferocious right-wing advocate for American imperialism, supporting US military interventions in Iraq, Libya, Syria and now Ukraine, as well as economic sanctions against Cuba, Venezuela, Iran and Iraq, which have cut off vitally needed medicines and other goods, contributing to hundreds of thousands of premature deaths.

He has stood on the right wing of the Democratic Party on many issues. During the Obama administration, he opposed the limited opening to Cuba which led to Obama’s visit to Havana, and he vociferously condemned the nuclear agreement with Iran. He was one of 10 signatories of a Senate letter urging the Trump administration to pressure Ecuador to renege on the sanctuary it had offered to Julian Assange at its embassy in London, an action later undertaken by the right-wing government of Lenin Moreno.

His relationship with Egypt is particularly revealing. Publicly, Menendez was a strident critic of the blood-soaked military dictatorship of Abdel Fatah el-Sisi, denouncing its brutal repression in the 10 years since el-Sisi led a coup that overthrew the country’s first elected president, Mohamed Morsi. Privately, he was on the payroll of the Egyptian dictatorship, through the three New Jersey businessmen named in the indictment.

President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi (left) with US President Joe Biden at the GCC+3 summit in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, July 16 2022 [Photo: The White House]

Menendez was not just one of a hundred senators. As the senior Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, he had considerable power to direct or withhold military aid to Cairo. As the New York Times explained it:

Before approving arms sales to most countries, the State Department’s longstanding practice is to first informally notify the chairs and ranking members of the House and Senate panels that oversee foreign affairs. If those lawmakers do not sign off on the proposed transfers, the process is paused until the administration addresses their concerns.

Mr. Menendez has used this authority in recent years to block shipments of matériel to countries like Saudi Arabia and Turkey over human rights concerns. But the indictment indicates that Mr. Menendez, despite making repeated statements and even introducing legislative proposals denouncing Egypt over its rights record, was not using his power to force a reckoning over Egypt’s military aid.

Egypt is the second-largest recipient (after Israel) of US military aid, at $1.3 billion annually. This largesse, doled out for more than 40 years, since the infamous surrender to Israel by then-President Anwar Sadat, has helped build up the Egyptian military into the most powerful political and financial entity in the country. The main purpose of this vast build-up is to suppress the Egyptian working class, by far the largest in the Middle East, which rose up in a powerful revolutionary explosion in 2011, only to be betrayed by the unions, the social democrats, the Islamists and pseudo-left groups like the misnamed Revolutionary Socialists.

Menendez has also played an important role in the US proxy war against Russia in Ukraine. He has been chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee throughout the war, approving the operations and budget of the State Department, which included substantial financial subsidies to the corrupt regime in Kyiv.

In October 2022, he called for stepped-up US military and financial support for Ukraine and intensified sanctions against Russia, declaring, “I pledge to use all means at my disposal to accelerate support for the people of Ukraine and to starve Russia’s war machine.”

Menendez has also pushed for a more radical break with the One China policy, which could rapidly lead to war in the Far East. He co-sponsored with Republican Senator Lindsey Graham the Taiwan Policy Act of 2022, which would designate Taiwan a “major non-NATO ally,” a status similar to that of Japan, effectively giving it diplomatic recognition.

None of these positions are aberrations within the framework of the Democratic Party, and they largely correspond to the policies being carried out by the Biden administration as it seeks to maintain the dominant world position of American imperialism against potential rivals like China and Russia.

Nonetheless, pseudo-left groups like the Democratic Socialists of America and Socialist Alternative claim that it is possible to push the Democratic Party to the left by supporting politicians like Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. In response to the latest revelations, Ocasio-Cortez called on Menendez to resign. Sanders, observing the “courtesy” of relations within the Senate, has not yet done so.

The Democratic Party is a reactionary party of Wall Street and the military-intelligence apparatus, and Menendez is one of its more repellent representatives. His likely political demise will only open the Senate doors to one or another ambitious lower-ranking New Jersey Democrat, including two who came to the House of Representatives directly from the national security apparatus: Andy Kim, former Iraq director for the National Security Council, and Mikie Sherrill, a former Navy helicopter pilot.

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