Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Only One Person Has Came Out Against Illegal Aliens...... (Clark County)

Date: 2009-12-24, 4:46AM PST
Reply to: see below


To date everyone is tapping dancing around the illegal alien issue.

However, only one person! One candidate has came out in direct opposition to the illegal problem and will tackle it if elected to the Clark County Commission as the Commissioner for District F.

The Independent American Party of Nevada candidate has on his website this exact fact that he will not tolerate the illegals here in Clark County.

IAW a question I submitted to him was how was he going to stop it. He replied back to me, that he was not going to give one single, repeat, one single builder a permit to build in Clark County if they do not provide to him the names of every employee that is hired and the E-verify federal program results of this to determine if they are legal!!

In addition, as a ex-Federal Contracting Officer and an ex-Immigration Official, he will do what he did for the federal government and impose the requirement of E-verify in every contract that is to be let by the Clark County government as part of the contract itself. This will also include the requirement to the person who got the contract to require that all sub-contractors also comply with the E-verify federal required program!

Now if you don't remember, when the 9/11 Commission wrote this E-verify requirement, Dirty Harry was full of praise for it. Remember George Mitchell and other previous high ranking federal personnel did this in an impartial and non partisan venue and old Dirty Harry was singing its praises!

However, he failed to ensure that the E-verify is being done properly and he is so damn stupid he doesn't realize it is part of evey government contract that is prepared. He is so damn dense he doesn't know this because it is so beneath him to even know how a contract is made!

But the Independent American Party of Nevada candidate is aware of the process and will, not approve any bids for any contracts paid for with taxpayer dollars unless this E-verify federal process is done!!!

He will not vote for any permits for any builder that does not require E-verify for theirselves and their companies. By his refusing to vote for any builder that hires day workers, he will ensure that the Union tradesmen and others in our community get the work first and foremost!

His being a prior Union Shop Steward gives him a degree of respect for the tradesmen in our community and does not agree with giving jobs to illegals at all!!

Additionally this Independent American Party of Nevada candidate for the position of the Clark County Commission for District F, will work with ICE to clean up the Home Depots, Lowe's and the many garden suppliers where the illegals swarm everyday to! As an ex-Immigration official, he knows the laws as they pertain to the Department of Homeland Security and he will demand, repeat demand, that the local ICE people do their jobs and pick these people up regardless of how the ACLU will react, because the ACLU does not run this country and we have LAWS!

So whom am I voting for? After e-mailing this person, it is obvious to me, that because he is an American, a veteran, an ex-Union steward, ex-federal contracting officer and Immigration official, I know it is he, who is the best choice every in this community in more than 50 years since I moved here and began voting!!!

Screw the democrats who suck up to the unions and promise them every thing but deliver squat! You would think the unions would realize this by now, just look at how many union employees in Clark County are being fired at Christmas and later next month!! All union employees and the SEIU has said SHIT!!

I want someone who is a real American and who will stand up for the people via jobs and stop the illegal aliens from infesting our city more!!

We have too many Americans out of work and these illegals are being hired by the builders and being paid cash, depriving our communities of tax revenue and paying into the various other programs, i.e, FITW and FICA, etc.

Next year, there won't be a single one standing that is up for re-election or even attempting to run!!

Make my day, give me democrats to fire on the ballot, as I have a group listing being compiled right now, and it has Dirty Harry, Titus, Berkely, Rory Reid, and Rory Reid's appointed commissioner, Susan Brager and I am not being biased, I have also include Dennis Nolan (R) for voting against the governor last year and fuking up our budget for this year in Nevada and leaving the Governor to take the heat for it!

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