Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Ilhan Omar Advises Christians to “Turn the Other Cheek" RAYMOND IBRAHIM

Video: Church Militant’s Exclusive Interview with Raymond Ibrahim on Islam and the West


 Ilhan Omar Advises Christians to “Turn the Other Cheek"

When Muslims pretend to be Christian theologians.


Raymond Ibrahim is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

Past and present, one of the least known—and, until the modern era, largely futile—tactics used by Muslims to disarm Christians has been to insist that Christianity is against warfare, violence in general.

In this regard, the most recent Muslim to take on the mantle of Christian theologian is none other than Somalia-born Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn.  Around November 18, after Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla criticized Georgia Senate candidate Raphael Warnock for claiming that Christians could not serve both God and the military, Omar, the Muslim, turned to quoting—that is, misquoting—the Bible.  In a tweet with an embarrassed face emoji, as if to suggest what Rubio was saying was so embarrassing—in fact, the emoji was appropriate, but more because of her spelling errors—she posted:

Mathews [sic] 6:24

No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and dmoney.’ [sic] The lies and smears of the GOP have no boundaries, but this is a disgrace and shameful.

Omar is hardly the first Muslim to try to manipulate Christian theology to Christians’ own detriment and disadvantage.  Nearly a millennium ago, prior to the Crusader siege of Antioch in 1098, Muslim emissaries were sent to parley.  They told the Europeans how their masters were “amazed that you should seek the Sepulchre of your lord as armed men, exterminating their people [Muslims] from long-held lands—indeed, butchering them at sword point, something pilgrims should not do.”

Of course, these diplomats said nothing about what “their people” had been doing to Christian subjects and pilgrims—that is, extorting, torturing, raping, and killing them—which is what occasioned the Crusades in the first place.

Similarly, Omar, who hails from a radically Islamic nation, Somalia— deemed the third worst persecutor of Christians in the world—would much rather “shame” Christians into disarming than have them resist violence, especially at the hands of Muslims.

In other words, she, like so many others, is an advocate of Doormat Christianity—a passive, nonjudgmental form of Christianity that deems lying down before an enemy virtuous.  Muslims and other elements are persecuting innocents around the world? Show love and tolerance, turn the other cheek, say a prayer, and feel guilty for your own crimes—or even your ancestors’ crimes—is one of the dominant strains of this brand.

Doormat Christianity was regularly on display during Barack Hussein Obama’s presidency: “On Easter, I do reflect on the fact that as a Christian, I am supposed to love,” he said in 2015 — three days after an Islamic terror attack targeting Christians killed 147 people in Kenya, provoking a few American Christian groups to express anger. “And I have to say that sometimes when I listen to less than loving expressions by Christians, I get concerned.”

Similarly, during the National Prayer Breakfast on February 5, 2015, Obama directly invoked Doormat Christian tenets to shame Christians from being too critical of Islamic State atrocities: “Lest we get on our high horse and think this [Islamic beheadings, sex-slavery, crucifixion, roasting and burying humans alive] is unique to some other place,” the American president admonished, “remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ.”

Speaking of the Crusaders, how did they respond when Muslim diplomats expressed shock that they, Christian pilgrims, had come with the sword?  With more knowledge of Christian Just War theory than Omar, Obama, and their ilk would have us accept.  According to the account of Robert the Monk, the Crusaders, with “one accord,” replied:

No one with any sense should be surprised at us coming to the Sepulchre of Our Lord as armed men and removing your people from these territories.  Any of our people who came here with staff and scrip [i.e., as unarmed pilgrims] were insulted with abominable behavior, suffered the ignominy of poor treatment and in extreme cases were killed.

This was an understatement.  As just one of countless examples, a pilgrim wrote of what Muslims did to a “noble abbess of graceful body and of a religious outlook” who had joined a German pilgrimage to Jerusalem thirty years earlier: “The pagans captured her, and in the sight of all, these shameless men raped her until she breathed her last, to the dishonor of all Christians. Christ’s enemies performed such abuses and others like them on the Christians.”

Before the walls of Antioch, where the word “Christian” was first coined, the Crusaders continued their response by noting that the land “belonged to our people [Christians] originally and your people [Muslims] attacked and maliciously took it away from them, which means it cannot be yours no matter how long you have had it.”  Accordingly, “payback will be exercised by Frankish swords on your necks!”

The modern reader may find such an approach extreme, certainly “medieval.”  But for the proponents of Doormat Christianity, nothing less than total capitulation will ever do. Thus, former nun turned advocate for Islam, Karen Armstrong, chides: “During the 12th Century, Christians were fighting brutal holy wars against Muslims, even though Jesus had told his followers to love their enemies, not to exterminate them.”  No word that it was Muslims who had initiated these “brutal holy wars” and who first began to “exterminate” Christians.

In short, Christianity makes ample room for Just War—even as those who seek to subvert justice argue otherwise.

AOC, Omar, and Squad Want to Free 500,000 Fat Criminals

Socialists propose a bill to free fat criminals to save them from the virus.



Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

Obese rapists, insane serial killers, and child molesters over 55 years old could be on the loose in your neighbrohood if the Squad’s latest social justice bill becomes law.

The bill to free all the fat criminals, sponsored by Rep. Tlaib, Rep. Lee, and Rep. Pressley, and co-sponsored by Rep. Ocasio-Cortez, Rep. Omar, and eight other Democrats, and endorsed by Black Lives Matter, calls for a mass jailbreak to protect criminals from the coronavirus.

The existing wave of coronavirus criminal releases already helped boost crime rates in major cities with double digit increases in homicides. Robberies have shot up like a rocket with criminals stealing cars and looting businesses while knowing they won’t be jailed.

But that’s not enough for the Squad. They want to free all the criminals. Especially the fat ones.

The Dismantle Mass Incarceration for Public Health Act, introduced by Rep Tlaib, would “require States and units of local government to certify a commitment to release certain individuals from jails and prisons” and their list includes anyone who’s over 55 years old, unhealthy, or obese.

Or as the bill puts it, has been “diagnosed with obesity”.

According to the Department of Health and Human Services, anyone with a body mass index (BMI) of 30.0 qualifies as obese. That means a 5'6 rapist who weighs 187 pounds, a 5'8  mugger who clocks in at 200 pounds, or one of those fabled 6'0 and 225 pound gentle giants specializing in home invasions would all be considered obese and in need of immediate release.

The official obese ranking doesn’t actually mean fat. The criminals that Tlaib, AOC, Omar, Lee, and Pressley want to unleash on communities already swimming in a wave of horrifying crimes are above a recommended healthy height to weight ratio. But maybe a good exercise regimen of muggings, carjackings, and sexual assaults will get them back to their fighting weight.

How many criminals would this actually set loose?

DOJ statistics show that about half of federal and state inmates have some sort of chronic condition: 15% have asthma, 10% have heart problems, and 9% have diabetes. All of these conditions are on the Squad’s jailbreak bill’s release list. With over 2 million prison inmates, if these statistics hold up, between 200,000 to 680,000 criminals could be set loose.

But wait.

The majority of prisoners, 74%, were overweight, obese, or morbidly obese. Over a quarter hit the obese BMI numbers. That would mean freeing at least half a million fat criminals.

In addition to freeing fat criminals, Squad members also want to free “seniors”. And by “seniors” they mean any criminal who has at least reached the tender age of 55 years old.

The unabomber, the BTK killer, and the Son of Sam, all of whom are still in prison today, and over the age of 55, would qualify. Sadly Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, and Jeffrey Dahmer are no longer alive to take advantage of Tlaib, AOC, and Pressley’s generous offer to free them all.

Even those serial killers who aren’t over 55 could take advantage of the mentally ill clause.

Fat rapists and pedophiles in their fifties are supposedly more at risk from the virus, but why are depressed muggers, anxious con artists, and schizophrenic serial killers more at risk?

This isn’t about saving criminals from an imaginary threat. Socialists like freeing criminals. Stealing private property and terrorizing the public is just socialism by another name.

In addition to freeing all fat criminals, any criminal over the age of 55, and crazy criminals, the Tlaib, Pressley, and Lee bill would also free any criminals who have moderate asthma or diabetes, or can be considered diabled. Since the disabled category covers everything from back injuries to depression to irritable bowel syndrome to dermatitis, that’s a free pass.

Some 30% of criminals in federal and state prisons reported hypertension. That alone would release 600,000 criminals from prison. At this rate a criminal would have to work not to be freed.

The Squad bill also provides for freeing any criminal whom a review board determines is "unlikely to pose a substantial risk of causing bodily injury or using violent force against another individual". That would cover any inmates who weren’t convicted of physical assault.

And that would free all the thieves, robbers, drug dealers, and looters.

Countless criminals have already been freed under this category to protect them from the virus leading to plenty of violent assaults even though the criminals were said to be low risk. Not to mention massive amounts of robberies, car thefts, and the wave of Black Lives Matter looting.

Even the most modest estimates of the criminal population released would be a million.

The Dismantle Mass Incarceration for Public Health Act would also free all illegal aliens being held on an ICE detainer because not all criminals can be considered free until the violent illegal aliens being held for deportation are also released to rob, beat, and kill Americans.

How long would AOC, Omar, and Tlaib like the country's criminals to be roaming the street? The bill would apply until the President declares the "end of the COVID-19 national emergency".

Americans get two national emergencies for the price of one. If the coronavirus doesn’t get you, the criminals freed by AOC, Omar, Tlaib, Lee, Pressley, and other House Democrats will.

Democrats and their media have spent the duration of the pandemic shouting that prison inmates were most at risk of catching the virus and had to be freed immediately. If they had dedicated a fraction of the same effort to protecting another vulnerable institutionalized population, nursing home residents, the pandemic death toll would be a fraction of what it is.

Instead, New York, California, and other states freed massive numbers of criminals to protect them from the virus, while forcing nursing homes to take in infected patients resulting in the deaths of tens of thousands of nursing home residents. The Democrats who claimed that keeping inmates locked up would be a death sentence, delivered an actual death sentence.

And the Democrats are still shouting we have to save the criminals before they all die.

“This pandemic should not be a death sentence for anyone,” Rep. Tlaib clamored.

"This virus should not be, and doesn’t have to be, a death sentence for incarcerated individuals," Rep. Lee whined.

So far 149 federal inmates, out of 124,538 total, have died from the virus.

Or as CBS News called the 100th federal prison death back in July, a "grim milestone".

The Los Angeles Times breathlessly reported last month that the 79th prison inmate had died of the virus in California. As of now, the number appears to be up to 88. Another “grim milestone”.

The Chicago Sun Times agonized last month that an 8th inmate had died in the Cook County jail from the virus. That’s a weekend’s worth of shootings in Chiraq by the same cast of criminals that Illinois and Cook County had dumped back on the streets to rob, rape, and kill.

More people get shot in Chicago by criminals in one weekend than the total number of criminals who have died of the virus in custody. Since many of the victims are also criminals, if the Democrats were really concerned about keeping them safe, they would keep them locked up.

Criminals are much less likely to die of coronavirus than of a bullet. Keep them safe behind bars.

The entire prison coronavirus hoax has led to countless people being killed, raped, and robbed by a rampaging population of criminals who were set loose to keep them safe from the virus.

AOC, Tlaib, Omar, and the rest of the gang want to multiply that by ten thousand times.

Murder rates are already doubling in some places. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Rep. Omar, Rep. Tlaib, and other Democrats want to see them increase a thousandfold. Even as some Democrats claim that they want to back away from pro-crime policies like police defunding, plenty of Democrats, not just the Squad, are happy to propose freeing a million criminals.

And that’s not going to change until Republicans actually tell the public what’s at stake.

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden promised on Wednesday that Muslim Americans would serve at “every level” of his administration.  In a video message to civil rights organization Muslim Advocates, Biden repeated his pledge to repeal the Trump administration's travel ban on his first day in office.  The former vice president added that he would push for legislation to fight a rise in hate crimes in the United States, according to media reports.  “As president, I'll work with you to rip the poison of hate from our society, honor your contributions and seek your ideas,” Biden said in the video address.  “My administration will look like America, Muslim Americans serving at every level,” he added. 

                                                   RAYMOND IBRAHIM



Under Obama, Alejandro Mayorkas ran the citizenship agency and was promoted to the deputy DHS job as officials gradually dismantled border protections and triggered a wage-cutting mass migration from Central American. NEIL MUNRO





Biden's Illegal Immigrant Gravy Train

In the face of congressional fiscal and logistical roadblocks, President Trump has been undaunted in his efforts to control illegal immigration through the use of emergency powers, executive fiats, and discretionary financing to build an $11 billion wall on the southwest border.  Biden proclaims that he will not spend a dime on another foot of construction.  Instead, he will sprinkle fairy dust over the heads of everyone who’s already breached it and turn a blind’s eye to those in passage.  The new price of admission: lifelong fealty and a vote or two.  Election fraud will be old hat, as counting ballots would become the constitutionally-protected, token expression for biennial Democrat landslides.

Customs and the Border Patrol, to the extent that they will survive the hissy fits of the Squad, will be made to sit on their hands in the role of babysitters and midwives.  Coming late to the party, Sandy Cortez and her comrades did not bear witness to the crowded cages packed with Obama-era immigrants, a nasty practice that has made a non sequitur of her rants about CBP mistreatment under Trump and put a fluff in her political sails.

To the delight of American corporatists and the Bishop of Rome, safely tucked away in a gated city-state, no one at the borders or airport entries will sort the wheat from the chaff.  Embargos on immigration from countries that put America in its crosshairs will be set aside, affording former adversaries an express lane to the shining city on a hill.  America’s goodwill will be expended on all but her citizens, whose working-class communities will play host to a mixed bag of émigrés from third-world neighbors and war-torn Mideast outposts.  The familiar black bloc regalia of Antifa seems a fashionable fit for a relocated American Daesh.

In 2015, the European community opened its borders to the huddled masses.  Hordes from the war-torn Middle East and Africa, in numbers of two million or more, swept across the Mediterranean and Aegean, overrunning the Canary Islands and washing onto the shores of Spain, Greece, and Italy.  As quickly as they could be put on trains and planes, they fanned out into Hungary, Germany, and Scandinavia.

Immigrants taken in by the globalist delusions of the European Union swelled by the tens of thousands, taxing government ministries with their welfare and forcing second-class citizenship on the native population.  Attempts at assimilation went limp as divisive cultural, religious, and language differences pushed aliens into urban enclaves and no-go zones featuring all the semblances of their past lives, particularly violence, misogyny, unemployment, and poverty.


Today, Sweden is literally a hand grenade with the pin pulled out.  In 2019, Swedish police responded to 257 bombing and grenade attacks nationwide, up from 162 the previous year.  A 2016 investigation by Dagens Nyheter, Sweden’s most read newspaper, found that ninety percent of shootings in the country were committed by migrants.  Using hand-me-down weapons and explosives from the Balkan Wars and trafficked from southeast Europe, gang warfare has spread from the southernmost cities of Malmö, Gothenburg, and Stockholm, across the Öresund Bridge into Denmark.

Sweden authorities have gone to great lengths to put the kibosh on inconvenient truths of immigrant gun and bomb violence and rapes, going so far as to divert blame for the 2016 murder of a Stockholm social worker by sympathizing with the plight of the Somali teenager who stabbed her.  Some police commanders have broken ranks with this wokeness, acknowledging the presence of more than forty immigrant-based crime networks across the country whose activities have increased even in the face of a pandemic.  Swedish gangs with Western-style noms de guerre like Brothas and Loyal to Familia feature members with Muslim surnames.  Gun buybacks, grenade surrender amnesties, truces, sit-downs, pizza parties, and even the coronavirus, have failed to reduce the violence.

At the height of the migrant crisis in Germany in 2015 and 2016, violent crime spiked more than ten percent.  Ninety percent of that increase was attributed directly to the influx of more than a million mostly male, majority-Muslim asylum seekers and war refugees from north Africa, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria.  Like Sweden, the German government has taken pains to downplay stories of immigrant crimes, especially rape attacks on non-Muslim women, out of fear of inciting animus from the populace. 

The rest of Europe has fared no better.  Rising crime and incidents of terrorism across the continent and the British Isles have put citizens and their political leadership at odds.  Compassion fatigue in some countries has given way to the emergence of vigilantism and political parties with platforms and anti-immigrant rhetoric.                                        

Europe’s migrant crisis and aftershocks should raise the alarm for Democrats who would make vindictive changes to American immigration policy.  If allowed to seize the reins of the presidency, they will seek absolute power in those decisions, with little interest in heartwarming tales of long walks to freedom or the calamitous impact to local economies and constituents.

The first 100 days of a Biden presidency would reinstate deportation protections for 650,000 so-called Dreamers, along with 400,000 in temporary protected status, and look favorably upon putting the country’s more than eleven million undocumented immigrants on a greased downslope to citizenship and full voting privileges.  He may seek the release of more than 67,000 asylum seekers held back in Mexico, bringing about a renewed assault on our southwestern border.  He will not only lift the ban against foreigners migrating from unfriendly nations of the Middle East, but raise the caps as well.  Expulsions for reason of the pandemic will cease, ending a Trump policy that sent almost 200,000 illegal entrants back to their homelands in the last nine months.

Biden’s foreign policy initiatives will finish off Obama’s desire to put America in second place,  replete with Russia and China appeasement, getting Iran back on the destructive path to nuclear capability, reducing Saudi influence in the region, and giving the Palestinians renewed standing on the world stage.  A hair-trigger Israel will be caught in the middle, destabilizing other countries in the crossfire, setting off internecine conflicts that may require military intervention, and prompting additional waves of migration to Europe and America.

None of this sits well with a decisive number of Americans already convinced that their fundamental voting rights were compromised.  As we’ve seen from the coronavirus and its impact on the legitimacy of a presidential election, the fears of an unwitting electorate can be made to abet a duplicitous political outcome.  Imposing hurtful immigration policies on a suffering economy will follow a similar strategy.

We are a nation of immigrants, with a responsibility to protect our borders and the safety of our citizens by taking the full measure of those who have chosen to ignore the legal process.  Abruptly bringing millions of illegal aliens out of the shadows by the stroke of a pen will knock taxpayers back on their heels and secure one-party control for generations to come.  Who will push back?  After years of watering down free speech, perhaps allegations of xenophobia, racism, hate speech, and privilege will slap down any dissent.

Masked Mass Murder

Five years since Islamic terrorists Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik murdered 14 innocents in San Bernardino, California.


California attorney general Kamala Harris, in a December 17 statement, said “we must seek justice for those who lost their lives in the recent attacks in Paris and San Bernardino.” The attorney general failed to name any of the victims and her priorities seemed to lie elsewhere.


Biden's DHS: Department of Homeland Surrender

Alejandro Mayorkas, architect of DACA, picked by Biden to head DHS.


Alejandro Mayorkas: A Portrait of the Intended Nominee for DHS Secretary


Will a Senate confirmation hearing recall troubling integrity scandals and heavy-handed re-direction on immigration law and fraud enforcement?

Feds: Plants that Hired Illegal Aliens Paid Unlawful Wages, Hired a Child…open borders…it’s all about keeping wages depressed and passing along the true cost to middle America


Former Vice President Joe Biden will nominate Alejandro Mayorkas to run the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), despite his role in creating huge Latin American migration and his involvement in several visas-for-sale scandals. 

Joe Biden's pick to run the DHS immigration agency – Alejandro Mayorkas – is a political gift for the GOP, says Jessica Vaughan at CIS: "Cronyism, corruption, swampiness, and the immigration issue." https://t.co/859b16NhN4


Former Vice President Joe Biden will nominate Alejandro Mayorkas to run the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), despite his role in creating huge Latin American migration and his involvement in several visas-for-sale scandals.


 Joe Biden’s Amnesty is at hand. But will it resolve America’s staggering jobless, homeless and housing crisis or merely put more money into Kleptocracy he has long served?

The Flourishing Life of a Privileged Undocumented Immigrant


Hating America while it hands you the American Dream.


Very recently, Villavicencio was a DACA recipient and received a green card. She admits she owns and lives in a huge apartment.

But as far as she is concerned, America is not a nice place. It is a “fucking racist country.” 



"Mexican president candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador called for mass immigration to the United States, declaring it a "human right". We will defend all the (Mexican) invaders in the American," Obrador said, adding that immigrants "must leave their towns and find a life, job, welfare, and free medical in the United States."

"Fox’s Tucker Carlson noted Thursday that Obrador has previously proposed granting AMNESTY TO MEXICAN DRUG CARTELS. “America is now Mexico’s social safety net, and that’s a very good deal for the Mexican ruling class,” Carlson added."

"Many Americans forget is that our country is located against a socialist failed state that is promising to descend even further into chaos – not California, the other one. And the Mexicans, having reached the bottom of the hole they have dug for themselves, just chose to keep digging by electing a new leftist presidente who wants to surrender to the cartels and who thinks that Mexicans have some sort of “human right” to sneak into the U.S. and demographically reconquer it." KURT SCHLICHTER


…or will it be continued non-enforcement? No matter, Wall Street will write it!



THE BIDEN AMNESTY -  Migration also allows investors and CEOs to skimp on labor-saving technology, sideline U.S. minorities, ignore disabled peopleexploit stoop labor in the fields, shortchange labor in the cities, impose tight control and pay cuts on American professionals, corral technological innovation by minimizing the employment of American graduates, undermine labor rights, and even redirect progressive journalists to cheerlead for Wall Street’s priorities. NEIL MUNRO

Sanctuary California: Three-Time Deported Illegal Alien Charged with Double Murder in Stabbing Spree



Joe Biden’s Amnesty is at hand. But will it resolve America’s staggering jobless, homeless and housing crisis or merely put more money into Kleptocracy he has long served?

The Flourishing Life of a Privileged Undocumented Immigrant


Hating America while it hands you the American Dream.


Very recently, Villavicencio was a DACA recipient and received a green card. She admits she owns and lives in a huge apartment.

But as far as she is concerned, America is not a nice place. It is a “fucking racist country.” 


Biden has pledged a staggering 700 percent increase in refugees from the most violent terrorist hotspots anywhere on earth. RAYMOND IBRAHIM


Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden promised on Wednesday that Muslim Americans would serve at “every level” of his administration.  In a video message to civil rights organization Muslim Advocates, Biden repeated his pledge to repeal the Trump administration's travel ban on his first day in office.  The former vice president added that he would push for legislation to fight a rise in hate crimes in the United States, according to media reports.  “As president, I'll work with you to rip the poison of hate from our society, honor your contributions and seek your ideas,” Biden said in the video address.  “My administration will look like America, Muslim Americans serving at every level,” he added. RAYMOND IBRAHIM


Biden’s Biggest Fundraisers are Tied to Islamic Terrorists



The Iran Lobby, the Pakistan Lobby, and the Muslim Brotherhood are funding Biden.

“Of course, one of the main reasons the nation is now “divided, resentful and angry” is because race-baiting, Islamist, class warrior Barack Hussein Obama was president for eight long years." MATTHEW VADUM

Vienna terrorist posed with weapons before killing four in gun rampage: Police probe social media images as it's revealed killer was jailed for trying to join ISIS but freed early and deemed 'incapable of attack'





 Lessons from the Fort Hood Terrorist Attack

Expect more “workplace violence” if a Harris-Biden-Obama administration becomes a reality.



Lessons from the Fort Hood Terrorist Attack

Expect more “workplace violence” if a Harris-Biden-Obama administration becomes a reality.

Lloyd Billingsley


November 5, two days after the election, marks the eleventh anniversary of Nidal Hasan’s terrorist attack at Fort Hood, Texas. Hasan’s murder of 13 Americans could easily have been prevented, but the previous administration chose to look the other way.

U.S. Army Major Nidal Hasan came to the attention of the FBI for the 18 emails he sent to terrorist mastermind Anwar al-Awlaki. Maj. Hasan, a self-described “soldier of Allah,” wanted Awlaki’s permission to kill American soldiers and innocent civilians in the cause of jihad. “Please keep me in your Rolodex in case you find me useful,” Hasan wrote, “and please feel free to call me collect.”

That rang alarms at the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force in San Diego, and agents alerted the Washington Field office. The WFO response said: “Given the context of his military and medical research and the content of his, to date, unanswered email messages from al-Awlaki, WFO does not currently assess Hasan to be involved in terrorist activities.” The FBI boss dropped the case and that was a matter of policy.

President Obama refused to link Islam with terrorism and on his watch the FBI focused on Americans who advocated limited government and valued constitutional rights such as the First and Second Amendments. Islamic terrorists took full advantage.

On November 5, 2009, at Ford Hood, U.S. soldiers were getting their final medical checkups before deploying to Afghanistan. Major Nidal Malik Hasan, an Army psychiatrist, yelled “Allahu akbar” and began gunning down the soldiers. His victims, all unarmed included private Francheska Velez, 21, who was pregnant. The Muslim major killed two other women that day along with 10 men, more than twice as many victims as the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993.

Hasan also wounded more than 40 others, including Sergeant Alonzo Lunsford, who played dead before fleeing the building. Major Hasan chased down Lunsford, an African-American, and shot him seven times, including one bullet in the back. Major Hasan shot Sergeant Shawn Manning in the chest and pumped four rounds into Sgt. Patrick Zeigler.  Hasan would have killed many more if civilian police officer Kim Munley had not wounded the terrorist.

The administration of POTUS 44, proclaimed the murder spree a case of “workplace violence,” not terrorism or even gun violence. This rendered Hasan’s victims ineligible for medals and other benefits related to combat. The following April, the White House declined Sgt. Lunsford’s request to meet with the president and explain the raw deal the government had dealt the Fort Hood victims.

In August, 2013, a panel of 13 military officers handed down a death sentence for Hasan. The sentence has yet to be carried out, and Hasan remains an enthusiastic supporter of Islamic terrorism. His case bears stark contrast to FBI actions against Gen. Michael  Flynn.

The “composite character,” David Garrow described in Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama did not want Gen. Flynn to become National Security Advisor, least of all with Trump in the White House. So the president targeted Flynn to facilitate action against Trump that would continue during his presidency.

In the course of his duties, Flynn came into contact with foreign nationals under routine surveillance by U.S. intelligence. American citizens in such encounters are normally redacted, but Democrats duly “unmasked” the identity of Gen. Flynn and leaked the information to the establishment media, a “10-year felony,” according to former prosecutor Trey Gowdy.

Samantha Power, Obama’s ambassador to the UN, made unmasking requests for Flynn on November 30, 2016, and then on December 2, 7, and 14 – two requests that day – and December 23. Power’s seventh unmasking request came on January 11, 2017, days before Trump took office.

On December 14 and 15 of 2016, CIA boss John Brennan made unmasking requests for Gen. Flynn. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper put in requests on December 12, 28, and again on January 7, 2017. FBI director James Comey requested to unmask Gen. Flynn on December 15, 2016, and on January 12, 2017, vice president Joe Biden made his request to unmask the general.

The DOJ dropped the case against Flynn but judge Emmet Sullivan has now pushed the case past the November 3 election, now in dispute. So Joe Biden might take another shot at Flynn, under guidance from Biden’s former boss.

On Tuesday November 17, Penguin Random House will release A Promised Land, the first of two volumes by former president Barack Obama. He will provide thoughts on “how we can heal the divisions in our country going forward and make our democracy work for everybody.”

The addled Biden may give way to Kamala Harris who is already referring to the “Harris administration.”  Kamala or Joe, the author of A Promised Land and the novel Dreams from My Father clearly expects to call the shots.

Terrorist mass murder may again be transformed into workplace violence. Nothing will happen to the Democrats’ coup clan, and the FBI will again target those deplorables who cling to their constitutional rights. As President Trump says, we’ll have to see what happens.

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