Wednesday, December 16, 2020

SENATOR JOSH HAWLEY - JOE BIDEN HAS SOLD OUT TO THE TECH MONSTERS WHO ELECTED THE WAY OBAMA - BIDEN - HOLDER DID TO BIG BANKSTERS! - These tech companies are calling the tune, and Joe Biden is going to do whatever they tell him to.”


Hawley: ‘Big Tech Is Going to Run’ Biden Administration


On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “The Story,” Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) stated that “big tech is going to run this administration,” and “tech companies are calling the tune, and Joe Biden is going to do whatever they tell him to.”

Hawley said, “We saw…these companies shoveling money at Joe Biden and Kamala Harris back during the campaign. Now you look at this Facebook executive is running the Biden transition, you look at big tech executives ending up in key positions all over the place, and make no mistake about it, Martha, if Joe Biden is sworn in as president in January, big tech is going to run this administration, just like they did in the Obama-Biden administration. Let’s not forget, Google was on the line for an antitrust lawsuit back during the Obama administration, and the Obama team shut it down after Google met with them, where else, in the White House. These tech companies are calling the tune, and Joe Biden is going to do whatever they tell him to.”

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Big Tech and Big Law dominate Biden transition teams, tempering progressive hopes

"Along with Obama (LAWYER) Biden (LAWYER), Pelosi and Schumer (LAWYER) are responsible for incalculable damage done to this country over the eight years of that administration."       PATRICIA McCARTHY 

Add the Banksters’ rent boy Eric Holder (LAWYER) and the up and coming Swamp Empress Kamala Harris (LAWYER, SO IS HER SHADY HUSBAND)…but keep counting….(LAWYER) Brian Deese, Obama-Biden’s loot-for-Wall Street guy.

Hauser also didn’t like the prevalence of Big Law talent on the Department of Justice team, which signaled to him that the Biden administration could go soft on corporate malefactors. 


Biden administration will be committed to austerity and back-to-work campaign aimed at forcing workers to pay for the corporate bailout no matter how many lives are needlessly lost to the pandemic.

The selection of Deese and Adeyemo—who both previously served in the Obama administration—exemplifies the revolving door between Wall Street and Washington, DC, which operates constantly, regardless of which party controls the White House.

It is a further signal to the financial oligarchy that a Biden administration will dispense with its rhetoric about raising taxes on the wealthy and continue funneling trillions into the stock markets. “By picking folks with deep ties to large asset managers,” Tyler Gellasch, executive director of investor trade group Healthy Markets Association, told the Journal, “the administration can help assuage financial executives’ concerns. It sends a clear signal to the industry to breathe easier: They can plan for stability without likely facing massive new regulatory or tax risks.”


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