Thursday, May 26, 2022

JOE BIDEN'S ILLEGALS FIRST! - Qualified American physicians are being turned down for residency in favor of foreign-educated physicians


Kamala Harris: Medicare for All Includes Illegal Aliens

Harris, a guest on CNN's "State of the Union," said "I support Medicare for all. It is my preferred policy." She said she supports the bill introduced by Sen. Bernie Sanders.

No Justice for Taxpaying Americans 

By Howie Carr 
But the real double standard kicks in when the undocumented Democrat gets to the courtroom. A taxpaying American can only dream of the kid-gloves treatment these Third World fiends get. 

Illegal aliens continue overwhelming the state, draining California’s already depleted public services while endangering our lives, the rule of law, and public safety for all citizens. Arthur Schaper 

The costs of illegal immigration are being carefully hidden by Democrats. MONICA SHOWALTER

The Federation for American Immigration Reform estimates that California spends $22 billion (DATED - NOW NEARLY $50 BILION) on government services for illegal aliens, including welfare, education, Medicaid, and criminal justice system costs.  STEVEN BALDWIN

Doctors Without Jobs
Qualified American physicians are being turned down for residency in favor of foreign-educated physicians

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Washington, D.C. (May 26, 2022) - On this week’s episode of Parsing Immigration Policy, Kevin Lynn, Executive Director of Progressives for Immigration Reform (PFIR), joins us to discuss the displacement of Americans in high-skilled jobs, specifically in the field of medicine. Doctors are required to complete a post-graduate residency program in order to be licensed to practice medicine in the United States. But these taxpayer-funded programs are passing over American physicians who have been educated at U.S. medical schools in favor of foreign doctors who have trained abroad.

America faces a physician shortage, yet this spring 1,431 medical school graduates (7.2% of applicants) failed to match into a residency program at teaching hospitals in the U.S. At the same time, 4,356 foreign–trained doctors – over three times the number of jobless American medical school graduates – attained residency positions, at the cost of $150,000 per year per resident to the taxpayers.

Are American doctors less qualified than those from abroad? Lynn argues that the displacement of U.S. doctors is a product of a greater issue in the American hospital system -  profits prioritized over patient health. Hospitals know that doctors from abroad are cheaper and more exploitable.

Kevin Lynn’s project, Doctors Without Jobs, seeks to build awareness of this issue and encourage policy changes that would allow more American doctors to be matched into residency programs.

In his closing commentary, Mark Krikorian, the Center’s executive director and host of Parsing Immigration Policy, discusses his recent trip to Hungary where he spoke with Ukrainians returning home to Kiev despite the continuing war with Russia. Krikorian emphasizes the importance of helping displaced persons in close proximity to their home countries, rather than resettling them in places further away, so they can return home once the immediate emergency has passed.


MEXIFORNIA: The Globalist Democrat Party’s Vision of America

Migrant enclaves already are at the top of the U.S. lists for bad places to live - 10 of the 50 worst places in America to live according to this list are in California, and all of them are famous for their illegal populations. MONICA SHOWALTER

California—not Mississippi, New Mexico, or West Virginia—has the highest poverty rate in the United States. According to the Census Bureau’s Supplemental Poverty Measure—which accounts for the cost of housing, food, utilities, and clothing, and which includes noncash government assistance as a form of income—nearly one out of four Californians is poor. Kerry Jackson

California’s de facto status as a one-party state lies at the heart of its poverty problem. With a permanent majority in the state senate and the assembly, a prolonged dominance in the executive branch, and a weak opposition, California Democrats have long been free to indulge blue-state ideology while paying little or no political price. The state’s poverty problem is unlikely to improve while policymakers remain unwilling to unleash the engines of economic prosperity that drove California to its golden years. Kerry Jackson

As Breitbart News reported, if chain migration is not ended — as President Donald Trump has demanded — the U.S. electorate will forever be changed, with between seven to eight million new foreign-born individuals being eligible to vote because of chain migration, and overall, an additional 15 million new foreign-born voters.

Missouri Senator Claire McCaskillhas identified California Senator Kamala Harris as the party leader on issues of immigration and race. Harris wants a moratorium on construction of new immigration-detention facilities in favor of the old “catch and release” policy for illegal aliens, and has urged a shutdown of the government rather than compromise on mass amnesty.

No Justice for Taxpaying Americans 

By Howie Carr 
But the real double standard kicks in when the undocumented Democrat gets to the courtroom. A taxpaying American can only dream of the kid-gloves treatment these Third World fiends get. 

Illegal aliens continue overwhelming the state, draining California’s already depleted public services while endangering our lives, the rule of law, and public safety for all citizens. Arthur Schaper 

The costs of illegal immigration are being carefully hidden by Democrats. MONICA SHOWALTER

The Federation for American Immigration Reform estimates that California spends $22 billion (DATED - NOW NEARLY $50 BILION) on government services for illegal aliens, including welfare, education, Medicaid, and criminal justice system costs.  STEVEN BALDWIN

Heather Mac Donald of the Manhattan Institute has testified before a Congressional committee that in 2004, 95% of all outstanding warrants for murder in Los Angeles were for illegal aliens; in 2000, 23% of all Los Angeles County jail inmates were illegal aliens and that in 1995, 60% of Los Angeles’s largest street gang, the 18th Street gang, were illegal aliens. 

‘Load of Bulls—’: Career Immigration Officials Rip Mayorkas’s Plan

US Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas (Getty Images)
 • April 27, 2022 2:20 pm


ROMA, Texas—Customs and Border Protection officials and Department of Homeland Security staffers ripped DHS secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’s immigration plan as unserious and ill-equipped to handle the unprecedented surge of migrants on the border.

"I don't even know where to start," said one Border Patrol officer stationed along the southwest border, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to speak candidly. "Nothing in this plan Mayorkas says he’s going to do has even been started, and he’s not going to do it anyway."

Mayorkas released a 20-page report on Tuesday entitled "DHS Plan for Southwest Border Security and Preparedness" the night before he testified in front of Congress on the Biden administration’s handling of the border crisis. The report outlines six initiatives the agency is taking to stem the "increase in migration being experienced by the United States" and prioritizes migrant processing over border security.

But those with decades of experience working in immigration expressed skepticism at—or outright mocked—the plan in comments to the Washington Free Beacon. Their reactions demonstrate how Mayorkas has lost the faith of career personnel, many of whom complained of long hours and staffing problems. 

"The plan looks like an absolute load of bullshit," said one senior DHS staffer. "Mayorkas is filled with excuses and his solution is to let them in. If you look at the plan there is an inordinate amount of focus on processing ‘vulnerable migrants’ compared to the lip service of securing the border. This administration has always been set to release as many migrants as possible and then make excuses as to why illegal aliens continue invading our country."

Mayorkas’s solutions to the crisis include providing migrants with "an updated information package to distribute to all noncitizens released from federal custody." Mayorkas also blamed Title 42, a federal law that gave immigration authorities power to rapidly deport migrants during a public health crisis, for exacerbating the migrant crisis by claiming it encouraged illegal crossings outside of legal ports of entry.

Both lines earned criticism from Michael Salinas, a former Border Patrol agent who was stationed for more than 30 years on the southern border.

"How naïve do you have to be to actually believe this? No illegal in my experience had ever planned to show up at the ports of entry to get processed," said Salinas. "All aliens are well aware that crossing the river will be the best course of action for results."

Mayorkas also championed "critical reforms that ended cruel and unjust policies of the prior administration," such as changing who is prioritized for deportation, as well as "new guidelines regarding immigration enforcement priorities" in his report. 

All of the officials who spoke with the Free Beacon concluded that Mayorkas’s plan will result in the same conduct since Biden first took office: rapid processing and release of migrants. They pointed to Mayorkas’s "Border Security Pillar 2," which highlights CBP’s "processing efficiency and moving with deliberate speed" as an example of the administration’s commitment to so-called catch and release — the practice where illegal immigrants are processed by law enforcement officials and released into the country's interior before their court date.

"This administration has gutted immigration enforcement at every opportunity and is sending the message that America's laws are to be ignored," said Jon Feere, a former senior adviser at Immigration and Customs Enforcement and director of investigations at the Center for Immigration Studies. "The humanitarian disaster they've created is intentional."

During his congressional testimony Wednesday morning, Mayorkas claimed DHS has already "effectively managed an unprecedented number of noncitizens seeking to enter the United States." Last year, migrant apprehensions topped two million—the highest on record. 

Immigration authorities have encountered more than 900,000 migrants in the 2022 fiscal year, with internal DHS numbers predicting more than 2.3 million by 2023. Immigration authorities on the southwest border are preparing for upward of 18,000 daily known crossings after Title 42’s repeal next month, more than twice the average daily crossings in July 2021.

"Mayorkas needs drug testing because I swear he’s high," another senior DHS official said. "His plan, in my professional opinion, is hardly a ‘plan’ so much as a fantastical work of fiction with some gaslighting for good measure."

Biden to the Rescue of Cuba

Embracing a barbaric Stalinist regime.


“This week, White House officials announced steps to move away from the “maximum pressure” approach of sanctions and diplomatic isolation toward Cuba and Venezuela that was a centerpiece of former President Donald Trump’s Latin America strategy,” (italics mine) reports Foreign Policy ….”The new policies include allowing increased U.S. remittance flows and select U.S. travel to the island.”

"I think we've seen this song before… This is going to increase the amount of money that's going to the dictatorship." Said DeSantis  during an appearance at the University of Miami Health System’s Don Soffer Clinical Research Center….“I think people, particularly down in South Florida, understand, the minute you're sending more of this to the island, that's going right into the pocket of the Cuban dictatorship, that is not going to help the people of Cuba realize freedom,” DeSantis said.

Among the most preposterous jingles from the Castro regime’s U.S.-based agents-of-influence is the one about how U.S. hostility to the Castro regime has “historically failed” so it’s high time to “try something new” by engagement.

Given his heavy Cuban-American constituency and his many Cuban-American political colleagues and advisors (plus his sharp common-sense) Gov.  DeSantis, as shown above, knows full well that Biden’s “new” approach to Cuba is “a song we’ve seen before,” especially during the Obama terms. 

And the results of Obama’s “engagement” (surrender) to the Castro regime were precisely the ones predicted by “crackpot Cuban-American hard-liners!” (i.e. people who experienced the regime):  a wealthier Stalinist regime, more repressive at home, and more confident in its terror-sponsorship and drug-running abroad. All this was meticulously documented right here at Townhall. 

In fact, the only genuinely revolutionary Cuba policy of the past 40 years was Trump’s, by simply fully enforcing the sanctions that came to be known as the Cuba “embargo.” This was also documented here at Townhall. 

 In fact, that much cherished (and practiced) “U.S. engagement with the Castro brothers” began before the Castro brothers and Che Guevara were even in power, and has continued in fits and starts ever since. 

"Me and my staff were all Fidelistas,” boasted Robert Reynolds, the CIA's "Caribbean Desk's specialist on the Cuban Revolution" from 1957-1960. The boastful ex-honcho of the most lavishly-funded intelligence agency in human history boasted of his affection for the KGB-protégé whose lifelong craving was to nuke his homeland to a snickering Fidel Castro himself upon a visit to Cuba in 2001.)

"Everyone in the CIA and everyone at State was pro-Castro, except [Republican] ambassador Earl Smith." (CIA operative in Santiago Cuba, Robert Weicha.)

The shrewd CIA’s advice was taken, and thus January 7, 1959 marks a milestone in U.S. diplomatic history. Never before had the State Department extended diplomatic recognition to a Latin American government as quickly as they bestowed this benediction on Fidel Castro's that day.

Nothing so frantically fast had been bestowed upon "U.S.-backed" Fulgencio Batista seven years earlier. Batista had in fact been punished by a U.S. arms embargo and heavy diplomatic pressure to resign for a year. Batista was subsequently denied exile in the U.S. and not even allowed to set foot in the country that “backed" him.

In fact, during Castro's first 16 months in power, the U.S. State Department made over 10 back-channel diplomatic attempts to ascertain the cause of Castro's tantrums and further "engage" him. Argentine President Arturo Frondizi was the conduit for many of these and recounts their utter futility in his memoirs. 

Result: In July 1960, Castro's KGB-trained security forces stormed into 5,911 U.S.-owned businesses in Cuba and stole them all at Soviet gunpoint -- $2 billion was heisted from outraged U.S. businessmen and stockholders. Not that all Americans surrendered their legal and hard-earned property peacefully. Among some who resisted where Bobby Fuller, whose family farm would contribute to a Soviet-style Kolkhoze, and Howard Anderson, whose profitable Jeep dealership was coveted by Castro's henchmen. Both U.S. citizens were murdered by Castro and Che's firing squads, after torture.

In July 1961, JFK's special counsel Richard Goodwin met with Che Guevara in Uruguay and reported back to Kennedy: "Che says that Cuba wants an understanding with the U.S.; the Cubans have no intention of making an alliance with the Soviets. So we should make it clear to Castro that we want to help Cuba." (How Che managed a straight face during this conversation requires an article of its own.)

Result: Soviet Nuclear missiles, locked and loaded, in Cuba a year later -- and pointed at Goodwin and Kennedy's very homes.

In 1975, President Gerald Ford (under Kissinger's influence) allowed foreign branches and subsidiaries of U.S. companies to trade freely with Cuba and persuaded the Organization of American States to lift its sanctions. 

Result: Castro started his African invasion and tried to assassinate Ford. You read right. On March 19, the Los Angeles Times ran the headline "Cuban Link to Death Plot Probed." Both Republican candidates of the day, President Ford and Ronald Reagan, were to be taken out during the Republican National Convention. The Emiliano Zapata Unit, a Bay Area radical group linked to the Weather Underground, would make the hits. 

Jimmy Carter, in a good-will gesture, lifted U.S. travel sanctions against Cuba and was poised to open full diplomatic relations with Castro.

Result: More thousands of Cuban troops spreading Soviet terror (and poison gas) in Africa, more internal repression, and hundreds of psychopaths, killers, and perverts infiltrated the boats and shoved their way on the Mariel Boatlift. 

Ronald Reagan sent Alexander Haig to meet personally in Mexico City with Cuba's "Vice President" Carlos Raphael Rodriguez to feel him out. Then he sent diplomatic whiz Gen. Vernon Walters to Havana for a meeting with the Maximum Leader himself.

Result: Cubans practically take over Grenada, El Salvador, and Nicaragua. (But unlike the aforementioned Democrats, Reagan responded to Castro's response -- and with pretty dramatic results. (Recall the U.S. liberation of Grenada.)

President Clinton tried playing nice again in the '90s, removing travel restrictions, etc. 

Result: Three U.S. citizens and one resident who flew humanitarian flights over Florida straits (Brothers to the Rescue) murdered in cold blood by Castro’s MIGS. Cuban agent Ana Belen Montes moles her way to head of the Defense Intelligence Agency's Cuba division, resulting in the deepest and most damaging penetration of the U.S. Defense Department by an enemy agent in modern history. 

Obama outdid all of the above. And former National Security Advisor John Bolton summed up the results back in 2019: “While the last administration wanted to improve relations with the tyrants in Havana, and to convince the world that they posed no threat, the Cuban regime tightened its grip and extended its tentacles…In no uncertain terms, the Obama administration's policies toward Cuba have enabled the Cuban colonization of Venezuela today.”

By the way, some of those ex-CIA honchos are not pleased with my expose’ of their calamitous idiocies in Cuba. So they viciously maligned my books—but without actually refuting one syllable of my thoroughly footnoted quotes and findings.

BORDER TOWN USA: Human Smuggler Arrested with Migrants in Florida Traffic Stop

Florida Highway Patrol
Getty Images/atomimage

Florida Highway Patrol troopers arrested a Mexican national on human smuggling charges following a traffic stop on Interstate Highway 75 near Micanopy. The alleged human smuggler reportedly admitted to transporting migrants who illegally crossed the border from Mexico into Texas.

Florida Highway Patrol troopers arrested 29-year-old David Ramirez-Ayuso, a Mexican national, following a traffic stop along IH-75 in Alachua County, according to a report from WCJB ABC20. Police found two migrants in the vehicle.

Officials report the three occupants of the vehicle carried Mexican ID cards. Ramirez-Ayuso reportedly told police he had smuggled other migrants from the border during the past two weeks.

The trooper stopped the Ford Expedition for a window-tint violation, the Alachua Chronicle reported. Ramirez-Ayuso produced a Mexican driver’s license for identification and a Mexican identification card. Police report the vehicle has an Arizona registration.

“The trooper said he asked Ramirez-Ayuso whose vehicle it was, and Ramirez-Ayuso said it belonged to his brother-in-law, but he could not provide the name of the owner,” the local newspaper reported. “The trooper said Ramirez-Ayuso appeared ‘nervous, his hands were shaking, breath was heavy, and his voice was shaking when speaking.’”

The suspected human smuggler told the trooper he was traveling from Chicago with his two friends to find construction work in Ocalla, Florida. However, he could not provide the names of his “friends” to the trooper.

One of the passengers told police he illegally crossed the border from Mexico into the U.S. He said that “people” paid $9,000 for his transportation from the border region to Chicago. The “people” then paid an additional $800 to move him from Chicago to Florida.

Ramirez-Ayuso reportedly told the trooper his brother-in-law paid him $3,200 to cover travel expenses and rent in Florida until they could find jobs in Ocala. The passengers were supposed to pay him $300 each when they reached their destination.

Jail records obtained by Breitbart Texas from the Alachua County Sheriff’s Office indicate Ramirez-Ayuso remains in custody with a bond set at $2,005,000. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations officers also placed an immigration detainer on the alleged smuggler who is illegally present in the United States.

Editor’s Note: BORDER TOWN USA is a series of articles reporting on the impact of the border crisis on communities across the United States. These include articles on drug and human smuggling arrests taking place in communities not located in states along the U.S. southern border.

Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior news contributor for the Breitbart Texas-Border team. He is an original member of the Breitbart Texas team. Price is a regular panelist on Fox 26 Houston’s What’s Your Point? Sunday-morning talk show. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX and Facebook.

EXCLUSIVE: Half-Million Migrants Cross Border in Ten Weeks

Agents in South Texas apprehend nine large migrants groups in two border sectors. (U.S. Border Patrol/Rio Grande Valley Sector)
U.S. Border Patrol/Rio Grande Valley Sector

More than a half-million migrants illegally crossed the southwest border with Mexico during a 10-week period ending on May 15. The record-setting mass migration crisis is overwhelming Border Patrol and NGO resources as they deal with the chaotic level of border crossings.

Between April 1 and May 15 approximately 513,000 migrants illegally crossed the southwest border with Mexico. The number reflects apprehensions cited in the April Southwest Border Migration Report and unofficial numbers obtained from a law enforcement source within CBP.

The source stated that agents apprehended approximately 47,000 migrants just in the past seven days.

Until recently, the Rio Grande Valley and Del Rio Sectors led the nation in migrant apprehensions. However, a recent surge in the El Paso Sector pushed the remote Texas-New Mexico sector into the lead, Breitbart Texas reported. The source told Breitbart that El Paso Sector agents detained nearly 5,000 migrants in area processing center on Monday. Haitian migrants accounted for about 50 percent of this total.

The El Paso Sector currently sits at more than double its standard capacity. The source says in recent days, migrant apprehensions in the sector have exceeded 1,500. Del Rio Sector officials report their processing centers are approximately 40 percent over capacity.

April migration along the southwest border set an all-time record for April apprehensions as agents took more than 201,000 migrants into custody, Breitbart reported. The report surpasses the previous record set during the last year of the Clinton administration.

The record-level apprehension of 201,800 migrants in April marks a dramatic turn around from the record-low April apprehension report from 2020 when agents took a mere 16,182 migrants into custody. This represents an increase of nearly 1,150 percent during the past two years.

In addition to the more than 1.2 million migrants apprehended so far this fiscal year, an additional 364,000 migrants simply got away and made their way successfully into the U.S. interior, Breitbart reported.

“The fact is that our borders are not open, and we will continue to remove those who enter our country unlawfully and have no legal basis to stay,” CBP Commissioner Chris Magnus said in a written statement on Tuesday releasing the April Southwest Land Border Encounters report. “After many months of planning, we are executing a comprehensive strategy to safely, orderly, and humanely manage our borders.”

In reality, the southwest border with Mexico is anything but safe, orderly, and humane as nearly two dozen migrants drowned in the Del Rio Border Patrol in April. Video reports from Eagle Pass and the Rio Grande Valley continue to show migrants crossing at will. Other reports show the inhumane and life-threatening circumstances that take place in human smuggling operations along the border.

Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior news contributor for the Breitbart Texas-Border team. He is an original member of the Breitbart Texas team. Price is a regular panelist on Fox 26 Houston’s What’s Your Point? Sunday-morning talk show. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX and Facebook.

Randy Clark is a 32-year veteran of the United States Border Patrol.  Prior to his retirement, he served as the Division Chief for Law Enforcement Operations, directing operations for nine Border Patrol Stations within the Del Rio, Texas, Sector. Follow him on Twitter @RandyClarkBBTX.

Tucker: Inflation is proof the people in charge are reckless and stupid

Warning Shot: DeSantis Plans to Use Funds to Bus Illegal Immigrants Dumped in Florida to Biden’s Delaware

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis speaks at a COVID-19 testing site, Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021, outside Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens, Fla. First responders and people over 65 years-old began receiving the COVID-19 vaccine Wednesday during a trial run of the site which will open to seniors at a later …
AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee

No one has “done more to help the cartels” than President Biden with his embrace of radical open-border policies, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) said on Wednesday, noting that Americans are “bracing” for the administration’s repeal of Title 42 and warning that his administration plans to bus illegal immigrants dumped in Florida to Biden’s Delaware.

Americans are “bracing” for the Biden administration to end the Trump-era Title 42 at the southern border, which allowed agents to more easily turn illegal immigrants away. Last week, a federal judge in Louisiana extended the temporary restraining order preventing the Biden administration from ending the rule.

DeSantis said “almost 2.5 million people” have illegally crossed the southern border since Biden became president, emphasizing how that impacts quality of life for the American people.

“What does that mean in terms of the quality of life for Americans? Well, we know we’ve seen record human trafficking, sex trafficking, drug trafficking such that now the number one cause of death for people 18 to 45 in the United States of America is fentanyl overdose,” he explained.

The Associated Press

President Joe Biden speaks during an event in the East Room of the White House, Monday, May 16, 2022. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

“They may be making it in China, but they are bringing it all right across the southern border because of what he’s doing now. Even as bad as those numbers are, that has all been done with this Title 42 in place,” he said, predicting an even greater wave of illegal immigrants once Title 42 is removed.

SERGIO FLORES/AFP via Getty Images

Migrants make their way toward a bus after being apprehended near the border between Mexico and the United States in Del Rio, Texas on May 16, 2021. (SERGIO FLORES/AFP via Getty Images)

“You’re gonna see a major flood of people going across the southern border, and we’ve taken action,” he said, recalling how Florida sent assistance last year to Texas as they dealt with the migrant crisis in their own backyard.

The Associated Press

Officials walk past images of illegal drugs outside the Edward R. Roybal Federal Building, May 13, 2021, in Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez)

DeSantis also criticized Biden’s embrace of Catch and Release, noting that Florida took legal action over it. The governor said he plans to sign a bill in the next few weeks that will continue to fight the Biden administration’s open-border policies.

“I’m also going to sign a bill here in the next couple of weeks that any of if there’s contractors that the federal government hires to dump illegal aliens in Florida, then those contractors forfeit the ability to do business with the state or with local communities. And we’re just not gonna do it,” he said, adding his administration will bus illegal immigrants to Delaware and elsewhere if Biden attempts to dump illegal immigrants in the Sunshine State.

I have “money from the Legislature which will be available starting in June so that if Biden is busing illegal aliens into our state, we’re taking those buses and rerouting them to Delaware and other jurisdictions,” he said. “So stay tuned on that.”

“You know, those border communities are just getting killed down in southern Texas,” DeSantis said. “Biden should be given an honorary membership in the Mexican drug cartels because nobody has done more to help the cartels than Biden with his open-border policies.”

“It’s been a disaster. I fear with Title 42, if they do repeal it, I think things are fixing to get even worse,” he added.




Poll: Joe Biden’s Approval Rating in Delaware Underwater by 3 Points

They Caught Him Red Handed

Poll: Joe Biden’s Job Approval in Delaware Drops Underwater by 10 Points

joe biden
AP Photo/Cliff Owen

President Joe Biden’s job approval is underwater in his home state of Delaware, a Monday Civiqs poll found.

Biden’s job disapproval in Delaware is 50 percent, while his approval is just 40 percent. Biden’s approval rating is underwater by a total of ten points.

Only 29 percent of Democrats in Delaware, where he was a senator for 36 years, approve of Biden’s job performance. Just 72 percent of Democrats approve.

Biden’s favorability rating is also underwater, according to Civiqs. Only 39 percent of Delawareans gave Biden a positive mark. Fifty-five percent disapprove of the president.

Throughout the U.S., Biden only has a positive approval rating in four states: Hawaii (49-41 percent), Maryland (46-42 percent), Massachusetts (46-42 percent), and Vermont (51-37 percent).
Biden’s worst approval ratings are in West Virginia (-56), North Dakota (-51), and Oklahoma (-46).

In recent months, Biden has been struggling with many crises:

  • More than two million migrants have been apprehended at the southern border.
  • Sanctions on Russia failed to prevent the invasion of Ukraine.
  • Fentanyl has become the greatest killer among 18 to 45-year-olds.
  • Inflation has soared to a 40-year high.
  • Gas prices have increased to all-time record highs.
  • Weekly wages have shrunk.
  • Supply chain woes have persisted.
  • And the unprepared deadly Afghan withdrawal.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter and Gettr @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.


Report: Hunter Biden Hires Hollywood Attorney for Legal Work, Financial Backing

Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, left, during the White House Easter Egg Roll at the White House, Monday, April 18, 2022 in Washington. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)
AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

Hunter Biden has reportedly hired a big shot Hollywood attorney for legal work and financial backing while he is probed for potential tax fraud, money laundering, and violation of lobbying laws.

Kevin Morris, an attorney who crafted high-profile entertainment in Hollywood, has been retained by Hunter Biden to “craft legal and media strategy,” according to CBS News:

Entering the bruising political fight is an unusual move for Morris, who has long been a maverick in Hollywood. Morris founded a law firm that represented a cast of A-list stars and then began writing fiction and producing documentaries. He also subsequently helped negotiate another “South Park” deal, this one worth a reported $900 million, with MTV Entertainment Studios, which is part of the CBS News’ parent company Paramount.

Hunter Biden and Morris both live in the Los Angeles area, where the president’s son has been living while painting and selling his artwork. At one time, the law firm Morris founded was representing celebrities that included Matthew McConaughey, Ellen DeGeneres, Scarlett Johansson, Zoe Saldana, Zach Galifianakis, Chris Rock and Laura Linney. Morris also has authored two novels and a book of short stories.

Morris has reportedly financed Hunter’s defense and paid for Hunter’s overdue taxes in excess of $1 million. Hunter paid the massive tax bill by taking out a loan, the New York Times reported in March. The tax payment does not protect Hunter from any potential incoming charges.

As a grand jury continues the probe into Hunter’s corrupt international business dealings, Hunter’s taxes are just one potential crime among many. Working with his family, including his father, former Vice President Joe Biden, the probe into Hunter may include his business dealings with Ukrainian Energy company Burisma Holdings and a Chinese energy conglomerate.

The probe into Hunter’s corrupt business ventures has been ongoing for years. Trump-appointed U.S. prosecutor David Weiss has been weighing whether there is sufficient evidence to indict Hunter. The twenty-year federal prosecutor will have to weigh if there is enough evidence to seek a federal grand jury indictment against Hunter in an investigation that may end up including other members of the Biden family, such as Joe Biden’s brother, James Biden, and potentially the president himself.

In April, President Biden’s chief law enforcement officer, Attorney General Merrick Garland, promised the Senate he would not interfere with the probe into Hunter’s shady business dealings. “He is supervising the investigation and I’m not at liberty to talk about internal Justice Department deliberations, but he is in charge of that investigation,” Garland said.

The investigation could engulf Joe Biden. Though Joe Biden and his team have deflected and denied at least nine times that he had no knowledge of his family’s corrupt business dealings, evidence shows Joe Biden has played a role in his family’s business dealings at least 11 times.

Polling shows Americans do not believe Joe Biden’s denials. Fifty-eight percent believe Joe Biden has indeed played a role in his family’s business, according to a Harris poll. Sixty percent say Hunter has sold “influence and access” to Joe Biden. The poll also shows 67 percent believe Joe Biden should be impeached if he “secretly participated and facilitated” in the family’s business.

Text messages from 2019 on Hunter’s “laptop from hell” depict the Biden family payout mechanism. The instrument indicates a collection of 50 percent of familial salaries for 30 years. “I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years,” Hunter texted to his daughter in 2019. “It’s really hard. But don’t worry, unlike Pop [Joe], I won’t make you give me half your salary.”

The Biden’s family payment mechanism of collecting 50 percent of family salaries for 30 years could be legal “predicates” for racketeering charges, according to former Utah U.S. attorney Brett Tolman.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter and Gettr @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.



Watters: The Five (CRIME) Families of the Democrat Party

Where did Biden's millions come from?


I’d be inclined to disagree with Don except for one thing: Biden has proven to be a very adept criminal mastermind. For decades, he has funneled millions of dollars to his children and siblings and, especially, to his debauched, deviant son, Hunter. ANDREA WIDBURG


“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton (LAWYERS-2) Foundation and the (LAWYERS-2) Obama book and television deals. Then there is the Biden (LAWYERS-3) family corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the (LAWYER) Warren and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (YOU CAN ADD LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS AND LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER TO THE PATHEION OF DEMOCRAT BRIBES SUCKING CORRUPT LAWYER POLITICIANS!)         BRIAN C JOONDEPH

There’s also the little problem of Hillary’s incredible corruption (making her and Biden birds of a feather). And of course, the fact that Hillary’s unsecure server damaged national security in a way that would have seen an ordinary, politically unconnected person spend the rest of her life in prison—which, not coincidentally, is where Papa Joe belongs for using his debauched son Hunter as the bagman for decades of anti-American corruption.

                                                     ANDREA WIDBURG 

The only reason that Biden became president is because Democrat campaign workers, posing as journalists, buried a truthful story about the Biden family corruption that most of them knew was true. They still intentionally hide the truth of the depth and breadth of the corruption from the public because they know Biden's and other Democrats’ poll numbers would be much worse if the public knew the truth. 


A 'corrupt family occupies the White House'




Judge Christopher Cooper is not only an Obama appointee but his wife was Eric Holder's counselor on national security. AG Merrick Garland officiated at their wedding. She was also one of the five FISA amici curae. 

Was there ever any other possible outcome?


Judicial Watch’s records request is designed to expose how California state legislators are wasting tax dollars to take care of another corrupt politician – Eric Holder – under the guise of resisting the rule of law on immigration and other matters,” stated Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton.  “His record at the Clinton and Obama Justice Departments demonstrates a willingness to bend the law in order to protect his political patrons.

The Clinton and Biden families were allowed to use their powerful government positions to solicit massive kickbacks for themselves and their families from foreign sources, and they were and are above the law.

Obama Judge Protects Clintons From Durham

Conducting an investigation in D.C. is practically hopeless because these creatures are all over the bench. And they're there as the judicial palace guard.

A federal judge has turned down a request from Special Counsel John Durham for a ruling that a lawyer facing trial on a false statement charge was part of a wide-ranging “joint venture” involving Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, Democratic operatives, private investigation firm Fusion GPS and various technology researchers.

The decision issued Saturday afternoon by U.S. District Court Judge Christopher Cooper limits evidence and testimony prosecutors can offer against attorney Michael Sussmann at a jury trial set to get underway later this month.

Judge Christopher Cooper is not only an Obama appointee but his wife was Eric Holder's counselor on national security. AG Merrick Garland officiated at their wedding. She was also one of the five FISA amici curae. 

Was there ever any other possible outcome?

In Sussmann’s case, prosecutors asked Cooper to rule in advance of trial that Sussmann was “acting in concert toward a common goal” with the pro-Clinton operatives, researchers and others. Such a ruling would have given the government attorneys more latitude to introduce emails against Sussmann, but the judge said the scope and membership of the alleged anti-Trump venture was too uncertain to make such a finding.

“The Court will exercise its discretion not to engage in the kind of extensive evidentiary analysis that would be required to find that such a joint venture existed, and who may have joined it,” wrote Cooper, an appointee of former President Barack Obama. “While the Special Counsel has proffered some evidence of a collective effort to disseminate the purported link between Trump and Alfa Bank to the press and others, the contours of this venture and its participants are not entirely obvious.”

In addition, Cooper said he is unlikely to permit evidence that Joffe “accessed some of the data in breach of certain cybersecurity-related contracts he or his companies had with the U.S. government.”

“Evidence of improper data collection by Mr. Joffe or others done without Mr. Sussmann’s knowledge is, at best, only marginally probative of his supposed motive to lie to the FBI,” Cooper wrote. “Moreover, whether Mr. Joffe, who is not on trial, violated the terms of any of his contracts with the government—let alone committed a crime—is the type of collateral issue that risks confusing the jury and distracting from the pertinent issues in the case.”

Whatever those "pertinent issues" may be, apart from the actions of the Clinton campaign.

Cooper has already been acting as a Clinton lawyer in this case to a disturbing degree.

A federal judge delivered a warning to special counsel John Durham on Thursday after recent court filings became fodder for pro-Trump media and prompted incendiary allegations from the former president himself.

“Keep in mind that the pleadings in this case are under a microscope and may be employed for one reason or another by folks for reasons that have nothing to do with the ultimate issues in this case,” U.S. District Court Judge Christopher Cooper said after offering the attorneys working for Durham a chance to correct any “misinterpretation” of their earlier filings. They declined.

The office thing might have been improper, but at this point, who cares? More at issue is the extraordinary run Holder just completed as one of history’s great double agents. For six years, while brilliantly disguised as the attorney general of the United States, he was actually working deep undercover, DiCaprio in The Departed-styleas the best defense lawyer Wall Street ever had.

ERIC HOLDER HAS long insisted that he tried really hard when he was attorney general to make criminal cases against big banks in the wake of the 2007 financial crisis. His excuse, which he made again just last month, was that Justice Department prosecutors didn’t have enough evidence to bring charges.

Many critics have long suspected that was bullshit, and that Holder, for a combination of political, self-serving, and craven reasons, held his department back.

A new, thoroughly-documented report from the House Financial Services Committee supports that theory. It recounts how career prosecutors in 2012 wanted to criminally charge the global bank HSBC for facilitating money laundering for Mexican drug lords and terrorist groups. But Holder said no.


New evidence supports critique that Holder, for a combination of political, self-serving, and craven reasons, held his department back from prosecuting big banks.


That baleful presence of Eric Holder eyeing the coronavirus as a means to win Democrats' permanent power

By Monica Showalter

Eric Holder is back.

But instead of helping out on the coronavirus crisis as an ethical person might do, his wheels are spinning for using the crisis as a means of attaining permanent Democratic Party power.

The far left former Obama administration Attorney General got an item out on Medium, calling for the skeezy practice of universal mail-in voting, claiming the Wisconsin primary during the crisis was some kind of unspecified travesty:


New from @EricHolder: "Given that the virus is likely to return in the fall, if we do not start taking measures now to protect the franchise, our current voting procedures will put the health of all Americans -no matter their political preference -at risk"

— Patrick Rodenbush (@pnrodenbush) April 14, 2020


Thanks for the concern-trolling for Republicans, Eric. We all know how sincere it is. 

Calling for mail-in ballots, online registration, same-day registration, ballot-harvesting, and month-long extended voting periods, all of which are petri dishes for election fraud in that most break the chain of custody to any number of interested players, some break secret ballot, and others can be manipulated by partisan hacks based on known ongoing tallies, Holder writes:

By refusing to move the election or provide adequate alternative voting options as they dealt with the COVID-19 pandemic, Republicans used their gerrymandered majorities in the Wisconsin legislature to force an impossible choice on the people they are supposed to represent: forgo your civic responsibility and stay healthy or cast a ballot and endanger yourself and your community. It remains unthinkable that health care experts would tell citizens that social distancing is a necessity to combat this virus and then politicians forced them to congregate in large groups and wait in long lines to vote. Poll workers afraid for their health did not show up.

Which is nonsense. People stand in grocery lines all the time, socially distancing by six feet. Somehow, Holder thinks voters can't master that in an election situation where lines are usually considerably shorter.

NPR of all outlets reported that Holder's travesty claims in Wisconsin were garbage, the public network reports that Wisconsin turnout in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic was steady and high.

The ballot harvesting, borrowed from Mexico's "perfect dictatorship," the 70-year ruling PRI party, famous for its corruption and socialism, goes on a lot in the U.S. these days already, the camel's nose is already under the tent. Fraud plagued California is the main example, but it also goes on in states with large Latin American-descended populations, by seamy [political operatives known as boliteros and politiqueras, who make sure to bring home the bacon for their party as such flying monkeys are commissioned to do. They are often union thugs, coming to people's houses, standing over them, (we know where you live) pressuring them to vote the way they want them to vote, even if they don't want to vote that way, even if they are illegal and don't want to get into trouble.

Or else.

All of this is part of the Democrats' plan for using the coronavirus to fundamentally transform America. California's Gov. Gavin Newsom said as much about the coronavirus couple weeks earlier.

Now Holder's grabbed the football and is running with it, making an end to normal voting a fundamental part of the Democratic Party platform. It goes with their other offensive that I described earlier today, which is encouraging a flood of illegals, with PRI (or worse, Chavista) values into the country, and then changing the secret ballot voting system from one-man one-vote to an extended harvest mechanism, extended over a long period, with zero verification of who actually cast the ballot, and a broken chain of custody, allowing for all manner of fraud that Democrats view as beneficial.

Never let a crisis go to waste, to paraphrase Democratic operative Rahm Emanuel. Holder is one baleful presence. No matter what the crisis, all he can see is new ways to extend Democratic Party power. 

Image credit: AFGE, via Wikimedia Commons // CC BY-SA 2.0

With Biden, one set of laws for them, another set for us

By Jack Hellner


Twenty-one students at three universities were charged with participation in a massive drug ring.

Total proceeds were $1.5 million over a few years. No, they shouldn't have done it. But the penalties for them are draconian: They are in huge lifetime trouble with the law. Their lives will be destroyed, and several will probably go to prison.

Twenty-one people have been charged with dealing drugs on and around college campuses after federal officials uncovered a massive drug ring involving students at three North Carolina universities, authorities announced Thursday.

Martin said that over several years the suspects allegedly moved more than a thousand of pounds of marijuana and hundreds of kilograms of cocaine and other drugs through their supply chain. The drug proceeds exceeded $1.5 million, according to the DEA.

Contrast the students’ treatment with terrorists being let off scot-free by the Obama administration Justice department after Obama dictatorially instructed bureaucrats to drop the years-long investigation into a billion-dollar-a -year drug ring, all to appease Iran.

You see, terrorists are special when Obama/Biden and John Kerry want to appease dictators who pledge death to America as they work on their legacy.

Where were the whistleblowers at the Justice department in 2008, calling out this pure abuse of power by Obama? Where were the congressional hearings and articles of impeachment?

From Politico in 2017:

In its determination to secure a nuclear deal with Iran, the Obama administration derailed an ambitious law enforcement campaign targeting drug trafficking by the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah, even as it was funneling cocaine into the United States, according to a POLITICO investigation.

The campaign, dubbed Project Cassandra, was launched in 2008 after the Drug Enforcement Administration amassed evidence that Hezbollah had transformed itself from a Middle East-focused military and political organization into an international crime syndicate that some investigators believed was collecting $1 billion a year from drug and weapons trafficking, money laundering and other criminal activities.

The media and other Democrats claim they care about all deaths from drugs, so why don’t they care about all the deaths from terrorism and drug overdoses because of Obama’s actions?

The Justice department, the media, and the politicians of both parties go after pharmaceutical companies for their contribution to the drug crisis, so why didn’t they go after Obama -- and China, the terrorists and Iran, for their major contribution to the problem?

This is what is going on now in San Francisco

According to the Associated Press, 621 people have died in San Francisco of drug overdoses thus far this year, a staggering number that equates to nearly two deaths per day.

On the other hand, just 173 San Fransisco residents have died of COVID-19.

It is an absolute joke to watch Biden and the media claim that the new administration will not interfere at the Justice department when they know how the Obama/Biden administration completely politicized the Justice department throughout their eight years.

When they say that no one is above the law and there will be equal treatment under the law, they are plainly lying.

They not only let terrorists off scot free, IRS bureaucrats who targeted Obama opponents, obstructed justice, destroyed computers and lied to Congress were also above the law.

Hillary Clinton, her aides, and officials throughout government, including Obama, could violate the nation's security laws, could destroy computers, hide documents, and repeatedly lie and they were above the law.

The Justice department could shake down corporations, establish a slush fund, and give kickbacks to political supporters such as ACORN or whatever they call themselves now, and few cared.

Eric Holder, James Clapper, James Comey, John Brennan, Andrew McCabe and others could repeatedly lie to Congress and/or the FBI and they were all above the law.

Bureaucrats could use a fake dossier from a foreign source, paid for by the DNC and Hillary campaign, and lie to the FISA court as they targeted Trump and his supporters, and they, too, were above the law.

Bureaucrats within the Obama/Biden Administration illegally spied on thousands of Americans throughout their eight years in office and they were all above the law. Remember this?

Newly declassified memos detail extent of improper Obama-era NSA spying

The Obama/Biden Justice department refused to enforce immigration laws. Politicians and bureaucrats in sanctuary cities and states were above the law.

The Clinton and Biden families were allowed to use their powerful government positions to solicit massive kickbacks for themselves and their families from foreign sources, and they were and are above the law.

Democrats not only didn’t care about the kickbacks, they impeached Trump for wanting an investigation into the Biden corruption.

While members of the Obama/Biden crime syndicate could violate as many laws as they liked, they were also targeting innocent people like Gen. Michael Flynn and energy expert Carter Page for destruction.

It is no wonder there is so much corruption and criminal activity among politicians and bureaucrats thrives throughout the United States when the press is coopted, asleep, or just don’t care. They frequently bury the stories and actively campaign for the corrupt criminals. It is sad that they support putting corrupt criminals in the White House. They support anyone who seeks to make the government run by leftists more powerful.

Meanwhile, they will seek to destroy anyone who wants to give the power, purse, and freedom back to the people as fast as possible. They don’t care about how many fake stories, such as  Russian collusion, they have to peddle in their efforts to defeat political opponents. Evidence and the truth are not important. Anonymous sources are treated as evidence. Only victory for leftists matters and that truly makes the media an existential threat to our survival as a great country. 

Image credit: Pixabay public domain



Judicial Watch’s records request is designed to expose how California state legislators are wasting tax dollars to take care of another corrupt politician – Eric Holder – under the guise of resisting the rule of law on immigration and other matters,” stated Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton.  “His record at the Clinton and Obama Justice Departments demonstrates a willingness to bend the law in order to protect his political patrons.


Biden’s influence-peddling is consistent with what I wrote in my book, 'Capitol Hills Criminal Underground'

By Richard Lawless

More than three years ago, MedLaw Publishing released my book, “Capitol Hills Criminal Underground” in which I, the book's author, describe a long-running “protection racket” being run by then-Vice President Joe Biden, as well  as Attorney General Eric Holder and New York Senator, Chuck Schumer.  

The three amigos effectively arranged to have all Wall Street criminal cases directed to the lefty-friendly Southern District of New York, and for the right “payments” the cases would be closed. Money would then go into PACs controlled by Schumer and distributed to all those involved.  In return for those payments, there would be no investigations, no prosecutions and no regulatory action.  As author, I tracked over $110,000,000 in payments to politicians. 

The CIA tracked some of the money-laundering related to the theft by these Wall Street companies and was able to track back the payments to senior DOJ officials and senior politicians like Vice President Joe Biden.  

I, and a senior CIA officer, offered this evidence to both FBI Director James Comey and DoJ Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz.  They both declined to respond.  I filed criminal complaints with the FBI and was told by field agents that senior leadership at the DOJ would not allow anyone to work the criminal complaints.

I want to encourage all Americans to read my book, "Capitol Hill's Criminal Underground" and decide for themselves.



That baleful presence of Eric Holder eyeing the coronavirus as a means to win Democrats' permanent power

By Monica Showalter

Eric Holder is back.

But instead of helping out on the coronavirus crisis as an ethical person might do, his wheels are spinning for using the crisis as a means of attaining permanent Democratic Party power.

The far left former Obama administration Attorney General got an item out on Medium, calling for the skeezy practice of universal mail-in voting, claiming the Wisconsin primary during the crisis was some kind of unspecified travesty:


New from @EricHolder: "Given that the virus is likely to return in the fall, if we do not start taking measures now to protect the franchise, our current voting procedures will put the health of all Americans -no matter their political preference -at risk"

— Patrick Rodenbush (@pnrodenbush) April 14, 2020


Thanks for the concern-trolling for Republicans, Eric. We all know how sincere it is. 

Calling for mail-in ballots, online registration, same-day registration, ballot-harvesting, and month-long extended voting periods, all of which are petri dishes for election fraud in that most break the chain of custody to any number of interested players, some break secret ballot, and others can be manipulated by partisan hacks based on known ongoing tallies, Holder writes:

By refusing to move the election or provide adequate alternative voting options as they dealt with the COVID-19 pandemic, Republicans used their gerrymandered majorities in the Wisconsin legislature to force an impossible choice on the people they are supposed to represent: forgo your civic responsibility and stay healthy or cast a ballot and endanger yourself and your community. It remains unthinkable that health care experts would tell citizens that social distancing is a necessity to combat this virus and then politicians forced them to congregate in large groups and wait in long lines to vote. Poll workers afraid for their health did not show up.

Which is nonsense. People stand in grocery lines all the time, socially distancing by six feet. Somehow, Holder thinks voters can't master that in an election situation where lines are usually considerably shorter.

NPR of all outlets reported that Holder's travesty claims in Wisconsin were garbage, the public network reports that Wisconsin turnout in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic was steady and high.

The ballot harvesting, borrowed from Mexico's "perfect dictatorship," the 70-year ruling PRI party, famous for its corruption and socialism, goes on a lot in the U.S. these days already, the camel's nose is already under the tent. Fraud plagued California is the main example, but it also goes on in states with large Latin American-descended populations, by seamy [political operatives known as boliteros and politiqueras, who make sure to bring home the bacon for their party as such flying monkeys are commissioned to do. They are often union thugs, coming to people's houses, standing over them, (we know where you live) pressuring them to vote the way they want them to vote, even if they don't want to vote that way, even if they are illegal and don't want to get into trouble.

Or else.

All of this is part of the Democrats' plan for using the coronavirus to fundamentally transform America. California's Gov. Gavin Newsom said as much about the coronavirus couple weeks earlier.

Now Holder's grabbed the football and is running with it, making an end to normal voting a fundamental part of the Democratic Party platform. It goes with their other offensive that I described earlier today, which is encouraging a flood of illegals, with PRI (or worse, Chavista) values into the country, and then changing the secret ballot voting system from one-man one-vote to an extended harvest mechanism, extended over a long period, with zero verification of who actually cast the ballot, and a broken chain of custody, allowing for all manner of fraud that Democrats view as beneficial.

Never let a crisis go to waste, to paraphrase Democratic operative Rahm Emanuel. Holder is one baleful presence. No matter what the crisis, all he can see is new ways to extend Democratic Party power. 

Image credit: AFGE, via Wikimedia Commons // CC BY-SA 2.0





Any attorney general who is not an activist is not doing his or her job. 

Eric Holder

In Part One of this series, we exposed the Chicano Marxist take over of the California legislature and their plans to defy federal immigration laws and expected actions of the incoming Trump administration. Gov. Jerry Brown’s nomination of  Xavier Becerra to be California’s next Attorney General was the first of many steps to protect the pervasive lawlessness of the radical left. Becerra has already taken an aggressive and combative stance against President-elect Donald Trump, vowing to fight Trump’s efforts to enforce immigration laws, and even block attempts to deport criminal illegal aliens. Trump’s campaign centered on building a wall along the United States border with Mexico to keep out illegal immigrants, violent gangs, and terrorists posing as immigrants.

Xavier Becerra, currently a 12-year member of Congress, is an admitted member of MEChA, or “Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan,” often likened to a Latino KKK.

Becerra has publicly defended MEChA, even though the Chicano supremacist group evangelizes discrimination against non-Hispanics and calls for the killing of Border Patrol “pigs.” MEChA’s rallying cry is: “For the race, everything; For those outside the race, nothing.

Becerra’s Radical Plans

Recently, the State Assembly Committee on the Office of the Attorney General asked nominee Becerra to detail his plans on the issues of immigration, civil rights, the environment, policing and consumer protection – apparently the only issues the California Legislature is interested in Becerra defending.

In a letter released Saturday, Becerra praised California’s policies helping illegal aliens get driver’s licenses, free college tuition, and free lawyers to represent them in deportation cases, calling it “national leadership.”

“All of these policies and programs are representative of California’s values as a welcoming state,” Becerra wrote to the Assembly committee.

Becerra also took a shot at Trump for proposing to create a registry of Muslim immigrants during the campaign.”Disturbing statements uttered during the recent Presidential campaign have given rise to legitimate fears that the new federal administration might seek to adopt policies that would discriminate against people based on factors such as their religious belief,” Becerra wrote. “Any such policies would be antithetical to the deepest constitutional values and traditions of this nation — a nation founded in part by men and women fleeing religious persecution.”

“I have no intention of allowing this policy through the doors of California,” he wrote.

Like a good progressive foot soldier, Becerra also vowed to fight for abortion, calling it “reproductive freedom.”

Becerra said he will support California’s recent legislation expanding voter registration and participation in elections. He might want to look into the 650,000 newly registered California voters, registered online only weeks before the election. According to the Los Angeles Times, “98% of all the growth in California’s voter ranks in 2016 happened in just the last 45 days of the registration season.”

As Attorney General, Becerra has vowed to continue enforcing policies to combat climate change and work to “transition Californians to a low-carbon way of life.” Becerra added that a part of environmental protections is safe drinking water and vowed to “pursue the goal of providing safe drinking water to all Californians.” Perhaps Becerra can begin by supporting the safe drinking water bills that Assemblyman Devon Mathis has tried to get passed over the last two years?  In Mathis’ district, wells began going dry in East Porterville more than three years ago, with more continuing to dry up every day.

Assemblyman Devon Mathis, R-Porterville, authored the bills to provide $10 million to homeowners (not farmers) to dig deeper wells and clean contaminated ones.

Both bills passed through the Assembly and a state Senate committee without opposition, only to have Senate Appropriations Chairman Ricardo Lara, D-Los Angeles and Mecha activist, put both bills on suspense– one after the other, killing them and depriving 10,000+ low-income individuals access to running water. Sen. Lara was playing politics with this Republican bill, despite the 10,000 poor people who need the clean water.

Sanctuary Cities

California, through its 35 Sanctuary Cities, is clearly violating U.S. Federal Immigration law. Recently, Democrat members of the State Legislature proposed two bills: SB 6 by Sen. Ben Hueso, to create a state program to fund legal representation for illegal aliens facing deportation, and AB 3 by Assemblyman Rob Bonta to create taxpayer-funded training for defense attorneys and public defenders on immigration law for illegal aliens.

And now California is going to try to prevent the new Presidential administration from enforcing federal immigration law despite the fact that the Constitution clearly imposes a duty on the president and the executive branch, to enforce the law.

Hiring Eric Holder… for what?

Democrats in the California State Legislature apparently decided Becerra isn’t enough legal muscle, and recently hired former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder to fight a “clear and present danger” from President-elect Trump… the same former Attorney General Eric Holder who was once blasted for helping to trigger a “war” on police and called America  “a nation of cowards” on the issue of race. However, he now says he sees his “younger” self in Black Lives Matter activists… this is who California hired to assist California’s top law enforcement officer?

Since Trump — who is not referring to himself as “The Office of President-Elect,” as his predecessor did — has not yet taken office, nor any official actions, it is hard to see specifically for what purpose Holder has been hired.

There certainly is poetic justice in hiring the failed Attorney General of the failed Obama Administration to defend the failed and deteriorating policies of the Jerry Brown administration and radical Democrats running the state.

Described as a “devious, power-hungry, racial zealot,” Eric Holder is also a dubious choice since he is the only U.S. Attorney General in history to be held in contempt of Congress, when he refused to turn over Operation Fast and Furious documents to Congress. One of the most reckless law enforcement operations ever conducted by the Justice Department, it involved selling guns to Mexican drug cartels, and resulted in the death of a U.S. border patrol agent, Brian Terry, as well as hundreds of Mexican citizens.

Under Holder’s watch at the DOJ Civil Rights Division, more than half of all the lawyers hired were chosen from four radical, anti-American organizations: the ACLU, National Council of La Raza, NAACP, Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund, and the Lawyer’s Committee for Civil Rights, John Fund and Hans von Spakovsky outlined in their 2014 book, “Obama’s Enforcer: Eric Holder’s Justice Department.”

Additionally, the Justice Department under Holder, and now Loretta Lynch, has one of the worst records before the U.S. Supreme Court, losing significantly more cases than either of the Bush or Clinton Departments of Justice. “In most administrations, the department wins about 70 percent of the cases before the Supreme Court; Mr. Holder’s department has a losing record and has lost at least nine cases 9-0–even with Obama appointees Elena Kagen and Sonia Sotomayor on the court,” wrote Jared Taylor of American Renaissance, in a review of “Obama’s Enforcer: Eric Holder’s Justice Department.”

Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a records request with the California Legislature Joint Rules Committee seeking to examine legislative records regarding the state’s employment of former Obama U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder Jr.  The record request includes:

All contracts between the California Legislature and former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. or Covington and Burling.

All communications between the California Legislature and former U. S. Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. or Covington and Burling about the Legislature’s retention of Holder and/or Covington and Burling.

Judicial Watch’s records request is designed to expose how California state legislators are wasting tax dollars to take care of another corrupt politician – Eric Holder – under the guise of resisting the rule of law on immigration and other matters,” stated Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton.  “His record at the Clinton and Obama Justice Departments demonstrates a willingness to bend the law in order to protect his political patrons.

The hiring of Eric Holder by the California Legislature confirms a lack of confidence in Xavier Becerra by Gov. Brown and Democrats in the Legislature–which must be quite humiliating for Becerra, especially after his promise to uphold California’s “progressive” policies on immigration, Obamacare, energy, and criminal justice. “If you want to take on a forward-leaning state that is prepared to defend its rights and interests, then come at us,” Becerra said, directing his comment to Trump.  Choosing Holder also reiterates the anti-American, anti-Constitution, anti-religion movement of Marxists in America, but particularly in California. The biggest obstacle standing between Marxism and Marxist domination of the world is America, and the U.S. Constitution. And standing between a Marxist takeover of America is California – only when California is destroyed can Marxists proceed.

 Biden Blitzkrieg

In fundamentally transformed America, the people don’t get what they want.


On April 27, the Biden Junta officially launched its Disinformation Governance Board, headed by Nina Jankowicz, as Roger Kimball explains, a 33-year-old “anti-Trump hack,” already on record that Hunter Biden’s laptop is Russian disinformation.

Politicians and journalists alike called out Biden’s board as Orwellian, Stalinist, and Maoist. That is entirely valid and should come as no surprise. Recall, for example, Biden’s choice for comptroller of the currency in the Treasury Department.

Saule Omrova attended Moscow State University on a “Lenin Personal Academic Scholarship,” and 30 years after the fall of the USSR was still an apologist of the Communist regime. “Say what you will about old USSR, there was no gender pay gap there,” the former Kazhak Komsomol proclaimed. “Market doesn’t always ‘know best.’”

In the old USSR, the all-male Dictatorship of the Proletariat always knew best, but if Khrushchev, Brezhnev, and Andropov ever did anything with which Omarova disagreed, it failed to emerge in testimony. She basically wanted to replicate Soviet banking, and Sen. Tim Scott could not think of a person “more poorly suited” for the job.

Omarova didn’t get the post but her nomination says a lot about the Biden Junta. So does Biden’s choice for Department of Homeland Security boss.

The pasty faced Alejandro Mayorkas gave the U.S. southern border an existential problem, and on his watch people have been streaming in from all over the world. The DHS ships the “migrants” around the country in secret night flights, with no notification to the American people or their elected representatives.

In effect, Mayorkas heads up a policy of lebensraum, providing foreign criminals and terrorists with living space in the USA. As embattled Americans may recall, the DHS failed to prevent Islamic terrorist attacks at Fort Hood, Texas, in 2009 (14 dead, more than 30 wounded); San Bernardino, California, in 2015 (14 murdered, more than 20 wounded); Orlando, Florida, in 2016, with 49 murdered and more than 50 wounded.

Under Mayorkas, the DHS ignores Islamic terrorists and targets anyone less than worshipful of the Biden Junta. In that cause, the Biden Junta has added a powerful new player Mayorkas hails as a “tremendous authority” and “dedicated to the mission.”

Biden disinformation boss Nina Jankowicz is already on record that Hunter Biden’s laptop is a “Trump campaign product” and “Russian influence op.” Jankowicz is also a big fan of Christopher Steele, author of the eponymous dossier, a Clinton campaign product now exposed as pure disinformation.

As head of the Stalinist disinformation board, Nina Jankowicz will suppress any news less than worshipful of the Biden Junta and as Roger Kimball explains, she will “foster and disseminate competing disinformation.” In that cause the board will enjoy “the full cooperative power of the state behind them.”

Like Hitler with Goebbels, the Biden Junta deploys its minister of propaganda. Americans must contend with a domestic Nazi-Soviet pact, with tactics characteristic of both totalitarian ideologies. As F.A. Voigt explained in Unto Caesar, the Nazis and Communists both hated the middle class.

For Marxists, the “petit bourgeois” is worse than a counterrevolutionary because he is “unrevolutionary.”  The impoverishment of the German middle class “was contemplated with the utmost satisfaction by Communist observers, who saw therein hope of the so long delayed German ‘proletarian’ revolution.”

Like Marx and Lenin, Voigt noted, “Hitler is an anti-capitalist” and “anti-Semitism and anti-capitalism frequently go hand in hand.” Hostility to the middle class and anti-Semitism are both on the rise under Joe Biden, a puppet for the composite character David Garrow described in Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama.

He is all about fundamentally transforming America from a constitutional democracy into a place where the outgoing president picks his successor and deploys the organs of the state to suppress the opposition. In fundamentally transformed America, the people don’t get what they want. As in all socialist states, they get only what the government wants them to have.

Countless millions of Americans, from all classes, reject that transformation. With crucial mid-terms on the horizon, the Biden Junta impoverishes the people, menaces their security, and deploys a Stalinist board to crush free speech and freedom of the press.  

Meanwhile, as Hunter Biden’s laptop reveals, on emails to his son Joe Biden used the pseudonym “Peter Henderson,” which has a history of sorts. In several Tom Clancy novels, including The Hunt for Red October, Peter Henderson is the name of a Soviet spy embedded in the U.S. government. Joe Biden started using the pseudonym in October, 2016, to forward a YouTube video to Hunter.

For Nina Jankowicz, that’s all Russian disinformation. Maybe she’ll clear it up in her powerful new post, the realization of a dream. As the wannabe chanteuse once crooned in a video, “I want to be rich, famous and powerful, step on all my enemies and never do a thing.”


Schweizer: Independent Counsel Needed to Investigate Hunter Biden



1 May 20220


In an interview set to air on Sunday’s broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “Life, Liberty & Levin,” Breitbart News senior contributor and Government Accountability Institute president Peter Schweizer said an independent counsel would be required to investigate Hunter Biden’s financial dealings given the potential conflict of interest for his father, President Joe Biden.

Schweizer, the author of Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win, also warned the case could be settled outside of court without public knowledge.

“This is a tailor-made case for an independent counsel,” Schweizer said. “It’s an investigation involving the family of the president. The attorney general is, of course, appointed by the president. And he’s the one who’s going to direct this U.S. attorney that has this grand jury in Delaware — so you need an independent counsel.”

“There is lots of evidence … some of that money ended up with Joe Biden,” he added. “The money was fungible. It moved around. It went to James Biden and others.”

Schweizer also told FNC host Mark Levin the investigation might find opposition from Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) because of the business interests that McConnell and his wife, former Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, have abroad.

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor


Watters: The Five (CRIME) Families of the Democrat Party

Where did Biden's millions come from?


I’d be inclined to disagree with Don except for one thing: Biden has proven to be a very adept criminal mastermind. For decades, he has funneled millions of dollars to his children and siblings and, especially, to his debauched, deviant son, Hunter. ANDREA WIDBURG


“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton (LAWYERS-2) Foundation and the (LAWYERS-2) Obama book and television deals. Then there is the Biden (LAWYERS-3) family corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the (LAWYER) Warren and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (YOU CAN ADD LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS AND LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER TO THE PATHEION OF DEMOCRAT BRIBES SUCKING CORRUPT LAWYER POLITICIANS!)         BRIAN C JOONDEPH

There’s also the little problem of Hillary’s incredible corruption (making her and Biden birds of a feather). And of course, the fact that Hillary’s unsecure server damaged national security in a way that would have seen an ordinary, politically unconnected person spend the rest of her life in prison—which, not coincidentally, is where Papa Joe belongs for using his debauched son Hunter as the bagman for decades of anti-American corruption.

                                                     ANDREA WIDBURG 

The only reason that Biden became president is because Democrat campaign workers, posing as journalists, buried a truthful story about the Biden family corruption that most of them knew was true. They still intentionally hide the truth of the depth and breadth of the corruption from the public because they know Biden's and other Democrats’ poll numbers would be much worse if the public knew the truth. 


A 'corrupt family occupies the White House' 


Judge Christopher Cooper is not only an Obama appointee but his wife was Eric Holder's counselor on national security. AG Merrick Garland officiated at their wedding. She was also one of the five FISA amici curae. 

Was there ever any other possible outcome?


Judicial Watch’s records request is designed to expose how California state legislators are wasting tax dollars to take care of another corrupt politician – Eric Holder – under the guise of resisting the rule of law on immigration and other matters,” stated Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton.  “His record at the Clinton and Obama Justice Departments demonstrates a willingness to bend the law in order to protect his political patrons.

The Clinton and Biden families were allowed to use their powerful government positions to solicit massive kickbacks for themselves and their families from foreign sources, and they were and are above the law.

The office thing might have been improper, but at this point, who cares? More at issue is the extraordinary run Holder just completed as one of history’s great double agents. For six years, while brilliantly disguised as the attorney general of the United States, he was actually working deep undercover, DiCaprio in The Departed-styleas the best defense lawyer Wall Street ever had.

ERIC HOLDER HAS long insisted that he tried really hard when he was attorney general to make criminal cases against big banks in the wake of the 2007 financial crisis. His excuse, which he made again just last month, was that Justice Department prosecutors didn’t have enough evidence to bring charges.

Many critics have long suspected that was bullshit, and that Holder, for a combination of political, self-serving, and craven reasons, held his department back.

A new, thoroughly-documented report from the House Financial Services Committee supports that theory. It recounts how career prosecutors in 2012 wanted to criminally charge the global bank HSBC for facilitating money laundering for Mexican drug lords and terrorist groups. But Holder said no.


New evidence supports critique that Holder, for a combination of political, self-serving, and craven reasons, held his department back from prosecuting big banks.


That baleful presence of Eric Holder eyeing the coronavirus as a means to win Democrats' permanent power

By Monica Showalter

Eric Holder is back.

But instead of helping out on the coronavirus crisis as an ethical person might do, his wheels are spinning for using the crisis as a means of attaining permanent Democratic Party power.

The far left former Obama administration Attorney General got an item out on Medium, calling for the skeezy practice of universal mail-in voting, claiming the Wisconsin primary during the crisis was some kind of unspecified travesty:


New from @EricHolder: "Given that the virus is likely to return in the fall, if we do not start taking measures now to protect the franchise, our current voting procedures will put the health of all Americans -no matter their political preference -at risk"

— Patrick Rodenbush (@pnrodenbush) April 14, 2020


Thanks for the concern-trolling for Republicans, Eric. We all know how sincere it is. 

Calling for mail-in ballots, online registration, same-day registration, ballot-harvesting, and month-long extended voting periods, all of which are petri dishes for election fraud in that most break the chain of custody to any number of interested players, some break secret ballot, and others can be manipulated by partisan hacks based on known ongoing tallies, Holder writes:

By refusing to move the election or provide adequate alternative voting options as they dealt with the COVID-19 pandemic, Republicans used their gerrymandered majorities in the Wisconsin legislature to force an impossible choice on the people they are supposed to represent: forgo your civic responsibility and stay healthy or cast a ballot and endanger yourself and your community. It remains unthinkable that health care experts would tell citizens that social distancing is a necessity to combat this virus and then politicians forced them to congregate in large groups and wait in long lines to vote. Poll workers afraid for their health did not show up.

Which is nonsense. People stand in grocery lines all the time, socially distancing by six feet. Somehow, Holder thinks voters can't master that in an election situation where lines are usually considerably shorter.

NPR of all outlets reported that Holder's travesty claims in Wisconsin were garbage, the public network reports that Wisconsin turnout in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic was steady and high.

The ballot harvesting, borrowed from Mexico's "perfect dictatorship," the 70-year ruling PRI party, famous for its corruption and socialism, goes on a lot in the U.S. these days already, the camel's nose is already under the tent. Fraud plagued California is the main example, but it also goes on in states with large Latin American-descended populations, by seamy [political operatives known as boliteros and politiqueras, who make sure to bring home the bacon for their party as such flying monkeys are commissioned to do. They are often union thugs, coming to people's houses, standing over them, (we know where you live) pressuring them to vote the way they want them to vote, even if they don't want to vote that way, even if they are illegal and don't want to get into trouble.

Or else.

All of this is part of the Democrats' plan for using the coronavirus to fundamentally transform America. California's Gov. Gavin Newsom said as much about the coronavirus couple weeks earlier.

Now Holder's grabbed the football and is running with it, making an end to normal voting a fundamental part of the Democratic Party platform. It goes with their other offensive that I described earlier today, which is encouraging a flood of illegals, with PRI (or worse, Chavista) values into the country, and then changing the secret ballot voting system from one-man one-vote to an extended harvest mechanism, extended over a long period, with zero verification of who actually cast the ballot, and a broken chain of custody, allowing for all manner of fraud that Democrats view as beneficial.

Never let a crisis go to waste, to paraphrase Democratic operative Rahm Emanuel. Holder is one baleful presence. No matter what the crisis, all he can see is new ways to extend Democratic Party power. 

Image credit: AFGE, via Wikimedia Commons // CC BY-SA 2.0

With Biden, one set of laws for them, another set for us

By Jack Hellner


Twenty-one students at three universities were charged with participation in a massive drug ring.

Total proceeds were $1.5 million over a few years. No, they shouldn't have done it. But the penalties for them are draconian: They are in huge lifetime trouble with the law. Their lives will be destroyed, and several will probably go to prison.

Twenty-one people have been charged with dealing drugs on and around college campuses after federal officials uncovered a massive drug ring involving students at three North Carolina universities, authorities announced Thursday.

Martin said that over several years the suspects allegedly moved more than a thousand of pounds of marijuana and hundreds of kilograms of cocaine and other drugs through their supply chain. The drug proceeds exceeded $1.5 million, according to the DEA.

Contrast the students’ treatment with terrorists being let off scot-free by the Obama administration Justice department after Obama dictatorially instructed bureaucrats to drop the years-long investigation into a billion-dollar-a -year drug ring, all to appease Iran.

You see, terrorists are special when Obama/Biden and John Kerry want to appease dictators who pledge death to America as they work on their legacy.

Where were the whistleblowers at the Justice department in 2008, calling out this pure abuse of power by Obama? Where were the congressional hearings and articles of impeachment?

From Politico in 2017:

In its determination to secure a nuclear deal with Iran, the Obama administration derailed an ambitious law enforcement campaign targeting drug trafficking by the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah, even as it was funneling cocaine into the United States, according to a POLITICO investigation.

The campaign, dubbed Project Cassandra, was launched in 2008 after the Drug Enforcement Administration amassed evidence that Hezbollah had transformed itself from a Middle East-focused military and political organization into an international crime syndicate that some investigators believed was collecting $1 billion a year from drug and weapons trafficking, money laundering and other criminal activities.

The media and other Democrats claim they care about all deaths from drugs, so why don’t they care about all the deaths from terrorism and drug overdoses because of Obama’s actions?

The Justice department, the media, and the politicians of both parties go after pharmaceutical companies for their contribution to the drug crisis, so why didn’t they go after Obama -- and China, the terrorists and Iran, for their major contribution to the problem?

This is what is going on now in San Francisco

According to the Associated Press, 621 people have died in San Francisco of drug overdoses thus far this year, a staggering number that equates to nearly two deaths per day.

On the other hand, just 173 San Fransisco residents have died of COVID-19.

It is an absolute joke to watch Biden and the media claim that the new administration will not interfere at the Justice department when they know how the Obama/Biden administration completely politicized the Justice department throughout their eight years.

When they say that no one is above the law and there will be equal treatment under the law, they are plainly lying.

They not only let terrorists off scot free, IRS bureaucrats who targeted Obama opponents, obstructed justice, destroyed computers and lied to Congress were also above the law.

Hillary Clinton, her aides, and officials throughout government, including Obama, could violate the nation's security laws, could destroy computers, hide documents, and repeatedly lie and they were above the law.

The Justice department could shake down corporations, establish a slush fund, and give kickbacks to political supporters such as ACORN or whatever they call themselves now, and few cared.

Eric Holder, James Clapper, James Comey, John Brennan, Andrew McCabe and others could repeatedly lie to Congress and/or the FBI and they were all above the law.

Bureaucrats could use a fake dossier from a foreign source, paid for by the DNC and Hillary campaign, and lie to the FISA court as they targeted Trump and his supporters, and they, too, were above the law.

Bureaucrats within the Obama/Biden Administration illegally spied on thousands of Americans throughout their eight years in office and they were all above the law. Remember this?

Newly declassified memos detail extent of improper Obama-era NSA spying

The Obama/Biden Justice department refused to enforce immigration laws. Politicians and bureaucrats in sanctuary cities and states were above the law.

The Clinton and Biden families were allowed to use their powerful government positions to solicit massive kickbacks for themselves and their families from foreign sources, and they were and are above the law.

Democrats not only didn’t care about the kickbacks, they impeached Trump for wanting an investigation into the Biden corruption.

While members of the Obama/Biden crime syndicate could violate as many laws as they liked, they were also targeting innocent people like Gen. Michael Flynn and energy expert Carter Page for destruction.

It is no wonder there is so much corruption and criminal activity among politicians and bureaucrats thrives throughout the United States when the press is coopted, asleep, or just don’t care. They frequently bury the stories and actively campaign for the corrupt criminals. It is sad that they support putting corrupt criminals in the White House. They support anyone who seeks to make the government run by leftists more powerful.

Meanwhile, they will seek to destroy anyone who wants to give the power, purse, and freedom back to the people as fast as possible. They don’t care about how many fake stories, such as  Russian collusion, they have to peddle in their efforts to defeat political opponents. Evidence and the truth are not important. Anonymous sources are treated as evidence. Only victory for leftists matters and that truly makes the media an existential threat to our survival as a great country. 

Image credit: Pixabay public domain



Judicial Watch’s records request is designed to expose how California state legislators are wasting tax dollars to take care of another corrupt politician – Eric Holder – under the guise of resisting the rule of law on immigration and other matters,” stated Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton.  “His record at the Clinton and Obama Justice Departments demonstrates a willingness to bend the law in order to protect his political patrons.


Biden’s influence-peddling is consistent with what I wrote in my book, 'Capitol Hills Criminal Underground'

By Richard Lawless

More than three years ago, MedLaw Publishing released my book, “Capitol Hills Criminal Underground” in which I, the book's author, describe a long-running “protection racket” being run by then-Vice President Joe Biden, as well  as Attorney General Eric Holder and New York Senator, Chuck Schumer.  

The three amigos effectively arranged to have all Wall Street criminal cases directed to the lefty-friendly Southern District of New York, and for the right “payments” the cases would be closed. Money would then go into PACs controlled by Schumer and distributed to all those involved.  In return for those payments, there would be no investigations, no prosecutions and no regulatory action.  As author, I tracked over $110,000,000 in payments to politicians. 

The CIA tracked some of the money-laundering related to the theft by these Wall Street companies and was able to track back the payments to senior DOJ officials and senior politicians like Vice President Joe Biden.  

I, and a senior CIA officer, offered this evidence to both FBI Director James Comey and DoJ Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz.  They both declined to respond.  I filed criminal complaints with the FBI and was told by field agents that senior leadership at the DOJ would not allow anyone to work the criminal complaints.

I want to encourage all Americans to read my book, "Capitol Hill's Criminal Underground" and decide for themselves.



That baleful presence of Eric Holder eyeing the coronavirus as a means to win Democrats' permanent power

By Monica Showalter

Eric Holder is back.

But instead of helping out on the coronavirus crisis as an ethical person might do, his wheels are spinning for using the crisis as a means of attaining permanent Democratic Party power.

The far left former Obama administration Attorney General got an item out on Medium, calling for the skeezy practice of universal mail-in voting, claiming the Wisconsin primary during the crisis was some kind of unspecified travesty:


New from @EricHolder: "Given that the virus is likely to return in the fall, if we do not start taking measures now to protect the franchise, our current voting procedures will put the health of all Americans -no matter their political preference -at risk"

— Patrick Rodenbush (@pnrodenbush) April 14, 2020


Thanks for the concern-trolling for Republicans, Eric. We all know how sincere it is. 

Calling for mail-in ballots, online registration, same-day registration, ballot-harvesting, and month-long extended voting periods, all of which are petri dishes for election fraud in that most break the chain of custody to any number of interested players, some break secret ballot, and others can be manipulated by partisan hacks based on known ongoing tallies, Holder writes:

By refusing to move the election or provide adequate alternative voting options as they dealt with the COVID-19 pandemic, Republicans used their gerrymandered majorities in the Wisconsin legislature to force an impossible choice on the people they are supposed to represent: forgo your civic responsibility and stay healthy or cast a ballot and endanger yourself and your community. It remains unthinkable that health care experts would tell citizens that social distancing is a necessity to combat this virus and then politicians forced them to congregate in large groups and wait in long lines to vote. Poll workers afraid for their health did not show up.

Which is nonsense. People stand in grocery lines all the time, socially distancing by six feet. Somehow, Holder thinks voters can't master that in an election situation where lines are usually considerably shorter.

NPR of all outlets reported that Holder's travesty claims in Wisconsin were garbage, the public network reports that Wisconsin turnout in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic was steady and high.

The ballot harvesting, borrowed from Mexico's "perfect dictatorship," the 70-year ruling PRI party, famous for its corruption and socialism, goes on a lot in the U.S. these days already, the camel's nose is already under the tent. Fraud plagued California is the main example, but it also goes on in states with large Latin American-descended populations, by seamy [political operatives known as boliteros and politiqueras, who make sure to bring home the bacon for their party as such flying monkeys are commissioned to do. They are often union thugs, coming to people's houses, standing over them, (we know where you live) pressuring them to vote the way they want them to vote, even if they don't want to vote that way, even if they are illegal and don't want to get into trouble.

Or else.

All of this is part of the Democrats' plan for using the coronavirus to fundamentally transform America. California's Gov. Gavin Newsom said as much about the coronavirus couple weeks earlier.

Now Holder's grabbed the football and is running with it, making an end to normal voting a fundamental part of the Democratic Party platform. It goes with their other offensive that I described earlier today, which is encouraging a flood of illegals, with PRI (or worse, Chavista) values into the country, and then changing the secret ballot voting system from one-man one-vote to an extended harvest mechanism, extended over a long period, with zero verification of who actually cast the ballot, and a broken chain of custody, allowing for all manner of fraud that Democrats view as beneficial.

Never let a crisis go to waste, to paraphrase Democratic operative Rahm Emanuel. Holder is one baleful presence. No matter what the crisis, all he can see is new ways to extend Democratic Party power. 

Image credit: AFGE, via Wikimedia Commons // CC BY-SA 2.0





Any attorney general who is not an activist is not doing his or her job. 

Eric Holder

In Part One of this series, we exposed the Chicano Marxist take over of the California legislature and their plans to defy federal immigration laws and expected actions of the incoming Trump administration. Gov. Jerry Brown’s nomination of  Xavier Becerra to be California’s next Attorney General was the first of many steps to protect the pervasive lawlessness of the radical left. Becerra has already taken an aggressive and combative stance against President-elect Donald Trump, vowing to fight Trump’s efforts to enforce immigration laws, and even block attempts to deport criminal illegal aliens. Trump’s campaign centered on building a wall along the United States border with Mexico to keep out illegal immigrants, violent gangs, and terrorists posing as immigrants.

Xavier Becerra, currently a 12-year member of Congress, is an admitted member of MEChA, or “Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan,” often likened to a Latino KKK.

Becerra has publicly defended MEChA, even though the Chicano supremacist group evangelizes discrimination against non-Hispanics and calls for the killing of Border Patrol “pigs.” MEChA’s rallying cry is: “For the race, everything; For those outside the race, nothing.

Becerra’s Radical Plans

Recently, the State Assembly Committee on the Office of the Attorney General asked nominee Becerra to detail his plans on the issues of immigration, civil rights, the environment, policing and consumer protection – apparently the only issues the California Legislature is interested in Becerra defending.

In a letter released Saturday, Becerra praised California’s policies helping illegal aliens get driver’s licenses, free college tuition, and free lawyers to represent them in deportation cases, calling it “national leadership.”

“All of these policies and programs are representative of California’s values as a welcoming state,” Becerra wrote to the Assembly committee.

Becerra also took a shot at Trump for proposing to create a registry of Muslim immigrants during the campaign.”Disturbing statements uttered during the recent Presidential campaign have given rise to legitimate fears that the new federal administration might seek to adopt policies that would discriminate against people based on factors such as their religious belief,” Becerra wrote. “Any such policies would be antithetical to the deepest constitutional values and traditions of this nation — a nation founded in part by men and women fleeing religious persecution.”

“I have no intention of allowing this policy through the doors of California,” he wrote.

Like a good progressive foot soldier, Becerra also vowed to fight for abortion, calling it “reproductive freedom.”

Becerra said he will support California’s recent legislation expanding voter registration and participation in elections. He might want to look into the 650,000 newly registered California voters, registered online only weeks before the election. According to the Los Angeles Times, “98% of all the growth in California’s voter ranks in 2016 happened in just the last 45 days of the registration season.”

As Attorney General, Becerra has vowed to continue enforcing policies to combat climate change and work to “transition Californians to a low-carbon way of life.” Becerra added that a part of environmental protections is safe drinking water and vowed to “pursue the goal of providing safe drinking water to all Californians.” Perhaps Becerra can begin by supporting the safe drinking water bills that Assemblyman Devon Mathis has tried to get passed over the last two years?  In Mathis’ district, wells began going dry in East Porterville more than three years ago, with more continuing to dry up every day.

Assemblyman Devon Mathis, R-Porterville, authored the bills to provide $10 million to homeowners (not farmers) to dig deeper wells and clean contaminated ones.

Both bills passed through the Assembly and a state Senate committee without opposition, only to have Senate Appropriations Chairman Ricardo Lara, D-Los Angeles and Mecha activist, put both bills on suspense– one after the other, killing them and depriving 10,000+ low-income individuals access to running water. Sen. Lara was playing politics with this Republican bill, despite the 10,000 poor people who need the clean water.

Sanctuary Cities

California, through its 35 Sanctuary Cities, is clearly violating U.S. Federal Immigration law. Recently, Democrat members of the State Legislature proposed two bills: SB 6 by Sen. Ben Hueso, to create a state program to fund legal representation for illegal aliens facing deportation, and AB 3 by Assemblyman Rob Bonta to create taxpayer-funded training for defense attorneys and public defenders on immigration law for illegal aliens.

And now California is going to try to prevent the new Presidential administration from enforcing federal immigration law despite the fact that the Constitution clearly imposes a duty on the president and the executive branch, to enforce the law.

Hiring Eric Holder… for what?

Democrats in the California State Legislature apparently decided Becerra isn’t enough legal muscle, and recently hired former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder to fight a “clear and present danger” from President-elect Trump… the same former Attorney General Eric Holder who was once blasted for helping to trigger a “war” on police and called America  “a nation of cowards” on the issue of race. However, he now says he sees his “younger” self in Black Lives Matter activists… this is who California hired to assist California’s top law enforcement officer?

Since Trump — who is not referring to himself as “The Office of President-Elect,” as his predecessor did — has not yet taken office, nor any official actions, it is hard to see specifically for what purpose Holder has been hired.

There certainly is poetic justice in hiring the failed Attorney General of the failed Obama Administration to defend the failed and deteriorating policies of the Jerry Brown administration and radical Democrats running the state.

Described as a “devious, power-hungry, racial zealot,” Eric Holder is also a dubious choice since he is the only U.S. Attorney General in history to be held in contempt of Congress, when he refused to turn over Operation Fast and Furious documents to Congress. One of the most reckless law enforcement operations ever conducted by the Justice Department, it involved selling guns to Mexican drug cartels, and resulted in the death of a U.S. border patrol agent, Brian Terry, as well as hundreds of Mexican citizens.

Under Holder’s watch at the DOJ Civil Rights Division, more than half of all the lawyers hired were chosen from four radical, anti-American organizations: the ACLU, National Council of La Raza, NAACP, Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund, and the Lawyer’s Committee for Civil Rights, John Fund and Hans von Spakovsky outlined in their 2014 book, “Obama’s Enforcer: Eric Holder’s Justice Department.”

Additionally, the Justice Department under Holder, and now Loretta Lynch, has one of the worst records before the U.S. Supreme Court, losing significantly more cases than either of the Bush or Clinton Departments of Justice. “In most administrations, the department wins about 70 percent of the cases before the Supreme Court; Mr. Holder’s department has a losing record and has lost at least nine cases 9-0–even with Obama appointees Elena Kagen and Sonia Sotomayor on the court,” wrote Jared Taylor of American Renaissance, in a review of “Obama’s Enforcer: Eric Holder’s Justice Department.”

Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a records request with the California Legislature Joint Rules Committee seeking to examine legislative records regarding the state’s employment of former Obama U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder Jr.  The record request includes:

All contracts between the California Legislature and former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. or Covington and Burling.

All communications between the California Legislature and former U. S. Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. or Covington and Burling about the Legislature’s retention of Holder and/or Covington and Burling.

Judicial Watch’s records request is designed to expose how California state legislators are wasting tax dollars to take care of another corrupt politician – Eric Holder – under the guise of resisting the rule of law on immigration and other matters,” stated Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton.  “His record at the Clinton and Obama Justice Departments demonstrates a willingness to bend the law in order to protect his political patrons.

The hiring of Eric Holder by the California Legislature confirms a lack of confidence in Xavier Becerra by Gov. Brown and Democrats in the Legislature–which must be quite humiliating for Becerra, especially after his promise to uphold California’s “progressive” policies on immigration, Obamacare, energy, and criminal justice. “If you want to take on a forward-leaning state that is prepared to defend its rights and interests, then come at us,” Becerra said, directing his comment to Trump.  Choosing Holder also reiterates the anti-American, anti-Constitution, anti-religion movement of Marxists in America, but particularly in California. The biggest obstacle standing between Marxism and Marxist domination of the world is America, and the U.S. Constitution. And standing between a Marxist takeover of America is California – only when California is destroyed can Marxists proceed.

 Biden Blitzkrieg

In fundamentally transformed America, the people don’t get what they want.


On April 27, the Biden Junta officially launched its Disinformation Governance Board, headed by Nina Jankowicz, as Roger Kimball explains, a 33-year-old “anti-Trump hack,” already on record that Hunter Biden’s laptop is Russian disinformation.

Politicians and journalists alike called out Biden’s board as Orwellian, Stalinist, and Maoist. That is entirely valid and should come as no surprise. Recall, for example, Biden’s choice for comptroller of the currency in the Treasury Department.

Saule Omrova attended Moscow State University on a “Lenin Personal Academic Scholarship,” and 30 years after the fall of the USSR was still an apologist of the Communist regime. “Say what you will about old USSR, there was no gender pay gap there,” the former Kazhak Komsomol proclaimed. “Market doesn’t always ‘know best.’”

In the old USSR, the all-male Dictatorship of the Proletariat always knew best, but if Khrushchev, Brezhnev, and Andropov ever did anything with which Omarova disagreed, it failed to emerge in testimony. She basically wanted to replicate Soviet banking, and Sen. Tim Scott could not think of a person “more poorly suited” for the job.

Omarova didn’t get the post but her nomination says a lot about the Biden Junta. So does Biden’s choice for Department of Homeland Security boss.

The pasty faced Alejandro Mayorkas gave the U.S. southern border an existential problem, and on his watch people have been streaming in from all over the world. The DHS ships the “migrants” around the country in secret night flights, with no notification to the American people or their elected representatives.

In effect, Mayorkas heads up a policy of lebensraum, providing foreign criminals and terrorists with living space in the USA. As embattled Americans may recall, the DHS failed to prevent Islamic terrorist attacks at Fort Hood, Texas, in 2009 (14 dead, more than 30 wounded); San Bernardino, California, in 2015 (14 murdered, more than 20 wounded); Orlando, Florida, in 2016, with 49 murdered and more than 50 wounded.

Under Mayorkas, the DHS ignores Islamic terrorists and targets anyone less than worshipful of the Biden Junta. In that cause, the Biden Junta has added a powerful new player Mayorkas hails as a “tremendous authority” and “dedicated to the mission.”

Biden disinformation boss Nina Jankowicz is already on record that Hunter Biden’s laptop is a “Trump campaign product” and “Russian influence op.” Jankowicz is also a big fan of Christopher Steele, author of the eponymous dossier, a Clinton campaign product now exposed as pure disinformation.

As head of the Stalinist disinformation board, Nina Jankowicz will suppress any news less than worshipful of the Biden Junta and as Roger Kimball explains, she will “foster and disseminate competing disinformation.” In that cause the board will enjoy “the full cooperative power of the state behind them.”

Like Hitler with Goebbels, the Biden Junta deploys its minister of propaganda. Americans must contend with a domestic Nazi-Soviet pact, with tactics characteristic of both totalitarian ideologies. As F.A. Voigt explained in Unto Caesar, the Nazis and Communists both hated the middle class.

For Marxists, the “petit bourgeois” is worse than a counterrevolutionary because he is “unrevolutionary.”  The impoverishment of the German middle class “was contemplated with the utmost satisfaction by Communist observers, who saw therein hope of the so long delayed German ‘proletarian’ revolution.”

Like Marx and Lenin, Voigt noted, “Hitler is an anti-capitalist” and “anti-Semitism and anti-capitalism frequently go hand in hand.” Hostility to the middle class and anti-Semitism are both on the rise under Joe Biden, a puppet for the composite character David Garrow described in Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama.

He is all about fundamentally transforming America from a constitutional democracy into a place where the outgoing president picks his successor and deploys the organs of the state to suppress the opposition. In fundamentally transformed America, the people don’t get what they want. As in all socialist states, they get only what the government wants them to have.

Countless millions of Americans, from all classes, reject that transformation. With crucial mid-terms on the horizon, the Biden Junta impoverishes the people, menaces their security, and deploys a Stalinist board to crush free speech and freedom of the press.  

Meanwhile, as Hunter Biden’s laptop reveals, on emails to his son Joe Biden used the pseudonym “Peter Henderson,” which has a history of sorts. In several Tom Clancy novels, including The Hunt for Red October, Peter Henderson is the name of a Soviet spy embedded in the U.S. government. Joe Biden started using the pseudonym in October, 2016, to forward a YouTube video to Hunter.

For Nina Jankowicz, that’s all Russian disinformation. Maybe she’ll clear it up in her powerful new post, the realization of a dream. As the wannabe chanteuse once crooned in a video, “I want to be rich, famous and powerful, step on all my enemies and never do a thing.”


Schweizer: Independent Counsel Needed to Investigate Hunter Biden



1 May 20220


In an interview set to air on Sunday’s broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “Life, Liberty & Levin,” Breitbart News senior contributor and Government Accountability Institute president Peter Schweizer said an independent counsel would be required to investigate Hunter Biden’s financial dealings given the potential conflict of interest for his father, President Joe Biden.

Schweizer, the author of Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win, also warned the case could be settled outside of court without public knowledge.

“This is a tailor-made case for an independent counsel,” Schweizer said. “It’s an investigation involving the family of the president. The attorney general is, of course, appointed by the president. And he’s the one who’s going to direct this U.S. attorney that has this grand jury in Delaware — so you need an independent counsel.”

“There is lots of evidence … some of that money ended up with Joe Biden,” he added. “The money was fungible. It moved around. It went to James Biden and others.”

Schweizer also told FNC host Mark Levin the investigation might find opposition from Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) because of the business interests that McConnell and his wife, former Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, have abroad.

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor

Report: Hunter Biden Hires Hollywood Attorney for Legal Work, Financial Backing

Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, left, during the White House Easter Egg Roll at the White House, Monday, April 18, 2022 in Washington. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)
AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

Hunter Biden has reportedly hired a big shot Hollywood attorney for legal work and financial backing while he is probed for potential tax fraud, money laundering, and violation of lobbying laws.

Kevin Morris, an attorney who crafted high-profile entertainment in Hollywood, has been retained by Hunter Biden to “craft legal and media strategy,” according to CBS News:

Entering the bruising political fight is an unusual move for Morris, who has long been a maverick in Hollywood. Morris founded a law firm that represented a cast of A-list stars and then began writing fiction and producing documentaries. He also subsequently helped negotiate another “South Park” deal, this one worth a reported $900 million, with MTV Entertainment Studios, which is part of the CBS News’ parent company Paramount.

Hunter Biden and Morris both live in the Los Angeles area, where the president’s son has been living while painting and selling his artwork. At one time, the law firm Morris founded was representing celebrities that included Matthew McConaughey, Ellen DeGeneres, Scarlett Johansson, Zoe Saldana, Zach Galifianakis, Chris Rock and Laura Linney. Morris also has authored two novels and a book of short stories.

Morris has reportedly financed Hunter’s defense and paid for Hunter’s overdue taxes in excess of $1 million. Hunter paid the massive tax bill by taking out a loan, the New York Times reported in March. The tax payment does not protect Hunter from any potential incoming charges.

As a grand jury continues the probe into Hunter’s corrupt international business dealings, Hunter’s taxes are just one potential crime among many. Working with his family, including his father, former Vice President Joe Biden, the probe into Hunter may include his business dealings with Ukrainian Energy company Burisma Holdings and a Chinese energy conglomerate.

The probe into Hunter’s corrupt business ventures has been ongoing for years. Trump-appointed U.S. prosecutor David Weiss has been weighing whether there is sufficient evidence to indict Hunter. The twenty-year federal prosecutor will have to weigh if there is enough evidence to seek a federal grand jury indictment against Hunter in an investigation that may end up including other members of the Biden family, such as Joe Biden’s brother, James Biden, and potentially the president himself.

In April, President Biden’s chief law enforcement officer, Attorney General Merrick Garland, promised the Senate he would not interfere with the probe into Hunter’s shady business dealings. “He is supervising the investigation and I’m not at liberty to talk about internal Justice Department deliberations, but he is in charge of that investigation,” Garland said.

The investigation could engulf Joe Biden. Though Joe Biden and his team have deflected and denied at least nine times that he had no knowledge of his family’s corrupt business dealings, evidence shows Joe Biden has played a role in his family’s business dealings at least 11 times.

Polling shows Americans do not believe Joe Biden’s denials. Fifty-eight percent believe Joe Biden has indeed played a role in his family’s business, according to a Harris poll. Sixty percent say Hunter has sold “influence and access” to Joe Biden. The poll also shows 67 percent believe Joe Biden should be impeached if he “secretly participated and facilitated” in the family’s business.

Text messages from 2019 on Hunter’s “laptop from hell” depict the Biden family payout mechanism. The instrument indicates a collection of 50 percent of familial salaries for 30 years. “I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years,” Hunter texted to his daughter in 2019. “It’s really hard. But don’t worry, unlike Pop [Joe], I won’t make you give me half your salary.”

The Biden’s family payment mechanism of collecting 50 percent of family salaries for 30 years could be legal “predicates” for racketeering charges, according to former Utah U.S. attorney Brett Tolman.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter and Gettr @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.


Watters: The Five (CRIME) Families of the Democrat Party

Where did Biden's millions come from?


I’d be inclined to disagree with Don except for one thing: Biden has proven to be a very adept criminal mastermind. For decades, he has funneled millions of dollars to his children and siblings and, especially, to his debauched, deviant son, Hunter. ANDREA WIDBURG


“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton (LAWYERS-2) Foundation and the (LAWYERS-2) Obama book and television deals. Then there is the Biden (LAWYERS-3) family corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the (LAWYER) Warren and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (YOU CAN ADD LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS AND LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER TO THE PATHEION OF DEMOCRAT BRIBES SUCKING CORRUPT LAWYER POLITICIANS!)         BRIAN C JOONDEPH

There’s also the little problem of Hillary’s incredible corruption (making her and Biden birds of a feather). And of course, the fact that Hillary’s unsecure server damaged national security in a way that would have seen an ordinary, politically unconnected person spend the rest of her life in prison—which, not coincidentally, is where Papa Joe belongs for using his debauched son Hunter as the bagman for decades of anti-American corruption.

                                                     ANDREA WIDBURG 

The only reason that Biden became president is because Democrat campaign workers, posing as journalists, buried a truthful story about the Biden family corruption that most of them knew was true. They still intentionally hide the truth of the depth and breadth of the corruption from the public because they know Biden's and other Democrats’ poll numbers would be much worse if the public knew the truth. 


A 'corrupt family occupies the White House'




Judge Christopher Cooper is not only an Obama appointee but his wife was Eric Holder's counselor on national security. AG Merrick Garland officiated at their wedding. She was also one of the five FISA amici curae. 

Was there ever any other possible outcome?


Judicial Watch’s records request is designed to expose how California state legislators are wasting tax dollars to take care of another corrupt politician – Eric Holder – under the guise of resisting the rule of law on immigration and other matters,” stated Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton.  “His record at the Clinton and Obama Justice Departments demonstrates a willingness to bend the law in order to protect his political patrons.

The Clinton and Biden families were allowed to use their powerful government positions to solicit massive kickbacks for themselves and their families from foreign sources, and they were and are above the law.

The office thing might have been improper, but at this point, who cares? More at issue is the extraordinary run Holder just completed as one of history’s great double agents. For six years, while brilliantly disguised as the attorney general of the United States, he was actually working deep undercover, DiCaprio in The Departed-styleas the best defense lawyer Wall Street ever had.

ERIC HOLDER HAS long insisted that he tried really hard when he was attorney general to make criminal cases against big banks in the wake of the 2007 financial crisis. His excuse, which he made again just last month, was that Justice Department prosecutors didn’t have enough evidence to bring charges.

Many critics have long suspected that was bullshit, and that Holder, for a combination of political, self-serving, and craven reasons, held his department back.

A new, thoroughly-documented report from the House Financial Services Committee supports that theory. It recounts how career prosecutors in 2012 wanted to criminally charge the global bank HSBC for facilitating money laundering for Mexican drug lords and terrorist groups. But Holder said no.


New evidence supports critique that Holder, for a combination of political, self-serving, and craven reasons, held his department back from prosecuting big banks.


That baleful presence of Eric Holder eyeing the coronavirus as a means to win Democrats' permanent power

By Monica Showalter

Eric Holder is back.

But instead of helping out on the coronavirus crisis as an ethical person might do, his wheels are spinning for using the crisis as a means of attaining permanent Democratic Party power.

The far left former Obama administration Attorney General got an item out on Medium, calling for the skeezy practice of universal mail-in voting, claiming the Wisconsin primary during the crisis was some kind of unspecified travesty:


New from @EricHolder: "Given that the virus is likely to return in the fall, if we do not start taking measures now to protect the franchise, our current voting procedures will put the health of all Americans -no matter their political preference -at risk"

— Patrick Rodenbush (@pnrodenbush) April 14, 2020


Thanks for the concern-trolling for Republicans, Eric. We all know how sincere it is. 

Calling for mail-in ballots, online registration, same-day registration, ballot-harvesting, and month-long extended voting periods, all of which are petri dishes for election fraud in that most break the chain of custody to any number of interested players, some break secret ballot, and others can be manipulated by partisan hacks based on known ongoing tallies, Holder writes:

By refusing to move the election or provide adequate alternative voting options as they dealt with the COVID-19 pandemic, Republicans used their gerrymandered majorities in the Wisconsin legislature to force an impossible choice on the people they are supposed to represent: forgo your civic responsibility and stay healthy or cast a ballot and endanger yourself and your community. It remains unthinkable that health care experts would tell citizens that social distancing is a necessity to combat this virus and then politicians forced them to congregate in large groups and wait in long lines to vote. Poll workers afraid for their health did not show up.

Which is nonsense. People stand in grocery lines all the time, socially distancing by six feet. Somehow, Holder thinks voters can't master that in an election situation where lines are usually considerably shorter.

NPR of all outlets reported that Holder's travesty claims in Wisconsin were garbage, the public network reports that Wisconsin turnout in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic was steady and high.

The ballot harvesting, borrowed from Mexico's "perfect dictatorship," the 70-year ruling PRI party, famous for its corruption and socialism, goes on a lot in the U.S. these days already, the camel's nose is already under the tent. Fraud plagued California is the main example, but it also goes on in states with large Latin American-descended populations, by seamy [political operatives known as boliteros and politiqueras, who make sure to bring home the bacon for their party as such flying monkeys are commissioned to do. They are often union thugs, coming to people's houses, standing over them, (we know where you live) pressuring them to vote the way they want them to vote, even if they don't want to vote that way, even if they are illegal and don't want to get into trouble.

Or else.

All of this is part of the Democrats' plan for using the coronavirus to fundamentally transform America. California's Gov. Gavin Newsom said as much about the coronavirus couple weeks earlier.

Now Holder's grabbed the football and is running with it, making an end to normal voting a fundamental part of the Democratic Party platform. It goes with their other offensive that I described earlier today, which is encouraging a flood of illegals, with PRI (or worse, Chavista) values into the country, and then changing the secret ballot voting system from one-man one-vote to an extended harvest mechanism, extended over a long period, with zero verification of who actually cast the ballot, and a broken chain of custody, allowing for all manner of fraud that Democrats view as beneficial.

Never let a crisis go to waste, to paraphrase Democratic operative Rahm Emanuel. Holder is one baleful presence. No matter what the crisis, all he can see is new ways to extend Democratic Party power. 

Image credit: AFGE, via Wikimedia Commons // CC BY-SA 2.0

With Biden, one set of laws for them, another set for us

By Jack Hellner


Twenty-one students at three universities were charged with participation in a massive drug ring.

Total proceeds were $1.5 million over a few years. No, they shouldn't have done it. But the penalties for them are draconian: They are in huge lifetime trouble with the law. Their lives will be destroyed, and several will probably go to prison.

Twenty-one people have been charged with dealing drugs on and around college campuses after federal officials uncovered a massive drug ring involving students at three North Carolina universities, authorities announced Thursday.

Martin said that over several years the suspects allegedly moved more than a thousand of pounds of marijuana and hundreds of kilograms of cocaine and other drugs through their supply chain. The drug proceeds exceeded $1.5 million, according to the DEA.

Contrast the students’ treatment with terrorists being let off scot-free by the Obama administration Justice department after Obama dictatorially instructed bureaucrats to drop the years-long investigation into a billion-dollar-a -year drug ring, all to appease Iran.

You see, terrorists are special when Obama/Biden and John Kerry want to appease dictators who pledge death to America as they work on their legacy.

Where were the whistleblowers at the Justice department in 2008, calling out this pure abuse of power by Obama? Where were the congressional hearings and articles of impeachment?

From Politico in 2017:

In its determination to secure a nuclear deal with Iran, the Obama administration derailed an ambitious law enforcement campaign targeting drug trafficking by the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah, even as it was funneling cocaine into the United States, according to a POLITICO investigation.

The campaign, dubbed Project Cassandra, was launched in 2008 after the Drug Enforcement Administration amassed evidence that Hezbollah had transformed itself from a Middle East-focused military and political organization into an international crime syndicate that some investigators believed was collecting $1 billion a year from drug and weapons trafficking, money laundering and other criminal activities.

The media and other Democrats claim they care about all deaths from drugs, so why don’t they care about all the deaths from terrorism and drug overdoses because of Obama’s actions?

The Justice department, the media, and the politicians of both parties go after pharmaceutical companies for their contribution to the drug crisis, so why didn’t they go after Obama -- and China, the terrorists and Iran, for their major contribution to the problem?

This is what is going on now in San Francisco

According to the Associated Press, 621 people have died in San Francisco of drug overdoses thus far this year, a staggering number that equates to nearly two deaths per day.

On the other hand, just 173 San Fransisco residents have died of COVID-19.

It is an absolute joke to watch Biden and the media claim that the new administration will not interfere at the Justice department when they know how the Obama/Biden administration completely politicized the Justice department throughout their eight years.

When they say that no one is above the law and there will be equal treatment under the law, they are plainly lying.

They not only let terrorists off scot free, IRS bureaucrats who targeted Obama opponents, obstructed justice, destroyed computers and lied to Congress were also above the law.

Hillary Clinton, her aides, and officials throughout government, including Obama, could violate the nation's security laws, could destroy computers, hide documents, and repeatedly lie and they were above the law.

The Justice department could shake down corporations, establish a slush fund, and give kickbacks to political supporters such as ACORN or whatever they call themselves now, and few cared.

Eric Holder, James Clapper, James Comey, John Brennan, Andrew McCabe and others could repeatedly lie to Congress and/or the FBI and they were all above the law.

Bureaucrats could use a fake dossier from a foreign source, paid for by the DNC and Hillary campaign, and lie to the FISA court as they targeted Trump and his supporters, and they, too, were above the law.

Bureaucrats within the Obama/Biden Administration illegally spied on thousands of Americans throughout their eight years in office and they were all above the law. Remember this?

Newly declassified memos detail extent of improper Obama-era NSA spying

The Obama/Biden Justice department refused to enforce immigration laws. Politicians and bureaucrats in sanctuary cities and states were above the law.

The Clinton and Biden families were allowed to use their powerful government positions to solicit massive kickbacks for themselves and their families from foreign sources, and they were and are above the law.

Democrats not only didn’t care about the kickbacks, they impeached Trump for wanting an investigation into the Biden corruption.

While members of the Obama/Biden crime syndicate could violate as many laws as they liked, they were also targeting innocent people like Gen. Michael Flynn and energy expert Carter Page for destruction.

It is no wonder there is so much corruption and criminal activity among politicians and bureaucrats thrives throughout the United States when the press is coopted, asleep, or just don’t care. They frequently bury the stories and actively campaign for the corrupt criminals. It is sad that they support putting corrupt criminals in the White House. They support anyone who seeks to make the government run by leftists more powerful.

Meanwhile, they will seek to destroy anyone who wants to give the power, purse, and freedom back to the people as fast as possible. They don’t care about how many fake stories, such as  Russian collusion, they have to peddle in their efforts to defeat political opponents. Evidence and the truth are not important. Anonymous sources are treated as evidence. Only victory for leftists matters and that truly makes the media an existential threat to our survival as a great country. 

Image credit: Pixabay public domain



Judicial Watch’s records request is designed to expose how California state legislators are wasting tax dollars to take care of another corrupt politician – Eric Holder – under the guise of resisting the rule of law on immigration and other matters,” stated Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton.  “His record at the Clinton and Obama Justice Departments demonstrates a willingness to bend the law in order to protect his political patrons.


Biden’s influence-peddling is consistent with what I wrote in my book, 'Capitol Hills Criminal Underground'

By Richard Lawless

More than three years ago, MedLaw Publishing released my book, “Capitol Hills Criminal Underground” in which I, the book's author, describe a long-running “protection racket” being run by then-Vice President Joe Biden, as well  as Attorney General Eric Holder and New York Senator, Chuck Schumer.  

The three amigos effectively arranged to have all Wall Street criminal cases directed to the lefty-friendly Southern District of New York, and for the right “payments” the cases would be closed. Money would then go into PACs controlled by Schumer and distributed to all those involved.  In return for those payments, there would be no investigations, no prosecutions and no regulatory action.  As author, I tracked over $110,000,000 in payments to politicians. 

The CIA tracked some of the money-laundering related to the theft by these Wall Street companies and was able to track back the payments to senior DOJ officials and senior politicians like Vice President Joe Biden.  

I, and a senior CIA officer, offered this evidence to both FBI Director James Comey and DoJ Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz.  They both declined to respond.  I filed criminal complaints with the FBI and was told by field agents that senior leadership at the DOJ would not allow anyone to work the criminal complaints.

I want to encourage all Americans to read my book, "Capitol Hill's Criminal Underground" and decide for themselves.



That baleful presence of Eric Holder eyeing the coronavirus as a means to win Democrats' permanent power

By Monica Showalter

Eric Holder is back.

But instead of helping out on the coronavirus crisis as an ethical person might do, his wheels are spinning for using the crisis as a means of attaining permanent Democratic Party power.

The far left former Obama administration Attorney General got an item out on Medium, calling for the skeezy practice of universal mail-in voting, claiming the Wisconsin primary during the crisis was some kind of unspecified travesty:


New from @EricHolder: "Given that the virus is likely to return in the fall, if we do not start taking measures now to protect the franchise, our current voting procedures will put the health of all Americans -no matter their political preference -at risk"

— Patrick Rodenbush (@pnrodenbush) April 14, 2020


Thanks for the concern-trolling for Republicans, Eric. We all know how sincere it is. 

Calling for mail-in ballots, online registration, same-day registration, ballot-harvesting, and month-long extended voting periods, all of which are petri dishes for election fraud in that most break the chain of custody to any number of interested players, some break secret ballot, and others can be manipulated by partisan hacks based on known ongoing tallies, Holder writes:

By refusing to move the election or provide adequate alternative voting options as they dealt with the COVID-19 pandemic, Republicans used their gerrymandered majorities in the Wisconsin legislature to force an impossible choice on the people they are supposed to represent: forgo your civic responsibility and stay healthy or cast a ballot and endanger yourself and your community. It remains unthinkable that health care experts would tell citizens that social distancing is a necessity to combat this virus and then politicians forced them to congregate in large groups and wait in long lines to vote. Poll workers afraid for their health did not show up.

Which is nonsense. People stand in grocery lines all the time, socially distancing by six feet. Somehow, Holder thinks voters can't master that in an election situation where lines are usually considerably shorter.

NPR of all outlets reported that Holder's travesty claims in Wisconsin were garbage, the public network reports that Wisconsin turnout in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic was steady and high.

The ballot harvesting, borrowed from Mexico's "perfect dictatorship," the 70-year ruling PRI party, famous for its corruption and socialism, goes on a lot in the U.S. these days already, the camel's nose is already under the tent. Fraud plagued California is the main example, but it also goes on in states with large Latin American-descended populations, by seamy [political operatives known as boliteros and politiqueras, who make sure to bring home the bacon for their party as such flying monkeys are commissioned to do. They are often union thugs, coming to people's houses, standing over them, (we know where you live) pressuring them to vote the way they want them to vote, even if they don't want to vote that way, even if they are illegal and don't want to get into trouble.

Or else.

All of this is part of the Democrats' plan for using the coronavirus to fundamentally transform America. California's Gov. Gavin Newsom said as much about the coronavirus couple weeks earlier.

Now Holder's grabbed the football and is running with it, making an end to normal voting a fundamental part of the Democratic Party platform. It goes with their other offensive that I described earlier today, which is encouraging a flood of illegals, with PRI (or worse, Chavista) values into the country, and then changing the secret ballot voting system from one-man one-vote to an extended harvest mechanism, extended over a long period, with zero verification of who actually cast the ballot, and a broken chain of custody, allowing for all manner of fraud that Democrats view as beneficial.

Never let a crisis go to waste, to paraphrase Democratic operative Rahm Emanuel. Holder is one baleful presence. No matter what the crisis, all he can see is new ways to extend Democratic Party power. 

Image credit: AFGE, via Wikimedia Commons // CC BY-SA 2.0





Any attorney general who is not an activist is not doing his or her job. 

Eric Holder

In Part One of this series, we exposed the Chicano Marxist take over of the California legislature and their plans to defy federal immigration laws and expected actions of the incoming Trump administration. Gov. Jerry Brown’s nomination of  Xavier Becerra to be California’s next Attorney General was the first of many steps to protect the pervasive lawlessness of the radical left. Becerra has already taken an aggressive and combative stance against President-elect Donald Trump, vowing to fight Trump’s efforts to enforce immigration laws, and even block attempts to deport criminal illegal aliens. Trump’s campaign centered on building a wall along the United States border with Mexico to keep out illegal immigrants, violent gangs, and terrorists posing as immigrants.

Xavier Becerra, currently a 12-year member of Congress, is an admitted member of MEChA, or “Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan,” often likened to a Latino KKK.

Becerra has publicly defended MEChA, even though the Chicano supremacist group evangelizes discrimination against non-Hispanics and calls for the killing of Border Patrol “pigs.” MEChA’s rallying cry is: “For the race, everything; For those outside the race, nothing.

Becerra’s Radical Plans

Recently, the State Assembly Committee on the Office of the Attorney General asked nominee Becerra to detail his plans on the issues of immigration, civil rights, the environment, policing and consumer protection – apparently the only issues the California Legislature is interested in Becerra defending.

In a letter released Saturday, Becerra praised California’s policies helping illegal aliens get driver’s licenses, free college tuition, and free lawyers to represent them in deportation cases, calling it “national leadership.”

“All of these policies and programs are representative of California’s values as a welcoming state,” Becerra wrote to the Assembly committee.

Becerra also took a shot at Trump for proposing to create a registry of Muslim immigrants during the campaign.”Disturbing statements uttered during the recent Presidential campaign have given rise to legitimate fears that the new federal administration might seek to adopt policies that would discriminate against people based on factors such as their religious belief,” Becerra wrote. “Any such policies would be antithetical to the deepest constitutional values and traditions of this nation — a nation founded in part by men and women fleeing religious persecution.”

“I have no intention of allowing this policy through the doors of California,” he wrote.

Like a good progressive foot soldier, Becerra also vowed to fight for abortion, calling it “reproductive freedom.”

Becerra said he will support California’s recent legislation expanding voter registration and participation in elections. He might want to look into the 650,000 newly registered California voters, registered online only weeks before the election. According to the Los Angeles Times, “98% of all the growth in California’s voter ranks in 2016 happened in just the last 45 days of the registration season.”

As Attorney General, Becerra has vowed to continue enforcing policies to combat climate change and work to “transition Californians to a low-carbon way of life.” Becerra added that a part of environmental protections is safe drinking water and vowed to “pursue the goal of providing safe drinking water to all Californians.” Perhaps Becerra can begin by supporting the safe drinking water bills that Assemblyman Devon Mathis has tried to get passed over the last two years?  In Mathis’ district, wells began going dry in East Porterville more than three years ago, with more continuing to dry up every day.

Assemblyman Devon Mathis, R-Porterville, authored the bills to provide $10 million to homeowners (not farmers) to dig deeper wells and clean contaminated ones.

Both bills passed through the Assembly and a state Senate committee without opposition, only to have Senate Appropriations Chairman Ricardo Lara, D-Los Angeles and Mecha activist, put both bills on suspense– one after the other, killing them and depriving 10,000+ low-income individuals access to running water. Sen. Lara was playing politics with this Republican bill, despite the 10,000 poor people who need the clean water.

Sanctuary Cities

California, through its 35 Sanctuary Cities, is clearly violating U.S. Federal Immigration law. Recently, Democrat members of the State Legislature proposed two bills: SB 6 by Sen. Ben Hueso, to create a state program to fund legal representation for illegal aliens facing deportation, and AB 3 by Assemblyman Rob Bonta to create taxpayer-funded training for defense attorneys and public defenders on immigration law for illegal aliens.

And now California is going to try to prevent the new Presidential administration from enforcing federal immigration law despite the fact that the Constitution clearly imposes a duty on the president and the executive branch, to enforce the law.

Hiring Eric Holder… for what?

Democrats in the California State Legislature apparently decided Becerra isn’t enough legal muscle, and recently hired former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder to fight a “clear and present danger” from President-elect Trump… the same former Attorney General Eric Holder who was once blasted for helping to trigger a “war” on police and called America  “a nation of cowards” on the issue of race. However, he now says he sees his “younger” self in Black Lives Matter activists… this is who California hired to assist California’s top law enforcement officer?

Since Trump — who is not referring to himself as “The Office of President-Elect,” as his predecessor did — has not yet taken office, nor any official actions, it is hard to see specifically for what purpose Holder has been hired.

There certainly is poetic justice in hiring the failed Attorney General of the failed Obama Administration to defend the failed and deteriorating policies of the Jerry Brown administration and radical Democrats running the state.

Described as a “devious, power-hungry, racial zealot,” Eric Holder is also a dubious choice since he is the only U.S. Attorney General in history to be held in contempt of Congress, when he refused to turn over Operation Fast and Furious documents to Congress. One of the most reckless law enforcement operations ever conducted by the Justice Department, it involved selling guns to Mexican drug cartels, and resulted in the death of a U.S. border patrol agent, Brian Terry, as well as hundreds of Mexican citizens.

Under Holder’s watch at the DOJ Civil Rights Division, more than half of all the lawyers hired were chosen from four radical, anti-American organizations: the ACLU, National Council of La Raza, NAACP, Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund, and the Lawyer’s Committee for Civil Rights, John Fund and Hans von Spakovsky outlined in their 2014 book, “Obama’s Enforcer: Eric Holder’s Justice Department.”

Additionally, the Justice Department under Holder, and now Loretta Lynch, has one of the worst records before the U.S. Supreme Court, losing significantly more cases than either of the Bush or Clinton Departments of Justice. “In most administrations, the department wins about 70 percent of the cases before the Supreme Court; Mr. Holder’s department has a losing record and has lost at least nine cases 9-0–even with Obama appointees Elena Kagen and Sonia Sotomayor on the court,” wrote Jared Taylor of American Renaissance, in a review of “Obama’s Enforcer: Eric Holder’s Justice Department.”

Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a records request with the California Legislature Joint Rules Committee seeking to examine legislative records regarding the state’s employment of former Obama U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder Jr.  The record request includes:

All contracts between the California Legislature and former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. or Covington and Burling.

All communications between the California Legislature and former U. S. Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. or Covington and Burling about the Legislature’s retention of Holder and/or Covington and Burling.

Judicial Watch’s records request is designed to expose how California state legislators are wasting tax dollars to take care of another corrupt politician – Eric Holder – under the guise of resisting the rule of law on immigration and other matters,” stated Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton.  “His record at the Clinton and Obama Justice Departments demonstrates a willingness to bend the law in order to protect his political patrons.

The hiring of Eric Holder by the California Legislature confirms a lack of confidence in Xavier Becerra by Gov. Brown and Democrats in the Legislature–which must be quite humiliating for Becerra, especially after his promise to uphold California’s “progressive” policies on immigration, Obamacare, energy, and criminal justice. “If you want to take on a forward-leaning state that is prepared to defend its rights and interests, then come at us,” Becerra said, directing his comment to Trump.  Choosing Holder also reiterates the anti-American, anti-Constitution, anti-religion movement of Marxists in America, but particularly in California. The biggest obstacle standing between Marxism and Marxist domination of the world is America, and the U.S. Constitution. And standing between a Marxist takeover of America is California – only when California is destroyed can Marxists proceed.

 Biden Blitzkrieg

In fundamentally transformed America, the people don’t get what they want.


On April 27, the Biden Junta officially launched its Disinformation Governance Board, headed by Nina Jankowicz, as Roger Kimball explains, a 33-year-old “anti-Trump hack,” already on record that Hunter Biden’s laptop is Russian disinformation.

Politicians and journalists alike called out Biden’s board as Orwellian, Stalinist, and Maoist. That is entirely valid and should come as no surprise. Recall, for example, Biden’s choice for comptroller of the currency in the Treasury Department.

Saule Omrova attended Moscow State University on a “Lenin Personal Academic Scholarship,” and 30 years after the fall of the USSR was still an apologist of the Communist regime. “Say what you will about old USSR, there was no gender pay gap there,” the former Kazhak Komsomol proclaimed. “Market doesn’t always ‘know best.’”

In the old USSR, the all-male Dictatorship of the Proletariat always knew best, but if Khrushchev, Brezhnev, and Andropov ever did anything with which Omarova disagreed, it failed to emerge in testimony. She basically wanted to replicate Soviet banking, and Sen. Tim Scott could not think of a person “more poorly suited” for the job.

Omarova didn’t get the post but her nomination says a lot about the Biden Junta. So does Biden’s choice for Department of Homeland Security boss.

The pasty faced Alejandro Mayorkas gave the U.S. southern border an existential problem, and on his watch people have been streaming in from all over the world. The DHS ships the “migrants” around the country in secret night flights, with no notification to the American people or their elected representatives.

In effect, Mayorkas heads up a policy of lebensraum, providing foreign criminals and terrorists with living space in the USA. As embattled Americans may recall, the DHS failed to prevent Islamic terrorist attacks at Fort Hood, Texas, in 2009 (14 dead, more than 30 wounded); San Bernardino, California, in 2015 (14 murdered, more than 20 wounded); Orlando, Florida, in 2016, with 49 murdered and more than 50 wounded.

Under Mayorkas, the DHS ignores Islamic terrorists and targets anyone less than worshipful of the Biden Junta. In that cause, the Biden Junta has added a powerful new player Mayorkas hails as a “tremendous authority” and “dedicated to the mission.”

Biden disinformation boss Nina Jankowicz is already on record that Hunter Biden’s laptop is a “Trump campaign product” and “Russian influence op.” Jankowicz is also a big fan of Christopher Steele, author of the eponymous dossier, a Clinton campaign product now exposed as pure disinformation.

As head of the Stalinist disinformation board, Nina Jankowicz will suppress any news less than worshipful of the Biden Junta and as Roger Kimball explains, she will “foster and disseminate competing disinformation.” In that cause the board will enjoy “the full cooperative power of the state behind them.”

Like Hitler with Goebbels, the Biden Junta deploys its minister of propaganda. Americans must contend with a domestic Nazi-Soviet pact, with tactics characteristic of both totalitarian ideologies. As F.A. Voigt explained in Unto Caesar, the Nazis and Communists both hated the middle class.

For Marxists, the “petit bourgeois” is worse than a counterrevolutionary because he is “unrevolutionary.”  The impoverishment of the German middle class “was contemplated with the utmost satisfaction by Communist observers, who saw therein hope of the so long delayed German ‘proletarian’ revolution.”

Like Marx and Lenin, Voigt noted, “Hitler is an anti-capitalist” and “anti-Semitism and anti-capitalism frequently go hand in hand.” Hostility to the middle class and anti-Semitism are both on the rise under Joe Biden, a puppet for the composite character David Garrow described in Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama.

He is all about fundamentally transforming America from a constitutional democracy into a place where the outgoing president picks his successor and deploys the organs of the state to suppress the opposition. In fundamentally transformed America, the people don’t get what they want. As in all socialist states, they get only what the government wants them to have.

Countless millions of Americans, from all classes, reject that transformation. With crucial mid-terms on the horizon, the Biden Junta impoverishes the people, menaces their security, and deploys a Stalinist board to crush free speech and freedom of the press.  

Meanwhile, as Hunter Biden’s laptop reveals, on emails to his son Joe Biden used the pseudonym “Peter Henderson,” which has a history of sorts. In several Tom Clancy novels, including The Hunt for Red October, Peter Henderson is the name of a Soviet spy embedded in the U.S. government. Joe Biden started using the pseudonym in October, 2016, to forward a YouTube video to Hunter.

For Nina Jankowicz, that’s all Russian disinformation. Maybe she’ll clear it up in her powerful new post, the realization of a dream. As the wannabe chanteuse once crooned in a video, “I want to be rich, famous and powerful, step on all my enemies and never do a thing.”


Schweizer: Independent Counsel Needed to Investigate Hunter Biden



1 May 20220


In an interview set to air on Sunday’s broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “Life, Liberty & Levin,” Breitbart News senior contributor and Government Accountability Institute president Peter Schweizer said an independent counsel would be required to investigate Hunter Biden’s financial dealings given the potential conflict of interest for his father, President Joe Biden.

Schweizer, the author of Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win, also warned the case could be settled outside of court without public knowledge.

“This is a tailor-made case for an independent counsel,” Schweizer said. “It’s an investigation involving the family of the president. The attorney general is, of course, appointed by the president. And he’s the one who’s going to direct this U.S. attorney that has this grand jury in Delaware — so you need an independent counsel.”

“There is lots of evidence … some of that money ended up with Joe Biden,” he added. “The money was fungible. It moved around. It went to James Biden and others.”

Schweizer also told FNC host Mark Levin the investigation might find opposition from Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) because of the business interests that McConnell and his wife, former Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, have abroad.

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor


Watters: The Five (CRIME) Families of the Democrat Party

Where did Biden's millions come from?


I’d be inclined to disagree with Don except for one thing: Biden has proven to be a very adept criminal mastermind. For decades, he has funneled millions of dollars to his children and siblings and, especially, to his debauched, deviant son, Hunter. ANDREA WIDBURG


“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton (LAWYERS-2) Foundation and the (LAWYERS-2) Obama book and television deals. Then there is the Biden (LAWYERS-3) family corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the (LAWYER) Warren and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (YOU CAN ADD LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS AND LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER TO THE PATHEION OF DEMOCRAT BRIBES SUCKING CORRUPT LAWYER POLITICIANS!)         BRIAN C JOONDEPH

There’s also the little problem of Hillary’s incredible corruption (making her and Biden birds of a feather). And of course, the fact that Hillary’s unsecure server damaged national security in a way that would have seen an ordinary, politically unconnected person spend the rest of her life in prison—which, not coincidentally, is where Papa Joe belongs for using his debauched son Hunter as the bagman for decades of anti-American corruption.

                                                     ANDREA WIDBURG 

The only reason that Biden became president is because Democrat campaign workers, posing as journalists, buried a truthful story about the Biden family corruption that most of them knew was true. They still intentionally hide the truth of the depth and breadth of the corruption from the public because they know Biden's and other Democrats’ poll numbers would be much worse if the public knew the truth. 


A 'corrupt family occupies the White House'




Judge Christopher Cooper is not only an Obama appointee but his wife was Eric Holder's counselor on national security. AG Merrick Garland officiated at their wedding. She was also one of the five FISA amici curae. 

Was there ever any other possible outcome?


Judicial Watch’s records request is designed to expose how California state legislators are wasting tax dollars to take care of another corrupt politician – Eric Holder – under the guise of resisting the rule of law on immigration and other matters,” stated Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton.  “His record at the Clinton and Obama Justice Departments demonstrates a willingness to bend the law in order to protect his political patrons.

The Clinton and Biden families were allowed to use their powerful government positions to solicit massive kickbacks for themselves and their families from foreign sources, and they were and are above the law.

Biden’s influence-peddling is consistent with what I wrote in my book, 'Capitol Hills Criminal Underground'

By Richard Lawless

More than three years ago, MedLaw Publishing released my book, “Capitol Hills Criminal Underground” in which I, the book's author, describe a long-running “protection racket” being run by then-Vice President Joe Biden, as well  as Attorney General Eric Holder and New York Senator, Chuck Schumer.  

The three amigos effectively arranged to have all Wall Street criminal cases directed to the lefty-friendly Southern District of New York, and for the right “payments” the cases would be closed. Money would then go into PACs controlled by Schumer and distributed to all those involved.  In return for those payments, there would be no investigations, no prosecutions and no regulatory action.  As author, I tracked over $110,000,000 in payments to politicians. 

The CIA tracked some of the money-laundering related to the theft by these Wall Street companies and was able to track back the payments to senior DOJ officials and senior politicians like Vice President Joe Biden.  

I, and a senior CIA officer, offered this evidence to both FBI Director James Comey and DoJ Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz.  They both declined to respond.  I filed criminal complaints with the FBI and was told by field agents that senior leadership at the DOJ would not allow anyone to work the criminal complaints.

I want to encourage all Americans to read my book, "Capitol Hill's Criminal Underground" and decide for themselves.



That baleful presence of Eric Holder eyeing the coronavirus as a means to win Democrats' permanent power

By Monica Showalter

Eric Holder is back.

But instead of helping out on the coronavirus crisis as an ethical person might do, his wheels are spinning for using the crisis as a means of attaining permanent Democratic Party power.

The far left former Obama administration Attorney General got an item out on Medium, calling for the skeezy practice of universal mail-in voting, claiming the Wisconsin primary during the crisis was some kind of unspecified travesty:


New from @EricHolder: "Given that the virus is likely to return in the fall, if we do not start taking measures now to protect the franchise, our current voting procedures will put the health of all Americans -no matter their political preference -at risk"

— Patrick Rodenbush (@pnrodenbush) April 14, 2020


Thanks for the concern-trolling for Republicans, Eric. We all know how sincere it is. 

Calling for mail-in ballots, online registration, same-day registration, ballot-harvesting, and month-long extended voting periods, all of which are petri dishes for election fraud in that most break the chain of custody to any number of interested players, some break secret ballot, and others can be manipulated by partisan hacks based on known ongoing tallies, Holder writes:

By refusing to move the election or provide adequate alternative voting options as they dealt with the COVID-19 pandemic, Republicans used their gerrymandered majorities in the Wisconsin legislature to force an impossible choice on the people they are supposed to represent: forgo your civic responsibility and stay healthy or cast a ballot and endanger yourself and your community. It remains unthinkable that health care experts would tell citizens that social distancing is a necessity to combat this virus and then politicians forced them to congregate in large groups and wait in long lines to vote. Poll workers afraid for their health did not show up.

Which is nonsense. People stand in grocery lines all the time, socially distancing by six feet. Somehow, Holder thinks voters can't master that in an election situation where lines are usually considerably shorter.

NPR of all outlets reported that Holder's travesty claims in Wisconsin were garbage, the public network reports that Wisconsin turnout in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic was steady and high.

The ballot harvesting, borrowed from Mexico's "perfect dictatorship," the 70-year ruling PRI party, famous for its corruption and socialism, goes on a lot in the U.S. these days already, the camel's nose is already under the tent. Fraud plagued California is the main example, but it also goes on in states with large Latin American-descended populations, by seamy [political operatives known as boliteros and politiqueras, who make sure to bring home the bacon for their party as such flying monkeys are commissioned to do. They are often union thugs, coming to people's houses, standing over them, (we know where you live) pressuring them to vote the way they want them to vote, even if they don't want to vote that way, even if they are illegal and don't want to get into trouble.

Or else.

All of this is part of the Democrats' plan for using the coronavirus to fundamentally transform America. California's Gov. Gavin Newsom said as much about the coronavirus couple weeks earlier.

Now Holder's grabbed the football and is running with it, making an end to normal voting a fundamental part of the Democratic Party platform. It goes with their other offensive that I described earlier today, which is encouraging a flood of illegals, with PRI (or worse, Chavista) values into the country, and then changing the secret ballot voting system from one-man one-vote to an extended harvest mechanism, extended over a long period, with zero verification of who actually cast the ballot, and a broken chain of custody, allowing for all manner of fraud that Democrats view as beneficial.

Never let a crisis go to waste, to paraphrase Democratic operative Rahm Emanuel. Holder is one baleful presence. No matter what the crisis, all he can see is new ways to extend Democratic Party power. 

Image credit: AFGE, via Wikimedia Commons // CC BY-SA 2.0





Any attorney general who is not an activist is not doing his or her job. 

Eric Holder

In Part One of this series, we exposed the Chicano Marxist take over of the California legislature and their plans to defy federal immigration laws and expected actions of the incoming Trump administration. Gov. Jerry Brown’s nomination of  Xavier Becerra to be California’s next Attorney General was the first of many steps to protect the pervasive lawlessness of the radical left. Becerra has already taken an aggressive and combative stance against President-elect Donald Trump, vowing to fight Trump’s efforts to enforce immigration laws, and even block attempts to deport criminal illegal aliens. Trump’s campaign centered on building a wall along the United States border with Mexico to keep out illegal immigrants, violent gangs, and terrorists posing as immigrants.

Xavier Becerra, currently a 12-year member of Congress, is an admitted member of MEChA, or “Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan,” often likened to a Latino KKK.

Becerra has publicly defended MEChA, even though the Chicano supremacist group evangelizes discrimination against non-Hispanics and calls for the killing of Border Patrol “pigs.” MEChA’s rallying cry is: “For the race, everything; For those outside the race, nothing.

Becerra’s Radical Plans

Recently, the State Assembly Committee on the Office of the Attorney General asked nominee Becerra to detail his plans on the issues of immigration, civil rights, the environment, policing and consumer protection – apparently the only issues the California Legislature is interested in Becerra defending.

In a letter released Saturday, Becerra praised California’s policies helping illegal aliens get driver’s licenses, free college tuition, and free lawyers to represent them in deportation cases, calling it “national leadership.”

“All of these policies and programs are representative of California’s values as a welcoming state,” Becerra wrote to the Assembly committee.

Becerra also took a shot at Trump for proposing to create a registry of Muslim immigrants during the campaign.”Disturbing statements uttered during the recent Presidential campaign have given rise to legitimate fears that the new federal administration might seek to adopt policies that would discriminate against people based on factors such as their religious belief,” Becerra wrote. “Any such policies would be antithetical to the deepest constitutional values and traditions of this nation — a nation founded in part by men and women fleeing religious persecution.”

“I have no intention of allowing this policy through the doors of California,” he wrote.

Like a good progressive foot soldier, Becerra also vowed to fight for abortion, calling it “reproductive freedom.”

Becerra said he will support California’s recent legislation expanding voter registration and participation in elections. He might want to look into the 650,000 newly registered California voters, registered online only weeks before the election. According to the Los Angeles Times, “98% of all the growth in California’s voter ranks in 2016 happened in just the last 45 days of the registration season.”

As Attorney General, Becerra has vowed to continue enforcing policies to combat climate change and work to “transition Californians to a low-carbon way of life.” Becerra added that a part of environmental protections is safe drinking water and vowed to “pursue the goal of providing safe drinking water to all Californians.” Perhaps Becerra can begin by supporting the safe drinking water bills that Assemblyman Devon Mathis has tried to get passed over the last two years?  In Mathis’ district, wells began going dry in East Porterville more than three years ago, with more continuing to dry up every day.

Assemblyman Devon Mathis, R-Porterville, authored the bills to provide $10 million to homeowners (not farmers) to dig deeper wells and clean contaminated ones.

Both bills passed through the Assembly and a state Senate committee without opposition, only to have Senate Appropriations Chairman Ricardo Lara, D-Los Angeles and Mecha activist, put both bills on suspense– one after the other, killing them and depriving 10,000+ low-income individuals access to running water. Sen. Lara was playing politics with this Republican bill, despite the 10,000 poor people who need the clean water.

Sanctuary Cities

California, through its 35 Sanctuary Cities, is clearly violating U.S. Federal Immigration law. Recently, Democrat members of the State Legislature proposed two bills: SB 6 by Sen. Ben Hueso, to create a state program to fund legal representation for illegal aliens facing deportation, and AB 3 by Assemblyman Rob Bonta to create taxpayer-funded training for defense attorneys and public defenders on immigration law for illegal aliens.

And now California is going to try to prevent the new Presidential administration from enforcing federal immigration law despite the fact that the Constitution clearly imposes a duty on the president and the executive branch, to enforce the law.

Hiring Eric Holder… for what?

Democrats in the California State Legislature apparently decided Becerra isn’t enough legal muscle, and recently hired former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder to fight a “clear and present danger” from President-elect Trump… the same former Attorney General Eric Holder who was once blasted for helping to trigger a “war” on police and called America  “a nation of cowards” on the issue of race. However, he now says he sees his “younger” self in Black Lives Matter activists… this is who California hired to assist California’s top law enforcement officer?

Since Trump — who is not referring to himself as “The Office of President-Elect,” as his predecessor did — has not yet taken office, nor any official actions, it is hard to see specifically for what purpose Holder has been hired.

There certainly is poetic justice in hiring the failed Attorney General of the failed Obama Administration to defend the failed and deteriorating policies of the Jerry Brown administration and radical Democrats running the state.

Described as a “devious, power-hungry, racial zealot,” Eric Holder is also a dubious choice since he is the only U.S. Attorney General in history to be held in contempt of Congress, when he refused to turn over Operation Fast and Furious documents to Congress. One of the most reckless law enforcement operations ever conducted by the Justice Department, it involved selling guns to Mexican drug cartels, and resulted in the death of a U.S. border patrol agent, Brian Terry, as well as hundreds of Mexican citizens.

Under Holder’s watch at the DOJ Civil Rights Division, more than half of all the lawyers hired were chosen from four radical, anti-American organizations: the ACLU, National Council of La Raza, NAACP, Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund, and the Lawyer’s Committee for Civil Rights, John Fund and Hans von Spakovsky outlined in their 2014 book, “Obama’s Enforcer: Eric Holder’s Justice Department.”

Additionally, the Justice Department under Holder, and now Loretta Lynch, has one of the worst records before the U.S. Supreme Court, losing significantly more cases than either of the Bush or Clinton Departments of Justice. “In most administrations, the department wins about 70 percent of the cases before the Supreme Court; Mr. Holder’s department has a losing record and has lost at least nine cases 9-0–even with Obama appointees Elena Kagen and Sonia Sotomayor on the court,” wrote Jared Taylor of American Renaissance, in a review of “Obama’s Enforcer: Eric Holder’s Justice Department.”

Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a records request with the California Legislature Joint Rules Committee seeking to examine legislative records regarding the state’s employment of former Obama U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder Jr.  The record request includes:

All contracts between the California Legislature and former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. or Covington and Burling.

All communications between the California Legislature and former U. S. Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. or Covington and Burling about the Legislature’s retention of Holder and/or Covington and Burling.

Judicial Watch’s records request is designed to expose how California state legislators are wasting tax dollars to take care of another corrupt politician – Eric Holder – under the guise of resisting the rule of law on immigration and other matters,” stated Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton.  “His record at the Clinton and Obama Justice Departments demonstrates a willingness to bend the law in order to protect his political patrons.

The hiring of Eric Holder by the California Legislature confirms a lack of confidence in Xavier Becerra by Gov. Brown and Democrats in the Legislature–which must be quite humiliating for Becerra, especially after his promise to uphold California’s “progressive” policies on immigration, Obamacare, energy, and criminal justice. “If you want to take on a forward-leaning state that is prepared to defend its rights and interests, then come at us,” Becerra said, directing his comment to Trump.  Choosing Holder also reiterates the anti-American, anti-Constitution, anti-religion movement of Marxists in America, but particularly in California. The biggest obstacle standing between Marxism and Marxist domination of the world is America, and the U.S. Constitution. And standing between a Marxist takeover of America is California – only when California is destroyed can Marxists proceed.

 Biden Blitzkrieg

In fundamentally transformed America, the people don’t get what they want.


On April 27, the Biden Junta officially launched its Disinformation Governance Board, headed by Nina Jankowicz, as Roger Kimball explains, a 33-year-old “anti-Trump hack,” already on record that Hunter Biden’s laptop is Russian disinformation.

Politicians and journalists alike called out Biden’s board as Orwellian, Stalinist, and Maoist. That is entirely valid and should come as no surprise. Recall, for example, Biden’s choice for comptroller of the currency in the Treasury Department.

Saule Omrova attended Moscow State University on a “Lenin Personal Academic Scholarship,” and 30 years after the fall of the USSR was still an apologist of the Communist regime. “Say what you will about old USSR, there was no gender pay gap there,” the former Kazhak Komsomol proclaimed. “Market doesn’t always ‘know best.’”

In the old USSR, the all-male Dictatorship of the Proletariat always knew best, but if Khrushchev, Brezhnev, and Andropov ever did anything with which Omarova disagreed, it failed to emerge in testimony. She basically wanted to replicate Soviet banking, and Sen. Tim Scott could not think of a person “more poorly suited” for the job.

Omarova didn’t get the post but her nomination says a lot about the Biden Junta. So does Biden’s choice for Department of Homeland Security boss.

The pasty faced Alejandro Mayorkas gave the U.S. southern border an existential problem, and on his watch people have been streaming in from all over the world. The DHS ships the “migrants” around the country in secret night flights, with no notification to the American people or their elected representatives.

In effect, Mayorkas heads up a policy of lebensraum, providing foreign criminals and terrorists with living space in the USA. As embattled Americans may recall, the DHS failed to prevent Islamic terrorist attacks at Fort Hood, Texas, in 2009 (14 dead, more than 30 wounded); San Bernardino, California, in 2015 (14 murdered, more than 20 wounded); Orlando, Florida, in 2016, with 49 murdered and more than 50 wounded.

Under Mayorkas, the DHS ignores Islamic terrorists and targets anyone less than worshipful of the Biden Junta. In that cause, the Biden Junta has added a powerful new player Mayorkas hails as a “tremendous authority” and “dedicated to the mission.”

Biden disinformation boss Nina Jankowicz is already on record that Hunter Biden’s laptop is a “Trump campaign product” and “Russian influence op.” Jankowicz is also a big fan of Christopher Steele, author of the eponymous dossier, a Clinton campaign product now exposed as pure disinformation.

As head of the Stalinist disinformation board, Nina Jankowicz will suppress any news less than worshipful of the Biden Junta and as Roger Kimball explains, she will “foster and disseminate competing disinformation.” In that cause the board will enjoy “the full cooperative power of the state behind them.”

Like Hitler with Goebbels, the Biden Junta deploys its minister of propaganda. Americans must contend with a domestic Nazi-Soviet pact, with tactics characteristic of both totalitarian ideologies. As F.A. Voigt explained in Unto Caesar, the Nazis and Communists both hated the middle class.

For Marxists, the “petit bourgeois” is worse than a counterrevolutionary because he is “unrevolutionary.”  The impoverishment of the German middle class “was contemplated with the utmost satisfaction by Communist observers, who saw therein hope of the so long delayed German ‘proletarian’ revolution.”

Like Marx and Lenin, Voigt noted, “Hitler is an anti-capitalist” and “anti-Semitism and anti-capitalism frequently go hand in hand.” Hostility to the middle class and anti-Semitism are both on the rise under Joe Biden, a puppet for the composite character David Garrow described in Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama.

He is all about fundamentally transforming America from a constitutional democracy into a place where the outgoing president picks his successor and deploys the organs of the state to suppress the opposition. In fundamentally transformed America, the people don’t get what they want. As in all socialist states, they get only what the government wants them to have.

Countless millions of Americans, from all classes, reject that transformation. With crucial mid-terms on the horizon, the Biden Junta impoverishes the people, menaces their security, and deploys a Stalinist board to crush free speech and freedom of the press.  

Meanwhile, as Hunter Biden’s laptop reveals, on emails to his son Joe Biden used the pseudonym “Peter Henderson,” which has a history of sorts. In several Tom Clancy novels, including The Hunt for Red October, Peter Henderson is the name of a Soviet spy embedded in the U.S. government. Joe Biden started using the pseudonym in October, 2016, to forward a YouTube video to Hunter.

For Nina Jankowicz, that’s all Russian disinformation. Maybe she’ll clear it up in her powerful new post, the realization of a dream. As the wannabe chanteuse once crooned in a video, “I want to be rich, famous and powerful, step on all my enemies and never do a thing.”


Schweizer: Independent Counsel Needed to Investigate Hunter Biden



1 May 20220


In an interview set to air on Sunday’s broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “Life, Liberty & Levin,” Breitbart News senior contributor and Government Accountability Institute president Peter Schweizer said an independent counsel would be required to investigate Hunter Biden’s financial dealings given the potential conflict of interest for his father, President Joe Biden.

Schweizer, the author of Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win, also warned the case could be settled outside of court without public knowledge.

“This is a tailor-made case for an independent counsel,” Schweizer said. “It’s an investigation involving the family of the president. The attorney general is, of course, appointed by the president. And he’s the one who’s going to direct this U.S. attorney that has this grand jury in Delaware — so you need an independent counsel.”

“There is lots of evidence … some of that money ended up with Joe Biden,” he added. “The money was fungible. It moved around. It went to James Biden and others.”

Schweizer also told FNC host Mark Levin the investigation might find opposition from Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) because of the business interests that McConnell and his wife, former Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, have abroad.

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor

Texas mayor rips Biden: Hispanic community ‘fed up with it’


MEXIFORNIA: The Globalist Democrat Party’s Vision of America

Migrant enclaves already are at the top of the U.S. lists for bad places to live - 10 of the 50 worst places in America to live according to this list are in California, and all of them are famous for their illegal populations. MONICA SHOWALTER

California—not Mississippi, New Mexico, or West Virginia—has the highest poverty rate in the United States. According to the Census Bureau’s Supplemental Poverty Measure—which accounts for the cost of housing, food, utilities, and clothing, and which includes noncash government assistance as a form of income—nearly one out of four Californians is poor. Kerry Jackson

California’s de facto status as a one-party state lies at the heart of its poverty problem. With a permanent majority in the state senate and the assembly, a prolonged dominance in the executive branch, and a weak opposition, California Democrats have long been free to indulge blue-state ideology while paying little or no political price. The state’s poverty problem is unlikely to improve while policymakers remain unwilling to unleash the engines of economic prosperity that drove California to its golden years. Kerry Jackson

As Breitbart News reported, if chain migration is not ended — as President Donald Trump has demanded — the U.S. electorate will forever be changed, with between seven to eight million new foreign-born individuals being eligible to vote because of chain migration, and overall, an additional 15 million new foreign-born voters.

Missouri Senator Claire McCaskillhas identified California Senator Kamala Harris as the party leader on issues of immigration and race. Harris wants a moratorium on construction of new immigration-detention facilities in favor of the old “catch and release” policy for illegal aliens, and has urged a shutdown of the government rather than compromise on mass amnesty.

No Justice for Taxpaying Americans 

By Howie Carr 
But the real double standard kicks in when the undocumented Democrat gets to the courtroom. A taxpaying American can only dream of the kid-gloves treatment these Third World fiends get. 

Illegal aliens continue overwhelming the state, draining California’s already depleted public services while endangering our lives, the rule of law, and public safety for all citizens. Arthur Schaper 

The costs of illegal immigration are being carefully hidden by Democrats. MONICA SHOWALTER

The Federation for American Immigration Reform estimates that California spends $22 billion (DATED - NOW NEARLY $50 BILION) on government services for illegal aliens, including welfare, education, Medicaid, and criminal justice system costs.  STEVEN BALDWIN

Heather Mac Donald of the Manhattan Institute has testified before a Congressional committee that in 2004, 95% of all outstanding warrants for murder in Los Angeles were for illegal aliens; in 2000, 23% of all Los Angeles County jail inmates were illegal aliens and that in 1995, 60% of Los Angeles’s largest street gang, the 18th Street gang, were illegal aliens. 

Gov. Greg Abbott: ‘Tidal Wave’ of Migrants Arrives at Texas-Mexico Border as Biden Administration Fights To Lift Title 42

Immigrants on the U.S.-Mexico border / Getty Images
 • May 25, 2022 2:00 pm


Approximately 100,000 migrants have gathered at the Mexico-Texas border as the Biden administration promises to end Title 42, a Trump-era regulation that blocks illegal immigration, Texas governor Greg Abbott (R.) said at a Monday press conference.

Both Abbott and local officials were "gearing up" for "the consequences of the lifting of Title 42," the governor said. While a federal judge blocked the Biden administration from lifting the policy, Abbott said Texas is still dealing with an influx of migrants.

"There are maybe as many as 100,000 migrants who are across the border waiting to cross into the state of Texas," Abbott said. "And we as a state—'we' being the local communities that are represented here in this room today—they're all dealing with the enormous challenge of having a tidal wave of people come into the communities."

Invoked in March 2020 by the Trump administration to limit the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, Title 42 permitted law enforcement to rapidly expel migrants attempting to enter the United States. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced on April 1 that it would terminate the policy, but before the termination could become effective on Monday, a federal judge in Louisiana blocked the plan and ordered the Biden administration to continue enforcing Title 42. District Judge Robert R. Summerhays ruled that President Joe Biden's attempt to lift the order violated administrative law.

Summerhays's ruling is only a "temporary result," however, Abbott noted.

The Department of Justice announced Friday that it will appeal. A lengthy battle over the legality of Title 42 will likely ensue.

While Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas said the United States could handle the border post-Title 42, Abbott said the influx of migrants challenges Texas border cities.

Texas Department of Public Safety director Steven McCraw, who also spoke at the press conference, said the department will monitor the border in anticipation of Title 42's elimination. Even with Title 42 restrictions in place, the number of migrants attempting to cross the border has reached record highs. Customs and Border Protection has apprehended approximately 2.5 million people during Biden's presidency.

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