Friday, July 29, 2022

JOE BIDEN - PUT IN OFFICE BY BLACKROCK AND THE BANKSTERS - A FAILED LIFE OF CORRUPTION - the last major media holdout still shilling for Joe Biden



Jesse Watters: Joe Biden just proved he's compromised


What's behind the Biden family's 'opulent' lifestyle?




Jesse Watters Primetime


 With no moral code, no center, nothing matters. You just read what’s in the teleprompter and hit the sack by 7:00 while your degenerate son collects piles of cash for the family until you’re free to do it on your own. All you have to do is what you’re told, your handlers and the media will take care of the rest.                                                  DEREK HUNTER




Where did Biden's millions come from?

There it is.  That's the issue.  To begin, you have the corrupt family Biden.  They've been scamming us and our system well for almost fifty years.  The man is supposedly worth over 250 million dollars.  How is this possible on his salary?  It's not.  So where did his wealth come from?  Not from being a brilliant businessman. DAVID PRENTICE

Biden's Cabinet: Let us Count the Ways

That “President” Biden’s administration is the most inept, counterproductive, outright laughable in post-World War II American history is beyond question. One hardly needs to list out all the failures, missed goals and broken promises that we’ve suffered through in the last two years.  From generationally high inflation to skyrocketing energy prices to product shortages to rampant illegal immigration, Biden’s pathetic collection of Keystone Kops advisors and operatives could not have done a better job of destroying American culture, ruining the economy, gutting our defenses, and robbing us of international respect and influence if they’d tried.

Much of the blame can be laid at the feet of his sorrowful collection of incapable, bumbling cabinet members. To a person, they are simply a pitiful assemblage of special-interest box-checkers, apparently chosen for their appearance and demographic makeup, as opposed to their actual expertise and experience.

Mercifully, we won’t go through an analysis of every one of them here. Let’s just look at a few and see how they’ve played their role in harming the country with their utter incompetence and their hyperpartisan behavior.

Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg

This appointment could be the most egregious of a truly notable group of incompetents. Mayor Pete was loved by the rank-and-file Democratic primary crowd not because of any worthwhile talent or accomplishment, but because of his choice of his life partner’s gender. He is the ultimate box-checker, the quintessential example of valueless progressive virtue-signaling. Buttigieg has never had the slightest experience in matters of complex international logistics, yet here he is, occupying a high-profile cabinet post and drawing inordinate negative attention to a normally invisible position by his having messed things up so badly.

Empty store shelves, container ships backed up, airlines canceling flights, inane statements like, “Just buy an electric car,” and more mark his totally deficient stewardship over what should be a relatively easy, straightforward post. No one can even name a past Secretary of Transportation, but everyone knows Mayor Pete because things are so screwed up. And for no good reason.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken

Where do we even start? Rolling over to China in the Administration’s first high-stakes face-to-face meeting in Alaska in March 2021? His part in the completely disastrous and humiliating withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021? His total lack of personal gravitas with a demeanor that screams of soft weakness? As America’s diplomatic face to the world, Blinken is the utter embodiment of the term “pushover.”

Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen

There was a great TV ad a few decades ago, where a sleazy salesman was on the phone with a disgruntled customer, caught in an obvious lie about his substandard product, saying, “I have… uh…. total confidence… that… uh…. everything will work out just fine” as copious, comical amounts of sweat poured from his brow. That’s Yellin, as she admitted that this horrific inflation would not be transitory after all, her earlier pronouncements to the contrary now exposed as the transparent partisan lies everyone knew them to be all along.

Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas

Mayorkas insists that our border is secure and there is no illegal immigration crisis. His greatest skill is that he seems to lie more effortlessly, more easily in front of the camera than any of the other cabinet members. He has probably done more damage to the country than any other cabinet member by his willingness to betray America’s fundamental, long-term interests by encouraging the administration’s intentional illegal immigration invasion.

Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm

This choice is particularly rich. Energy -- which really means the management of nation’s exploration and production of fossil fuels -- is a very complicated and demanding position. Unlike many other cabinet posts, the selection of Energy Secretary demands that the individual have actual, real expertise and experience in that area. This is not a position for “on the job” training. An in-depth knowledge of worldwide energy market/economic dynamics, a true understanding of the U.S. auto market, the ability to balance competing economic vs. environmental factors, the capability to be mindful of political considerations without being blindly beholden to them to the detriment of the country, all these skills are essential in order for the Secretary of Energy to effectively discharge his responsibilities.

In fairness to Granholm, very few of her predecessors have satisfied all those requirements either. But most have at least done little harm, unlike her. Granholm apparently has no real knowledge of anything and simply parrots the Green line that, “Fossil fuels are bad, buy an EV, drive past the gas station.” That’s our national energy policy? Really? The conflicting considerations of worldwide oil supply and demand, domestic exploration/production, our national refining capacity, fuel distribution/logistics, political/environmental issues, all of these must be weighed in proper proportion in order to create an energy policy that works to the country’s benefit. Granholm gives every indication that she knows none of this whatsoever, and worse yet, doesn’t care. Her aim is clearly just to prop up the current Administration’s political position.

We could go on, with cabinet member after cabinet member. Are any of them experts in their field? Being from Massachusetts, the memory of Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh as a glib-talking, heavily-accented Boston mayor totally bereft of any substantive accomplishments is all too clear to me. What notable, innovative enhancements has he brought to the national labor market in his current position? None. Raimondo? Becerra? The bungling Lloyd Austin? Cardona? Fudge? Any of the others? They are all box-checking political rewards.

Attorney General Merrick Garland

Garland is the exception in this group. He has actual professional qualifications to be attorney general. He was a well-established U.S Circuit Court of Appeals judge in D.C. and has had a long career in the legal profession. Unlike all the other cabinet members, Garland’s education, experience, and expertise in his field are beyond question.

Unfortunately, his obvious qualifications make him the saddest, most pathetic political hack of a group of truly notable hacks. Garland can’t fall back on the “I didn’t know any better” or the “Well, it’s not my area” excuse. He does know better and it is his area. When he initiates a fraudulent, arbitrary prosecution against a former Trump associate or refuses to prosecute flagrant crimes against conservative Republicans, there can be no doubt that Garland is carrying out a one-sided, partisan legal strategy of the worst kind. He is so prejudiced and vengeful that he makes Eric Holder (known for being “Obama’s wingman”) and Loretta Lynch (she of the infamous Clinton runway meeting) look like Atticus Finch by comparison.

The fact that Merrick Garland is the only Biden cabinet member with any semblance of professional credentials and that he misuses those credentials in the extreme manner in which he does says everything one needs to know about this absolute embarrassment of a presidency.

A Corrupt and Rigged Government

A recent University of Chicago Institute of Politics poll showed that a majority of Americans think our government is corrupt and rigged against them. And almost a third of respondents also feel it may eventually be necessary to take up arms against the evil empire currently running the show.

Subtract from that poll the bleeding-heart libs who think feelings matter more than facts, and the numbers are scarier still.

Big Government, including their toadies in the mainstream media, has clearly blown its cover. And it appears, based on this poll, that the American people are mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore.

Why have so many lost faith in our government to the point that armed rebellion is being considered?

Double standards, that’s why. Americans see them and they’re rightfully furious.

They see the despicable treatment afforded President Trump, whose term in office surely seems like the good old days when compared to the turmoil Democrats have unleashed in just a year and a half at the helm.

They watched the press question Trump’s mental fitness and acuity while staunchly supporting the corrupt, dried-up turnip currently occupying the Oval Office.

They observed the media constantly demonizing Trump’s family and then totally supporting “Dr.” Jill and the hapless, hopeless Biden spawn.

They’ve seen every aspect of the Donald’s financial dealings examined with a fine-tooth comb, while the Big Guy (Hunter’s nickname for Crusty Joe) gets half of his crack and sex-addled son’s ill-gotten millions with impunity.

They’ve watched the FBI run multiple coups against both candidate and President Trump, while sitting on the treasure trove of Biden family criminality contained in Hunter’s laptop, which the Feebs have been “investigating” for two and a half years now.

They’ve observed how law enforcement looked the other way as BLMers peacefully rioted, taking lives, ruining businesses, and causing billions of dollars in damage -- all this while authorities pretend that January 6 was another Pearl Harbor, instead of a relatively small dustup where the crowd was rife with Feds, officers obligingly opened the doors to the Capitol, and the only person killed was an unarmed woman, shot to death with impunity by a cop.

They see criminals, perverts and drug dealers released without bail to continue their wicked ways while the Jan. 6th defendants rot in D.C. jails, their Constitutional rights suspended and their personal lives ruined.

They’ve watched in stunned silence as Democrats and the Deep State pulled every dirty trick in the book on President Trump, while the Republican members of the D.C. Uni-Party sat silent or, as in the case of Cheney and Kinzinger, eagerly concurred.

They’ve listened as Hollywood, the media, and academia all denigrated Trump’s burning desire to make America great again, at the same time supporting the notion that our country is a racist, sexist, xenophobic hellhole, and always has been.

They’ve undoubtedly noticed that Democrats, with the help of Big Tech and many millions of Zucker-bucks, made it incredibly easy to cheat in the last election; yet Trump has been portrayed as a psychopathic monster for pointing out that he was clearly jobbed out of a second term.

They watched President Trump fight the COVID-19 pandemic with all his might, even as wee Dr. Fauci and Dr. Scarf purposely undermined his efforts with their lies, double-talk and obfuscation. While Trump fought the good fight, white-coated bureaucrats and their pals in Big Pharma got incredibly wealthy.

They watched Trump castigate China for loosing COVID-19 upon the world, causing millions of needless deaths, even as the NBA, Hollywood, influential leaders of both parties, and the Biden Crime Family all filled their pockets with yauns while defending the fine folks of the Chinese Communist Party.  

They surely observed how President Trump’s policies lifted all financial boats, setting records for black and Hispanic employment, while the Swamp was busy calling Trump and his supporters irredeemable racists.

They couldn’t help but notice how Trump was deemed a scoundrel for pointing out that women generally allowed him easy sexual access because he was a wealthy celebrity. But those same folks upset with Trump’s statement of fact, were totally incurious about our current demented president’s fondness for touching, fondling, and smelling small children; nor did they show any interest in reports that Creepy Joe took showers with his young daughter, who then became a promiscuous young woman and an addict.

They surely took note of Trump’s incredible energy in his old age, how quick he was to travel the world, campaign for his undeserving party, and speak to reporters. It must have been shocking then to see Senile Joe garble his words, hide from the press, and spend long weekends out of sight and out of mind in Delaware, all this while falling up stairs and off his bicycle.

They also noted how firm President Trump was with other countries, telling Germany to pony up for NATO, forcing Mexico to stop enabling illegal immigration with financial penalties, and reducing IRGC general Qasem Suleimani to a grease stain on the desert floor for threatening U.S. soldiers and diplomats. Now, of course, they watch as Iran plays Biden’s diplomats for fools, Russia feels secure enough in Biden’s impotence to start a war, and the Saudis laugh in the doddering old fool’s face when Biden comes begging for more oil.

They could see that President Trump made the U.S. energy independent, creating jobs and prosperity for everyone; while the current administration has crushed the energy industry, making gas and oil unaffordable for the common man, even as the climate-change crusaders fly around in private jets, party maskless during a pandemic, and buy up oceanfront mansions.

They watched Donald Trump become the first president to stand up for the rights of unborn babies and choose like-minded justices for the Supreme Court; this followed by an administration vowing to use all means, legal and extralegal, to facilitate the dismemberment of unborn innocents, not to mention choosing a Supreme Court justice solely on the basis of her genitalia and skin color.

They observed Trump praising and building up our military might, even as turncoats like General Mark “White Rage” Milley and Col. Alexander Vindman, surely the softest Ranger ever, purposely undermined their commander-in-chief by providing comfort to the enemy and conspiring to impeach the president, respectively.

In summation, it’s clear to me and anyone with eyes to see why a majority of Americans thinks our government is rotten to the core, and why many think a second American Revolution may be necessary to restore integrity in government. What’s not clear is why anyone who’s lived through the obvious double standards I just enumerated, doesn’t feel that way.

Image: University of Chicago Institute of Politics

the last major media holdout still shilling for Joe Biden

By all accounts - by every economic indicator, every political poll, every overseas interaction, every lie at the presidential podium -- Joe Biden is a miserable failure as president. Inflation brought on by government spending has now tipped the economy into recession and there is no end in sight. The border lies open, with the Border Patrol converted into a de facto valet and escort service for literally millions of unvetted illegal border crossers. Crime is out of control. America is a laughingstock abroad, with Biden's name on the most humiliating military pullout in U.S. history. 

He's a man utterly unfit for the office, a man whose very placement in office demonstrates the horrific consequences of electoral fraud.

Even the New York Times has come to much of this sorry conclusion, as has the Washington Post, and to an increasing extent, CNN and the other networks, as well as their deep-state allies. A slew of negative stories are now out on the failures and shocking corruption of Biden, as Democrats plot to remove the millstone-round-their-necks from office.

Victor Davis Hanson observed it best:

Now, that liability, that asset, Joe Biden, is a liability, and he's so low in the polls that they're going to blame him for their own progressive message, failing to attract voters. So all of a sudden out of this administrative state and the FBI, the DOJ, maybe even the White House, people are starting to leak

But then there's that one lone holdout in the mainstream press, still reliving that glory moment of Joe's ascent to the presidency, still telling us there's a rainbow round the corner ...  with leprachaun Joe standing at the pot of gold at the end of it.

That clown's outfit is Politico, a usually better than average source of news otherwise. It's the lone holdout, the dead-ender still resolutely insisting that Joe Biden in the White House will somehow usher in a worker's paradise and prosperity is around the corner. It's amazing how they cling to their man.

Their latest is here:

Somehow, someway, Joe Biden is back in the game.

After enduring a brutal year dominated by economic angst, legislative setbacks and sinking approval ratings, the president is suddenly on the verge of a turnaround that, the White House believes, could salvage his summer — and alter the trajectory of his presidency.

All he needs to do now is close.

Hear that? We are at the cusp, always the cusp, of a Joe Biden renaissance, just one more move to be had before unicorns and flowers will bloom.
Don't think it's not a pattern with these guys -- it is a pattern. The same day, one of Politico's Biden fanboys, a big one, co-founder John F. Harris, put out this:
Wait, is Biden a better president than people thought? Many progressives have spent the Biden years in a mood of rising despair and even rage about the prospects for achieving the kind of fundamental change they believe the country and world urgently need. They wish Joe Manchin was a different kind of senator. They wish the Democrats were a different kind of party.

Above all, they wish Joe Biden was a different kind of president — or that a different leader altogether was in his job.

Suddenly, the mood is looking up. Manchin’s surprise decision to back $370 billion in tax credits to stimulate clean-energy technologies and other progressive environmental priorities came after many Democrats had concluded hope was pointless. Assuming the deal survives further legislative maneuvering in coming days — not a forgone conclusion — it invites a reappraisal of Biden’s leadership. Maybe that isn’t hopeless, either?

Following a pattern with long roots in his career, Biden is looking a little like the student who is failing his class for most of the semester, then pulls an all-nighter and slips the paper under the professor’s door at 6 a.m. It turns out the paper is actually pretty good.

Still shilling, still plugging for Ol' Plugs, despite the obvious failures, and despite the abandonment of the rest of the press of the idea of Joe Biden's genius.
All of that spells failure, no matter what the odd political victory that falls into his lap may signify. The huge new federal spending being touted by Politico, Biden and the Democrats is certain to stoke inflation, making it ever more hellish for Americans, and bringing the country closer to the 'you will own nothing and be happy' of the global resetters. Frighteningly enough, Joe doesn't know what causes inflation, which is government spending and a pliant monetary policy, remaining firmly convinced that he can print his way out of any problem.
That's what's pulling Biden's popularity down, along with the continuous failure of results. To confuse that with a slew of new spending his congressional allies manage to get through Congress is pinning the tail on the wrong donkey. 
Politico, though, just can't quit him.
Maybe that's because they have been in the tank from the beginning for Old Joe and want to preserve their 'investment.'
Right after Biden was "elected," Harris put out this tripe -- let's start with the headline:

How Life-Sized Joe Biden Could Be a Larger-Than-Life President

Had enough?
Larger than life, sure, but not in a good way.
The reality is that Biden is a failure, a continuous one.  Here's Joe in all his tin-eared glory yesterday, following his wreckage of the economy:
President Joe Biden on Thursday reminded Americans suffering from inflation and high gas prices that he sent them a check for $8,000 in 2021.
“There’s reason to be down but I started thinking about it … the first year, we were able with the rescue plan, we were able to send them a check for eight grand,” he said. “I mean a check. Beyond that by the way, there was more than that.”
Does that sound like a winning message to the single mom who still can't find baby formula for her special-diet infant, or the person who has to walk several miles to work because he's out of gas money for his car? Does it sound like a word of hope to people whose raises have been eviscerated by inflation outrunning those raises, turning them into pay cuts? 
It sounds like Joe Biden, and all the horrors he continually bestows upon America, even as Politico continues to shill for him. Those guys need to wake up to the reality of political life here, given the nightmare regime Biden has bestowed upon the United States which is still ongoing, and going to stay ongoing, given Biden's inability to change.

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