Thursday, July 13, 2023

BLAME BARACK OBAMA FOR 'CREDIT CARD' JOE? - Jamie Glazov on ‘The Insurrection’: Barack Obama’s True Legacy Frontpage Editor unveils the seeds to the Biden catastrophe.


Jamie Glazov on ‘The Insurrection’: Barack Obama’s True Legacy

Frontpage Editor unveils the seeds to the Biden catastrophe.

[Order Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]

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This new episode of The Glazov Gang features Jamie Glazov on THE INSURRECTION with Derrick Evans and Mike Lauber.

Jamie discusses his new book Barack Obama’s True Legacy,  revealing The seeds to the Biden catastrophe. 

Don’t miss it!

And don’t miss our 10-Part Series on Obama’s True Legacy below:

[1] Jamie on  Prager: Why Obama Showed Off Reading Fareed Zakaria – Marxists will always give you the signal.

[2] Jamie on Lindell TV: The Devious Calculating Left – and the Moronic Left. The malicious globalist puppet masters – and their useful idiots. 

[3] Jamie on D’Souza: Why and How Obama Targeted General Michael Flynn – and How that malicious persecution of the General planted the seeds to the Trump indictment.

[4] Glazov on D’Souza: Biden’s Catastrophe Rooted in Obama – When your own personal founding fathers hate the Founding Fathers of America. 

The segment starts at the 8:13 mark.

[5] Glazov on The Dennis Prager Show: Obama’s True Legacy – and who planted the seeds to the indictment of Donald Trump.

[6] Jamie on Newsmax’s Chris Salcedo Show: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America:

[7] Jamie on Newsmax’s Chris Salcedo Show: Obama’s Conversion Moment – When Was it Exactly? and Why can’t the question be asked about his spiritual journey? 

[8] J.R. Nyquist: Obama – Groomed by KGB? The curious – and taboo – Tom Fife story.

[9] Obama’s Russia Collusion – The baseless accusations against President Trump begin to make sense.

[10] The Obama Movie That Can Never Be – The eerie issues that can’t be discussed about the worst ex-president’s religious journey.

We are also thrilled to announce that Jamie’s new book, Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America, has reached #1 on Amazon’s “United States Executive Government” category.

Check out Mark Tapson’s review at HERE.

Bruce Bawer’s review at HERE.

General Michael Flynn’s Foreword to the book: HERE.

Jamie’s appearance on Eagle Ed Martin’s podcast: HERE.

There’s a reason Mike Huckabee calls it “A ferocious and chilling read.”

Stay tuned!!

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Levin charged the Democrats with unbridled hypocrisy, accusing Biden of racism.

“This effort to try and turn conservatism into the KKK, into neo-Nazi ism is really amazing, especially considering the history of the Democrat Party and its embrace of the KKK and slavery and segregation and Jim Crow. Despite its history of filibustering the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act, despite its current president, Joe Biden being a racist and segregationist early in his career opposing public school integration, calling it a jungle,” he said.


Where there’s smoke, look for fire.  Biden came from humble means, never worked in the private sector, but somehow became wildly wealthy.  Several of Biden’s family members essentially work in the family business of apparent influence peddling.  Does Biden’s frequent refrain, “I never spoke with my son about his overseas business deals” come to mind?  It makes one wonder if “never” really means “never!”.  Biden has nine relatives receiving millions in foreign cash.  What were they talking about when Vice President Biden and his cronies met 80 times at the White House?  Veracity is everything when you solicit the public’s trust, and Biden’s persona is wrapped around his supposed trustworthiness.  However, the facts here point to a person who uses hyperbole, manipulation, and outright lying to sway public opinion. ALLAN J FEIFER


Amiable Old Joe Biden Turns Out to Be Given to Foul-Mouthed Yelling

His public image is just as false as the innumerable claims he has made about his background.

[Editor’s note: Make sure to read Robert Spencer’s masterpiece contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]

Affable Old Joe Biden may be a disastrous president, but he’s a kindly old fellow, no? No. The picture of Biden as a friendly, amiable regular guy turns out to be just as false as the innumerable lies he has told about his background.

For over half a century now, Old Joe Biden has carefully cultivated his public image: he’s good ol’ Lunchbucket Joe, a down-to-earth man of the people, someone who fought his way up from a hardscrabble beginning to become an indefatigable servant of the common man. This portrait is not true in any detail. Biden is actually a churlish, spiteful bully; his public image is a cynical and manipulative effort to fool voters into supporting a man who has anything but their best interests at heart.

Until now, however, the establishment media has dutifully done its part to keep the public from seeing the real Joe Biden. In another sign that the Left is preparing to throw Old Joe overboard, Axios on Monday revealed that the real Joe Biden is ill-tempered, foul-mouthed, and brutal to those who have the misfortune of working for him.

Axios noted that “in public, President Biden likes to whisper to make a point. In private, he’s prone to yelling.” Old Joe isn’t just raising his voice to make a point. It’s so bad that those who work for the Figurehead-In-Chief avoid meeting with him in private: “Biden has such a quick-trigger temper that some aides try to avoid meeting alone with him. Some take a colleague, almost as a shield against a solo blast.” The meetings are a charade, anyway, since someone else is giving the real orders, so why should staffers have to endure the old man’s tirades?

“Tirades” is a polite word for what Old Joe is dishing out. “Current and former Biden aides who have witnessed and been on the receiving end of such outbursts” say that he tends to scream abuse (Axios calls them “admonitions”) on the order of “G** dammit, how the f**k don’t you know this?!,” “Don’t f**king bullsh*t me!” and “Get the f**k out of here!” Old Joe sure is a charmer!

Axios, however, is a reliable cog in the Left’s propaganda machine, and so it wants us to think that this mendacious, corrupt old man’s nasty temper is a good thing: “Some Biden aides think the president would be better off occasionally displaying his temper in public as a way to assuage voter concerns that the 80-year-old president is disengaged and too old for the office.” Yeah, that’ll work great. Let us see Old Joe screaming and shouting at his hapless aides. Then we’ll know that he’s in there fighting for the people, right?

Even as it purveys this arrant nonsense, Axios can’t help but draw back the curtain far enough for us to see just how miserable it must be to work for Old Joe. One Biden regime official said: “No one is safe.” And so even top aides could be in for the Biden treatment at any moment: “Biden aides still talk about how angry he got at Jeff Zients, then the administration’s ‘COVID czar,’ in late 2021 when there was a shortage of testing kits as the Omicron variant spread. (The rage was temporary. Zients is now Biden’s chief of staff.)” Oh, well, then! Zients must have recognized that Lunchbucket Joe’s anger was righteous!

That’s apparently what former White House spokesditz Jen Psaki thinks, as she supposedly told Old Joe “multiple times” that “I’ll know we have a really good, trusting relationship when you yell at me the first time.” Chris Whipple, author of a sycophantic whitewash of Biden’s presidency, commented: “Psaki wouldn’t have to wait long.” Once again, Old Joe’s charm is off the charts.

Much of the Axios piece, however, appears to be devoted to using Biden’s rants as evidence that he doesn’t have dementia. And so we’re told that “Biden’s temper comes in the form of angry interrogations rather than erratic tantrums. He’ll grill aides on topics until it’s clear they don’t know the answer to a question — a routine that some see as meticulous and others call ‘stump the chump’ or ‘stump the dummy.’”

Try squaring that claim with the new videos of a barely coherent Biden that come out practically every day. But Ted Kaufman, Biden’s chief of staff when he was a senator, which is now over fourteen years ago, says: “If there is something that’s not in the brief, he’s going to find it. It’s not to embarrass people, it’s because he wants to get to the right decision. Most people who have worked for him like the fact that he challenges them and gets them to a better decision.”

Reassuring! Or maybe not. Contrary to Axios’ spin, it is worth noting that a hair-trigger temper is a sign of advancing dementia, as is making rude or crude outbursts in public. The Alzheimer’s Society observes that “as a person’s dementia progresses, they may sometimes behave in ways that are physically or verbally aggressive.” This may take the form of “swearing, screaming, shouting or making threats,” as well as “hitting, pinching, scratching, hair-pulling, biting or throwing things.”

There have been no reports of Old Joe throwing things or pulling anyone’s hair as yet — he’s much more into sniffing hair, not pulling it. As throwing things is also a sign of dementia, however, before too long Old Joe may be rivaling Hillary in sending objects aloft as an expression of ire. Then the media will tell us that throwing things is a sign of Old Joe’s passion to do the right thing.

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Robert Spencer

Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 26 books including many bestsellers, such as The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)The Truth About Muhammad and The History of Jihad. His latest books are The Critical Qur’an and The Sumter Gambit. Follow him on Twitter here. Like him on Facebook here.

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Biden, long known as Delaware’s “senator from DuPont,” Biden served on committees that were most sensitive to the interests of the ruling class, including the Judiciary Committee and the Foreign Relations Committee. He supported the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act in 1999, a milestone in the deregulation of the banks, and other right-wing measures. After nearly four decades in the Senate, Biden became Obama’s vice president, helping to oversee the massive bailout of Wall Street following the 2008 financial crisis and the subsequent restructuring of class relations to benefit the rich. That included the bailout of General Motors and Chrysler, based on a 50 percent cut in the pay of all newly hired autoworkers.





At the time, he claimed the arrest was to stop him from revealing what he knows about the Biden crime family and FBI corruption. Now, Dr. Luft has disappeared entirely.



In 2018 and 2020, Breitbart Senior Contributor and Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer published Secret Empires and Profiles in Corruption. Each book hit #1 on the New York Times bestseller list and exposed how Hunter Biden and Joe Biden flew aboard Air Force Two in 2013 to China before Hunter’s firm inked a $1.5 billion deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China less than two weeks after the trip. Schweizer’s work also uncovered the Biden family’s other vast and lucrative foreign deals and cronyism.

It's currently unknown whether he met with foul play or voluntarily dropped out of sight. However, what is well established is that since that fateful interview with the FBI in March 2019, Luft has made powerful enemies in both Chinese and American intelligence and, of course, in the Biden syndicate.

Where Is the Missing Biden Witness, Gal Luft?

By Mark Adams

Last February, Dr. Gal Luft, a retired Israel Defense Forces lieutenant colonel with deep intelligence ties in Washington and Beijing, was arrested as an alleged gun runner. At the time, he claimed the arrest was to stop him from revealing what he knows about the Biden crime family and FBI corruption. Now, Dr. Luft has disappeared entirely.


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